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Merchant of Venice Essay Thesis Statement

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Title: The Challenge of Crafting a Merchant of Venice Essay Thesis Statement

Crafting a compelling thesis statement for an essay on William Shakespeare's "The Merchant of
Venice" is a daunting task that often leaves students grappling with the complexities of the play. This
literary masterpiece, with its intricate characters and multifaceted themes, demands a thoughtful and
well-articulated thesis statement that encapsulates the essence of the student's analysis.

One of the primary difficulties encountered by students is the need to distill the richness of the play
into a concise yet comprehensive thesis statement. "The Merchant of Venice" is renowned for its
exploration of themes such as justice, mercy, love, and prejudice. Selecting a focal point and
formulating a thesis that captures the essence of the chosen theme while providing room for
insightful analysis requires a deep understanding of the play's nuances.

Moreover, the characters in "The Merchant of Venice" are multifaceted, defying easy categorization.
Shylock, for instance, is a complex character whose portrayal raises questions about justice, revenge,
and societal attitudes. Crafting a thesis that delves into the layers of characters like Shylock requires
careful consideration and an in-depth exploration of the play's various dimensions.

The language and style of Shakespeare further contribute to the challenge. The use of poetic
language, metaphors, and Elizabethan English can be overwhelming for modern readers, making it
difficult to decipher and analyze the intricacies of the text. Translating these elements into a clear and
coherent thesis statement adds an additional layer of complexity to the task.

For those seeking assistance in navigating these challenges and ensuring a well-crafted thesis
statement, ⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔ emerges as a reliable resource. The platform offers professional
writing services, providing expert guidance and support to students tackling the intricacies of "The
Merchant of Venice." By entrusting the task to experienced writers, students can alleviate the stress
associated with formulating a thesis statement and focus on delving into the deeper analysis of the

In conclusion, the process of crafting a thesis statement for an essay on "The Merchant of Venice" is
undeniably challenging. The need to distill complex themes, analyze intricate characters, and
navigate Shakespearean language requires a level of expertise that ⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔ is well-
equipped to provide. By seeking professional assistance, students can ensure a well-articulated thesis
that serves as a solid foundation for their exploration of this timeless play.
Portia and Nerissa return to Belmont dressed normally. It was Shakespeare's depiction of Shylock
that established the Anti-Semitic perception of the play, as it clearly painted a negative picture of
Jewish people. They spit on him, call him a dog and finally take half of his money and force him to
convert. A coarse and garrulous young man, Gratiano is Shylock’s most vocal and insulting critic
during the trial. A library of common objects such as dialogue boxes and icons. For centuries,
Jewish and I am sure all parents in the world expected and required faithfulness from their children.
But then the sympathy comes back into play as the audience realises that he had to bring Jessica up
on his own without her mother, depriving Jessica of all the help she needs and not allowing Shylock
to realise what is best for his daughter. He uses his job as an advantage to seek out his revenge on
Antonio by demanding, as a payment, a pound of Antonio's flesh. Misunderstood and mistreated by
the relatives she does have, she is sent away to a school where the cycle of cruelty continues.
Portia's casket dilemma raises questions of racial discrimination, when she rejects both the Spanish
and Moroccan suitors, purely on racial grounds. However, it also argues that the play may not be a
comedy at all, and that Shakespeare was trying to show that Christians had nothing truly in common
with Jews like Shylock. Although she is the reason for all the strife, she is blissfully unaware of that
fact, but she feels obliged to help her husband best friend to renounce the usurer’s claim to a pound
of flesh from Antonio’s breast. Bassanio proposes to repay Shylock with twice the amount agreed in
the bond but, yet again, Shylock is unmoved in his decision. The final scene moves away from the
abandonment of Shylock in Venice, shifting instead to Belmont. He is also accused of being non
Christian and lacking human morals. Portia’s beauty is matched only by her intelligence. We first hear
of this abuse in Act One Scene Three during Shylock’s speech during discussion with Antonio and
Bassanio. They plan to escape one night when Shylock is invited to eat at Bassanio’s house. Little is
known about his childhood, although it is generally assumed that he attended the local grammar
school, the King’s New School. This shows he is willing to risk himself for a dear friend. Hamnet
died at the age of eleven, by which time Shakespeare was already a successful playwright. The
likening of Portia to 'Daniel' is now more fitting because like Portia, 'Daniel' was not anticipated in
the court, and the judgement that he gave freed Susanna and condemned her accusers. It explores
how Shakespeare may have been trying to show that Christians and Jews have more in common than
they think, such as both being hungry for money. Merchants like Antonio lend money free of interest
and put themselves at risk for those they love, whereas Shylock agonizes over the loss of his money
and is reported to run through the streets crying, “O, my ducats. Bassanio’s loyalty is evident when
he leaves his newlywed wife to help his friend Antonio in his time of need. The Christian characters
certainly view the matter this way. Bassanio gets his girl Portia after an encounter with a test left by
Portia’s late father to assure the safety of her daughter, they marry and all is good, until none of
Antonio’s ships return and he is unable to repay Shylock. Rather than try to increase his wealth, he
struggles merely to maintain it. Portia proceeds to gain Shylock's respect by reminding the court that
Antonio must pay the bond with 'A pound of flesh, to be by him cut off nearest the merchant's
heart.' Portia asks Shylock whether he has the scales ready to weigh the pound of flesh, to which he
replies 'I have them ready'. The Duke now realises that there is no way that he can legally save his
friend's life, but, he states that 'upon his power' he may dismiss the court unless Bellario, a famous
lawyer whom he has called to the court to ask him of his opinion, can attend the hearing.
Furthermore, Antonio's lack of justification for why he so despises Shylock, serves as an example of
the hollowness on which prejudice is formed without reason. “Neither Jew nor Christian in this play
lives up to his formal or assumed profession of faith, but neither profession is thereby in itself
invalidated”. Assess William Caxtons contribution to the English Language. But then the sympathy
comes back into play as the audience realises that he had to bring Jessica up on his own without her
mother, depriving Jessica of all the help she needs and not allowing Shylock to realise what is best
for his daughter. This is because Antonio is a Venetian merchant of significant wealth, and already
has power over Shylock and likes to make sure Shylock knows that. We first hear of this abuse in Act
One Scene Three during Shylock’s speech during discussion with Antonio and Bassanio. Scholars
can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments.
However at the end Shylock’s promise to behave as badly as Venetians, and, moreover, to “better the
instruction,” casts him in a less sympathetic light. When we see Shylock in Act III, scene i, he seems
more hurt by the fact that his daughter sold a ring that was given to him by his dead wife before they
were married than he is by the loss of the ring’s monetary value. Portia refuses his request, explaining
that she has already ruled according to the contract, and that it must be carried out. He mocks
Shylock by repeating the very praises that Shylock himself had delivered to Portia. We know that the
bond is purely an act of revenge from Shylock’s reply when asked by Salerio, what he would do with
a pound of flesh, to which he answered. The equalities now mean that a 'Jew' is able to be whatever
it wants to be and not only be a miser. Solanio claims that Shylock ran through the street crying out
for his daughter and ducats in the same breath, yet there is no evidence of this when Shylock himself
appears. Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions: fed with the same
food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same winter and summer as a Christian is?” (3.1.49-
54). When Shylock seeks his revenge, feeling himself to be a victim of society, and calls for legal
justice he is cruelly tricked and humiliated by his Christian enemies. However as the scene progresses
we can start to see the reason for Shylock’s hatred: the years of abuse he and other members of the
Jewish faith had suffered. In these positions, he administered borough property and revenues.
However even though it scared me, I was not surprised; every night we had to be in our rooms by
8:00 sharp for fear of running into the monster. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language
(EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. The last play of his to
be performed was probably King Henry VIII in either 1612 or 1613. Antonio speaks to Bassanio to
try and console him, concluding with a wry joke about the matter. Antonio wishes to give the money
to Bassanio so he can attempt to win. It was Shakespeare's depiction of Shylock that established the
Anti-Semitic perception of the play, as it clearly painted a negative picture of Jewish people. By
looking at Marks's Gospel we can find out a lot about the nature of Discipleship and the Apostles.
Demanding that he become Christian on top of everything else is exemplary of the religious
persecution Shylock faces throughout the play. Gender stereotypes are not a modern notion and as
such expectations and limitations have always existed for both men and women. In simple terms,
motivation is 'The drive to strive'. The holocaust was probably the most known, outrageous act of
cruelty towards Jews. However as the scene progresses we can start to see the reason for Shylock’s
hatred: the years of abuse he and other members of the Jewish faith had suffered at the hand of the
native Christian Venetians. In the Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare explores the themes of love and
self-interest; the characters. She then explains that if Shylock does 'shed one drop of Christian blood'
then he will have his lands and goods confiscated by the state of Venice.
Although she is the reason for all the strife, she is blissfully unaware of that fact, but she feels
obliged to help her husband best friend to renounce the usurer’s claim to a pound of flesh from
Antonio’s breast. Moreover, his insistence that he have a pound of flesh rather than any amount of
money shows that his resentment is much stronger than his greed. After Antonio enters, Shylock
asserts, “I hate him for he is a Christian” (Act I, Scene III). Jews were badly mistreated by many and
also thought of as dirty people whom contained no respect. Nevertheless, Elizabethan England, who
had expelled Jews in the Middle Ages, frequently portrayed Jews as evil, deceptive usurers and
these stereotypical caricatures of Jews was seen as comical to English audiences. Graziano, who has
accompanied Bassanio to Belmont, tells him that he and Nerissa(Portia’s friend) wish to be married
as well. The New Testament, in contrast, emphasizes adherence to the spirit rather than the letter of
the law, portraying a God who forgives rather than punishes and offers salvation to those followers
who forgive others. For the entirety of the play, Shylock is referred to as “the Jew”. He took
advantage of the change in times and in 1557 became a member of the Stratford Council. Given her
intelligence and fair-minded approach, there is every reason to believe she would achieve a fair
resolution for everyone. But we may also question whether it is merciful to return to Shylock half of
his goods, only to take away his religion and his profession. Loyal, trustworthy, intelligent, decisive,
and fair, these seem more than three, but they all fit together to make a good person to work with.
The laws of Venice state that if a foreign resident directly or indirectly attempts to kill any citizen,
the person he tried to kill will receive one half of the foreigner’s goods. The lawyer's clerk, who is
Nerissa dressed as a man, arrives with a letter from Bellario. So it is amazing that Shakespeare
composed such a great speech expressing the common humanity of Jews and Christians. Shylock is a
product of his social upbringings; his anger and flawed character is probably a result of the injustices
he’s faced his entire life simply because of his heritage. This translates to the individual must have a
desire or stimulation to do something, therefore being motivated to do so. Christianity convinced the
public that anti-Semitism means that if a Jew converted to Christianity, as Shylock is forced.
Strangely, Bassanio is supposed to be the play's romantic hero. So overall I think in some cases there
is a real sense of sympathising with Shylock, but his demanding revenge proves he is a villain. His
determination is shown when he decides to court Portia despite not having sufficient funds. Shylock
directly links money and flesh as being equal, something which any Christian would consider taboo.
After Lenin's death in 1924, there was a struggle between the leading Bolsheviks to succeed Lenin
as leader of the USSR. The school was staffed by Oxford-educated faculty who taught the students
mathematics, natural sciences, logic, Christian ethics, and classical language and literature. A
messenger arrives and hands Bassanio a letter from Antonio in which he informs Bassanio that he
has lost all his money and must forfeit a pound of flesh to Shylock. Gratiano jeers at Shylock even
further, and yet again Shylock asks for the money, but Portia reminds us that Shylock had refused the
money earlier, so now, 'he shall have merely justice, and his bond.' At this, Shylock attempts to leave
the court, yet Portia calls him back stating 'the law hath yet another hold on you.'. Jane's personal
changes and experiences, at each stage in her life, and those of her fellow characters, are powerfully
communicated to the reader. Trotsky was unpopular in the party because of his inactiveness in
increasing his popularity within the party. So the question 'Do you sympathise with Shylock is
already in thought as you cant help but want to try and help him. Shylock’s situation is an example
of how difficult it is for the minority to gain the respect of the majority in a prejudicial social
consciousness, how minorities are far too often pushed to.
Antonio however, does not have the money as all his funds are tied up in ships and trade goods. The
portrayal of Shakespeare’s Jew was and remained comic until the late 1700s at which time he was
first played as a true villain. Gender stereotypes are not a modern notion and as such expectations
and limitations have always existed for both men and women. Equally, Jessica's selling of her
mother's wedding ring for something as ridiculous as a monkey inspires sympathy for a man who
has nothing left of his wife. For Shylock, absolute adherence to the law is necessary, as evidenced by
his reliance on contracts. Thus, he will repay them with revenge more cruel than the way they have
treated him. In 1814 Shylock’s role was depicted as a character to be pitied, and in 1879 he was first
portrayed as a tragic character. The question of how do we get motivated is a question that many
theorists may ask and investigate in great detail. The emergence of different varieties of English
worldwide has been one of t. However, Antonio and Shylock remain outcasts, separated from the
happy ending. Even when using the other law regarding the spilling of one drop of blood, she was
trying to prevent Shylock from becoming a killer, while saving Antonio's life, a mercy for all of
them. She constantly smelt of wet dog, which was weird because we were not allowed pets. In
addition, the Christian’s generosity and friendship is further undermined by the racism so apparent in
their actions. However, upon closer inspection, this supposed difference between Christian and Jew
breaks down. Most of Venice’s customs and cultures haven’t changed, however, some have. The
well-being of the citizens depends on the support and guidance they receive from those with power
and influence in. But Shylock has lost his livelihood, his property, his self-respect, and his identity.
He has clearly, to a modern audience, been victimised. Assess William Caxtons contribution to the
English Language. Shylock tells the court that he wishes to completely drop his case and forgive
Antonio the entire three thousand ducats. Antonio and Bassanio use Shylock for his money,
humiliate him in court, and chastise him for his religion. It analyzes how Shylock has a narrow
understanding of words and their meanings. She plays an integral role in three of the four sub-plots
in the play the caskets, the rings and the bond. However even though it scared me, I was not
surprised; every night we had to be in our rooms by 8:00 sharp for fear of running into the monster.
Sage (1974) stated that motivation is 'The internal mechanisms and external stimuli which arouse
and direct our behaviour'. Antonio, thinking this is a “merry sport,” accepts the condition of the
bond (contract) and signs it. This is a play about a Merchant, Antonio, who borrows money from a
Jewish. Forcing him to convert to Christianity not only prevents him from being able to practice his
faith, but also from making a living. It is natural, in retrospect, to attribute Greene’s complaint to
jealousy of Shakespeare’s ability, but of course we can’t be sure. Despite facing the obstacle of
insufficient funds, he does not allow it to deter him.

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