Narrative Report
Narrative Report
Narrative Report
The purpose of this seminar is for us students and aspiring entrepreneurs to unleash our full
potential and creativity so that we can use it in the future when we build our own business. The
speaker of the seminar Ms. Malou is a young entrepreneur who is business-minded since she
was still in high school because she started her own business by selling accessories, food, and
stuff to her schoolmates and classmates just to earn profit and the money that she used was
from her own pocket worth 3,000 Php, from 3,000 it became 6,000 pesos because her business
became successful, and that's when she started to get interested in selling because she
realized that there is money in selling. Now she is a successful entrepreneur with her own
restaurant and other businesses.
I learned a lot from her during this one-hour seminar and these are the following; Mindset
Strategy, Mindset + Action = Results, it is important that we have a good mindset and
perceptions about things that happen to us because having a good mindset will be our asset in
life, we can use it to do greater things in life because when your mindset is right and in a good
state then it will translate into your actions and the result of your actions will be good. Creativity,
being creative is one of the most important traits of an entrepreneur because when you are
creative you can come up with new and innovative ideas that can the solve problems and satisfy
the needs of people. Be Innovative, as a future entrepreneur, we need to be innovative so that
people won’t get bored of us, we need to make sure that we always have new ideas and things
to introduce to people so that we can keep up with the trend and still satisfy our customers. I
also learned to always do your B.E.S.T, B-elive in God and in yourself, E-xert Effort, S-tay
Positive, and T-rust God and Process, we must always give our best in everything we do
because when we do our best in something the result will be good and we should trust
ourselves because ourselves is our only ally and the most important thing is that we must
always believe to God.
In conclusion, in order to reach the top of success we have a lot to learn and consider, one of
which is to help ourselves become the best version of ourselves so that we can be capable to
achieve and accomplish our goals and aspirations in life. It is important that we know our
purpose in life so that our life can be meaningful and purposeful. I only learned one thing from
this seminar, it is that success starts with oneself.