Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The concepts of magnetic resonance imaging are reviewed and its application to medical and biological systems is described. The magnetic
resonance phenomenon can be described by both classical and quantum mechanical approaches. Magnetic resonance imaging is based on the
techniques of nuclear magnetic resonance. The scanner first aligns the nuclear spins of hydrogen atoms in the patient and starts rotating them
in a perfect concert. The nuclei emit maximum-strength electromagnetic waves at the start, but over time the rotating spins get out of synch,
simply due to small differences in local magnetic fields. The unsynchronized spins cause the combined electromagnetic signal to decay with
time, a phenomenon called relaxation. A slice is selected applying a gradient in a particular direction (X, Y or Z). Magnetic resonance signals
are then formed by means of the application of magnetic field gradients along three different directions. Finally, the signals are acquired and
Fourier transformed to form a two-dimensional or three-dimensional image. Important parameters determining the image quality such as
signal-to-noise ratio, contrast and resolution are discussed too. A review of the most widely utilised imaging techniques is given including
ultra-fast sequences.
Los conceptos de la imagenologı́a por resonancia magnética son revisados y se describen algunas de sus aplicaciones a sistemas biológicos
y médicos. El fenómeno de resonancia magnética puede describirse tanto con un enfoque mecánico cuántico como clásico. El escaner
primero alinea los núcleos de los espines de los átomos de hidrógeno que se encuentran dentro del paciente, y luego comienza a rotarlos de
acuerdo a un concierto perfecto. Los núcleos emiten ondas electromagnéticas al inicio, pero a medida que transcurre el tiempo los espines
pierden la sincronización, debido simplemente a un decaimiento que representa el denominado fenómeno de relajación. Posteriormente se
selecciona una rebanada por medio de la aplicación de un gradiente de campo magnético en un dirección particular (X, Y o Z). A las señales
de resonancia magnética que se generan se les aplica la transformada de Fourier para formar una imagen bidimensional o tridimensional.
También se estudian los parámetros que determinan la calidad de la imagen como el cociente señal a ruido, el contraste y la resolución.
Además, se presenta un breve resumen de las secuencias imagenológicas más usadas incluyendo las secuencias ultra rápidas.
Descriptores: Imagenologı́a por resonancia magnética; secuencias de pulsos; imagenologı́a ultra rápida.
of the spin populations for a 90◦ pulse and a population in- In a frame rotating at angular frequency, ωe , about the Z
version for a 180◦ pulse. Although it is very small, the pop- axis this may be written as
ulation difference between the two spin states generates an
observable macroscopic magnetization vector M from a spin = γµ × (B0 γ − ωe ) k (19)
system. Such spin system is said to be magnetized. dT
The magnitude of the bulk magnetization vector points In a standard NMR experiment, a small oscillating RF
exactly along the positive direction of the Z-axis at equilib- field is applied perpendicular to the static field B◦ . In the
rium and is: laboratory frame this can be described by
γ 2 B 0 h2 n Bx = 2B1 cos(ωt) (20)
Mz0 = |M | = (14)
4π 2 kT
This may be split into two components rotating at fre-
From this, it can be said that magnetization is directly quencies ω and -ω about the Z-axis. To eliminate the time
proportional to the external field strength B◦ and n. MRI ex- dependence, we use a coordinate system that rotates around
periments are often performed with the object being at room the Z-axis at a frequency ω transforming this rotating frame,
temperature, one is limited to increasing the magnitude of and assuming γ positive, we obtain the following effective
the applied field for an increase in the bulk magnetization. field Bef f
Eq. (13) is only valid for a spin-1/2 system, so for a general µ ¶
spin-I system, magnetization becomes ω
Bef f = B0 − k + B1 i (21)
γ 2 B0 h2 nI(I + 1)
Mz0 = (15) We have neglected the component rotating at -ω. Pre-
12π 2 kT
cession takes place around this rotating field (see Fig. 2),
From Eq. (14) it can be appreciated that magnetic reso- therefore, we can use Eq. (17) and replace B◦ by Bef f .
nance imaging is a low-sensitivity technique since for a mag- If ω satisfies the resonance condition
netic field strength of 1 Tesla and using protons as the source,
three in a million protons in an object can be activated to gen- ω = γB0 (22)
erate the MR signal.
Bef f =B1 and the precession of M takes place around the vec-
tor B1 . We are referring to precession as seen in the rotating
3. Larmor precession frame of reference in which B1 is static as indicated in Fig. 3.
If we apply the oscillating magnetic field for a short period,
We shall study the magnetic moment of a number of nuclei
t1 with amplitude B1 , the magnetization will precess through
contained in a sample, in which two external fields are ap-
an angle θ=γB1 t1 . If θ=π, then the pulse inverts the magneti-
plied: a strong constant field applied along the Z-axis and
zation. This pulse is called a 180◦ pulse. And, if θ=π/2 (90◦
an orthogonal Radio Frequency (RF) field. We assume that
pulse), then the magnetization is rotated from the Z-direction
the external fields, mentioned above, provide the only forces
to the -Y-direction. After a 90◦ pulse the magnetization pre-
changing the orientation of each nucleus, and that they are
cesses in the laboratory frame, pointing normal to the static
uniform throughout the sample. The resultant nuclear mo-
field. The pulses described here are usually referred to as RF
ment per unit volume is denoted by µ. We are essentially
interested in the variation with time of this vector. The equa-
tions describing the Larmor precession of the magnetization
can be derived using a classical argument. Classical electro-
magnetism assures that Eq. (1) holds. A magnetic moment µ
in a magnetic field B, is subject to a torque T:
T =µ×B (16)
ω ◦ =γ B◦ , then the steady state solutions can be expressed as where φ0 is the magnetization phase (the phase angle gives
M x =χ0 ◦ H 1 and M y =χ00 ◦ H 1 the direction in the X-Y plane of the two-dimensional trans-
Dispersion mode. verse magnetization vector), Ω is the demodulation reference
frequency, and field angle θB . In 1950, Hahn [8] showed
χ0 (ω0 − ω)T2
χ0 = T2 ω0 (29) that an echo of the MR signal could be forced by subjecting
2 1 + (ω0 − ω)2 T2 the sample to two RF pulses. Hahn applied a π/2 pulse (90◦
Absorption mode. pulse) to a sample to observe a FID which follows a turn-off
of the pulse. Inhomogeneities cause a spread in the preces-
χ0 1 sion frequency, so that some of the spins go out of phase with
χ00 = T2 ω0 (30)
2 1 + (ω0 − ω)2 T2 respect to the others. Because of this dephasing, the resultant
signal decays with a time of the order of 1/(γ∆B), where ∆B
χ = χ0 − iχ00 (31)
is the spread in the static field over the specimen. If how-
χ is the complex susceptibility and χ◦ is the sample’s static ever a second π/2 pulse is applied at a time τ after the first
susceptibility. Eqs. (30) and (31) describe the NMR line- pulse, another signal re-appears at a time 2τ after the initial
shapes predicted by Bloch’s equations as shown in Fig. 4. pulse. He named the signal the spin echo. Later, Hahn him-
self showed the existence of echoes from Bloch’s equations.
This solution proved that if τ is varied the echo amplitude di-
5. Free induction decay and spin echoes minishes exponentially with a time constant T 2 . A pictorial
description of the process of echo formation in a 90◦ -τ -90◦
If a specimen is left in a high magnetic field for a long enough
sequence is shown in Fig. 5.
time, protons in the sample will tend to align themselves
along the direction of the external magnetic field. Forming
a macroscopic nuclear magnetization of the sample. But, if 6. Fourier transform NMR
the magnetization is perturbed away from alignment with the
field, using a 90◦ pulse, precession of the resulting magne- The early NMR experiments used continuous wave (CW) de-
tization will occur. There will be a gradual dephasing of tection. Nowadays, systems use the so called Fourier Trans-
this magnetization and consequently a loss of coherence of formation NMR methods, which employ short intense RF
the precessing magnetization. The dephasing of the trans- pulses, to excite a wide bandwidth of frequencies simulta-
verse magnetization causes a gradual decrease of the signal neously. Recently the wavelet transform has also been used
induced in the RF coil, leading to a decaying NMR signal to generate an image from MR signals [9]. The Fourier trans-
which is called the free induction decay (FID). (That is, de- form of the resulting FID reveals the mixture of frequencies
cay free of B1 ). This represents the total time-varying coher- produced by the applied gradients, chemical shift variations,
ent magnetic field derived from the sum over all precessing etc., for on resonance spin species. The FID is the expo-
proton spin fields, which induce a small EMF in any RF coil nential T 2 decay whose Fourier transform is the lineshape of
properly oriented to detect the corresponding flux changes. It Eq. (30). Experimentally, the lineshape will be broader than
can be used to locate the resonance peak for water, and de- that predicted by T 2 relaxation only. This is because the
termine the RF amplitude and duration necessary to produce
maximum signal. The theoretical expression for the FID for
the complex form of a demodulated signal due to an RF spin
flip at t=0 is:
t →−
s(t) ∼ ω0 d3 re(− T2 ( r )) |B| (→−
r ) |M (−→r , 0)|
− →
− →
×ei(t(Ω−ω( r ))+φ0 ( r )−θB ( r ) (32)
From Eq. (44) we can appreciate that the gradient gives however, we are usually interested in exciting a thin slice
a linear variation of frequency with position. The mag- of the sample. This can be done by simultaneously apply-
netic field now has varying amplitude for spins along the ing a magnetic field gradient and a selective pulse [10]. A
X-direction. For a one dimensional object, the FID is the suitable shaped selective RF pulse (amplitude modulation in
sum of all the individual contributions from spins at differ- time) is required to excite only a limited section of the fre-
ent positions. The decomposition of the FID into a frequency quency spectrum. In the presence of a magnetic field gradient
spectrum is obtained using the Fourier transformation of the such a pulse will only excite a slice of the sample. The thick-
MR signal. The effect of a linear gradient applied across a ness of the slice is proportional to the spectrum width. This
two-dimensional sample is shown in Fig. 6. effect can be seen from the spatial variation of the transverse
magnetization after application of a rectangular pulse of du-
8.2. Selective excitation ration th in the presence of a Z-gradient, Gz . The magnitude
of the transverse magnetization is [10]
When applying common NMR techniques, the excitation [Mx2 + My2 ]1/2 = m sin(θ)[cos2 (θ)
spectra of the applied RF pulses (non-selective or hard pulse)
are many times broader than the spin absorption spectrum, so ×(1 − cos2 (γBef f th ))2 + sin(γBef f th )2 ]1/2 (45)
that the whole sample is excited by the RF pulse. In MRI,
and its phase is defined by
· ¸ · ¸
Mx cos(θ)(1− cos(γBef f th ))
φ= tan−1 = tan−1 (46)
My sin(γBef f th )
where Bef f is the effective field, and θ is the angle Bef f
makes with Z-axis which are given by
£ ¤1/2
Bef f = B12 + Gz (z − z0 )2 (47)
· ¸
θ = tan−1 (48)
Gz (z − z0 )
For small values of B1 such that
¿1 (49)
Gz (z − z)0
this reduces to
· ¸
2B1 M0 γGz (z − z0 )th
|M |= sin (50)
Gz (z − z0 ) 2
γGz (z − z0 )th
θ= (51)
Thus the shape of the slice (sinc) corresponds to the
Fourier transform of the applied pulse (top hat), and the width
of the selected slice is inversely proportional to Gz . The phase
variation with Z means that there will be little total transverse
magnetization at the end of the pulse application. The phase
variation can, however, be eliminated by applying a gradi-
ent, Gz of opposite polarity for a time, th /2. For general
pulse shapes the form of the excited slice follows the pulse
spectrum only for low angles, and more powerful techniques
must be used to design pulses to excite rectangular slices with
large flip angles. The relation between the slice select gradi-
ent used and the orientation of the slice plane produced is
summarized in Table III.
a) Magnet. The magnet aligns the nuclei into low energy d) Receiver system. To convert the received RF signal
(parallel) and high energy (anti parallel) states. There- from the RF coil into form suitable for an analog-to-
fore, a strong magnet is necessary to generate a high digital converter (ADC) or digitizer, some receiver cir-
magnetic field (B0 ), which should be uniform over a cuitry is often employed. The signal is first amplified
volume of interest. A high-field magnet provides better with a low noise amplifier, then is transmitted to a re-
SNR resolution both in frequency and spatial domains. mote location to form an image via a computer pro-
However, the main requirement for the B0 field, is that cessing. The rest of the process involves signal de-
its field uniformity should be very good. A few parts modulation using a superheterodyne style circuit. This
per million over a spherical volume, 50 cm in diame- is normally done with respect to the same frequency as
ter, are required for a great variety of clinical applica- the emitted RF radiation.
tions. The optimal field strength and the type of magnet e) Computer system. This system represents the inter-
for imaging are dependent on the application so per- face through which the user initiates measuring sys-
manent, resistive, or superconducting magnets may be tem functions (system test, display images, measure
used. For most clinical MRI systems B◦ varies from functions) and usually retrieves images. In particular,
0.05 to 3.0 Tesla, and permanent and superconducting for the reconstruction process, the computing require-
magnets are mainly used. Superconducting magnets ments varies according to the imaging method used,
are made of a niobium-titanium alloy and are cooled but almost universally some form of Fourier transform
to temperatures below 12 K by immersion in liquid he- (FT) is required. The best algorithm for FT is the fast
lium, whose boiling point is 4.2 K. The main magnet Fourier transform (FFT), which can be used for two-
rarely produces a field of sufficient uniformity by itself, or three-dimensional images. The computer system
so to maintain the magnetic field homogeneity a shim should also be able to display images on a high-quality
system is necessary. monitor.
b) Gradient coils. All type of MRI modalities require
to deliberately alter the field uniformity by applying 10. Overview of MRI methods and techniques
a magnetic field gradient Gz (r), which varies lin-
early with position r to spatially encode the NMR sig- The imaging methods will be divided into four categories:
nal. Such gradients are generated by passing currents point, line, planar (two dimensions), and three dimensional
through specially arranged coils of wire, placed on a imaging, depending on the manner in which the image data
points are acquired. This is to say, it is usually by the sim- acquisition. This is done by using some form of selective ir-
ple expedient of replacing one stage of the imaging process radiation as described previously. Imaging sequences may be
by a selective excitation. It is clear from their ability to re- divided into two groups: a) frequency encoding of the spin
ceive the signal, simultaneously from the entire region of in- system, and b) phase encoding. We shall start with the sim-
terest, that planar and three dimensional techniques will be plest technique which uses frequency encoding.
more efficient than point and line methods, in terms of image
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) per unit time, and will therefore 10.2.1. Backprojection reconstruction
be preferred in most situations.
This method is normally used in X-ray CT, and was intro-
duced into MRI by Lauterbur [6]. The signal obtained from
10.1. Point and line methods
a sample in the presence of an applied gradient corresponds
The point methods have the advantage of being very simple to a one-dimensional projection of the object onto the axis of
experimental methods. Usually they do not require a great the gradient. An image can be constructed by altering the di-
deal of hardware and the field homogeneity only has to be rection of this gradient to collect a number of projections of
good over a very small region. One example of these point the object, and then processing these profiles using a recon-
methods is the so called FONAR (Field Focused Nuclear struction algorithm. The total spin density contributing to a
Magnetic Resonance) method, introduced by Damadian [11]. frequency ∆ω = γGφr, to each ray (r,φ), is given by the line
It is well known, that the FID obtained from a sample lo- integral:
cated in an inhomogeneous magnetic field will decay rapidly. Z
This occurs because different regions of the sample are lo- P (r, φ) = ρ(x, y)ds (57)
cated in different magnetic fields. And, the signal therefore Γ,φ
has a wide range of frequency components which rapidly de- where s is the distance along the ray direction. Each value of
phase giving a shortened FID, and correspondingly a broad P(r,φ) is called a ray sum, and the set of values for a given
lineshape on Fourier transformation. A sample which is suf- gradient orientation φ as the projection at angle φ. Eq. (57)
ficiently large to extend beyond the homogeneous region of a represents a NMR spectrum, which is the Fourier transform
magnet will therefore give rise to a signal (to a first approxi- of the FID obtained from the gradient Gφ . A set of projec-
mation) with two components: one which is long-lived from tions P(r,φ) is acquired by rotating the gradient angle. These
the central homogeneous region, and one which is short-lived are then filtered, and back projected to form an image.
from the surrounding non-homogeneous region. A selective
pulse with an adequately narrow bandwidth can be used to 10.2.2. Fourier imaging
excite only those spins inside the resonance aperture (signal-
producing region). An image can then be produced point by The Fourier method was first developed by Kumar and et. al,
point, by moving the sample relative to the magnet or by re- in 1975 [13], and can be considered to be a typical two di-
locating the resonance aperture. mensional spectroscopy technique. The most popular class
Hinshaw [12] introduced another point method which of planar methods are currently the two dimensional Fourier
employs three sinusoidal oscillating orthogonal field gradi- techniques, for short 2D-FT. The basic idea is to apply a 90◦
ents, which define a small region at their intersection. Only RF pulse, and a slice selection gradient to generate an FID
the spins within this region are in a time-invariant magnetic which evolves first under the influence of a field gradient, Gy
field. This region called the sensitive point, generates a signal for a time ty , followed by a second gradient, Gx with dura-
which is acquired using a narrow band filter. This is a straight tion t, which is applied at a right angles to the first. The signal
forward technique to implement since there is no need for is phase encoded during the application of the first gradient,
complicated image reconstruction and little dependence on and sampled for times tx during the spatial encoding, read
gradient linearity. This method allows localised NMR mea- gradient, Gx . Excluding relaxation effects, the signal is:
surements to be made without the necessity of forming an im- ZZ
age, so it could be used to measure T 1 . But, the long imaging S(tx , ty )= ρ(x, y) exp [iγ(Gx xtx +Gy yty )] dxdy (58)
time is its major disadvantage. These methods are an exten-
The experiment is then repeated with an incrementing
sion of the point methods. The basic idea is to isolate a line
period of evolution under the gradient Gy . In these experi-
within a three dimensional object and subsequently to distin-
ments, k-space is filled with one line at a time. After the full
guish between signal emanating from different points along
data acquisition is done, a two dimensional Fourier transform
the selected line. These methods are insensitive to magnetic
(2D-FT) yields the spin density distribution. The sequence of
field inhomogeneities though to a lesser degree than the point
RF pulses and gradient pulses is shown in Fig. 9. Edelstein
and et al. [14] modified the Fourier imaging method, to in-
troduce another method called spin-warp imaging, in which a
10.2. Two-dimensional techniques phase variation is generated by changing the gradient ampli-
Most MRI experiments are sequential plane techniques in the tude with the phase encoding carried out for a constant time
sense that a slice of magnetization is excited prior to data period. This has the advantage that effects remain constant
F IGURE 10. A timing diagram for the 2D-FT Spin Warp scheme.
F IGURE 9. The sequence of RF pulses and gradient pulses for 2D-
Fourier Transform Imaging.
rents. These problems can be overcome by using another
throughout the experiments. A timing diagram for the 2D-FT type of partial sampling scheme, which makes use of slightly
spin-warp imaging sequence is shown in Fig. 10. more than half of the k-space data in one encoding direc-
tion [17-18]. This enables us to construct a coarse phase
10.3. Full and half Fourier imaging map from the symmetric data around the origin, which will
be employed afterwards to correct the phase errors, see
Whenever the four k-space quadrants are scanned, filling the Fig. 11(e). Some Half Fourier sampling strategies are illus-
whole of the space, this is designated as a Full Fourier tech- trated in Fig. 11.
nique. The Fourier transform generates information con-
taining real and imaginary parts with a well defined phase. 10.4. Three-dimensional techniques
Taking the modulus of the two parts, gives rise to modulus
images in which all phase effects are removed. However, It is possible to extend the two dimensional techniques to pro-
these methods can require long imaging times. To abbreviate duce three dimensional imaging. Three-dimensional data sets
the long imaging times of the Full Fourier methods, we can can be generated in many different ways from Fourier tech-
scan only half of the k-space [15-16], and then reconstruct niques, for example, by multislice imaging or by using ad-
the other half using the Hermitian symmetry property of the ditional phase encoding. The multislice technique can pro-
Fourier transform of the MR signal, S(-k) = S*(k) [15]. Then, duce images of different sections. The slice of the object
in some cases only half the number of the experiments are goes through a cycle during the interval TR, during this time
required. This method requires zero filling of the data before a different slice is selected and then imaged. Most of the
Fourier transformation. Filtering is needed to avoid ringing imaging time is spent in waiting for T 1 recovery of magneti-
at the edges produced by the truncating step function. Phase zation (TR). A 3D FT image can be acquired by repeating a
variation causes problems since the Hermitian symmetry is 2D-FT process a certain number of times without slice selec-
lost. Such phase variation results from field inhomogeneity, tion, where the repetition number depends on the number of
misalignment of the signal detection, and gradient eddy cur- slices thatarerequired.Theinformationinthe Z-axisisencoded
|ImA − ImB |
CAB = (59)
in the same way as it is encoded along the Y-axis by the use and the resulting images is said to carry T 1 contrast or a T 1
of an additional phase encoding gradient. The Fourier trans- weighting. Similarly for T 2 contrast and spin density con-
form is applied successively three times to reconstruct the 3D trast:
CAB ≈ f (T2 ) (61)
10.5. Chemical shift imaging
MRI and MRS have been developed somewhat indepen-
dently, and the information provided by these two techniques CAB ≈ f (σ) (62)
is complimentary. MRI exclusively uses the proton (1 H) res-
onance, to yield spatially-resolved images with no discrimi- Spin density contrast is linearly proportional to the tis-
nation among signals arising from hydrogen nuclei existing sue spin density difference, whereas T 1 , T 2 contrasts have
in different chemical groups (no chemical shift resolution). an exponential dependence on the tissue T 1 , T 2 values. Nor-
MRS is able to yield NMR spectra in which chemical shift mal soft tissue usually have a small variation in spin density,
resolution is very important. Such spectra contains no spa- but have quite different T 1 values. Therefore, T 1 -weighted
tial information. Thus it has long been desired to obtain imaging is an effective method to obtain images of a good
both spectrally and spatially-resolved information in a sin- anatomical definition. Many disease states are characterized
gle study. These two sources of biological information can by a change of the tissue T 2 value, and T 2 -weighted imaging
be put together in the so called chemical shift imaging or is a sensitive method for a disease detection. Fig. 12 shows
spectroscopic imaging. This imaging technique is referred T 1 -weighted and T 2 -weighted images of brain obtained at
to the process of selectively imaging (or obtaining the spa- 1.5 Tesla.
Parallel imaging is useful for any application where min- facts, and improve image quality. The g factor is a limitant
imum acquisition time is paramount. Applications include issue when using parallel imaging.
real-time imaging, first-pass bolus contrast imaging, cardiac
imaging, and EPI. These imaging sequences heavily depend
on the coil sensitivity, so the interest to develop new coils Acknowledgment
for parallel imaging has reborned again. These imaging tech-
niques have a very promising future since are able to generate I would like to thank Sir Peter Mansfield and Professor
an image in less than a few milliseconds, reduce motion arte- Richard Bowtell for illuminating conversations.
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