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PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 132, 073804 (2024)

Three-Dimensional Reconfigurable Optical Singularities in Bilayer Photonic Crystals

Xueqi Ni ,1 Yuan Liu,1 Beicheng Lou ,2 Mingjie Zhang,1 Evelyn L. Hu ,1 Shanhui Fan ,2,*
Eric Mazur,1,† and Haoning Tang 1,‡
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA
Department of Applied Physics and Ginzton Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, USA
(Received 6 October 2023; accepted 12 January 2024; published 16 February 2024)

Metasurfaces and photonic crystals have revolutionized classical and quantum manipulation of light and
opened the door to studying various optical singularities related to phases and polarization states. However,
traditional nanophotonic devices lack reconfigurability, hindering the dynamic switching and optimization
of optical singularities. This paper delves into the underexplored concept of tunable bilayer photonic
crystals (BPhCs), which offer rich interlayer coupling effects. Utilizing silicon nitride-based BPhCs, we
demonstrate tunable bidirectional and unidirectional polarization singularities, along with spatiotemporal
phase singularities. Leveraging these tunable singularities, we achieve dynamic modulation of bound-state-
in-continuum states, unidirectional guided resonances, and both longitudinal and transverse orbital angular
momentum. Our work paves the way for multidimensional control over polarization and phase, inspiring
new directions in ultrafast optics, optoelectronics, and quantum optics.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.073804

Multidimensional optical singularities offer promising and spiral phase plates, photonic crystals do not require a
solutions for the exponentially growing information capac- geometric center and are easily manufactured. However,
ity in optical communication and quantum manipula- like all single-layer devices, they cannot be reconfigured
tion [1–5]. These singularities manifest themselves as once fabricated. Bilayer photonic crystals (BPhCs) [44–59],
undefined phases or polarizations in momentum or fre- on the other hand, possess additional degrees of freedom,
quency spaces, with unique topological properties and such as twist angle, in-plane displacement, and interlayer
optical characteristics [6–14]. Research in this area is spacing, which allow tuning of optical singularities and
garnering considerable attention in recent years due to the manipulating optical properties. Electrically tuned bilayer
potential applications of these optical singularities. For structures with kHz modulation speed were recently dem-
instance, vortexlike polarization singularities (V points) onstrated on a micro-electromechanical system-nanopho-
eliminate far-field radiation, leading to bound states in the tonic platform [60,61].
continuum (BIC) [15–20] and unidirectional guided reso- In this Letter, we study the mechanisms for controlling
nances (UGR) [21–23]. Spiral-shaped phase singularities momentum and momentum-frequency singularities in tun-
in momentum and momentum-frequency space enable able BPhCs. We focus on translated rather than twisted
beams to carry unbounded orbital angular momentum bilayer structures because translation is easier to accom-
(OAM) [24–30]. The manipulation of the directionality, plish on chip than rotation. In particular, we show that
polarization state, and angular momentum of photons such translationally tunable BPhCs can be used to adjust
introduces novel degrees of freedom for optical control. (i) bidirectional polarization singularities and BICs,
This enables applications across classical and quantum (ii) unidirectional polarization singularities and UGRs,
regimes, encompassing areas such as lasing [26,31–33], and (iii) spatiotemporal phase singularities and transverse
spatiotemporal modulation [34], ultralow-loss communi- OAM. Our results offer new insights into manipulating
cation [35], single-photon quantum sources [36], and multidimensional optical singularities in microscale devices.
hybrid quantum states [2,5]. The individual photonic crystal slabs that comprise the
Although traditional benchtop optical systems can gen- BPhCs are made of SiN (n ¼ 2.02) and have C4v symmetry
erate various optical singularities, photonic crystals, meta- and circular airholes. The radius of the airholes is
surfaces, and microspiral phase plates offer advantages r ¼ 0.33a, where a is the length of a unit cell, and the
such as lower power consumption and ease of integration thickness of each slab is 0.54a. Bilayer photonic crystal
for practical applications [27,34,37–43]. Metasurfaces and slabs are separated by an interlayer gap h, and misaligned
spiral phase plates use complex designs in real space to by an in-plane vector d [Fig. 1(a)]. These two geometric
produce singularities; photonic crystals exploit resonant parameters, d and h, permit modulating the positions
modes in momentum space topologies to generate polari- of the polarization and phase singularities along con-
zation and phase singularities. In contrast to metasurfaces tinuous nodal lines in momentum space [Fig. 1(b)] and

0031-9007=24=132(7)=073804(7) 073804-1 © 2024 American Physical Society

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 132, 073804 (2024)
(a) (b) (a) (b)



FIG. 1. Concept of three-dimensional optical singularities in

bilayer photonic crystals. (a) Schematic of bilayer photonic
crystal and the coordinate system in this work. h and vector d
represent gap size and relative displacement between two
photonic crystal slabs. (b) Polarization ellipses in the far field
and corresponding radiation strengths in momentum space. FIG. 2. Evolution of band structures for bilayer photonic crystal
(c) Frequency-momentum space phase singularities. Slices are slabs. (a) Band structures for bilayer photonic crystal slabs when
taken at different d. the interlayer gap h varies. Δf represents the frequency variation
between the symmetric mode and the antisymmetric mode.
frequency-momentum space [Fig. 1(c)]. In the following Yellow circles indicate the symmetry-protected BICs. Purple
sections, we will elaborate on the mechanism for modu- circles indicate the accidental BICs. (b) Frequency and gap h
lating optical singularities using bilayer photonic crystals. dependency of an accidental BIC in momentum space. (c) Band
We begin by exploring the band structure of BPhCs and structures for bilayer photonic crystal slabs when the in-plane
describe a class of polarization singularities, known as shift d varies along the m direction at fixed h ¼ 600 nm. Δk
bound states in the continuum. BICs exhibit infinite Q represents the separation of the band edge. The color bar
factors, signifying complete energy localization within the represents the quality factors of modes. The modes in this figure
correspond to transverse magnetic (TM) modes.
structure. In monolayer C4v photonic crystals, near the Γ
point, the lowest-frequency guided resonances consist of
four modes, corresponding to the four lowest-order in-
plane reciprocal wave vectors [62,63]. The bilayer band photonic crystal slabs. In the following, we use the two
structure comprises two sets of these fundamental modes: vectors m and x to describe the real space displacement d
symmetric and antisymmetric modes, exhibiting either in- as shown in Fig. 1(a). Specifically, Fig. 2(c) shows a set of
phase or out-of-phase electric fields within the two layers displacements parallel to m. The variation of d gives rise to
(see Supplemental Material [64]) [68,69]. As shown in an additional phase term expðikdÞ in the in-plane coupling
Fig. 2(a), the frequency difference between the two sets of term. In terms of the band structure, the change in intralayer
modes, denoted as Δf, is determined by the coupling coupling manifests itself as a displacement Δk of the band
strength between the two PhC layers. In BPhCs, two types edge in momentum space, while barely affecting the mode
of BICs exist: accidental BICs (purple circles), which can frequency splitting Δf [Fig. 2(c)]. Notably when displacing
be achieved by tuning structural parameters, and symmetry- along m direction, the mirror symmetry along Γ-M persists.
protected BICs (yellow circles), limited to specific high- However, d breaks both the C4v symmetry (except when
symmetry points due to a symmetry mismatch between d ¼ 0.5m) and up-down mirror symmetry, leading to the
photonic crystal modes and far-field plane waves. Altering disappearance of BICs [17,70]. In this case, due to the
h modulates Δf, as well as the positions of BICs. When the topological charge conservation of far-field polarizations,
distance between two layers of the photonic crystals is the polarization singularities corresponding to BICs do not
relatively large (h > λ), the interlayer coupling is weak and vanish. Instead, they relocate in momentum space or merge
the two sets of modes approach degeneracy. Notably, with with other singularities. A consequence of breaking the up-
changing h, symmetry-protected BICs move only in down mirror symmetry is that the upward and downward
frequency space and remain restricted to the Γ point, while radiation fields from the BPhC become different. As a
accidental BICs not only separate in frequency space but result, the bidirectional polarization singularities associated
also change in momentum space. Figure 2(b) illustrates the with BICs evolve into unidirectional ones. In such scenar-
movement of a set of accidental BIC-associated polariza- ios, the high Q factor no longer serves as an indicator of
tion singularities in frequency and momentum space with polarization singularity. A detailed analysis of polarization
varying h. fields in momentum space, considering both upward and
Next, we explore the effects of keeping h fixed and downward radiations, becomes necessary to understand the
varying d, which changes the in-plane coupling of the radiation pattern.

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 132, 073804 (2024)
(a) (d)

(b) (e)

(c) (f)

FIG. 3. Three-dimensional control of optical radiation. (a–c) Upward (left) and downward (middle) far-field polarization states in
momentum space, and the corresponding cross-sectional electric field (right) for (a) radiative modes, (b) BICs, and (c) UGRs. Geometric
parameters for (a)–(c) are h ¼ ð450 nm; 550 nm; 630 nmÞ, d ¼ ð0; 0; 0.15Þm. Different regions are shaded according to the signs of Em
and Em0 . (d)–(f) Phase (left) and intensity (right) of electromagnetic field excited by a Gaussian pulse for (d) spatial vortex beam with
longitudinal OAM, (e) in the absence of transverse OAM, and (f) spatiotemporal vortex beam with transverse OAM. Geometric
parameters for (d)–(f) are h ¼ ð600 nm; 600 nm; 600 nmÞ, d ¼ ð0; 0; 0.225Þm. The results shown in (d)–(f) correspond to the lowest
antisymmetric TE band.

In Figs. 3(a)–3(c), we demonstrate the unidirectionality loop gives rise to different topological charges on each side
of the singularities according to the polarization fields along of the BPhC. The appearance of these single-sided polari-
the out-of-plane þz and −z directions. These singularities, zation singularities leads to unidirectional guided resonan-
arising from topological defects in momentum space [71], ces, where the guided resonance radiates only toward
can be described by their topological charges: one side of the BPhC [Fig. 3(c)]. The directionality of
I the radiation and the position of the unidirectional polari-
1 zation singularity in momentum space is determined by the
q¼ dk · ∇k ϕðkÞ ð1Þ
2π C displacement d (see Supplemental Material [64]).
In addition to manipulating the directionality of polari-
where ϕðkÞ is the azimuthal angle of polarization major zation singularities, BPhCs can also generate orbital
axis, and C is a closed loop in momentum space. When angular momentum. Through spin-orbit coupling, polari-
there are no polarization singularities, all of the momentum zation singularities can be transformed into phase singu-
space has well-defined polarization states, resulting in a larities [72–74]. For instance, by directing a circularly
trivial topological charge (q ¼ 0). Consequently, the polarized Gaussian pulse towards the BPhC, cross-
electric field of the BPhC radiates outward on both sides polarized output light with wave vectors near the singu-
[Fig. 3(a)]. When the displacement between BPhCs is larity carries a helical geometric phase 2ϕðkÞ, also known
d ¼ 0, implying up-down mirror symmetry, bidirectional as Pancharatnam-Berry phase. The helical phase results
polarization singularities emerge at Γ points or off-Γ points in a spatial optical vortex and longitudinal orbital angular
by adjusting h, as illustrated in Fig. 2. Around these momentum [Fig. 3(d)]. Furthermore, a nonlocal trans-
singularities, far-field polarization states on both sides of formation of longitudinal and transverse orbital angular
the BPhC possess nontrivial topological charges (q ¼ 1), momentum can be achieved by changing the photonic
leading to high-Q resonances due to the absence of radia- crystal symmetry. We numerically simulated the intensity
tive losses [Fig. 3(b)]. Furthermore, when the up-down distribution of the optical field in the space-time (m-t)
mirror symmetry is broken, the upward and downward domain after the incident pulse passes through the BPhC.
polarization singularities shift in opposite directions in When the displacement between two layers is zero,
momentum space. As a result, the integration over a closed phase singularities only occur in momentum space, with

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 132, 073804 (2024)
(a) (b)
a characteristic parabolic phase distribution in the frequency-
momentum (f-k) space. The absence of isolated singularities
in the f-k space prevents the formation of spatiotemporal
optical vortices [Fig. 3(e)].
When d ≠ 0, a topologically protected isolated singu-
larity emerges in the f-k space as a result of breaking
the up-down mirror symmetry. The f-k singularity also (c)
represents a helical phase distribution that modulates the
transmitted pulse, as depicted in the left column of Fig. 3(f).
In contrast to the momentum space singularities, the f-k
singularity and the corresponding helical phase yield a
distinctive doughnut-shaped pattern in spatiotemporal
space, with zero amplitude at the center of the doughnut.
The spatiotemporal doughnut-shaped field means the (d)
BPhC carries transverse orbital angular momentum [34].
The degrees of freedom, h and d, in translational tunable
BPhCs enable versatile adjustments and reconfigurations
of unidirectional polarization singularities in momentum
space. We can use the ratio jEup − Edown j=jEup þ Edown j,
where EupðdownÞ is the energy flux in upward (downward)
direction, as the UGR ratio, to quantify the unidirectionality
of the far-field radiation. When this UGR ratio is 1, we
obtain perfect single-sided emission. Figure 4(a) reveals
optimized UGR ratios for varied h and k at fixed d.
Notably, when d remains constant, only a specific h ¼ h2
yields a UGR ratio of 1. The relatively low UGR ratio for
other values of h is due to C2 symmetry breaking, which FIG. 4. Reconfigurability of polarization and phase singular-
causes the original vortex polarization singularity with ities. (a) Maximum UGR ratios for fixed displacement d ¼ 0.95x
and varying h across the lowest antisymmetric TE band; (b) 3D
charge q ¼ 1 to split into two circularly polarized points
trace of UGRs when h and d vary simultaneously. Colors
(C points) with opposite handedness. Left- and right- represent UGR ratios. The red dashed circle labels the displace-
handed circularly polarized light couple to different wave ment corresponding to (a) with h ¼ h2 . (c) Polarization fields
vectors when h ¼ h1;3 , resulting in chiral dichroism in the taken at h1 , h2 , and h3 . (d) Spatiotemporal modulation of light in
optical response. Only when h ¼ h2 do the C points merge BPhCs when varying d in m direction, showing calculated OAM
and form a unidirectional polarization vortex center, as purities (upper row), phase diagram in frequency-momentum
depicted in the middle column in Fig. 4(c). The merging space (middle row), and the corresponding transmitted electro-
behavior shows that the appearance of unidirectional polari- magnetic field intensity (bottom row) for ðd1 ; d2 ; d3 ; d4 Þ ¼
zation singularities is accidental. The origin of the accidental ð0; 0.125; 0.225; 0.375Þm. The center of the transmitted dough-
singularities can be phenomenologically explained by phase nut pattern slightly deviates from t ¼ 0 due to imperfections of
phase distributions.
cancellation between the in-plane and out-of-plane electro-
magnetic fields. Specifically, the upward and downward
radiation intensities can be represented using a differential
C1ð2ÞuðdÞsðpÞ represents the radiative strength related to the
sðpÞ-polarized component in the upward (downward) space
       induced by the first (second) layer. Simultaneously tuning d
d A1 ω J A1 A1
¼i þ D† D ð2Þ and h leads to a change in coupling strength C2ds ðkÞ ¼
dt A2 J† ω A2 A2
C1ds ðkÞeiðd·kþΔhkz Þ . Eliminating far-field radiation, i.e.,
DA ¼ 0, requires d · k þ Δhkz ¼ ð2n − 1Þπ, n ∈ Z.
where ω represents the resonance frequency of the mode in
A validation of the phase-cancelling condition is pre-
each layer, J is the interlayer coupling between the modes
sented in the Supplemental Material. In Fig. 4(b), we
in the two layers, A1ð2Þ is the mode amplitude of the first
depict the trajectory of perfect UGRs (unidirectional V
(second) layer, and D is the coupling matrix between the points). Δkz and Δkjj are compared to the up-down mirror
modes and far-field radiations, taking the form
symmetry configuration. For d ¼ 0 and d ¼ x, we obtain
  the same up-down mirror symmetric configuration.

C1ds ðkÞ C1dp ðkÞ C1us ðkÞ C1up ðkÞ
D ¼ : ð3Þ Therefore, in momentum space, these singularities trace
C2ds ðkÞ C2dp ðkÞ C2us ðkÞ C2up ðkÞ a closed loop. In this example, the singularities move

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 132, 073804 (2024)

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