Kunai Academy - Core Rules
Kunai Academy - Core Rules
Kunai Academy - Core Rules
by Justin Kahler
All art by Daniel Bretas (ToPpeRa-TPR) except for the illustra-
tion on page 139 by Marinna Romero (@marinklewinkle)
Alexander Berkowitz, Scott Brown, Reid Chandler, Liza Cor-
tright, Will Goodman, Derrick Long, Anastasia Okuonghae,
and Richard Ruane
Derrick Long
James Mendez Hodes
Fate by Rob Donoghue and Fred Hicks, Legacy: Life Among
the Ruins by James Iles and Douglas Santana Mota, Masks: A
New Generation by Brendan G. Conway, Savage Worlds by
Shane Lacy Hensley with Clint Black
Segoe UI and CC Wild Words
© Sweaterpunk Studios 2021. All rights reserved. Portions of this book are works
of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used
fictitiously. Other names, characters, places and events are products of the au-
thor’s imagination, and any resemblances to actual events or places or persons,
living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
8 What You’ll Need
9 A Note On Cultural Touchstones
10 Character Creation
15 Scenes & Encounters
16 Initiative
18 Determining Success
21 Attributes
24 Edges
27 Obstacles
29 Energy
30 Strain & Strain Limit
31 Recovery
32 Resist
33 Flashbacks
34 Teamwork
35 Healing
36 Lingering Emotions
37 Experiences
39 Ninja Ranks
41 Scene Checks
43 Attack
45 Prepare
45 Overcome
45 Recharge
46 Use a Technique
46 Extra Actions
48 The Genius Ninja
49 The Cursed Ninja
51 The Loyal Ninja
52 The Determined Ninja
53 The Tireless Ninja
54 The Altered Ninja
55 The Prodigy Ninja
56 The Gutsy Ninja
58 The Village Agents
59 The Village Betrayal
60 The Village Leader
61 The Village Clans
62 The Village War
63 The Village Secret
64 The Village Spirits
65 The Village Murder
74 Standard Techniques
81 Forbidden Techniques
83 Bloodline Techniques
91 The First Game
99 Scene Goals
100 Scene Checks
101 Experience Scenes
120 Example Enemies
146 Character Lists
155 Example Villages
159 Village Names List
In Kunai Academy players will craft the story of young ninja in a
fantastical world. Most players will create a character and guide
them through imaginary adventures by describing what they are
thinking, saying, and doing. Sometimes, when a character at-
tempts to do something dangerous or difficult, they will roll dice to
determine the outcome. If all of that sounds difficult to navigate,
don’t worry! One player will take on the role of Gamemaster (or
GM for short). The Gamemaster will help facilitate the adventure
by structuring the conversation, guiding the pace, assisting with
rules, and playing as the other characters that inhabit the world.
That’s not to say that characters won’t face trials and consequenc-
es as they mature. One of the major themes in Kunai Academy
is growing up. Players should consider how their characters deal
with immature desires and newfound responsibilities. Exploring
the dynamics of shifting relationships is highly encouraged. Each
character will explore their own personal coming-of-age journey
through story scenes that they create.
Pages 10-12 of this book cover the steps for Character Creation.
The Basic Rules found on pages 14-41 and the Actions section on
pages 43-46 will be the most important chapters to familiarize
yourself with once you’ve created a character. Pages 47-56 have
additional details on the 8 different Ninja Archetypes players can
choose from and pages 57-65 go in depth on the 8 available Vil-
lage Background options. There are also sections detailing the dif-
ferent character options should you run into any questions about
how a Trait (pages 67-72) or Technique (pages 73-84) works. The
Gamemaster section of the book starts on page 86 and generally
doesn’t need to be read by the players. But, it’s an invaluable re-
source for the GM.
We hope that you’ll treat the cultural touchstones that you use
in your games with the proper respect. Remember that you’re
pulling from the history of real people. Attempt to approach
each character as a multifaceted person with complex beliefs
and motivations. And always treat each culture that you draw
from with equal dignity.
Each ninja is rated on six different Attributes: Body, Spirit, Mind,
Martial Arts, Elemental Arts, and Illusion Arts. These ratings
are represented by the letter grades C, B, A, and S. A C-Rat-
ing represents a weak aptitude for an Attribute and having an
S-Rating represents mastery of an Attribute. At Rank 1, each
character can assign a C-Rating to two Attributes, a B-Rating
to 2 Attributes, and an A-Rating to two Attributes.
Each character can choose 1 Trait and gains the unique benefit
of that Trait. Note that some Trait options cannot be selected
unless the character has achieved a specific Ninja Rank. See
the Traits section starting on page 67 for more information on
the benefits of specific Traits.
A game of Kunai Academy is hanging out with friends and
playing make-believe. One player, the Gamemaster, will facil-
itate the game and keep things running smoothly. The other
players will craft interesting characters, imbue their actions
with personality, and make choices that lead to interesting
stories. All of the rules contained here are meant to support
and drive that story, not stand in its way. If the fiction of the
game and the rules of the game are ever in conflict, the fiction
should always win.
KUNAI ACADEMY 14 b a s i c r u l e s
Games of Kunai Academy can be broken down into two parts:
Scenes and Encounters. Encounters are conflicts with danger-
ous opponents. Scenes are story moments where players can
interact with the characters and the setting. Game sessions will
usually consist of one Encounter and multiple Scenes.
Scenes are character-focused moments rooted in the imagi-
nary world that the players have created. To set a Scene, es-
tablish the location within the fictional setting. Then establish
which characters are there. Describe the people and surround-
ings with specific details so that players can visualize the Scene
together. Once the Scene is set, players are free to explore
the story that’s unfolding around them. Players are encour-
aged to describe what their characters are doing and act out
their conversations. A character can do anything in a Scene
that would make sense within the fiction of the game. There
aren’t many game rules to worry about. But, occasionally a
player may be asked to make a Scene Check if their charac-
ter attempts to do something particularly difficult or risky. See
Scene Checks on page 41 for more information.
Encounters are clashes with dangerous enemies. When con-
fronting a threat, things move more quickly and failure be-
comes dangerous. Rules govern the passage of time and the
resolution of a character’s actions. See the Initiative, Turns, and
Rounds later in the section for details on the structure of an
Encounter. See the rest of the Basic Rules section, the Actions
section on page 43, the Ninja Archetypes section starting on
page 47, and the Techniques section starting on page 73 in
order to familiarize yourself with the options available to your
character during an Encounter.
KUNAI ACADEMY 15 b a s i c r u l e s
At the beginning of each Encounter separate one suit from
a standard deck of playing cards. For example, take the 13
Hearts cards, 2 through Ace, from a deck of cards. Shuffle
them together. These will be the Initiative Cards for the En-
Note: While it’s not a rule, it’s often a good idea to deal Ini-
tiative Cards to players in the same order each Round. The
consistent order avoids confusion and conflict.
KUNAI ACADEMY 16 b a s i c r u l e s
Characters regain 1 expended Energy at the beginning of their
Turn. Characters also Recover at the beginning of their Turn by
rolling their Spirit Attribute Die and removing 1 Strain for each
Hit they score. Characters can resolve these beginning-of-Turn
effects in any order they’d like. Players can then take their ac-
tion for the Turn. They may also take 1 Extra Action on their
Turn if they are granted one by a Technique or other game
effect. They may take this Extra Action before or after their
normal action. Once they’ve finished with their Turn, the next
character in the Initiative Order may take their Turn.
A Round consists of multiple Turns taken by characters one
at a time. Initiative Cards are dealt at the beginning of the
Round. Each player’s character will take 1 Turn per Round.
Each enemy character can take between 1-3 Turns per Round.
When each character has taken a Turn for each Initiative Card
they possess, the Round ends. All Initiative Cards will be shuf-
fled together at the end of the Round and dealt again to start
a new Round.
KUNAI ACADEMY 17 b a s i c r u l e s
When a player takes an action, they will roll dice in order to
determine whether they succeed or fail. Players generally roll
between 1-3 dice at a time. Once the dice are rolled, the player
will check the result to determine how many Hits they scored.
If a single die result is 4 or under, then that die scores 0 Hits.
If a single die result is 5-9, then that die scores 1 Hit. And, if a
single die result is 10 or higher, then that die scores 2 Hits. Add
up all the Hits scored on all of the dice rolled to determine
how many total Hits were scored. Scoring 1 Hit means that the
character was successful at their attempt, but each additional
Hit improves their success.
KUNAI ACADEMY 18 b a s i c r u l e s
When a player is granted an Advantage, they can add a
six-sided (D6) Advantage Die to their roll. Any Hits scored on
the Advantage Die add to the total number of Hits scored for
that roll. If you would have multiple Advantages, then you can
add a D6 Advantage Die for each Advantage you have. If you
would have a Disadvantage as well as an Advantage, they
cancel each other out and neither is applied to the roll. If an
ability would allow you to modify your roll result, such as by
re-rolling dice, then any Advantage Dice can also be modified.
When a player has a Disadvantage they must add a six-sided
(D6) Disadvantage Die to their roll. When rolling at Disadvan-
tage, the player must disregard the highest die result when
determining the total number of Hits scored. If you would
have a Disadvantage as well as an Advantage, they cancel
each other out and neither is applied to the roll. If an ability
would allow you to modify your roll’s result, such as by re-roll-
ing dice, then any Disadvantage Dice can also be modified.
KUNAI ACADEMY 19 b a s i c r u l e s
You make a Martial Attack by rolling your Body and Martial
Arts Attribute Dice. Both of these dice are D10s, so you roll
two ten-sided dice. You get a result of a 4 on one die which
does not score any Hits. On the other D10 you get a result of
6, which scores 1 Hit. Therefore, you’ve scored 1 Hit total.
You make a Prepare roll using your Mind and Illusion Arts At-
tribute Dice. Your Mind Attribute Die is a D8 and your Illusion
Arts Attribute Die is a D12 so you roll an eight-sided die and
a twelve-sided die. Your D8 result is a 2 and does not score a
Hit. Your D12 result is a 3 and does not score a Hit. Therefore,
you didn’t score any Hits and failed your Prepare roll.
You make an Elemental Attack roll using your Spirit and El-
emental Arts Attribute Dice. Your ally Assists and grants you
Advantage on the roll. Your Spirit Attribute Die is a D10, your
Elemental Arts Attribute Die is a D8, and the Advantage Die
is a D6. So, you roll a ten-sided die, an eight-sided die, and a
six-sided die. Your D10 result is a 9 which scores 1 Hit. Your D8
result is a 7 which scores 1 Hit. And your D6 result is a 5 which
scores 1 Hit. Therefore, you’ve scored 3 Hits total.
You make a Verbal Attack roll using your Spirit and Mind At-
tributes, but an Obstacle gives you Disadvantage on the roll.
Your Spirit Attribute Die is a D10, your Mind Attribute Die is a
D6, and the Disadvantage Die is a D6. So, you roll a ten-sided
die and two six-sided dice. Your D10 result is a 10, but it is the
highest result and must be ignored due to Disadvantage. Your
D6 results are a 3 which scores no Hits and a 6 which scores 1
Hit. Therefore, your Verbal Attack roll scores 1 Hit.
KUNAI ACADEMY 20 b a s i c r u l e s
Attributes represent six different skill groups that are needed
to be a great ninja. Each character has an Attribute Rating
for each Attribute that represents how strong or weak they are
in that skill. Attributes are rated by letter grades:
A character’s Body Attribute represents their physical prow-
ess. It encompasses speed, strength, and endurance. It is an
indicator of physical toughness. A character might use their
Body Attribute in situations when quickness, muscle power, or
fortitude would be a critical factor.
KUNAI ACADEMY 21 b a s i c r u l e s
Spirit represents the potency of a character’s essence. It en-
compasses the power of a character’s personality, resolve, and
charisma. It also reflects their magical power and their abili-
ty to manipulate their spiritual energy. A character might use
their Spirit Attribute when they need to convince someone to
do something, channel their magical abilities, or display the
strength of their willpower.
KUNAI ACADEMY 22 b a s i c r u l e s
Mind represents a character’s mental prowess. It encompass-
es the capacity for retained knowledge, their ability to de-
cipher new information, and the ability to think in stressful
situations. It also reflects a character’s cunning and their ability
to deceive and manipulate. A character might use their Mind
Attribute when they need to assess a new situation, remember
an important detail, weave a detailed fabrication, or spring a
complicated trap.
Martial Arts represents a character’s ability to fight and defend
themselves. This applies to hand-to-hand combat, duels with
melee weapons, and proficiency with projectile weapons. A
character might use their Martial Arts Attribute when trying to
punch through a barricade, throw a Shuriken with precision,
or hold back an angry crowd with a swing of their sword.
A character’s Elemental Arts Attribute represents their ability
to magically manipulate a natural element. Each character is
proficient in manipulating one element as chosen during char-
acter creation. Elemental Arts represent your ability to conjure
this element, finely control it, and unleash its raw power. A
character’s Elemental Arts Attribute might be used to subdue
a raging fire, freeze the surface of a lake, or erect a stone wall.
A character’s Illusion Arts Attribute represents a character’s
ability to magically deceive the senses. This applies to manip-
ulating what a character sees, hears, tastes, feels, and smells.
A character’s Illusion Arts Attribute might be used to make
someone hear a command that wasn’t issued, see someone
that isn’t really there, or be overcome by a nauseating scent.
KUNAI ACADEMY 23 b a s i c r u l e s
Edges grant players the ability to re-roll dice. When an Edge
is created, it will have a number of Edge Levels (generally
1-3). Each individual Edge Level can be expended to re-roll
any number of dice on a single roll. And, when all of an Edge’s
Levels have been expended, the Edge leaves play. For exam-
ple, if a player has a Level 2 Edge, they will be able to expend
an Edge Level to re-roll any number of dice on one roll. When
they do, the Edge then becomes a Level 1 Edge. This Level 1
Edge can grant 1 more re-roll, but then leaves play when it’s
last Edge Level is spent.
Edge Levels are actively spent when the player who created
the Edge wants to re-roll their own dice. An Edge Level can
also be spent to allow an ally to re-roll their dice. A player can
even expend an Edge Level to impose a re-roll on an ene-
my roll and chooses which dice must be re-rolled when they
do so. Spending an Edge Level allows a player to re-roll any
number of the original dice rolled. This means they can re-roll
all of the dice, just one die, or anywhere in between. Edge
Levels can be used to re-roll the same roll multiple times as
long as an Edge Level is expended for each re-roll. Only the
player who created the Edge can expend the Edge Levels for
re-rolls. When an Edge’s last Edge Level is spent, that Edge is
removed from play. Edges cannot be removed by enemies.
KUNAI ACADEMY 24 b a s i c r u l e s
When an Edge is created, the Edge’s name and number of
Edge Levels should be written down where everyone can see.
Sticky notes work well for this, but any visible surface will do.
Check boxes are a great way to represent Edge Levels as they
will be actively spent across the course of an Encounter.
KUNAI ACADEMY 25 b a s i c r u l e s
The name of an Edge creates narrative truth. This means that
all players, the Gamemaster included, should attempt to re-
spect the changes an Edge makes to the environment. For
example, if a player creates an Edge and names it “I’m Dis-
tracting the Enemy”, the Gamemaster should react to the
Edge appropriately. Edges may not be usable in circumstanc-
es where the fiction of the Edge doesn’t provide any benefit.
For example, an Edge named “Hidden in the Forest Brush”
may not help defend against a wave of fire which is engulfing
the forest. Players are encouraged to be creative when nam-
ing their Edges as they can represent a wide variety of assets.
Here are some examples of potential Edge names:
KUNAI ACADEMY 26 b a s i c r u l e s
Obstacles represent enemy powers and abilities as well as
hindering environmental conditions. Each Encounter will start
with a number of Obstacles in play and enemies can create
additional Obstacles over the course of an Encounter. Each
Obstacle has an Obstacle Name that represents the fictional
impediment imposed to the players. For example, an Obstacle
might be named “Impenetrable Sand Armor”. Each Obstacle
will also have an Obstacle Effect that impacts the characters
in some way. For example, the “Impenetrable Sand Armor”
might have an Obstacle Effect that makes an enemy immune
to Martial and Elemental Attacks. The Gamemaster will explain
the Obstacle Effects in play so that you can make informed
decisions about how your character will interact with them.
KUNAI ACADEMY 27 b a s i c r u l e s
Each Obstacle’s name should be written down so that all play-
ers can see them. The Obstacle Levels should be noted and
clearly visible to all players as well. Check boxes work great
to represent Obstacle Levels as they will actively be negated
during an Encounter. Obstacle Effects don’t need to be written
down as long as they are properly explained to all players. But
writing notes describing Obstacle Effects may be helpful.
KUNAI ACADEMY 28 b a s i c r u l e s
Energy represents the physical and spiritual life force con-
tained within each individual. Ninja train to harness this hid-
den power and unleash it with supernatural Techniques. They
can use Energy to fuel bursts of extreme speed and strength
or to mold and manipulate magical forces. A ninja’s ability to
draw on their Energy and use it to manipulate the physical
world is often the greatest tool at their disposal.
KUNAI ACADEMY 29 b a s i c r u l e s
Strain represents how much punishment a character has tak-
en over the course of an Encounter. It encompasses bodi-
ly damage, physical exertion, emotional turmoil, and mental
distress. Each character starts each Encounter with no Strain.
Characters often accumulate Strain over the course of an En-
counter, but there’s no negative effect from Strain until you
exceed your Strain Limit.
KUNAI ACADEMY 30 b a s i c r u l e s
Each player can attempt to Recover at the beginning of their
character’s Turn by rolling their character’s Spirit Attribute
Die and removing 1 Strain from that character for each Hit
scored. This roll can be made at the beginning of each Turn
and does not count as an action or an Extra Action. No Strain
can be removed if a character is already at 0 Strain. Teamwork
and Advantage can be applied to Recovery rolls and any Hits
scored on Advantage Dice also remove 1 Strain. Edge Levels
and game effects that allow re-rolls can be used on Recovery
rolls. Obstacles and other game effects can potentially give
Disadvantage to Recovery rolls as well. See Healing on page
35 for rules on removing Strain at the end of an Encounter.
KUNAI ACADEMY 31 b a s i c r u l e s
Whenever a character takes Strain from an attack, they must
make a Resist roll in an attempt to avoid additional Strain. If
a character does not score a Hit on their Resist roll, then they
will take 1 additional Strain from the attack. Characters only
make 1 Resist roll per attack, regardless of how much initial
Strain the attack deals. For example, an attack that scores 1 Hit
will deal 1 Strain and trigger 1 Resist roll while an attack that
scores 4 Hits will deal 4 Strain and trigger 1 Resist roll. If an
attack against a character scores 0 Hits, then no Strain is dealt
and no Resist roll is needed. If a character takes Strain from a
game effect that is not an attack, no Resist roll is needed.
KUNAI ACADEMY 32 b a s i c r u l e s
In the fiction of the game, Resist rolls represent a character’s
ability to maintain composure while being attacked. A suc-
cessful Resist roll might mean shielding oneself against the
flames of a fireball or suspecting that you’re caught in an il-
lusion. Similarly, a failed Resist roll might represent dropping
your guard against a barrage of punches or letting your self
image be affected by the cutting words of your opponent.
You’re encouraged to consider what these rolls mean for your
character and to describe these scenarios to the other players.
Each player can invoke a Flashback once per Encounter in
order to grant your character a burst of encouragement. De-
scribe an impactful time in your character’s life to show how it
inspires them in the moment. Then, you may either grant your
character Motivation or allow them to use a Reversal.
When you make any roll, you can invoke a Flashback for Mo-
tivation. Motivation adds 1 Hit to the result of any roll your
character makes. Do so after the roll is made and after any
re-rolls have been used. Adding 1 Hit to a roll allows you to
change a failed roll with 0 Hits into a successful roll with 1 Hit.
It also allows a player to add extra Hits to an already successful
roll in order to increase the effectiveness of the action (deal
extra Strain, gain an extra Edge Level, ect.).
KUNAI ACADEMY 33 b a s i c r u l e s
Battles in Kunai Academy are often determined by a team’s
ability to work together. Each character can use Teamwork
once per Round to help an ally. Teamwork can be used for
one of the following effects:
KUNAI ACADEMY 34 b a s i c r u l e s
Players are encouraged to track their usage of Teamwork each
Round on their character sheet or through the use of tokens.
Each character gains their use of Teamwork for the new Round
once Initiative Cards are dealt. Note that Teamwork is general-
ly used on a different character’s turn and is in no way restrict-
ed by a character’s Initiative Order or affected by the action
they take on their own turn.
At the end of an Encounter, each character will make a Heal-
ing roll in order to determine how they are dealing with the
Strain they’ve accumulated. A Healing roll is made using a
character’s Body, Spirit, and Mind Attribute Dice. If none of
the dice rolled are greater than or equal to the amount of
Strain they have at the end of the Encounter, then they will
receive a Lingering Emotion. For example, if a character ends
an Encounter with 7 Strain, then they will need to roll a result
of 7 or more on one of their Healing dice. If they do not, they
recieve a Lingering Emotion. After the result of the Healing
roll is determined, characters remove all Strain and regain all
spent Energy.
KUNAI ACADEMY 35 b a s i c r u l e s
Lingering Emotions represent powerful feelings that affect a
character’s outlook and mood. When a character receives a
Lingering Emotion from a tough Encounter, they can choose
which Lingering Emotion option manifests.
KUNAI ACADEMY 36 b a s i c r u l e s
Experiences function as narrative prompts for character Scenes
and as a tally of a character’s progression. Each character will
gain a new Experience after each Encounter they participate
in. When they gain a new Experience, they will choose an Ex-
perience option and set a Scene inspired by this Experience
prompt. These Experience Scenes allow players to act out a
moment that’s important to their character’s growth. Once a
character has accumulated 4 Experiences, they will gain a new
Ninja Rank (see pages 39-40).
– Trust your instincts – Avoid it
– Ask for help – Be the center of attention
– Reveal something – Visit a Background Character
– Share your true feelings – Player’s choice
– Do as you’re told – Face it head on
– Go out of your way – Bring the team together
– Try to understand – Visit a Background Character
– Hide your true feelings – Player’s choice
KUNAI ACADEMY 37 b a s i c r u l e s
Experience Scenes are an opportunity for players to take nar-
rative control of the story and personalize it. Setting an Expe-
rience Scene is as simple as describing where a character is
and what they are doing. Players are welcome to interact with
other characters, describe a Scene completely on their own,
or lean on the GM to facilitate different interactions. If you’re
ever unclear on what to do for your Experience Scene, ask
yourself “How does my character feel about what is happen-
ing?”. Let that guide your Experience choice and the Scene
you choose to set.
KUNAI ACADEMY 38 b a s i c r u l e s
A Ninja Rank is a measure of a character’s abilities and ac-
complishments. Characters in Kunai Academy start the game
at Ninja Rank 1. As characters gain Experiences, they will gain
additional Ninja Ranks and grow more capable.
KUNAI ACADEMY 39 b a s i c r u l e s
When building characters of a higher Ninja Rank, you should
still start with a Ninja Rank 1 character. Think about what this
character was like as a younger ninja and the adventures
they’ve had. You can mark Experiences on your character
sheet to represent moments from their past. Gain the benefits
of each additional Ninja Rank one at a time. Try to imagine
your character at each stage along their life path so that you’ll
have a good sense of what they’ve been through and how it
shapes their personality now.
When a character gains a new Ninja Rank, they receive the
following benefits:
New Trait: Choose a new Trait and gain any associated ben-
efits. Note that when gaining a new Trait, you may be able to
choose Trait options that were unavailable at character cre-
KUNAI ACADEMY 40 b a s i c r u l e s
When characters do something in a Scene, they’ll usually suc-
ceed without needing to roll dice. But occasionally a charac-
ter will attempt to do something that’s especially challenging
or that might lead to an interesting consequence. When this
happens, the Gamemaster might ask your character to make
a Scene Check.
KUNAI ACADEMY 41 b a s i c r u l e s
When players are engaged in an Encounter, they can take one
of the following actions on their turn.
When a character wants to lash out at another character, they
will make an attack action. Make an attack roll against a target
of your choice. Then, deal Strain to them equal to the number
of Hits scored. If a character is dealt any amount of Strain from
an attack, they must make a Resist roll. And, if they fail to score
a Hit on their Resist roll, they will take 1 additional Strain.
– Use Body and Martial Arts for the attack roll.
– Use Body for the Resist roll.
– Special: Deals +1 Strain on failed Resist rolls.
– Use Spirit and Elemental Arts for the attack roll.
– Use Body for the Resist roll.
– Special: Hits can be split between different targets.
KUNAI ACADEMY 43 A c t i o n s
– Use Mind and Illusion Arts for the attack roll.
– Use Mind for the Resist roll.
– Special: Deals +1 Strain on failed Resist rolls.
– Use Spirit and Mind for the attack roll.
– Use Mind for the Resist roll.
– Special: Hits can be split between different targets.
The character Muto makes an Elemental Arts attack against
two summoned beasts. He rolls his Spirit Attribute Die which
is a D8 and his Elemental Arts Attribute Die which is a D10. He
rolls a 4 on his Spirit Die and a 10 on his Elemental Arts die.
He has scored 2 Hits on the attack roll. He assigns 1 Hit to the
Toad and 1 Hit to the Snake. The Toad takes 1 Strain and rolls
their D8 Body Attribute Die to Resist. The Toad rolls a 3 and
therefore does not score a Hit on their Resist roll. The Toad
takes an additional 1 Strain due to their failed Resist attempt.
The Snake also takes 1 Strain and rolls their D6 Body Attribute
Die to Resist the attack. They score a 6 on the roll and there-
fore take no additional Strain. The total result of the attack is
that the Toad received 2 Strain and the Snake received 1 Strain.
KUNAI ACADEMY 44 A c t i o n s
When a character attempts to gain an Edge that will aid them
in their fight against an enemy, they will make a Prepare ac-
tion. Roll a character’s Mind Attribute Die and an Attribute Die
that reflects the change you’re making to your environment.
If you score any Hits on the roll, then create an Edge with a
number of Edge Levels equal to the number of Hits scored.
You can expend these Edge Levels to re-roll any number of
dice on any subsequents rolls. Give the Edge a name that rep-
resents the benefit you’ve created. See Edges on page 24 for
more information.
When a character attempts to destroy an Obstacle that stands
in their way, they will make an Overcome action. Roll a charac-
ter’s Mind Attribute Die and an Attribute Die that reflects how
your character engages with the Obstacle. Negate 1 Obstacle
Level for each Hit you score. Obstacles often have multiple
Obstacle Levels and are removed from play when their last
Obstacle Level is negated. A character can remove Obstacle
Levels from multiple different Obstacles using the same Over-
come action, but they must be able to narratively justify how
they simultaneously interact with these Obstacles. See Obsta-
cles on page 27 for more information.
When a character wants to take a moment to focus and re-
gain Energy, they can make a Recharge action. Roll a charac-
ter’s Body, Spirit, and Mind Attribute Dice and regain 1 Energy
for each Hit scored.
KUNAI ACADEMY 45 A c t i o n s
Many Techniques require you to take an action on your Turn
in order to use them. You must expend Energy equal to the
Technique’s Energy Cost in order to use a Technique. See the
Techniques section starting on page 73 for information on
how to resolve individual Techniques.
Some Techniques are performed as an Extra Action. A char-
acter can take one Extra Action in addition to their normal
action for the Turn when they are granted one by a Technique.
The Technique which grants the Extra Action will also tell you
how to resolve the Extra Action. An Extra Action can be taken
before or after the character’s normal action, but must always
be taken as a part of the character’s Turn. A character can
only take one Extra Action per Turn, even if they would
be granted multiple Extra Actions from different Techniques.
KUNAI ACADEMY 46 A c t i o n s
Each character in Kunai Academy will pick one of eight Ninja
Archetypes. These Archetypes are defined by a Special Abili-
ty which allows them to do something that other ninja can’t.
Ninja Archetypes imply something about the personality of
the character. This chapter will detail the difference between
Ninja Archetypes so you can decide which one is right for you.
KUNAI ACADEMY 47 a r c h e t y p e s
The Genius Ninja’s Special Ability is Tactical Mind. This Spe-
cial Ability gives the character Advantage on rolls to Prepare
or Overcome. This Advantage applies when a character takes
a normal action, but it also applies when they make a Prepare
or Overcome roll as a part of a Technique. This makes the
Genius Ninja a master of battlefield control. They are great
at shifting a battle in their team’s favor and suppressing their
opponent’s special powers.
KUNAI ACADEMY 48 a r c h e t y p e s
The Cursed Ninja’s Special Ability is Lurking Voices. This
Special Ability requires the Cursed Ninja to roll Mind and Spirit
whenever they recieve Strain. And, if they fail to score a Hit on
this roll, their curse manifests until the end of the Encounter.
When the curse is manifested, an Attribute Die of the player’s
choice becomes a D12 and the Energy Costs of all Techniques
are reduced by 1. While the curse is manifested, the GM will
tell the player what the curse desires at the beginning of each
turn. If the character acts in accordance with these wishes,
they suffer no penalty. If they disobey the curse’s wishes, then
they will take 2 Strain at the end of their Turn.
KUNAI ACADEMY 49 a r c h e t y p e s
The volatile nature of the Lurking Voices ability means that
sometimes it will be a great benefit and other times it will
cause great harm. It invites the GM to tempt and push the
player’s character. A player can always choose to ignore the
“temptations” that the GM offers. But allowing another play-
er to define aspects of your character may make some play-
ers uncomfortable. This Ninja Archetype is great for players
who want to embrace random chance and who like putting
their characters in difficult positions. It is not a great choice for
those who like consistency and feel uncomfortable giving up
control of their characters.
KUNAI ACADEMY 50 a r c h e t y p e s
The Loyal Ninja’s Special Ability is Reliable Ally. This Special
Ability allows them to use Teamwork twice per Round. Each
use of Teamwork must be applied to a different action. In oth-
er words, the Loyal Ninja cannot use Teamwork to Assist the
same action twice. The Loyal Ninja regains both uses of Team-
work after Initiative Cards are dealt for the new Round, as
KUNAI ACADEMY 52 a r c h e t y p e s
The Tireless Ninja’s Special Ability is Energy Wellspring.
This Special Ability allows them to regain 1 additional Energy
whenever they would gain Energy. This means that the Tireless
Ninja regains 2 Energy at the beginning of each turn instead
of just 1. If the Tireless Ninja regains any Energy from the Re-
charge action, then they can add 1 to the total amount of En-
ergy regained. If the Tireless Ninja possesses the Power Drain
Technique and scores at least one Hit, then they add 1 to the
total amount of Energy regained from this Technique as well.
KUNAI ACADEMY 53 a r c h e t y p e s
The Altered Ninja’s Special Ability is Prohibited Powers. This
Special Ability allows them to choose Bloodline Techniques
and Forbidden Techniques whenever they learn a Technique.
Normally, such Techniques would require a Trait in order to
access them. But the Altered Ninja can choose any number
of Bloodline Techniques or Forbidden Techniques. This applies
when they choose their 3 starting Techniques at Rank 1 as well
as when they choose new Techniques gained from new Ninja
Ranks or Traits.
The Altered Ninja has a few unique Traits. The first, Infinite
Adaptability, allows the Altered Ninja to learn an additional
Technique. The Technique learned through this Trait can then
be exchanged for a different Technique between Encounters.
Players should mark which Technique is granted by the In-
finite Adaptability Trait as only that Technique is allowed to be
swapped between Encounters.
KUNAI ACADEMY 54 a r c h e t y p e s
The Prodigy Ninja’s Special Ability is Gifted and Talented.
This Special Ability allows the character to increase their Mar-
tial Arts, Elemental Arts, or Illusion Arts Attribute by one Rank.
A player chooses one of these three Attributes to increase
at character creation. This Rank increase means that the as-
sociated Attribute Die will also increase in size. However, no
Attribute Rank can ever exceed S-Rank and no Attribute Die
can ever be larger than a twelve-sided die (D12).
KUNAI ACADEMY 55 a r c h e t y p e s
The Gutsy Ninja’s Special Ability is Powerful Persona. This
Special Ability allows the Gutsy Ninja to use Hits scored on
Verbal Attacks as though they were Hits scored on a Prepare
or Overcome action. They may spend individual Hits scored
on the same Verbal Attack in different ways. For example, if a
Gutsy Ninja made a Verbal Attack and scored 3 Hits, they can
use 1 Hit to deal Strain to an enemy, 1 Hit to create a Level
1 Edge, and 1 Hit to negate 1 Obstacle Level. All Verbal At-
tack Hits must be assigned by the player before any Hits are
resolved. The Gutsy Ninja must be able to narratively justify
how they create an Edge or interact with an Obstacle through
speech in order to use this Special Ability.
KUNAI ACADEMY 56 a r c h e t y p e s
Village Backgrounds allow players to define the town they live
in and establish details for the game’s setting. Each player will
choose one of eight Village Backgrounds and will answer ques-
tions about a specific aspect of the imaginary world. When
answering Village Background questions, players are encour-
aged to introduce new story elements into the setting. Each
player defines their own Village Background independently,
but everyone should discuss their choices and draw connec-
tions. The Gamemaster will help fill in details and mold the
different Village Backgrounds into a cohesive setting.
KUNAI ACADEMY 57 b a c k g r o u n d s
When you choose this Village Background, answer the follow-
ing questions:
KUNAI ACADEMY 58 b a c k g r o u n d s
When you choose this Village Background, answer the follow-
ing questions:
KUNAI ACADEMY 59 b a c k g r o u n d s
When you choose this Village Background, answer the follow-
ing questions:
KUNAI ACADEMY 60 b a c k g r o u n d s
When you choose this Village Background, answer the follow-
ing questions:
KUNAI ACADEMY 62 b a c k g r o u n d s
When you choose this Village Background, answer the follow-
ing questions:
KUNAI ACADEMY 63 b a c k g r o u n d s
When you choose this Village Background, answer the follow-
ing questions:
KUNAI ACADEMY 64 b a c k g r o u n d s
When you choose this Village Background, answer the follow-
ing questions:
KUNAI ACADEMY 65 b a c k g r o u n d s
i CtT IsO N
Traits give your character a specific benefit that is always in ef-
fect. At Ninja Rank 1, a character can choose 1 Trait. Each time
a character gains a new Ninja Rank, then they gain 1 new Trait.
Some Traits, such as Forbidden Knowledge, cannot be chosen
unless your character has achieved a certain Ninja Rank.
The Energetic Trait gives a character +2 to their Max Ener-
gy value. For example, choosing this Trait at Ninja Rank 1 will
mean you’ll have 7 Max Energy instead of 5. See Energy on
page 29 for more information.
The Tough Trait gives you +2 to your Strain Limit value and
also adds +2 to your die results when making a Healing roll.
Having a higher Strain Limit means your character will be able
to sustain more Strain before they are knocked out of an En-
counter. For example, a Ninja Rank 1 character who selects
this Trait will have a Strain Limit of 10 instead of 8. Also, when
rolling to Heal at the end of an Encounter, you can add +2 to
the result of each individual die roll. For example, if your dice
results on your Healing roll were 7, 4, and 1, then having the
Tough Trait would change these results to 9, 6, and 3, respec-
tively. This will mean that your character is much less likely to
sustain a Lingering Emotion after a battle.
KUNAI ACADEMY 67 t r a i t s
The Signature Weapon Trait allows your character to start
each Encounter with a Level 1 Edge. This Edge should be rep-
resentative of the unique weapons and/or equipment your
character possesses. Name this Edge at the beginning of each
Encounter and write it down for everyone to see. This Edge
acts like an Edge created from any other source. But, remem-
ber that you can only spend Edge Levels to re-roll dice when
the Edge itself could narratively benefit the action at hand. See
Edges on page 24 for more information.
This Trait gives enemies Disadvantage when they attempt to
Resist your Verbal Attacks. This Disadvantage works just like
Disadvantage gained from any other source. It will add a D6
Disadvantage Die to all Resist rolls made in response to re-
ceiving Strain from your Verbal Attacks. This Disadvantage is
canceled out if the Resist roll would have Advantage, as nor-
This Trait grants you a Bloodline Technique. You gain this
Technique in addition to any starting Techniques received at
character creation or through gaining a new Ninja Rank. For
example, if you choose this Trait at Ninja Rank 1, you will be
able to choose 3 regular Techniques and 1 Bloodline Tech-
nique. Connect this Trait to the clans that exist in your game. If
you choose this Trait when gaining a new Ninja Rank, explain
how your character obtained a guarded clan ability within the
fiction of your world. You can find descriptions of the specific
Bloodline Techniques available on pages 83-84.
KUNAI ACADEMY 68 t r a i t s
If you have this Trait, you are dealt an additional Initiative
Card each Round. You must choose 1 Initiative Card to keep.
Your unused Initiative Cards are given back to the dealer and
placed on the bottom of the deck. If another effect would also
grant you an additional Initiative Card, then the effects stack.
You can draw an additional Initiative Card for each game ef-
fect that grants you one. But you must always choose only 1
Initiative Card to keep for the Round. For example, if you have
the Fast Trait and are also Set Up by a teammate, then you are
dealt 3 Initiative Cards and choose 1 to keep.
When you choose this Trait, choose a Technique that your
character knows and change an Attribute or Attack Type ref-
erenced in that Technique to a different Attribute or Attack
Type. Note that you can never add the same Attribute Die to
a roll more than once.
KUNAI ACADEMY 69 t r a i t s
– Elemental Strike: You can change the Attack Type
from a Martial Attack to an Elemental, Illusion, or Verbal
Attack. Alternatively, instead of adding your Elemental
Arts die to the attack roll, you can change the Technique
to add your Spirit, Mind, or Illusion Arts die instead.
– Fluid Stance: You can change the Attack Type from a
Martial Attack to an Elemental, Illusion, or Verbal Attack.
– Elemental Control: You can change any number of
the Attribute Dice used for the Overcome roll to Body,
Martial Arts, or Illusion Arts.
– Elemental Blast: You can change the Attack Type
from an Elemental Attack to a Martial, Illusion, or Verbal
– Elemental Barrier: You can change one or both of the
Attribute Dice used for this Technique to Body, Mind,
Martial Arts, or Illusion Arts.
– Elemental Breakthrough: You can change one or
both of the Attribute Dice used to make an Overcome
roll to Body, Martial Arts, Mind, or Illusion Arts. Then
you can change the Attack Type granted as an Extra
Action to any Attack Type that would use that Attribute
(Martial, Illusion, or Verbal Attack).
– Elemental Charge: You can change one or both of
the Attributes added to the Prepare roll to Body, Mind,
Martial Arts, or Illusion Arts. Then you can change the
Attack Type that benefits from the created Edge to an
Attack Type that uses one of these Attributes (Martial,
Illusion, or Verbal Attack).
– Illusory Feint: Change the Attack Type from an Illusion
Attack to a Martial, Elemental, or Verbal Attack.
– Grand Illusion: You can change any number of the
Attribute Dice used to make the Prepare roll to Body,
Martial Arts, or Elemental Arts.
– Persistent Illusion: Change the Attack Type from an
Illusion Attack to a Martial, Elemental, or Verbal Attack.
KUNAI ACADEMY 70 t r a i t s
– Terrifying Illusion: You can change the Attack Type
from an Illusion Attack to a Martial, Elemental, or Verbal
– Illusory Clone: You can change one of the Attack
Types to Verbal Attack.
– Body Substitution: You can change the Attribute Die
added to the Resist roll to Mind, Martial Arts, Elemental
Arts, or Illusion Arts.
– Healing Palm: You can change one or both of the
Attribute Dice used for this Technique to Body, Martial
Arts, Elemental Arts, or Illusion Arts.
– Power Absorption: Cannot be modified by this Trait.
– Speed Flicker: Cannot be modified by this Trait.
– World Shaping: You can change one or both of the
Attribute Dice used to Prepare to Body, Mind, Martial
Arts, or Illusion Arts.
– Summon: You can change one or both of the Attribute
Die used to Prepare to Body, Martial Arts, Elemental
Arts, or Illusion Arts. Doing so will also change the Attri-
butes used to attempt to control your Summon.
– Transformation: You can change the Attribute Die
which is effected to Spirit, Mind, Martial Arts, Elemental
Arts, or Illusion Arts.
– Piercing Eyes: Cannot be modified by this Trait.
– Analyzing Eyes: Cannot be modified by this Trait.
– Loyal Pet: Cannot be modified by this Trait.
– Elemental Fusion: You can change the Attack Type
affected by this Trait from Elemental Attacks to Martial,
Illusion, or Verbal Attacks.
– Mind Control: Change the Attack Type from an Illu-
sion Attack to a Martial, Elemental, or Verbal Attack.
KUNAI ACADEMY 71 t r a i t s
The Forbidden Knowledge Trait allows you to learn a Forbid-
den Technique. You gain this Forbidden Technique in addi-
tion to any other Techniques granted through gaining a Ninja
Rank. For example, if you choose this Trait when you gain a
new Ninja Rank, you will be able to choose a normal Technique
for gaining a Ninja Rank and a Forbidden Technique granted
by this Trait. You cannot choose this Trait unless your char-
acter is at least Ninja Rank 2. This means you cannot choose
this Trait as a character who starts at Ninja Rank 1 until after
you’ve gained some Experiences. You can find descriptions of
the specific Forbidden Techniques available on pages 81-82.
Each Archetype has at least one unique Trait. Generally, these
are advanced Traits that cannot be taken until the character is
at least Ninja Rank 3. See the Ninja Archetypes section starting
on page 47 for more information about each Archetype-spe-
cific Trait.
KUNAI ACADEMY 72 t r a i t s
Techniques are powerful abilities that are fueled by a ninja’s
Energy. At Ninja Rank 1 each player can choose 3 Techniques
that their character knows how to use. Additional Techniques
are granted by Traits and by gaining new Ninja Ranks. A char-
acter can expend Energy in order to use a Technique they’ve
learned. Each Technique has a different Energy Cost and a
different effect. When you learn a Technique, give it a unique
name which describes how the power manifests for your
character. For example, you may choose the Power Strike
Technique and give it the unique name “Flying Crescent Kick
Explosion” in order to define your character’s fighting style.
KUNAI ACADEMY 73 T e c h n i q u e s
All characters can learn any Standard Technique.
Energy Cost 2
A character can expend 2 Energy in order to make a Martial
Attack as an action on their Turn. Resist rolls made against this
attack have Disadvantage.
Energy Cost 4
A character can expend 4 Energy in order to make a Martial
Attack as an action on their Turn. If they do, they may then
make another Martial Attack as an Extra Action. This second
attack can target a different character than the first. The first
Martial Attack does not need to be successful in order to take
the second Martial Attack.
Energy Cost 3
A character can expend 3 Energy in order to make a Martial
Attack as an action on their Turn. When they do, they can add
their Elemental Arts Attribute Die to the attack roll. However,
this attack counts as a Martial Attack and not an Elemental
Attack. It deals 2 Strain if the target fails their Resist roll. The
Hits scored must all be dealt to the same target.
KUNAI ACADEMY 74 T e c h n i q u e s
Energy Cost 1
When a character uses Teamwork to Assist an attack, they may
expend 1 Energy in order to add +1 Hit to the attack. They
must do so before the attack roll is made and they can only
do so once per attack. The attack roll does not need to score
any Hits naturally in order to benefit from gaining +1 Hit. This
Technique can change a failed attack with 0 Hits into a suc-
cessful attack with 1 Hit.
Energy Cost 2
When a character is targeted by a Martial or Elemental Attack,
they can expend 2 Energy in order to make a Martial Attack
in response. The original attack does not need to deal Strain
in order to use this Technique in response. You may only use
this Technique once per attack made against you. The Mar-
tial Attack made in response happens immediately after the
original attack is resolved and does not count as an action
or Extra Action. You cannot use another Technique in place
of the Martial Attack granted by this Technique. The Martial
Attack made in response can benefit from Teamwork, Edges,
or Special Abilities.
KUNAI ACADEMY 75 T e c h n i q u e s
Energy Cost 3
A character can expend 3 Energy in order to make an Over-
come roll using their Spirit and Elemental Arts Attribute Dice
as an action on their Turn. Then, they may make an Elemental
Attack as an Extra Action. The Elemental Attack granted by
this Technique automatically scores Hits equal to the number
of Hits scored on the Overcome roll that preceded it. For ex-
ample, if a character uses this Technique and scores 2 Hits on
their Overcome roll, they may then make an Elemental Attack
which scores 2 Hits automatically as an Extra Action. No roll is
needed for this Elemental Attack and therefore it cannot ben-
efit from Teamwork, Edges, or other game effects that modify
dice rolls.
Energy Cost 3
A character can expend 3 Energy to make an Elemental At-
tack as an action on their turn. Each enemy receives Strain
from this Elemental Attack equal to the total number of Hits
scored. In other words, this attack targets all enemies. Hits do
not need to be split between targets. Each enemy that is dealt
Strain must then roll to Resist the attack. For example, if you
use this Technique against 3 enemies and score 2 Hits, all 3
enemies will receive 2 Strain and must then make a Resist roll.
KUNAI ACADEMY 76 T e c h n i q u e s
Energy Cost 2
When a character is targeted by a Martial or Elemental At-
tack, they can expend 2 Energy in order to roll their Elemental
Arts and Spirit Attribute Dice in response. Ignore 1 Strain that
would be dealt by the attack for each Hit that’s scored on this
roll. Make this roll after the attack roll is made but before any
Strain is dealt. Then, deal any Strain that isn’t ignored to the
targeted character and make a Resist roll as normal. If all of
the Strain dealt by the attack would be ignored, then no Resist
roll is needed. For example, if you use this Technique against a
2-Hit attack and you score 1 Hit, then you will ignore 1 Strain,
receive 1 Strain, and make a Resist roll. But, if you use this
Technique against a 2-Hit attack and you score 2 Hits, then
you ignore all Strain that would be dealt and do not make a
Resist roll. The roll granted by this Technique can benefit from
Teamwork, Edges, and other game effects that affect rolls.
Energy Cost 3
A character can expend 3 Energy to make an Overcome roll
using their Mind, Spirit, and Elemental Arts Attribute Dice as
an action on their Turn.
Energy Cost 2
A character can expend 2 Energy to make a Prepare roll using
their Elemental Arts and Spirit Attribute Dice as an action on
their Turn. An Edge that’s created by this Technique grants +1
Hit to the Elemental Attacks of the character who created it.
This effect persists until the last Edge Level is expended. This
Technique can be used multiple times to create different Edg-
es that each add +1 Hit to the character’s Elemental Attacks.
This effect stacks and Elemental Attacks will gain +1 Hit for
each Edge with this effect that is in play.
KUNAI ACADEMY 77 T e c h n i q u e s
Energy Cost 1
A character can expend 1 Energy to make an Illusion Attack
as an action on their turn. Resolve the attack as normal. Then,
when initiative is determined for the next Round, you may
swap 1 Initiative Card dealt to the target of your attack. You
may swap the Initiative Card between the target of your at-
tack and any other character. This means that the Initiative
Card can be exchanged between you and the target, between
an ally and the target, or between a different enemy and the
target. All Initiative Cards should be passed out before choos-
ing which card to swap. If characters would be dealt multiple
Initiative Cards, resolve choosing which Initiative Cards will be
kept before resolving the Initiative Card swap granted by this
Technique. Initiative Cards are always swapped 1-for-1 and
a character may never end up with more or fewer Initiative
Cards then they would normally have.
Energy Cost 3
A character can expend 3 Energy to make a Prepare roll using
their Mind, Spirit, and Illusion Arts Attribute Dice as an action
on their Turn.
KUNAI ACADEMY 78 T e c h n i q u e s
Energy Cost 3
A character can expend 3 Energy to make an Illusion Attack
as an action on their Turn. Then they may make a Prepare
action as an Extra Action. The Prepare action granted by this
Technique automatically scores Hits equal to the number of
Hits scored on the Illusion Attack roll that preceded it. For ex-
ample, if a character uses this Technique and scores 2 Hits on
their attack roll, they may then make a Prepare action which
creates a Level 2 Edge automatically as an Extra Action. No
roll is needed for the Prepare action granted by this Tech-
nique and therefore this Prepare action cannot benefit from
Teamwork, Edges, or other game effects that modify dice rolls.
Energy Cost 2
A character can expend 2 Energy and an Edge Level in order
to make an Illusion Attack as an Extra Action on their Turn. The
Edge Level spent must be narratively relevant to the situation
at hand. The Extra Action granted by this Technique can be
taken before or after your action for your Turn, but the Edge
Level must be spent before attempting your roll. If you start
your Turn without an Edge Level to spend, but gain one as a
part of your action for the Turn, then you may expend a newly
gained Edge Level to use this Technique on the same Turn.
Energy Cost 2
When a character is targeted by a Martial, Elemental, or Illu-
sion Attack, they may expend 3 Energy and an Edge Level in
order to avoid the attack completely. The Edge Level spent
must be expended from an Edge which could narratively ben-
efit the player in this circumstance. This Technique must be
used after the attack roll is made but before any Strain is dealt.
KUNAI ACADEMY 79 T e c h n i q u e s
Energy Cost 3
When a character rolls to Resist a Martial or Elemental Attack,
they can expend 3 Energy in order to add their Spirit Attribute
Die to the roll. Then, if they score at least 1 Hit on the Resist
roll, they can avoid the attack completely. They ignore any
Strain which would have been caused by the attack. Addition-
al Hits scored on the Resist roll have no effect.
KUNAI ACADEMY 80 T e c h n i q u e s
A character can only learn a Forbidden Technique by taking
the Forbidden Knowledge Trait or by having the Altered Nin-
ja’s Special Ability: Prohibited Powers.
Energy Cost 3
A character can expend 3 Energy in order to make a Mind
and Spirit roll as an action on their Turn. They may remove 2
Strain for each Hit scored on this roll. The Strain can be re-
moved from themselves or an ally. The Strain removed may
be divided between multiple characters in a way that makes
narrative sense.
Energy Cost 1
A character can expend 1 Energy to make a Martial or Ele-
mental Attack as an action on their Turn. Resolve the attack as
normal. Then regain 2 Energy for each Hit scored on the at-
tack roll. You cannot gain more Energy than your Max Energy
value using this Technique.
Energy Cost 3
A character can expend 3 Energy when a roll is made in order
to re-roll any number of the dice rolled. You may do so after
the roll is made but before the action is resolved. You may use
this Technique to re-roll any roll made by an ally or enemy as
long as your character could narratively justify helping or hin-
dering the action with an extreme burst of speed.
KUNAI ACADEMY 81 T e c h n i q u e s
Energy Cost 4
A character can expend 4 Energy to make a Prepare roll using
their Spirit and Elemental Arts Attribute Dice as an action on
their Turn. The Edge created by this Technique allows each
ally, including the character who created it, to re-roll 1 of their
dice per Round. The die which is re-rolled can be a part of an
action taken on their turn, a Resist roll, a Recovery roll, or a
Technique. They cannot re-roll enemy dice with this free re-
roll. The use of this free re-roll resets each time Initiative Cards
are dealt at the beginning of a new Round. You may still ex-
pend Edge Levels from the Edge created by this Technique as
normal to re-roll any number of dice on any character’s roll.
The effect of this Technique ends when the last Edge Level is
expended and the Edge leaves play.
Energy Cost 5
A character can expend 5 Energy to make a Prepare roll using
their Spirit and Mind Attribute Dice as an action on their Turn.
The Edge that is created by this Technique is a special Sum-
mon Edge that represents a called or conjured entity. Such
entities do not always do as they are told and in order to
command your summoned ally to help you, roll Mind and
Spirit as an Extra Action on your Turn. On a Hit, your summon
will immediately take an Attack, Prepare, or Overcome action.
The Hits scored on this action are equal to the number of
Edge Levels that your Summon Edge possess. The player may
choose which Attack Type the Summon uses when making
an Attack. Extra Hits scored when attempting to command
your Summon have no effect. If no Hits are scored, the GM
controls your summoned ally this turn instead. In addition to
being able to command your Summon Edge to take actions, it
still functions like a normal Edge. You can expend Edge Levels
in order to re-roll any number of dice on a roll and the Edge
leaves play when the last Edge Level is expended.
KUNAI ACADEMY 82 T e c h n i q u e s
A character can only learn a Bloodline Technique by taking
the Clan Member Trait or by having the Altered Ninja’s Special
Ability: Prohibited Powers.
Energy Cost 1
When a character makes a roll, they can expend 1 Energy in
order to turn their Body Attribute Die into a D12 for that roll.
This Attribute Die remains a D12 if any re-rolls or other game
effects modify the roll. But once the action is resolved, the
Attribute Die reverts back to its normal value.
Energy Cost 3
A character may expend 3 Energy on their Turn to Overcome
as an Extra Action.
Energy Cost 3
A character may expend 3 Energy on their Turn to Prepare as
an Extra Action.
Energy Cost 2
A character with this Technique has a pet which fights by their
side. A character may expend 2 Energy on their Turn in order
to command their pet as an Extra Action. The pet can be com-
manded to Attack, Prepare, or Overcome and automatically
scores 1 Hit. No roll is needed in order to use this Technique
and therefore it does not benefit from effects that let you re-
roll or modify dice rolls.
KUNAI ACADEMY 83 T e c h n i q u e s
Energy Cost 2
When a character makes an Elemental Attack, they may ex-
pend 2 Energy to give Disadvantage to all Resist rolls made
against this attack. This Technique can be used when a char-
acter makes a normal Elemental Attack roll or it can be used
when a character makes an Elemental Attack as a part of an-
other Technique. When a character gains this Technique, they
may choose a second Element type that they are proficient in
Energy Cost 4
A character can expend 4 Energy to make an Illusion Attack
as an action on their Turn. Resolve the attack as normal. If the
target of the attack fails their Resist roll, then the attacking
character may control their next turn. A controlled character
may make an Attack, Prepare, or Overcome action using their
own Attribute Dice. They will attack their allies when under the
effect of this Technique, but they will never attack themselves.
Any Edges gained as a part of this controlled character’s Turn
belong to the character who used this Technique. Any game
effects which can modify dice rolls can modify the dice of the
controlled character’s Turn as if they were an ally.
KUNAI ACADEMY 84 T e c h n i q u e s
The Gamemaster makes things happen. They are the facilita-
tor for the game and they make it run smoothly. They assist in
transitioning between Scenes and Encounters. They introduce
exciting conflicts and dangerous foes. They help to highlight
interesting character moments. They should root for the play-
ers and help them tell an incredible tale. So what does all
that mean exactly? Here’s what the Gamemaster does in more
concrete terms:
The Gamemaster is generally the one who puts the game to-
gether in the first place. They will likely schedule the event and
coordinate between players. They should prepare character
sheets. They should provide extra game materials, such as
pencils and dice, just in case people don’t have them. Some
of these responsibilities can be delegated to others, but play-
ers will rely on the Gamemaster unless duties are specifically
KUNAI ACADEMY 86 g a m e m a s t e r
It is important that each player feels safe while playing the
game. This will make everyone feel comfortable while playing
make-believe with each other. And it will help avoid any re-
al-world conflicts between players. Below are a few safety tools
which can be employed to ensure a comfortable environment
for everyone involved. Even if you don’t often invoke these
tools during play, expressing that they are available helps to
set the tone for the game. The Gamemaster is the central fig-
ure of the group and establishing that you value each player’s
safety will set an example for the other players to follow.
Lines and Veils are tools created by Ron Edwards which you
can use to restrict certain topics before they arise. An estab-
lished Line is a topic that should be completely avoided in
play. For example, a group may decide that violence against
animals is not something they would like to ever happen and
would therefore establish it as a Line. A Veil is a topic that can
come up, but it should never be lingered on or explored in
detail. For example, if romance is defined as a Veil then it is OK
for romantic scenes to occur. But, they should never be explic-
it or lingering. Discuss Lines and Veils before you start your
game so you can avoid uncomfortable topics. A playgroup
should always respect the wishes of the other players and any
request for a Line or Veil should be honored.
KUNAI ACADEMY 87 g a m e m a s t e r
One of the Gamemaster’s most basic jobs is to give the char-
acters a reason to work together. This may be as simple as
establishing that they are on the same ninja team. But it could
involve more complex motivations depending on the world
you’ve established and the kind of story you want to tell. In
addition to helping them align their motivations, it’s important
to allow them time to communicate. Make sure the characters
have time to talk to one another. The Gamemaster should
help them figure out group dynamics by pointing out where
their characters are similar and what things set them apart. If
you give them the opportunity to interact, they’ll likely figure
this out on their own and have a fun time doing it.
The Gamemaster will usually initiate the fiction of the game by
setting Scenes. You should establish where characters are and
describe their surroundings with details like the time of day,
the weather, the noises they hear, and the smells in the air.
Specific details help set the tone of the story and help players
figure out how to interact with the world around them. Once
you’ve set the Scene ask the players what their characters are
doing. Scenes give characters a space they can act in. Re-
member, they are the stars of the show and the Scenes should
facilitate their decisions and actions. See the Running Scenes
section starting on page 97 for more information.
KUNAI ACADEMY 88 g a m e m a s t e r
The Gamemaster will initiate Encounters when a conflict
breaks out. That means you’ll be responsible for dealing Ini-
tiative Cards each Round, putting Obstacles into play, and
controlling the enemy combatants. You should always strive
to give the enemies personality and motivation that can be
expressed during the Encounters. Describe the attacks they
make with a flourish. Enemies should talk to the characters
while they engage with them in battle. The foes that players
fight should be memorable characters and each fight should
have stakes that impact the world around them. See the Run-
ning Encounters section starting on page 102 for more infor-
Players will be able to set their own Scenes in order to fulfill
one of their Experience prompts after each Encounter. Remind
them that they should do so and help them figure out these
Scenes. The immediate fallout of an Encounter will often be
explored in Experience Scenes. But sometimes the Gamemas-
ter will need to nudge the plot forward with additional Scenes
until players figure out their own Experience Scenes. Players
may want to interact with other characters in their Experience
Scenes and you should offer to play as these characters when
appropriate. Players may want to interact with new aspects
of the world that they have questions about. Do your best to
support their Scenes with any details you can provide and be
prepared to do a little improvising. Always try to support their
vision the best you can.
KUNAI ACADEMY 89 g a m e m a s t e r
One of the most important jobs of the Gamemaster is to cre-
ate drama. It’s important to fill the world with threats and se-
crets that have an impact on the lives of the characters. Draw
inspiration straight from the Village Background details that
the players establish. Allow goals to be met, conflicts to be re-
solved, and mysteries to be uncovered. Keep the momentum
of the game moving and make sure you’re always ready to
introduce new story threads. While you should always present
something for the characters to do, make sure you stay open
to the character’s decisions. If they approach a problem from
an angle you didn’t expect, do your best to embrace it. Always
remember that it’s their story. You’re there to support them
and to make the world they live in exciting.
KUNAI ACADEMY 90 g a m e m a s t e r
The first game is when players will create characters and de-
fine setting details through their Village Backgrounds. Much
of the world building in Kunai Academy will be done in the
first session, which can make preparing more difficult for the
Gamemaster. You’ll need to provide some direction for the
players, but you’ll also need to leave a lot of details undefined.
This section provides goals to guide you and assets you can
use to ensure the experience runs smoothly.
One of your primary goals for the first game is walking char-
acters through the character creation process. Make sure that
someone is providing character sheets and pencils as this will
be important. Familiarize yourself with the Character Creation
steps found on pages 10-12 so that you can explain and ad-
vise as needed. Ask questions about the characters that the
players are creating. Give them a chance to describe what
their characters look like and inquire about their personali-
ties. Help them to see where other characters have similarities
or differences. Establishing group dynamics will help to make
characters memorable and more defined.
Once all the characters have been created and the village has
been loosely defined, set some Scenes and allow the charac-
ters to inhabit the fictional world. Establish scenery details that
reinforce the Village Backgrounds. Allow players to interact
with the Background Characters they created. And make sure
you allow the players to interact with one another in the imag-
inary world. The Running Scenes section on page 97 has more
information on how to run Scenes and the goals you should
set for yourself. These are especially important for the first ses-
sion as you’ll be setting the tone of the game and signalling
what players should expect.
KUNAI ACADEMY 92 g a m e m a s t e r
You should try to include an Encounter in the first game ses-
sion so that players can get a feel for how conflicts will work. It
will also let them try out all the cool abilities they have. Since
so much of the world will be defined during the first game,
it’s important to plan for an Encounter which can be inserted
without disruption. Here are a few Example Encounters which
can slip easily into most settings while still leaving room for
you to connect them to the Village Backgrounds that players
KUNAI ACADEMY 93 g a m e m a s t e r
The young ninja must make a pilgrimage through the wilder-
ness to a site of cultural significance. Connect the site to one
of the character’s Village Backgrounds if possible. It could be
a monument to a historical event, a shrine of religious signif-
icance, or the grave of a village hero. Along the way to this
cultural site, the young ninja will run into scouts from a rival
ninja faction. If possible, you can link these ninja to a Charac-
ter Background as well. See the Example Villages on pages
155-159 for potential rival village ideas.
For 3 Players: Use the example enemies Rin on page 120 and
Drager on page 129.
KUNAI ACADEMY 94 g a m e m a s t e r
After a long first day at the academy, the players are confront-
ed by a group of ninja who want to cause trouble. Perhaps
these are older students who want to pick on the new arrivals.
Or they may already be rivals with one or more characters
based on established relationships, village politics, or clan dy-
namics. Try to connect one or more of these rivals to a Village
Background. If any of the characters have already established
a rival Background Character, throw them in!
KUNAI ACADEMY 95 g a m e m a s t e r
Scenes are the core of any Kunai Academy game. They are
where your world will come to life through sensory details.
They allow characters to display their personalities and devel-
op their relationships. And they are where players can make
personal choices that affect the story. Most game sessions will
consist of multiple different Scenes that are set in different lo-
cations and revolve around the player’s characters.
Many things that characters want to do in a Scene should just
happen. They are capable young ninja and are rarely hindered
by difficult terrain, locked doors, or idle guards. But there are
some situations where failure could provoke interesting con-
sequences. In these cases, the Gamemaster should ask for a
Scene Check. Present the challenge at hand and allow the
character to decide how they handle the situation. They can
then pick one of their Attributes that’s related to their ap-
proach. They’ll make a roll using that single Attribute Die. If
they score a Hit, then they are successful and you should ex-
plore what happens when they triumph over adversity. If they
do not score a Hit, then they fail and you should explore what
that failure means for the character.
While characters should only roll one Attribute Die for Scene
Checks, the Gamemaster is encouraged to give the roll Ad-
vantage or Disadvantage based on the situation, the charac-
ter’s approach, and their relevant skills. Only one Scene Check
should be rolled for any given task. If multiple characters wish
to help in a task, factor this into the Advantages and Disadvan-
tages you grant to the roll. It is possible you may even award
multiple Advantages or multiple Disadvantages depending on
the situation.
Normal Enemies represent threats that are approximately
equal to a character starting at Ninja Rank 1. Players can fight
them in equal numbers and be challenged. These Enemies
may be peers in the village, rival students from other villages,
or low-level monsters. They can take one Turn per Round and
have a Strain Limit of 8. They can distribute 2D6, 2D8, and
2D10 between their Attributes.
4 Encounter Points
Turns per Round: 1 (Deal them one Initiative Card)
Strain Limit: 8
Attributes: Distribute 2D6, 2D8, and 2D10 between their six
8 Encounter Points
Turns per Round: 2 (Deal them two Initiative Cards)
Strain Limit: 14
Attributes: Distribute 1D6, 2D8, 2D10, and 1D12 between their
six Attributes.
1 Encounter Point
A Starting Obstacle is a Level 2 Obstacle that is already in
play at the beginning of the Encounter. Each Encounter should
generally have 2-3 Starting Obstacles. Starting Obstacles have
a regular Obstacle Effect of your choice or you can apply an
Obstacle Upgrade to make them even more powerful.
1 Encounter Point
When you gain an Obstacle Upgrade, name a specific Obsta-
cle that can be created by an enemy and give that Obstacle
an Upgraded Obstacle Effect (pages 114-115). That enemy can
create the defined Upgraded Obstacle once per Encounter.
Alternately, you can give a Starting Obstacle an Upgraded
Obstacle Effect. Each enemy character can have multiple Ob-
stacle Upgrades. Multiple Obstacle Upgrades can be applied
to the same Obstacle. See Example Enemies starting on page
120 for examples of how Obstacle Upgrades are used to de-
fine specific Obstacles that Enemies can create.
When you do need to create new characters, consider adding
at least one of the following character types. They will help
reinforce genre tropes and provide a variety of characters that
players can interact with.
Body: D10
Spirit: D6
Mind: D8
Martial Arts: D10
Elemental Arts: D6
Illusion Arts: D8
Rin wears fashionable clothes and has a single long braid of
hair. She rarely smiles and often looks perturbed. She fights
with a giant needle and often uses large amounts of thread to
bind and hinder her opponents.
Rin is from a family of simple weavers and she is the first of
them to train as a ninja. She is seen as one of the most prom-
ising ninja in terms of talent and drive, but she doesn’t have
the benefit of private training, family secret techniques, or vil-
lage connections.
Rin is determined to be the top of her class and pushes her-
self extremely hard. She wants to make her family proud. The
approval of her parents means the world to her, but they are
so busy trying to survive that even her great accomplishments
often go unnoticed.
Body: D10
Spirit: D8
Mind: D6
Martial Arts: D10
Elemental Arts: D8
Illusion Arts: D6
Niro’s hair always needs combing and his clothes are perpetu-
ally wrinkled. He’s a bit short compared to the other ninja his
age. He’s naturally quick, but he can also harness the power of
electricity to energize himself and move even faster.
Niro is very energetic. He talks all the time and is fast to make
friends. But he can also be annoying after a while. He always
wants to be involved and sometimes inserts himself in places
he doesn’t belong. He’s a bit mischievous, but good natured.
Niro’s parents died when he was very young. They were ninja
who were killed on a mission. He doesn’t really remember
them. He was raised by an old friend of theirs and has always
had a pretty good life. People in his village pity him and tell
him stories of his dead parents, but he’d rather forget about
them. He just wants to be treated like a normal kid.
Niro hates the idea of being a charity case and tries to blend
in like a normal ninja. He tries to prove that he’s OK by being
super nice. He tries to make friends with everyone. He really
is a very happy-go-lucky kid. The only thing that really upsets
him is when other kids talk about his parents.
Body: D8
Spirit: D10
Mind: D10
Martial Arts: D6
Elemental Arts: D8
Illusion Arts: D6
Lyrica has curly hair and a cheery face. She wears elaborately
decorated dresses and carries a microphone with her every-
where she goes. She never misses an opportunity to perform.
She uses elemental wind powers to empower her voice and
lung power.
Lyrica is very full of herself. She tries hard to make others like
her and always needs to be the center of attention. She can
be quite a brat if she doesn’t get her way.
Lyrica dreams of being a famous singer, but she is not very
good at singing. This fact only drives her more. She wants to
shine like a bright star. She wants to be admired for her talent
and her showmanship.
Body: D6
Spirit: D6
Mind: D10
Martial Arts: D8
Elemental Arts: D8
Illusion Arts: D10
Moy is very shy. They generally aren’t great at making friends
and lots of people find them weird. They often stick to them-
selves, but they are funny and friendly once you get to know
Moy’s parents are famous ninja and Moy has been groomed
to follow in their footsteps. Moy never felt like they could
match up to their parents’ expectations. So Moy started cre-
ating illusions of the ideal child they expected. Eventually, Moy
became an expert at projecting the things people want to see.
Moy has crafted this into a dangerous fighting style.
Moy tries to stay out of things. They tell themselves that they
don’t really need anyone else to be happy. They’ve been
able to survive thus far with that mentality. But they yearn for
friendship and acceptance.
Body: D10
Spirit: D10
Mind: D8
Martial Arts: D8
Elemental Arts: D6
Illusion Arts: D6
Oromati has spiky hair and determined eyes. He wears a ban-
dage over his nose and two stripes of red paint under his eyes.
He has a large variety of belts, packs, and pouches that hold
medical supplies.
Oromati always dreamed of being a great warrior. He prac-
ticed hard and studied to be the top of his class. He was so
talented that he was chosen for the elite medical ninja corps
at a young age. Oromati was crushed when he was assigned
to be a medical ninja because now he spends all of his time
healing instead of fighting. He still resents the assignment.
Oromati is motivated by pride to be great at whatever he
does. But he also feels confused. His dreams of being a great
warrior are slipping away from him. He fulfills his duties as a
medical ninja, but he feels internally conflicted and unsettled
in his role.
Body: D8
Spirit: D10
Mind: D6
Martial Arts: D8
Elemental Arts: D10
Illusion Arts: D6
KroKro is a pelican. He has a huge beak and an expansive
wingspan. He’s cross-eyed. He can speak as if he were a hu-
man and has an obnoxiously loud voice. He can fly. He fights
by conjuring slashing gusts of wind.
KroKro isn’t too smart. He has just enough intelligence to hold
a conversation, but he is not capable of deep thought or sub-
tlety. He tries to be helpful and will come to the aid of his allies,
but he can’t follow complicated directions. He’s forgetful and
always hungry.
KroKro is a spiritual being from the great wind sea. He was
summoned by a powerful ninja and got lost. He can’t remem-
ber how to get back home. He is not a powerful being and he
wonders if anyone is even looking for him.
Body: D8
Spirit: D10
Mind: D10
Martial Arts: D8
Elemental Arts: D12
Illusion Arts: D6
Drager seeks the path of least resistance. He’s non-confronta-
tional and will try to slip out of a situation if he can. He never
abandons his missions, but he always considers it. Ultimately,
his sense of duty is just barely stronger than his own laziness.
Drager has always tried to find the easy way out. He special-
ized in surveillance with the assumption that it would allow
him to avoid fighting. He thought he’d have lots of freedom to
travel on his own and goof off. Instead, he is constantly sent
behind enemy lines into extremely dangerous situations.
Drager is lazy and often seeks to avoid anything that causes
him more work or puts him in danger. But he is loyal to his
village and has a sense of duty. He won’t ignore his responsi-
bilities. He will simply do the bare minimum if he thinks he can
get away with it.
Body: D12
Spirit: D10
Mind: D8
Martial Arts: D10
Elemental Arts: D6
Illusion Arts: D8
Tyko is stocky and muscular. She wears barrettes in her short,
dark hair. She is always chewing gum and blowing bubbles.
She is an expert boxer and wears athletic gear. She can make
her body super bendy and stretchy like bubblegum. This
makes her punches hard to dodge and her body hard to hit.
Tyko is a sports fanatic. She loves to compete, but she’s also a
good sport. She loves a good challenge and seeks to test her
own abilities. She tries to have a good time and abides by the
motto “work hard, play hard”.
Tyko is driven to be the best. She wants people to remember
her name. She pushes herself to train as hard as she can. She
gives everything she has when she’s in a fight. She wants even
her enemies to like and respect her.
Body: D8
Spirit: D10
Mind: D12
Martial Arts: D8
Elemental Arts: D6
Illusion Arts: D10
Rikari has slick hair and a menacing smile. He wears pants that
are far too big for him. He has a cocky attitude and constantly
belittles those around him. He uses illusion techniques against
his enemies to heighten their insecurities.
Rikari doesn’t take anything seriously. He gets enjoyment out
of making others feel scared or weak. He is angry at the world
and expresses it through jokes and insults. His aggression and
pessimistic outlook on life make him unpleasant to be around.
Rikari lost his mother at a young age and was raised by an
overbearing father. His dad constantly belittled him in an ef-
fort to make him tough. He has always been a mediocre ninja,
but he learned he could throw his opponents off-guard by
making fun of them. It’s a trick he has leaned on ever since.
Rikari doesn’t want to be a ninja, but he doesn’t see any path
out of the life chosen for him. He doesn’t really care about
what happens to him and he thinks he’s already destined to
live a terrible life. He lashes out at those around him in order
to gain a sense of control. It makes him feel powerful when he
can make others feel weak.
Body: D8
Spirit: D12
Mind: D10
Martial Arts: D6
Elemental Arts: D10
Illusion Arts: D8
Trin has two pigtails and wears light, linen clothes. Her blue,
glowing eyes can see a person’s soul. She is a water-shaper
and often floods the battlefield with Energy-draining pools.
Trin’s ability to see a person’s soul manifested when she was
very young. At first, she was overwhelmed by the darkness
hidden in people’s hearts. She eventually realized that people
have much more goodness within them than they do evil. As
she gained control of her abilities, she became a powerful
ninja and a spiritual beacon within her village. Even elders oc-
casionally turn to her for advice on matters of morality.
Trin is on a path of enlightenment. She hopes to understand
why good people do bad things. When she gains enough
knowledge, she hopes to eradicate suffering.
Body: D10
Spirit: D8
Mind: D8
Martial Arts: D10
Elemental Arts: D6
Illusion Arts: D12
Ge has wild hair that they keep tame with a headband. They
have a serious face. They wear tactical gear that they keep
pristine. They have a nondescript, straight-bladed sword that
they wear on their back. Ge uses a sword-style that employs
illusions to hide their movements and confuse their enemies.
Ge feels the weight of responsibility all the time. They are se-
rious and always thinking about the task at hand. They are
anxious and cope by overpreparing.
Ge was chosen to be a field leader from a young age. While
they’ve had some experience, they are still overwhelmed by
the responsibilities that come with the position. Older ninja
often don’t take them seriously. One of Ge’s closest friends
was seriously injured on an early mission they led and Ge is
still plagued by the guilt.
Body: D10
Spirit: D12
Mind: D12
Martial Arts: D8
Elemental Arts: D8
Illusion Arts: D10
Hiro Kotsu is talkative and charismatic. He is quick to make
friends and entertain those around him with stories and jokes.
He cares for the plight of the common people and is capable
of great empathy. But the smile he wears on his face hides a
vengeful heart. He is driven by a deep anger.
Most people think Hiro Kotsu is dead. It’s one of his better lies.
Make no mistake, he is very much alive. It’s rumored that Hiro
Kotsu was born to a traitor. Legends claim it was Hiro’s unlucky
lot in life to strike down his own father in the service of his vil-
lage. But this is likely a fabrication meant to weaken the bonds
of village loyalty. He’s been known to travel the countryside
inciting violence with Bandi Fujioka. After inspiring rebellions
in multiple villages, they faked their own deaths in order to
escape the consequences.
Hiro Kotsu is one of the few known members of The Void.
They seem hellbent on inspiring peasant uprisings and weak-
ening the power structures of the ninja world.
Body: D12
Spirit: D10
Mind: D10
Martial Arts: D12
Elemental Arts: D8
Illusion Arts: D8
Bandi Fujioka is wrapped in bandages that cover the scars of
1,000 battles. His face and arms are wrapped tightly in white
cloth strips and he wears the bright red mask of a raging ogre.
His outfit is a common ninja gi and he carries a worn, wooden
box on his back. Inside the box are several puppets with wide
smiles, bright eyes, and rosey cheeks. This cast of puppets is
used to entertain people in his traveling show. But, they also
hide an arsenal large enough to equip a small militia. Smaller
puppets possess hidden blades, poison needles, and explosive
charges. A large, towering puppet possesses magical warding
that makes it extremely durable. Surviving an encounter with
his puppet army means being haunted by nightmares of their
wide, grinning faces.
Nearly nothing is known about Bandi Fujioka. It’s suspected he
worked as a mercenary assassin for different ninja villages in
the past. But no record of these assassinations exists. There’s
no indication of his country of origin. There’s also no record
of anyone seeing his face. His life before traveling with Hiro
Kotsu and working with The Void is an enigma.
Bandi Fujioka is one of the few known members of The Void.
He is loyal to their cause of disrupting the ruling class. He
spreads stories of oppression and rebellion through his pup-
pet shows in an attempt to incite the peasants to violence.
Body: D8
Spirit: D10
Mind: D12
Martial Arts: D8
Elemental Arts: D10
Illusion Arts: D12
Pentakai wears a dark blue coat and has a stern face. She
looks fashionably unapproachable. She carries very few ninja
weapons. She is a master of illusion techniques and is capable
of trapping her enemies in a dream-like state where they are
eternally falling through the sky. She is also a seasoned ele-
mentalist and can manipulate clouds to form deadly beasts.
Pentakai is all business. She’s standoffish, confident, and has a
quick wit. Talking to her feels like she’s always sizing you up.
Pentakai is a village ambassador and is often sent as a rep-
resentative to rival ninja villages. She observes enemy weak-
nesses in her travels and attacks her political rivals whenever
she can. She is the daughter of a previous village leader and
has immense pride for her country. She strives to protect her
mother’s legacy. She’s worked hard to get where she is today
and some think she could be a village leader in the future.
Pentakai wants to represent her village as strong and pow-
erful. She views any person who is not from her village as a
threat and is constantly looking for a weakness she can ex-
ploit. She has risen in the ranks of her ninja village by acting
decisively. She will sabotage a village or kill an enemy when-
ever she thinks she can get away with it. She’s done bad things
in order to protect her village’s interests. She isn’t held back
by morality, but she does not take pleasure in her duty. Regret
often plagues her after the deed has been done.
Body: D10
Spirit: D12
Mind: D10
Martial Arts: D8
Elemental Arts: D12
Illusion Arts: D8
Jaga has the body of a man and the face of a jackal. He’s cov-
ered in fur that has patches of brown, black, and grey. The fur
sticks out in wild tufts in some places and is terribly matted in
others. He wears armor made of shifting sand. He has a wild
look in his eyes and foams at the mouth. He has razor sharp
teeth and claws.
Jaga is wild and evil. He laughs in delite at the pain of others
and enjoys watching people suffer. He is a rabid dog with in-
credible power.
Jaga is a supernatural embodiment of destruction. He is a
powerful demon from the spiritual desert of suffering. Only
the most powerful ninja are capable of connecting to Jaga’s
realm and only the most insidious would attempt to form a
pact with such a depraved creature.
Jaga lives to torment those that enter the spiritual desert of
suffering. A powerful ninja has harnessed the power to sum-
mon him, but has little control of his actions. He has been
unleashed and few have any hope of being able to stop him.
01 - Akora
02 - Bindo
03 - Daek
04 - Edoru
05 - Gorrick
06 - Hanzara
07 - Jandi
08 - Karmesto
09 - Loes
10 - Moramer
11 - Nindora
12 - Oenik
13 - Pim
14 - Ranette
15 - Tato
16 - Umir
17 - Varsella
18 - Winte
19 - Yorah
20 - Zek
01 - Friendly
02 - Mean
03 - Shy
04 - Boisterous
05 - Lazy
06 - Energetic
07 - Goofy
08 - Serious
09 - Sophisticated
10 - Eccentric
01 - Meager Life
02 - Luxurious Life
03 - Criminal Record
04 - Star Pupil
05 - Legacy of Greatness
06 - Legacy of Failure
07 - Burdened by Prophecy
08 - Burdened by Tragedy
09 - A Famous Past
10 - A Secret Past
01 - Peace and Quiet
02 - Acceptance and Love
03 - Glory and Fame
04 - Duty and Honor
05 - Freedom and Independence
06 - Fun and Satisfaction
07 - Wealth and Prosperity
08 - Knowledge and Enlightenment
09 - Justice and Revenge
10 - Power and Control
Players may generally want to know the “time period” that
the world is set in. Even if your game takes place in a fantasy
world that is completely removed from our notion of history,
it will still likely reflect the technology level and social customs
of a real world time-period.
The Special Abilities and Techniques available to players sug-
gest that magic exists in the world they inhabit. It’s possible
that the nature of magic will be defined by one of the players
through their Village Background. But, if it is not, you may
want to discuss how magic works.
Many of the Village Backgrounds give players an opportunity
to define, or at least imply, how the village works. They can
create the village leadership and influential organizations as
well as define conflicts between different entities in the village.
But they may also look to you for the baseline power structure
of the village so that they can expand on it.
The very nature of being a young ninja implies that you’re on
a journey to hone your craft. The exact manner in which ninja
novices learn and grow can be defined by you and the play-
ers. Characters will gain Ninja Ranks as they progress and you
can incorporate story elements related to these milestones.
The Enclave of Eels are proud people. They don’t attack set-
tled villages or civilian ships unless provoked. They seek to
be recognized as a powerful nation, but many countries view
them as a threat. They have become extremely self-sufficient
because other nations refuse to trade with them. There are
those in the enclave who think they need to settle permanent-
ly in order to be taken seriously as a major nation. But the way
of the eel is deeply ingrained in their society and most hold
on to it firmly.
Ninjas from the city of snowy peaks are masters of cold and
light. They create hazardous snowstorms and dazing light
strobes to hinder and confuse their opponents. They focus on
defense and surveillance rather than destruction. Ninjas from
other villages are wary of their inescapable ice cages. They
wear large coats and tinted goggles. They can travel at great
speeds through the snowy mountain ranges by riding atop
slick wooden planks.
And. lastly, I’d like to thank my wife Alicia. I couldn’t ask for a
better partner. Thank you for always supporting my dreams.