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Having finished reading

all the series of Malory
towers written by Enid
Blyton and the later by
Pamela Cox, I find Malory
towers immensely
interesting, fun to read
and inspiring. Inspired by
this series which has lead
to this venture of
continuing this series. I
hope this book provides
every reader the same
amount of pleasure in
reading as the previous


New Beginning at Malory Towers

Chapter 1-New Term

Darrel Rivers smiled as she saw her daughter Melody admiring herself
in the uniform of Malory Towers, remembering her first time before she
joined Malory towers She said to Melody “Excited?”. Melody smiled and
replied, “I hope it will be a good term, I have heard so much about it
from you and aunt Felicity”. Darrel said “you are jolly, lucky to go to
such an awesome school. I owe Malory towers for what I am now”.
Suddenly they heard a honking sound, it was Peter Hasberg, Darrel’s
husband waiting for both of them. He said “Come fast, or we shall not
reach Malory towers until the train has reached”. Darrel and Malory
rushed outside carrying Melody’s night case. they also had to take a
huge drawing book and drawing materials because Malory was a very
good artist. Darrell groaned as she carried Melody’s truck, “Oh dear! I
bet even Picasso would not carry as much load of art as you do”. As they
got into the car Darrell said to her husband, “It is not to get away for
some time from the thoughts of studies, newsroom etc.”. Darrell and
Peter were Editors-in-chief of the new channel, The English Times.
Darrell being a writer had written about ten books. Soon they reached
the station and were bidding goodbye to Melody. When a cling of the
bracelet was heard as Darrell picked up the bracelet. A woman came to
her and said, “Sorry, I dropped…Oh! Darrell, how nice to see you!”. It
was Sally, Darrell’s best Friend at Malory towers as well as college.
Darrell overjoyed, hugged her friend and said, “Oh, it’s awesome to see
you and this must be your daughter Helena”. Hi Helena, I am your
Mother’s best friend Darrell. The young girl smiled softly and then, a
man came running introducing himself as George Hills, Sally’s
husband. Sally said, “I see your daughter is also starting first term as
Helena”. Turning to Helena, “Dear, go and talk to Melody”. The two girls
shyly said Hi as the train was about to leave. And they were bidding
goodbye to their parents. Helena said to Melody, “Hi, I am Helena, can
we be friends?”. It’s kind of lonely to be all alone when we are the only
new kids. Melody nodded her head and said, “I love art, what is your
interest”. Helena replied, “I love playing Violin”. As time passed both the
girls became engrossed in their talks and time went fast. But after
lunch, both of them became a little tired and decided to something
relaxing. Melody started working on a pastel scenery, while Helena was
writing a new lyric for the new composition of hers. Then Melody asked,
“do you like swimming and tennis”, Helena nodded and said, “I learnt it
from my mon”. Melody said “me too”. Soon Malory towers came in view
and both the girls looked in an awe at the beautiful Malory towers
building, majestic with its four towers-North, South, West and East. The

New Beginning at Malory Towers

alighted from the station and felt a little scared. Everybody seems to
know each other already except them. They both looked at each other
and smiled. Then Ms. Pottis came and said “Hello, girls, you must be
Melody Hasberg and Helena Hills, the daughters of Darrell rivers and
Sally Hope. Welcome to Malory towers. I am Ms. Pottis your house
mistress, you both shall be in the North tower. Now I shall entrust you
both in the care of Annie Harris, the head girl of your form”. She turned
and summoned a girl of about their height, who greeted them and asked
them to follow her. Both the girls had mixed feelings. Both of them were
glad to be in North tower, where their mothers had been. And they were
very happy to have each other’s company. It was sure to be a good term.

New Beginning at Malory Towers

Chapter 2-Settling in
Both the girls entered the Malory towers and looked with awe at
everything. Then they went to their dormitories and were delighted to
get beds., just next to each other. Then Melody asked, “Got your health
certificate?”. Helena said, “Don’t want to be another Irene”. Melody said,
“And I don’t want to be another Belinda”. Both of them laughed as they
remembered the stories of Irene, who always forgot her health certificate
but was a musical genius. And Belinda, her friend, who was equally
scatter brained but was an art genius. Then both of them gave their
health certificates, to the matron, who immediately recognised them as
Darrel and Sally’s daughters and said “Both of them were jolly good
students, all the best to you. Now you can go for your supper”. On the
way Malory whispered to Helena, “looks like, it’s going to be a bit tough
living up to our mom’s”. Then they went to the supper hall where they
found two empty benches and sat over there. Suddenly, another girl
came and said, “Hi! I am Patricka, I see you are new here, welcome to
Malory towers. I hope you have a good term here.” Then Patricka came
and sat next to them along with another girl called Ellen. Melody and
Helena surveyed the whole room, all the first formers looked happy,
even the new comers as themselves but this girl was frowning even in
such a fun place. Then Helena turned to Patricka and asked, “Patricka,
who is that girl, is she new like us?”. Patricka smiled and said “Oh, no!
you are the only new comers this term. Dear Emily Patterson things she
is so great and is always bitter to everyone. She joined last term we leave
her alone. By the way this is Ellen Camerson, who is my best friend and
who is also in North tower”. Melody and Helena looked at Emily and felt
so sad and sorry for the poor girl. Patricka, almost immediately reading
their thoughts said, “You think we did not try to make friends with her?
We tried the whole term but she was the same. I don’t think she will be
able to change unless time comes you better not waste time brooding
over her. Enjoy your time with swimming, tennis and tricks. Me and
Ellen often play tricks”. By that time the bell had rung and it was time
for everyone to go and unpack their night cases and go to sleep at 8
since they would all be tired after their long journeys. Annie switched
off the lights as Melody and Helena said goodbye to each other and
decided that they would try to make friends with Emily.

New Beginning at Malory Towers

Chapter 3-The First Day

The next day was bright and clear. Both Helena and Melody were excited
for their first days. They woke up and got ready. They went into the first
form classroom after meeting with their head Ms. Grayling and both of
them sat together along with Emily in the front bench. Ms. Pottis, came
inside the classroom and said, “Good morning girls, now all the new
girls stand up”. Only Melody and Helena stood up and introduced
themselves. Then they sat down as Ms. Pottis started to write the time
table and give out the books and then they gave them some sums to
solve. She was pleased that Helena and Melody could do them very well
but Emily could not solve even one properly. She said sternly, “Emily, if
you do not concentrate on your studies, I will have to give you extra
coaching, please concentrate”. Emily simply nodded and sat down but
did not concentrate. Helena and Melody, sitting on the first bench could
not speak to Emily, but then in the dormitory they got a chance. Helena
asked Emily, “Emily do you want help with maths”. Emily rudely said,
“No thanks”. Then Melody, in the supper room said, “Done your
homework? Nice needlework”. Emily just said, “please go away, you and
your nosey friend. Just because, you are good at everything you can’t
poke your nose into everything I do”. Melody was hurt but she went to
Helena said, “Emily was rude but I saw her eyes when she spoke, they
were pitiful asking for help”. Helena just nodded and said, “Melody, I
understand, we shall do something, but right now we need to
concentrate on our lessons. I am sure with a little kindness Emily shall
tell us her problems.

New Beginning at Malory Towers

Chapter 4-A trick on Mamzel’le

Next evening in the common room when Helena and Melody came after
a swim. Patricka called the whole form and said, “Girls, my brother
Joseph sent me a parcel of a perfume that makes anybody laugh like
mad. Let’s play it on Mamzel’le Dupont. She is lovely to play tricks on.
Everybody was excited except Emily, who was doing her needle work.
Everybody ignored her except Helena and Melody. They were sad she
didn’t want to join but continued to listen to the plans. Jean, another
girl said, “Hey Patricka, Mamzel’le always takes my book first. So why
don’t you spray a little on my book. I am sure by the smell it will come
to effect. All agreed and Janet, another girl said, “But Ellen, the smell
might spread to all of us. And someone will suspect we are playing a
trick if we all start laughing.”. Jean patiently explained, “See, I will put
a minimal amount so that only Mamzel’le and anyone standing next to
her can smell it. As for me I shall wear a mask telling Mamzel’le that I
have slight cold, OK?”. Everybody cheered and waited eagerly the next
day. Mamzel’le came in and said, “Ma petites, Hello! Today we shall
learn some very good French words. But first show me the prep I gave
you yesterday. Jean, you come and show me”. This was the moment
everyone relished. Jean was hiding her laughter under the mask.
Mamzel’le asked Jean, “Jean, what happened, you have cold? You
should go to the matron”. Jean patiently said to Mamzel’le, “No problem
Mamzel’le, it’s a slight cold, I will be fine. Here is my French prep”.
Mamzel’le took the book and opened the page. She started laughing like
mad as everybody else was trying to control their laughter. Ms. Peters,
third form mistress came stomping inside and said, “Mamzel’le Dupont,
why are u making such a noise. I am not able to take my class”.
Mamzel’le could only laugh in response. At the end of the class the effect
of the perfume was gone. Mamzel’le playfully said, “you naughty girls,
you tricked your poor Mamzel’le. Never mind, it was fun laughing. Never
felt better”. Melody and Helena enjoyed the trick as they thought what
a sport Mamzel’le was but then their thoughts of Emily came back and
they pondered how they would make Emily trust them.

New Beginning at Malory Towers

Chapter 5-A Marvellous Plan

That evening in the common room Helena & Melody were sitting far
away from Emily who was as usual day dreaming. Melody said, “Helena,
do you have any ideas to make Emily trust us?”. Helena replied, “I think
so, you see Emily sits beside our bench on my side and yesterday,
during French class I noticed her notebook open. While she was day
dreaming, I saw that her date of birth was 10th June which is on Friday.
We have two days for that. Why don’t we give her something special?”.
Melody said, “Nice idea, we could buy her a cake or a bar of chocolate.
But I am broke. I spent two pounds on an art kit and two pounds on a
new shoe”. Helena said, “Same here, I too have only two pounds. I spent
one pound on strings for my violin and two pounds for a new music
book. That means we have three pounds. With three pounds we can’t
buy her a cake, a bar of chocolate or even a bottle of ginger beer”. Melody
said, “I have an idea, we will make something for her. Why don’t we
make chocolate cheese sandwiches along with chocolate milk shake?”.
Helena agreed, “Yes Melody, that is a nice idea. It’s the only thing we
can afford. You buy some condensed milk while I shall buy some
Hershey’s syrup of chocolate flavour and bread. I will also buy some
bananas for a smoothie. We will go tomorrow to town. But where will we
make it and how will we give it to her?”. Melody said, “Hey, we could
play a happy birthday song silently, not to disturb anyone and wish her
happy birthday”. Melody added “we could make it at our school kitchen.
I am sure it won’t take more than thirty minutes. Let’s go and talk to
the kitchen staff”. After hearing their story, the cook said, “Fine, you
can use a corner of the kitchen for some time. But you have to clean up
the place”. The girls were busy the next day. First, they went to town
and bought all the materials they needed then they went and made the
sandwiches and the milk shake. Helena jokingly remarked, “It’s so tasty
that I would eat it, it was not for a birthday”. Melody chuckled and
replied, “wait foodie, where are we going to keep it?”. Finally, both the
girls decided that it would be kept in Melody’s shelf which was in the
middle of Helena and Emily’s bed. At the midnight, Helena woke Melody
up and said, “Sleepy head, wake up, let’s take the sandwiches and go
quickly. We need to go to sleep too. Remove the treats and let’s go fast
so that we can return fast and sleep or else we shall not wake up
tomorrow”. They tip-toed to Emily’s dormy and Helena played Happy
Birthday song softly, as Emily woke up and both the girl’s entered
Emily’s dormy and whispered, “Happy birthday Emily. Here’s our treat
to you”. They gave her the sandwiches decorated in the form of the
flower with a smiley and a glass of smoothie on which was written

New Beginning at Malory Towers

‘Happy Birthday’. Emily broke down with happiness and said, “You did
it for me! Thank You!”. The girls smiled at her and said, “The birthday
girl should not cry. Now sit down and eat the sandwiches and have the
smoothie”. Emily smiled and hugged the girls. Then they sat down and
Emily ate the sandwiches and remarked, “These are the best
sandwiches ever. I’m sorry that I was rude to you girls”. The girls were
extremely happy to see Emily to see Emily smiling. Helena said, “How
delightful you look when you smile”. Melody nodded and said, “Yes, you
look so nice. Why do you mourn. You can be happy and have fun with
us?”. Emily quietened and said, “I have not told this story to anyone.
Since you two have been my first friends, so I will tell you. You see, I am
an orphan. My mom and dad were cloth traders, who travelled a lot by
ship. They were killed during a ship blast when I was only six years old
and my sister Melisa was ten. For a few years we lived with our
grandmother in her house. Life was fine until when my grandma too
died when I was eleven. Her house was supposed to belong to both her
children, my dad and my uncle. But after moving into the house uncle
James and aunt Vera refused to take us in and so we went back to our
old house. Me and my sister decided to join Malory towers and worked
hard. How happy we were when we got a scholarship to Malory towers.
But tragedy struck when me and Melisa went for a walk over the cliff
and slipped into a lake. Melissa saved me but while saving herself she
was hit by a flowing stone and drowned inside a lake. Since then I have
always been very lonely. I missed my family and my sister we used to
have such a nice time”. Melody and Helena hugged Emily and Melody
said, “I am sorry, it must have been terrible for you but you have to try
to be happy. It will make you feel better and less lonely. Helena nodded
her head and said to Emily, “Be friendly with everyone, you will feed
much better”. Emily heard this and smiled and she felt a lot better now.
With this note all the girls went to sleep.

New Beginning at Malory Towers

Chapter 6-A change over Emily

That day, Emily was kind to everyone. She greeted everyone politely and
started concentrating in studies. Ms. Pottis was surprised by this
change and said, “Good Emily, you have improved very much. Try hard
and you might even top the form”. Soon everyone started liking her.
Then one day, Janet came to her and said, “Can I please sit with you
for some time? My bench has to be cleaned”. Emily smiled and said,
“why not! Have a seat”. Soon they both started chatting like they were
friends forever. Helena and Melody were happy for the girl. Helena said,
“It’s nice to see Emily having a friend. Now everyone is paired up, Emily
and Janet, Lisa and Susie and let’s not forget both of us. Lisa and Susie
were two friends who loved horses and always went horse riding with
their respective horses, Sammy and Sunlight. The girls grinned and
they remembered these good-natured girls. Now the term was sure to
go smoothly. But they were wrong. There was still a lot to come.

New Beginning at Malory Towers

Chapter 7-Half term

The halls of the towers were bustling with excitement. Games captain
Martha was running to and fro. Why? It was half term. All the girls were
quite excited to see their parents. Melody and Helena were going
together. Patricka would be going with Ellen’s family since hers were in
a vacation. Lisa and Susie would be going for picnics with their horses
and families. And Emily was going with Janet’s people. Janet’s mom
and dad were very kind and it put Emily to ease. She had a great time
in the hotel where Janet’s parents took her and Janet. For quite a while
she forgot the pain she had in the loss of her family. And Janet’s family
was so alike hers. Kind, humble and friendly. Then Janet’s parent’s
after lunch gave an exciting news. They said, “Janet, Emily is very nice
and so we have decided that Emily shall stay with us now, in other
words we shall be Emily’s local guardian’s”. Both the girls were
overjoyed by this news. Meanwhile, in a picnic Melody and Helena were
having a fun time playing tennis, swimming and eating yummy food
with their families. Darrell looked at them and said, “they remind me of
us, Sally. How I miss dear old Mallory towers. By the way how is the
kinder gardens progress, Sally?”. Sally and George had recently opened
a kinder garden cum creche. Sally replied, “Good, but we have been
keeping very busy”. Soon the two days of half term passed like a flash
as the students and parents unhappily, said goodbye to each other.
When Emily told them of the good news, everybody patted her. They
were all very happy for her. Then all the girls went to sleep quickly as
they were tired from their fun days. Everybody happily slept.

New Beginning at Malory Towers

Chapter 8-Things get messed up

Next day after lessons, Helena and Melody decided to have a round of
tennis matches. Both of them were excellent players, especially in
doubles, a talent they had inherited from their mothers. After one hour,
both of them sat down tired. Helena said, “Oh God! We have only played
for one hour and it feels like ten. Let’s have a break”. Melody nodded
and said, “Yes! Let’s go and have some Lemonade. We will leave our
rackets here”. But when they came back the racket’s strings were
broken. Melody shocked, “There is no way it could have broken because
of our game. I bought these strings just a few days ago and I am sure
that the place is reliable. Even you bought it with me, right?”. Helena
nodded and said “Yes, now we will have to buy a new racket since I am
sure that the person will not be able to change the strings again as this
racket is already broken very badly. We will buy a new one tomorrow.
Let’s hope the person who did this doesn’t play such a foul trick on us
again”. But things did not get better. Melody found her art pastel’s
missing whereas Helena could not find her new violin strings. After a
few more rounds of thefts or spoiling’s both the girls got fed-up and
complained in the common room. Suddenly a girl called Sarah shouted
and said, “I know who the thief is! Its Emily Patterson. She is being kind
to everyone. I know what happened to her family but that does not
justify it. She is always roaming behind Helena and Melody and beware,
she might steal your stuff too, girls”. Emily shocked, replied with the
verge of tears in her eyes, “I did not do it. Oh! You must believe me”.
Janet hugging Emily said, “I know Emily did not do it. She was with me
the whole time”. Helena and Melody too supported Emily and said, “We
trust you Emily, it must have been somebody else”. But things did not
get better as every second day, the girls things got missing. Fed up to
the core, the girls had a meeting silently in the music room with Patricka
and Ellen, and complained that, “If things go like this, we will have to
go to town everyday while we are trying so hard to save money”. The
girls were silent for a while. Then Patricka replied, “Hey! I know a trick
guys to find the thief. My brother Joseph used the same trick when the
boys of his boarding school were fed-up with a thief. What you have to
do is, keep your new racket’s in plain sight so that it will be easy for the
thief to see it and then stay away until you hear noises. Wake up and
catch the thief. But remember the thief must be close enough to catch.
I would have given you the spray we used on Mamzel’le but I sent it to
my brother Charlie to use at his school”. Helena and Melody did as
Patricka told them and lay in their beds in suspense. A thief was sure
to come.

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New Beginning at Malory Towers

Chapter 9-A thief revealed

As Helena and Melody lay in wait for the thief, a noise of footsteps was
heard. Both the girl acted like in sleep. Then Melody heard the sound of
somebody calling her name. It was Helena. She understood that Helena
had caught the thief. She quickly rushed to Helena and saw a girl
holding pliers, she immediately recognised the girl, it was Sarah. So, the
culprit was Sarah! Sarah was begging them saying, “Oh! Helena and
Melody, please forgive me and do not report me to Ms. Grayling. I
promise I shall never do something so horrible. I will return all the
things I have stolen and will pay for new rackets too”. Helena and
Melody looked at each other and said, “Don’t worry Sarah, we shall not
report you to Ms. Grayling. But why did you do such a thing to us? And
why did you blame Emily?”. Sarah, replied, “I was jealous of you people,
you girls are naturally good at everything and have talents. I have none.
I wanted to put the blame on Emily since I thought you people would
believe me as she was rude to everybody a few months ago. I dint’ know
that you girls trusted her so much”. With this Sarah started crying,
Melody soothingly said, “There, there, don’t cry. You must apologize to
Emily and all the girls. I and Helena will tell them not to tell Ms.
Grayling”. Helena continued, “it’s not about having talents, it’s about
developing it. I can teach you music if you want and all the girls at
Malory towers are your fiends if you be good with everyone”. Sarah felt
warmed as she went to sleep as a new person. The next day she took
Helena and Melody to the town and bought them new rackets and also
treated them with cake and juice. All the girls came to know of Sarah’s
dark act but agreed that she must be forgiven for what she had done.
She also personally apologised to Emily, who accepted it gracefully.
Laura, the topper of the class offered to coach her in lessons, Emily
taught her needle work, Martha trained her in sports whereas Helena
and Melody taught her art and violin. Sarah was very happy as she
realised, how many friends she had. She had learnt something new this
term. Something she would never forget.

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New Beginning at Malory Towers

Chapter 10- The end of the term

The last few weeks of the term, passed like a flash. And soon it was time
for the girls to go home. They all were sad to leave but promised to write
to each other often. This term had many dark events but they were lead
to beautiful lessons learnt and many friendships formed. Emily was
especially very excited since she was going to her new house along with
her friend and live with her new guardians. All the girls said bye to all
the mistress who were in a jovial mood even Mamzel’le Rougier, the thin
French mistress who was extremely strict and had a very serious mode
every time, too gave a little leniency to the girls and even cracked a joke
or two often. The two Mamzel’le ’s who were bitter enemies were talking
like friends. The girls packed their trunks and bid goodbye to the girls
who were going by train. A little while later cars started crowding the
road. Darrell had come to pick up Helena and Melody as both of them
bid goodbye to Malory towers and Melody said, “dear Malory towers,
Goodbye for now. I shall come back for the second term”. Goodbye
Melody, Helena and all others, we shall meet you again in the second

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New Beginning at Malory Towers

My Experience with this book – This book removed the boredom from my
mind during the lockdown. Writing this book came naturally for me, since I enjoyed
it as much as reading the books. This helped me to broaden the horizon of my mind,
and think beyond the box. It was indeed a valuable experience and a memorable
time; I will cherish throughout my life.

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