3rd Monthly Entrep

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ENTREPRENEURSHIP • Dedication - is what motivates the

entrepreneur to work hard.

• Determination - is the extremely strong
ENTREPRENEURSHIP desire to achieve success. It includes
persistence and the ability to bounce back
• the mind-set that allows you to see the opportunity after rough times.
everywhere. • Flexibility - is the ability to move quickly in
• It could be a business idea, but it could also be response to changing market needs.
seeing the possibilities in the people that can help • Leadership - is the ability to create rules to
you grow that business. set goals.
Entrepreneurial activity • Passion - is what gets entrepreneurs started
and keep them there.
• responds to policies that ensure the protection of • Self-confidence - comes from thorough
new ideas, facilitates access to capital and talent, planning, which reduces uncertainty and
and allows the management of risks. the level of risk.
Entrepreneurship teaches us to: • Smarts - consist of common sense joined
with knowledge or experience in a related
• Creates opportunity business o endeavor.
• Ensures social justice
• In stills confidence The word “entrepreneur” comes from the French verb
• Stimulates the economy “Enterprendre” which means “to undertake”.
• Take risk Entrepreneurs are innovators willing to take risks and
• Fail to preserve generate new ideas to create unique and potentiality
• Become creative, inventive, and innovative profitable solution to modern-day problem.
Entrepreneurship is a key driver of our economy Factors Affecting Entrepreneurship
• The 1987 Philippine Constitution recognizes 1. Personality Factors
entrepreneurship as an engine of economic growth. • Initiative - does things before being asked.
Article XII Section 1 highlights the role of private • Proactive - identifies and utilizes opportunities.
enterprise in supporting equitable distribution of • Perseverance - works against all odds to
income and wealth, sustaining production of goods overcome obstacle and is never complacent
and services and expanding productivity, therefore with success.
raising the quality of life. • Problem-solver - develops and maintain
Relevance of Entrepreneurship to an Organization relationship with customer and finances.
• Persuasion - conceives customers and sticks to
1. Development of managerial capabilities - it helps in his decisions.
identifying and developing managerial capabilities • Self-confidence - makes decisions and sticks to
of entrepreneurs. his decision.
2. Creations of organizations - Entrepreneurship • Self-critical - learns from his mistakes and from
results in the creation of organization when experiences of others.
entrepreneurs assemble and coordinate physical, • A planner - collects information, prepares a plan
human and financial resources and direct them and monitors.
towards achievement of objective through • Risk-taker - is willing to take calculated risks.
managerial skills. 2. Environmental factors - These factors relate to the
3. Improving standard of living - By creating conditions in which an entrepreneur has to work
productive organizations, entrepreneurship helps in 3. Political Climate
making a wide variety of goods and services 4. Legal System
available to the society which results into higher 5. Economic
standard of living for the people. 6. Social Conditions
4. Means of economic development - 7. Market Situations
Entrepreneurship involves creation and use of
innovative ideas, maximization of output, from Core Competencies in Entrepreneurship
given resources, and development of manorial skills. • Economic and dynamic activity
What makes someone an Entrepreneur? • Innovation
• Profit Potential
1. Personal attributes • Risk Bearing
• Creativity - the spark that drives the
development of new products or services or
ways to do business.
Functions of an Entrepreneur implementation of business plans, how to
streamline operations or how to expand into a new
1. Innovation - An entrepreneur is basically an
innovator who tries to develop new Technology.
• Management Analysts - evaluates a business’
2. Assumption of risk - An entrepreneur, by definition,
systems, procedures and operations, they may also
is a risk taker and not a risk shirker.
review a business’ financial matters, such as the
3. Research - An entrepreneur is a practical dreamer
ratio of income to expenditures
and does a lot of ground-work before taking a leap
• Sales - who works in sales or runs the department
in his/her ventures.
needs to know how businesses run. They need to
4. Development of management skills - The work of
know how to represent a company, manage
an entrepreneur involves the use of managerial
accounts, and follow up to leads.
skills which he/she develops while planning,
• Research and Development - To work in R&D, you
organizing, and staff, directing, controlling and
need to understand business concepts, procedures,
coordinating the activities of the business
and practices. With all of the training and education
5. Overcoming resistance to change - New innovations
someone has received learning about
are generally opposed by people because they make
entrepreneurship. They are well prepared for this
them change their existing market behavior
type of position.
• Not-for-profit Fundraiser - Being able to raise funds
6. Catalyst of economic development - An
requires understanding the importance of business
entrepreneur plays an important role in accelerating
and networking relationships. It is a great place for
the pace of economic development of a country by
someone with this type of degree because you will
discovering new uses of available resources and
have experience in studying advanced concepts that
maximizing their utilization.
can be used to your advantage to the job.
Types of Entrepreneurs • Intrapreneur - an inside entrepreneur, on an
entrepreneur on a large firm, who uses
Innovative Entrepreneurs - These entrepreneurs have entrepreneurial skills without incurring the risk
the ability to think newer, better and more economical associated with those activities.
ideas of business organization and management.

Imitating Entrepreneurs - These entrepreneurs are

people who follow the path shown the path shown by SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEURS
innovative entrepreneurs.
1. Andrew Tan
Fabian Entrepreneurs - These types of entrepreneurs
Andrew Lim Tan is a Chinese Filipino billionaire with
are skeptical about the changes to be made in the
business interests in real estate, liquor and fast food. In
2011, Forbes magazine rated him fourth on the list of
Drone Entrepreneurs - Drone is an individual who resist the "Philippines 40 richest" with an estimated net worth
change and clings to the old method of $2 billion

Social Entrepreneurs - Social entrepreneurs drive social 2. Tony Tan Caktiong

innovation and transformation in various fields including
Tony Tan Caktiong, CM is a Filipino billionaire
education, health, and human rights, workers’ rights,
businessman. He is the founder and chairman of Jollibee
environmental and enterprise development.
Foods Corporation, and the co-chairman of
Why Should Becoming an Entrepreneur be any DoubleDragon Properties.
3. Socorro Ramos
• Required Education - Educational requirements for
Maria Socorro Cancio Ramos is a Filipino entrepreneur.
entrepreneurs are non-specific. All entrepreneurs
She is the co-founder of National Book Store, the largest
need capital, so the ability to write an effective
bookstore chain in the Philippines.
business plan is vital.
• Required Skills - Tolerance for risk taking and a 4. Ben Chan
willingness to leave the security of a conventional
He is a prominent Chinese-Filipino entrepreneur who is
and tedious job. The ability to multitask is a key
the founder of the Philippines' largest clothing chain,
• Career Outlook - Earnings for entrepreneurs vary
Bench, under the trademark Suyen Corporation.
drastically, and income is often unstable, especially
in the early days of a new business. 5. Milagros, Doris, and Clarita Leelin
Career Opportunities in Entrepreneurship Goldilocks Bakeshop is a bakery chain based in the
Philippines, which produces and distributes Philippine
• Business Consultant - provide advice about business
cakes and pastries.
issues, such as the development and
Parent organization: SM Investments What is a Business Plan Format Guide?

Headquarters: Mandaluyong A comprehensive business plan format guide is a full

guide to the business plan contents including the
Customer service: 25322718
standard ten (10) basic elements;
Founded: May 15, 1966, Makati
I. Introduction
Founders: Milagros Leelin Yee, Doris Wilson
II. Executive Summary
Leelin, Clarita Leelin Go
III. General Company Description
6. Edgar Sia
IV. The Opportunity
Edgar "Injap" Jaruda Sia II is a Filipino businessman. He
is the chairman of DoubleDragon Properties, and the V. Industry and Market
founder of the Mang Inasal fast food restaurant chain. In
VI. Strategic Plan and Competition Strategy
2011, Sia become the youngest billionaire in the
Philippines at the age of 34 after selling his 70% stake in VII. The Team
Mang Inasal to Jollibee
VIII. A Marketing Plan
7. Corazon D. Ong
IX. Technical/Operational Plan
CDO Food Products, Inc. began as a mom-and-pop shop
on June 25, 1975, when dietitian Corazon Dayro- X. Financial Plan
Ong started selling homemade meat products from her XI. Corporate and Social Responsibility
family's residence in Valenzuela. With a modest loan
from a rural bank and a simple dream, she and her XII. Appendix
husband turned their lot into a meat processing plant.

A. Introduction
BUSINESS PLAN Before you physically start writing your business plan,
• a written document that describes in detail how a you need to spend some time doing in-depth research
business—usually a startup—defines its objectives into your industry and market. It is important whether
and how it is to go about achieving its goals you have previous experience in that particular industry
• lays out a written roadmap for the firm from or none. You can use the internet, industry experts and
marketing, financial, and operational standpoints associations, suppliers, and existing competitors to gain
• a blueprint of the business that the entrepreneur information. Your research will help you in putting the
would like to start business plan together, as it will give you an
• important documents used to attract investment understanding of the dynamics and forces affecting the
before a company has established a proven track business.
record. There are three (3) primary parts of the business plan:
What are the goals of a business plan? 1. The Business Concept - a statement that describes
• Assess the feasibility of the idea the reach and reason of existence of a given
• Develop business strategies to make business idea business idea. In other words, it sums up the crucial
doable elements that define the business.
• To use it for obtaining resources, especially loans 2. The Marketplace Section
from financial institutions like banks. 3. The Financial Section

Reasons why entrepreneur still needs to make a

business plan B. Table of Contents
• Reduce, if not remove, the risk of losing money Your contents’ page should be the very last thing you
invested in a poorly researched or unstudied write to ensure that all the page numbers are correct.
business idea. Make sure that you number your pages correctly so that
• Avoid constantly mistakes. a person can quickly and easily find the sections that
• Anticipate the financial requirements. they are interested in.
• Organize the activities beforehand.
• Assess actual performance against set goals.
• Apply for financing from lending institutions.
C. Executive Summary
• probably the most critical part of the business
plan format
• should be written last, once all the other
sections are complete

Key elements that should be included in the executive

summary are:

• Business Concept - A description of the business, its

products, and the market it will serve. You need to
describe what will be sold, to whom and how it has
a competitive advantage.
• Financial Features - The summary should highlight
the important financial points like sales, profits, cash
flows and return on investment.
• Financial Requirements - You need to be clear
about the capital needed to start and expand the
business, as well as how the capital will be used.
• Current Business Position - Provide an overview of
the company, its legal form of operation, when it
was formed, the principal owners and key
• Major Achievements - Highlight any developments
within the company that are essential to its success.

D. General Company Description

The general company description section usually follows

the executive summary in the started business plan
format. It is used to give a high-level overview of the
company and the business that it engages in. This
introductory section of the plan should include:

• Name of the company, type of legal entity,

ownership, significant assets
• Mission and vision statement of the business
• Company goals and objectives
• The main features of the industry in which you will
• The most important company strengths and core

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