Manuel Orion Battery Protect
Manuel Orion Battery Protect
Manuel Orion Battery Protect
BatteryProtect 12/24V
1. The BatteryProtect (BP) must be installed in a well-ventilated area and preferably close (max 50 cm) to
the battery (but, due to possible corrosive gasses not above the battery!). Voltage drop over a long or Specifications
undersized cable between the battery plus and the BP may result in a short circuit alarm when starting-
up the load, or unexpected shutdown. BatteryProtect BP-65 BP-100 BP-220
2. A properly sized fuse must be inserted according to local regulations in the cable between the battery Maximum cont. load current 65A 100A 220A
and the BP. Peak current 250A 600A 600A
3. The BP is designed to allow current to flow from IN (battery) to OUT Operating voltage range 6 –35V
(load) terminals only.
Current consumption When on: 1,5 mA When off or low voltage shutdown: 0,6 mA
Reverse currents from OUT to IN terminals are strictly forbidden, and
will damage the device. If you wish to use the BP as a disconnection Alarm output delay 12 seconds
for a charge source, you must orient the unit in the system so that the Max. load on alarm output 50mA (short circuit proof)
current is flowing in the intended direction, IN to OUT. Load disconnect delay 90 seconds (immediate if triggered by the VE.Bus BMS)
4. The short circuit protection of the BP will be activated if you try to
Load reconnect delay 30 seconds
directly connect loads with capacitors on their input (eg inverters). For
that use case, please use the BP to control the remote on/off switch Default thresholds Disengage: 10,5V or 21V Engage: 12V or 24V
on the inverter, instead of disconnecting the higher power DC line. Operating temperature range Full load: -40°C to +40°C (up to 60% of nominal load at 50°C)
5. Use a 1,5mm² wire (included) for the minus connection, which should be connected directly to the Connection M6 M8 M8
battery minus. No other equipment should be connected to this wire. Weight 0,2kg 0.5 lbs 0,5kg 0.6 lbs 0,8kg 1.8 lbs
6. The BP automatically detects the system voltage one time only after connection of plus and minus to the
40 x 48 x 106 mm 59 x 42 x 115 mm 62 x 123 x 120 mm
battery. The selected voltage (12 or 24V) is stored, and further automatic detection is disabled. See in the Dimensions (hxwxd)
1.6 x 1.9 x 4.2 inch 2.4 x 1.7 x 4.6 inch 2.5 x 4.9 x 4.8 inch
programming table for how to reset it when re-using the BP in a different installation.
7. Do not connect the load output until the BP has been fully programmed. Example Wiring Diagrams
8. A remote on-off switch can be connected to the two pole connector (see figure 1) or between pin 2-1 of
the two pole connector and the battery plus.
9. A buzzer, LED or relay can be connected between the alarm output and the battery plus (see figure 1).
Maximum load on the alarm output: 50 mA (short circuit proof).
Load disconnect events and alarm output options
Buzzer or LED mode (buzzer or LED connected to the alarm output):
• In case of under voltage, a continuous alarm will start after 12 seconds. The BP will disconnect the
load after 90 seconds and the alarm will stop. Reconnect delay: 30 seconds.
• In case of over voltage, the load will be disconnected immediately and an intermittent alarm will
remain on until the overvoltage problem has been corrected. There is no reconnect delay.
Relay mode (relay connected to the alarm output):
• In case of under voltage, the relay will engage after 12 seconds. The BP will disconnect the load after
90 seconds and the relay will disengage.
• In case of over voltage, the load will be disconnected immediately and the alarm output will remain
inactive. Overvoltage trip levels: 16V respectively 32V
Li-ion mode:
• Connect the load disconnect output of the VE.Bus BMS to pin 2-1.
The load is disconnected immediately when the load disconnect output of the VE.Bus BMS switches
from ‘high’ to ‘free floating’ (due to battery cell under voltage, over voltage or over temperature).
The under-voltage thresholds and alarm output of the BP are inactive in this mode.
There are 4 possible error modes, indicated by the 7-segment display:
• Short circuit detected
• Over load or over temperature IN OUT
• Under voltage
• Over voltage
After 5 minutes the error is no longer displayed to reduce current consumption.
The decimal point of the 7-segment display is used for status indication:
• On solid: the BP attempts to activate the output
• Flash every 5s: output is active
• Flashing every 2s in Li-ion mode: output ‘connecting’
Remote control and short circuit
• The BP will connect the load 1 second after closing the remote contact.
• The BP will disconnect the load immediately when the remote contact is opened.
• When in Li-ion mode the BP will connect the load 30 seconds after the remote input of the BP has
been pulled high by the VE.Bus BMS. This delay increases to 3 minutes in case of frequent switching.
• In case of a short circuit, the BP will attempt to connect the load every 5 seconds. After two attempts
the display will show (short circuit detected).
When switched off (remote open), the BP can be programmed for the desired voltages and modes by
connecting the PROG pin to ground. Please see the programming table.
The display will first step through the shutdown and restart voltages. Disconnect the PROG pin when the
desired voltage is displayed. IN
The display will confirm the chosen voltage and default mode () twice.
Reconnect the PROG pin to ground if another mode is (, or is required. Disconnect when the required
mode is displayed.
The display will confirm the chosen voltage and mode twice. OUT
Programming table
7 segment display Under voltage shut down Under voltage restart
12V / 24V system 12V / 24V system
10,5V / 21V 12V / 24V
10V / 20V 11,5V / 23V
9,5V / 19V 11,5V / 23V
11,25V / 22,5V 13,25V / 26,5V
11,5V / 23V 13,8V / 27,6V
10,5V / 21V 12,8V / 25,6V
11,5V / 23V 12,8V / 25,6V
11,8V / 23,6V 12,8V / 25,6V
12V / 24V 13V / 26V
10V / 20V 13,2V / 26,4V
Buzzer or LED mode
Relay mode
Li-ion mode
Detect system voltage
(remote switch can also be connected between pin 2.1 and battery plus)
(protected against short circuit with internal 10kΩ series resistor)
Out In
Second BP
Figure 5: Second Battery Protect in between a battery charger or MPPT solar charge controller and a
Li-ion battery
The second BP replaces a Cyrix-Li-charge relay (advantages: lower power consumption, alarm relay).
(not applicable if the charger has remote on-off contacts and can be controlled with an interface cable between the BMS and the charger)
Choose program for this application.
Caution: uncontrolled reverse current will flow through a Battery Protect if Vout > Vin. Therefore never use a Battery Protect for battery to
battery charging.
Error Codes
E1: Short circuit
Short circuit protection is activated in the event of a short circuit, an overload condition or excessive inrush current - such as when attempting to directly power an inverter
💡💡 1- Confirm that the load current draw does not exceed the BP current rating
2- Check for loose/high resistance connections and ensure that appropriate gauge wiring is used in the installation
3- Do not install the BP unit in a location exposed to high temperature or radiant heat - relocate BP to a cooler position or provide additional active cooling
💡💡 1- Confirm the configuration of all charging devices in the system - particularly system voltage and charge voltage settings
2- Check charging system for proper operation
3- Confirm BP system voltage configuration is correct
(externe schakelaar kan ook worden aangesloten tussen pin 2.1 en accu-plus)
(beschermd tegen kortsluiting met interne 10kΩ-serieweerstand)
Uit In
Tweede BP
E1: Kortsluiting
Bescherming tegen kortsluiting werd geactiveerd in geval van een kortsluiting, een overbelastingstoestand of overmatige toevloedstroom - zoals bij het trachten rechtstreeks een
inverter aan te drijven
E2: Overtemperatuur
Bescherming tegen overtemperatuur wordt geactiveerd bij overmatige interne temperatuur
E3: Onder-voltage
Bescherming tegen onder-voltage wordt geactiveerd wanneer het invoervoltage onder de onder-voltagegrens valt, geselecteerd voor 90 seconden
E4: Over-voltage
Bescherming tegen onder-voltage wordt geactiveerd wanneer het invoervoltage 16 V (voor 12 V-systemen) of 32 V (voor 24 V-systemen) overschrijdt
1- De configuratie bevestigen van alle oplaadtoestellen in het systeem - in het bijzonder instellingen systeemvoltage en oplaadvoltage
2- Oplaadsysteem controleren op correcte werking
3- Bevestigen dat BP-systeemvoltageconfiguratie correct is
(le commutateur à distance peut également être connecté entre la broche 2.1 et le pôle positif de
la batterie)
(protégé contre les courts-circuits avec résistance interne de la série 10 kΩ)
Out In
Second BP
Le deuxième BP remplace un relais de charge Cyrix-Li (avantages : consommation d’énergie réduite, relais d’alarme).
(non applicable si le chargeur a des contacts marche/arrêt à distance et peut être contrôlé avec un câble d’interface entre le BMS et le chargeur)
Choisissez le programme pour cette application.
Attention : un courant inverse non contrôlé circulera à travers un BatteryProtect si Vout > Vin. Par conséquent, vous ne devez jamais utiliser un
BatteryProtect pour une recharge de batterie à batterie.
Codes d’erreur
E1 : Court-circuit
La protection contre les courts-circuits s'active en cas de court-circuit, de surchauffe ou d'excès de courant d'appel – comme par exemple lorsqu'on essaye d'alimenter
directement un convertisseur
E2 : Surchauffe
La protection contre la surchauffe s'active en cas de température interne excessive
💡💡 1- Confirmez que le courant extrait par la charge ne dépasse pas la valeur nominale du BP
2- Vérifiez que les connexions de haute résistance ne soient pas trop desserrées, et assurez-vous que l'on utilise le diamètre correct du câblage dans l'installation
3- Ne pas installer l'unité BP dans un endroit exposé à des températures élevées ou à une chaleur rayonnante – Réinstallez le BP dans un endroit plus frais, ou installez
une unité de refroidissement active supplémentaire
E3 : Sous-tension
La protection contre les sous-tensions s'active lorsque la tension d'entrée chute en dessous de la limite de sous-tension choisie pendant 90 secondes
E4 : Surtension
La protection contre les surtensions s'active lorsque la tension d'entrée dépasse 16 V (pour des systèmes de 12 V) ou 32 V (pour des systèmes de 24 V)
💡💡 1- Confirmez la configuration de tous les dispositifs de charge au sein du système – en particulier les paramètres de tension de charge et de tension du système
2- Vérifiez que le système de charge fonctionne correctement
(der Fernschalter kann auch zwischen Pin 2.1 und Batterie Plus
hl d )
(kurzschlussfest durch internen 10kΩ Widerstand)
Hinweis: Der BP wird deaktiviert, wenn sein Steuereingang freischwebend wird. Wenn sich die Batteriespannung nach dem Trennen wieder
erholt (was der Fall ist, wenn keine anderen Verbraucher an die Batterie angeschlossen sind), wird die Leistung des VE.Bus BMS hoch und der
BP wird nach 30 Sekunden wieder aktiviert. Nach 3 Versuchen des Wiedereinkuppelns bleibt der BP ausgeschaltet, bis die Batteriespannung für
mindestens 30 Sekunden auf mehr als 13 V (bzw. 26 V) gestiegen ist (was ein Zeichen dafür ist, dass die Batterie wieder aufgeladen wird). Die
Schwellwerte für die Unterspannung und der Alarmausgang am BP sind in diesem Modus nicht aktiv.
Out In
Zweiter BP
Achtung: Unkontrollierter Rückstrom fließt durch einen Batterieschutz, wenn Vout > Vin. Verwenden Sie daher niemals einen Batterieschutz
für das Laden von Batterie zu Batterie.
E1: Kurzschluss
Der Kurzschlussschutz wird im Fall eines Kurzschlusses, einer Überlastbedingung und eines übermäßigen Einschaltstroms aktiviert - z. B. beim Versuch, einen Wechselrichter
direkt zu speisen.
E2: Übertemperatur
Der Übertemperaturschutz wird bei einer zu hohen Innentemperatur aktiviert.
E3: Unterspannung
Der Unterspannungsschutz wird aktiviert, wenn die Eingangsspannung 90 Sekunden lang unter die gewählte Unterspannungsgrenze fällt.
E4: Überspannung
Der Überspannungsschutz wird aktiviert, wenn die Eingangsspannung 16 V (bei 12 V-Systemen) bzw. 32 V (bei 24 V-Systemen) übersteigt.
1- Konfiguration aller Ladegeräte im System bestätigen - insbesondere die Einstellungen der Systemspannung und der Ladespannung
2- Ladesystem auf einwandfreien Betrieb überprüfen
3- Bestätigen, dass die BP-Systemspannung richtig konfiguriert ist
(El interruptor remoto también puede conectarse entre el pin 2.1 y el positivo de la batería)
Figura 3: Conectores y numeración de pines
(Protegido contra cortocircuitos con resistencia de serie interna de 10kΩ)
Out In
Out In
Segundo BP
Figura 5: Segundo BatteryProtect entre un cargador de batería o controlador de carga solar MPPT y
una batería de Li-ion
Precaución: fluirá una corriente inversa no controlada a través del BatteryProtect si Vout > Vin. Por lo tanto, nunca utilice un BatteryProtect
para cargar de batería a batería.
Códigos de error
E1: Cortocircuito
La protección contra cortocircuitos se activa en caso de cortocircuito, sobrecarga o corriente de irrupción excesiva - como cuando se intenta encender directamente un inversor
E2: Sobretemperatura
La protección contra sobretemperatura se activa en el caso de que la temperatura interna sea excesiva
1- Confirme que la extracción de corriente de carga no supera el valor nominal de la corriente del BP
2- Revise si hay conexiones sueltas/con alta resistencia y compruebe que la instalación cuenta con cableado del calibre adecuado
3- No instale la unidad BP en un lugar expuesto a altas temperaturas o calor radiante, mueva el BP a un lugar más fresco o proporcione refrigeración activa adicional
1- Confirme la configuración de todos los dispositivos de carga del sistema, en particular los ajustes de tensión del sistema y tensión de carga
2- Compruebe que el sistema de carga funciona correctamente
3- Compruebe que la configuración de la tensión del sistema BP es correcta
(fjärrbrytaren kan även kopplas mellan stift 2.1 och batteriets pluspol)
(skyddad mot kortslutning med intern 10kΩ serieresistor)
Ut In
Andra BP
Bild 5: Ett andra Smart BatteryProtect mellan en batteriladdare eller MPPT solcellsladdningsregulator
och ett litiumjonbatteri
Obs: okontrollerad backström kommer att flyta genom ett smart batteriskydd om Vut > Vin. Använd därför aldrig ett BatteryProtect för
laddning av batteri till batteri.
E1: Kortslutning
Kortslutningsskyddet är aktiverat ifall en kortslutning, en överbelastning eller en kraftig inkopplingsström inträffar, som exempelvis när enheten försöker förse en växelriktare med
E2: Övertemperatur
Skyddet mot övertemperatur är aktiverat i fall den interna temperaturen blir för hög
E3: Underspänning
Skyddet mot underspänning är aktiverat ifall ingångsspänningen sjunker under underspänningsgränsen som är inställd på 90 sekunder.
E4: Överspänning
Skyddet mot överspänning är aktiverat ifall ingångsspänningen överstiger 16 V (för 12 V-system) eller 32 V (för 24 V-system)
💡💡 1. Bekräfta konfigureringen på alla laddningsenheter i systemet - särskilt inställningarna för systemspänning och laddningsspänning
2. Kontrollera att laddningssystemet fungerar korrekt.
3. Bekräfta att BP-enhetens inställning för systemspänning är korrekt.
Entrada Saída
(O interruptor remoto também pode ser conectado entre o pino 2.1 e o positivo da bateria)
(Com proteção contra curto-circuito mediante resistência interna da série 10 kΩ)
Saída Entrada
Segundo BP
O segundo BP substitui um relé de carga Cyrix-Li. (Vantagens: relé de alarme, baixo consumo).
(Não aplicável se o carregador tiver contactos de ligar/desligar remoto e puder ser controlado com um cabo de interface entre o BMS e o
Escolha o programa para esta aplicação.
Cuidado: a corrente interna descontrolada vai fluir através do Battery Protect se Vout > Vin. Portanto, nunca deve utilizar um dispositivo
Battery Protect no carregamento de bateria para bateria.
Códigos de Erro
E1: Curto-circuito
A proteção de curto-circuito é ativada na eventualidade de um curto-circuito, de uma condição de sobrecarga ou de uma corrente de irrupção excessiva, como ocorre ao tentar
alimentar diretamente um inversor
E2: Sobreaquecimento
A proteção de sobreaquecimento é ativada em caso de temperatura interna excessiva
E3: Subtensão
A proteção de subtensão é ativada se a tensão de entrada for inferior ao limite de subtensão selecionado durante 90 s
E4: Sobretensão
A proteção de sobretensão é ativada no caso de a tensão de entrada superar 16 V (para sistemas de 12 V) ou 32 V (para sistemas de 24 V)
1 - Confirme a configuração de todos os dispositivos de carregamento no sistema, em particular as definições da tensão do sistema e da tensão de carregamento
2 - Comprove o bom funcionamento do sistema de carregamento
3 - Confirme que a tensão do sistema BP é correta
(uzaktan düğme pim 2-1 ile akü artı kutbu arasına da bağlanabilir)
(iç 10 kΩ seri resistörü ile kısa devreye karşı korumalı)
Çıkış Giriş
İkinci BP
Şekil 5: Bir akü şarj cihazı veya MPPT güneş enerjili şarj kontrol birimi ile Li-ion akü arasındaki ikinci
bir BatteryProtect
İkinci BP, bir Cyrix-Li şarj rölesinin yerini alır (avantajlar: düşük güç tüketimi, alarm rölesi).
(Şarj cihazı uzaktan açma-kapama kontağına sahipse ve BMS ile şarj cihazı arasındaki bir arabirim kablosu ile kontrol edilebiliyorsa geçerli
Bu uygulama için programını seçin.
Dikkat: Vout > Vin ise kontrolsüz ters akım BatteryProtect'ten geçer. Bu nedenle BatteryProtect cihazını hiçbir zaman aküden aküye şarj için
Hata Kodları
💡💡 1- Sistemdeki tüm şarj cihazlarının yapılandırmasını, özellikle sistem voltajı ve şarj voltajı ayarlarını onaylayın
2- Şarj sistemini uygun operasyon için kontrol edin
3- BP sistemi voltaj yapılandırmasının doğru olduğunu onaylayın
(l’interruttore remoto può anche essere collegato tra il pin 2.1 e il più della batteria)
(protetto contro cortocircuito con resistore interno da 10kΩ)
Out In
Secondo BP
Figura 5: Secondo Battery Protect, posizionato fra un caricabatterie o un regolatore di carica solare
MPPT e una batteria agli ioni di litio
Il secondo BP sostituisce un relè Cyrix-Li-charge (vantaggi: basso consumo di energia, relè di allarme).
(non applicabile se il caricabatterie possiede contatti on-off remoti e può essere controllato mediante un cavo di interfaccia tra il BMS e il
Scegliere il programma per questa applicazione.
Attenzione: una corrente inversa non controllata scorrerà attraverso il Battery Protect se Vout > Vin. Pertanto, non usare mai un Battery
Protect per una ricarica da batteria a batteria.
Codici Errore
E1: Cortocircuito
La protezione contro cortocircuito si attiva in caso di cortocircuito e sovraccarico o eccessiva inserzione di corrente, come quando si cerca di alimentare direttamente un inverter
E2: Sovratemperatura
La protezione contro sovratemperatura si attiva in caso di temperatura interna eccessiva
1- Confermare che l’assorbimento di corrente di carico non superi la corrente nominale del BP
2- Verificare che non ci siano connessioni allentate/con alta resistenza ed assicurarsi di utilizzare un calibro di cablaggio appropriato per l’impianto
3- Non installare l’unità BP in un luogo esposto ad alte temperature o calore radiante, riposizionarlo in luogo più fresco o predisporre un raffreddamento aggiuntivo
E3: Sottotensione
La protezione contro sottotensione si attiva nel caso in cui la tensione di ingresso cada al di sotto del limite di tensione selezionato per 90 secondi
E4: Sovratensione
La protezione contro sovratensione si attiva nel caso in cui la tensione di ingresso superi i 16 V (per sistemi da 12 V) o i 32 V (per sistemi da 24 V)
1- Confermare la configurazione di tutti i dispositivi di carica del sistema, particolarmente le impostazioni della tensione di sistema e della tensione di carica
2- Verificare che il sistema di ricarica funzioni correttamente
3- Confermare che la configurazione della tensione di sistema del BP è corretta