Implementation of A Low-Cost Vehicular VLC
Implementation of A Low-Cost Vehicular VLC
Implementation of A Low-Cost Vehicular VLC
The electric design of the SCC was based on the Vehicle CAN Module
topology proposed by [16]. The final schematic is shown Vehicle’s
Sensors and CANLOW OBD Port Computer
Bus CAN Interpreter
in Fig. 4. The circuit has two blocks or sub-circuits: (1) Actuators Data
a fixed-current source based on a MOSFET controlled by Bluetooth Arduino
Sensors and
Link (HC-05) Nano MCU
Actuators Data
an OPAMP, and (2) a variable-current source based on a
BJT whose current is set by the communication signal.
The DC block of the SCC can also act as a dimmer of the Fig. 5. CAN platform subsystem capable of reading the data of the CAN
LED by changing the input of the OPAMP Vref , then the
fixed-current Ibias will be
Vref OBD
Ibias = . (1) 9VDC Regulators ELM327
Rbias Interface
DC 11-14[V] SIM800L
The variable-current Isignal changes in function of the from car * GSM *
communication signal Vin . Assuming the the transistor is
operating in the active region and its collector current is
approximately equal to its emitter current (i.e. the current Arduino
gain α = β/(β + 1) is unitary), Isignal is given by Nano
Stream Modulator 2MHz
(Dark Tube) Carrier, and
modulator Stream
(Audio) (Δf = 75kHz) Carrier)
Reflecting Noise (Δf = 75kHz) (Audio)
LED+SCC Cone) (Dark Room, PD+TIA
Fig. 7. Block diagram of the software developed in GNU Radio for the SDRs along with the VLC hardware implemented.
Linear Regression
Final codes of the software implementation are available
in the GitHub project’s repository1 .
The VLC module was set to send a pure tone of 1 0
kHz at different distances between the transmitter and the 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Velocity measured by LocoME OBU's GPS [km/h]
receiver. The parameters of this experiments are shown in
Table III. The demodulated signal was saved to observe the Fig. 9. Velocity data acquired with CAN module and estimated by the
distortion introduced by the distance. Normalized curves GPS of an Arada Systems LocoMate ME OBU.
are shown in Fig. 8. Note that the experiment was done
in total darkness and static conditions and the non-line-
of-sight (NLoS) signal was blocked. This is an idealized
scenario. The reflections from the street and other cars
surfaces, the presence of sunlight and other sources of measurements. The car was driven in an open area in
light, and the weather conditions have to be considered order to have the best GPS performance. The results of 191
for a realistic setup. measurements are shown in Fig. 9. The Lin’s concordance
correlation coefficient [17] between both measurements is
Sent (1kHz sine) 0.9979 with a 95% confidence interval between 0.9972 and
0.9984, denoting high reproducibility of the GPS velocity
estimation with the CAN module data acquisition.
Received at d = . 5m
Normalized Amplitude
The main differences between the OBU and the CAN
module measurements are that CAN data comes in integer
1 Received at d = 1m values, while the OBU has a resolution of one-hundredth
of km/h. Thus, the OBU can be more precise. On the other
hand, GPS devices usually fail when the satellite signal
1 Received at d = 1.5m
1 faces obstacles, like inside tunnels, whereas the CAN Bus
0 data is designed to always be available since the control
1 of the vehicle depends on it. Therefore, the use of kinetic
0 2 4 6 8 10
time [ms] data read from the CAN module and transmitted via VLC,
as proposed by the system described in this work, is a
Fig. 8. Comparison of 1kHz sine communicated through the VLC viable solution to guarantee the short-distance delivery of
module varying Tx-Rx distance d.
critical information in vehicular networks, especially when
In order to also validate the performance of the CAN the main communication technology (i.e., DSRC) fails.
module, it was mounted on a vehicle and operated si- Finally, as future work, the system will be evaluated in
multaneously with an OBU model Arada LocoME with a more realistic scenario, in a dynamic environment, with
integrated GPS. Both platforms measured the velocity of the presence of other sources of light and reflections such
the car in motion by their own means: the CAN module as asphalt, car and traffic lights, sunlight, and different
acquired data from the CAN Bus of the car, whereas weather conditions. The proposed system could also be
the OBU made an estimation based on GPS location directly integrated with the vehicle’s CAN Bus. Further,
1 Github Repository link: the implemented systems should be arranged in an outdoor
UChile/CSNDSP-paper codes static setting.
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