Toch 1961 - Legal and Criminal Psychology
Toch 1961 - Legal and Criminal Psychology
Toch 1961 - Legal and Criminal Psychology
RA 1148.T63
Michigan State University
August, 1966
To the Memory of
A. Ross Pascoe
"Do you know what psychology is? There is a vegetable called parsley
. . . To
look at it's not bad, it smells nice, tastes good when you flavor
food with it. But you try chewing parsley by itself! You don't want to?
Then why do you stick psychology down my throat?"
Jacob Goldstein is associated with the New School for Social Re-
search and holds a number of other research positions. He is a
social psychologist whose publications deal with a variety of sub-
Preface vii
Index 419
Part I
Legal Psychology
Introduction to
Legal Psychology
When the man in the street thinks of the workings of the criminal
law, he tends to visualize a row of well-oiled machines. First in line
is Law-Passing Machine which acts like a thermostat. It gauges the
temperature of society, and passes a law against anything which raises
the level of public indignation beyond a tolerable point. Once the
law has been passed, an Enforcing Machine enforces it. This contrap-
tion surveys the landscape for any signs of disturbance, and clamps
iron tentacles on whoever seems to be responsible.
Next in line is the Justice-Dispensing or Courtroom Machine
which makes sure that the Enforcing Machine has been functioning
properly. This gadget operates like a vending machine. You insert
facts about the offense in one and pertinent laws in another.
neck and to have his head shaved off with a new plow (Duncan,
1940, p. 77). In England, especially in the days of the Industrial
Revolution, property became a dominant concern, and the law
showed severity with offenses against property — however slight by
modern standards. Many starving children were hanged for stealing
a loaf of bread or some exchangeable trifle in an attempt to survive.
To this day, the maximum penalty in England for destroying hops
or burning a haystack is life imprisonment, and verdicts are at times
rendered which reflect such medieval concerns.
that economic discrimination was clearly the object of the law, since
200 Chinese laundrymen had been unable to obtain permission to
operate laundries, whereas 79 out of 80 non-Chinese applications for
permits had been granted.
Laws are also passed because of religious or moral standards
of the time. Under the reign of Edward III, for instance, there was
a strongly worded law against wearing a mustache without a beard
(Duncan, 1940). Many communities have passed "blue" laws impos-
ing Sunday curfews on business establishments, which mirror both
religious and economic feelings.
Laws also frequently show signs of reflecting feelings of venge-
fulness or hatred. Psychoanalysts have speculated that such laws may
express a hidden desire in the lawmaker to engage in the very prac-
tices he proscribes (Weihofen, 1956). In Gilbert and Sullivan's
"Trial by Jury" the members of the jury express this type of feeling
when they declare:
"Oh, I was like that when a lad!
A shocking young scamp of a rover.
I behaved like a regular cad;
1938), and by giving the impression that they can vote lawmakers
out of office. One former state representative reports that "the legis-
lator can hardly turnaround or make a move in the corridors of
the State House without being confronted with a veiled threat of
the effect on his political fortunes of a vote for or against a par-
ticular proposition" (Parkman, 1938, p. 98). The same author de-
scribes how the lawmaker "is bound to have a feeling of futility
because there is nowhere he can turn for quiet, unbiased reasoning
argument, and for impartial information as to the probable effect
of the enactment of legislation or the comparative experience of such
legislation in other states" (p. 101).
Thus lawmaking is far from an informed, accurate reflection of
public opinion. It represents a distorted reflection, resulting from
the legislators' exposure to lobbyists and interest groups, as well as
from their own personal needs and past experiences. These psycho-
logical sources of legislation must be exposed and explored.
have legislation on the books in most states which outlaws sex prac-
tices that are extremely common, and therefore cannot be subjected
to punishment. Many states also have laws against gambling covering
church bingo games, bridge parties, and social poker playing. These
we do not expect judges to convict all persons who break all laws.
Judges have our full approval when they pretend that some laws
do not exist, or when they use them only in emergencies.
Another way of coping with laws which do not meet psycho-
logical needs is to pretend to act in accord with them while one is
actually "getting around" them. For example, in jurisdictions in
which adultery is the only legally accepted ground for divorce, 1
an elaborate pretense of infidelity is generallymade in the courts.
"Adultery" thus can become a transaction with a young lady like
Herbert's "Elizabeth Mugg":
Elizabeth has been in eighty-nine divorce cases, she tells me, under
various names, and has never met one of the parties yet. In this case, of
course, she went down to Brighton and stayed a night at the "Cosmo-
pole." Pratt's valet stayed there the same night, and put a pair of Pratt's
boots outside Elizabeth's room. During the night her boots met Pratt's,
and the next day the valet met one of the chambermaids and identified
the boots, and there you are. [Herbert, 1948, p. 39.]
to use a pocket knife — which "was the right course in such cases"
(Pound, cit. Garrison & Hurst, 1956, p. 410).
A third way of adjusting the law to human needs is to determine
the most sensible outcome for a given case and then to pick the law
or precedent which prescribes this outcome. This does not mean that
all laws apply equally to any given body of facts. It does mean that
there usually is a choice of laws or previous cases which can be
1 Some jurisdictions in which adultery is the only accepted ground for di-
vorce have a law against adultery. It is obvious that such a law cannot be
plausibly invoked (see discussion in Chapter 6, pages 133-135).
Even the United States Supreme Court "selects" out of several con-
stitutional provisions the one it applies to any given case:
manager was convicted under the Mann Act for having made ad-
vances to a chorus girl whom he had hired in another state; in 1915,
a prostitute was indicted when she changed her residence from Il-
linois to Wisconsin. The Supreme Court upheld both convictions,
although in the first case transportation had occurred for the purpose
of employment, and in the second case the woman was admittedly
not an innocent victim. In neither case was white-slave traffic in-
volved. In 1944, the Mann Act was invoked against a family that
owned a brothel, and was returning there from a vacation trip on
which the couple had been accompanied by two of its employees;
in 1945, the Supreme Court reaffirmed a conviction arising from a
two-block taxi ride in Washington, D. C; in 1946, the Mann Act
was used against Mormons for practicing polygamy.
be sure, the history of this piece of legislation is not typical.
But it does dramatize the general point: Laws are interpreted and
reinterpreted in the course of being applied. These interpretations
are cumulative, in the sense that a court decision of yesterday can
be used by another court today as a basis for a more generous
interpretation. This in turn can be used tomorrow, with the result
that the law has radically changed its meaning by this time. The
judge who finally uses the law may be singularly unconcerned with
the problems that motivated its passage. The law is his tool, and
acquires (within limits) whatever meanings he may need for his
purposes. This creative element in the implementation of law makes
the people who apply laws important psychological subjects. This
is especially so since judicial interpretations have at times offset pro-
The law does not cover different people in the same way, nor is
against another Negro, but to throw the book at a Negro who has
committed an offense against a white person. It has been speculated
that lenience with Negro crime represents an effort to permit Ne-
groes to "let off steam" as long as it does not burn whites. It is the
latter whose discriminatory acts are in part responsible for the
feelings of aggression expressed in Negro crime (Dollard, 1937).
Another commonly cited illustration of selective law enforce-
ment is the socioeconomic bias of the law. This bias starts with law-
making, in that acts defined as crimes typically are the antisocial
activities of underprivileged persons, such as vagrancy and offenses
against property. Large-scale exploitation, misappropriations, and
other antisocial activities prevalent in business and industry tend to
go unpunished (Sutherland, 1949). Such activities, in fact, are fre-
quently admired as showing initiative and ambition rather than being
defined as crimes.
It has also been noted that when two people commit the same
crime, the offender from the lower social or economic group is
charge him, and many judges are less likely to take a serious view
of him should his case get into court.
This is not to say that crime is not more prevalent among under-
privileged people. As will be noted elsewhere in this volume, slums
and poverty do create psychological problems which result in anti-
social behavior. However, poorer people don't have the monopoly
on crime which they appear to have from an inventory of prison
populations or from the guest lists of probation departments.
The inequity in law enforcement dramatizes the importance of
studying the perceptions, attitudes, and feelings of people charged
with enforcing the law. For our present purposes it will suffice to
mention two points in the administration of criminal justice where
law enforcers do exercise decisions, and where they thereby affect
the rule of law.
Arrest 2
Two seasoned felons, Lionel La Fleur and Muggs Pierpont McGee,
meet on the grounds of the Shady Brook State Penitentiary. The
following conversation ensues:
LL: One to five years. I'm going out on parole next week. How about
MM: Ten to fifteen years. way to go!
Got a long
LL: (respectfully) I'll say! What
did they get you for?
MM: Me and a buddy broke into a gas station in State City one night
last November, and the cops caught us.
LL: That's strange! We
also got nabbed breaking into a gas station
at night. Why
do you figure you're in ten times as long as me?
McGee's meditations in response to this question may bring him
considerable misery. They may even strengthen his antisocial feel-
ings. And it is, no doubt, of little consolation to McGee that wide
discrepancies in sentences are very common.
It would be wrong to assume that sentencing habits of different
judges are entirely to blame for this condition. Frequently the prose-
cutor is equally or more responsible. McGee's prosecutor may have
charged him with the offense he actually committed (breaking and
entering a business building in the nighttime), which tends to carry
a high penalty. La Fleur's prosecutor might have encouraged him
to plead guilty to a less serious offense (one not presupposing forced
entry, or one specifying daytime as opposed to nighttime). Most
prosecutors accept guilty pleas to lesser offenses in a large propor-
tion of their cases.
One important reason for this practice is the sheer volume of
pressing business. A guilty plea saves time, since it permits disposal
of the case without a lengthy trial. Occasionally, a prosecutor will
be delighted to accept a plea to a reduced charge because he may
feel that he lacks the evidence to make the original charge stick.
Another reason for letting a person plead guilty is to avoid imposing
on him an excessive sentence required by law, or to permit him to
be placed on probation.
Whatever the reason, prosecutors do not simply apply the law to
the facts and rush into court, demanding a conviction. More often
than not, they will not take an offender to court at And when
In the remainder of this section, we shall be concerned with the
problem of what happens in the courtroom, and with the human ele-
ments that have to be considered in this situation. Chapters 3 and 4
will describe what happens in a typical trial from the point of view
of the contending lawyers. It become evident that advo-
cates involved in the courtroom have to make innumerable assump-
tions and predictions about the perceptions, attitudes, and motives
of other people. It becomes vitally important to them, for example,
to guess what goes on in the minds of their judge or jury in the
face of every move they or their witnesses make. This, after all,
determines the verdict.
Psychological data about judges will be discussed in Chapter 6.
At this point, we need only indicate that the problem does not con-
fine itself to extreme cases of prejudice. To be sure, judges who
are professional sadists, or obviously senile, pose a very special prob-
lem, as do the numerous judges who have well-known aversions,
preferences, or concerns which lawyers try to manipulate or which
they attempt to escape. A problem is obviously also posed by judges
with special sentencing habits, such as consistently lenient or per-
ennially "tough" judges.Over and above these dramatic variations,
however, one must consider more pervasive and subtle psychological
factors,such as the effects of the judge's role. This is the problem
suggested by Lady Cicely in Shaw's Captain BrassbountTs Conver-
sion when she exclaims:
"Bless me! Your Uncle Howard one of the most harmless of men
I stood on the platform behind a low desk and begged the men to
That coincidence was, of course, not chance. In the case of the dark-
ness experiment the mere idea of grayness gave the suggestible minds the
belief that colorless gray must be darker than any color. They evidently
did not judge at all from the optical impression, but entirely from their
conception of gray as darkness. The coincidence, therefore, proved
clearly how very quickly a little experiment such as this with a piece of
blue and gray paper, which can be performed in a few seconds, can pick
out for us those minds which are probably unfit to report whether an
action has been performed in their presence or not. Whatever they expect
to see they do see; and if the attention is turned in one direction, they
are blind and deaf and idiotic in the other. [P. 31.]
Munsterberg advocated that psychologists be permitted to test wit-
nesses and to evaluate testimony. He also pointed out that psychol-
ogy had acquired much information which could help in sorting
reliable from unreliable evidence. According to Munsterberg, "every
chapter and subchapter of sense psychology" could clear up testi-
mony problems (p. 33). This contention was amplified by such
authors as Burtt (1931). Burtt illustrated his point with facts about
sensory defects, distance perception, color vision, adaptation, acuity,
auditory space perception, tactual perception, the perception of mo-
tion, time perception, and aspects of attention and memory. He
attempted to show that in each case, facts known by psychologists
could be brought to bear on discrepancies in testimony — discredit-
ing some witnesses, supporting others, or accounting for differences
among them.
Psychologists occasionally have been used in the courtroom as
experts on testimony. One of the earliest instances occurred in Bel-
gium in 1910. The psychologist involved was Varendonck, who
was given the task of evaluating information obtained from two little
girls under suggestive questioning in a preliminary examination. To
this end, Varendonck devised a series of ingenious experiments incor-
porating questions similar to those which had been asked of the wit-
nesses. Answers were obtained from children much like the two
little girls in age and background. These answers clearly showed
that the original testimony could have resulted from the suggestive
questions. For instance, eighteen children were asked to name the
color of the beard of one of the teachers. Sixteen responded, "Black."
The teacher had never worn a beard.
Szasz (1957) has suggested that psychiatry may have been "over-
sold." This possibility presents itself in the case of psychology with
equal force. In their zeal to obtain entry into the courtroom as ex-
perts, psychologists may make promises which they no position are in
to redeem. Dean John Wigmore, one of the greatest legal minds of
the century, whose classic on evidence draws heavily on psychologi-
cal writings, arrived — after thoughtful review — at the conclusion
there still remains unexploited by psychometry almost the whole field
and Law
Few men capture the great fascination of lawT in all of its many
leanings. The poet W. H. Auden's 1
effort is noble, and appropriately
guides us into the question, What is law?
the limits within which the client can be satisfied and the means of
satisfying him. The counselor must assess the extent of a client's
emotional involvement and the character of efforts he is making
to reduce his own tension. Clients may evidence great anxiety be-
cause of the uncertainty of their position, or frustration, fear, and
aggressive feeling because they have been or may be deprived of
some matter of value. The counselor must also consider the strength
of a client's position in the specific terms of its legal possibilities.
He must elicit information relative to the client's financial ability
and willingness to sustain his position. He must find and gauge acts
and events, claims, and moods and attitudes that are likely to in-
fluence. First, they may be selected to influence a client's antagonist
to adjust or abandon his position. Then, they may be reconstituted
to influence an individual, perhaps a judge, or a group of individ-
uals, such as a jury (about either of whom selected characteristics
and dispositions may be known), to make a particular kind of de-
termination for the client.
Upon the judgments derived from this complicated assessment
process, the counselor must determine the kind of information and
appeal he will use to encourage or reassure the client in the counsel-
ing relationship, or to chasten and console him.
The client's role in counseling is somewhat more than passive
and receptive. His initial disposition may be confused and uncertain,
or perhaps guilty, or fearful and possibly aggressive. He may use
or expect to use the counselor to handle his more intense feelings
by having the latter either encourage or discourage them. For this,
edge, and disposition of both client and counselor. Yet this most
critical aspect of law is buried in the sanctuary of law offices and
is cast in the image of insignificant or innocuous considerations.
chological study.
The Appellate Courts. The appellate courts are another legal op-
eration submerged in considerable ignorance of its true social and
psychological effects. Appellate courts nominally test the use of
and judgments evidenced in "inferior" courts.
legal skills, values,
These are the courts, ordered all the way from district appeals courts
to the United States Supreme Court, that receive cases "on appeal."
The "appeal" is ostensibly to challenge an application or interpre-
tation of law made in a given case by a "lower court." But these
courts, at least by implication if not more directly, have a larger
mission of providing intellectual leadership in law, monitoring so-
cial change, sensing and disposing of emotional dispositions, and
proving ethical merit. In the obscurity of their operations, hedged
by all sort of legalism, and in their superior and virtually dictatorial
authority, the acts and effects of appellate courts reflect some of
the greatest power in society.
Judgments and Decrees. The immediate effects of trial — final
orders, rulings, decrees,and judgments — are in themselves worthy
of study. Law is judgment or decree, perhaps a death sentence, or
an award of X number of dollars for damages, or an injunction pre-
venting a strike. The will of judges is a consecrated magic that in-
vokes the fullest power of "command" and "obey" (Hagerstrom,
1953). Judges' acts are imbued with moral as well as legal signif-
icance, and law is hence at its most potent in judicial determination.
The impact and importance of a judicial decision is likely to be
more involved and comprehensive than immediate reactions suggest.
It may impede, divert, or encourage a person's behavior, and some-
times may do more than one of these simultaneously. It may in-
hibit, extend, or incite someone's feelings. And its impact may be
felt variously by injured parties, by transgressors, and by third par-
ties whose interests are vested in judicial outcomes by reason of
their affinity in some respect to the directly affected parties.
The most discussed field of judicial outcomes is, again, the crim-
(Andeneas, 1952; Redmount, 1959 b, c; Watson,
inal trial decision
1958). Trial judgments, notably upon conviction, are intended to
have multiple effects upon feelings and actions. They have many
peculiarly severe punitive and deprivational qualities. For the con-
victed, the pronouncement of judgment, backed by the expectation
of its execution, is intended to inhibit aggressive and destructive
associated with it. One has to consider various types of people who
become vested with certain kinds of functions, and with certain
attitudes and dispositions toward their work, toward each other, and
toward their constituents.
The Law Enforcers. The law enforcers have in common the re-
sponsibility and the psychological disposition to assert control and
to limit other people's behavior. This they do under terms of law
that are usually rigorously defined. They are the policeman and the
prosecutor, the sheriff and the prison guard. Their prime function
is to protect the remainder of society against the depredations of
unions may
be prevented from carrying on secondary boycotts, and
a separated husband may be enjoined from annoying his spouse.
Any particular operation of law may have both immediate and
remote effects. These may be direct and visible, at one extreme, or
they may occur on anonymous, hypothetical parties, at the other.
Aggressors. The greatest familiarity as to the impact of law exists
in relation to apprehended aggressors. Whether they are engaged in
burglary or monopoly, the punishment for and containment of their
behavior is rather obvious. But even as to this publicized group, more
remote effects of law — changes in actions and attitudes as a result
of the operation of law — are not as well identified and catalogued.
Victims. The impact of law on victims of offenses is the subject
of some knowledge and some educated guesses (Hentig, 1948). In
some instances, as in accidental injury, there is compensation, but
this only one type of effect of the actions or inactions of law. In
ways that are meaningful and frequently may critically affect their
behavior. The frustrations or reassurances, the limitations and per-
missions, afforded by law may have very dramatic significance in its
impact on the attitudes and behavior of such people.
The Anonymous General Public. The more remote impact of law,
particularly on parties not specifically identified or spotlighted, is a
more contentious and uncertain matter. Many people may be parties
The psychologist, or group of psychologists, who confronts law
in all its estate is bold indeed. Inhe does not yet exist. That
there is plenty of psychology in law, and plenty to be studied, is
plain to behold. Lawyers themselves psychology —
are students of
most conspicuously in their manipulations of actions and reactions
to bring about trial decisions. But psychologists as such have been
rather more timorous in their infiltration into law than into medicine
or education. The reasons are historical, political, and philosophical.
Historical Influences
world; and Brandeis's original use of legal briefs stuffed with social
and economic data (Muller v. Oregon, 1908), and his emphasis on
the association between economic policy and legal responsibility
(1956)— all these are important landmarks in law's evolutionary
Consciousness of economic, political, and broadly social result is
Latv. The role and influence of law in social experience, and con-
sequently in individual behavior, is a matter of immense political
significance. Law has the last word in an exceptionally wide area of
human decision, both directly and indirectly. Of all the agencies of
human control, vested with the greatest and unsurpassable au-
it is
efforts and results in decisions that are absolutely binding and per-
sistent in social experience. By
such power, it seems almost to con-
struct a knowledge of its own, essentially impervious to efforts at
intelligence and knowledge that come from other sources.
By constricting experience as a matter of convenience, and particu-
larly by singling out ordinary logic as the means of identification
and analysis, law is able to establish an intelligence and knowledge,
both for its own institutional operation and for a larger society.
Psychology. The view of psychology about knowledge and in-
telligence is, in a sense, opposite. Behavioristic psychology (academic
learning theory, as an instance) and psychologies of consciousness,
such as psychoanalysis, combine in the effort to know experience
more intimately, more completely, and in more ways. The striving,
as in law, is for certainty, but certainty comes here more from ex-
ploration and less from restrictive convention. There is less concern
for the social consequence of findings, and, as a result, there are fewer
"sacred cows" and there is less need to "doctor" inquiry in order to
produce quickly an appearance of completeness and invincibility.
For instance, the social contributions of behavioristic psychology are
not impressive. More is known about learning nonsense syllables than
about adjusting in complex social organization. Yet, because of the
specificity of both inquiry and result, behavioristic psychology
breaks down experience so as to allow for insights and possibilities
that would not otherwise be observed.
Psychologies of consciousness also espouse the aims of clarity and
certainty, but their more certain emphasis is upon experience.
"Experiencing" is a matter of combining the contributions that come
to us not only from our senses, but particularly from our feeling and
thinking. The consequence is a more sensitive awareness of experi-
ence and a broader intelligence than characterizes law's approach.
Yet, at the same time, interpretations are less certain and may appear
to be radical and unusual. This is because emotion, when accounted
for in terms of logical meaning, produces its own versions of experi-
ence. These are often more significant and meaningful to the experi-
bility. Note is taken of the extent to which order has been subverted,
The trial and judicial process has come in for its share of specu-
lative psychological inquiry by notable legal scholars. Frank, whose
Freud and Piaget particularly, scored the
ideas reflect the impress of
"quest for certainty" in law and on the part of lawyers as an effort
to seek psychological security (1930). Virtually alone among
students of law, he was specifically concerned with the vagaries of
individual behavior — judge's, counsel's, litigant's, and witness's —
that contribute to uncertainty in the trial process (1949). Thurman
Arnold (1935, 1937), seldom identified for his psychological view-
point, nevertheless reflected and acknowledged this influence in
distinguishing and relating symbolic and practical operations in legal
process. He pointed out that symbols, formalities, feelings, words,
and appearances persist as a psychological necessity even after much
substance and meaning in a viewpoint or an operation have changed.
Psychology as a means of reflection upon the trial process has not
been attempted nearly as much as psychology as a means of exploita-
tion. Almost legion are the handbooks and accounts by lawyers of
psychological exploitation of the trial process in order to produce
successful partisan results. (See Chapters 3 and 4 for a detailed discus-
The psychological denominators of facts and fact finding in the
trial process have been subjected to some systematic intellectual
inquiry as well as to partisan inquiry. A generation ago, the fertile
mind of Robert Hutchins, then Dean of the Yale Law School, saw
the possibility of bridging academic and scholarly interest in the
probity of legal "rules of evidence," with inquiry into the contribu-
tions of burgeoning psychology in "perception,"
"memory," "emotion," and so on. Hutchins and a psychologist,
Slesinger, combined to produce a series of law journal articles "test-
ing" rules of evidence in terms of specific psychological studies and
observations (Hutchins and Slesinger, 1928, 1929). Rules and judg-
ments in the assessment of memory, emotion, intelligence, and so on,
in testimony were tested and checked in terms of psychological
Hutchins's effort was to enlist the knowledge of psychology in aid
of law, particularly in connection with the trial process. His was an
instance in a movement among some American "legal realists" to
place law on a firmer scientific footing. Some of these legal scholars
appropriated, not the facts of psychology, but the psychological
approach in contemplating problems of law. Most notable, in this
Trial Tactics in
Criminal Cases
Tired from a long day of work, a housewife sits on the front steps
of an apartment house in a midwestern city waiting for the evening
breeze to cool the hot, humid air. As the darkness closes around her,
a car pulls up to the curb. A man steps out of the car, walks toward
the sitting woman, and without warning grabs her and attempts to
drag her into his waiting automobile. Fortunately, a policeman in the
neighborhood hears the commotion and is able to apprehend the
attacker before he has a chance to drive away, but not before the
housewife suffers bruises, cuts, a broken nose, and a ripped dress.
Later the assailant is identified as a well-to-do businessman who can
give no reason for his actions.
From this situation both a criminal and a civil case arise. The
woman may sue her assailant in a court of law for sufficient money
to compensate herself for doctor and hospital bills, a new dress, pain
and suffering, possible humiliation, and other damages flowing from
the attack. If she successfully convinces the court or jury by a "pre-
ponderance of evidence" that this man caused the damages she
claims, a judgment in the form of a sum of money will be awarded
her. This is the primary purpose of a civil law action: to compensate
one by means of money for damages suffered because of the wrong-
ful act of another. (See Chapter 4 for a discussion of civil actions
and the precise meaning of "preponderance of evidence.") However,
a criminal case also arises from the same situation because the general
public has a primary interest in protecting itself from this type of
antisocial conduct.
This chapter will discuss tactics used in such a criminal trial. It will
do so from the point of view of the prosecutor and the defending
attorney, contrasting where possible the difference in approach to
trial problems inherent in these opposing roles.
is heard by a jury, although the defendant may waive the jury and
have his case heard by a judge if he so desires.
interest at stake.
The and freedom of American citizens have always been a
matter of prime concern in our democratic process. Because of this
concern for the individual and his freedom, the prosecutor in our
criminal case must convince the court or jury "beyond a reasonable
doubt" that the defendant was the man who attempted to drag the
woman into the car with the intention of harming her. This is in
sharp contrast to the "preponderance of evidence" burden the plain-
tiff must sustain in a civil action for damages based on the same facts.
a lesser offense (in terms of ultimate penalty possible) than the one
For Michigan case, a wife
instance, suppose that, as in a recent
shoots her husband through the head twice with his .45 Colt revolver.
She freely admits that she has shot him. But does this mean that she
is guilty of a crime? Not necessarily. She may have shot him in
self-defense or may have shot him accidentally. Her mind may have
been so deranged at the time of the shooting that she cannot be held
responsible for her act. And if none of these possibilities fits her case,
she may still be guilty of different grades of homicide, depending
upon the state of her mind. Was she in such a state of anger at the
time reduce the offense to manslaughter? Did her mind function
as to
The opening statement performs three functions: it acquaints
the jury with the testimony to be presented; it may help to create
or sustain the type of atmosphere that will put the jurors in the
frame of mind to convict or acquit; and it prepares the jurors for
testimony which the prosecutor or the defense attorney knows will
occur during the trial and which might appear detrimental to their
side of the case. The prosecutor is the first to address the jury. He
generally makes a simple, direct statement of the evidence to be
presented, emphasizing at all times the seriousness of the crime
charged. He will not engage in an emotional appeal at this point
in the trial. This would generally make the jurors less alert in follow-
ing the testimony.
The statement must be kept simple, logical, and free of irrelevan-
cies: if the jurors cannot follow what opening state-
is said in the
ment, they will not be able to follow the testimony. The testimony
to be given by the witnesses who will soon take the witness stand
must be outlined so that the jurors are prepared to understand it and
put it in its proper perspective. The best prosecutors generally
attempt a matter-of-fact attitude and make no wild claims that will
not be substantiated later. At the conclusion of his opening state-
ment the prosecutor wants the jurors to be prepared to understand
the testimony and eager to hear it. At the same time he wants them
to be impressed by the seriousness of the crime and the great danger
to the public caused by the acts with which the defendant is charged.
If the prosecutor has witnesses who he suspects will be repulsive
to the jurors, he will tell the jury so during the opening statement
to prevent the jurors from being shocked or surprised when the
witnesses take the stand. In such a case the prosecutor will explain
that it is his duty to present all witnesses who have any knowledge
pertaining to the alleged crime; that in presenting these witnesses
he must take the good with the bad; that often in vicious crimes
the associates of the defendant who have knowledge may be no
better than the defendant himself. After all, it is this type of
witness who knows most
about the type of crime with which the
defendant is charged. If the prosecutor does this task well, the
jurors will regard him with respect and friendliness and will fully
understand why it is necessary to believe the testimony of some of
the witnesses who would otherwise have appeared to be disreputable.
Defense Counsel
At the conclusion of the prosecutor's opening statement the
defense counsel may either make his opening statement or reserve
it until such time as he is ready to present his witnesses. Generally,
the defense attorney does not choose to make an opening statement
at this time. There are many reasons for this. The most important
is that by the time the prosecutor has concluded the presentation
of his case, the defense attorney's opening statement would have
been forgotten. There may, however, be occasions when the defense
attorney may wish to make an opening statement at the commence-
ment of the trial. If he does not intend to put any witnesses on the
stand himself, this is the only chance he has to address the jury prior
to closing argument. Or, if the defense counsel feels that the prose-
cutor's opening statement has been unusually effective, he may wish
to provide an antidote to its effect at this early stage in the proceed-
ings. When alibi or temporary insanity is to be the defense, some
defense attorneys feel it advisable to make the jury aware of this
fact at the beginning of the trial. However, these occasions, where
defense counsel makes his opening statement immediately following
the prosecutor's, are exceptions to the general rule.
In his opening statement, the defense attorney — like the prosecu-
tor — will first make a simple, logical, direct statement of the defense
he will present. However, unlike the prosecutor, he may introduce
collateral matters into his statement for the purpose of obscuring
the primary issues involved. He will also minimize the seriousness
of the offense. He may, for instance, point out that the act with
which the defendant is charged could happen to anyone, including,
by inference, any member of the jury. He may point out that, if
indeed, the defendant did commit the act, he had no intention of
harming anyone. Or he may merely deny that the defendant partici-
cipated in the acts constituting the offense. Underlying the opening
statement is an attempt to develop sympathy for his client. If sue-
cessful, he has further prepared the field for the planting of his
defense in the minds of the jurors.
Role of the Prosecutor
In most states, the prosecutor has the duty of calling to the stand
all witnesses having knowledge of the circumstances surrounding a
crime, whether or not they are friendly to the prosecution side of
the case. This increases the chance that some of his witnesses will
be good and some will be bad, insofar as the presentation of testimony
is Some will be truthful and some will exaggerate. Some
will make good impressions on the jurors and some will irritate the
jury by their very presence. This is the raw material with which the
prosecutor must mold this case. From these witnesses he must present
to the jury a clear story of a crime, including all its elements. It
is must not become
a cardinal rule for the prosecution that the jury
confused, which implies the need to present one's case as simply and
directly as possible.
With this basic rule in mind the prosecutor will select the order
of his witnesses much as a director stages a play. He must get the
maximum psychological impact out of the material with which he
has to work. Usually he will put one of his best witnesses on the
stand he can, because he wants to make an immediate impact
first, if
on the jury. He must have a witness who will initially make a good
impression and who will stand up under cross-examination. His very
best witness, however, will probably be saved for last, because the
jurors are most likely to remember this last witness when the case
is closed., In between, strung out in the order necessary to evolve
a logical sequence, will be the rest of the witnesses.
In addition to presenting a case through witnesses in an uncon-
fused, simple, and direct manner, the prosecutor must maintain an
attitude of seriousness, keeping humor out of the proceedings as
much as possible. Humor in a criminal case can cost the prosecution
a conviction. For example, in a murder some years ago
case tried
a police officer had followed his wife and her paramour from a
local bar to his home, where he observed them getting into his bed
together. He then proceeded to empty his service revolver into the
two bodies. He was tried for the murder of his wife — on the face
of it a vicious, cold, and calculated crime. At the trial the prose-
cutor introduced into evidence large blown-up pictures of the dead
wife, which he lined up facing the jury box so that the jurors could
not look forward without observing the gruesome scenes. Naturally
the initial impact on the jury was great. But during the prosecutor's
examination of the witness, defense counsel without a word arose
quietly to his feet, walked to the pictures and turned them about
with their backs facing the jurors. A few minutes later the surprised
prosecutor turned them back to their original position. In another
few moments the defense attorney again quietly turned the pictures
with their backs to the jury. After this procedure had been repeated
three or four times, the jurors began to smile. One could almost
see them mentally making bets as to how long it would take before
the pictures would be turned around again. Finally one of them
broke into loud laughter and the rest joined in. This was hardly an
atmosphere in which to convict a man of first-degree murder and
probably contributed toward the final verdict of not guilty by
reason of temporary insanity.
In another hearing in Michigan, the prosecutor was pounding home
his point and at the crucial moment banged his fist on the table
shouting, "Why, defense counsel's contention is nothing but minu-
tiae!" The defense attorney leaped to his feet and roared an objec-
tion to the prosecutor for using such vile and vulgar language in
the presence of the court. By the time the dictionary had been taken
from the and the jurors had been told that "minutiae" was
just another word for "small unimportant details," the spell was
broken and the jurors, defense counsel, and the judge were chuck-
ling loudly. It is difficult for laughing jurors to take seriously the
prosecution's claim that the defendant is a dangerous man who must
be found guilty for the public's protection.
Another general rule for the prosecutor not to show signs of
often and not wisely. The prosecutor first pounded away at her by
bringing out vividly her unsavory background. On further cross-
examination he showed "beyond doubt" that she "could not
possibly" have seen the incident to which she had testified. He ham-
mered away at his point: where the girl had been standing, the
time of night, the amount of light, and other physical factors to
which she had testified would have made it "impossible" for her
to have seen the defendant at the location as she had claimed she
had done. The prosecutor became more and more vitriolic, his face
flushed, his words dripped sarcasm, and the frightened witness
cowered in her chair, her eyes darting hopelessly around the room.
At this point, when in his own mind he had completely demolished
this witness, the prosecutor stopped momentarily and looked slowly
around for dramatic effect. Into that momentary stillness was
heard the quavering, pitiful voice of the witness saying, "But Mr.
Prosecutor, if you had been standing where I was standing you
would have seen the defendant as clearly as I did." The tables were
turned. The jury smiled in relief. The bully had been beaten by the
neighborhood weakling. The prosecutor lost control of the trial,
which eventually resulted in acquittal. This case emphasizes that
courteous and impersonal treatment of witnesses by the prosecutor
is not only good manners but good trial tactics.
Michigan college was tried for having brutally beaten his roommate
to death with a stock end of a shotgun. As the prosecution unfolded
its case and the jury studied the picture of the dead boy, one could
almost feel the hatred directed at the defendant who had done this
dastardly act. The defense was temporary insanity and the defense
counsel cleverly and ably brought out the background of the de-
fendant to show what an exemplary student he had been and what
a fine upstanding young man he had always appeared to be to his
friends and family. He was dissipating the hatred and ill feeling
of the jurors in preparing to put his client on the stand. Finally,
when the boy himself and haltingly told the story of how
the voice of Satan had overpowered him and had compelled him
to do this terrible thing to his dearly beloved friend, tears came to
the eyes of many of the jurors. At this point, acquittal could be
Defense counsel may also develop sympathy for his client by
alleging that he was a victim of circumstances. In such cases the
defense attorney will bring out through his witnesses how the web
of circumstances closed tighter and tighter around the defendant
through no fault of his own. If he can do this to the extent that the
jury begins to feel, "There, but for the grace of God, go I," his
client is on the road to acquittal.
If his client has a criminal record, the defense attorney may
try to develop the thesis that his client was the victim of unjustified
persecution by the police; that every time a crime occurred, his
out of spite and bias is responsible for the predicament of his unfor-
tunate client.
If policemen or other prosecuting witnesses appear interested in
convicting the defendant, defense counsel may direct his attention
to their attempts to force a conviction of his client. An example of
this occurred in a negligent homicide case in Detroit when a police
officer — in the hope of strengthening the case against the defend-
ant — stated that he had found glass from one of the headlights of
the defendant's car at the scene of the accident. Defense counsel
knew that this could not be true. Through cross-examination, he was
able to put the police officer in the position of admitting that he
had lied when he made the statement. In his final argument, defense
counsel had his collateral issue ready-made. If his client was in fact
guilty, why did the police officer have to lie in an attempt to convict
him? He completely discredited an officer of the law who was so
anxious for a conviction that he would perjure himself in a court-
room. By the time he was was no longer a question of
finished, it
his client's guilt or innocence. Rather, it was the police officer who
was on trial, and the defendant's own reckless driving was largely
forgotten by the jurors in their indignation against this officer of
the law.
In homicide cases, a favorite target of defense counsel is the party
whom the defendant is accused of killing. In a proper situation the
defense attorney will put the dead man on trial. If the deceased can
be shown to be a wife-beater, a braggart, a generally undesirable
character, he becomes the center of the trial instead of the defend-
ant. And if the jurors can be brought to the state of mind where
their feelings of hostility are turned against the dead person (instead
of against the defendant who is alleged to have killed him) an ac-
quittal is possible. Once
can be made to believe that "he had
a jury
it coming to him," the dead man's ill fortune may become the de-
of a blood clot in her heart. The question was whether the breaking
of her leg was the direct cause of her death. The experienced
medical examiner testified that the clot had formed in the area of
the break and had traveled inexorably to the heart and caused her
death. His testimony had obviously impressed the jurors and defense
counsel's only chance was to discredit it. Inasmuch as the medical
examiner was testifying to what actually had happened, this ap-
peared to be an impossible task. However, the medical examiner
himself gave the defense attorney the opening he needed.
Defense counsel had noticed in the autopsy report that the medical
examiner had not internally examined the right leg, although the
report indicated there were bruises on it. In desperation he asked
the type of question which attorneys are never supposed to ask
in cross-examination. "Why didn't you examine the right leg in-
ternally?" The witness could easily have told the truth — that based
on his long experience and the clear evidence uncovered in his
through on both sides?" "Yes." "Wasn't the stomach slit down the
middle with a knife?" "Yes." "Weren't the vital organs pulled from
the body?" "Yes." "Then wasn't the left leg sliced open and the
arteries jerked out?" "Yes." "But the reason you didn't look into
the right leg was that you didn't want to mutilate the human
body?" "That's right." The medical examiner's testimony was
laughed out of court and the prosecutor's case went with it. The
jurors could no longer take the proceedings seriously. The tragic
death of an elderly woman was forgotten because of the ludicrous
testimony of the medical examiner.
It is also sometimes possible for defense counsel to develop the
possibility that an unknown person, instead of his client, committed
the alleged crime. If handled properly, the man who wasn't there
can often become the big factor in a criminal case. He can become
the real defendant. If the jurors reach the point where they begin
to question whether or not there might have been another party
involved instead of the defendant, the nagging voice of reasonable
doubt is once more present.
The defense of insanity raises problems of its own for defense
counsel. As pointed out above (pp. 17-18), the law historically has
held that a man is not responsible for his own acts when because of
a mental disease he is unable to differentiate whether his acts were
right or wrong (McNaghten Rule). In two jurisdictions, the rule has
been modified so that if the guilty act is the result of a mentally dis-
eased mind, a defendant is not responsible for his acts, even if he
could tell the difference between right and wrong (Durham Rule).
In other jurisdictions irresistible impulse is considered a defense for
an otherwise guilty act, provided the impulse was in fact irresistible
and was caused by mental disease. (See Chapter 7 "Criminal Respon-
sibility and Psychiatry.")
These various definitions of temporary insanity mean little when
translated into the actual drama of a trial. Usually the prosecutor will
have present a psychiatrist to testify that the defendant was not
legally insane when the crime was committed, and the defendant will
have a psychiatrist to testify that he was. Whom do the jurors
believe? If the jurors during the trial develop sympathy for the de-
fendant and particularly if they develop a dislike for the party killed
in a murder case, they will seek means of acquitting the defendant.
And if the psychiatrist testifying for the defendant can reasonably
rationalize his position regarding the defendant's insanity, the de-
fendant's chance of acquittal by reason of temporary insanity is
good. Insanity is thus a favorite defense in murder cases where the
deceased "had it coming" or where the defendant has a history which
elicits sympathy. There are practically no limits to the admissibility
of evidence where insanityis the defense, since any fact is admissible
for first-degree murder for killing her four- week-old baby by smash-
ing it against the wall. Defense counsel was able to pick a jury
composed almost entirely of mothers, many with several children.
The prosecutor was happy to cooperate. The defense was temporary
insanity. Defense counsel was able to bring out the facts that the
defendant's husband was a habitual drunkard; that he beat his wife
regularly; that they had five children, one of whom
had had polio
and three of whom had been continually sick for a period of months;
that just prior to the alleged crime the husband had disappeared,
leaving the defendant destitute; that on the night in question three
of her other children had been crying continually and the infant had
been screaming without let-up for almost an hour. It was thus easy
to show that this defendant had come to the breaking point, that her
mind could stand no more. Since she had to stop the screaming she
lashed out, and all of her frustration and pent-up emotions emerged
in one wild moment of fury. As the trial concluded, the impact of a
heinous act had been dissipated and the defendant had become an
object of sympathy and pity. She was acquitted, not because of the
technical definitions of the legal defense of insanity; not because of
the brilliant testimony of the psychiatrist for the prosecutor or of the
psychiatrist for the defense (who had come to irrevocably different
positions from the same set of facts), but only because the jurors
could understand and sympathize with the poor woman upon whom
they were sitting in judgment.
Role of Prosecutor
The defense having rested its case, the prosecution having no
rebuttal testimony and therefore also resting, the attorneys proceed
to final argument. The prosecutor opens the final argument and,
following the defendant's presentation, gets the last word in re-
buttal argument.
During the course of the trial, on many oc-
the prosecutor has
casions elicited the testimony which he desired from a witness and
then has gone on to some other subject, so that the witness would
not have an opportunity to change or modify his testimony. Usually
these little nuggets of fact are overlooked by the jurors in relation
to the total significance of all the testimony. In the prosecutor's
initial closing argument, therefore, each item plucked from its is
place in the testimony and set into a crown of guilt. Suddenly facts
which seemed insignificant assume their true place and weave an
unbroken rope of evidence to convict the defendant. If the prose-
cutor does his job well, the jurors often see for the first time the full
the duty of the jury not to allow sympathy to enter into its delibera-
tions, and the fact that once the jurors have performed their sworn
duty of rendering a verdict, the sentencing is the sole responsibility
of the judge.
As he does this the prosecutor is careful to avoid intemperate, in-
flammatory, and prejudicial statements. His is the voice of con-
science, clearly and coolly pointing out for all to see the guilt of the
defendant. Possibly in his rebuttal argument, the prosecutor may be
excused if for the first time in the trial he allows passion and emotion
to enter his voice. Up to this point he has appeared to act without
malice, without toward the defendant, and with only the
ill feeling
cool detachment of a man doing the duty he has been sworn to per-
form. But in rebuttal some of the revulsion he feels for the defendant
comes into his voice and in his final few minutes of argument he may
make an impassioned plea for the conviction of the defendant.
defendant before the foreman of the jury gives the answer that will
determine whether a human being will go free or be branded for life.
Trial Tactics in
Civil Cases
attorney since his is the burden of proving the issues and he has the
greater task of persuasion.
dents, and how they affected him. All records reflecting his prior
health and his activities must be obtained.
In good part this applies to witnesses as well. Here additional and
other motivations must be considered — the tendency of a witness
to feel important and to become positive about matters of which he
cannot be really certain, the predilection of witnesses to become
partisan for the side that calls them, with the consequence that
"helpful" assumptions are substituted for observations.
Accordingly, witnesses' recollections must be checked against
theircomprehension of time, distance, and direction as well as their
awareness of the relation between claimed observations and indis-
putable physical facts.
Trial tactics, therefore, begin in the lawyer's office long before
he gets to the courtroom. In fact, he has to make a decision very
early as to whether he is to take his case to court at all.
It was long ago said by a learned judge that pain has no market
value and suffering no scale of prices. In a modern frame of refer-
ence this means that one cannot take a list of injuries, press the
appropriate buttons of a Univac machine, and come out with an
answer as to what a case should be settled for.
Settlement negotiations must take into account how the jury may
be expected to react to the particular facts of a case: the nature of
the injury, the nature of the liability, who it is that is being sued
and who it is that is suing.
For instance, there is a well-nigh universal feeling that it is not
sporting of a guest to sue his host. True, the law is no respecter of
persons, and it says that if A has negligently hurt B, B is entitled to
be compensated in full for the damages he has sustained, no matter
what the relationship between A and B. But nine chances out of
ten the jury will apply its own law — if A is nice enough to invite
B for a ride, and B sues him, well .... For a lawyer not to take into
account this possible prejudice of a jury in his negotiations is to
ignore a simple psychological fact — that jurors, who are no different
from other people, do not think it right for the beneficiary to sue
the good Samaritan. In another situation A lends his car to B and B
negligently injures C. B, for some reason or other, cannot be sued,
so C sues A as the owner of the car. How angry can a jury be with
A when he did nothing more heinous than lend his car to B? Cer--
tainly the law says he is liable, but the jury will not think much of
the law and will discount the real value of the damages accordingly.
The antidote to this prejudice will be discussed later, but any lawyer
who thinks that this antidote will necessarily work, and who will
not take into consideration in his settlement negotiations the possi-
bility that it might not work, is engaging in poor trial, or pretrial,
tactics indeed.
How the jury will react to the plaintiff is also an important con-
sideration in settlement negotiations. It is a commonplace that care-
ful drivers dread motorcyclists, bicyclists,and children on skates.
It can be assumed as a certainty that the jury will have a number
of people on it who at some time or other have cursed out a bicyclist
or a child on skates or a passing motorcyclist. To insist on full
damages when such a one is injured is to ignore the well-known
mental attitudes of the everyday citizen — it is bad settlement tactics.
Another factor to be weighed in settlement negotiations is the man-
ner in which the accident happened — again the lawyer must bear
in mind how a jury would
about the particular kind of accident.
If A breaks a leg while riding in a train that collides head-on with
another, the jury will undoubtedly give him full compensation — the
fault of the defendant cannot be in doubt. No railroad could ever
justify head-on collision of its trains. However, if B sustains the
same fracture while driving a car that is involved in a right-angle
collision with another car, each driver claiming the lights to have
been in his favor, of necessity the jury will feel that the chances
probably are that each was in some degree to blame. Settlement
negotiations which do not take that fact into consideration are not
good tactics.
A jury's reaction to a particular type of injury must also be con-
sidered. Disability consequent upon hysteria, shock, or neurosis may
be produced by an organic damage. But will
just as disabling as that
a jury think so? It may, and it may not. The contempt with which
the average citizen regards "psychos" — the very word bespeaks it
— suggests in many cases an award far less than the full measure of
damages sustained.
might have had lunch with the excused juror, or agreed with his
politics in a casual discussion in the hall, may feel a vicarious slight.
Peremptory challenges are limited in number. These are the chal-
lenges which can be made arbitrarily, as distinguished from a chal-
lenge for cause, where the juror has acknowledged something in his
background that would make him unfair. The lawyer must keep in
mind how many challenges he has used, for when there is one chal-
lenge left the lawyer's views of who is a bad juror must be restricted.
The use of the last challenge may result in the calling of a juror
much worse than the one just excused. A lawyer uses his last chal-
lenge only if he feels that whoever is called cannot possibly be as
bad as the one he has just bidden to depart.
In other words, the psychological problems of selecting a jury
revolve about attitudes, prejudices, biases, and mental sets that color
the processes of decision, not so much as to how a thing proved
must be prepared for him. The jury will doubtless agree to the
suggestion that to find out what a witness knows is more important
than how beautifully he can talk about it. The lawyer in his opening
statement tells the jury what his inarticulate witness is going to say
so that the jury, when they hear the witness, can discount his inco-
herence. In this way the jury can be conditioned to the proposition
that if a witness is telling the truth his faults of expression are rela-
tively unimportant.
To rouse a jury's sense of injustice effectively and to evoke its
consequences. Few plays survive a first act that does not quickly
point up the conflict to be met in the play. The reception of evi-
dence is most sympathetic if it is heard after the plaintiff's right to
recover has been shown. A proper order of proof requires that,
apart from preliminary testimony as to maps, models, and so on,
necessary for the development of the proof, the first witness be the
one who fastens the liability on the defendant. If the plaintiff himself
cannot do so, he should not be the first witness. Under such circum-
stances, the plaintiff would be practically confined to narrating his
injuries at a time not most beneficial to him. To
with a illustrate
the first witness tells of frayed ropes or of broken bolts in the ma-
chinery, the jury will be eager to get at the wrongdoer, and the
plaintiff's testimony is most sympathetically awaited. Otherwise, the
hand of doom hovered over the plane as it was taxiing down the
runway for what was to be its final take-off.
Airplane cases frequently pose a dilemma to the lawyer because
they know that juries need simple, stark, clearly defined issues.
In airplane cases it is very frequently difficult to make a direct
proof of negligence. The plane is destroyed, its occupants are killed,
there is no one to relate what it was that had happened aboard. The
law, recognizing the difficulty of proof in such a case and in some
similar situations, has evolved what is called the doctrine of res ipsa
loquitur, a Latin phrase meaning "the thing speaks for itself." This
rule says that where an accident occurs which would not occur in
the ordinary course of events had due care been exercised, the jury
may from the very fact of the accident itself. The
infer negligence
defendant then comes forward with evidence which offers some
explanation for the accident that exonerates him. The trouble with
relying on the res ipsa loquitur doctrine is that many jurors do not
understand its implications. They still want to know what act is
claimed to have been negligent, and no one has told them. It is an
especially weak reed to rely on when the defendant comes forward
with a plausible explanation of the accident. A defendant offering
a vivid explanation of an accident, as against a passive description
of it, may cause the contest to fail by inanition. There is no spark,
no clash of issues to rouse the jury. It is not for nothing that statistics
disclose that when airplane cases have been tried on the res ipsa lo-
quitur theory, 80 percent have resulted in a verdict for the defendant.
Most lawyers rarely have more than two fact witnesses, and do
not have to worry about having any burden of riches in that respect.
The lawyer knows, however, that every witness put on the stand
is a potential hazard because he is subject to collapse on cross-exam-
ination. The danger always threatens that one witness may cancel
out some important testimony of another, and the admonition given
in every field of endeavor to "quit when ahead" applies equally in
the calling of witnesses. By the same token, making proof of matters
other than the issue that the lawyer is interested in is only to invite
trouble, of which there is no lack in any event.
It is a psychological fact that it is the first witness who establishes
liability that will draw the heaviest fire of cross-examination.
Good tactics recognizes that, and the first witness on liability
should be the one best capable of withstanding cross-examination.
Q: You did not see the car UNTIL the accident happened?
A: Witness (gratefully): That's right.
they should be, but couched so that those who must judge them can
understand them. Some doctors do not seem to recognize the differ-
ence between a clinic and a court, and will use terms which are
entirely incomprehensible and meaningless to the jury. They must
be taught that if technical phrases are to be used they should come
after the nature of the injury has been conveyed to the jury and
not before.
The jury is disturbed by such lack of consideration, which is a
costly psychological error. It does not advance the plaintiff's case
at all for his medical witness ponderously to inform the jurors that
plaintiff is suffering from a traumatic exacerbation of a spondylosis
into a third-degree spondylolisthesis at the level of L5 and Si and
then trying to get an English translation, when the intelligence of
the jury would have and responded to testimony
instantly grasped
that the plaintiff is suffering from a forward dislocation of the last
lumbar vertebra onto the bone below, which has so disturbed and
distorted the normal relationship of the vital functioning parts as to
inflict pain and disability. The doctor can then let the jury in on
effects they have on the lawyer's poise — will seem to a jury a lesson
too well learned. Frequently, a story has in fact been memorized.
The classical exposure of this type of recollection is to be found in
the cross-examination by Max D. Steuer, one of the great trial law-
yers of all time, in the Triangle Waist Company fire case. In that
case a fire had occurred in a factory building with the result that
many working girls were killed in attempting to escape. The tenants
were charged by the District Attorney's office with responsibility
for the catastrophe.
Itwas necessary for the prosecution to prove that one of the doors
was locked, that this precluded the escape of the occupants and
thereby caused the tragedy. The last witness called by the prosecu-
tion was asked to tell her story, and she gave a long, graphic de-
scription of how, when the fire was seen, she tried to get out, how
other people were trying to get out, how the door was closed and
could not be opened, how one of the girls had caught fire, how the
flames spread, and many other details.
does not get the point of the question and simply does not know
what to answer. A good lawyer does not press him. The witness will
become disturbed, lose confidence, feel that he is failing in what is
expected of him, and may decide what is wanted in the strangest
A good lawyer also knows that he should not ask leading ques-
tions. The other side does not like it. The judge frowns on it and,
in fact, the jury would not even if no one objected. Any
like it
intelligent juror can see that it is the lawyer who is chanting the
prayer and the witness giving out with the Amen. Hence, a proper
presentation of a case avoids leading questions on any material mat-
ter save in certain exceptional cases.
jury may feel that it must have been something wrong or repre-
hensible and so was concealed.
The client may
have had a previous accident which, however, did
not involve the injuries in suit. The lawyer weighs the type of acci-
dent it was, the apparent if not real similarity of injury, or its real
relevance, and brings it out on direct examination in the manner best
calculated to reduce import or significance on the particular issue
being litigated. If the lawyer has any lurking doubts about the effect
of a forced revelation he does not wait for the development of sus-
picion and doubt raised by defendant's questions — he brings it out
himself. He casually and briefly, by his direct questioning, brings
out the dissimilarity between the injuries without making it appear
that there is a vexing problem. A poker face can be just as important
in a trial of a lawsuit as it is in poker. The rule of revelation is fol-
lowed any matter which counsel feels would give the adversary
the opportunity to cloud the atmosphere of the trial. A first impres-
90 • "
sion can be so very powerful, that great effort is necessary to eradi-
cate it.Sometimes redirect examination, when such an attempt can
first be made, may be too late.
but because the plaintiff had misused it. Unfortunately, the defense
had not had the foresight to judge the effect of the rather soft soil
on which the ladder rested during the experiment. Long before the
loads on it had reached the amount that plaintiff had testified to, the
ladder began to buckle ominously and the experiment ended
be questioned and her answers could not be forecast. How the
defense lawyer formulated each question to demonstrate a peaceful
household, but poised to drop the subject if any answer betrayed
his hopes, was a masterpiece of psychological preparation. He had
one hard fact on which to commence his cross-examination: the maid
had been employed in the family for three years. Listen to his
Q: "Did you have any trouble there?" If she said "Yes," the cross-
examiner could retort without fear of contradiction, "But you did stay
there for three years," and then, accepting the answer as a warning, go
to some other topic, as if he had scored a point. But she said, "No, sir."
He went on to exploit this gain with the next suggestive question.
Q: "A pleasant place to live?" If he got a 'Yes," it would certainly
suggest that things were not only all right for the maid, but with the
household too. If she said "No," he still had his retreat open and he could
say, "But you stayed there three years and you never had any trouble."
But the first "Yes" she had given suggested another "Yes" to the ques-
tion which seemed so similar, and that was her reply. came the Now
most delicate point in the defense. It was the danger spot. Note the art-
less way in which the question was phrased.
Q: "You never saw anything out of the way?" What could she say?
A respectable, religious girl like the housekeeper does not describe places
as "pleasant"where "out of the way" things occur, as the lawyer would
be quick to remind her if her answer were disappointing. She said, "No,
sir," and a gem in the cross-examiner's art was on the table. Certainly
he could never, without careful preparation, have risked asking the wit-
ness if she had ever observed quarreling between the daughter and the
it is not enough to hear the testimony and listen to the evidence. The
material in many cases is in the record to justify the verdict, but the
facts must be selected and woven into a convincing pattern.
We have advanced a long way in jury persuasion in the past fifty
years. The old hell fire and brimstone won't do. True enough, the
average juror does not go through laborious mental processes to form
his usual judgments. This, however, is by no means to say that he
does not conform even in a simple way to what he conceives to be
some logical process in his thinking.
No adult admits even to himself that his opinions and judgments
are childish, immature, prejudiced, and baseless. However poorly
supported his premises are, however blind his interpretation of the
facts he deals with, he in some way vests them with what he con-
ceives to be a logical validity. For these reasons, to use the logical
method frankly and avowedly with a jury is in most cases to disarm
the jurors from their suspicions, always alive, that the speaker or
advocate is trying to get the ball past them.
To be logical is not the same thing as to be dry as dust or boring.
Logical thought can be conveyed in the language of moving elo-
quence, and the tones of sincerest advocacy are not inconsistent with
fiery zeal. more often than not true that a jury will be
It is far
The Psychology
of Juries
institutions. The jury derived its powers from the judge's willingness
to accept its verdict. In theory, the jury is still an instrument used by
judges to reach a decision. The jury's verdict has no legal effect
until the judge's judgment is entered.
Ever since the jury system began to flourish in America, after
complaints by colonists that the king was depriving them of trial by
jury, there has been a considerable debate over its relative merit.
There is no clear statement in the law of the kind of cases for which
juries are and are not suited. Opponents of the jury system have
pointed out that the two countries which gave rise to the jury,
France and England, have been using it less and less. Hardly a year
goes by without a national magazine publishing a strong attack on
our jury system, or a distinguished jurist praising it. Every attack on
juries seems to elicit an equally vigorous defense.
Although there have been considerable changes in civil and crimi-
nal codes, there have been practically no changes in the jury system.
Its many alleged imperfections have been discussed, but such discus-
What is the jury system and why has it attracted such extravagant
praise and blame? Trial by jury is an integral part of the federal
court system (Judicial Conference, 1942). The state legislatures
have established their own procedures for juries on the local level.
On federal and is covered by the equal
local levels, jury selection
protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, which entitles all
litigants to have prospective jurors selected from a cross section of
the community. This does not mean that a Negro litigant, for exam-
ple, must have a Negro on a jury which is trying his case, but it does
mean that the panel of prospective jurors should include Negroes.
Uniform qualifications for federal jury duty are prescribed by law
(United States Code, 1952). Jurors in state and local jurisdictions are
usually selected by commissioners specifically charged by law with
this responsibility. Among the criteria used for selection of jurors
are age; citizenship; lack of a criminal record; ability to read, speak,
and understand English; taxpayer status; good health; mental
capacity; and a fair education (Note, 1956). Some states, such as
Nebraska, Tennessee, and Virginia, have relatively many specific
requirements. Other states, such as Massachusetts, Ohio, and Dela-
ware, permit jurors to be selected on the basis of their possession of
relatively few of the many possible requirements for jury service.
The core of most of the lists of citizens from which jurors are
often chosen is the roster of registered voters in the community. It
thus usually excludes persons under twenty-one. Most jurisdictions
require prospective jurors to execute a questionnaire which may
include their attitudes toward various kinds of punishment. Many
occupational groups, such as teachers and lawyers and other profes-
sionals, are often exempt from jury duty. Other prospective jurors
may be sick, or have business out of town, or be otherwise unable to
be present at the specific time that they are called. Groups that are
underrepresented in juries include those with very low income and
the poorly educated. Exemptions and excuses usually eliminate from
60 to 80 percent of the persons on the original list of prospective
The juror may be which only private
called either in a civil case, in
rights are involved, or in a criminal matter. Trial by jury is required
by federal and state constitutions in most criminal and many civil
cases. The defendant in a criminal case may waive a jury and be tried
by judge alone, and both parties in a civil suit may give such waivers.
It is thus the consent of litigants which keeps the jury system in use.
The lawyer for either side is permitted to determine whether a juror
has any attitudes which might prejudice a fair trial for his client, in
a pretrial or voir dire examination of jurors. The lawyer has a much
greater opportunity to screen jurors in a state or local court than in
a federal Court, where the Court is be more active in select-
likely to
ing the jury than it is in a state or local court. The judge conducts the
pretrial examination of prospective jurors in ten states, the lawyer
does in eleven states, and both do in the other states. If the prelimi-
nary interview indicates a specific reason for believing that a pro-
spective juror will be prejudiced, his presence on the jury may be
challenged by a lawyer for either side. Each lawyer is permitted an
unlimited number of such challenges "for cause." Each lawyer is
also permitted a fixed number of peremptory challenges, which
permit him to disqualify a prospective juror without giving a specific
reason for doing so. Lawyers typically engage in many more per-
emptory challenges than challenges "for cause."
The jury of twelve men and/or women thus consists of jurors who
have been "qualified" by the lawyers so that they can come to a fair
and impartial verdict. The life of a jury is usually two or three
weeks, or until the completion of the case for which it has been
assembled and at the conclusion of which it is dissolved.
The jurors elect their own foreman, who presides over their de-
liberations. Once the trial has begun, the individual jurors are for-
bidden to interrogate witnesses, because their questions may be
improper or antagonistic. Most jurisdictions forbid jurors' taking of
notes, because jurors differ in their note-taking ability and the juror
of superior note-taking ability may have an unfair advantage over his
colleagues. When all the testimony is completed, the judge's instruc-
tions to the jury include a detailed explanation of the law which is
No juror can be forced or threatened to sign any verdict, and no
one has the right to influence his judgment or decision. There are
some jurisdictions in which the jury fixes the penalty in a criminal
case; in others, the judge fixes the penalty after the jury has given its
verdict. In a civil action involving a suit for a fixed sum, the jury
decides how much money will be awarded.
Probably the first serious research on the jury system was con-
ducted in 1924 by lawyer-psychologist William M. Marston (1924).
He executed several well-designed studies which used simulated
juries, and most subsequent jury research has also been based on
simulated juries. He concluded that one trained individual is a better
fact finder than either a female or a male jury, in terms of the judge
versus jury problem, and that female were better than male jurors.
The individual juror's previous professional training and experience
were related, Marston found, to his skill at fact finding. Marston
reported that written evidence was superior to oral evidence, and
that the self-confidence of a witness might be more effective on a
jury than the logic or psychological soundness of other testimony.
In Marston's simulated juries, female jurors used more care in con-
sidering testimony than did male jurors. Direct examination proved
to be amore complete and accurate method of presenting testimony
than cross-examination. Marston recommended that the results of
his study be used to improve the current jury system rather than to
emphasize its futility.
ally. A typical witness scored 65, an individual juror 32, but the
(Weld and Roff, 1938). The evidence in a famous bigamy case was
read to a group of listeners, who rated the defendant's guilt or in-
nocence after each installment, using a scale of 1 for certainty of
innocence to 9 for certainty of guilt. At the beginning of the
presentation, the subjects felt strongly that the defendant was guilty
and felt so even more strongly after the prosecution presented its
case. They were less certain as the defense progressed. When the
prosecution spoke again, they again began thinking in terms of guilt.
After the next and last defense presentation, the subjects again began
thinking in terms of innocence and the average final evaluation was
2, or innocent. In the next version of the experiment, all the defense
material was presented first, followed by all the prosecution material
— and the subjects voted 4.4. When all the prosecution material was
presented first and followed by all the defense material, the voting
was again 2. The experimenters conclude that the usual order of
presentation,with the defense coming last, is favorable to the
defense. They noted that some were heavily influenced by new
One study of how a jury's verdict was reached was conducted by
two psychologists with a mock
(Weld and Danzig, 1940). They
found that the first witness for a side was usually the most effective,
and that the prestige of the opposing counsel was quite influential
in influencing juror judgment. Only 1 of 41 jurors changed his mind
about a case in the jury room.
More recent attempts to conduct similar experiments have cast
some doubts on the extent to which the side of a two-sided issue that
is presented first necessarily has the advantage (Hovland, 1953,
1957). However, these recent studies are based on classroom experi-
ments, in contrast to the earlier studies which simulate courtroom
situations, in which the two sides are clearly labeled as opposing
each other.
Another empirical study was conducted with juries sitting in mock
trials at the Yale Law School (Hoffman and Bradley, 1952). The
search, it was found that juries tend to disregard the rules of law and
that the recollection of great masses of testimony was extremely
difficult. They concluded that juries need more orientation than they
now receive.
The most elaborate empirical research undertaken on juries has
been under way since 1953 at the University of Chicago Law School,
where a team of social scientists and lawyers has been engaged in
studies of the behavior of experimental juries as well as of activities
of actual juries. A series of studies has examined various phases of
status and role in their expression in the jury room. One study of
127 jurors in a mock trial of an automobile negligence case com-
pared the relative activity of men and women in the jury room
(Strodtbeck and Mann, 1956). Its examination of twelve different
groups of jurors suggested that men jurors initiate relatively long
periods of activity directed toward the solution of the jury's task.
Women tended more to react to the contributions of others. This
difference is probably a reflection of the role differences between
the sexes in our culture.
Another study with mock juries examined the manner in which
the status of the jurors in a number of mock trials affected their work
as jurors (Strodtbeck, James, and Hawkins, 1957). In over half the
cases studied, was nominated by one member and
the foreman
quickly accepted by the others. In all the cases, the foreman was
selected quickly. When the mock jurors had completed their deliber-
ations they were asked what kind of person they would like to have
on a jury trying a member of their family. All the different occupa-
tional groups except laborers would prefer to have a member of
their family tried by a jury which consisted largely of proprietors.
Laborers preferred skilled workers on the jury trying a member of
their family, with proprietors in second place. All groups except
laborers placed laborers in last place as potential jurors for members
of their family. The on the mock jury caused
face-to-face experience
the lower-status groups to be evaluated more highly. In general,
jurors of higher status participate more than jurors of lower status,
have more influence on other jurors, derive more satisfaction from
their service, and are perceived as being more competent by other
jurors. Jurors can size up the status of other members of their panel
by obvious cues such as dress, speech, and references to previous
Another Chicago study continued the examination of the effect of
status of jurors (James, 1959b). A recorded criminal trial was pre-
sented to panels which totaled 204 jurors. In electing a foreman, the
jurors usually selected someone of relatively high status. Male jurors
and those with a college education participated most actively in
group discussion. The jurors in this study spent about 50 percent of
their time exchanging experiences and opinions, 25 percent of the
time on procedure, 15 percent reviewing facts, and 8 percent on
court instructions. The more educated jurors interpreted the court's
instructionsmore accurately and more effectively, and facilitated
group discussion more than did the more poorly educated jurors.
The jurors' education did not seem to be a factor in whether they
concurred in the majority decision, were pressured into going along
with the majority, or had any tendency to be dissidents. All the
jurors showed concern for doing their job, and there was no evi-
dence that one or two "strong men" had undue influence on other
members of their panel. Jurors evaluated the participation of others
without regard for their educational background, although jurors
with only a grade school education spoke significantly less accurately
and more disruptively than others.
An attempt was made, in another Chicago study, to evaluate jurors'
assessment of criminal responsibility in a trial (James, 1959b). The
same recorded criminal trial was played to twenty juries. Half the
juries were instructed in terms of the McNaghten Rule, which in-
volves the defendant's ability to distinguish right from wrong. The
other half were instructed in terms of the Durham Rule, which in-
volves the question of whether the crime was the product of mental
illness. A thorough discussion of these concepts can be found in the
ballot, the verdict was not guilty. Hung juries which could not reach
a verdict occurred only when the initial balloting showed a sub-
stantial minority. Since hung juries did not occur frequently, the
perennial fear that one "strong man" could lead to a hung jury was
not confirmed. A hung jury seems to reflect the closeness of the case
and of a juror's feeling that his minority view can get several other
One survey addressed itself to the question of whether jury service
provides an important point of contact with the court system. It
more enthusiastic about its use in criminal cases and less so in civil
The focus of one study was the extent to which ten different
experimental juries would make awards for damages (Kalven, 1958).
This problem is important because of the widely held belief that the
amount of damages which is "right" for personal injuries is "Law
written by the jury," rather than by statute. The specific case which
was presented to the experimental juries had actually been settled, in
a real situation, for $42,000. The average award made by the ten
experimental juries was $41,000. The range was from $17,500 to
$60,000. This experiment suggests that a particular jury may make
an award which may appear to be relatively high or relatively low,
but that in the long run such awards tend to approximate an average.
Another phase of the Chicago study has examined regional varia-
tions in civil suit awards by juries (Kalven, 1957). San Francisco
juries, for example, give higher awards than do Los Angeles juries,
and Brooklyn more than Queens juries in New York both City — in
cases the margin is 20 percent. One phase of the Chicago research
involved polling federal and state judges on how they would have
decided a number of jury cases. Judge and jury agreed in 41 percenr
of the cases; the judge favored the defendant more than did the jury
in 33 percent of the cases; and he favored the plaintiff more than the
jury did in 25 percent of the cases — contradicting the usual view that
the jury favors the defendant.
explains the relevant law, because it then must try to recall the evi-
dence retrospectively in terms of the judge's explanation. Other
critics feel thatsome lawyers may request a great many kinds of
instructions from the judge, not to help the jury in its deliberations
but so that when the case is appealed they can claim that some of
the instructions were ignored. Even if a jury has not followed the
judge's instructions, in many criminal cases the judge is required to
follow the jury's verdict.
system have maintained that there are cases in
Critics of the jury
which the jury does not apply the judge's instructions and instead
does what it would like to do, without heeding the law. Other
proponents of juries have denied that juries can avoid following
the judge's instructions. One famous handwriting expert, who testi-
fied in cases all over America for over three decades, had so little
The use of standardized tests might mean that less time would be
spent in voir dire examinations, and thus decrease court calendar con-
gestion. Another benefit which has been foreseen is that attorneys
would tend to stress rational rather than emotional appeals. If liti-
right or all wrong. The special verdict requires the jury to deter-
mine specific issues of fact raised at the trial. It thus maximizes the
separation of the three dimensions of the law, the facts, and the
application of the law to the facts. It enables errors to be localized
and may improve the jury's morale by its abandonment of secrecy.
The trial judge applies the appropriate law to the facts which are
established by the special verdict, and thus the jury is less able
to tell which side will benefit from its finding and is thus less likely
to be swayed by nonrational considerations. The special verdict
would require greater singleness of allegation and greater precision
of presentation. The and the interrogatory have been
special verdict
authorized for the federal courts and in some states, but judges
have made little use of either procedure, in spite of what their
advocates believe to be direct relevance to many civil actions.
The size of the jury itself has been questioned. It has been said
that twelve jurors are too many, and that six to nine jurors would
do just as effective a job and save money and time (Clark, 1934).
There has been relatively little experience reported with juries of
less than twelve. The widespread requirement for unanimity of
decision has also been called into question by some students, who
believe that unanimity imposes an unreal requirement that may
influence some jurors to abandon their convictions because of the
great pressure on them to reach a verdict.
Another suggested reform has attempted to combine the positive
Clark, Charles E., & Shulman, Harry. Jury trial for civil cases. Yale Law
/., 1934, 43, 867-885.
Comment: Should juries be allowed to take notes? /. Amer. Judicature
Soc, 1948, 32, 57-59.
Comment: Psychiatric evaluation of the mentally abnormal witness. Yale
Law J., 1950, 59, 1324, 1341.
Curtis, Charles P. The trial judge and the jury. Vanderbilt Law Rev.,
1952, 5, 150-166.
Cutler, A. S. Successful trial tactics. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-
Hall, 1949, pp. 76-81.
Dashiell, F. Experimental studies of the influence of social situa-
tions. In Carl Murchison (Ed.), Handbook of social psychology. Wor-
cester, Mass.: Clark Univer. Press, 1935, pp. 1097-1158.
Hoffman, Harold M., & Bradley, Joseph. Jurors on trial. Missouri Law
Rev., 1952, 17, 235-251.
Hovland, Carl I., et al. Communication and persuasion. New Haven: Yale
Univer. Press, 1953, pp. 269-281.
Osborn, Albert S. The mind of the juror. Albany, N. Y.: Boyd, 1937.
Weld, H. P., & Roff, M. A study in the formation of opinion based upon
legal evidence. Amer. J. Psychol., 1938, 51, 609-628.
Williams, Glanville. The proof of guilt. London: Stevens & Sons, 1955,
pp. 190-272.
Wyzanski, Charles E. A
trial judge's freedom and responsibility. Harvard
Law Rev., 1952, 65, 1281-1304.
Hans, Kalven, Harry, Jr., & Buckholz, Bernard. Delay in the court.
Boston: Little, Brown, 1959, p. 103.
The Psychology
of Judges
he did. He states the facts as he sees them and the legal rules he
applied. Any such public communication of a decision is likely to
be made by the judge in accordance with the well-established prin-
ciple of social psychology that communicator's message is modified
by his perception of his audience (Pool and Shulman, 1959). 1
1 The judge's opinion generally has two parts — the "holding" and the "dic-
the law clerk, which may range from legal errand boy and citation
searcher through being a sounding board for the judge and actually
participating in making decisions in important cases. There is reason
to believe that these anonymous law clerks may be important con-
tributors to some decisions. One former law secretary to Justice
Holmes has discussed the clerks' influence on the Supreme Court
(Konefsky, 1956).
Political pressures may be among the larger social factors con-
tributing to the context of the judge's decision. There may be some
pressures, visible or invisible,on the judge for reasons of partisan
politics or business. Even though there may be no pressures on
specific cases, the judge may not wish to offend those who have
contributed to his past, or may control his future when he comes
up for reappointment or renomination. Only federal judges and
some trial and higher appellate state justices are appointed for life
and are thus presumably above political pressures; yet even they
may be interested in promotion. Inasmuch as most judgeships are
often likely to be political rewards, there is likely to be an assump-
tion of repayment by the judge for the reward, although such as-
sumptions are apt to be tacit on both sides. Appropriate repayment
may be in the form of judical sympathy for the interests of the
sponsors or former associates of the judge when litigation involving
such interests comes before him. Probate court judges in ten states
are permitted to practice law, and it is easy to see how the pressures
of the private practice of such judges might affect their judical
In order to help judges cope with this kind of difficult contextual
through the American Bar Association,
situation, the legal profession,
has promulgated its own Canons of Judicial Ethics (Cheatham, 1955).
These moral guidelines to judical conduct are based on sources like
the Magna Charta (XLV), the Bible (Deuteronomy 16), and Francis
Bacon's essay on judicature. The canons range from precepts on the
virtues of promptness to the evils of ex parte communication (com-
relative youth of judges' law clerks and the relative age of the judges
Ethnic, nationality, religious, and race factors may help or hinder
a judge in being appointed or elected or promoted. In American
political life, judgeships are often regarded as offices which should
be allocated on the basis of these factors. Certain judgeships often
seem to be especially available for persons of specific backgrounds
that seem to be underrepresented on the bench, especially at election
time. Political leaders often make a tacit assumption that the bench's
ethnic composition, writ large, should be the same as the electorate's.
These background factors may also be very relevant to the judge's
judicial behavior. It is likely, for example, that a judge from a minor-
ity group might be very harsh on litigants of the dominant ethnic
group, perhaps as one means of demonstrating some of his feelings
about the dominant group. Another judge from such a group might
be "soft" on litigants of the dominant ethnic group as one way of
expressing his identification with the regnant group. But to avoid
any imputation of favoritism a judge from the minority group might
be especially harsh with a litigant from the same group.
Still another judge from the same minority group might be an
The marital status of the judge may enter into his decisions, especi-
ally in matters involving paternity actions, family difficulties, separa-
The Upper Level judge is likely to have come from an elite family,
to have been graduated from a national law school, and to have
been a member of a well-regarded law firm (Miller, 1951; Mills,
1951). He is also likely to have held relatively important political
office and to have demonstrated exceptional ability before getting a
relatively High-Level judgeship.
There are, of course, many judges who do not fit into these "ideal
types." No typology can adequately capture the range of judicial
career patterns. Some lawyers may get to the bench because they
are special friends of an unusually well-placed politician. Some
lawyers may be wealthy enough to be able to give a large sum to
their political party and, all other factors being equal, such a lawyer
is more likely to get to the bench than an equally qualified lawyer
who has not given any money to the party in power. Two scholars
recently reported that it was "rumored" that the "going rate" for
judgeships in New York City was the equivalent of two years' salary
for the office (Sayre and Kaufman, 1960). Some lawyers may be
singled out for the judiciary merely because of their brilliance and
knowledge. Some law school professors who have not practiced may
be tapped for the bench, but this is relatively infrequent.
There is some reason to speculate on the way in which the
judge's career pattern is related to the kind of decision he makes.
Of special interest are atypical cases, where a lawyer with one
kind of background gets a judgeship that is not one it would be
logical to expect him to get. Deviant behavior on the part of judges,
like intemperate language or actual crime, as in the case of a recently
convicted former Westchester County Surrogate, seems to occur
mainly in judges whose position on the bench does not flow nat-
urally from their previous careers. As we would expect from
forms of deviant behavior, the dis-
studies into the causes of other
sonance between the individual's life style and the demand of his
role, may lead to problems (Zajonc, 1952).
few years later, a distinguished judge said that a judge reaches his
decision "by a 'hunch' as to what is fair and just or wise or expedient
. . . the personality of the judge and the judicial hunch are not
and cannot be described in terms of legal rules and principles"
(Frank, 1932). Frank has pointed out that the "sentence" which
the judge pronounces comes from the Latin verb sentire, which
means "to feel," and that the judge experiences his decision on an
emotional level. In a decision, he wrote that "much harm is done by
the myth that merely by putting on a black robe, and taking the
oath of office as a judge, a man ceases to be human ... If the judge
did not form judgments of the actors in those courthouse dramas
called he could never render decisions" (Frank, 1946).
(Frankfurter, 1952).
Justice Frankfurter has urged that, in the absence of obvious
constitutional defects, courts be loath to overturn legislative judg-
ments as embodied in statutes. He has also indicated in the strongest
136 •
terms that judges desist from substituting their proclivities, tastes,
and notions of justice or goodness for that of the people as they
have expressed themselves through their legislatures.
Another point of view on the judge's function sees the decision
as an instrument of social control in the hands of a completely-
rational judge (Michael and Adler, 1933). Justice Douglas is rep-
resentative ofwhat can be called a social control or libertarian view
on the current Supreme Court, and has clearly stated his belief that
the judge is not an impersonal arbiter (Douglas, 1959; Schwartz,
1957). The widely discussed differences between the "liberal" and
"conservative" (Larson, 1955) members of the Supreme Court have
made it on this highest level, judges may perceive
clear that even
their function differently, and that a study of the personal and social
backgrounds of the men on the Court would be as realistic an
approach to their decisions as the more usual legal approach (Carr,
1942; Lerner, 1957).
that any witness who rubbed his hands while testifying was a liar
(Frank, 1949). It is only possible to speculate on the number of
unfair decisions which such a judge gave.
The well-established difficulties of memory and cognition which
plague witnesses are likely to be multiplied in the case of a judge,
who is a witness of the witnesses, and thus perceives at two removes
from the reality of the circumstances which gave rise to a trial. One
noted student of the law has reported that his task as a young lawyer
was to drop books on the floor when a judge began getting drowsy
(Gross, 1947).
on the same level with the witnesses and lawyers. Others have rec-
ommended that judges not wear robes, pointing out that Thomas
Jefferson was opposed to any distinctive costume for federal judges.
Robes have priestly connotations which many observers believe to
be irrelevant to modern life, and which may help lead to stilted and
awkward testimony. Other students of the courts have suggested
that, as part of becoming more informal, courts abandon the com-
plicated language which they currently use in decisions and speak
more plainly, so that they can be both understood and criticized
more directly. As long ago as 1898, Justice Brewer suggested the
possible value of being critical of the Supreme Court, noting that
"the life and character of its Justices should be the objects of
constant watchfulness by all." The robe is a symbol of the judge's
sealing himself off from criticism.
One suggestion for improving judicial decisions which has been
made by a number of legal studeats is to incorporate more behavioral
science into court findings, and possibly train judges in the nature
of behavioral science. Critics have observed that classical sources,
like Wigmore on Evidence (Wigmore, 1940), do not appear to take
any cognizance of what modern behavior science says on subjects
like perception and consciousness. Judges daily deal with subjects
on which the behavioral sciences have collected much data, and they
almost never refer to such data. The 1954 Supreme Court deseg-
regation decision was a major decision that did draw on such
materials (Brown, 1954). In another series of decisions the Court
has stated that a jury must be representative of the community from
which it is drawn if it is to be impartial, thus recognizing dimensions
similar to those used in selecting a sample by survey technicians
(Robinson, 1950). Such use of behavioral science is rare.
Despite some of the statements made about the wisdom of inte-
grating social science findings with legal materials in the desegrega-
tion decision, such materials were used in the courts over a half
century ago. In an epoch-making brief (Muller, 1908), Brandeis
successfully urged that economic and social data were as relevant
in a case involving the constitutionality of a law limiting the work-
ing hours of women as the legal principles. Ever since, the Brandeis
Brief has been the designation for a brief which includes nonlegal
material of probative value to the propositions being urged upon
a court. Since such procedures are established, their relative nonuse
by judges leads to speculations on the reasons for their nonuse.
One such reason is that judges may be afraid of being considered
"unlawyerlike" and possible overruled. Another reason is the nature
of law school training and the history and development of legal
institutions including the common law. The writings of legal philos-
ophers and judges, beginning with Henry De Bracton in the
thirteenth century, express an overt or covert yearning for predict-
ability and certainty. As Redmount points out in Chapter 2 of this
volume, the law often appears to be a closed system of great order-
liness that manifests a grand design which rules the legal relations
of men. Judges trained in such a system and accustomed to the
doctrine of stare decisis, or the following of precedent, may under-
about three fourths of the states, for terms ranging from 2 years in
Vermont to 21 in Pennsylvania (Institute, 1956). It has been alleged
that the electorate is not competent to appraise the qualifications of
a given candidate for judicial office, and the appointive system has
been attacked because of the element of political patronage. The
American Bar Association has favored a plan (the Missouri Plan)
whereby a state governor would select a candidate from a panel of
names submitted by a nonpartisian judicial nominating commission,
and the candidate would then be confirmed by the electorate at the
next general election. The California Plan calls for appointment by
the governor and confirmation by the majority of an ex officio
commission as well as subsequent confirmation by the electorate.
Another plan would have local bar associations nominate candidates
who would be recommended to the political parties
The more actively the work of the courts is discussed, the more
likely is it that we shall begin to bring theory and practice together
in the optimum and functioning of judges. It is to be hoped
the introduction of the concepts of psychology and other social
sciences into the discussion of the work of the bench will lead to
ever-improving methods for the administration of justice in the
courts — a goal which all believers in the democratic process can
only endorse.
It is necessary to realize that progress in improving court proce-
Frank, Jerome. Law and the modern mind. New York: Brentano, 1930,
pp. 104, 166.
Frank, Jerome.
What courts do in fact. Illinois Law Rev. y 1932, 26, 762-
Frank, Jerome. In re J. P. Linehan and Company, 138 F (2d), 651-654,
Frank, Jerome. Courts on trial. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton Univer. Press,
1949, pp. 250, 270, 335.
Frankfurter, Felix. Some reflections on the reading of statutes. Columbia
Law Rev., 1947, 47, 528-546.
Frankfurter, Felix. In Public Utilities Commission v. Pollack, 343 U. S.
451; 72 S. Ct. 813, 1952.
Fuller, L. L. Legal fictions. Illinois Laiv Rev., 1931, 25, 513-546.
Gaudet, G. F., Herrick, G. F., & St. John, G. W. Individual differences
in penitentiary sentences given by different judges. /. appl. Psychol.,
1934, 18, 675-686.
Gross, Hans. A psychological theory of law. In Paul Sayre (Ed.), Inter-
pretations of modern legal philosophies. New York: Oxford Univer-
sity Press, 1947, pp. 766-775.
Hall, Jerome. Theft, laiv and society. Boston: Little, Brown, 1935, p. 264.
Hartley, Eugene L. Multiple group membership. In John H. Rohrer and
Muzafer Sherif (Eds.), Social psychology at the crossroads. New York:
Harper, 1951, pp. 371-387.
Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan. New York: Dutton, 1950, p. 242.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. The common laiv. Boston: Little, Brown,
1881, p. 35.
Keyser, Cassius J. On the study of legal science. Yale Law ]., 1929, 38,
Konefsky, Samuel J. The legacy of Holmes and Brandeis. New York:
Macmillan, 1956, p. 94.
Kort, Fred. The quantitative content analysis of judicial opinions. PROD,
1960, 3, 11-14.
Larson, Arthur. The lawyer as conservative. Cornell Law Quart. 1955,
40, 183-194.
Lasswell, Harold D., & McDougal, Myres S. Legal education and public
policy: Professional training in the public interest. Yale Law J., 1943,
52, 203-295.
Lerner, Max. America as a civilization. New York: Simon and Schuster,
1957, p. 446.
Llewellyn, Karl. The effect of legal institutions upon economics. Amer.
econ. Rev., 1925, 15, 665-671.
Llewellyn, Karl. The bramble bush. New York: Oceana Publications,
Loevinger, Lee. Jurimetrics. Minnesota Law Rev., 1949, 33, 455-494.
Lummus, Henry T. The trial judge. Chicago: Foundation Press, 1937.
Macmillan, Hugh P. Law and other things. Cambridge, England: Cam-
bridge Univer. Press, 1937.
Marbury v. Madison, 1 Cranch 137, 1803; 2 Lawyers' Ed. 60.
Michael, Jerome, & Adler, Mortimer J. Crime, law and social science.
New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1933.
Miller, William. American lawyers in business and in politics. Yale Law
J., 1951, 60, 66-76.
Mills, C. Wright. White collar. New York: Oxford Univer. Press, 1951,
pp. 121-128.
Muller v. Oregon, 208 U. S. 412, 1908.
Note: The law of fact: Findings of fact under the federal rules. Harvard
Law Rev., 1948, 61, 1434-1444.
Ohlin, Lloyd E., & Remington, Frank J. Sentencing structure. Law &
contemp. Probs., 1958, 23, 495-507.
& Shulman, Irwin. Newsmen's fantasies, audiences
Pool, Ithiel de Sola,
and newswriting. Pub. Opin. Quart., 1959, 23, 145-158.
Pound, Roscoe. A theory of judicial decision for today. Harvard Law
Rev., 1923, 36, 940-959.
Pound, Roscoe. An introduction to the philosophy of law. New Haven:
Yale Univer. Press, 1925, pp. 101-130.
Pound, Roscoe. Fifty years of jurisprudence. Harvard Law Rev., 1938,
51, 777-812.
Radin, Max. The theory of judicial decisions. /. Amer. Bar Ass., 1925,
11, 357-362.
Sayre, Wallace S., & Kaufman, Herbert. Governing New York City.
New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1960.
Criminal Responsibility
and Psychiatry
In many trials, including famous murder cases with which the
reader will undoubtedly be familiar, the defense has revolved around
the proposition that, although the defendant may have committed
the acts with which he was charged, he was nevertheless innocent.
This defense tactic rests on the premise that a harmful act is con-
sidered a criminal offense only if it is perpetrated knowingly and
willfully — that
with "criminal intent." It is held that if a man is
bility." Thus the impression is created that this concept has a clear-
cut and generally accepted meaning. After its constant use over a
period of half a century or more, many contemporary students of
crime, as well as the laity, have come to assume that criminal respon-
sibility is indeed a workable concept. All that is needed is the psychi-
atrist who will ascertain whether an offender does or does not possess
the trait of criminal responsibility.
But criminal responsibility is neither an object nor a phenomenon
found in nature, such as, say, the Grand Canyon or a rainbow. This
may seem rather like stating the obvious, and, in a way, it is. Since
Types of Responsibility
It is also necessary to note, by way of preliminary clarification,
that the simple term "responsibility" (or "responsible") is used in
everyday language in three different ways. First, in the descriptive
mode, as when we assert that "the avalanche at X was responsible
for the death of three skiers." This is a statement of what happened.
It contains no evaluation of the ethical quality of the event, nor any
not a matter for the law at all — for example, if John was a soldier
and James was the enemy. Under others, it is unquestionably neces-
sary that John be prosecuted. And under still other circumstances —
for example, when the distinction between suicide and homicide is
unclear — it may be a matter of choice for the legal authorities
whether they take action or not. The issue of responsibility as guilt
arises only in a legal context. (It may also arise in a religious setting.
This, however, is basically similar to the legal situation and is, in
fact, its prototype.) Hence, if we are asked whether John did in fact
kill James, our answer will depend, in part, on whether we are asked
Table 1
then, the argument falls in Group II, Table 1. These are the cases
characterized by true descriptive responsibility, and supposedly false
ascriptive responsibility. The American verdict "Not guilty by rea-
son of insanity" states precisely this. It could be rendered in the
form: "John Doe is not guilty (ascriptively) of killing James Smith
(although he did cause his death) because of X." X may here stand
for any number of things, but most typically for one of these three:
accident, self-defense, insanity (Hart, 1958). Irresponsibility for a
harmful act by reason of insanity is thus entirely similar logically to
irresponsibility for such an act because it happened accidentally or
in self-defense. The notion of insanity has simply been added to
other excusing conditions, exculpating, as it were, the commission of
otherwise criminal acts. We shall return to this later.
The handling of the insanity plea in English law is somewhat
different. There, in a comparable situation, the verdict is, "Guilty,
but insane." As a practical matter, both maneuvers leave much to be
desired. American lawyers have advocated adopting the English
tactic, while some British jurists have expressed preference for the
American version (Weihofen, 1933). The logical analysis presented
is helpful in this connection, for it shows that the British way of
plished, first, by asserting that the offender is "not guilty (by reason
of insanity)." This renders the act akin to accidents and noncriminal
behavior. The offender's subsequent commitment, however, belies
this assertion, and recodifies the behavior
grounds for his involun-as
tary detention (now called "hospitalization" rather than "imprison-
ment") (Hall and Glueck, 1958, pp. 313-14).
The idea that some people are "insane" (or "psychotic") and
hence irresponsible for their actions has been held only in some
cultures and only during certain periods. According to this notion,
which is very popular in contemporary America, there are basically
two types of human conduct. One is so-called ordinary, rational
human behavior. The other is so-called irrational behavior. In the
latter mode of conduct, men allegedly do not (fully) understand
their own actions and are governed by powerful impulses rather than
by reason. The shortcomings of this dualistic concept of behavior
are well known and will not be discussed here. Let us note only
that if behavior is classified as either rational or irrational, the
observer is involved in ethically judging rather than in merely
describing his observations.
derive from the fact that so-called mental illnesses were conceived
as basically similar to neurological defects. Hence the belief that
"mental illness" causes a lack of appreciation of what one does.
This unrealistic emphasis on reason in mental disease, as well as
other principles of the McNaghten Rule, has often been vigorously
and heatedly debated. We shall not enter into this discussion —
which, particularly when it is concerned with the finer points of
distinction between degrees of "mental disease," is reminiscent of
scholastic debates about theological doctrines. We shall instead in-
dicate the principal issues to be kept in mind in studying this subject.
1. McNaghten's Case codified (as law) the notion that certain
acts are the results of "mental illness." Moreover, such illness was
conceived as being essentially similar to bodily disease. No distinction
was made between organic brain defects (for example, congenital
idiocy), acute intoxications, deliria (that is, drunkenness), and idea-
tionally motivated actions (political crimes). This global and undif-
ferentiated conception of mental illness has been accepted even by
most of the critics of the McNaghten Rule.
2. The was left unclarified.
postacquittal fate of the defendant
Tacitly, however, it was accepted practice in McNaghten's day, as it
still is in many parts of the world, that at least some patients who are
"diagnosis" of a case, and perhaps also how, in his opinion, the de-
fendant was "not responsible" for his acts because of "mental illness."
tion that there are two modes of existence — one sane, the other insane
— into legal "reality." Since this rule has had a powerful impact on
contemporary American jurisprudence, its psychiatric, legal, and
ethical aspects will be examined in detail.
pointed out some time ago (Szasz, 1956), a logical corollary of the
rule "No punishment without blameworthiness" is that there should
likewise be "No reward without praise worthiness." The fact is, of
course, that our society isnot constructed along these lines at all.
Indeed, to reform it in accordance with these principles would turn
it into a type of human organization quite unknown to us and one
that is hardly imaginable.
Another source of difficulty is encountered when we consider that
ignorance of the law is no excuse in the eye of the Anglo-American
(as well as the Roman) philosophy of law. How can a person igno-
rant of the law be held responsible for breaking it? How can he be
blamed for committing an act that he did not know was prohibited?
The answer is, of course, that the well-being of a democratic social
order depends upon every adult person's knowing what he can do
and what he cannot. Legal responsibility is thus an expectation. It is
an expectation, first, that people will learn the laws of the land in
which they live, and, second, that they will try to adhere to them.
Thus, should they break the law, we will be entitled to consider
them blameworthy.
If we apply this reasoning to offenders who are alleged to be
mentally ill, we shall come to similar conclusions. That is, if such
persons are "ill" in some sense resembling a state of bodily illness,
this shall not excuse them from adherence to the law.
on the other If,
previous publications (Szasz, 1956, 1958b, 1958c), to which the interested reader
is referred.
tion rather than on his usefulness. This, I submit, has been one of the
factors that has undermined, and rightly so, the value of psychiatric
expert testimony in the eye of the law and the public. A respectable
and self-respecting expert must be one whose expert status derives
from special skills and knowledge, not from membership in a special
Excusing Conditions
The concept of an excusing condition was most clearly formulated
by Hart (1958):
It is characteristic of our own and
advanced legal systems that the
any rate for serious crimes carry-
individual's liability to punishment, at
ing severe penalties, is made by law to depend on, among other things,
certain mental conditions. These conditions can best be expressed in
negative form as excusing conditions; the individual is not liable to
punishment if at the time of his doing what would otherwise be a
punishable act he is, say, unconscious, mistaken about the physical con-
sequences of his bodily movements or the nature or qualities of the
thing or persons affected by them, or, in some cases, if he is subjected
to threats or other gross forms of coercion or is the victim of certain
types of mental disease. This is a list, not meant to be complete, giving
broad descriptions of the principal excusing conditions; the exact def-
inition of these and their precise character and scope must be sought
in the detailed exposition of our criminal law. If an individual breaks
the law when none of the excusing conditions are present, he is ordinarily
said to have acted of "his own free will," of "his own accord," "volun-
tarily"; or it might be said, "He could have helped doing what he did."
[Pp. 81-82.]
Dodds, E. R. The Greeks and the irrational. Boston: Beacon Press, 1957.
Durham United States (1954) 214 F. 2d 862 (D.C. Cir.).
Szasz, T. S. Moral conflict and psychiatry. Yale Rev., 1960, 49, 555-
566. (a)
Supplementary References
Williams, G. The sanctity of life and the criminal law. New York:
Knopf, 1957.
Criminal Psychology
Introduction to
8 Criminal Psychology
But as we shall see later in this section, the same offense can be
committed by a variety of people for a variety of reasons. One of
our two forgers, for instance, may have stumbled into the profession
accidentally — through an unfortunate choice of acquaintances, as
a misguided outlet for artistic leanings, under the temporary influ-
ence of alcohol, or in a period of despondency over a financial
crisis; once detected or after a few weeks of sobering prison life,
We may convert the first forger into a bitter, antisocial person,
and we may release the second before we have made the necessary
impact on him. 1
The same point holds for our murderers. In general, persons
guilty of first-degree murder are the safest people to release from
prison — they seldom commit further offenses beyond traffic vio-
lations. Occasionally, however, such a person is a very serious
menace to society by virtue of his strong, uncontrolled impulses.
From a correctional or rehabilitative point of view, this type of
offender may well have to be confined for life, whereas his fellow
murderers might at best be wasting many years in which they
could make constructive contributions to society.
Criminal psychology is a discipline which shares with others the
problem of rehabilitation or correction of offenders:
As a science, criminal psychology studies the causes of criminal
behavior. It attempts to isolate, describe, and understand the par-
ticular combinations of factors which lead particular people to com-
mit particular crimes. It seeks to arrive at general statements or laws
about patterns of causation of antisocial behavior.
As psychology aims at reducing crime by
a profession, criminal
treating offenders. The concern here is with finding ways of
changing people so that they refrain from antisocial behavior.
1 Most forgers actually fall into the second category. The chances of their
rehabilitation in prison are negligible. Upon release they generally relapse easily
into forgery.
This not to say that there was anything uniform about the
The religious conception of crime was implicit in the very nature
of medieval trials. Until 1215, for instance, the favorite method of
adjudication in Europe was Trial by Ordeal, in which God was pre-
sumed to deliver the verdict by intervening on behalf of the defend-
ant or by not doing so. If God intervened for the defendant (making
it possible, for instance, for him to be boiled without blistering, or
to float when weighed down with stones, or to walk between fires,
"O holy water, Oblessed water, water which washest the dust and
sins of the world, I adjure thee by the living God that thou shalt show
thyself pure, nor retain any false image, but shalt be exorcised water,
tomake manifest and reveal and bring to naught all falsehood, and to
make manifest and bring to light all truth; so that he who shall place
his hand and true, shall receive no hurt; but
in thee, if his cause be just
if let his hand be burned with fire, that all men may
he be perjured,
know the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will come, with the
Holy Ghost, to judge with fire the quick and the dead, and the world!
Amen!" (Cit. Wigmore, 1941, p. 11.)
sky, the —
problem of the nature of the criminal an atavistic being who
reproduces in his person the ferocious instincts of primitive humanity
and the inferior animals. Thus were explained anatomically the enormous
jaws, high cheek-bones, prominent superciliary arches, solitary lines on
the palms, extreme size of the orbits, handle shaped or sessile ears found
in criminals, savages and apes, insensibility to pain, extremely acute sight,
tattooing, excessive idleness, love of orgies, and the irresistible craving
for evil for its own sake, the desire not only to extinguish life in the
victim, but to mutilate the corpse, tear its flesh, and drink its blood."
[Pp. xiv-xv.]
the esoteric writings of Sheldon (1949) and Hooton (1939). Hooton has even
outdone Lombroso in that he has described a large number of "criminal men."
Thus, "Massachusetts criminals are notable for thick beards, red-brown hair,
dark brown, green-brown and blue-gray eyes, whites of eyes discolored with
yellow or brown pigment flecks," and so on, whereas Tennessee criminals have
"thin beards and scanty body hair, light brown shade of hair, blue-brown eyes
with speckled or diffused irides, foreheads with little or no shapes, ." (Hoo-
. .
ton, 1939, pp. 57-58). Hooton also lists different body types for different types
of crimes, for different ethnic origins, and for different states of sanity. In all
instances, he makes the gratuitous assumption that his differences point in the
direction of biological inferiority of criminals. Hooton draws the moral from
this fable that criminals should be permanently segregated and that many should
be prevented from having children.
For other illustrations of primitive views of crime causation, mainly bio-
logical theories current in the United States between 1890 and 1915, see Fink
Charles Jones
Richard Smith
Dick is serving a life sentence for first-degree murder. He has a
prior conviction for felonious assault, as well as a juvenile record.
He was brought to the attention of authorities at the age of
eight, when his parents found that they could not control him. The
culminating episode was Dick's setting fire to the family dog —
a winsome, long-haired cocker spaniel — and
watching the animal
perish in agony. Only two weeks before, Dick had worried his
school principal by narrowly missing a woman teacher with a
large boulder he had thrown at her. Placed in a private institution
by arrangement of the juvenile court (see Chapter 11), Dick proved
difficult to handle. In one of his weekly escape attempts, he seriously-
injured a kindly old janitor named Pop.
Shortly before his first felony conviction, Dick spent six months
under observation in a mental hospital, and was released because of
overcrowded conditions at the hospital. It was several weeks later
that Dick broke a beer bottle over the head of a stranger who had
"called him names." Two years after his release from prison for this
offense, Dick strangled his fourteen-year-old girl friend, whom he
suspected of unfaithfulness.
The Rorschach Test and other instruments administered to Dick
during his presentence investigation and in prison showed him to
be emotionally unstable and explosive. He seemed to have specially
pronounced feelings toward persons in authority. He regarded such
people with fear, hatred, defiance, and suspicion. Interviews estab-
lished that Dick felt strong resentment toward his father, whom he
described as strict and unkind. The father had spent a great deal of
time away from home, and Dick felt that he "just hasn't given a
damn" for his family. Dick expressed feelings of affection for his
mother, who had long since passed away on a vacation trip to
Chuck's antisocial behavior would be attributed to his under-
privileged circumstances as a child. Thrown into the gutterby a
lack of home life, with no guidance except that provided by his
misguided peers, Chuck is which
seen drifting into a sequence
leads almost inevitably from delinquency to crime. Dick, on the
other hand, has been impelled to crime by feelings which have their
origins in early frustrations and disappointments. Whereas Chuck
learned to be a criminal, Dick was predisposed to antisocial conduct
by a deeply warped personality which combined bitter hatred with
an keep feelings under control. When carried to its
inability to
extreme, Dick's problem could place him in the "sociopathic" cate-
gory discussed in Chapter 12. In any event, Dick would seem to
require some form of psychiatric treatment. Chuck, on the other
hand, should clearly "unlearn" his antisocial habits, and should never
be returned to his unfavorable environment.
Recent thinking has shown this scheme to be impractical. Psychi-
atrists are almost impossible to come by (even at exorbitant salaries),
difference between people like Dick and Chuck than might originally
For a description of English sentencing procedures, see Halsbury's Laws
of England (Simonds edition) X, 434, 486-521. Also see H. E. Palmer, Prin-
ciples of punishment, Crim. Law Rev., 1957, pp. 155 rT. and E. J. Horsford>
Sentencing power of quarter sessions, Crim. Law Rev., 1958, pp. 172 ff.
judge will try to learn whatever facts about the offender seem rele-
vant for gauging the nature and duration of the treatment he re-
quires. Thus the judge, before passing sentence, may order a pre-
sentence investigation, consisting at least of a case history obtained
through interviews, and sometimes including psychiatric reports and
diagnostic test results. If this information promises hope, the judge
may tend to put the offender on probation. If not, he has other ways
of taking individual differences into account. If the offender is a
juvenile delinquent and appears before a juvenile court, various types
of treatment facilities may be available. (See Chapter 11.)
If the offender an adult under the law, he is more formally
disposed of. We may recall the cartoon of the two middle-aged of-
fenders asking the judge, "Your honor, can't you look at us as mid-
dle-aged juvenile delinquents?" (Banay, 1949, p. 57.) Since this
possibility does not exist, the alternative to probation for adult
offenders usuallv is prison.
fashion, early roots — fertilized by the slum, the prison, the dishonest
society, or the unhappy home — can soon grow too large to unearth.
The more promptly a remedial brought to bear, the
environment is
better the chance of preventing adult criminality, and the less stren-
uous the task. Early diagnosis and treatment must thus be one of the
prime objects in correction.
Another current aim in correction is to define "treatment" very
broadly. The sophisticated layman frequently steps in — in place of
the psychiatrist, the psychologist, or the social worker — as a cor-
rectional therapist. (See Fenton, 1958.) One obvious reason for this
liberal approach is the magnitude of the task and the scarcity of
professional help. A more convincing reason is that just as it does
not take professional personnel to engender antisocial tendencies,
it does not require professional persons to undo the damage. The
unhealthy environment which promotes delinquency is offset with
a restituting environment. This environment should consist of peo-
ple who can be perceived by the offender as a "natural" social group
and therefore accepted must make up for the deficiencies
as such. It
of persons in the offender's past, with acceptance and support pro-
vided by sympathetic persons in the present. August Aichhorn an-
ticipated this philosophy when he wrote that "the more the life of
an institution conforms to an actual social community the more cer-
tain is the social rehabilitation of the child" (Aichhorn, 1955, p. 117).
It has also been argued that since the offender develops as a result
of cumulative concentrated pressures, the rehabilitative effort, to be
effective, must be equally concentrated and unmitigated. It does not
suffice to expose the correctional candidate to short bursts of positive
relationships between vast stretches of social vacuums (or worse). A
total, continuous therapeutic community is needed. (See Chapter
14. See also the discussion of half-way homes for alcoholism in
Chapter 16.)
must not be assumed that the two trends described above con-
stitute avalanches which threaten to engulf the traditional penal
system, or are likely to result in wholesale reductions of the crim-
inality rate. Such efforts currently take place on an extremely small
scale, and in the context of institutions that act at cross-purposes
with them. Moreover, criminal psychology has not yet advanced to
the point where offenders can be sorted into meaningful groupings
for treatment in separate institutions. We are only beginning to iso-
latecomplex types of causal patterns like those described in Chapter
11, and are still groping in our efforts to obtain measures of crimi-
nal tendencies, such as are needed to select the best candidates for
treatment (see Chapter 10).
Finally, many types of offenders are not easily reached by any
presently discovered methods. The offenders discussed in Chapter
12, for instance, are frequently diagnosed as "sociopathic" because
they seem unresponsive to all treatment. 7 The drug addict (see
Chapter 15) and some alcohol offenders (see Chapter 16) are phys-
ically and emotionally dependent on their habits to the point where
even intensive efforts to rehabilitate them are notoriously ineffective.
But none of this is the main ground for pessimism about the fu-
ture of correction. It would still be possible to make tremendous
strides with more amenable correctional subjects. Large-scale at-
tempts to rehabilitate offenders, however, encounter strong public
and official resistance.
Rare indeed is the person who can read the details of a cold-
blooded crime of violence without catching himself musing about
how the culprit would look strung up by his feet over a slow fire.
This is an intimate, personal feeling. We are not prone to question
it. When we have this feeling we rarely ask ourselves whether any-
Martin, J. B. Break down the walls. New York: Ballantine Books, 1954.
National Conference on Parole. Parole in principle and practice. New
York: National Probation and Parole Ass., 1957.
The Development of
Criminal Predispositions
But surely there are experts who know what causes crime and delin-
quency? If so, they do not agree in their findings. Here, according to
testimony given before legislative committees between 1954 and 1958
by presumed experts, are causes of delinquency: Too much corporal
punishment; not enough corporal punishment; underprivilege; overpriv-
ilege; too little familial affection; too much familial affection; absence of
recreational facilities; too much leisure time; lack of education; over-
education; tough police; lenient police; feeble-mindedness; intellectual
brilliance; neglectful parents; oversolicitous parents. Some authorities
testified that comic books incited to delinquency; others, that they had
no demonstrable effect upon children. A
California Assembly subcom-
mittee heard a Stanford University professor of law say that it is not
known whether sex deviates become such through reading pornographic
literature or whether they read the literature because they have psycho-
logical problems. At the same hearing, a minister argued that sex-mad
magazines are creating criminals faster than jails can be built.
Broken homes were adduced before investigative bodies as causal
factors, while testimony to the contrary was also introduced. Use of
narcotics or alcoholic beverages was advanced as a potent influence at
the same time that other witnesses asserted they accounted for but little
Other causes which had "yea" and "nay" advocates were: Biological
inferiority; modern advertising; pay-as-you-go plans that divert a dis-
proportionate share of the family income to keeping up with the
neighbors; the doctrine of easy money; our materialistic culture; the
credo of success; and the American cultural value of resistance to au-
thority of any kind." [Pp. 85-86.]
For some crime experts, these conflicting explanations can still add
up to a description of the causes of crime. Thus Abrahamsen (1952)
suggests as two basic "laws" of crime causation: (1) "A multiplicity
of causative factors which vary qualitatively and quantitatively go
into the making of criminal behavior"; and (2) "Since these causative
factors differ from case to case of criminal activity, there can be no
one rule given as to its causes. The causation of criminal behavior is
"Robes and furred gowns hide all. Plate sin with gold,
(1911b, p. 377). For Lombroso the most prevalent criminal was the
born criminal. Such a person, said Lombroso, could be identified
by physical characteristics or "stigmata": an asymmetrical face,
ears, a low, receding forehead, and promi-
unusually large or small
nent eyebrows, jawbones, and cheekbones. The fact that the long
list of Lombroso's physical stigmata mind the image of
calls to
lower animals is not an accident. Influenced by evolution, Lombroso
regarded these features as "atavistic," which means "inherited from
early ancestors." Lombroso conceived of his born criminal as an
individual who had retained characteristics of his prehuman rela-
tives, with uttter disregard for evolutionary developments in the
Physiological and psychological stigmata were also listed by
Lombroso as "atavistic" characteristics. Among these were insensi-
bility to pain; sharp vision; the ability to recover quickly from
wounds; resemblance between the sexes; laziness; a complete
a great
lack of shame, honor, remorse, and pity; recklessness; excitability;
a passion for gambling and alcoholic drinks; vanity, and a special
conception of God. There were also habits, such as tattooing; an
excessive use of gestures; and an addiction to picturesque language
(Lombroso, 1911a, 1911b). Lombroso saw a substantial area of
overlap between the born criminal and the epileptic, and regarded
epilepsy as an important cause of crime.
Although Lombroso described criminal types other than his born
criminal, and although he discussed (especially in his later writings)
many causes of crime, his emphasis always remained on biological
causation: "The study of crime does not lessen the fatal influence to
be assigned to the organic factor, which certainly amounts to 35%
and possibly even 40%; the so-called causes of crime being often
only the last determinants while the great strength of congenital
impulses remains the ultimate cause" (1911b, p. 376).
Whichever the combination (it variesmarkedly among Lom-
broso's followers), criminal behavior was seen as completely pre-
determined. This is a general characteristic of the theories of crim-
inal behavior which were current in the late nineteenth century and
early twentieth century. It is even shared by investigators who were
otherwise completely opposed to each other. Thus Goring (1913),
whose sophisticated statistical study of English convicts was intended
to demonstrate that Lombroso's "stigmata" were not widely evident
in prisons, simultaneously maintained that crime was almost entirely
a product of heredity.
The most famous exponent of the view that crime is a result of
heredity is probably Robert Dugdale, who in 1877 published his
study of the Juke family. In the course of an inspection tour of
county jails in New York State, Dugdale had come upon six mem-
bers of this family:
tery, assault with intent to kill, murder, attempt at rape, petit larceny,
grand larceny, burglary, forgery, cruelty to animals. With these facts
in hand, it was thought wise to extend the investigation to other branches
of the family, and explore it more thoroughly. [Dugdale, 1910, p. 8.]
tutes. In 75 years, the family had cost the state an estimated $1,300,-
000. Dugdale assumed that the generous prevalence of criminality
in the ranks of the Jukes^ could only be interpreted as a function
of heredity. He recognized "environment" as a secondary, contrib-
hearth, the embers of the fire forming a center towards which their feet
focus for warmth. This proximity, where not producing illicit relations,
must often have evolved an atmosphere of suggestiveness fatal to habits
of chastity Sometimes I found an overcrowding so close it suggested
that these dwellings were the country equivalents of city tenement
houses. Domesticity is impossible. The older girls, finding no privacy
within a home overrun with younger brothers and sisters, purchase
privacy at the risk of prudence, and the night rambles through woods
and tangles end, too often, in illegitimate offspring. [Pp. 13-14.]
are controversial. Shaw found that his offenders were "largely con-
centrated in certain areas adjacent to the business districts and the
large industrial centers." He
concluded that "since delinquents are
largely concentrated in these characteristic areas, it may be assumed
that delinquent behavior is very closely related to certain community
situations which arise in the process of city growth" (p. 204).
Specifically, Shaw suggested that the disintegration of community
life in the zone of transition creates "criminal patterns" which come
to "shape the attitudes and behavior of persons living in the area.
Thus the section becomes an area of delinquency" (p. 206).
How is this delinquency taught? Shaw illustrates the process in
a group of case studies published under the heading Brothers in
Crime (1938). The studies center about five brothers who grow into
"We would get some milk bottles in front of the grocery store and
break them in somebody's hallway. Then we would break windows or
get some garbage cans and throw them down someone's front stairs.
After doing all this dirty work and running through alleys and yards,
we'd go over to a grocery store. There, some of the boys would hide
in a hallway while I would get a basket of grapes. When the man came
after me, the boys would jump out of their places and each grab a
basket of grapes." [Cit. Cohen, 1955, p. 29.]
aloof from his neighbors because he does not care to publicize his
vocation; he on good personal terms with other thieves so as to
exchange services, technical data, and gossip with them — he also de-
rives his professional status and identity from this membership; he
"cultivates" the clients from whom he eventually steals; he has non-
criminal friends who accept him as a person, although they may
know him as a thief; he has a cooperative arrangement with dishonest
politicians; finally, he is a full-fledged member of society at large. In
fact, "his interest in money and in the things money will buy and his
efforts to secure 'easy money' fit nicely into the pattern of modern
life" (p. 209). Learning of crime occurs in every one of these rela-
tionships, including those with noncriminals. "White collar" crimi-
nality provides examples of how
crime can develop among the most
favored segments of society, where it is perpetuated in the midst of
wealth and respectability (Sutherland, 1956).
More than any other group, the family has been talked about as
no longer viewed as the key to crime. The assumption that the fam-
ily teaches crime has also lost much of its popularity. The average
statistical breakdown (e.g., Michigan, 1959) suggests that nine of
ten offenders do not have the benefit of delinquent relatives; when
such a relative does turn up, he usually is a person of the same gen-
eration as the offender's.
It would be foolhardy to infer from this that the family is not
involved in the development of criminal predisposition. To explore
the family's most important effects we have to enter the domain of
the psychological or psychiatric clinic.
Wecan differentiate two kinds of hate reaction. One type hates the
environment quite openly, without any attempt at concealment. This
hate varies in quantity from a mere intimation to open repudiation and
deadly hate. When we group all these reactions together we see their
The secondhate type appears less often. It is concealed and is harder
to recognize. This group is obliging to the point of insistence, friendly
to a degree of unpleasant intimacy, self-conscious to the point of arro-
gance. They are liars and intriguers; they tyrannize over their comrades
in secret. All that they do and say becomes understandable when we
recognize their hatred.
Crime may
be said to occur at the crossroads of adversity and
debility. In the words of Banay (1948) it "is a reaction to unen-
urable internal pressures suffered by the individual" (p. 219). Prob-
ably the best evidence for this view monumental study of
is the
delinquency conducted by William Healy and Augusta Bronner in
psychiatric clinics of three large cities. In this study, in which de-
linquents and nondelinquents within the same families were com-
pared, it was found that delinquency resulted whenever a child felt
that it could not carry out its purposes and gain its satisfactions in
socially acceptable ways. Delinquency, in other words, was a sub-
ways of satisfying needs.
stitute for positive
According to Healy and Bronner (1936), a delinquent child tends
to be desperate. As one views such a child, one is struck by "the
immense amount of discoverable emotional discomfort that clearly
has been part of the story of the origins of delinquency" (p. 7).
Most of the delinquent youngsters studied by Healy and Bronner
differed from nondeliquent brothers and sisters in that they
felt rejected, unloved, thwarted, disturbed, and generally unhappy.
Whether in any particular case the parents had actually done any-
thing to provoke this, or whether the feeling was mostly the child's
doing, is a question we need not ask. The answer is irrelevant to the
practical problem of locating the psychological roots which give
birth to the criminal act.
These psychological roots are unique to each offender. Healy and
Bronner illustrate this with reference to truancy:
Abrahamsen, D. Who are the guilty? New York: Grove Press, 1942.
Aichhorn, A. Wayward youth. New York: Meridian Books, 1955.
Alexander, F., & Staub, H. The criminal, the judge and the public.
Glencoe, 111.: The Free Press, 1956.
must remember that large-scale cultural changes may be required;
these can be produced slowly, if at all.
Measures that predict early misconduct may also be useful for
evaluating our treatment of offenders. For example, if we adminis-
tered a delinquency potential measure before and after a group
counseling program in a prison, and found a shift from the criminal
to the normal end of the scale, we would have an indication of our
program's success.
Such applications rest on the discovery of effective measures; this
in turn depends on the validity of the hypothesis that a person's
personality can predispose him to criminal activity. From the view-
point of psychology, the most reasonable position probably is one
that hypothesizes a contribution by personality to the aggregate of
influences responsible for criminal behavior. The extent of this con-
tribution will limit the degree to which predisposition to crime can
be measured by psychological instruments. Had psychologists a
well-stocked store of precise measuring instruments, the contribution
of personality to criminal behavior could be determined by a few
extensive but simple studies. As matters stand, the tools are them-
selves fallible; they rarely yield precise measurements. For this rea-
son, when we fail to predict delinquency, we cannot say whether the
highly if the measures are relatively free from random error. The
parallel-form approach, however, is rarely used with personality
measures. The alternative in such cases is to employ an internal con-
sistency coefficient.
To estimate internal consistency, we must
have a scale with sepa-
rately scorable parts. Some measures of delinquency potential, for
example, consist of questions to be answered as either "true" or
"false." A subject's score number of responses he makes of
is the
the kind classified as delinquent by the authors of the scale. If an-
swers to such items were determined by a toss of the coin, indi-
vidual differences in scores would be produced entirely by chance.
To discover whether something of this kind occurs with actual
scores, or whether they represent underlying psychological dis-
positions,an odd-even or equivalent estimate of reliability is used.
Separate scores are calculated for the odd items and the even items.
When little random error is present, these scores will correlate
highly. Should scores on the even-numbered items prove unrelated
to scores on the odd-numbered items, however, the measure is
original aim.
The psychologist wishing to demonstrate that his scale is a valid
measure of delinquency potential usually selects one of two methods.
Most convincing is predictive validity. The procedure is simple.
The scale is given to a sample of nondelinquents who are followed
for a number of years until an appreciable number have become
delinquent. If scores on the scale discriminate those who became
offenders from those who did not, the scale has predictive validity.
Because prediction studies take time and effort, most measures first
are validated by a method that compares scores of groups known to
be different on the variable to be predicted. A
measure that makes
this kind of discrimination has concurrent validity. Most demon-
strations of validity for measures of delinquent personality traits
have taken the concurrent form: scores of confined and nonconfined
persons are compared to discover the degree to which the scale
distinguishes between them.
High concurrent validity is a hopeful sign that the author of a
scale is on the right track, but it does not guarantee his measure
will have predictive validity. Because it involves the comparison of
normals with offenders after they have been convicted, concurrent
validity may reflect the influence of factors that result from rather
than precede delinquent behavior. Take, for example, the question:
"Are you often bored?" When known delinquents are found more
answer "true" to this query, is the result con-
likely than normals to
sistent with our impression of the delinquent personality as rela-
tively aimless and thrill-seeking, or should we attribute the difference
to the fact that prison life is boring? The flaw in concurrent validity
is even more clearly illustrated by questions that ask in one way or
the other: "Have you ever been in prison?" A measure with several
items of this type ought to be effective in discriminating between
prisoners and normals, but useless in predicting the career of subjects
who have not yet committed crimes.
Weneed evidence of predictive validity before we can apply psy-
chological instruments in real-life situations. And predictive validity
must be imperfect because of the flaws in the criterion of delin-
quency. It will also be lowered to the extent that the measuring
instrument is unreliable. For this reason, a report of the validity and
reliability of a scale should be incorporated in the manual of any
predictive measure. Individuals responsible for the selection of psy-
chological instruments can find no more authoritative source of
information on the strengths and weakness of current devices than
isprovided by the Fifth Mental Measurements Yearbook edited by
O. K. Buros (1959). This encyclopedic volume contains multiple
evaluations of commonly offered psychological measures as well as
extensive bibliographies for very nearly all devices given wide dis-
tribution. The evaluations of measures of delinquency potential, it
true, that the base rate is something more typical of modern armed
forces, say 5 percent delinquency. Under only 5,000
this condition,
of the men will become offenders. Using the same scale and cutting
score as before, the authorities now must reject 4,750 good men in
order to eliminate 3,000 potential delinquents. Whether or not the
scale should be employed for screening in this last condition depends
on several nonpsychological factors: how easy recruits are to come
by, how expensive it is to lose a good recruit, how costly it is to deal
with a delinquent after he gets into trouble, and how much an of-
fense damages the Force.
The base rate is as important in real-life situations as in this imag-
inary application.It is not enough to know that a psychological scale
Table 2
Delinquents Normals
Category I Category II Category III
64.7, and 64.6 for the girls in Category III. The control group of 200
nondelinquent girls had a mean Pd score of 58.4. Differences be-
tween delinquents and normals, except for those in the mildly delin-
quent Category III, are too large to be attributable to chance alone.
There is also a tendency among the boys for the more seriously
delinquent to receive higher Pd scores. 3
from these results that the MMPI Pd scale can predict
It is clear
inventory contains tables for converting raw scores into scores with means of
50 and standard deviations of 10 in the normative samples. The data in Table
2 have been transformed.
boys with invalidated records would therefore deal with 128 boys,
101 of whom would not need our attention. Normal boys would be
about three and a half times as common as predelinquents in this
special group.
Of course, be even worse off if we did not use any
we would
selection device and merely took boys as they came until our experi-
mental group was filled. In such a case, we would train nearly eight
normal boys for every predelinquent. Selecting candidates by use
of this one MMPI measure, it seems, does reduce the number of
normals who are mistakenly classified as predelinquents; however,
the reduction is not as great as we might desire. Further, even if the
program is completely successful, we reduce the delinquency rate
by only 12 percent. Eighty-eight percent of delinquents, having
our attention until their misconduct
valid records, escape later brings
them into conflict with society.
We might have bettered the last figure in our hypothetical pro-
gram by selecting on the basis of Pd and Ma scores as well as on
invalidated records. If we had used all three of these devices, the
percentage of the predelinquent group that would have been chosen
for training would rise appreciably, but whether or not the ratio
of predelinquents to normals in the group selected would differ very
much from that obtained with invalidated records alone is doubtful. 4
To increase the precision of diagnosis with the MMPI — to ensure
that predelinquents rather than normals are chosen for training —
two alternatives to the procedure just described are of potential merit.
The first is on the standard MMPI scales,
to use the profile of scores
that is, to describe each record according to which of the scales are
high and which are low for the individual. The second is to devise
4 It not possible to estimate the needed figures from the data that Hatha-
way and Monachesi provide. It seems unlikely, however, that a drastic reduc-
tion from the 3 Vz to 1 ratio would be achieved by use of Pd and Ma in addition
to invalidated records.
a new scale aimed specifically at the prediction of misconduct as it
The standard scales of the MMPI, including Fd, deal with per-
sonality characteristics that may predispose to or inhibit delinquent
behavior, but these scales were not designed to predict misconduct
of the sort encountered in the Minneapolis study. It is possible,
therefore, that an effective empirical MMPI scale could be devel-
oped for the specific task of predicting later delinquency. In a dis-
Limitations of Inventories
Although they share with all measures that might be applied to
the problem of predicting delinquency the difficulties that arise from
the nature of the criterion and its complex causation, inventory
scales posses some specific inherent weaknesses. The most obvious
of these concern the extent to which responses reflect the state of
affairs as an unbiased observer might report it. Are the answers of
subjects true? Certainly there is nothing about the questionnaire that
compels a person to be accurate in his self-portrayal. A consider-
able body of research and theory suggests that some subjects can
and do consciously or unconsciously distort their answers so as to
appear either better or worse than they really are. For this reason,
the MMPI, unlike many other paper-and-pencil inventories, includes
measure the extent to which subjects bias their
scales that attempt to
scores by presenting themselves in unrealistically favorable or un-
favorable lights.
Another well-known but usually unheeded source of trouble
arises because individuals vary in the extent to which they endorse
or reject items regardless of content. Some subjects, for example,
are more likely than others to answer "true" to questions dealing
with "liking" things, apparently above and beyond what it is that
is liked (Hanley, 1959). When a personality scale contains many
items worded same fashion, to include terms that call for
in the
individual interpretation of meaning (for example, "often," "cer-
tainly"), influences of this kind, called response sets, may syste-
matically alter scores. If, on the other hand, a measure is composed
of items with many different wordings, responses will be affected
by a host of influences having do with the general content
little to
of the For these reasons, it seems idealistic to hope that great
precision in diagnosis is possible with any inventory scale. It is
possible that measuring devices which do not suffer from the in-
herent weaknesses of inventories will prove more accurate in predict-
ing delinquency. Among these are psychological tests and projective
tests. Unfortunately, relatively little has been reported thus far re-
with normals.
Regardless of the origin of the relation between intelligence and
delinquency, confirmation of its existence means that IQ scores
might be useful in predicting misconduct. Unfortunately, compari-
sons of the intelligence test performance of normals and delinquents
typically involve concurrent rather than predictive validity, and
ignore the problem of the base rate. An example of test differences
between known delinquents and controls illustrates these points.
Zakolski (1949) gave a battery of tests to 50 industrial school and
50 public schools boys. Mean scores on three well-known measures
of ability are shown in Table 3.
Table 3
Table 4
Number of "M" Responses to the Rorschach Test
Number of Subjects
Number of M" Responses Delinquent Normal
241 204
1 131 150
2 82 71
3 31 39
4 9 16
5 5 5
6 1 5
7 or more 10
Total 500 500
While normal boys show the greater tendency to give "M" re-
sponses, the measure in itselfnot very discriminating, especially if
Table 5
Actual Behavior
Number Serious or Persistent
of Minor Offender
Predicted Behavior Offenders Number Percent
Occasional Minor
Offender or Non-Offender
The small number of cases in certain categories is due to the nature of the
sample which is made up of true juvenile offenders (serious or persistent
From Sheldon and Eleanor Glueck, Predicting delinquency and crime. Cam-
bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1959, p. 258. Used by permission of
the publishers.
240 • criminal psychology
Table 6
dealing with delinquency are the main object of research, the im-
provement of psychological instruments for diagnosing the presence
of criminal tendencies ought to play an important part in the effort.
Past investigations, althought inadequate in various ways, point to
a useful role for psychological measures in the future.
Astin, A. W. A
factor study of the MMPI psychopathic deviate scale.
Psychologists and
Juvenile Delinquency
The psychologist can state three basic facts about juvenile de-
linquency: (1) As is true of any form of social behavior or mis-
behavior, delinquency is the result of the complex interaction of
many forces — physical, intellectual, social, and cultural. (2) Boys
and girls involved in misdeeds have personalities which can still
Numerically speaking, the most common "type" of delinquent
is a young man or woman who gets into difficulties as one member
of a group with whom he or she has pleasant, easy-going social rela-
tionships. These youngsters take a casual attitude toward laws. Their
credo boils down to "Be loyal to thy friends." They will do "any-
thing" for a friend, and they have many friends.
Superficial investigation shows that these young people come
from easy-going, neglectful homes in areas where the delinquency
rates are high. It is frequently pointed out that in such homes
the young people are "unsupervised." Various investigators
use different terms to describe these young people. Hewitt and
Jenkins called them "socialized delinquents." In the well-known clas-
sification by Riesman they would be termed "other-directed." They
fit the pattern Havighurst and Taba (1949) called "adaptive."
for the fact that in general the lower the average family income in
an urban neighborhood, the higher the delinquency rate. An un-
published study by the present author discovered a rank-order cor-
relation rate above .90 for this relationship in Detroit.
Delinquency of this variety does not yield to strictly psycholo-
gical measures. The gang boy poor candidate for coun-
or girl is a
seling or psychotherapy. Although there is a deep stratum of anx-
iety, the person's social skill prevents this from emerging in a form
suitable for treatment purposes.
The most obvious tactic to follow with these young people is to
remove them from group and place them in one which
a delinquent
is not delinquent. Unfortunately, in the neighborhoods in which
most live this turns out to be almost impossible. The next best move
is to attempt to bring an entire group under skilled supervision as
the New York City Youth Board and copied in other places. On
occasion this works well.
Failing some such salvage operation, what usually happens is that
these gang youngsters continue to get into trouble until they are
old enough to form enduring liaisons with the opposite sex. Then,
in loyalty to sweetheart or spouse they stay out of trouble. As
delinquents their careers seem unending; fortunately, adult crimi-
nality is not their line.
see the world as united against them; they are cruel to other
children; they are foolhardy little daredevils bereft of a sense of
Unless something is done, these violent and dangerous boys will
develop into equally dangerous men. Throughout their lives they
will menace other people and themselves. The evidence indicates
that fifteen years after their first delinquency they will be in prison.
Extensive experimentation conducted by Fritz Redl (1952) both
at the Pioneer House in Detroit and under auspices of the Na-
Mental Health in Bethesda, Maryland, has de-
tional Institute of
monstrated that a well-designed treatment home can repair the
damage to such boys and enable them to cope adequately with
life problems.
Skillful work is required to identify those boys who could be
helped by an appropriate program. The fact is that the explosions
of anger which appear to be the key symptom can be caused by a
number of conditions, each offering a different probability of suc-
cessful treatment and each calling for a different disposition by the
juvenile court. In some instances, for example, some types of incom-
plete brain development or brain damage may be responsible for
the lack of controj.
help them recognize the incident for what it was and to resolve
any doubts they may have. Care must be taken to settle any anxi-
eties which might lead to real perversion. Usually this type of case
is cleared up unofficially. (See pages 259-262.)
Another variety of "normal" delinquency arises over behavior
which is symbolic of grown-up status — permitted to adults but
forbidden to youth. Drinking and driving cars are two examples.
Peripherally, there is behavior where adults are not usually appre-
hended, but young people may be, as in petty gambling or pre-
marital sexual intercourse.
These activities are considered "sophisticated" by many adults;
to an adolescent, they may be symbols of adulthood. The "You
Must Be Over 21" sign in a bar is a challenge. Accordingly, in the
same spirit with which many self-considered law-abiding citizens
swigged during Prohibition days and laughingly called themselves
"scofflaws," so many a teen-ager defies similar enactments applying
Among some girl delinquents there is a subtle and potent inter-
action between mother and daughter. Indeed, in many such cases
the mother is the person who made the complaint to police or
court. A portion of the motivation, not always unconscious, for
the daughter's offenses is spitefulness: she enjoys being a source of
disgrace for the family and especially for her mother.
A close-up of the feuding within the home may suggest that the
mother is gaining some satisfaction from her daughter's misdeeds.
In one case familiar to the author, the investigating policewoman
said the mother greeted the girl the morning after each date with
the taunting question, "Are you still a virgin?" Who was suggesting
what to whom?
Responding to so provocative a combination of nagging and
suspicion, the girl clutches the suggestive signs of sophistication,
and uses them to goad her mother. There may be no laws against
make-up and clothing fads, but smoking and drinking are obvious
next moves. Almost inevitably, she gives substance to what once
were groundless suspicions. She may stay out all night, or even
run away. In either case there are almost certain to be sex episodes,
and often promiscuity. In one way or another the mother learns
of what is happening. The notation on the official papers may be
"ungovernable behavior," "incorrigibility," "truancy from home,"
or "immoral behavior."
The hopeful thing about this pattern is the ease with which it
can be corrected by good counseling or good social casework. As
distinguished from the patterns earlier described, in this one the
family conditions are still active. In many instances, either the
mother, the daughter, or both may be helped to achieve insight.
Such cases lie within the domain of the social worker rather than that
of the psychologist. If the latter enters the picture at all it is to do
some testing.
for being good — until the began this was objectively justi-
fied — he regarded as deception. Trying to shed his reputation and
to obtain the punishment his inexplicable guilt demanded, he began
to steal and to pave the way for discovery and retribution.
More familiar, and less devious in their operation, are the ways
in which a young man who doubts his masculinity may resolve
his feelings of inadequacy. He can go in for sexual conquest; he
can provoke fights to prove his toughness; he can drive recklessly.
Another not infrequent chain is built around the fact that to
many young people of both sexes, one sign of being loved is to
have possessions. (Grownups often bring gifts to a child they like;
therefore, a child who has plenty of things must be a loved child.)
Fearing they are not loved — and indeed many truly are neglected
— they give themselves a counterfeit affection. They steal.
It would be possible to fill this book with case illustrations of
delinquents whose acts had neurotic origin. However, the three
rather commonplace examples cited above will suffice. Having
read them, a tough-minded doubting Thomas will have decided
that the author is another wacky psychologist; a trained psycholo-
gist or psychiatrist will start muttering about oversimplification.
The essence of the situation lies in exactly that contradiction.
The link between and purposes is so involved and intricate as
to seem incredible, and yet it defies simple summary. Even while
doubting, the layman will talk of kleptomania, pyromania, and
nymphomania; the psychologists and psychiatrists wince when
they hear the words because they feel they can do little by label-
ing conduct.
Psychologists, along with psychiatrists, are called upon to deal
with the "neurotic" delinquents most frequently when the offense
seems senseless. As one veteran police officer put it, "I always try
to place myself in the position of the kid, and figure out what made
him do what he did. If I can't come up with a good answer then
I guess maybe he's cracked and bring him to the clinic." Essen-
the clinic staff is caught up with this aspect of its function will it
undertake treatment.
The type of psychotherapy required in undoing any neurosis
is usually lengthy. What evidence we have shows that in cases
where a child or a parent is seen only two or three times little is
Enough has been said now to make it clear why people who
study delinquency regard it complicated phenomenon. In a
as a
particular child's life a significant role may be played by his intel-
ligence, his physique, his body chemistry, his parents, his school,
his church, his friends, his neighborhood, and all the social services
and communication networks we call a community. To understand
him fully we may need to tap the knowledge of a physician, a
psychologist, a sociologist, a psychiatrist, or more probably a team
composed of all. Once we understand him, if we are to help him
we need to bring to bear the talents of policemen, teachers, judges,
probation officers, social workers, psychologists, group leaders,
clergymen, psychiatrists, parents —a task force tailored to his prob-
lems. If these people are ever to become more effective they need
the knowledge discovered by research workers from many dis-
ciplines, explained and inculcated through all the media by which
knowledge is spread among intelligent people.
In this massive, complex, endeavor no one profession, no one
A juvenile, as defined in terms of chronological age by state
statute, is generally brought to the attention of a juvenile court
by the police. However, parents, schools or any interested citizen
may file the requisite petition. If delinquency is at issue, the be-
havior so considered has been a matter for legislative enactment.
Usually a juvenile code embraces all offenses covered by statute
or ordinance and, in addition, specifies certain conduct felt to be
a bad omen on the part of a young person. In the latter category
may be placed disobedience, smoking, drinking, incorrigibility,
Waiving Jurisdiction
Where the offense committed by very serious the
a juvenile is
Unofficial Action
Year after year the statistics gathered by the United States Chil-
dren's Bureau reveal that about half of all cases accepted by juven-
ile courts in the United States are handled on an unofficial basis.
This means that an acceptable program for a given youngster was
worked out and put into operation without a formal court hearing.
Neither an official finding of delinquency nor a court order was
required to put it into effect.
What has happened is this: The preliminary investigation re-
vealed that the youngster's behavior resulted from either a situation
was closed.
A boy was picked up for breaking school windows. His mother,
tl widow with two other chidren (both girls), seemed sincerely
said she would welcome the Big Brother, said she had sent a check
to the school board, and expressed gratitude that she would not
have to appear in court.
In essence, the misconduct of a young person brings to light a
situation in which corrective action is both necessary and feasible.
The fact that the young person is in the hands of a court symbolizes
the seriousness of the situation. Parents and any professional per-
sonnel may be spurred to more intensive efforts. With court work-
ers acting as catalysts, an agreement is reached as to who will do
what. Frequently, there are reasonable grounds for believing either
that a solution has been reached or, at the very least, that the pro-
posal offers enough promise so that it should be given a chance
before resorting to more drastic measures. For the time being, the
formal powers of the court are held in reserve.
Psychologists enter the highly informal processes of unofficial
action inmany ways. As the person, usually a probation worker,
making the preliminary investigation begins to size up the situation
and holds the initial discussions, he starts to think in terms of action
and finds he needs a psychological appraisal of the youngster in-
volved. Once he has this, he may want the opinion of the psycholo-
gist on the proposed solution. In other instances, where a youngster
was immediately referred for psychological testing, the court's
psychological services may see a possible solution and take the
initiative in developing the arrangements.
Almost invariably, when case conferences are held, psychologists
are present; in some convened by the
courts, these conferences are
court clinic and held under its auspices. Official position, however,
has little to do with the weight given to opinions and suggestions
made in free give-and-take. If a psychologist is regarded as an im-
practical screwball or a pompous fool, his opinion will be largely
ignored, or considered only in order to reduce the nuisance value
of his opposition. Where a psychologist's relationships with other
personnel are good and where there is confidence in the soundness
of his judgments, his contribution may be decisive.
In sum, in unofficial court action, psychological knowledge and
understanding can be at a premium. Whether advanced by a
trained psychologist or by someone with a different title, facts and
theories as to the causes of behavior and ways of altering behavior,
and as to corrective measures, are essen-
as to personality structure,
tial ingredients in the development of specific plans. The focus
Official Dispositions
may do: dismiss the case, remand the child to custody of parent or
guardian, administer a lecture, place the young person on proba-
tion, commit him to a mental hospital or home for the mentally
retarded, place him in a boarding home, send him to a rehabilita-
tive facility operated under religious or private (philanthropic)
auspices, or commit him to a publicly operated training school.
Many judges extend the official range of dispositions by attaching
conditions either to probation or to "suspended sentences" to
training schools. This extended range may include restitution, clinic
treatment, psychiatric evaluation or treatment of a parent, place-
ment of the child with a relative, enrollment in a private school
or in a character-building agency, family cooperation with a social
casework agency, change in the family's living arrangements, and
medical treatment.
Because of the complex issues which may be involved, some
states have established "youth authorities" which relieve local
courts of some decisions, especially those requiring any form of
commitment. If the court decides a young person warrants being
removed from his home it orders him into custody of the youth
authority. This has available as wide an assortment of camps, clin-
ics, and institutions as can be managed. (See Chapter 14.)
In the more usual case, however, the judge or referee is the one
who makes the disposition. Accordingly, at the time the formal
hearing is held he must have at hand all the material he may need.
This usually will include any report or recommendations made by
the clinic, the court's psychological services, or individual psy-
chologists. In the hearing, the judge or referee will seek to elicit
any additional information he feels he needs. On occasion he may
find that he needs more material. Should this be the case, he can
always continue the hearing at a later time. Thus it is not unex-
pected for a decision to be withheld pending psychological testing
or psychiatric evaluation, if either was not part of the records, or
if either should appear more relevant after the hearing than it
appeared before.
The judge or his representative is limited in his dispositions by
the requirements of the establishment to which he might want to
send young people. In a number of instances the judge can exer-
cise persuasion but cannot issue orders. Religious institutions, pri-
vately operated rehabilitative facilities, and individuals operating
boarding homes retain liberties upon which the court cannot in-
fringe. Mental hospitals, homes for the mentally retarded, and even
training schoolsmay be operated by public agencies completely
independent of the court.
The directors and superintendents of various facilities frequently
limit intake so as to increase the success of their programs. (Some,
of course, less defensibly, simply protect their own ease and that
of their staffs.) A particular organization or institution may justi-
If it is remembered that the juvenile court is a publicly provided
parent, that it acts as a father for young people whose natural
parents have been unable to prevent delinquency, the role of psy-
chologists is simplified. The court turns to psychology for help in
making decisions as would There is no
a wise father or mother.
restriction on the use of this branch of science beyond that im-
posed by judgment. The court can and often does ask the psy-
chologist to uncover whatever information will define difficulties
and then to suggest courses of action.
tions, some of them new, are taking the boys it rejects and have
had to develop special programs.
In larger organizations this same tendency to tailor programs to
individual needs, or to restrict intake to individuals likely to adjust
to a program, may be handled by running a number of programs
side by side, and using a classification type of orientation at intake.
Juvenile delinquency is not a simple problem. Rather, it is a
series of complex patterns of behavior, each of which has to be
tackled somewhat differently. To be truly effective any program
must be geared to differences among individuals and communities.
In any over-all attack on the interrelated problems, the skills of
many differently trained people will be required. We must utilize
and respect the contributions which can be made by the clergyman
and the social worker, the police officer and the psychiatrist, the
judge and the teacher, the probation officer and the sociologist. To
the diligent and inspired teamwork that is essential, the psycholo-
gist can bring concern about individuals, skills in appraising them,
and training in establishing factual relationships.
Psychopathic (Sociopathic)
1 All the facts in this illustration are taken from an actual case, except the
name "Roger Hayes," which is fictitious.
Birth and early development were quite normal. However, there
was a good deal of inconsistency in his early relations. Grandmother
was fairly strict with the child; mother, when she was around, cud-
dled him and overprotected him. Father ignored him entirely most
of the time, except when Roger would do something that displeased
him. Then his temper was uncontrollable and he would punish the
boy severely; sometimes beat him "within an inch of his life."
The child began having difficulties in school as early as the second
grade. He was extremely aggressive, disobeyed the teachers, threw
objects at them, truanted frequently, and was expelled from three
different schools by the time he was twelve years old. His school-
work was very poor despite his average intelligence.
Some religious training was also attempted. Roger attended Sun-
day school for about two years, between 1944 and 1946. He was a
disciplinary problem during the first year. The second year ended
when he threatened to throw a paper cutter through the window of
the principal's office. When the teacher tried to intervene and take
the cutter away from him, he sustained such a severe injury to his
hand that it required surgery.
After assaulting the eighth-grade teacher physically and after fre-
quent truancies, Roger was finally expelled from the city school
system in the spring of 1946. His parents placed him in a private
school for problem boys. He lasted only two weeks at this insti-
tution. Upon admission he had been placed temporarily in the "very
best cottage." On themorning following his arrival he tried
to run away, but the other boys prevented him from doing so. "His
housemother laid her hand on his shoulder and started to explain to
him that things like that are not done at this school; he whirled
around and struck her with his fist. She turned him around and told
him to please look at her and he started pummeling her so that the
boys refused to have him in their cottage." He was placed in another
cottage but ran away ten days later and hitchhiked home.
Several months later he was placed in the Boys Republic. Here he
made a marginal adjustment, fought frequently with the other boys,
truanted often, and finally did not return after 2 /2 months of
mittent residence. Then he began to get involved in a variety of
criminal and antisocial activities in the community at large. On Au-
gust 20, 1948, Roger came to the attention of the juvenile court
authorities for "Breaking and Entering, and Theft." He was then
committed to the Boys Vocational School, a state institution for
May 29, 1950 — Drunk; resisting arrest (60 days, county jail)
September 2, 1950 — Assault of
officer; disorderly conduct and
assault and battery (180 days)
February 5, 1951 —Violation of probation (90 days)
June 28, 1951— Illegal possession of beer; drunk (90 days sus-
pended sentence; to leave town for five years)
July 18, 1951— Drunk and disorderly (same as above) (In an-
other community)
September 1, 1951 —Investigation of unlawful operation of an
Army vehicle (Returned to home community)
September 29, 1951 —Bench warrant (270 days, county jail)
May 24, 1952 — Drunk (fine and two years' probation)
August 3, 1952 — Frequents taverns (fine)
April 2, 1953 — Drunk and violation of probation (fine and 90
August 12, 1953 —Violation of probation (60 days)
February 24, 1954 — Breaking and entering, two charges
April 5, 1954 — Breaking and entering, warrant
September 8, 1954 — Resisting arrest (on bail)
February 18, 1955 —Breaking and entering — nighttime; larceny
from a building (5 to 15 years)
This is only a "partial" list, for other delinquents and criminals
have indicated his participation in crimes which are not listed above
and for which he was not arrested. The sentencing judge made the
following statement regarding Roger:
There are very few individuals who, in my opinion, do not have any
good qualities whatsoever, but if this man has anything good about
him I have never discovered it. I do not believe, therefore, that there
is any chance of rehabilitating him by any appeal to his better nature.
along with the commission of immoral and unethical acts. The psy-
chopath continues to behave irresponsibly, untruthfully, insincerely,
and antisocially without a shred of shame, remorse, or guilt. He may
sometimes express regret and remorse for the actions and crimes
which he may have perpetrated; however, these are usually mere
words, spoken for the effect, but not really and sincerely felt.
The absence of guilt and remorse permits the psychopath to con-
tinue indefinitely his antisocial behavior unless people in his environ-
ment or the authorities decide to exercise some control. When con-
fronted with his lies and dishonesties he will often try to rationalize
them and give some plausible reasons for his behavior. However,
these are for the most part good and, frequently, persuasive reasons,
but not the true ones.
Roger Hayes, whose case we have described above, by constantly
getting into difficulty with the law illustrates the notion that guilt
was not a deterrent to his behavior. Moreover, he is ready with
rationalization. "Everybody makes mistakes" was his explanation for
parole violation.
When we consider the set of characteristics which describe the
individual with psychopathic personality we can readily expect
him to get in trouble with the law. Anyone who is impulsive, does
not learn from experience, is incapable of affection for others,
and is lacking in an internalized value system or conscience is apt
to run afoul of the laws set up for governing society. It is true
then that many habitual criminals are psychopaths. Many a crime
is being committed, often repeatedly, by persons who have a
strong revenge motive, who "act out" repressed hostility, and so
on. These may be largely neurotic reasons rather than stemming
from the basic personality defect we call psychopathic personality.
There are no precise figures on the relative proportion of psy-
chopaths in the criminal population nor in the population at large.
Precise diagnoses in the criminal prison population are hard to
come by. The situation in the general population is, of course,
even more difficult. One of the largest surveys of nearly 10,000
convicted cases at the New York Court of General Sessions, de-
scribed by Bromberg and Thompson (1937), reports 6.9 percent
of psychopaths. Similar percentages have been reported by others
on adult criminal populations.
The Constitutional Hypothesis
also punishment in case they are not obeyed. The child feels the
threat of withdrawal of love if he does not comply. Anticipation of
him. Even of more crucial importance is the fact that the absence
of an aflectional relationship with one (mother) parent interferes
with the capacity to develop a similar relationship with the other
(father). Thus, the socialization process and the internalization of
parental standards, which is the foundation of the conscience, are
The disorder of psychopathic (or sociopathic) personality has
been recognized long ago as "moral imbecility" or "moral insanity."
It is a nonpsychotic, nonneurotic condition in persons of about
Current Practices in
13 Correction: A Critique
iThe need for better knowledge is not developed in this chapter. For a
detailed statement, see Alfred C. Schnur, Some reflections on the role of cor-
rectional research, Law and contemp. Probs., 1958, 23, 772-783.
democracy. The people do not seem to know either what they really
want done with criminals or what objectives they actually want
served in dealing with them. Except for being apparently satisfied
with measures short of extermination or life quarantine for almost all
offenders, the people lack agreement on clear-cut objectives and
means to achieve them. Almost all the objectives ever stated and al-
most all the measures ever applied in dealing with nonconformists
since the beginning of recorded time are still employed in the
management of law violators. Many different and often incom-
patible objectives are served at the same time, and many different
and conflicting things are simultaneously done to, with, and for
the lawbreaker. Procedures followed are frequently unrelated to the
professed objectives; indeed, they are often related to other ob-
jectives. This is frequently true even when the actions are executed
with the intent of serving the particular objective professed.
Although society does not know exactly what it wants accom-
plished or just how it wants its criminals handled, correctional
agencies are obliged to make these decisions for society. Criminals
are delivered to them for determinate periods of time. Correctional
agencies are obliged to do something. They do do something. Both
by their action and inaction — since failure to act is as much a deci-
sion as action — the correctional agencies define the objectives and
the means of attaining those objectives with the resources provided
them by society and within the constraints imposed upon them by
Consequently, confusion and inconsistency, lack of tested knowl-
edge, and implementing objectives are all factors
vacillation in
which characterize the management of convicted law violators
while they are subject to the correctional processes. An example
is the conclusion of some officials that the administration of justice
should be a system wherein, at minimum cost, ( 1 ) men are made to
be sorry that they committed crimes, but (2) are glad, or at least
contented, that they were processed (fined, placed on probation,
imprisoned, or the like) and (3) as a consequence refrain from all
all further crimes so that (4) through the example of their experi-
is often as futile as kicking with his already sore toe the chair
one has stumbled over. One can never really get even. What is
done is done and cannot be undone. Punishment does not restore
life to the murdered, health to the assaulted victim, or property
There are those who would punish because they feel that the
criminal deserves pain for what he did. Everyone
aware of crim-
people "mad" or "sad" but upon what will help to end a career in
crime. As one consequence, although the one who makes us "sad"
may suffer more than the one who makes us "mad," the objective
in both cases would be the same —
the ending of crime. Techniques
effective in eliminating crime should be applied. Humanitarian con-
siderations need not be referred to by the criminologist as the basis
for his decision to discard punishment for its own sake, although it is
patently clear that such considerations, particularly those relating
to the dignity of man, would immediately rebel at the new lows
reached in so many places today.
Does this mean that the criminal should simply have his wrist
slapped, be told he is a bad boy, and then be turned loose to con-
tinue his activity? Obviously, this would not profit society. The
criminal is neither deterred nor cured. Should the criminal be made
supposed to have
to suffer in an effort to balance the pleasure he is
had in committing the crime with the pain society can give? This
does not profit society either. He is still a criminal, albeit a suffer-
ing one.
Criminology neither condones nor condemns the criminal but
recognizes him for what he is — an unwanted product of society.
(See Chapter 9.) "In this sense, if the criminal is a product — we
don't need to hate people any more" (Taft, 1950, p. 304). When
conviction is secured, search should be made for explanations for the
criminal's behavior and for ways of changing these conditions.
The denial of individual responsibility for crime implies that
many outside influences are responsible for crime, but it in no
way implies either the excusing of crime or the coddling of the
criminal. No matter how he became criminal, he is dangerous to
the law-abiding people and must be treated in such a way that the
law abiding need fear him no more. If treatment is now impossible
the criminal should be quarantined for life or until such time as the
The court can, for example, take into account the offender's be-
havior on probation.
After the judge has first considered and decided upon the kind of
sentence (from among the variations available), he considers the
amount of sentence. Here we shall be concerned only with the
length of sentence. The judge must set the time clock for treatment.
The treatment time clock is variously set by three types of sen-
tences: Absolute determinate (definite, flat), limited indeterminate,
and absolute indeterminate. Different degrees of discretion are af-
2 All of the sentencing possibilities and variations are not discussed here.
Only the most frequently used sentences are presented.
account only of the crime and previous criminal record, but at the
same time prohibit the judge from taking account of the man, his
needs, and his probabilities for lawful behavior under a variety of
treatment conditions. One variation is found in some jurisdictions
in which the judge has a limited range of time available to him but
is obliged neverthless to impose a sentence that is specific in amount
of time.
Both the absolute determinate and the limited indeterminate sen-
tences share the same fatal defect in varying degree. Both have the
effect of setting for each man a date beyond which he cannot be
detained and before which he cannot be released, no matter how
imperfectly this date correlates with a man's potential for lawful
behavior. The absolute determinate sentence is the deadliest to cor-
rectional treatment because it accords treatment personnel the nar-
rowest range of discretion.
The treatment time clock set by the absolute and limited indeter-
minate sentence can be advanced only slightly by institutional au-
thorities through the award of good time and extra-good time.
the fact that it will soon be over — another day will be behind them,
and can be X'd out. Time has little other real meaning for inmates.
They tend to lose their perspective and live in a highly selected past
or unrealistic future, but not in the present. Under the time-clock
system, the most significant thing to an inmate about a day is that
it has passed.
The time-clock concept has at least another bad effect upon the
inmate and the society that is to be re-entered. It helps inmates to
feel that their "debt to society" has been concept
paid. This latter
may encourage them to run up a new account. Some may even feel
that not only has their debt been paid; society now owes them some-
thing — and then they proceed to collect it upon their release.
For some men the period of supervision is too short for any treat-
ment to have an effect. Others have terms so long that not only is
treatment impeded but whatever positive effect treatment has had
is nullified. To secure maximum protection for society at minimum
cost, the kind and length of supervised treatment should depend
upon adjustment in a treatment situation in relation to a pattern of
factors that indicate successful adjustment to a free life, rather than
upon the kind and amount of punishment that will pay a supposed
"debt" to society and retaliate for crime.
Treatment by the time-clock method wastes the resources of
society and fails to protect society. First, the supervision of men
who no longer need correction requires the wasteful expenditure
of limited resources that could better be used on men who still need
correction. Presently, when treatment resources are insufficient, this
is poor use of them. Second, society is not protected
a particularly
by the required but premature release of uncorrected men.
Treatment time clocks prevent parole boards from doing the best
they can with their present resources. Some parole boards have more
discretion than others, but no releasing authority now has sufficient
discretion in the timing of parole. All are prohibited from paroling
men until the time clock says the men are eligible. The best time for
parole may already have passed: the time remaining between release
on parole and discharge from parole may be too short to help a
man bridge the gap between imprisonment and unrestricted free-
dom. On the other hand, a man may be obliged to remain on parole
either for the rest of his life or for periods beyond his successful
correction. This, too, waste of correction's limited resources.
is a
Preset time clocks impinge upon correction at other points. Some
states provide no credit on the sentence for the time spent in jail
One inmate I knew had the nickname "85" because seventeen consecutive
five-year sentences had been imposed upon him. Had he been given one eighty-
five-year sentence, he could be released several years earlier, as well as be
eligible for parole. His multiple sentences, although the first he had ever re-
ceived, classified him as a repeater and made him ineligible for parole consid-
parity in sentencing that can be better explained by studying judges
than by studying criminals. Contemporary correctional objectives
are incompatible with both ways of disposing of cases. It is not
suggested here that sentences should be equalized for what appear
to be the same crimes, but it is suggested that treatment should be
prescribed, irrespective of time, to meet the needs of society and of
the total man. Such a dispositions program, of course, may yield
even greater apparent discrepancies for what appear to be the same
crime, since the length and type of treatment will depend on differ-
ences in the needs of the men being treated and not on differences
in sentencing practices or judges. This should focus the criminal's
attention upon his own readjustment and readiness for release instead
of upon some relatively rigid release date set by a man who could
not anticipate the offender's response to treatment. With the treat-
ment time clock turned off, treatment by deadline ends, and
treatment compatible with correctional objectives can begin.
knows the variables of crime well enough to know what to look for,
who knows the significance of what he sees, and who knows what
to do about all of it. A presentence investigation represents a thor-
ough diagnostic case study of the subject and a prognosis in relation
to correctional and other resources.
In consultation with the probation officer after considering the
report, the judge may choose whatever disposition he wishes within
the statutory limits. Some states prohibit the granting of probation
to men who have committed particular crimes and have particular
kinds of previous criminal records. There is tremendous variation
in this throughout the country.
point each subsequent crime costs the offender more. In the event
the probation is revoked, the offender enters a correctional insti-
tution, the second phase of correction.
decisions all too frequently are made on the basis of blind hunch,
whim, dramatic circumstance, anecdote, and so-called
faith, intuition,
common sense, when they should be made on the basis of the un-
common sense that emerges from scientific analysis.
The man is given a custodial classification of maximum, close,
medium, or minimum which affects his housing, work assignment,
movements, and supervision. His job placement is determined. De-
cisions are reached regarding the prisoner's educational program.
Provisions are made for religious participation and counseling if
explained away by saying that, after all, the men are being treated.
In actual fact, treatment and other activities are usually subordi-
nated to prison industry. Prison production is usually in the driver's
seat. Other must be organized around it rather
activities usually
than its being organized around them. Once prison industry has
swallowed up what it can, the other programs are free to compete
for the man's time.
Idleness is one of the things most feared by prison administrators.
Treatment has probably made more rapid headway because of this
fear — helped by restrictive legislation and business and union pres-
sures on production activities — than because of the belief of the
administration in the importance of treatment itself for post-release
behavior. This can be seen in the featherbedding of jobs in an insti-
tution. When industrial operations in prison were cut back because
of elimination of markets through restrictive legislation, treatment
began to make headway: it occupied inmates' time. "Keep them
busy at something — just anything — and they are less liable to cause
trouble" is the philosophy of some administrations.
One way of determining whether or not there is correlation be-
tween public relations correctional philosophy and operating cor-
rectional philosophy is to note the emphases and the priorities when
the institution is explained to the visiting public. The measure of a
prison should be the quality of the men released and not how many
tomatoes and string beans were canned, how many manure spread-
ers were made, how many pounds of cotton were picked, or how
many license plates were manufactured. Our prisons are failures
both as industries and as treatment centers. The goals of neither are
being served. If treatment is to be abandoned for industry, our
prisons require much improvement to accomplish industrial objec-
tives to any meaningful degree.
Religious representatives have long been affiliated with correc-
tional institutions. They have not always had an opportunity to use
religious experiences for rehabilitation. Historically,and currently
to a lesser degree, prison chaplains are called upon to perform dual
roles and to fill the gaps caused by unimplemented ideas. Their time
often was — and is — so consumed in trying to fill nonreligious
deficiencies that they often have little opportunity to do that for
which they are prepared. Prisons would have been longer without
educational programs, libraries, recreational programs, and other
meaningful prison activities if chaplains had not taken charge of
these programs.
Church services are provided in prison, and some religious
counseling is available, but chaplains are usually expected to spread
themselves too thinly. In a sense they have the choice of doing a
little for many or much for the few.
Meaningful educational programs provide a foundation upon
which rehabilitation can be built. Although prisons are not consid-
ered complete without an educational program, too many institu-
tions are satisfied with having just enough of an educational pro-
gram to enable them to say that they are doing something in this
area. Institutions which have the facilities usually require that a man
remain in the educational program until he has achieved functional
Many prisons enlist the better-educated inmates to instruct the
less educated. Inmate teachers need not be used unless it is impos-
sible to have civilian instructors. The only excuse for such an edu-
cational program is that otherwise nothing would be done. Educa-
tional programs, although often better implemented than other
treatment programs, are not operated with adequate facilities or
sufficient personnel. Those prisons which have outstanding educa-
tionalprograms are the exception rather than the rule.
Customarily inmates must inconvenience themselves to take ad-
vantage of whatever educational opportunities exist. Securing an
education is usually made difficult for the prisoner rather than at-
tractive to him.
Only the mind is relatively free in prison. Through well-planned
libraries, treatment personnel can take advantage of this fact by
helping inmates to make constructive use of some of their time.
This resource is important, since men left to themselves often turn
to vices.
Professional librarians are rarely employed and book collections
are seldom planned. Too often the available books were received
through donations and book drives. To be sure, these are ways to
secure books, but they are not necessarily the ways of getting the
right books. The resulting collection is usually almost useless, out-
dated, and unsuitable for rehabilitation purposes. Better planning,
better book acquisition, and better utilization of this treatment re-
source are needed if it is to have a meaningful impact. Even well-
equipped libraries provide treatment for a pittance when compared
with the cost of other programs.
Inmates are granted some time to use for recreational purposes.
Often time is all that is given. Guards are frequently used to operate
Self-Improvement Activities
Various interest groups that have both a recreational character
and a self-improvement character are allowed to operate in some
institutions. Alcoholics Anonymousprobably the most prevalent.
Dale Carnegie Clubs, writers' clubs, drama groups, bands and or-
chestras, choruses, hobbyists, and the like are also found in many
prisons. This permits men to occupy their time pleasantly and re-
duces the administration's fear of idle men.
Psychiatric services are rarely available to an institution. When
psychiatrists are available, they are not usually involved in treat-
ment. They are typically concerned only with emergencies.
bation officer. The conditions of parole and probation are very simi-
lar and are intended to serve the same purpose. Failure to live up
to the conditions results in confinement.
The decision to use parole or to return a parolee to an institution
ismade, of course, by a different authority — the parole board in-
stead of a court. The decision is a group decision instead of the
decision of one man. The parole decision is made by people much
more familiar with institutions than are the judges.
Just as the court is restricted in the use of probation and in sen-
by statute, the parole board has similar restrictions. A certain
minimum amount of institutional time must have been served before
an inmate comes under the releasing jurisdiction of the board. If he
has committed particular crimes or has a previous record the parole
board may never be able to release him.
Just as best probation practice requires that a thorough case study
known as a presentence investigation precede a decision to use pro-
bation, best parole practice requires that a preparole investigation
be conducted to ascertain fitness for release and adequacy of plans
for after-release. This, along with the accumulated institutional case
records and the presentence investigation, is considered by the board
prior to its decision.
Although approved employment is usually required both as a
condition of release on parole and as a condition of continuation on
parole, such opportunities tend to be very limited.
Best practice also requires that the inmate appear before the board.
Parole is indicated when the board concludes that it is reasonably
safe for him to be released, when he is peak in readiness for
at his
release (more likely to be a success if paroled now than later, or
inclined to play it very safe because they have so often been the
scapegoats whenever an active parolee or a one-time discharged pa-
rolee commits a new crime. Then the agencies of mass communication
feel it their public duty to point an accusing finger at the parole
boards. "This would not have happened if it had not been for those
naive soft-hearted sentimentalists who are easy prey for every hard
luck story." The pressureand in the interests of the parole
is real,
been in prison. In some states no credit is given for parole time when
the man is reconfined.
In some jurisdictions parole violation is a bar to a man's being
paroled again. In other jurisdictions, such a man may be released
whenever the board feels he may be successful.
Society is usually made less rather than more safe, in the long run,
by the parole board's understandable feeling that itmust cater to
public opinion. Although this has the effect of making the batting
average of parole much higher than it would otherwise be, the bat-
ting average of the correctional process as awhole is lowered: men
who would benefit from the use of parole have been denied it and,
as a consequence, commit more crimes than they would have com-
mitted had correctional authorities felt free to use their resources
to best advantage. The same situation, of course, exists for judges
and their use of probation.
In all three phases of correction the lack of sufficient qualified
personnel often means that the real man is lost, and only paper pro-
bationers, paper inmates, and paper parolees are shuffled about. The
correctional process has been merely an interlude of timed unpleas-
antness that has temporarily postponed and occasionally intensified
the criminal career of its clients.
4 For detailed discussion, see Alfred C. Schnur, The new penology: Fact or
fiction? /. cr'vm. Law, Criminol. Police Set., 1958, 49, 331-334; and Federal
Bureau of Prisons, National prisoner statistics: Personnel in state and federal
institutions, 1958, 1960.
Are the correctional processes a success or a failure? Many of
those released from the correctional processes will continue their
criminal careers. Half of the men who leave prison today will be in
prison again for a new offense within five years. Others will arrive
later. Some will commit crimes and avoid apprehension or con-
viction. Some will refrain from crime.
Who deserves blame or credit for the successes and the failures?
There are at least two ways of looking at this: (1) Whatever suc-
cess there was not to be expected. Were the offenders not failures
Bennett, James V. Evaluating a prison. Ann. Amer. Acad. pol. soc. Sci.,
1954, 293, 10.
Hoover, J. Edgar. The challenges of crime control. In National Proba-
tion and Parole Association, Parole in principle and practice: A man-
ual and report. New York: The Association, 1957.
Taft, Donald R. Criminology: A cultural interpretation. New York:
Macmillan, 1950.
Recommended Readings
General Correction
Grunhut, Max. Penal reform. New York: Oxford Univer. Press, 1948.
Tappan, Paul. Contemporary correction. New York: McGraw-Hill,
Chute, C. L., & Bell, Marjorie. Crime, courts and probation. New York:
Macmillan, 1956.
National Probation and Parole Association. Guides for sentencing.
New York: The Association, 1957.
Giardini, G. I. The Parole Process. Springfield, 111.: Charles C Thomas,
National Probation and Parole Association. Parole in principle and
practice: A manual and report. New York: The Association, 1957.
1 The opinions expressed in this chapter are those of the author. They dcr
not necessarily represent the views of the Michigan Department of Corrections*
Grateful acknowledgment is made to Professor John Barker Waite, distin-
guished pioneer in the field of youth correction, for many of the ideas dis-
cussed here. The author is also grateful to the Michigan Corrections Commis-
sion, and to Gus Harrison, Director of the Corrections Department of the
State of Michigan, for having made it possible to put many ideas into practice,
his wife, and his children in the normal associations and satisfactions
of life.
majority of the states which have adopted the act, its provisions are
3 For an excellent analysis of the experience of the act and the various diffi-
culties it has encountered, the reader is again urged to consult Beck (1951),
replaced by modern treatment methods. Public attention was being
concentrated upon this age group, and social-work philosophy and
practice were introduced and integrated. Juvenile court services
were improved and expanded to include trained probation staff and
treatment personnel. The county jail was largely replaced by the
children's detention home to hold children awaiting trial. (For
greater detail, see Chapter 11.)
Reception-Diagnostic Procedures
Basic to the Youth Authority concept was the limitation of the
court to a judgment of guilt or innocence. After this point, a central
authority had the guilty offender diagnosed to determine his prob-
lems and potentials. This authority determined, on the basis of its
diagnosis, whether to return the offender to the community on pro-
bation or to commit him to an institution. If the latter, the authority
selected the institution best suited to his needs and society's, and
recommended an appropriate program. The authority set a hearing
date which, if all went well, would be the date of release. Program,
place,and release date could be modified as circumstances warranted.
This implied the development of a wide range of institutions and a
variety of programs.
The underlying purposes of a reception-diagnostic center may be
summarized as follows:
towers, and cell blocks. Its program included industrial shops, and
academic and vocational education programs. The other institution
was Cassidy Lake Technical School which was operated as a satellite
of the Reformatory (although seventy-five miles away). It is of the
open campus type, with no fences or towers, and is designed for
selected first offenders. Inmates are on a trusty basis and are housed
in nine-man living units. The program emphasizes education. (Cas-
outside placement. It had been thought that young men would not
work out well in camp situations, that they were unstable in behavior
and lacked work skills. Earlier attempts to mix them with older of-
fenders had not been entirely successful. The younger group had
tended to be, in the eyes of the older inmates, a disrupting and dis-
turbing factor. In secure institutions younger offenders were often
regarded as more difficult to handle than older men and as requiring
stricter discipline. In spite of these obstacles, the Corrections Com-
mission decided to push ahead.
It should be stated at this point that our directions were not yet
clear to us. There were certain fundamental ideas that we wanted to
try: treating individuals as individuals, accepting the offender as a
person, and involving him in his own recovery or restoration. We
were need
also conscious of the reality factors in the situation: the
for careful selection of inmates (the difficult and disturbed did not
belong here); very limited resources and personnel; and the sur-
rounding community, which was hostile.
Our thinking was much influenced by Dr. Maxwell Jones's book,
The Therapeutic Community (1953). This English psychiatrist had
developed a residential treatment center for mentally and emotion-
ally disturbed "industrial casualties." The center's program was built
around the concept of the conscious cooperation of all elements
within it for the welfare and development of the patient.
It was decided that group counseling would be a keystone of our
often wondered about the value of the experience for the silent. Yet
we carefully avoided putting the silent member "on the spot." If he
did not want to say anything beyond "Hello" and "Good-by," we
did not try to make him. After all, the privilege of speaking is also
the privilege of silence. And every once in awhile we were pleasantly
surprised. A boy who hadn't said a word all evening would walk
back to the mess hall with his leader and, on the way, would pour
his heart out.
What would establish a relationship puzzled us. One night, I asked
a group if we might record the session on tape for training purposes.
I explained to them that we would not do so if anyone objected and
that, in any case, we would play back the tape at the end to make
sure that no one could be identified. If identification was possible, we
would erase either part or all of the tape, as they preferred. One boy
objected. It was George — a He
had come from the Re-
"hard case."
formatory, to which he had been returned as a parole violator. His
offense, as I recall, was unarmed robbery. He was tough, cynical, and
bitter, and he didn't try to hide his feelings. In the group he had been
silent and suspicious in previous sessions. "That's okay, forget it," I
said. "Well," he explained, "I got caught on one of these things once
and I don't want it to happen again." I didn't press the point, but said
that it made no difference, really. "Wait a minute," he said. "Did you
tell us we could listen to the tape and then erase it if we didn't like
the session went well. We stopped a little early to listen to the tape.
When George heard his own me?"
voice he was fascinated. "Is that
he asked. By this time some of the other groups were breaking up
and he yelled to several of his friends, "Hey, you guys! Get a load
of this!" I don't think George would have let me erase that tape if
I had wanted to.
Implied in correction is the necessity for individual treatment. The
inmate needs to be seen as a person in terms of his problems and pos-
sibilities. The purpose of the reception center was to enable assign-
night that the committee came to the camp, the members talked in
the mess hall before the meeting. One man suggested, "Why not put
their home background; some are not. Where home conditions were
bad, associations highly undesirable, and work habits and skills lack-
ing, the outlook for success on probation was dubious. Courts were
faced with the alternative of probation under unfavorable circum-
stances (even the best probation officer would find it difficult to
supply these lacks) or commitment to a correctional institution. In
such cases, even though the youth was otherwise potential probation
material, he was at a disadvantage.
Some new attempts to solve this problem have been made by
California and Michigan. A discussion of the latter's plan follows.
would otherwise have had to drop from the course. "Duck cuts"
were gradually replaced by normal haircuts. "Hey, teach!" as a
form of address came to be replaced by "Mister ." All of this
. . .
women confined there. The recent emphasis has been upon humane,
secure treatment with segregation of offenders, but something re-
tuted by lay leaders from the community with assistance and super-
vision from probation officers. The results have been encouraging.
Many possibilities exist here for constructive, inexpensive programs.
institutions for older men into a center for more difficult younger
cases. Not only are the inmates sent to the center benefited by the
program provided there, but the general population is not restricted
or threatened by the presence of difficult cases.
In Michigan original emphasis was laid upon minimum-security
camps to bring the institutional picture into proportion, since most
of the existing institutions provided only maximum security. Two
years ago, however, a medium-security institution was partially
completed. When finished, the new unit will provide space and
program for six hundred young men.
involve all persons in contact with the inmate, including lay persons
and the inmates themselves. Outside the institution, the hope is to
bring the total community into awareness of the destructive ele-
ments in the socializing process so that these elements may be con-
verted toward positive aims, thus to restore to community those who
are separated from it, whether inside or outside the boundaries of
an institution.
Special Problems in
Criminal Psychology
Introductory Note
1924, p. 302]
raise the standard of the law to that of Christian morals, to strip away
the safeguards and sanctions of the State from the drink traffic and the
opium trade, and to protect our homes by the total prohibition of these
curses of civilization throughout the territory over which your Govern-
ment extends. [Gordon, 1945, p. 71.]
The saloon is responsible for most of the 60,000 girls who go astray
into immoral lives every year.
The saloon and the brothel are twin evils, and every man who votes
for the liquor traffic is indirectly voting to create conditions which feed
the social evil.
The saloon is responsible for more vice, degradation, sorrow, tears,
heartaches, and deaths than any other cause tolerated by Government.
[Odegard, 1928, pp. 43-44.]
since "sex was evil to the early Christian, while the absence of sexual
and chastity were great goods. All forms of sexual
activity, virginity
relationsbetween unmarried persons were mortal sin. Even sexual
thoughts unaccompanied by external acts were sinful" (Ploscowe,
1951, p. 1).
Most persons are filled with revulsion and disgust by some habit
that they would like to be able to eradicate. One way in which they
can do so is by pressing the passage of laws forbidding the habit.
The next step is a legislatively fixed severe sentence that judges
are forced to impose. A Michigan statute which
case in point is a
prescribes a twenty-year minimum prison term for anyone convicted
of selling narcotics. The following scene in Detroit Recorders Court
illustrates the result:
The prisoner, Robert Doster, dropped to his knees before Judge John
P. O'Hara and begged for mercy.
Doster, who had no criminal record, was convicted of selling a match-
box full of marijuana to a police informer. He is an unemployed auto-
mobile worker.
"In our state and federal constitutions there are provisions which pro-
hibit cruel and unusual punishments," Judge O'Hara said. "While I have
no sympathy for dope peddlers, I think that in this case the supreme
court should review the mandatory 20-year sentence." He advised Dos-
ter's attorney to appeal to the high court "on the inequity of a law which
gives a judge no discretion in sentencing." [The Spectator, 1958.]
serious sex deviations tend to degenerate into serious ones, that "sex
fiends" are widely prevalent, that sex offenders are bad parole risks,
that sexual disorders are usually biologically caused or inherited, and
that (paradoxically) these deviations are easily curable by known
means (Hartwell, 1950; New Jersey, 1950). Unfortunately, myths
about sex deviates sometimes are reinforced by relatively authori-
Edgar Hoover, for instance, in an article entitled
tative persons. J.
"How Safe Is Your Daughter?" has written: "The most rapidly
increasing type of crime is that perpetrated by degenerate sex of-
fenders. It is taking its toll at the rate of a criminal assault every
forty-three minutes, day and night, in the United States" (cit. Plos-
cowe, 1951, Such a statement can easily provoke groundless
p. 216).
hysteria. The same type of reaction would be appropriate to a text
designed for police candidates (De River, 1958), consisting of lu-
ridly illustrated and unrepresentative case studies. The author groups
under the heading "sexual psychopaths" relatively harmless practices
such as masturbation and voyeurism, on the one hand, and extremely
serious but very infrequent sex crimes, such as sadistic pedophilia
(the erotically motivated torture and murder of children), on the
other. Karpman, in reviewing the literature on the sex offender, has
appropriately indicated that "some articles seem almost deliberately
designed to perpetuate misconceptions and hysteria" (Karpman,
1954, p. 671).
What is the ultimate consequence of public "misconception and
1 Judge Ploscowe points out that Hoover's estimate is based on rapes reported
to the FBI by local police. these incidents are acts of intercourse with
Most of
underage girls who have given their consent without being legally entided to
do so.
Brown, W. Monkey on my back. New York: Greenberg, 1953.
De River, J. P. Crime and the sexual psychopath. Springfield, 111.: Charles
C Thomas, 1958.
Gordon, Elizabeth P. Women torch hearers. Evanston, 111.: Women's
Christian Temperance Union, 1924.
Hartwell, S. W. A
citizen's handbook of sexual abnormalities and the
mental hygiene approach to their prevention. Committee on Education
of the Governor's Study Commission on the Deviated Sex Offender.
Lansing, Mich.: 1950.
Karpman, B. The sexual offender and his offenses. New York: Julian
Press, 1954.
Korn, R. R., & McCorkle, L. W. Criminology and penology. New York:
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1960.
New Jersey Commission on the Habitual Sex Offender. The habitual sex
offender: Report and recommendations as formulated by Paul W. Tap-
pan. Trenton: 1950.
Odegard, P. H. Pressure politics: The story of the Anti-Saloon League.
New York: Columbia Univer. Press, 1928.
Ploscowe, M. Sex and the law. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall,
The Spectator. (State Prison of Southern Michigan, Jackson), September
5, 1958.
Wilson, D. P. My six convicts. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston,
Yale University, Laboratory of Applied Physiology, School of Alcohol
Studies. Alcohol, science and society. New Haven, Conn.: Quarterly
Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 1945.
its addicts. The typical heroin addict in New York (which has 45.7
ance with the state and federal laws and with the regulations of the
Federal Bureau of Narcotics. Physicians' major problems with drugs
arise with persons who are not physically ill but who take drugs in
order to cope with their problems.
while there are some who do get the disease. The psychologist would
attribute the relative immunity of some young people to drug ad-
diction, even though they may be exposed to drugs in their neigh-
borhood, to the relative strength of their personalities, or what the
epidemiologist would call host-resistance. The young people who
do become addicts, in this view, have personalities which are so
disturbed that drug addiction is a symptom of their general mal-
adjustment, and is one way in which they are expressing what is
likely to be a severe character disorder.
In psychoanalytic terms, the typical drug addict would be de-
scribed as "oral-dependent" and "masochistic." This means that the
addict relates to the world primarily through his mouth, and is un-
able to assume adult responsibilities. An oral person wants others
to take care of him. Psychoanalysts have noted that the typical
addict in large cities seems to take narcotics for the first time at
around age sixteen, the age at which adolescents are traditionally
confronted by the challenge of sex, and begin to think about their
choice of a vocation. For some adolescents, the use of a narcotic
drug represents one way of evading the responsibility of relation-
ships with the opposite sex as well as the responsibility of selecting
a career.
Most addicts are so busy seeking drugs and stealing, or engaging
in prostitution if they are women, in order to support their "habit"
that they have neither time nor opportunity to learn a vocation.
The drug replaces the vocational decision, just as it replaces other
decisions. The psychoanalytic view suggests that the typical young
addict comes from a family in which there is a very weak and inef-
fectual father and a relatively strong mother. The mother is likely
and to be rejecting in an over-
to be seductive as well as destructive,
protective way. Such a mother may actually have an unconscious
need to keep her son on drugs, while protesting that she is eager
for him to get off drugs. With a weak and ineffectual father and a
strong mother, the addict would have difficulties in identifying
with an appropriate adult figure of masculinity.
This difficulty in identification is used to explain why addicts gen-
erally have such disturbed sexual functioning. The young male
adolescent does not have any model of a successfully functioning
adult male with whom he can identify, whereas his model of a female
is that of a special kind of aggressive temptress. Perhaps as a partial
reflection of the difficulties in sexual identification related to this
kind of family constellation, the young addict usually uses an opiate
instead of sex, and his descriptions of the effects of heroin often
cially in the stomach. It seems to be easier for the addict to buy drugs
and thus have a sex substitute than to develop any relationship with
the opposite sex. Rorschach studies confirm the addict's emotional
constriction and sex difficulties.
Some psychiatrists experienced in working with addicts are not
psychoanalytically oriented and do not subscribe to the theory that
most addicts are "oral-dependent" types (Wikler, 1953). They sug-
gest that addiction is a psychiatric disability, but one which can be
adopted by a number of different kinds of disturbed persons. These
theorists observe that the ingestion of opiates leads to a state in
which such needs as pain, hunger, and sexual urges are substantially
diminished, and that different kinds of people are able to respond
to this method of coping with their primary urges. These students
note that once a person becomes addicted, he can no longer be de-
scribed in terms of his pre-addiction personality, because the use of
the drug creates a new and unique response pattern.
There is disagreement between the way Chicago and New York
investigators describe the juvenile addicts they have studied. This
disagreement has served to highlight the continuing controversy in
the field. The New York investigators subscribe to the psychiatric
approach, and believe that all the addicts they have seen are "se-
verely disturbed," with a weak ego, an inadequate superego, and
poor masculine identification. The Chicago investigators question
whether the addicts they have studied are "sick," and instead suggest
that their drug use is a response to the realization that they will be
denied participation in important activities because they belong to
minorities. They therefore seek distracting activity, like the "kick"
of drugs, as a means of escape.
Thus, sociologists describe addiction in terms of environment and
exposure to a special subcultural way of life; psychoanalysts see
addiction as flowing from oral dependence and specific kinds of
parents; and some investigators see the addict as a person who has
found drug use to be one method of coping with his needs. All three
of these theories enjoy a certain amount of acceptance.
There isno doubt that the three to four million Americans who
are alcoholics constitute a more serious public health problem than
do the smaller number of addicts. Alcoholics do not, however, en-
gage in crime in order to maintain their "habit," and there are
many industrial and medical groups engaged in study and research
on alcoholism. Drug addiction, by contrast, gets no research support
from any voluntary or industrial groups, and practically no research
on addiction is supported even by government agencies. (For fur-
ther discussion of alcoholism and its treatment, see Chapter 16.)
however, may
be somewhat misleading, because some of the vio-
lations for which they were arrested may have been thefts directly
related to their need for funds with which to buy drugs. If they
were not detected by police as addicts, there would be no way in
which their stealing to keep up with their expenses for drugs would
be anything other than ordinary thefts.
listed as
The juvenile addicts, both in Chicago and in Riverside Hospital
in New York, seem to be members of a delinquent subculture which
is geared to crime and antisocial behavior. The addict subculture in
That many drug users stop using drugs after twenty or twenty-
five years of doing so does not, of course, that we should
assume that there is little to be done while they use drugs. Since the
drug user in our culture is usually a nonfunctioning and predatory
person who has withdrawn from reality, he can hardly be said to
be an admirably functioning and successful human being. Extensive
medical research suggests that the regular use of opiates, when ad-
ministered under medical auspices and in a socially approved situ-
ation, seems to have no deleterious effects on the body. The one
study which came to a different conclusion found that regular opium
users, who got their drugs legitimately on Formosa, died at a much
earlier age than a group of matched nonusers (Tsungming, 1951),
with the opium users dying at the rate of 65.5 per 1,000, while the
rate for non-opium users was 26.1.
Wikler's research suggests that opiates satisfy primary needs, like
sex, hunger, and fear of pain, and that the drug itself ultimately
becomes a primary need. Modern mental hygienists tend to believe
that anything like a drug which diminishes participation in central
human concerns is not desirable as the central focus of an individual's
life. Some recent research suggests that the either-or point of view
goes to jail.
Treatment programs in hospitals for narcotic addicts have had
relatively discouraging results. Some of this may be a reflection of
the understating of the few hospitals devoted to narcotic addicts.
There are 1,500 beds for addicts at the federal hospitals at Lexington,
Kentucky, and Fort Worth, Texas, and both are understaffed. Some
of the failure may reflect the lack of interest in addict patients on
the part of the physician in private practice, who may also fear that
he is violating the law by treating an addict. Addicts are not very
likely to be able to pay for treatment after paying for drugs. An-
other element in the comparative failure of treatment may be the
lack of a national citizens or parents' organization to press for re-
search and professional training of specialists. In spite of the enor-
mous cost to the community of addiction, there is practically no
research program of any consequence, except for a laboratory for
pharmacological research at the United States Public Health Service
Hospital in Lexington. Physicians' inability to treat addicts in private
practice means that the normal flow of data from office experience
is not available as a source of new and fresh treatment experi-
Perhaps the single most compelling reason for the lack of any
simple and permanently effective treatment for narcotic addiction
is that it is a chronic disease, like tuberculosis or schizophrenia. Like
any chronic disease, it is very and quick
resistant to treatment,
recovery is unlikely. Withdrawal treatment, through which the
addict is gradually withdrawn from opiates, can be routinely ad-
ministered in hospitals, but most hospitals will not admit addicts.
By the end of one or two weeks after withdrawal, the former
drug user's body has adjusted to no longer taking opiates. A few
months of further bodily readjustment are necessary before the
body has completely re-established its pre-opiate equilibrium. Many
addicts have been withdrawn over a period of a few days, without
the methadone which is usually used in hospital treatment. Where
it is necessary to withdraw addicts in a nonhospital setting, tran-
return to drug use and cannot stay away from drugs — they are
"hooked." Estimates of the proportion of opiate addicts who have
been in hospital treatment programs and who return to the use of
opiates after an extended stay in a hospital range from 80 to 90
percent. The reason for the addict's return to drugs would be inter-
preted differently by sociologists, psychologists, and psychoanalysts.
The psychological viewpoint would be that his personality is such
help him withstand the easy road to solving his problems — what
addicts call God's Own
Medicine (G.O.M.). The former drug
user's attempts to learn a trade and to rehabilitate himself in other
ways are not likely to be sympathetically met by the community.
The general disinterest in and unfavorable prognosis for treatment
of addiction can be seen in the refusal of most health insurance plans
to accept addict patients, although they generally provide medical
care for chronic alcoholism. The reason usually given for refusal
to treat addiction is that relapse to the use of drugs is part of the
disease. It is difficult for some health administrators to understand
that relapse may not be discouraging in terms of treatment. A pa-
tient who reports his relapse to a physician may already be beginning
to cope with it. With health rehabilitation difficult if not impossible,
and medical resources closed to them, it may be expected that many
addicts will drift back into their old habit.
After (but not necessarily because) the use of opium and its de-
rivatives became illegal, it became a favorite of lower-class whites
in the South and in a few big cities. The typical addict of the 1930's
was an itinerant white worker, perhaps thirty-three years old, with
a grade school education. The typical addict of today is fifteen
years younger and is a Negro living in a big city. Opium was smoked
by some persons in the entertainment world and by some relatively
wealthy people in the 1920's and 1930's, but its use has given way
to the more widely used heroin. Another change has been the in-
crease in the number of current addicts who seem to be associated
with various other antisocial activities, as compared with the addicts
of a quarter century ago.
One occupational group has remained fairly consistent in its illegal
use of opiates — physicians. Approximately 1 percent of the perhaps
200,000 practicing physicians are opiate users, and it can be specu-
lated that the same proportion were taking opiates twenty and
thirty years ago. Physicians who take drugs may be the busiest and
most successful practitioners. They clearly do not take drugs
because they are unsuccessful but in order to meet some personality
needs of their own, although many may have some organic ailment
responsible for their addiction. It is possible that one kind of person
who becomes a physician — compulsive and very responsive to
status and goal needs — is likely, under some circumstances, to be
especially aware of possible discrepancies between his self-concept
and his actual achievement, and to take drugs in order to face such
discrepancies or other feelings of personal inadequacy. Physicians'
use of drugs is not necessarily due to their easy access to drugs;
pharmacists have greater access to drugs and there are practically
no pharmacist addicts, probably because the kind of person who
becomes a pharmacist is likely to be quite different from the kind
of person who becomes a physician.
Another occupational group associated with the use of drugs from
the turn of the century consists of jazz musicians. The irregular
working hours, performances in night clubs before semi-intoxicated
audiences, association with the occasionally criminal elements of
the booking and entertainment worlds, the unfinished nature of
every jazz performance, the frequent recurrence of themes of
masochism and sex in jazz music, and the heavily publicized drug
use of some famous jazz musicians — all combine to create an atmos-
phere in which drug use may be accepted as part of the environment.
Jazz has traditionally been a protest music and a vehicle of expression
for musicians who have a dissident statement to make. Since the most
conspicuous symbol of deviant behavior in our culture is the use of
best-known novel, "On the Road," eat hamburgers and drink malted
milk so frequently: by this excessive interest in the kind of chopped
meat and milk drink traditionally associated with infants, they are
expressing their preoccupation with infantile passive functioning.
They want to be taken care of by society and still be free to scoff
at society, like petulant infants.
The beatniks, the jazz musicians,and the addicts share a special
language. This argot minimizes the expression of feeling and emotion.
It expresses the addict's ambivalence toward the drugs, which both
attract and repel him. Thus, a four-letter synonym for excrement
is his term for heroin. The preferred state is one in which he is
the drug user is clearly a person who has withdrawn from reality
and wants to continue forever on an adolescent level, and his lan-
guage helps him to do this.
Wholly apart from the modern pseudo artists and poseurs who
have used drugs because of their lack of any artistic skill, there are
a number of distinguished have taken drugs. Among
artists who
the famous artists who took opiates were Coleridge, De Quincey,
Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Poe, Baudelaire, and Hans Fallada. The
physician-author of the Sherlock Holmes novels (Dr. A. Conan
Doyle) reported that Holmes averaged three "shots" a day of mor-
phine or cocaine, after each of which he "sank back into the velvet-
lined armchair with a long sigh of satisfaction." These creative
persons surely did not "tune out on life" as most addicts do with
drugs, but functioned quite successfully in their chosen fields. No
one can tell how they might have functioned without drugs, but
it can be said that they did not become talented because they took
five years: if arecorded drug user has not come to the attention of
the authorities in a period of five years he is no longer listed as a
drug user, on the assumption that he would have come to the atten-
tion of the authorities within this period if he were still using drugs.
A few state correctional institutions have initiated special pro-
grams for former drug users, but none of these has been particularly
successful. Usually, the no special pro-
former drug user engages in
gram or activities while in prison. Few prisons give former drug
users any psychotherapy or otherwise attempt to cope with the
underlying pathology which was probably linked with their com-
mencement of drug use.
reported that all its jazz musician addict patients were off drugs for
an average of thirty months, three years after the commencement
of voluntary out-patient therapy. These patients were given treat-
ment on an ambulatory basis, while still on drugs, and it was up to
them to handle the problem of their addiction. The clinic grew out
of the experience of another experiment in voluntary treatment,
the Narcotic Addiction Research Project, which resulted in a work-
ing classification of addicts into two categories: those who function
effectively on drugs, and those who do not function well and want
to get off drugs but are "hooked" (Nyswander, Winick, et al. 1958). y
even one hundred beds for many thousands of addicts. The poor re-
sults so far obtained with treatment of addicts should not be
discouraging, any more than poor results in schizophrenia or cancer
research are keeping us from an extensive program of research and
treatment in these fields. Unless we can mount the kind of concerted
research and treatment program which ultimately led to the Sabin
and Salk polio vaccines, our treatment of narcotics addiction will
continue to be a rebuke to twentieth-century America.
The growing number of films, novels, and plays on the subject
suggests that the general public becoming more interested in
coholics are less exposed to police action than are typical alcohol
offenders because they are more often "hidden" alcoholics. Al-
cohol offenders, on the other hand, live in or gravitate to areas of
high arrest risk, particularly for drunkenness. In this habitat, in
which there very high tolerance for inebriety, there is also
is a
less pressure to conceal the growing dependence upon alcohol
that Skid Row is a locale in which homeless men live and drink
in excess of community drinking norms. The few systematic studies
of alcohol offenders suggest the following portrait. It must be
kept in mind that this portrait is only a tentative one based on
education than younger men. The great majority of them are cur-
rently employed, if at all, at unskilled labor; their religious affiliation
is Protestant mainly, though eastern seaboard states have slightly
higher concentrations of Catholics in the offender population. Con-
sidering their career patterns, seems reasonable to find them both
The Drop
The precipitous and rapid descent into Skid Row living is ac-
complished by addicts with underlying personality disturbances. In
general, they are persons of middle-class background whose aspira-
tions are far out of line with both their accomplishments and their
abilities. In addition, their own particular milieu exerts strong con-
The Slide
The gradual descent into Skid Row is the path taken mainly
though not exclusively by married men of low economic status.
Through a combination of economic reverse, family instability, and
increased frequency of drinking, the husband leaves the family.
Over time, his position in the family declines until the point of dis-
solution. Divorce, separation, or desertion are the major forms of
rupture which precede the slide. In a few instances, men slide into
Skid Row upon the death of their wives, or of their mothers if they
are unmarried. Once homeless, many men who follow the slide
route attribute their homelessness to drinking, although other fac-
tors sometimes loom more important.
For some, the first arrests for public drunkenness occur just prior
to the family dissolution. These arrests often act as keys opening
the door of Skid Row. For the majority of the sliders, conventional
living has proved increasingly punishing and gradually less reward-
ing; at this point, Skid Row has great attraction because of its per-
missive drinking norms, its anonymity, and its relatively simple de-
mands. In general, the sliders are in their later thirties or early forties.
The Drift
Drifters, for the most part, are younger men, most of whom are
unmarried. Usually in their later twenties or early thirties, they
display many forms of emotional instability. They quit school early
and flee a depriving home environment. They are marked for failure
almost at the outset because they enter the adult working world
several years earlier than most adolescents and with a minimum of
social and technical skills. Rebellious, they turn to low-status adults,
who introduce them to heavy drinking as a way of proving one's
masculinity. To "drink like a man" requires large amounts, which
usually result in intoxication. Thus, these offenders come to the
attention of the police quite early and an arrest record for intoxi-
cation merely adds to their disadvantages in obtaining and holding
These offenders are introduced rather early to a round of menial
jobs, transiency, and heavy drinking. In addition, a small percentage
develop quite rapidly into addicts. Soon Skid Row begins to look
attractive. With the romanticism of adolescence, they tend to look
upon it as "experience." Because of their early arrival on Skid Row,
it is doubtful if they ever pass completely through the stages of
adolescence into adult maturity.
Drinking Groups
Homeless men, whether in furnished-room districts in small cities
or in the Skid Row section of larger cities, distinguish between men
who use alcohol and those who do not. They further distinguish
between moderate and heavy users of alcohol. Among heavy users,
a loose social system of drinking groups exists (Jackson and Con-
nor, 1953; Peterson and Maxwell, 1958; Rubington, 1958). Within
this system men are ranked by the style of their dependence on alco-
hol, on people, and on social agencies.
What appears to conventional society as a disorganized com-
and values. The results, in time, are changes in their style of life.
alcohol offenders.
A new institution for the treatment of offenders, designed to cope
with their acute release problem, has come into being in recent
years. Called a half-way house, it is intended to provide a way station
between Skid Rowand "respectable society." The therapeutic
philosophy of the half-way house is quite simple: It seeks to turn the
offender's group supports away from inebriety toward sobriety.
And it offers to do so by providing a group within the half-way
house which will answer the offender's need for affiliation without
making his acceptance in the group dependent upon excessive
The problem which the half-way house sets for itself is to shift
the alcohol offender's triple dependence on alcohol, Skid Row per-
sons, and social agencies onto key persons within the half-way
house. And, in so doing, it seeks to provide its members with the
rewards that may come from "sober" association. Where con-
formity on Skid Row meant excessive drinking, in the half-way
house it means sobriety. In effect, half-way houses attempt to
reverse the manner which many offenders became habituated
to alcohol. To cope with depriving environments which they were
unskilled to handle, these offenders turned to groups where they
could obtain release through excessive drinking. The half-way house
obviously is attempting to teach offenders to replace alcohol with
people means of solving their acute personal problems.
as a
At present there are around thirty half-way houses in existence.
Despite considerable variations, these are their common features:
a small group of offenders, usually around twenty-five men, come
together and live in a building which is staffed for the most part
by recovered alcoholics. In this place, members try to maintain
sobriety and to become self-supporting once again. The two most
common techniques for achieving group therapy
sobriety are
(broadly defined) and personal counseling by staff members. To
rebuild their confidence and self-respect, members pay rent or
fees (the average is around $15 a week) and obtain outside em-
ployment. Some form of vocational counseling goes on, official or
The price the alcohol offender pays for his deviant career is
Jackson, Joan K., and Connor, R. The Skid Road alcoholic. Quart. J.
Stud, on Alcohol, 1953, 14, 468-486.
Jellinek, E. M. Phases of alcohol addicton. Quart. J. Stud, on Alcohol,
1952, 13, 673-684.
Keller, M. Alcoholism: Nature and extent of the problem. Ann. Amer.
Acad. pol. soc. Sci., 1958, 315, 1-11. ,
Peterson, W. J., & Maxwell, M. A. The Skid Road "Wino." Soc. Probs,
1958, 5, 308-316.
Pittman, D. J., & Gordon, C. W.
Revolving door: A
study of the chronic
police case inebriate. Glencoe, 111.: The Free Press and Yale Center
of Alcohol Studies, 1958, pp. 154 ff.
Rubington, E. The chronic drunkenness offender. Ann. Amer. Acad.
pol. soc. ScL, 1958, 315, 65-72.
Straus, R., & Bacon, S. D. Alcoholism and social stability. A study of
occupational integration in 2,023 male clinic patients. Quart. J.
Stud, on Alcohol, 1951, 12, 231-260.
Sutherland, E. H. & Locke, T. J. Twenty thousand homeless men. A
study of unemployed men in the Chicago shelters. Philadelphia:
Lippincott, 1936, pp. 207 ff.
Sutherland, E. H., Schroeder, H. G., & Tordella, C. L. Personality
traits and the alcoholic: A
critique of existing studies. Quart. J. Stud,
on Alcohol, 1960, 21, 547-561.
Syme, L. Personality characteristics and the alcoholic. A
critique of
current studies. Quart. J. Stud, on Alcohol, 1957, 18, 288-302.
Ullman, A. D., Demone, H. W., Jr., Stearns, A. W. & Washburne, N.
F. Some social characteristics of misdemeanants. /. crim. Law, Criminol.,
and Police Sci., 1957, 48, 44-53.
In spite of the fact that many sex statutes contain a mass of detail
about the acts they ban and are harrowingly specific in many
instances as to what activity constitutes these banned acts (Sherwin,
1961), many statutes listing sex offenses are also, at least in part,
vaguely worded and include such almost undefinable terms as "car-
nal abuse," "open lewdness," and "unnatural practices." These terms
may — and often do — mean almost anything and they vary widely
in meaning from one legislative jurisdiction to another (Ellis and
Brancale, 1956). If we stop to unravel some of the semantic con-
fusion created by the use of such vague terms, we find that the actual
sex acts which are commonly prohibited and penalized tend to be
1. Forcible sexual assault — that is, a male's forcing a female to
submit to advances but stopping short of coitus. Mild
his sexual
sexual assault includes such acts as intent to kiss, to embrace, or to
look under a woman's skirt. Serious sexual assault includes intent
to rape, to force oral-genital contacts, and the like.
with an individual under the legal age of consent; or verbal sex acts
with an individual under the legal age of consent (for example,
talking about sex to children, impairing the morals of a minor, and
the like).
6. Exhibitory sex acts — exhibiting the genitals to another indi-
vidual in an active, aggressive manner; masturbating in public; urin-
ating or defecating in public; appearing in public without sufficient
7. Obscenity — making indecent or offensive proposals to a
member of the other sex; using improper language in public; dissem-
inating material that is judged to be obscene.
8. Homosexuality — having sex relations with a member of the
same sex.
exceptionally common
occurrence in most parts of the world and
is often psychologically normal. If, however, an adult male mainly
or only has coitus with underage females and if he continues to do
so in spite of the real danger of his being detected and legally penal-
ized he is to be strongly suspected of being an emotionally disturbed
between sexually and psychologically
It is useful to differentiate
(or psychiatric ally) deviated offenders (Group for the Advance-
ment of Psychiatry, 1950; Ellis and Brancale, 1956). A sexually
deviated offender is one who commits an offense because he is
fearfully or obsessively-compulsively driven to some kind of sex
behavior (such as homosexuality) which happens to be legally
banned in his community. The fear or hostility which drives him
to his offense is specifically sexual or linked to sex behavior. Thus,
he may be afraid of failing in heterosexual affairs, or he may be
hostile toward women and may therefore become exclusively
A psychologically deviated offender is an individual who commits
any offense, sexual or nonsexual, because he fearfully or rebelliously
is driven to defy some public ordinance. Thus, a psychologically
deviated offender may be afraid that he is weak and "unmanly"
or maybe generally hostile to people and he may therefore resort
to stealing or arson — or to some sex offense, such as rape.
A given offender, therefore, may be either sexually or psycholog-
ically deviated; or he may be deviated in both respects. Some
confirmed delinquents or criminals either are mentally defi-
ries: (1) Normal sex offenders who are not sex deviates or psycho-
logically disturbed (for example, many fornicators or adulterers).
(2) Sexually deviated but psychologically nondeviated offenders
(for example, voyeurs be sexually overshy but who may
who may
not be generally disturbed). (3) Sexually and pschologically devi-
ated offenders (for example, compulsive exhibitionists who have a
specific sex problem and who also are generally hostile and reckless
and keep getting themselves into trouble). (4) Sexually nondeviated
but psychologically deviated offenders (for example, psychotic in-
dividuals who masturbate in public or walk naked in the streets not
because they have a specific sexual deviation but because they are
generally emotionally ill and consequently do all manner of disor-
ganized acts).
ing in sex acts which destroy his own well-being (Guze, 1959).
It was soon determined, after this patient had come for psycho-
therapy at the insistence of lawyer and the probation officer,
that the main factors homosexual behavior were
in his pattern of
(1) his hostility against his dominating mother and his enormous
fear of being similarly dominated by another woman; (2) his con-
viction that he was just as inept as his father and that he could never
compete sucessfully in business or social relations; (3) his ardent
desire to identify closely with a strong, butch-type male, who would
take the responsibility for being the active partner in sex affairs
and would care for him, help him, and protect him from the harsh
realities of life; and (4) his general feelings of rebelliousness against
Whereas the patient had previously turned down all offers to bet-
ter his position because he was terribly afraid to assume greater
responsibility (and hence risk greater failure), after he had been in
therapy for four months he learned about a better job opening and
actively went after it, even though there was a good possibility
that his present employer would discover that he was in the market
for a new job and would show distinct disapproval. "Let him find
out!" the patient said to himself and the therapist. "With the way
he's holding me down and paying me so little right now, what have
I got to lose?" "And if he gets angry at you?" asked the therapist.
"So he gets angry! As you have helped me see, that's his problem.
What can he do — kill
me?" "Right. But suppose you don't get this
new job, what then?" "So I won't get it. Can they kill me, either?
And if I don't get that one, I'll keep trying till I get another. I'm
goddam sick of being pushed around, since I now realize that that's
what's been happening. No
one pushes you very far, I see, unless
you let yourself be pushed. So if I don't get this job, I'll jump at
every single opportunity that comes along till I get another."
As might have been expected, the patient did get the job he was
going after — largely because he was so determined to try for it.
Then, a few weeks later, he not only made a date, for the first time,
English, H. &
English, A. C.
B. A
comprehensive dictionary of psy-
chological and psychoanalytical terms. New
York: Longmans, Green,
Fink, H. K. Long journey. New York: Julian Press, 1954.
Foster, A. W. Treatment of sexual offenders. Marriage Hyg., 1947, 1,
Freud, Anna. Clinical observations On the treatment of manifest male
homosexuality. Psy choanal. Quart., 1951, 20, 237-238.
Glueck, B. C. Psychodynamic patterns in the homosexual sex offender.
Amer. J. Psychiat., 1956, 11, 584-590.
Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry. Psychiatric ally deviated
sex offenders. Report No. 9, rev. Topeka, Kans.: 1950.
Gurvitz, M. Sex offenders in private practice: Treatment and outcome.
Paper delivered at the American Psychological Association Annual
Meeting, September 3, 1957.
Guttmacher, Manfred S. Sex offenses. New York: Norton, 1951.
Guttmacher, M. S., & Weihofen, H. Sex offenses. /. crim. Law, 1952,
43, 153-175.
Guze, H. What is sexually normal? Paper delivered at the Second
Annual Conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex,
November 7, 1959.
Hadfield, J. A. The cure of homosexuality. Brit. med. J., 1958, 1,
Karpman, B. The sexual offender and his offenses. New York: Julian
Press, 1956.
Kinsey, A. C, Pomeroy, W. B., & Martin, C. E. Sexual behavior in
the human male. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1948.
Lewinsky, H. Features from a case of homosexuality. Psy choanal. Quart.,
1952, 21, 344-254.
168 113-117
irresponsibility due to, 150-151 psychology of, 96-120
Institutions research on, 100-105
correctional, 306-316 selection
educational programs in, 315 in civil cases, 79-81
group therapy in, 316 in criminal cases, 55-58
job placement, 310-312 Jury system, 97-100
libraries in, 315 controversy over, 109-113
psychologists in, 265-266 Juvenile courts, 184, 255-265, 323
reception-diagnostic proced- intake, 256-257
ures, 329-331 juvenile correctional field and,
recreation in, 316 327
religion in, 314 official dispositions, 262-265
self-improvement activities in, unofficial action by, 259-262
316 waiving jurisdiction, 257-259
for youthful offenders, 331- Juvenile delinquency, 5, 179-181,
343, 345 186, 188, 202-205, 209-210
social, law and, 36-37 "accidental," 247-254
Intelligence, 41-44 gangs and, 244-245
Inventories, 220-231 mother-daughter feuds and, 251-
construction of, 222 252
limitations of, 231 neurotic, 252-254
Minnesota Multiphasic Person- psychologists and, 243-270
ality Inventory, 222-231 unsocialized aggressive boys and,
Irresistible impulse doctrine, 156 245-247
Irresponsibility due to insanity, see also Youthful offenders
Knowledge, 41-44
Legislators, 31-32
Pandering, 401
as law transcribers, 5-6
Parole, 182-183, 184, 316-319, 353
Libraries, in correctional institu-
community services and, 344-345
tions, 315
Parolees, youthful, 342-343
Litigants, impact of law on, 34 Passes, youth camps and, 339
Lobbyists, 6 Pd Scale, 223-230
Peeping (see Voyeurism)
Madness, concept of, in ancient Personality, psychopathic (see Psy-
Greece, 151-152 chopathic personality)
Perverts (see Sex offenders; Sex- Psychological hypothesis, concern-
ual deviates) ing causation of psycho-
Pimping, 401 pathic personality, 286-290
Police power, abuses of, 10-11 Psychological instruments, 220-236
Political influences, 40-41 inventories, 220-231
Porteus Maze Test, 234 tests, 220, 232-236
Precedents, legal, 35-36 Psychologists
Prediction tables, Glueck, 236-240 juvenile courts and, 255-265
Predispositions, criminal (see Crim- juvenile delinquency and, 243-
inal predispositions) 270
Preponderance of evidence, 52 in treatment institutions, 265-266
Pressure groups, 6 Psychology
Presumption of innocence, 52, 72 behavioristic, 42
Prevention of crime, community's courtroom and, 19-20
role in, 343-344 criminal, 171-416
Prisons (see Institutions, correc- alcoholic offenders and, 381-
tional) 399
Probation, 304-306 drug addiction and, 357-380
community programs concerned evolution of, 178
with, 341-342 introduction to, 171-189
community services and, 344-345 as profession, 172
youthful offenders and, 339-342 psychiatric and sociological
Probationers, youthful, 342-343 views of, 178-181
foster family care for, 343 as science, 172
group counseling and, 342 sex offenders and, 400-416
Probation-Recovery Camp (Michi- special problems in, 351-416
gan), 340-341 historical influences, 39
Prohibition, 352, 354 intelligence and knowledge and,
Projective tests, 220, 221, 234-236 42-44
Promoter-executives, 32 of judges, 121-145
Proof beyond reasonable doubt, of juries, 96-120
52, 72 law and, 22-50
Prosecutor, 30, 53-55 of law administration, 29-30
final argument, 71-72 of lawmaking, 4-5
opening statement, 58-59 legal, 3-168
404 as science, 4