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fr3000 Remote Control

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1 REMOTE CONTROL FUNCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1-1 REMOTE CONTROL SETTING . . . . . . . . . . . .................1
1-2 REMOTE CONTROL OPERATION . . . . . . . . . .................2
1-3 COMMAND TABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................3
1-4 COMMAND DESCRIPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................4
1-5 OPERATION EXAMPLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................5
1-6 OPERATION EXAMPLE FOR PHONE PATCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12


D System control
To enable remote control functions the DTMF settings (RX System Code, TX System Code, DTMF Setting,
TX Code CH (Autodial), etc.) must be pre-programmed using CS-FR3000 cloning software. Use CS-
FR3000 help screens for description of functions and operation and for programming details.

NOTE: Check the “Control” check-box to enable remote control operation using DTMF signals.

NOTE: Check the “TEL Function” check-box to enable remote control operation using DTMF signals
from the telephone line.



D System control command
NOTE: All commands must be entered within 10 sec. of entering a password. It is possible to enter the
password and command continuously.
Format of Command
• Basic command code
The Basic command code consists of a fixed 4-digit command code, preceded by a 1-digit Header Tone, and
followed by a 1-digit De-limiter Tone.
Header De-limiter
Command Code
Tone Tone

digits 1 1 2 3 4 1

Header Tone
The Header tone is sent ahead of the command and indicates the start of the command. This tone is a
fixed 1-digit from 0—9, A—D, ∗(E), #(F) (programmed using CS-FR3000). The default setting is ∗(E).

De-limiter Tone
The De-limiter is sent between commands and at the end of remote control codes. This tone indicates a
space between segments of the command as well as the end of the command. This tone is a fixed 1-digit
from 0—9, A—D, ∗(E), #(F) (programmed using CS-FR3000). The default setting is #(F).

Command Code
This field indicates the pre-programmed command or action to be executed. These codes are pro-
grammed to fixed 4-digit codes in cloning software, and may include characters from 0—9, A—D, ∗(E),

• Command code with sub code

The Command code with Sub code consists of basic command code and sub code (additionally required
Header De-limiter De-limiter
Command Code Sub Code
Tone Tone Tone

digits 1 1 2 3 4 1 1 • • • • • N 1

Sub Code
This field is entered following the command code and indicates a memory channel number (for Memory
CH Select), an Autodial number (for Telephone Autodial), or a telephone number (for manual Tel dial com-
mands). The Sub Code will be a fixed 2-digit code for Memory CH Select and Telephone Autodial com-
mands or may be up to 24-digits for Tel dial command.

• Command with password and sub code continuously

This is the format required for entering commands for remote control operation.
Header De-limiter De-limiter De-limiter
Password Command Code Sub Code
Tone Tone Tone Tone

digits 1 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 1 1 • • • • • N 1

The Password is a type of command code. The FR3000/FR4000 will enter the “System Control standby
mode” when it receives this command while in normal operating mode. This is a fixed 4-digit code that
is programmed using cloning software and may include digits from 0—9, A—D, ∗(E), #(F).



During During
Default Normal mode Phone Patch mode
Function SUB code
*Transceiver **Phone *Transceiver **Phone
System Control Exit 0002 ✔ ✔ ✔ †
✔ †

Repeat Start 0003 ✔ ✔ — — —
Repeat Stop 0004 ✔ ✔ — — —
TX Start 0005 — ✔ ‡
— †
✔ ‡

TX Stop 0006 — — — †
✔ —
RF Power (Low) 0007 ✔ ✔ — — —
RF Power (High) 0008 ✔ ✔ — — —
RX Unit OFF 0009 — ✔ — — —
RX Unit ON 0010 — ✔ — — —
TX/RX Unit OFF 0011 — ✔ — — —
TX/RX Unit ON 0012 — ✔ — — —
Master Enable 0013 ✔ ✔ — — —
Slave Enable 0014 ✔ ✔ — — —
TEL Dial 0015 ✔ — ✔ — Max. 24 digits of telephone number
TEL Autodial 0016 ✔ — ✔ — 2 digits Autodial channel number
Mch Select 0017 ✔ ✔ — — 2 digits Memory channel number
CPU All Reset 0018 — ✔ — — —

*Transceiver: Commands identified in the

“Transceiver” columns are valid com-
mands when initiated over the air, by
another transceiver.

**Phone: Commands identified in the “Phone”

columns are valid commands when initiat-
ed from a telephone.

: When the Phone Patch mode is activated from the
telephone, the repeater may recognize signals
from a transceiver as being a signal from the tele-
phone due to the sidetone function of the phone
line. This will depend on the telephone company
that provides local service.

: “TX Start” is prohibited from the telephone line
when “Slave Enable” (the backup repeater) is



• System Control Exit • TX/RX Unit OFF
Turns OFF “System Control standby mode” and Turn OFF the TX/RX units. This command is not
returns to normal operating mode. Will also “Hang available from a transceiver or during Phone Patch
up” the phone line during Phone Patch operation. operation.
• Repeat Start • TX/RX Unit ON
This command enables repeater operation. This Turn ON the TX/RX units. This command is not
command is not available during Phone Patch available from a transceiver or during Phone Patch
operation. operation.
• Repeat Stop • Master Enable
This command inhibits repeater operation immedi- Activates the master repeater when connected to a
ately even while transmitting. May be cancelled by back up repeater. This command is not available
entering “Repeat Start” command or power the during Phone Patch operation.
repeater OFF/ON. This command is not available
• Slave Enable
during Phone Patch operation.
Activates the back up repeater when connected to
• TX Start a master repeater. This command is not available
This command initiates repeater transmit mode for during Phone Patch operation.
Phone Patch operation. This command is available
• TEL Dial
only when the signal is entered via the connected
Activates the phone line and dials the telephone
telephone line.
number entered as sub code (max. 24 digits).
• TX Stop Command will not activate when the first digit
This command stops the repeater from transmitting entered is the same as programmed in “Call
during Phone Patch operation. This command is Prohibition.” The repeater transmits “NG ACK” sig-
available only when the signal is entered via the nal. This command is only available from a trans-
connected telephone line. ceiver.
• RF Power (Low) • TEL Autodial
Switches TX power to “Low.” This command is not Activates the phone line and dials the pre-pro-
available during Phone Patch operation. grammed autodial channel (2 digits) as sub code.
This command is only available from a transceiver.
• RF Power (High)
Switches TX power to “High.” This command is not • Memory CH Select
available for the channel which low power is pro- Selects the memory channel with sub code (2 dig-
grammed by cloning or during Phone Patch opera- its Memory channel number). This command is not
tion. available during Phone Patch operation.
• RX Unit OFF • CPU All Reset
Turn OFF the RX unit (front end). This command is Resets the repeater’s CPU. This command is not
not available from a transceiver or during Phone available from a transceiver or during Phone Patch
Patch operation. operation.
• RX Unit ON
Turn ON the RX unit (front end). This command is
not available from a transceiver or during Phone
Patch operation.



D System control command
• All commands must be entered within 10 sec. of When connecting from the phone line and the
entering a password. If the input time period connection is made, the phone will change sound
runs out, you must enter the password again. as same as calling to other phone. (Be carefull,
This time period cannot be changed, so it is the repeater does not return any confirmation sig-
possible to enter the password and command nal for connection.)
The following examples assume these codes
• When operating from the phone line, the phone
are pre-programmed in the repeater. Other
must be able to send DTMF signals.
commands are same as default codes listed on
• When the command is valid from both the trans- command table (p. 3).
ceiver and phone line, the operations are identi- System Password: 1001,
cal. Before initiating commands from a phone Header Tone: ∗, De-limiter Tone: #
line, telephone connection must be established System Password OK ACK: 1111
with the repeater. System Control Exit ACK: 2020
OK ACK: 3333, NG ACK: 4040

D Repeat Start (0003 Default) D Repeat Stop (0004 Default)

This command is available from both the transceiv- This command is available from both the transceiv-
er and phone line. This explanation shows the step er and phone line. This explanation shows the oper-
by step operation from the transceiver or operation ation from the transceiver when entering the pass-
from the phone line when entering the password and word and command continuously or step by step
command continuously (one after the other). operation from the phone line (one after the other).

[From the Transceiver] [From the Transceiver]

q Enter the programmed password from the trans- ➥ Enter the following DTMF code from the trans-
ceiver. ceiver.
Code: ∗1001# Code: ∗1001#0004#
• Verify the repeater replies “System Password OK • Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).”
ACK (∗1111#).” • If the repeater replies “NG ACK (∗4040#),” make sure
• If the repeater replies “NG ACK (∗4040#),” make sure the password, header tone, de-limiter tone and
the password, header tone and de-limiter tone are Repeat Stop code are correct, and try again.
correct, and try again. • The repeater stops the repeater operation.
w Enter the “Repeat Start” command within 10 sec.
Code: ∗1003# [From the Phone line]
• Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).” q Dial the phone number of the phone line that the
• If the 10 sec. input standby time runs out, enter the repeater is connected to.
password and command continuously (Code: w When the connection has been confirmed, enter
∗1001#0003#). the programmed password.
• The repeater starts the repeater operation. Code: ∗1001#
• Verify the repeater replies “System Password OK
[From the Phone line] ACK (∗1111#).”
q Dial the phone number of the phone line that the • If the repeater replies “NG ACK (∗4040#),” make sure
repeater is connected to. the password, header tone and de-limiter tone are
w When the connection has been confirmed, enter correct, and try again.
the following DTMF code. e Enter the “Repeat Stop” command within 10 sec.
Code: ∗1001#0003# Code: ∗1004#
• Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).” • Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).”
• If the repeater replies “NG ACK (∗4040#),” make sure • If the 10 sec. input standby time runs out, enter the
the password, header tone, de-limiter tone and password and command continuously (Code:
Repeat Start code are correct, and try again. ∗1001#0004#).
• The repeater starts the repeater operation. • The repeater stops the repeater operation.
e Hang up the phone, the repeater automatically r Hang up the phone, the repeater automatically
disconnects the phone. disconnects the phone.


D RF Power (Low) (0007 Default)
This command is available from both the transceiv-
er and phone line. This explanation shows the step
by step operation from the transceiver or operation
from the phone line when entering password and
command continuously (one after the other).
This command cannot be performed while repeater
is transmitting, therefore you must stop the repeater
operation before changing RF power.

[From the transceiver] [From the Phone line]

q Enter the programmed password from the trans- q Dial the phone number of the phone line that the
ceiver. repeater is connected to.
Code: ∗1001# w When the connection has been confirmed, enter
• Verify the repeater replies “System Password OK the following DTMF code.
ACK (∗1111#).” Code: ∗1001#0004#
• If the repeater replies “NG ACK (∗4040#),” make sure • Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).”
the password, header tone and de-limiter tone are • If the repeater replies “NG ACK (∗4040#),” make sure
correct, and try again. the password, header tone, de-limiter tone and
w Enter the “Repeat Stop” command within 10 sec. Repeat Stop code are correct, and try again.
Code: ∗0004# e Enter the “RF Power (Low)” command within 10
• Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).” sec.
• If the 10 sec. input standby time runs out, enter the Code: ∗0007#
password and command continuously (Code: • Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).”
∗1001#0004#). • If the 10 sec. input standby time runs out, enter the
e Enter the “RF Power (Low)” command within 10 password and command again (Code:
sec. ∗1001#0007#).
Code: ∗0007# • The repeater changes transmit power High to Low.
• Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).” r Enter the “Repeat Start” command within 10 sec.
• If the 10 sec. input standby time runs out, enter the Code: ∗0003#
password and command continuously (Code: • Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).”
∗1001#0007#). • If the 10 sec. input standby time runs out, enter the
• The repeater changes transmit power High to Low. password and command again (Code:
r Enter the “Repeat Start” command within 10 sec. ∗1001#0003#).
Code: ∗0003# t Hang up the phone, the repeater automatically
• Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).” disconnects the phone.
• If the 10 sec. input standby time runs out, enter the
password and command continuously (Code:



D RF Power (High) (0008 Default)
This command is available from both the transceiv-
er and phone line. This explanation shows the oper-
ation from the transceiver when entering the pass-
word and command continuously or step by step
operation from the phone line (one after the other).
This command cannot be performed while repeater
is transmitting, therefore you must stop the repeater
operation before changing RF power.

[From the transceiver] [From the Phone line]

q Enter the following DTMF code from the trans- q Dial the phone number of the phone line that the
ceiver. repeater is connected to.
Code: ∗1001#0004# w When the connection has been confirmed, enter
• Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).” the programmed password.
• If the repeater replies “NG ACK (∗4040#),” make sure Code: ∗1001#
the password, header tone, de-limiter tone and • Verify the repeater replies “System Password OK
Repeat Stop code are correct, and try again. ACK (∗1111#).”
e Enter the “RF Power (High)” command within 10 • If the repeater replies “NG ACK (∗4040#),” make sure
sec. the password, header tone and de-limiter tone are
Code: ∗0008# correct, and try again.
• Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).” e Enter the “Repeat Stop” command within 10 sec.
• If the 10 sec. input standby time runs out, enter the Code: ∗0004#
password and command continuously (Code: • Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).”
∗1001#0008#). • If the 10 sec. input standby time runs out, enter the
• The repeater changes transmit power Low to High. password and command continuously (Code:
r Enter the “Repeat Start” command within 10 sec. ∗1001#0004#).
Code: ∗0003# r Enter the “RF Power (High)” command within 10
• Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).” sec.
• If the 10 sec. input standby time runs out, enter the Code: ∗0008#
password and command continuously (Code: • Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).”
∗1001#0003#). • If the 10 sec. input standby time runs out, enter the
password and command continuously (Code:
• The repeater changes transmit power Low to High.
t Enter the “Repeat Start” command within 10 sec.
Code: ∗0003#
• Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).”
• If the 10 sec. input standby time runs out, enter the
password and command continuously (Code:
y Hang up the phone, the repeater automatically
disconnects the phone.



D RX Unit OFF (0009 Default) D TX/RX Unit OFF (0011 Default)
This command is available from the phone line This command is available from the phone line
only. This explanation shows the step by step oper- only. This explanation shows entering the password
ation. You can carry out the command operation and command continuously. You can carry out the
either step by step, or by entering the password and command operation either step by step, or by enter-
command continuously. ing the password and command continuously.
q Dial the phone number of the phone line that the q Dial the phone number of the phone line that the
repeater is connected to. repeater is connected to.
w When the connection has been confirmed, enter w When the connection has been confirmed, enter
the programmed password. the following DTMF code.
Code: ∗1001# Code: ∗1001#0011#
• Verify the repeater replies “System Password OK • Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).”
ACK (∗1111#).” • If the repeater replies “NG ACK (∗4040#),” make sure
• If the repeater replies “NG ACK (∗4040#),” make sure the password, header tone, de-limiter tone and TX/RX
the password, header tone and de-limiter tone are Unit OFF code are correct, and try again.
correct, and try again. • The repeater turns the TX/RX units OFF.
e Enter the “RX Unit OFF” command within 10 sec. e Hang up the phone, the repeater automatically
Code: ∗0009# disconnects the phone.
• Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).”
• If the 10 sec. input standby time runs out, enter the D TX/RX Unit ON (0012 Default)
password and command continuously (Code:
∗1001#0009#). This command is available from the phone line
• The repeater turns the RX unit (front end) OFF. only. This explanation shows the step by step oper-
r Hang up the phone, the repeater automatically ation. You can carry out the command operation
disconnects the phone. either step by step, or by entering the password and
command continuously.
D RX Unit ON (0010 Default) q Dial the phone number of the phone line that the
repeater is connected to.
This command is available from the phone line
w When the connection has been confirmed, enter
only. This explanation shows entering the password
the programmed password.
and command continuously. You can carry out the
Code: ∗1001#
command operation either step by step, or by enter-
• Verify the repeater replies “System Password OK
ing the password and command continuously. ACK (∗1111#).”
q Dial the phone number of the phone line that the • If the repeater replies “NG ACK (∗4040#),” make sure
repeater is connected to. the password, header tone and de-limiter tone are
correct, and try again.
w When the connection has been confirmed, enter
e Enter the “TX/RX Unit ON” command within 10
the following DTMF code.
Code: ∗1001#0010#
• Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).” Code: ∗0012#
• If the repeater replies “NG ACK (∗4040#),” make sure • Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).”
the password, header tone, de-limiter tone and RX • If the 10 sec. input standby time runs out, enter the
Unit ON code are correct, and try again. password and command continuously (Code:
• The repeater turns the RX unit (front end) ON. ∗1001#0012#).
• The repeater turns the TX/RX units ON.
e Hang up the phone, the repeater automatically
r Hang up the phone, the repeater automatically
disconnects the phone.
disconnects the phone.



D Master Enable (0013 Default) D Slave Enable (0014 Default)
This command is available from both the transceiv- This command is available from the transceiver and
er and phone line. This explanation shows the step phone line. This explanation shows the operation
by step operation from the transceiver or operation from the transceiver when entering the password
from the phone line when entering the password and and command continuously or step by step operation
command continuously (one after the other). from the phone line (one after the other).

[From the Transceiver] [From the Transceiver]

q Enter the programmed password from the trans- ➥ Enter the following DTMF code from transceiver.
ceiver. Code: ∗1001#0014#
Code: ∗1001# • Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).”
• Verify the repeater replies “System Password OK • If the repeater replies “NG ACK (∗4040#),” make sure
ACK (∗1111#).” the password, header tone, de-limiter tone and Slave
• If the repeater replies “NG ACK (∗4040#),” make sure Enable code are correct, and try again.
the password, header tone and de-limiter tone are • The operating repeater switches to the Slave
correct, and try again. repeater.
w Enter the “Master Enable” command within 10
[From the Phone line]
q Dial the phone number of the phone line that the
Code: ∗0013#
• Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).” repeater is connected to.
• If the 10 sec. input standby time runs out, enter the w When the connection has been confirmed, enter
password and command continuously (Code: the programmed password.
∗1001#0013#). Code: ∗1001#
• The operating repeater switches to the Master • Verify the repeater replies “System Password OK
repeater. ACK (∗1111#).”
• If the repeater replies “NG ACK (∗4040#),” make sure
[From the Phone line] the password, header tone and de-limiter tone are
q Dial the phone number of the phone line that the correct, and try again.
repeater is connected to. e Enter the “Slave Enable” command within 10 sec.
w When the connection has been confirmed, enter Code: ∗0014#
the following DTMF code. • Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).”
Code: ∗1001#0013# • If the 10 sec. input standby time runs out, enter the
• Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).” password and command continuously (Code:
• If the repeater replies “NG ACK (∗4040#),” make sure ∗1001#0014#).
the password, header tone, de-limiter tone and • The operating repeater switches to the Slave
Master Enable code are correct, and try again. repeater.
• The operating repeater switches to the Master r Hang up the phone, the repeater automatically
repeater. disconnects the phone.
e Hang up the phone, the repeater automatically
disconnects the phone.



D Mch Select (0017 Default)
This command is available from both the transceiv-
er and phone line. This explanation shows the step
by step operation from the transceiver or operation
from the phone line when entering the password and
command continuously (one after the other).
This command cannot be performed while repeater
is transmitting, therefore you must stop the repeater
operation before selecting a different memory chan-

[From the transceiver] [From the Phone line]

q Enter the programmed password from the trans- q Dial the phone number of the phone line that the
ceiver. repeater is connected to.
Code: ∗1001# w When the connection has been confirmed, enter
• Verify the repeater replies “System Password OK the following DTMF code.
ACK (∗1111#).” Code: ∗1001#0004#
• If the repeater replies “NG ACK (∗4040#),” make sure • Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).”
the password, header tone and de-limiter tone are • If the repeater replies “NG ACK (∗4040#),” make sure
correct, and try again. the password, header tone, de-limiter tone and
w Enter the “Repeat Stop” command within 10 sec. Repeat Stop code are correct, and try again.
Code: ∗0004# e Enter the “Mch Select” command followed by sub
• Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).” code within 10 sec.
• If the 10 sec. input standby time runs out, enter the Code: ∗0017#07#
password and command continuously (Code:
(when your intended channel is 07)
• Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).”
e Enter the “Mch Select” command followed by sub • If the 10 sec. input standby time runs out, enter the
code within 10 sec. password and command continuously (Code:
Code: ∗0017#07# ∗1001#0017#07#).
(when your intended channel is 07) • The repeater changes to the memory channel 7.
• Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).” r Enter the “Repeat Start” command within 10 sec.
• If the 10 sec. input standby time runs out, enter the Code: ∗0003#
password and command continuously (Code: • Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).”
∗1001#0017#07#). • If the 10 sec. input standby time runs out, enter the
• The repeater changes to the memory channel 7. password and command continuously (Code:
r Enter the “Repeat Start” command within 10 sec. ∗1001#0003#).
Code: ∗0003# t Hang up the phone, the repeater automatically
• Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).” disconnects the phone.
• If the 10 sec. input standby time runs out, enter the
password and command continuously (Code:



D CPU All Reset (0018 Default)
This command is available from the phone line
only. This explanation shows entering the password
and command continuously.
This command cannot be performed while repeater
is transmitting, therefore you must stop the repeater
operation before performing CPU All Reset.
q Dial the phone number of the phone line that the
repeater is connected to.
w When the connection has been confirmed, enter
the following DTMF code.
Code: ∗1001#0004#
• Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).”
• If the repeater replies “NG ACK (∗4040#),” make sure
the password, header tone, de-limiter tone and
Repeat Stop code are correct, and try again.
e Enter the “CPU All Reset” command within 10
Code: ∗0018#
• Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).”
• If the 10 sec. input standby time runs out, enter the
password and command continuously (Code:
• The repeater performs CPU All Reset.
r Enter the “Repeat Start” command within 10 sec.
Code: ∗0003#
• Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).”
• If the 10 sec. input standby time runs out, enter the
password and command continuously (Code:
t Hang up the phone, the repeater automatically
disconnects the phone.



D Description D TEL Autodial (0016 Default)
Phone Patch function allows communication to a Autodial number: 12 (Channel 12)
transceiver from a telephone line, or connection to a q Enter the following DTMF codes.
telephone line from a transceiver. During the Phone Code: ∗1001#0016#12#
Patch operation, the voice communication is sim- • Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).”
plex. (The mute control is activated from the trans- • If the repeater replies “NG ACK (∗4040#),” make sure
the password, header tone, de-limiter tone and com-
ceiver’s continuous tone SQL.)
mand code are correct, and try again.
• The repeater starts calling the autodial channel 12.
■ Operation from the transceiver w When the connection has been confirmed, talk to
One of two methods (Dial and Auto-dial) of telephone the phone by simplex voice communication.
access is selectable from the transceiver. e After conversation is finished enter the password
Dial: Direct dialing from the keypad of a transceiver. followed by the “System Control Exit” command to
Auto-dial: Using the pre-programmed phone No. (up terminate Phone Patch operation.
to 20 channels are stored) in the repeater. Code: ∗1001#0002#
• Verify the repeater replies “System Control Exit ACK
D TEL Dial (0015 Default) (∗2020#),” then repeater hangs on the phone.

q Enter the programmed password from transceiv-

■ Operation from the phone line
Code: ∗1001# D TX Start (0005 Default)
• Verify the repeater replies “System Password OK Step by step operation from the phone line.
ACK (∗1111#).” q Dial the phone number of the phone line that the
• If the repeater replies “NG ACK (∗4040#),” make sure
repeater is connected to.
the password, header tone and de-limiter tone are
correct, and try again.
w When the connection has been confirmed, enter
w Enter the “TEL Dial” command within 10 sec. the programmed password.
Code: ∗0015# Code: ∗1001#
• Verify the repeater replies “System Password OK
• Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).”
ACK (∗1111#).”
• If the 10 sec. input standby time runs out, enter the
• If the repeater replies “NG ACK (∗4040#),” make sure
password and command continuously (Code:
the password, header tone and de-limiter tone are
correct, and try again.
e Enter the telephone number (if the number is 060-
e Enter the “TX Start” command within 10 sec.
3355-2244) as sub code within 10 sec.
Code: ∗0005#
Code: ∗06033552244# • Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).”
• Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).”
• If the 10 sec. input standby time runs out, enter the
• If the 10 sec. input standby time runs out, enter the
password and command continuously (Code:
password and command continuously (Code:
∗1001#0015#06033552244#). • The repeater starts the downlink transmission for
• The repeater starts calling the number.
Phone Patch operation.
r When the connection has been confirmed, talk to r After conversation is finished, hang up the phone,
the phone by simplex voice communication. the repeater automatically disconnects the phone
t After conversation is finished enter the password and stops the downlink transmission.
followed by the “System Control Exit” command to
terminate Phone Patch operation.
D TX Stop (0006 Default)
Code: ∗1001#0002#
• Verify the repeater replies “System Control Exit ACK During Phone Patch operation this command stops
(∗2020#),” then repeater hangs on the phone. repeater from transmitting, for changing repeater settings.
q Enter the following DTMF code (password and
command code).
Code: ∗1001#0006#
• Verify the repeater replies “OK ACK (∗3333#).”
• If the repeater replies “NG ACK (∗4040#),” make sure
the password, header tone, de-limiter tone and TX
stop code are correct, and try again.
w You may continue remote control operation from
the phone line to make other settings in the
repeater, or hang up the phone if there is nothing
else to change.
1-1-32 Kamiminami, Hirano-ku, Osaka 547-0003, Japan © 2004 Icom Inc.

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