Helsingin Yliopiston E-Thesis

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The type of stimulus paradigm may affect the results, such as Takemori and Ida (1984) versus Sharpe
and Zackon (1987) versus the present study, in our conclusions regarding prediction of stimulus. In
the study of Versino et al. (1993a) and Versino and Cosi (1990), pursuit index and pursuit gain were
not influenced by the direction. There seems to be two separate integrators, one common integrator
for conversion of eye velocity signal to eye position commands (for all types of eye movements) and
a separate neural network to integrate saccadic velocity commands for use in the feedback loop
controlling the duration of the saccadic pulse command (Jurgens et al. 1981; Sparks et al. 1987;
Sparks and Mays 1990). Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1985; 93: 579-581. Petras JM. Connections of
the parietal lobe. Firing patterns of abducens neurons of alert monkeys in relationshipto horizontal
eye movement. The final common integrator for the conjugate eye movement systems is affected by
lesions of the cerebellum, especially the flocculus and paraflocculus (Zee et al. 1981; Waespe et al.
1983). Flocculectomy in primates causes a gaze deviation nystagmus, saccadic PEMs, a downbeat
nystagmus and a post-saccadic drift in saccades (Zee et al. 1981). Patients with hereditary cerebellar
ataxia, cannot produce normal PEMs (Zee et al. 1976b). Pathological PEMs are seen in Figure 4.
Page 40. Beck C, Schmidt C. Ten-year experience with intratympanically applied
streptomycin(gentamicin) in the therapy of morbus Meniere. When PRPEM was tested at the four
frequency combinations, no statistically significant differences in GA and mean phase between males
and females were observed. 5. A. 4. Side difference and saccades In constant saccades, the SPV60.
Larsby et al. (1988) did not find the phase shift to be affected by age. It seems possible that the
dominating hemisphere may affect the voluntary eye movement system too. Knowledge-based
systems can be combined with other technologies, such as neural networks (adaptive, where it learns
and trains itself), case-based reasoning (the ability to store, analyze and process previous
experiences) and genetic algorithms (search an entire domain for a solution, breeding on successive
success paths) (Hedberg 1993). PhD Heikki Aalto has provided invaluable technical and computer
assistance in performing the experiments. If remote work makes it possible to make savings on
premises, a portion of the money saved in rent should be used on measures that promote
communality. In middle-aged subjects, voluntary eye movement performance was at its best. In this
work, analysis was assayed by making the decision tree analysis. This work focuses only on the
horizontal saccadic eye movements and PEMs. Page 10. In the study for testing EOG and MOG
recording methods, two frequency combinations were used in order to reduce the time that the
subjects had to wear the search coil on the eye. The more predictable the target motion is, the more
accurately it can be traced (Michael and Melvill Jones 1966; Larsby et al. 1988). The ability of the
visual tracking system to maintain fixation is a function of the predictability of the stimulus, as well
as a function of its frequency and amplitude (Michael and Melvill Jones 1966). He had increased
phase lag and severely reduced GAs even with the lower frequency combinations. In many ways,
students are the experts on how things are going at any given time. These pontine sites have outputs
to cerebellar structures of PEMs (Brodal 1979; Brodal 1980; Brodal 1982; Langer et al. 1985a; May
et al. 1988). As the eye velocity signals have to be transformed to eye position signals (Robinson
1975), there is a need for the so-called final common integrator (Robinson 1975). Sensitivity of
auditory brainstemresponse in acoustic neuroma screening. Noda H, Fujikado T. Involvement of
Purkinje cells in evoking saccadic eye movements bymicrostimulation of the posterior cerebellar
vermis of monkeys. The total amount of tested subjects was small in studies by Hutton and Palet
(1986) and Sharpe and Zackon (1987). Serum antibodies against heat shockprotein 70 in Meniere’s
disease. Degraded conversion of visual sensory inputs to motor commands might also explain the
decline in gain of PEM to moving stimuli and the impairment of saccadic accuracy in the elderly
subjects (Morrow and Sharpe, 1993). Burst neurons in the rostral PPRF have predominantly spatially-
coded movement fields, while in the caudal PPRF, burst neurons demonstrate temporally coded
driven activity dependent on the constriction direction of the extraocular eye muscles (i.e., almost
horizontal or vertical) (Hepp and Henn 1983). Age affects the saccadic and PRPEM performance to
a degree. Some small steps have already been taken, such as abandoning invoicing for facility costs.
The PEM system is vulnerable to external processes, environmental factors and various disease
processes (Versino and Cosi 1990).
In these cases, the finding of brain stem was classified as one (Table 3.). Table 3. Patients with
infarction of cerebello-brain stem and operated HAB patients and their MRI findings. Therefore, in
the analysis of the differences between the results of patients and control subjects, the mean of a
rightward and a leftward saccade parameter can be used as the contralateral and ipsilateral saccade
parameters for control subjects. In studying the gender differences in voluntary eye movements, the
statistical analysis was done with Student’s t-test in two independent samples (Norusis 1993).
Primate frontal eye fields. I. Single neurons discharging beforesaccades. In contrast to vertigo that
decreases with increasing tumor size, disequilibrium becomes more frequent with larger tumors
(Selesnick et al. 1993). In tumors larger than 3 cm, the incidence rate of this disturbing syndrome
exceeds 70% (Selesnick et al. 1993). The most likely mechanisms causing disequilibrium are
uncompensated unilateral vestibular deafferentation, or persistent perverse input from the diseased
vestibular nerve (Jackler 1994). Saccadic peak velocity can, for example, be assessed by estimating
the tangent of rapid eye movement (Schalen 1981), or by measuring the velocity over a 24ms period
at the midpoint of the excursion of the eye (Mastaglia et al. 1979). Pursuit eye movement Velocity
gain has been widely assessed in PEM tests. BasicMechanisms of Ocular Motility and Their Clinical
Implications. Afferents to the vestibulo-cerebellum and the origin of the visualclimbing fibers in the
rabbit. Disturbances of active visual perception with lesions of thefrontal lobes. In unoperated HAB
patients, the oculomotor performance may be quite different. Embracing multifaceted cutting-edge
science is the best way of generating preconditions and keeping abreast of rapid developments in
order to help create solutions for new, still partly unknown challenges. He had increased phase lag
and severely reduced GAs even with the lower frequency combinations. Unfortunately in the study
of Henriksson et al. (1981), the number of subjects tested was limited and the Student’s t-test was
used only in the statistical analysis; only the differences between a certain patient group and the
control group were tested. The amount of phase lead diminishes, and the size of phase lag increases
with increasing unpredictability (Fuchs 1967b; Stark et al 1962; Michael and Melvill Jones 1966).
The performance ability in different voluntary eye movements (constant and pseudo-random
saccades, PRPEM with different frequency combinations) could accurately classify control subjects
and patients with lesions at different sites of the neural system into correct groups. Vestibular and
Neural Front.Amsterdam: Elsevier 1994(b): 287-290. All were examined with voluntary eye
movement tests. There is no universally accepted method for measuring the size or volume of
vestibular schwannoma. Schlag et al. (1983) studied EOG and MOG recording methods with eye
movements in cat and monkey. These experimental conditions may have affected his findings. Page
34. Cochlear deafness in the presentation of a large acoustic neuroma. The SRT can be assessed by
computing the time from displacement of target or the appearance of target, to the beginning of the
saccadic eye movement. Comparison of EOG and search coil techniques in long-term measurements
of eye position in alter monkey and cat. The reason for this discrepancy might be that in this study
many patients had multiple lesions in the pathways of oculomotor function, so the effects of the
lesions on the oculomotor Page 113. Natural and drug-induced variations of velocity andduration of
human saccadic eye movements: Evidence for a control the neural pulsegenerator by local feedback.
These provide a good foundation for the future too. High frequency noise minimally affects the time
parameters. Beaussart M, Guieu JD. Artefacts. In: Remond A, ed. Handbook of
electroencephalography andclinical neurophysiology. Control subjects were correctly classified in
51% of the cases. SRTs have also been found to be the shortest in middle-aged subjects when
compared with elderly or younger subjects (Miller 1969; Spooner et al. 1980; Carter et al. 1983;
Abel et al. 1983; Warabi et al. 1984; Whitaker et al. 1986; Hutton and Pallet 1986; Sharpe and
Zackon 1987; Tedeschi et al. 1989; Moschner and Baloh 1994).
When using the whole voluntary eye movement performance, however, the accuracy improved and
the correct localization was achieved in 75.5% of all cases with discrimination analysis. Parietal
association cortex in the primate: Sensorymechanisms and behavioral modulations. In middle-aged
subjects, voluntary eye movement performance was at its best. Therefore, in patients with diffuse
lesions, a distinct oculomotor disturbance was difficult to identify. Incomplete removal, therefore,
leads to recurrence (Rubinstein 1972). Neurons of area 7 activated by both visual stimuli
andoculomotor behavior. In large vestibular schwannomas, saccadization of PEM (Nedzelski 1983;
Hulshof Page 109. The correlation of voluntary eye movement deficits to subjective symptoms and
clinical data of patients was also analyzed. In other cases, improvement with time is often
outstanding. All tested subjects participating in the studies (normal subjects and patients) were
volunteers and informed consents according to the Helsinki Declaration were provided. The role of
cerebellum and the vestibular system in thegeneration of slow conjugate eye movements. They
observed a patient with a large low-density area in the left cerebellum (indicating a cerebellar
infarction), and the patient had no cerebellar signs and symptoms nor abnormal findings in the
oculomotor tests. A single PRPEM test result was found to be repeatable and reliable enough, with
the exception of mean phase shift that tended to be systematically shorter in repeated measurements.
3. In PRPEMs, the recording method did not have a significant affect on parameters, but in
saccades, accuracy was better and velocity was lower in MOG than in EOG. Frontal, temporal and
parietal cortex have influence on PPRF through connections to the superior colliculus (Kuypers and
Lawrence 1967; Petras 1971), and then to PPRF (Harting 1977; Lynch et al. 1977). PPRF circuits
are involved in generating the innervation needed to produce a saccade (Cohen et al. 1968; Cohen
and Henn 1972; Keller 1974; Henn and Cohen 1976) and can do so without the cerebellum (Optican
and Robinson 1980). According to Becker and Fuchs (1969), saccades in female subjects appear to
be faster than in males, which contradicts the findings of the present study. HABs have their own
anatomical, pathological, clinical and epidemiological characteristics that separate them from other
vascular tumors of the neuraxis (Resche et al. 1993). They usually present as cystic cerebellar tumors
(Rubinstein 1972; House and Burt 1985). Within the level of a group, the direction of a saccade
does not affect the saccadic parameters in healthy subjects. Clinical manifestations and audiologic
diagnosis of acousticneuromas. An object is thus classified by tracing out a path from the root of the
decision tree to one of its leaves. According to Bruce and Goldberg (1985), FEF such as Broadman
area 8, has an important role in generating voluntary eye movements. The SRTs of this study are
consistent with the previous findings of Stark et al. (1962), and Robinson (1981). The reduction of
GA in patients with infarction of cerebello-brain stem reflects the saccadization of PRPEM.
Vestibulo-ocular function in patients with cerebellaratrophy. Asiakaspalveluaikojen ulkopuolella
kirjasto toimii omatoimikirjastona. A comparison of growth rates of acousticneuromas: Nonsurgical
patients vs. Nonetheless, the premises owned by the UH also have a symbolic meaning for the
University community. Localization of the lesion by voluntary eye movement performance 0% 10%
20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%co ntro ls brai n st em cere bellu m cere bello -br ain
stem perip hera l Observed group Pre dic ted gro up, % peripheral cerebello-brain stem cerebellum
brain stem controls 5. C. 4. Decision tree analysis and oculomotor deficits Two different evaluations
with decision tree analysis were done. The Board of the University of Helsinki will appoint someone
from this group as the new rector of our University for the next five-year term this spring. In this
work, operated CPA tumor patients had poorer performance in saccades than control subjects,
especially in SRTs and often in SPVs. Senescent saccades. Effects of aging on their accuracy, latency

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