Shell Lit 1 Activity 1 Under Midterm
Shell Lit 1 Activity 1 Under Midterm
Shell Lit 1 Activity 1 Under Midterm
DATE: 09/26/23
Activity 1
Do a research about the following. Use short bond paper either in encoded or in
handwritten form.
printed at the UST Printing Press with the help of Juan de Vera, a Chinese mestizo.
contains the biographies of saints, novenas and questions and answers on religion.
a biblical story printed in the Philippines and translatedto Tagalog from Greek by Fr.
Antonio de Borja.
a book about life and sufferings of Jesus Christ which is read only during Lent.
1. Arte y Reglas de la Lengua Tagala (Art and Rules f the Tagalog Language)
manifest the artistic feelings of the Filipinos. They show the Filipinos’ innate appreciation
for love and beauty.
2. Pamulinawen Ilokano
3. Dandansoy Bisaya
1. TIBAG- it means to excavate. It is a ritual to remind the people about the search of St.Helena
for the Cross on which Jesus died.
2. LAGAYLAY - a special occasion for the Pilareňos of Sorsogon during Maytime to get
together. The participating ladies are chosen earlier and sometimes mothers volunteer their girls
in order to fulfill a vow made during an illness or for a favor received. Lagaylay is all about
praise, respect, and offering of love to the Blessed Cross by St. Helena on the mound she had
dug in.
3. THE CENACULO – a dramatic performance to commemorate the passion and death of Jesus
Christ. There are two kinds; the Cantada and the Hablada. In Hablada, the lines are spoken in
more deliberate manner showing the rhythmic measure of each verse and the rhyme in each
stanza and is more dignified in theme; the Cantada is chanted like the Pasion.- it is written in
octosyllable verse, with 8 verses to the stanza.
4. PANUNULUYAN – a presentation of the search of the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph for an in
wherein to deliver the baby Jesus. It is presented before 12 on Christmas eve.
5. SALUBONG OR PANUBONG – an Easter play that dramatizes the meeting of the risen
Christ and His Mother.
7. THE ZARZUELA – father of the drama; it is a musical comedy or melodrama in 3 acts which
dealt with man’s passions and emotions like love, hate, revenge, cruelty and others.
8. THE SAINETE - a short musical comedy performed by characters from the lower classes.
Themes were taken from everyday life scenarios.
9. THE MORO-MORO - presented on a special stage performed during town fiestas toentertain
the people and to remind them of their Christian religion.
10. KARAGATAN - a poetic vehicle of a socio-religious nature celebrated during the death of a
person. A ritual is performed based on a legend about a princess who dropped her ring in the
middle of the sea and offered her hand to whoever can retrieve the ring.
11. DUPLO - replaced karagatan. It is a poetic joust in speaking and reasoning. The roles retaken
from the bible and from proverbs and sayings. It is usually played during wakes for the dead.
13. THE DUNG-AW - a chant in free verse by a bereaved person or his representative beside the
corpse of the dead. No definite meter or rhyming scheme is used.
*Dodecasyllabic *octosyllabic
*chanting *narration