The document provides the English teaching plan for Timeway Preschool for the months of September 2021 through January 2022. Each week covers new vocabulary words, sentence structures, values/functions, phonics, and projects or activities for students ages 4-5 years old. The plans introduce words and concepts related to shapes, colors, family, feelings, weather, days of the week, and parts of a house. Students will practice the new vocabulary through worksheets, artwork, games and interactive activities.
The document provides the English teaching plan for Timeway Preschool for the months of September 2021 through January 2022. Each week covers new vocabulary words, sentence structures, values/functions, phonics, and projects or activities for students ages 4-5 years old. The plans introduce words and concepts related to shapes, colors, family, feelings, weather, days of the week, and parts of a house. Students will practice the new vocabulary through worksheets, artwork, games and interactive activities.
The document provides the English teaching plan for Timeway Preschool for the months of September 2021 through January 2022. Each week covers new vocabulary words, sentence structures, values/functions, phonics, and projects or activities for students ages 4-5 years old. The plans introduce words and concepts related to shapes, colors, family, feelings, weather, days of the week, and parts of a house. Students will practice the new vocabulary through worksheets, artwork, games and interactive activities.
The document provides the English teaching plan for Timeway Preschool for the months of September 2021 through January 2022. Each week covers new vocabulary words, sentence structures, values/functions, phonics, and projects or activities for students ages 4-5 years old. The plans introduce words and concepts related to shapes, colors, family, feelings, weather, days of the week, and parts of a house. Students will practice the new vocabulary through worksheets, artwork, games and interactive activities.
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CLASS: 4- 5 years- old
Week Vocabulary Structure Value and Phonic Project Other
function Activities language 1 jump, fly, Can a (rabbit) Be kind and do the crawl, swim, (jump)? welcoming to worksheet walk, blow, Yes, it can/ No, newcomers bounce, throw, it can’t talk. Review: bird, fish, rabbit, spider, elephant
2 star, circle, What shape is it? Making a
square, It’s a (star) shape kid triangle, display hexagon, What color is (a This is my pentagon, star)? friend. heart, It’s (yellow) He/she’s a rectangle, (circle) diamond, oval kid. The Review: eyes, (eyes) are ears, nose, (circle). mouth, arms, The legs (mouth) is (a square).
3 Review: pen, What’s this? Color and
brush, rubber, - It’s a (blue) pen say the paper, glitter, words paint, pencil, Whose (pen) is crayon it? It’s her/ his/ your/my (pen) New words: scissors, glue, pencil case, sharpener, notebook, color pencil, highlighter.
4 Review and test
CLASS: 4-5 years-old
Week Vocabulary Structure Value and Phonic Project Other
function Activities language 1 climb, catch, Can you (kick)? – Value and Aa (ant, Draw and build, walk, Yes, I can/ No, I functional apple, cut your run, kick, stop, can’t language: alligator, ax) actions spin, skip, Lining up jump, swim I’m first No, It’s me Line up slowly Wait your turn That’s better 2 slide, swing, What can you see Bb (ball, Coloring seesaw, at the park? bus, bear, the picture fountain, I can see a (slide). bird) merry-go- It’s (green) round, monkey bars, bench, tree, sandbox, jungle gym 3 New words: Do you see the Cc (cat, cup, Making a numbers from 1 (star)? Yes, I do / computer, quilt from to 10 No, I don’t car) decorated Review words: paper star, circle, How many? squares square, (1,2,3…) triangle, hexagon, pentagon, heart, rectangle, diamond, oval. 4 New words: on, Where is the Dd (dog, coloring in, under, (mouse)? duck, desk, the right between, in The (mouse) is doll) mouse’s front of, next to, (on) the box position behind
Review words: mouse, cat, dog, duck, pig, hen, rooster 5 Review and test ENGLISH TEACHING PLAN FOR NOVEMBER, 2021
CLASS: 4-5 years-old
Week Vocabulary Structure Value and Phonic Project Other
function Activities language 1 happy, tired, He’s (tired) / Value and Ee (elephant, Draw sad, lively, She’s (hot) functional egg, elbow, your hungry, thirsty, language: envelope) feeling angry, sick, Thinking of and say surprised, others scared Shh. Sit down and be quiet, please Oops! Sorry 2 Review words: This is my Ff (fish, Making mom, dad, (grandma). She is farm, fork, family grandma, (happy) fan), picture grandpa, sister, Gg (gorilla, brother, baby goat, gift, Review words: girl) feeling (happy, tired, lively…) 3 dolphins, These are (tigers). Value and Hh (hat, hot Cut and penguins, The (mom) looks functional dog, horse, stick the sharks, whales, after the (baby ) language: house) animals jellyfish, turtles, Being kind crabs, shrimps, to animals octopuses, Be gentle starfish, seals, with (the seahorse dolphins) Okay
4 Review and test
CLASS: 4-5 years-old
Week Vocabulary Structure Value and Phonic Project Other
function Activities language 1 Windy, scarf, In the (windy) Ii (insects, Match and Sunny, day, I wear igloo, say sunglasses, (scarf). iguana, ink) Snowy, mittens, rainy, raincoat, cloudy, T-shirt and shorts 2 hot, cold, wet, What’s the Value and Jj (jacket, Draw and dry, warm, cool weather like functional jet, jam, say Review words: today? language: juice) sunny, windy, -It’s (sunny). Respecting rainy, snowy What happens? elders -I’m (hot) Where’s my (hat)? It isn’t here. Here it is, (grandma) Thank you! Good job! We can go outside now
Week Vocabulary Structure Value and Phonic Project Other
function Activities language 1 living room, Who’s in the Ll (lion, Cut and bedroom, (bathroom)? lamp, leaf, glue your bathroom, lemon) house kitchen, (Mom) ‘s in the balcony yard (bathroom). Review words: dad, mom, sister, brother, grandma, grandpa
2 table, sofa, TV, What can you Mm Making a
bath, sink, find in the (monkey, model of toilet, gas stove, (bathroom)? milk, money, living cupboard, I can find a mouse) room and fridge ball, (sink) it’s teddy bear, bed, furniture lamp
3 in, on, under, Where is the Value and Nn (nut,
behind, next to, (lamp)? It’s (on) functional nest, net, in front of, the table language: nose) between Helping to clean up Let’s help clean up Okay. Let’s clean (the table).Let’s put away the toys
4 Review and test
CLASS: 4-5 years-old
Week Vocabulary Structure Value and Phonic Project Other
function Activities language 1 dig, plant, What are you Value and Oo Play with water, pick, doing? functional (octopus, the wash, eat I’m (digging) language: ostrich, alphabet Eating olive, ox) healthily Try one Pp (peach, Vegetables/ panda, fruits are pineapple, good for you pen)
2 potatoes, beans, I like Working Qq (queen, Mini
lettuce, (potatoes).Do you together: question, restaurant pumpkins, peas, like them? Yes, I offering quilt, quiz) (learn how tomatoes, do / No, I don’t politely to order ) cucumbers Would you like some (carrot) soup? Yes, please / No, thank you
3 worker, farmer, Who is (he/she)? Growing
policeman, (She/he) is a beans doctor, (farmer). firefighter, teacher, cook, pilot, waiter, pupil, engineer.
4 Review and test
CLASS: 4-5 years-old
Week Vocabulary Structure Value and Phonic Project Other
function Activities language 1 cow, horse, What can you see Rr (rabbit, Story: sheep, goat, in the farm? rice, rose, The donkey, I can see a (cow). robot) enormous chicken, duck, What does a carrot pig, dog, cat (cow) say? A (cow) says (Moo-Moo) 2 Number 10-20 How many Ss (sun, seal, Math: Review words: (cows)? (10 soap, socks) (1+1= 2) (horse, cow, cows) (one plus sheep, dog, one is goat…) and two) numbers from 1 to 9
3 New words: What does (a Tt (tiger, Making a
drink water, eat horse) do? turtle, model (grass, A cow (eats teacher, tent) farm and carrot…), grass). clothes swim, run, walk peg Review words: animals (horse, cow, sheep, dog, goat…)
4 Review and test
CLASS: 4-5 years-old
Week Vocabulary Structure Value and Phonic Project Other
function Activities language 1 New words: Structure: what Uu Coloring jacket, skirt, are you wearing? (umbrella, the clothes shorts, jumper, up, umpire, shirt swimsuit. I’m wearing a uncle) Review words: (green) (jacket). pants, sandals, shoes, hat, coat, mittens, socks, boots, scarf.
2 summer, What do you Vv (van, vet, Science:
spring, fall, wear in the vest, violin) Clothing winter, hot, (spring)? for warm, cool, In the spring, It’s different cold warm. I wear (a seasons jacket) and and (boots). weather
3 washing What is this? This Ww (wolf, Making
machine, fridge, is a (washing web, water, paper TV, air- machine). watch) clothes condition, fan, for iron, oven. Where is (the seasons washing poster machine)? In the kitchen.
4 Review and test
CLASS: 4-5 years-old
Week Vocabulary Structure Value and Phonic Project Other
function Activities language 1 see, feel, smell, How does it Xx (fox, Music : taste, hear, (taste)? box, six, listening delicious, good, It tastes (good). wax) to and bad, soft, hard creating everyday sounds in music 2 coconut, What is your Value and Yy ( yo-yo, Science: strawberry, favorite fruit? My functional yak, yacht, Clothing blueberry, favorite fruit is language: yogurt) for cherry, (cherry) listening to different mangosteen, others seasons longan, How does it I can’t hear and tangerine, taste? It tastes you We need weather lychee, guava, good. to listen to dragon fruit others
Week Vocabulary Structure Value and Phonic Project Other
function Activities language 1 make a circle, Review letter Do the make a line, a, b, c, d worksheet take out your Let’s… book, put away your book, keep quiet, raise your hand, sit nicely, open the door, close the door. 2 caterpillar, What bugs do Review Cut and grasshopper, you like? letters e, f, g, glue bee, ant, dragon I like…/ I don’t h fly, spider, lady like… bug, mosquito, cockroach.
3 school, hospital, Where is this? Review letter Making Doing
fire station, This is a…… i, j, k, l some worksheet police station, (school) insects factory, farm, restaurant, salon 4 Review and test ENGLISH TEACHING PLAN FOR JULY, 2021
CLASS: 4-5 years-old
Week Vocabulary Structure Value and Phonic Project Other
function Activities language 1 number from what number is Review letter Color the 11-20 this? m, n, o, p numbers It’s…(eleven)
2 bike, Review q, r, Cut and glue
motorbike, s, t the truck, What do you see? transportation ambulance, I see a… (bike) police car, ship, boat, plane, submarine, train, helicopter.
3 computer, what do you Review u, v, making Doing
laptop, TV, have? w a flower worksheet speaker, phone, I have a… oven, fridge, (computer) washing machine, vacuum cleaner
4 Review and test
CLASS: 4-5 years-old
Week Vocabulary Structure Value and Phonic Project Other
function Activities language 1 coke, lemonade, what drinks do Review letter Make an orange juice, you like? x orange milk, yogurt, juice/le smoothie, I like… monade. coffee, tea, hot chocolate, soda Structure: Letters and phonic: Project: 2 noodles, soup, What is your Review letter do the sausage, omelet, favorite food? y worksheet bacon, cookies, My favorite food toast, doughnut, is (noodles) sushi, spaghetti, pancake How does it taste? It tastes good.
3 hair dryer, what do you see Review letter coloring the
comb, soap, in the bathroom? z bathroom shower, toothbrush, I see a (soap) toothpaste, sink, shampoo, toilet, toilet paper, hanger, tower.
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