Liebert HPC

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Precision Cooling for

Business-Critical Continuity™

Liebert HPC-M
The Data Center FreeCooling Chiller with the Lowest Impact on the Environment
Emerson Network Power, a division of Emerson Electric Co., is a global company that combines
technology with design to supply innovative solutions for the benefit of its customers.
Emerson Network Power is the leader in the “business-critical continuity” field, thanks to the
company’s products and services.
Emerson Network Power’s broad technology base and global expertise supports a full spectrum of
enterprise-wide solutions for today’s vital business needs.

Regardless of your size, More standardization,

you can’t afford for your so you don’t need further
critical business systems budget allocations to install it.
to go down and you can’t More simplification so you
waste time recovering your don’t need to be a specialist to
IT infrastructure after a get the best for your business.
disruption. More support, so while you
are enjoying doing business,
Leave that to us, the experts we are protecting you.
in business-critical continuity:
from grid to chip, from the That’s why we can say we
biggest to the smallest OptimizeIT!
data centers, we are ready
to serve your needs with the
solutions we have developed.

Emerson Network Power Liebert HPC Chiller
in conjunction with the SmartAisleTM
to deliver the lowest operating costs.

Liebert HPC-M:
When Reliability and High Efficiency Count.
Cooling data centers or other obtained when the entire
Liebert HPC-M is the new technological installations system is setup to work in
Emerson Network Power requires units designed a SmartAisleTM configuration
product line of air-cooled
to be reliable. where the floor mounted or
chillers, from 350 to 800 kW,
Reliability enables high system in the row cooling units can
designed to combine the
availability. interact with the chiller,
best performance in terms
of efficiency and reliability With Liebert HPC-M we have thanks to the iCOM control,
with the lowest impact on added efficiency to the providing the best
the environment. equation as this strongly performances with the lowest
impacts on the operating costs energy consumption.
of the data center.
With Liebert HPC Emerson
Network Power has introduced
to the market a product able to
extend its operating conditions
to a wider range of water
temperatures. In fact, data
center applications may require
variable cooling capacity during
the day involving a water
temperature much higher than
the 7-12° C that a conventional
chiller delivers.
These performances can be

Liebert HPM Extended SmartAisleTM Liebert XD
Indoor Room Cooling chilled water • Aisle containment Refrigerant based high density cooling installed
units from 30 to 200 kW. • Provides highest energy efficiency close to the server
• Up to 50% increased efficiency • Works with any Liebert Cooling Unit • Hot spot management for up to 30 kW per rack
• Designed for SmartAisle applications • On-demand upgrade with plug and play
• Optimized for maximizing • High efficiency and 100% sensible cooling
freecooling chiller efficiency
Liebert CRV
Row-based high efficiency precision cooling units
Liebert HPC available in DX or CW versions
Wide range of high- efficiency freecooling • Decoupled control for airflow and cooling capacity
chillers from 40 kW to 1600 kW • Modulating cooling capacity with digital scroll
• Designed specifically for data center • iCOM control with remote rack sensors
applications and to work with SmartAisleTM
• Premium energy efficiency version
• iCOM control featured

TrellisTM Solutions
Liebert HPC is ready to be integral to the benefits of the TrellisTM platform.
TrellisTM is the first integrated, single information-source data center infrastructure management (DCIM) platform.
It brings together IT equipment and facilities infrastructure and allows data center managers to make smarter
decisions on the interplay between efficiency, availability and capacity utilization of the entire infrastructure and
in particular of Liebert HPC chillers, Liebert HPM floor mounted units and of the overall Emerson Network Power
Precision cooling system.

Liebert HPC-M: Drive Down the CO2 Emission
with the Data Center FreeCooling Chiller.
Liebert HPC-M (300-800kW) “G” version. Designed for extreme • Chiller & Free-cooling versions
Best Goals Are: external conditions, like tropical • R134a
Maximized energy efficiency temperatures found in the • 2 screw compressors
thanks to: Middle East, this model contains • 2 independent refrigerant circuits
• New compressor design technologies that bring the • Step less capacity control
optimized to guarantee high highest efficiency. For this reason, • EEV
efficiency especially in partial it is not only suitable for the
load environments already mentioned,
• Evaporators: a new advanced but also for a wider operating
DX evaporator optimized for range, including various industrial
R134a, with counter current applications, where the required
configuration. water temperature is higher
- PHE (frame with 6-8 fans) than the conventional operating
- Shell & Tube (frame with 10-12 conditions of a standard chiller.
• EEV (Electronic Expansion The Fast Start Ramp:
Valve): stability and efficiency Never-Ending Availability.
guaranteed in all conditions The Fast Start Ramp is the
innovative technology that in
EC Fans: the case of any emergency, like • 29 sizes
High efficiency motors guarantee a power failure, restores the • Compact design
energy consumption 25% less than optimal operation of the chiller. • EC Fans
traditional AC motors. Liebert HPC-M 100% capacity is
Lower sound emission, without any available in 40 seconds, avoiding • Extremely low noise
electromagnetic noise. any unacceptable increase in • High Efficiency
water temperature. Your business • Wider Operating Range
Adapt Your Chiller to the continuity is safe.
Environment, and Protect IT.
Liebert HPC-M efficiency is at its Main Components
greatest when it comes to the • Air cooled screw chiller

Liebert HPC-M is the chiller voted
of maximum efficiency, equipped with those
techonologies that provide the best performance
having the environment in mind.


35000 Chiller/Fluid T: 15-10°C


Energy cons.[kWh]
FG4052/Fluid T: 15-10°C
25000 -29% -60
FG4046/Fluid T: 21-15°C
FG4039/Fluid T 24-18°C
Liebert HPC-M is equipped with
screw compressors to improve
0 efficiency and reliability of
Chiller/Fluid T: 15-10°C Frankfurt profile
35000 -30 performance.
-20 -10 0 10
-32% Load 500kW
Energy cons.[kWh]

FG4052/Fluid T: 15-10°C
25000 -29% -60 FAST START RAMP
FG4046/Fluid T: 21-15°C
% Liebert HPC-M, always reliable.
-20% Fast Start Ramp ensures your
15000 chiller is restored to full
FG4039/Fluid T 24-18°C
capacity in only 40 seconds
after a power failure.
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
Maximized efficiency, even when
T[°C] working in tropical regions.
Up to 60% energy saving with
the “G” version.
Liebert HPC-M with SmartAisleTM compared with a conventional chiller installation.


A silent Chiller, thanks to the
HyBlade EC Fans and special
acoustic insulation for the
greatest comfort
Start pump - check flow
Power 1° Compressor loading
Failure 2° Compressor loading
Advanced unit and teamwork
control to maximize energy
iCOM under UPS power supply fast start routine efficiency. It operates at extreme
ambient and water temperature
0’’ 20’’ 40’’ 60’’
Integrated Freecooling section,
to get additional energy
saving and greater reliability.

Liebert HPC M Fast Start Ramp routine.


Annual Energy Consumption [kWh]


Liebert HPC-M: Energy Saving


and Freecooling from Athens to Oslo.

-22 -20-18-16 -14 -12-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
Outdoor Temperature [°C]

Integrated Freecooling section Athens

takes advantage of low outdoor
Annual Energy Consumption [kWh]

air temperatures in the water 50000 Oslo Savings
cooling process by enabling
Annual Energy Consumption [kWh]

45000 65000 of more

compressor operation to be 60000
35000 55000
than 30%
progressively reduced until 30000
50000 in energy
being stopped, thereby saving
25000 40000 use and up
to 40k€
energy. The strategies adopted 20000 35000
in your
15000 30000
by iCOM control the fan, 25000
10000 20000 energy bill!
compressor and regulation 5000 15000
valve components, whilst 0 10000
-12-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 3840 42
operating modes, mechanical 0
-22 -20-18-16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4Temperature
-2 0 2 4 6 [°C]
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
and/or free cooling, together Outdoor Temperature [°C]
with the compressors’ Oslo
Annual energy consumption (Chiller)
Annual energy consumption, plus free cooling module
Annual Energy Consumption [kWh]

continuous modulation, ensure 65000

Annual Energy Consumption [kWh]

typical energy savings greater 55000
55000 More than
than 40% (in Northern and 50000 50000
60% in
45000 45000
Central Europe). 40000 40000
35000 35000 saving,
30000 so up to
Precision Cooling Benefits 30000
25000 25000 70k€ saved
for Data Center & Industrial 20000 20000 in your
Applications 15000
energy bill!
• Lower annual energy 5000 5000
consumption 0
-22 -20-18-12
-4 -8
-2 -6
0 2-44-26 08 10
2 1241461681810 1224
20 22 142616
3020 2236
32 34 243826
• Reduced space requirements Outdoor
Outdoor Temperature
Temperature [°C][°C]
• Reduction of compressors’
Annual energy consumption (Chiller)
working hours 60000
Athensplus free cooling module
Annual energy consumption,
• Higher reliability
Annual Energy Consumption [kWh]

• Safe operation at extremely The above
50000conditions represent the saving for a 800 kW Liebert HPC, working in combination with
45000 , where the required supply air temperature is 24°C. The Freecooling Chiller is considered
low temperatures in the40000
worst case of full load. A lower load would determine an higher unit efficiency, and therefore
(e.g. -25/-30°C) higher savings. Cost of the energy considered is of 0,1€/kWh
8 20000
Liebert HPC can be configured according
to individual installation requirements,
meeting our customers’ needs with flexibility.

Liebert HPC-M:
Standard options Additional options • No-Glycol
• Electronic expansion valve • Star delta starting method • Heat Recovery
• Evaporator water flow switch • Economizer • Electrical panel heaters
• Part winding starting method • Pumps group on board - • Energy meter
• Double set point Inverter pumps • Condensing coils filters
• Shifting set point • Hydraulic kit • Protection grid
• Auto unit Delta T setting • Double power supply and • Compressors power factor
• Advanced low condensing Fast Start Ramp correction
pressure control • Compressor suction shut • Anti vibration mount, rubber or
• Intelligent fans control based off valve spring [KIT]
on external temperature or • Evaporator-pipes-pumps • BMS communication: ModBUS,
timeframe trace heating BACnet, Lon Works, SNMP
• Demand limit
• Intelligent inrush current
• Remote on/off relay
• Voltage free contact:
- chiller/pump operation
- compressors operation
- general alarm
- general warning
- freecooling status
• EC Fans (on “G” and “Q”

HPC-M Range Aircooled Screw Chiller

G Model (The Best Efficiency Model) CG4036 CG4039 CG4046 CG4052 CG4058 CG4066

Refrigerant R134a
Cooling Capacity 1 kW 364 412 442 531 575 645
Total Power Input 1 kW 113 127 138 162 174 198
Unit EER 1 3,21 3,24 3,20 3,28 3,30 3,26
Cooling Capacity 2 kW 400 447 486 574 622 692
Total Power Input 2 kW 129 142 157 181 195 220
Unit EER 2 3,10 3,14 3,09 3,18 3,19 3,14
SPL (Sound Pressure Level) 3 dB(A) 79,5 79,5 80 80 81 81
PWL (Sound Power Level) 4 dB(A) 99 99 100 100 101 101
Evaporator type Plate Heat Exchanger Shell & Tube
Dimensions - L x D x H mm 5017x2260x2570 6013x2260x2570 7009x2260x2570
Operating Weight kg 4.476 4.522 6.268 6.288 6.837 6.854

B Model (Base Model) CB4031 CB4036 CB4039 CB4046 CB4052 CB4058 CB4066 CB4078

Refrigerant R134a
Cooling Capacity 1 kW 307 344 389 426 506 544 618 736
Total Power Input 1 kW 101 117 132 141 167 181 205 251
Unit EER 1 3,05 2,95 2,94 3,02 3,03 3,01 3,01 2,93
Cooling Capacity 2 kW 339 384 428 473 551 596 670 800
Total Power Input 2 kW 115 137 152 164 190 207 233 278
Unit EER 2 2,94 2,81 2,81 2,89 2,91 2,88 2,88 2,88
SPL (Sound Pressure Level) 3 dB(A) 78 78 78 78,5 78,5 79 79 80
PWL (Sound Power Level) 4 dB(A) 97 97 97 98 98 99 99 100
Evaporator type Plate Heat Exchanger Shell & Tube
Dimensions - L x D x H mm 4021x2260x2570 5017x2260x2570 6013x2260x2570 7009x2260x2570
Operating Weight kg 3691 3.740 3.785 5.040 5.132 6.089 6.112 6884

L Model (Extremely Low Noise Model) CL4031 CL4036 CL4039 CL4046 CL4052 CL4058 CL4066 CL4078

Refrigerant R134a
Cooling Capacity 1 kW 303 344 396 426 506 544 631 721
Total Power Input 1 kW 99 113 129 136 164 174 196 249
Unit EER 1 3.06 3,04 3,08 3,13 3,09 3,12 3,22 2.90
Cooling Capacity2 kW 337 384 435 472 554 596 680 786
Total Power Input 2 kW 115 134 147 159 187 202 220 279
Unit EER 2 2,93 2,87 2,96 2,97 2,96 2,96 3,09 2,82
SPL (Sound Pressure Level) 3 dB(A) 70 70 70,5 70,5 71 71 72 72
PWL (Sound Power Level) 4 dB(A) 89 89 90 90 91 91 92 92
Evaporator type Plate Heat Exchanger Shell & Tube
Dimensions - L x D x H mm 4021x2260x2570 5017x2260x2570 6013x2260x2570 7009x2260x2570
Operating Weight kg 3633 3.679 4.222 4.930 5.910 5.928 6.469 6674

Q Model (Quiet Model) CQ4031 CQ4036 CQ4039 CQ4046 CQ4052 CQ4058 CQ4066

Refrigerant R134a
Cooling Capacity 1 kW 297 344 387 421 495 542 603
Total Power Input 1 kW 97 108 124 131 160 166 196
Unit EER 1 3.07 3,19 3,11 3,21 3,10 3,26 3,07
Cooling Capacity 2 kW 331 384 426 470 544 595 656
Total Power Input 2 kW 114 128 145 156 186 194 226
Unit EER 2 2.90 3,00 2,95 3,02 2,93 3,07 2,90
SPL (Sound Pressure Level) 3 dB(A) 65 65,5 65,5 66 66 67 67
PWL (Sound Power Level) 4 dB(A) 84 85 85 86 86 87 87
Evaporator type Plate Heat Exchanger Shell & Tube
Dimensions - L x D x H mm 4021x2260x2570 5017x2260x2570 6013x2260x2570 7009x2260x2570
Operating Weight kg 3742 4.286 4.332 5.996 6.020 6.557 6.579

1 Cooling capacity at the following standard conditions: power supply 400V/3ph/50Hz; outdoor temperature 35°C; water inlet/outlet temperature 12/7 °C; ethylene glycol 0%
2 Cooling capacity at the following standard conditions: power supply 400V/3ph/50Hz; outdoor temperature 35°C; economizer option water inlet/outlet temperature 12/7 °C; ethylene glycol 0%
3 Measured with outdoor temperature 35 °C; 1m from the unit; free field conditions; according to ISO 3744
4 With outdoor temperature 35°C; calculated according to ISO 3744

HPC-M Range Freecooling Aircooled Screw Chiller

G Model (The Best Efficiency Model) FG4036 FG4039 FG4046 FG4052 FG4058 FG4066

Refrigerant R134a
Cooling Capacity 1 kW 383 424 475 558 607 680
Freecooling Capacity 1 kW 280 287 343 358 425 440
Total Power Input 1 kW 118 135 145 173 185 213
Unit EER 1 3,24 3,14 3,28 3,23 3,28 3,20
Cooling Capacity 2 kW 418 460 519 603 655 729
Total Power Input 2 kW 135 152 165 195 209 238
Unit EER 2 3,10 3,02 3,14 3,09 3,14 3,06
SPL (Sound Pressure Level) 3 dB(A) 79,5 79,5 80 80 81 81
PWL (Sound Power Level) 4 dB(A) 99 99 100 100 101 101
Evaporator type Plate Heat Exchanger Shell & Tube
Dimensions - L x D x H mm 5017x2260x2570 6013x2260x2570 7009x2260x2570
Operating Weight kg 5.236 5.282 7.278 7.301 8.008 8.089

B Model (Base Model) FB4031 FB4036 FB4039 FB4046 FB4052 FB4058 FB4066 FB4078

Refrigerant R134a
Cooling Capacity 1 kW 322 359 396 447 517 579 644 762
Freecooling Capacity 1 kW 203 207 212 273 281 341 348 421
Total Power Input 1 kW 105 122 143 148 180 191 222 271
Unit EER 1 3,06 2,93 2,78 3,03 2,88 3,04 2,90 2,81
Cooling Capacity 2 kW 354 399 437 494 563 632 699 827
Total Power Input 2 kW 121 144 166 172 207 220 255 304
Unit EER 2 2,92 2,77 2,63 2,87 2,73 2,88 2,75 2,72
SPL (Sound Pressure Level) 3 dB(A) 78 78 78 78,5 78,5 79 79 80
PWL (Sound Power Level) 4 dB(A) 97 97 97 98 98 99 99 100
Evaporator type Plate Heat Exchanger Shell & Tube
Dimensions - L x D x H mm 4021x2260x2570 5017x2260x2570 6013x2260x2570 7009x2260x2570
Operating Weight kg 4.322 4.371 4.416 5.852 5.946 7.100 7.154 8.104

L Model (Extremely Low Noise Model) FL4031 FL4036 FL4039 FL4046 FL4052 FL4058 FL4066 FL4078

Refrigerant R134a
Cooling Capacity 1 kW 317 353 413 439 540 569 659 746
Freecooling Capacity 1 kW 192 196 256 257 318 320 387 394
Total Power Input 1 kW 103 122 135 146 173 188 213 270
Unit EER 1 3,06 2,90 3,07 3,00 3,12 3,02 3,10 2,76
Cooling Capacity 2 kW 350 393 451 487 587 624 712 811
Total Power Input 2 kW 120 145 154 173 198 220 242 306
Unit EER 2 2,91 2,71 2,92 2,82 2,96 2,84 2,94 2,65
SPL (Sound Pressure Level) 3 dB(A) 70 70 70,5 70,5 71 71 72 72
PWL (Sound Power Level) 4 dB(A) 89 89 90 90 91 91 92 92
Evaporator type Plate Heat Exchanger Shell & Tube
Dimensions - L x D x H mm 4021x2260x2570 5017x2260x2570 6013x2260x2570 7009x2260x2570
Operating Weight kg 4.262 4.310 4.982 5.742 6.920 6.941 7.697 7.892

Q Model (Quiet Model) FQ4031 FQ4036 FQ4039 FQ4046 FQ4052 FQ4058 FQ4066

Refrigerant R134a
Cooling Capacity 1 kW 304 360 396 449 517 567 629
Freecooling Capacity 1 kW 166 218 223 268 276 329 336
Total Power Input 1 kW 104 114 134 139 173 180 214
Unit EER 1 2,93 3,17 2,97 3,22 2,99 3,15 2,94
Cooling Capacity 2 kW 339 400 436 499 566 623 686
Total Power Input 2 kW 124 136 157 166 203 212 249
Unit EER 2 2,73 2,95 2,78 3,00 2,79 2,94 2,75
SPL (Sound Pressure Level) 3 dB(A) 65 65,5 65,5 66 66 67 67
PWL (Sound Power Level) 4 dB(A) 84 85 85 86 86 87 87
Evaporator type Plate Heat Exchanger Shell & Tube
Dimensions - L x D x H mm 4021x2260x2570 5017x2260x2570 6013x2260x2570 7009x2260x2570
Operating Weight kg 4.371 5.046 5.092 7.012 7.032 7.728 7.807

1 Cooling capacity at the following standard conditions: power supply 400V/3ph/50Hz; outdoor temperature 35°C; coolant inlet/outlet temperature 15/10 °C; ethylene glycol 30%
Freecooling capacity at the following standard conditions: power supply 400V/3ph/50Hz; outdoor temperature 5°C; coolant inlet temperature 15°C; ethylene glycol 30%; coolant fluid flow as indicated at (1) conditions
2 Cooling capacity at the following standard conditions: power supply 400V/3ph/50Hz; outdoor temperature 35°C; economizer option coolant inlet/outlet temperature 15/10 °C; ethylene glycol 30%
3 Measured with outdoor temperature 35 °C; 1m from the unit; free field conditions; according to ISO 3744
4 With outdoor temperature 35°C; calculated according to ISO 3744

Liebert HPC-M Witness Test Area:
Know Your Chiller Before Installing It.
The quality and performance simply enjoy the pleasure
The goal is to help our of a new product starts with the to be where your unit is
customers achieve Research and Development manufactured and tested.
excellence in terms of phase. It then continues with
product quality, reduced a design which employs first There are details which are
Energy consumption and quality components and important; we want you to
integrates them together to
improved operations. know about them!
reach the highest efficiency
and reliability that our
Gain confidence right customers are looking for. Think about the test of a
from the outset: come and Freecooling Chiller up to
witness test your Liebert “Design” includes the 1600kW, with a tolerance up to
Chiller enjoying the new manufacturing process and 0.1 °C: the test cabin precisely
testing cabin, designed to test phases, which warrant reproduces the external
reproduce the most severe that every unit is produced working conditions, exactly
conditions. to achieve the capabilities for those conditions that may
which it has been conceived. happen one day during the
The commitment we have with year. The test cabin can fully
our customers is “come to see reproduce the conditions,
and test your product before so you’ll be sure that if they
it is shipped to your location”. do occur the performance of
your Liebert Chiller will not be
Why test a product?
To monitor different operating
sequences that a customer
may want to double check Others could say
before the installation, obtain “Our catalogue says it works“
performance measurement at ... you instead can say
a given load, become familiar “I have seen it and I know it
with the new product, or to works! “.

The Witness Test Cabins has been built to improve
the reliability of the tests so that our customers can
rely on our chillers even before installing them.

Emerson Network Power Business-Critical Continuity Expert TM

Today’s successful businesses depend on adaptable technologies to help them respond quickly
to market demands. Your data center must be built on a support infrastructure designed to
match the power and cooling needs of rapidly changing IT initiatives such as virtualization and
consolidation. Each IT change, move or addition will affect the entire support infrastructure
so you need products and support that ensure your IT systems will operate reliably in these

Get More on line:

More than 35,000 organizations in 70 countries depend
on our Business - Critical Continuity TM Promise:
your IT infrastructure stays up to support your Business!

Ensuring The High Availability
Of Mission-Critical Data And Applications.

Emerson Network Power, a business of Emerson (NYSE:EMR), is the Locations

global leader in enabling Business-Critical Continuity™ from grid to
chip for telecommunication networks, data centers, health care and Emerson Network Power - Headquarters EMEA
industrial facilities. Emerson Network Power provides innovative Via Leonardo Da Vinci 16/18
solutions and expertise in areas including AC and DC power and Zona Industriale Tognana
35028 Piove di Sacco (PD) Italy
precision cooling systems, embedded computing and power, integrated
Tel: +39 049 9719 111
racks and enclosures, power switching and controls, infrastructure
Fax: +39 049 5841 257
management, and connectivity. All solutions are supported globally by
local Emerson Network Power service technicians. Liebert AC power,
precision cooling and monitoring products and services from Emerson Emerson Network Power - Service EMEA
Network Power deliver Efficiency Without Compromise™ by helping Via Leonardo Da Vinci 16/18
customers optimize their data center infrastructure to reduce costs and Zona Industriale Tognana
deliver high availability. 35028 Piove di Sacco (PD) Italy
For more information, visit: Tel: +39 049 9719 111, Fax: +39 049 9719 045
United States
1050 Dearborn Drive
Contacts: P.O. Box 29186
Emerson Network Power has a worldwide network Columbus, OH 43229
of Sales Representatives Offices and Distributors. Tel: +1 614 8880246
To get the list of the nearest in your country, send an e mail to:
Asia 7/F, Dah Sing Financial Centre
108 Gloucester Road,Wanchai
Hong Kong
While every precaution has been taken to ensure the accuracy Tel: +852 2572220
and completeness of this literature, Liebert Corporation assumes no
responsibility and disclaims all liability for damages resulting fromuse of Fax: +852 28029250
this information or for any errors or omissions.
©2011 Liebert Corporation
All rights reserved throughout the world. Specifications subject to change
without notice. Emerson Network Power SrL- ISO 9001:2008.
Design, manufacturing, assembling and sales of chilled water
mixture and equipment for high precision air conditioning.
Sales of small uninterruptible power supply (UPS Small and Micro)

Emerson Network Power SrL-ISO 14001:2004:

Design, manufacturing, assembling and sales of chilled water
mixture and equipment for high precision air conditioning.
Sales of uninterruptible power supply (UPS Power). Design
of uninterruptible power supply (UPS Power). Sales of small
uninterruptible power supply (UPS Small and Micro). HQ Service
Emerson Network Power Activities (Spare parts warehouse, Technicians training)

The global leader in enabling Business-Critical Continuity™

AC Power Embedded Computing Outside Plant Racks & Integrated Cabinets

Connectivity Embedded Power Power Switching & Controls Services
DC Power Infrastructure Management & Monitoring Precision Cooling Surge Protection

Emerson, Business-Critical Continuity and Emerson Network Power are trademarks of Emerson Electric Co. or one of its affiliated companies. ©2011 Emerson Electric Co.

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