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I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, pupils are expected to:

A. Content Standards :

Demonstrates understanding of personal health issues and concerns and the importance of health
appraisal procedures and community resources in preventing or managing them

B. Performance Standards:

Practices self management skills to prevent and control personal health issues and concerns

C. Learning Competencies /Objectives :

At the end of the lesson, pupils are expected to :

Cognitive: Discusses Health Appraisal Procedures During Puberty


Psychomotor : Explains the importantance of health appraisal procedures during


Affective: Make health appraisal procedures a habit to prevent early sickness.

II .C. Content :

III. Learning Resources

A. K-12 Curriculum Guide In Health Grade 6, page 52, K-12 Teacher and Learner’s Guide
The 21st Century MAPEH In Action Grade 6 LM
Internet/Online Sources
B. Materials : powerpoint presentation, Ven Diagram , Cartolina, pentel pen, chart, pictures,
And other printed materials.

C. Values: Protecting self from any sickness is to have early health appraisal procedures.
Awarenes of importance of sexuality education in teenagers.

Integration: Science, music,ESP, CSE

D. Strategies : Differentiated Instruction, Positive Interdependence, group work, group

reporting, Computer Aided Materials (CAIM), Manpower assistants ,includes Materials
manager, Timekeeper,
III. Learning Experiences/Procedures
A. Preparatory activities/ Reviewing previous lesson or presenting new lesson

( Unclock: Health Appraisal, puberty )

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Ask the following questions: ( everyboy’s question )
1. What have you done lately to improve your personal health?
2. How did you feel?
3. What are the changes that occurs during puberty among girls and among boys? (Girls )
4. Do youn think its important to know the proper care of your body during puberty?

C. Presentation : Health appraisal procedures:

Activity # 1 Role-Play ( group activity differentiated instruction )


School and community care about your personal health during your puberty stage. They
are very much available and ready to help you in undergoing health appraisal. Health
appraisal is a series of procedures to assess the health status of pupils.It is also an
examination performed and documented by the medical director in school or community
healthcare provider.
( Showing of the six Health Appraisal Procedures During Puberty written in a separate Sheet )

D. Discussing new Concepts and practicing New Skills #1

Based on the role play,

Ask :
What health appraisal procedures are required for children who are undergoing puberty?
( Name the 6 health appraisals )

Who are the medical professionals or practitioner in your school?

Teacher’s Discussion

E.Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 2

TDAR ( Think, Discuss, Act, Reflect ) Strategy
(Group pupils according to their ability level)
Tell each group to think of the task given to them.
Let them discuss how to do their task.
Let them act or answer their task.
Let them reflect on how they were able to finish their task.
Each group will be given questions to answer based on the topic, Discussing Health
Appraisal procedures during puberty.
After the activity each group will report their finish work/task with the assigned reporter.

F. Developing Mastery ( Leads to Formative test )

1. Were you able to answer the given activities to your groups?
2. What did you do to finish your task?
3. What are health appraisal procedures?
4. At what stage are you going to undergo the health appraisal?

List down the health appraisal procedures that are required for children your age who are
going through puberty.
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________

G. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living

1. Why should you participate in these health appraisal procedures?
2. Can these improve your health ? How ?
H. Generalization:
1. What are the health Appraisal procedures?
2. How can health appraisal procedures help improve your personal health?


Criterion Advanced Proficient Approaching Developing Beginning

(5) (4) proficiency (2) (1)
Clarity of Can explain Can explain Can explain Can explain Cannot explain
thought excellent ideas great ideas and good ideas and ideas but lacks and the ideas
and support support these support these supporting are confusing
these with full with some with some details
and valied details details

Directions : Choose and encircle the letter of the correct answer on your paper.
1. It is a series of procedures to assess the health status of students.
a. Physical Activity Pyramid
b. Daily Nutrition Guide
c. Health Appraisal

2. Through this test, you will be able to know the condition of your spine.
a. Breast Self-Examination
b. Vision screening
c. Scoliosis test

3. You should do this monthly, specifically one week after the onset of menstruation.
a. Height and weight measurement
b. Breast Self-Examination
c. Dental Examinations

4. Why should school implement health appraisal procedures ?

a. So that the school will increase number of enrolees.
b. So that pupils’ health condition will be determined and be treated as early as possible.
c. So that they can increase tuition fees.

5. What will happen to a student if a health problem left untreated?

a. This may hinder the learning the learning process of the student.
b. The student will be isolated.
c.The student will gian no friends.
6. What is the importance of undergoing health appraisal procedures regularly?
a. To attain the school’s requirements.
b. To become aware of what is happening in the community.
c. To check, monitor, and maintain personal health.

F. Assignment:
Research about community health resources and facilities in your community that you can
avail of when you have personal health issues and concerns.

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