Authentication Procedure in IMS - 3G - EPC - 5G
Authentication Procedure in IMS - 3G - EPC - 5G
Authentication Procedure in IMS - 3G - EPC - 5G
Authentication Response
1. UE sends Location Update Request message to MSC/VLR including IMSI as UE permanent ID.
2. MSC/VLR sends SAI (Send Authentication Info) to HLR, including IMSI as UE Identity. (This is the request for Authentication Triplet).
3. HLR first check the database to validate the IMSI and sends Authentication Info Required including IMSI to AuC.
4. AuC check the Ki (integrity Key) from IMSI and using Pseudo Random Number Generator Algorithm, AuC Generates 128 bits long RAND value.
5. Using RAND and Ki, AuC generates 32 bits long SRES (Signed Response) and Kc (Ciphering Key). AuC uses A3 Encryption Algorithm to generate it.
6. Using RAND, Ki and A8 Encryption Algorithm, AuC Generates 64 bits long Kc.
7. AuC prepare Authentication Info Response and sends it to HLR including IMSI, RAND, SRES and Kc.
8. MSC/VLR extracts the parameters SRES and Kc, stores these and Prepares Authentication Request message for Mutual Authentication.
10. MS already has Ki, A3 & A8 Algorithms, stored in SIM. So using RAND and Ki, MS/UE generates SRES and Kc respectively.
12.MSC/VLR compares and validates whether AuC (HLR) generated SRES is equal to MS/UE generated SRES or not. If both are same, then Authentication will be
IMS Registration & Authentication
12. Cx: Server Assignment
1. IMPI as UE ID
3. Request URI
4. IP address of P-CSCF (P-CSCF adds it’s own IP address to Via Header field)
2. As I-CSCF does not have any knowledge about assignments of user profiles to specific S-CSCFs, it needs to find out to which S-CSCF it should forward the
REGISTER request.
3. HSS performs Authorisation checks whether the I-CSCF is allowed to query Authorisation status of the user.
1. In positive case HSS will provide required capabilities for S-CSCF selection or stored address of S-CSCF.
2. If capabilities for S-CSCF are received, then I-CSCF selects the suitable S-CSCF.
3. After selecting S-CSCF, I-CSCF adds an address of S-CSCF and inserts its own IP address in REGISTER message.
4. I-CSCF sends REGISTER message to selected S-CSCF
5. As the user is not Authorised so S-CSCF does not have a valid Authentication Vector (AV) array for UE.
2. S-CSCF sends Cx: Multimedia Authentication Request (MAR) to HSS for obtaining AV for this UE.
6. HSS Generates
7. HSS creates AVs and sends Cx: Multimedia Authentication Answer (MAA) to S-CSCF including multiple AVs
1. In order to authenticate the UE, S-CSCF rejects the initial REGISTER request from the user.
4. P-CSCF extracts IK and CK and stores these two Security Key. Both IK and CK are used for IP security (IPsec) Security Association between UE and P-
5. P-CSCF forwards 401_Unauthorised message to UE containing RAND and AUTH token which includes MAC and SQN generated by HSS.
8. After receiving 401_Unauthorised response, UE passes the received parameters to ISIM (or USIM) application. To verify AUTH to Authenticate the network, UE:
3. If both these checks are successful the UE can be sure that the Authentication data are received from Home Network only (HSS).
7. UE uses RES to calculate an Authentication Response and generates second REGISTER message.
8. UE sends second REGISTER (IMPI & RES) message to P-CSCF vis IPSec Security Association.
9. Therefore, P-CSCF adds the ‘integrity-protected’ field value ‘yes’ to Authorisation Header field and sends REGISTER request towards I-CSCF.
9. I-CSCF queries the HSS to find the address of the S-CSCF by sending UAR.
10. HSS responds back with UAA message to I-CSCF with S-CSCF Address.
1. S-CSCF receives request, extract RES value and checks whether RES = XRES
2. If result is positive, the authentication and key agreement exchange is successfully completed.
12. S-CSCF sends a Server Assignment Request (SAR), over the Cx interface, to inform HSS about which S-CSCF will serve the UE.
13. HSS stores Address of S-CSCF and sends the user’s profile through a Server Assignment Answer (SAA) message over the Cx interface.
14. After retrieved user profile from HSS, S-CSCF sends a SIP 200 AUTH_OK message to UE.
EPS Authentication Procedure
When a UE requests for access to an LTE network, then mutual authentication between UE & Network is conducted
using EPS AKA (Authentication Key Agreement) procedure.
2. After decoding Attach Request message, MME performs EPS AKA Procedure which consists of two steps:
!Acquisition of Authentication Vector (AV) from HSS
!Mutual Authentication between UE and MME
3. MME sends Authentication Information Request message to HSS, requesting Authentication Vector(s) (AV) for the
UE, including IEs:
!SN ID (Serving Network ID)
!n = no of AV that MME requests to HSS.
!Network Type
4. After receiving Authentication Info Request, HSS generates multiple AV (s) using EPS AKA Algorithm.
5. AV-Authentication Vector Generation:
! First HSS generates SQN and RAND by Random Number Generation Algorithm.
! Using LTE K, SQN, RAND and AMF parameters AuC generates MAC (Message Authentication Code).
! Using LTE Master Key (LTE K) and RAND, by Crypto Function, HSS generates
! XRES- Expected Response
! AS-Anonymity Key
! CK- Cipher Key
! IK- Integrity Key
6. From AK, SQN, MAC & AMF (Authentication Management Function) parameters, AuC generates
AUTHHSS - Network Authentication Token.
7. Using SQN, SN ID, CK, IK, HSS derives KASME (KASME= Key Access Security Management Entity).
11. After receiving Authentication Request from MME, UE first generates SQN.
12. UE NAS layer delivers RAND and AUTH token to USIM. Using EPS AKA Algorithm, RAND & with
stored LTE Key (K), USIM derives:
!RES - Response
! AK-Anonymity Key
! CK- Cipher Key
! IK- Integrity Key
13. Using LTE K, SQN, RAND, AMF and AK parameters, USIM generates XMAC (Expected Message
Authentication Code).
14. Using SQN, SN ID, CK, IK, Key Derivation Function derives KASME.
15.UE then verify, MAC == XMAC and also verify whether SQN is in the correct range. If MAC == XMAC
and SQN is in Correct Range, then HSS is Authenticated successfully.
17. After that, UE sends Authentication Response including RES to MME, so that MME can
Authenticate the UE.
18. Upon reception of Authentication Response, MME compares the RES value received from UE &
XRES value that received from HSS, to Authenticate UE.
Registration Procedure
2. In the Network with EIR, before sending a location update request to HLR, MSC/VLR sends a MAP_CHECK_IMEI message to EIR requesting EIR processing
including IMEI or IMSI (O).
3. EIR retrieves the IMEI and/or IMSI from the message and searches the EIR information in the DB for a match of IMEI.
4. This search may result in IMEI being on one or more of the White, Gray, or Black Lists, or it may result in an invalid or unknown IMEI.
5. Based on search result, EIR returns a MAP_CHECK_IMEI_ACK containing either the Equipment Status (IMEI allowed or not allowed), or a User Error (invalid or
unknown IMEI).
6. MSC either rejects or completes the registration attempt, depending on the information returned from EIR.
5G Authentication Procedure
SEAF: Security Anchor Function
2. These templates contain basic trigger definitions, additional placeholders (for the tenant), receiving client, application (or LDAP user) and DSA.
4. ADM generates final trigger definitions for One-NDS Directory and Subscription Data for NTF by replacing variables with values required for actual deployment.
7. It receives SOAP messages from NDS (triggers) or applications (commands, e.g. from PGW) and sends them to the intended recipients.
8. Distribution Modes:
11.Muti-Cast: each message is sent to all servers that have subscribed to the notification.
12. In Round Robin: Message is sent to only one of a group of subscribed servers; each subsequent message of the same type is sent to the next server in the group
in turn.