Gasification PHD Thesis

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Moreover, the overall performance is largely affected by coal properties ( i.e., ranks and chemical
composition), coal seam geology ( i.e., depth, thickness), and drilling configurations. Now it is
possible to have a clearer frame on the effect of catalysis during real biomass gasification, for both
reactor wall effect and potassium carbonate addiction. Figure 6.8a shows the specific hydrogen
production. They did not solve the mass and energy balance together. They also proposed some
strategies to overcome reactor plugging issues: high temperature pro- cessing, high heat transfer at the
entrance of the reactor, the usage of a catalyst and innova- tive reactor designs. The “excess” in
hydrogen and oxygen is more pronounced for glucose than for beech sawdust. They also used the
obtained data to propose a simple process layout, involving thermal recovery and hydrogen
separation through membranes; CO2 separation by means of 1-hexanol was also proposed to increase
the gas heating value. The other reactions were postulated, accounting for the typical reactions
taking pa lace in hy- drothermal environment. There can be found good examples of feasible and
working projects for MSW. Finally, an evaluation of the process’s overall electrical efficiency leads
to interesting conclusions. It was added in a ratio 1:4 to the reacting bio- mass, which was then
reacted in the very same way. Table 3 represents major laboratory studies on UCG. L ight A
mplification by the S timulated E mission of R adiation Compressed light of a wavelength from the
cold, red part of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation Monochromatic - single wavelength,
single color. Specific generations are higher for the case of the separated. Biomass presents two main
advantages with respect to conventional fossil energy re- sources. Considering the death fatalities
alone, UCG is the safest energy harness process. Their results also indicated that natural and forced
convection transfer coefficients are in the same order of magnitude and both of them are important.
In this paragraph, their description will be consequently briefer: all the required details can be found
in Paragraph 5.2. 6.2.1. Biomass typologies For this work, four types of real biomass were selected.
The minimum value is referred to the liquid phase and the maximum value to the gaseous phase; the
middle value has no physical meaning. This helps in understanding the main reaction pathways and
allows to acquire information about how process conditions influence the process outputs. This is
strictly true for supercriti- cal conditions, while at subcritical conditions the two materials appear to
give almost the same results. As a result, the extension of these models to field trials is formidable.
That is why no separated mass conservation equation was solved for the solid phase. They concluded
that the permeability ratio is one of the main parameters for determining the success of underground
coal gasification because of the observation of the increasing final gasifier area, power, and trial
duration with the increase of the permeability ratio. The coal slab models describe the process by
movement of various defined regions in a coal slab, usually perpendicular to the flow of the injected
blast gas. However, the technology was not mature enough and both of them. They also observed
that H2 is mainly a late product, originated by water-gas shift reaction. The same analyses were
conducted on microalga Spirulina: see Figure 2.3. All analyses point to trends which are very similar
to those observed in studies on glycerol (Figure 2.2). On the other hand, it is evident that the
conditions leading to formation of a solid phase for microalgae are substantially different than for
glycerol. The model is applicable for predicting lateral cavity growth of thick and shrinking coal
seams in which oxygen is injected at the bottom of the coal seam. An interesting point resulting from
these experiments was the analysis of the liquid species. However, no stark difference between the
model outcomes of transient and quasi-steady-state models was observed, and that is probably why
some researchers adopted the quasi-steady-state consideration for ease of calculations.
In addition to this, the results reported in Figure 2.5a suggest another possibility. In this sense, it is
important to find applications for coal, both. This implies to conclude that phenol has a much lower
tendency to gasify and it can be considered as a inhibitor of the gasification process. The model was
based on some major assumptions such as: the cavity was axisymmetric around injection; thermal
radiation was the main heat transfer mechanism in a well-mixed void space; cavity growth was
dominated by the thermo-mechanical failure of the wall, and a packed bed of char and rubble forms
over a thin layer of ash. The most significant reaction pathways for Webley and Tester’s model were
obtained and outlined. Some valves may require washers; this should be checked before the
regulator is fitted. Again, no validation or comparison with experimental data was reported.
Apparently, because of the long oxidation and reduction zones, they concluded that “a successful
UCG system cannot be operated in the channel regime”. As the proposed mechanism is radicalic, it is
necessary to have initiation reactions where radicals form starting from stable species. Predict the
progressive configuration of the combustion front during gasification. In order to calculate the heat
recovery and gas composition, the model can be very effective. The runs of the three models revealed
that they can apply almost exclusively to metha- nol decomposition to CO, H2 and CH4.
Investigating downdraft gasification of biomass: a? Stainless steel was chosen since it is one of the
most popular manufacturing materi- als for chemical plants. Upload Read for free FAQ and support
Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. In this study,
sawdust was used with an average Page 148. Rather than considering gas production per unit
feedstock, now gas production was divided by the mass of glucose fed, thus neglecting phenol.
Biomass gasification and catalytic conversion of? pdf. Schmieder, J. Abeln, N. Boukis, E. Dinjus, A.
Kruse, M. Kluth, G. Petrich, E. Sadri, M. Schacht, Hydrothermal gasification of biomass and organic
wastes. The effect of methanation is also partially superposed with the water-shift reac- tion, which
starts taking place later on (around 107 seconds). Biological fer- ment and gasification methods both
integrated develop- ment, to make the development and utilization of bio- mass energy achieve
better results. The tracer response curve was regressed with a series of CSTRs in two parallel paths.
Both field tests and lab-scale experiments are not sufficient to provide a detailed quantitative
description due to the demand of extensive instrumentation and trials. David Bushnell, AIAA
Fellow, 775 Northampton Drive, Palo Alto, California 94303. They also observed that H2 is mainly a
late product, originated by water-gas shift reaction. There is less than 5% error between the results
generated with the model (Hanna II: 2436.6 tons of coal gasified in 25 days; Hanna III: 4139.3 tons
in 38 days) and reported data (Hanna II: 2500 tons of coal gasified in 25 days; Hanna III: 4200 tons
in 38 days). Real biomass is considerably different from model compounds, involving a more
complex struc- ture and the presence of other elements beyond carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. The
expansion occurring in turbines causes a significant reduction of the syngas temperature. Reactions
involved in UCG are not fundamentally different from the reactions of coal and char in the surface
gasifiers. After hydrogen separation, the resulting stream is further expanded to 1 bar by a lami-
nation valve, for it to be fed to the air burner previously described.
Biological fer- ment and gasification methods both integrated develop- ment, to make the
development and utilization of bio- mass energy achieve better results. The stream function and
velocity potential were calculated using the following equations: Steam function. Some essential
features of reported coal slab models. The energy request depends on the cooling cycle adopted.
There is always the temptation and the idea that the. Finally, it was concluded from the model that
drying cannot be neglected in the UCG model as it is a factor that dominates the heat transfer rate.
This means that fossil resources are concentrated only in some areas of the world. However, most of
the packed bed models considered a detailed physical and chemical model, based on experimental
and theoretical comparisons and correlations. Although no reference to reactions is made, this
approach has the great advantage of being extremely flexible and preventing that important reactions
in the scheme are neglected. This gives a measure of how many ions are present, which is
determining for acid-base equilibria and for the selectivity towards certain types of reaction (for
example, ionic pathways). The liquid inside the reactor was sampled by means of a 2 ml sy- ringe,
filtered using a 0.45 ?m round filter and collected. Articles Get discovered by sharing your best
content as bite-sized articles. The former hypothesis seems to be more plausible, since alu- mina is
usually referred as an inert material at such conditions The situation is substantially confirmed for
methane (Figure 6.9b). Also in this case, the catalyst boosts gas production, though to a lower extent.
Diffusion coefficient References BP Statistical Review of World Energy—June 2007, Egham,
Surrey, UK. Synthesis gas was prepared with steam gasification agent. A noticeable difference
between the two materials resides in the composition of the produced gas. Glycer- ol also plays a
major role as the most abundant co-product in biodiesel production plants. Stainless steel was chosen
since it is one of the most popular manufacturing materi- als for chemical plants. However, they
suggested that the movement of the cavity wall due to shrinkage is only important in lab-scale
processes and can be neglected in larger-scale processes because of the long timescales in which the
transient period is negligible compared to the steady-state period. To reduce water consumption, the
water exiting the separator can be reintegrated into the process, after removing any ash. This
suggests that alumina can resist to the experimental con- ditions considered. It was included in the
analysis due to the large number of radical chemical reactions involved and to the possibility to
handle different pressures. Indeed, small organic molecules, which are often found in the liquid,
have very different molar ratios. In this category, mostly tradi- tional biomasses are included: for
example, trees and some types of agriculture residues (i.e. straw). On the other hand, supercritical
water gasification can potentially deal with non- conventional types of biomass, like municipal waste
or algae. Sometimes, the process is more focused on achieving the highest organic reductions than on
the quality of the product gas. Coal is considered to be gasified only at the perimeter of the
expanding permeable channel. The development of a two-phase thermodynamic model for biomass
SCWG, able to foresee the reaction products when a generic biomass is fed and certain pressure-
temperature combinations are chosen. In that work, it was predicted that water is only consumed
through the water-gas shift reac- tion. According to them, as fresh blast proceeds down the axis and
products of combustion are released at the walls, the forced and natural convection results in a
swirling flow that ultimately helps mix the flows and enhance the flow of oxygen to the vicinity of
the wall where boundary layer convective diffusion dominates. The process accounts for the
possibility of exploiting the mechanical energy of compressed syngas, later burned to sustain the
SCWG reaction, through expansion in turbines; purified H2 is fed to fuel cells.
Taking the differential of (3.20): dQ Sd 0 (3.21) Then, substituting this expression into (3.19), the
molar balance equation for generic com- ponent j becomes: d dQ Q Cr Q Q d dCj i iij j, 0 (3.22) This
formula expresses the molar balance for generic component j as a function of resi- dence time. Pure
glucose still continues to yield the highest maximum amounts of gases, though now the dif- ference
is much lower than it used to be when results were referred to the whole organics fed. At the same
time, Fig- ure 6.4d shows that the part of carbon passing to gas phase is lower than for beech saw-
dust, but the effect is less evident. This fact was verified by both model calculations and by
temperature measurements in the observation wells. Nevertheless, their work gets attention as they
analyzed the effects of various operating and model parameters on the temperature and gas phase
and solid compositions in UCG that were not completely incorporated in the models discussed
above. Thus, it is of the utmost importance to develop a 3D model in order to predict the
performance of UCG trials. Boral Bricks, Alabama, 12 modular downdraft systems were used to
process residual. Though different dimensions could be observed, most of the spheres have a sub-
micrometric diameter. Page 168. Download Free PDF View PDF Surface Production Operations V2
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Criteria for Claus Tail Gas Treating Processes Marcelo Aguilar Download Free PDF View PDF See
Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. The earlier
models compromised between model complexity and simplicity in order to get faster computation
runtimes. Compared to the packed bed combustion front (approximately 0.2 m), the oxidation zone
(approximately 20 m) was much longer. However, recently, a few 3D models have been developed
from which the cavity shape and size are visibly obtained. In their model, two different cases for
combustion were assumed: (i) homogeneous char combustion with the flame located at the ash; and
(ii) heterogeneous char combustion with the flame located at the coal surface, and finally a criterion
was defined for the transition from heterogeneous to homogenous combustion. At these operating
conditions, as an example, the syngas composition (after water separation: GAS-1 in Figure 4.1)
foresees a molar fraction of 0.055 for N2 and of 0.0026 for SO2 in the case of microalga Spirulina.
Reaction rate control mechanisms of the main reactions in the gasification process. First integrated
evaluation of warm-gas contaminant. However, the model is more capable of interpreting previous
field trials. As a result, the conversion of the feed- stock is not complete even after a long residence
time. In this case, air or pure oxygen are used as oxidizing agent. All trends are quite regular up to a
feed concentration of 72%, the minimum concentration at which solid carbon is expected at
equilibrium. An increased ratio of CO to CO 2 resulting from the increased temperature generation in
the system was also detected. In order to observe their model capability, they considered a bed
length of 4.8 m only and observed various features of their simulations with qualitative agreement
with the literature. It can be noticed, however, that the carbon fraction found in the gas is
approximately the same as for glucose (Figure 5.2d). On the other hand, the frac- tion found in the
solid is generally lower: this allows to conclude that more carbon is found in the liquid phase. Page
152. When it is heated and compressed up to the supercritical state, the dielectric constant drops to
values typical of non-polar solvent. First, it was interesting to understand what is the behavior of
supercritical water gasification after Page 163. This role is achieved by means of fast pyrolysis,
where the feedstock is reacted at high temperature in absence of oxygen, but with a very fast heating
rate. As a result, high quantities of phenol are present in the liquid, deriving from the original feed.
Here, xylose is considered as a model compound for hemicellulose, the third Page 44. Processes
involving biomass and supercritical water are outlined: supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) and
supercritical water gasification (SCWG). Moreover, the analysis enabled to find the process
A polar solvent can dissolve polar solutes, while non-polar solutes get dissolved in non-polar sol-
vents. This thesis has been supplied on condition that anyone who consults it is understood to Steam
Gasification of Wood Charcoal and RDF-derived Char 6- 1 6 1. Standard gasification technologies
are based on the partial oxidation of biomass, i.e. a reac- tion where oxygen is supplied below the
stoichiometric amount. Considering forced convection as the dominating mechanism of mass
transfer, they simulated coal gasification with a forced convection mass transfer correlation. Model
results showed that oxygen is consumed far from the coal wall by combustible gases. In this way,
the main reaction steps, rang- ing from hydrolysis to intermediate formation and eventual
gasification, are modeled. It is possible to appreciate that the covering of the surface is represented
by a lot of microspheres, with very regular shape. They assumed that solid and gas phases are in
thermal equilibrium and bulk gas has a fixed composition that is representative of the product gas. A
quite surprising result among those presented in Paragraph 7.3.2 is the high concen- tration of
methanol that was measured in the liquid. Please note that many of the page functionalities won't
work as expected without javascript enabled. Istanbul, Turkey. Plasma gasification of 144 tons per
day of hazardous waste. Catalytic Steam Gasification of Biomass Surrogates -? pdf. Khan MM,
Mmbaga JP, Shirazi AS, Trivedi J, Liu Q, Gupta R. The complexity increases further because of
several other complex physical and chemical processes occurring simultaneously, such as chemical
reactions and kinetics, transport phenomena ( i.e., heat and mass), water intrusion from surrounding
strata, thermo-mechanical processes related to the structure of the seam, and other geological aspects.
Some UCG models assume that drying occurs at a front layer in which the temperature is kept
constant, equal to the water evaporation temperature, and drying is assumed to be governed by an
Arrhenius-type reaction expression. This choice was made to avoid any complications and damage to
the equipments due to a two-phase flow. Chapter 4 Energy and exergy analyses of the oxidation and
gasification This thesis addresses the question how biomass may be used more efficiently and. MSW
rates between 1.70 and 5.0. Figure 1 schematizes the basic model used. Such pro- cess, rather than
producing heat and an inert flue gas, is aimed at producing a valuable flue gas. Some general
remarks could be inferred from the energetic results obtained for the SCWG of glycerol (Figure 2.5
and Figure 2.6) and microalga Spirulina (not reported data). On the other hand, if the combustion of
coal begins with devolitalization reactions at low temperatures and these reactions play a noticeable
role in initiating the rest of the oxidation process or in the overall energy balance, the flame position
is affected by the air speed and becomes controllable. H 2 is mainly expressed in the incr- ease as the
temperature increases, and decreases due to CH4. Then, as long as the reaction takes place, CO is
measured in increasing amounts, which overcome those of CO2. They also considered water influx
as evenly distributed along the length of the tube. Biomass distribution is much more equal than the
one of fossil resources. Efficient Use of Cesspool and Biogas for Sustainable Energy Generation:
Recen. Chapter 4 Energy and exergy analyses of the oxidation and gasification This thesis addresses
the question how biomass may be used more efficiently and. At present, many countries in the corn
to sugar cane as raw material, through the biological alternative fuel ethanol into gaso- line has been
noticed, as the existing technology of pow- dered sugar to starch-based, people struggle with food
concerns, has been transferred to wood cellulose as raw materials on behalf of the Section 2 the
development of biomass fuels. The results showed lower gas yields if compared to other biomass,
due to the lower volatility of such kind of biomass. Although several models with varying levels of
complexity have been published over the past years, the applicability of these models is limited to
specific and isolated cases and the models could hardly be used to predict the performance of UCG
The water content in the syngas generated with MSW tends to be high, due to. Khan, Md M., Joseph
P. Mmbaga, Ahad S. Shirazi, Japan Trivedi, Qingzia Liu, and Rajender Gupta. Nevertheless, it is also
quite complex, since there are many aspects to be considered at the same time. The original
feedstock, corn silage, is obtained through the fermentation of the whole corn plants in silos, through
a process called “ensilage”. None of the models considered radiation heat transfer and heat loss to
the surroundings. By the way, such approach provides no infor- mation about the transient state,
where intermediate compounds form. Given the results presented in Figure 6d (which stem from a
combination of the results of Figure 2.6b and c), energy production is higher for diluted streams than
for highly concen- trated ones. Each of these models ac- counts for gas-phase radical mechanisms.
Radical reactions can be assumed to be the only reactions that take place in supercritical water at
high temperature and pressure. Chains or sturdy straps may be used to secure them. In order to
properly size a reactor, indeed, it is fundamental to know the rates of the reactions to be carried out
in it. The results show that a higher flowrate resulted in a greater area of coal surface reactions and
also a higher concentration of gas products. This is useful in order to acquire data to be compared
with the forecast of thermodynamic equilibrium models. Over the years, several approaches have
been developed for the modeling of the UCG process; however, the main approaches are. A
decreasingn-butane:isobutane ratio is accompanied by an approach to unity of theisopentane:n-
pentane ratio. Webley and Tester’s model is the most effective in interpreting methanol conversion
experimental data. Finally, SEM images of the metallic burrs used to simulate the inner reactor
surfaces are displayed. 5.3.1. Gasification of glucose Figure 5.2a and Figure 5.2b show the mass
yields of solid and gas products respective- ly. Taken together, they represent up to 90% of the
whole volume sampled. Three different models, which have been originally conceived for oxidative
processes (SCWO or simple combustion) are presented and implemented for methanol SCWG.
Although these values are overestimated because no heat and head losses were taken into account,
they provide us with an insight into the potential intrinsic in the SCWG of biomass and biomass
waste. Applied Catalysis A: General, 2009. 358 (1): p. 65-72. Page 199. In their model, they
neglected tar condensation and plugging, gas losses to surroundings, water intrusion from
surroundings, heat losses, and coal bed movement due to shrinking or swelling during drying and
pyrolysis in order to avoid complexity. However, this also implies that very small amounts of re-
acting mixture must be loaded inside the reactor. Figure 22 shows the basic concept and physics
behind this approach: “Air or oxygen flows down the central channel and is convected by turbulent
flow to the boundary layer along the channel wall. The theoretical model showed quite consistent
results. A reaction scheme for glucose SCWG is pro- posed, in order to explain the large amounts of
methanol measured in the liquid phase. 7.1. Introduction In the previous chapters, several
experiments with model compounds and real biomass gasification were conducted in batch reactors.
First of all, I would like to thank the University of Trento for having funded my PhD scholarship. On
a long-term horizon, hydrogen and carbon monoxide decrease, while water and methane increase. An
elementary reaction describes the actual physical event leading to the transformation of the reagents
into the products and, consequently, it normally involves a limited number of molecules (in general
one or two). Nevertheless, even ceramics can suffer corrosion at SCWG reaction condition. The
earlier models compromised between model complexity and simplicity in order to get faster
computation runtimes.
Besides the standard products like H2O, H2, CO, CO2 and CH4, C2-4 hydrocarbons and PAH were
considered, as well as N2, NH3 and nitrogen oxides. The methodology here adopted is based on
small-scale 5 ml batch reactors: the so called “micro-autoclaves”. However, after an initial rapid
change followed by a more gradual one, a sharp change in gas concentration was observed due to the
drying-pyrolysis front. Although this was only a sort of “exercise”, this is a clue to address further
efforts in methanol SCWG kinetics modeling, which, in the future, should also account for a better
description of water-gas shift and methanation reactions, possibly including catalytic kinetics. In
particular, SEM images of the char products were taken for each reacted sample. It would be
therefore interesting to assess which metal is able to transfer more hydrogen to the gas phase. As it
has been reported in the state of the art (Paragraph 1.4.1), the behavior of such mixtures is very im-
portant, being them representative for cellulose and lignin. This infor- mation could help to better
understand the way SCWG works and to increase gasification yields, e. g. by using appropriate
catalysts. On the other hand, none of them is able to describe the SCWG process to give information
about the composition of the product gas. When reactions are con- ducted in supercritical water,
these intermediates are completely solubilized. Another difficulty is to incorporate thermo-
mechanical failure into the models due to their approach. As a result, the governing equations for
mass and energy balances are of split boundary types. A com- prehensive state of the art of the latter
is provided by classifying the existing literature into four areas: studies with model compounds,
studies with real biomass, catalysis, mathemati- cal modeling and reactor technology. Stainless steel,
which is mainly an iron-chromium alloy, can act as a good catalyst for WGS, as is easily proved.
They did not present any validation for their model. The process accounts for several heat recoveries
designed with a view to optimizing the process itself. For initial investigation, several gasification
simulations were conducted by involving the CO2 at the drop tube furnace as a reactor, and syngas
production was investigated. Figure 35 demonstrates two burn velocities, i.e., upstream end velocity,
s, and downstream end velocity, s b, as functions of the injection air speed in the upstream
undisturbed section of the channel. Water-glycerol or water-phenol mixtures can be pumped at high
pressure with standard process equipment. MSW rates between 1.70 and 5.0. Figure 1 schematizes
the basic model used. Porosity increases as the solids are being consumed by reactions or species
transfer from the solid phase to gas phase due to thermal effects. As a result, information on cavity
shape cannot be obtained from these models. 2.4. Other Approaches for UCG Modeling 2.4.1.
Reactor Models Over the years, there have been a few studies in which the UCG process is described
as a series of ideal reactors. Models by Brock and Savage and Webley and Tester present nearly the
same key- reactions. Such pro- cess, rather than producing heat and an inert flue gas, is aimed at
producing a valuable flue gas. Embed Host your publication on your website or blog with just a few
clicks. With the development of biomass fuel and ex- pansion, as well as international food prices,
the interna- tional community to the best alternative to new energy sources of oil-bio-fuel ethanol
opposition is growing. There is less than 5% error between the results generated with the model
(Hanna II: 2436.6 tons of coal gasified in 25 days; Hanna III: 4139.3 tons in 38 days) and reported
data (Hanna II: 2500 tons of coal gasified in 25 days; Hanna III: 4200 tons in 38 days). This
apparatus enabled to measure the amounts of: CO, CO2, CH4, C2H4, C2H6, C3H6, C3H8, C4H10.
Thus, in a UCG site, water influx is unavoidable and the gasification is performed above the
hydrostatics pressure in order to control the water influx; this allowed the water to be used for steam
gasification in order to utilize the heat of combustion and increase the concentration of CO and H 2
in the product gas. On the other hand, the lower amounts of gas produced could be merely explained
because less glucose is fed.

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