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92 ISSN 1813-1166 print / ISSN 2306-1472 online. Proceedings of the National Aviation University. 2019.

N3(80): 92–114


UDC: 330.88(045)
DOI 10.18372/2306-1472.80.14278
Mohammad Heydari1
Kin Keung Lai2
Zhou Xiaohu3


School of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
College of Economics, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China
School of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China
E-mails: 1Mohammad_Heydari@njust.edu.cn, 2mskklai@outlook.com, 3njustzxh@njust.edu.cn
In this paper, first some of the weaknesses of the EFQM model are studied, then with the usage of the structure of input-
output governing of the model and using the Data Envelopment Analysis, a method is offered to recognize the lack of
the proportion between Enablers and the results of organization which may occur due to problems and obstacles
hidden in the heart of organization. In this study two window analysis of BCC and CCR with input nature were used to
investigate the trend of performance changes in the Persian cutting industry during 2015.In this paper, Information has
been obtained from individuals and groups through the use of survey research for decades, and the total reliability of
the questionnaires was reported by using Cronbach's alpha. Questionnaires used were »job satisfaction and
organizational commitment with the reliability of 0.766«, »Job attachment questionnaire with reliability of 0.846«,
»organizational climate questionnaire with the reliability of 0.960«. Studied population included 105 employees in the
Persian cutting industry. Questionnaires were distributed randomly to the group,and finally, 67 questionnaires had
been completed, and the analysis was once performed on 67 participants. The results confirmed that five factors such as
» job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job attachment, job attitude and organizational climate «showed a
significant difference before and after using the EFQM and ISO models. Organizational climate for the purpose of
comparing the mean and standard deviation before and after the use of EFQM and ISO it was once referred to that it
declined from (61.16) before implementation of these two models to (56.36) after implementation with a standard
deviation of (11.63) and (9.66) after implementation of this models. Therefore, the relationship used to be reversed.
Keywords: EFQM; ISO, Job Satisfaction; Organizational Commitment; Job Attitude; Organizational Climate
1. Introduction There is an improvement concern about the
quality and safety of health care services. Quality
In an increasingly competitive world, characterized
management systems are broadly have been used in
by globalization and hyper-competition, the
healthcare [12, 61]. Many industry’s departments
economic agents are forced to differentiate their
have applied a quality management system to
products and services, in order to survive and grow
improve the efficiency and quality of healthcare
in the arena of economic exchanges. Competitive
services [77, 51]. One general strategy that is used is
advantage is no longer an element of a favorable
the framework described via the International
situation, but the result of a practical transposition of
Organization for Standardization (ISO), the ISO
a strategicvision, being able to differentiate the
9001 standard. ISO used to be situated in 1947 to
economic agent from its competitors through the
provide standardization for technical specifications
excellent performance achieved by them.
for products traded in the international marketplace.

Copyright © 2019 National Aviation University

M. Heydari, et al. Impact of Implementation of the European Foundation for Quality Management Excellence Model
and ISO on Organizations Performance based on Mathematical Models 93

The ISO 9001 family of quality administration improvement (CQI), total quality management
system standards can be applied to any kind of (TQM), Six Sigma, and Lean Six Sigma, in
organization in search of to enhance the quality of increasing the quality of care for surgical patients
the manufacturing of its goods or services. This [56]. We did not find any systematic review of the
standard represents an international agreement on effect of the ISO 9001 standard and the EFQM
goods management performance, which assists model, which is the title of this review. This
ensure that employees constantly deliver the product systematic review aimed to examine the literature
or service that meets the quality necessities of the concerning the effects of ISO 9001 and the EFQM
organization’s clients, continuously enhance the model on improving the industry’s performance
organization’s performance, and enhance customer In today’s world thinking about the speed and
satisfaction [70]. volume of facts and challenges confronted using
Another international model that is used to organizations, the essential for having criteria for
conduct quality enhancement strategies is the status determination and planning based on factors
European Foundation for quality administration of weakness and strength is sensed higher than ever.
(EFQM) Excellence Model. EFQM used to be Two Rewards for quality and its particular models
established in 1988 with the approval of the have received the attention of theoreticians of
European Commission. The EFQM Excellence organizations for the latest few decades. Two The
Model is a multidimensional model based on eight Deming and Malcolm Baldridge prizes are amongst
principles of excellence. This model has been well them. Two Europe, particularly after the summative
approved in the public sector in Europe in recent motion of the countries of this continent toward
years. Its non-prescriptive framework is based on complete political-economic unification and
nine criteria (European Foundation for Quality cohesion, has sensed the essential for settlement on
Management, 2000). Five of the standards refer to assigning such prizes higher than before.Two On
‘enablers’ (leadership, people, policy and strategy, this basis, the European quality foundation
partnership and resources, and processes) and four consisting of fourteen industrial countries in this
of the criteria refer to 'results’ (people result, continent has suggested the European Foundation
customer results, society results, and key for Quality Management Excellence Model
performance results) [72]. The EFQM Excellence (EFQM). Two Considering the political challenges
Model is a valuable tool to assist organizations in faced for means of our country and sanctions
recognizing quality management gaps and implemented via big powers, the essential for
displaying their improvement. It emphasizes the idea accepting the EFQM is undeniable.
of self-assessment and the detection of strengths and Organizational excellence models or leadership
weaknesses the use of the criteria’s guiding in business have been used as a powerful tool for
principles. This framework is widely used in the evaluation of how well-established various
industry, as well as in the healthcare sector [9, 58]. organizations are. With the application of these
There are several systematic reviews models, organizations can, on the one hand, evaluate
concerning the effect of social enhancement their success in the implementation of improvement
strategies in healthcare. Some of the published programs at various time factors and on the other
studies in those systematic literature reviews have hand evaluate their performance with different
studied the effectiveness of Six Sigma and Lean Six organizations and primarily via the best in the
Sigma [16,78]. Other reviews have looked at business. Models for leadership in business are a
broader system-wide quality improvement (QI) response to the question of what types of
models, or collaborations [68] and have highlighted organization are a better one. What goals and
their context-dependent nature, the degree of overlap concepts do it follow and what criteria govern over
among models, and the need for an effective their competitors?
organization-specific implementation method and Newsday, most countries in the world with
infrastructures for success [57, 62]. Others have reliance on these models have built rewards and
examined the context concerning the effectiveness prizes at the national and regional level which are
of QI methodologies, such as plan-do-check-act motivators for companies and businesses in reaching
(PDCA) cycles, the plan-do-study-act (PDSA), excellence, growth, and creation of wealth. Two
statistical process control (SPC) or statistical quality Excellence models via placing the quality of
94 ISSN 1813-1166 print / ISSN 2306-1472 online. Proceedings of the National Aviation University. 2019. N3(80): 92–114

production (product or services) and participation of model withthe participation of personnel and
all company members axial can gain consumer involving them in matters provides the same
satisfaction and provide interests of benefactors and opportunity for learning and creativity for all
at the equal time encourage and promote personal scathed organizational success is approved in the
and organizational learning via an emphasis on long term [73].
creativity and innovation [1]. With the implementation of this model in the
Even though Iranian companies have followed Persian cutting industry, the activities of this section
the implementation of such approachesvia occur in the frame of a specific model which means
tremendous interest, yet, most improvement the creation of common language for change of
measures have been accepted in western countries situation. Moreover, there will be a possibility for
and taken structure. Their implementation in Iran is self-evaluation and comparison of activities of the
not free of problems. Studies have a report that mentioned company with similar companies and
regularly most problems are reported from the provision of feedback and ultimately the realization
employee’s aspects. The reason is that these systems of the company’s mission and reaching excellence
have mostly emphasized continuous implementation [10].
and refinement of the system of process orientation Considering the above mentioned, this research
and participation of employees. Traditionally Iranian seeks to answer the following question:
companies have been associated with duty oriented, What is the influence of using EFQM on the
hierarchal and hydraulic bureaucratic structures performance of the Persian cutting industry?
which can be rooted in causes of such deficiencies.
2. Related Research
The essential and importance of the existence
of a system of evaluation of performance in every The PubMed (1994 to September 2013), Embase
organization are to the level that its lack is through Scopus (1997 to September 2013), and
considered one of the signs of disease in the Cochrane Library (Issue 3, 2013) databases were
organization in various dimensions including searched. Also, Elsevier (1996 to September 2013)
analysis of the use of resources and facilities, goals and Springer (1835 to September 2013) were
and strategies. Therefore, each organization with the searched as the leading publishers in the field of
purpose of awareness of the level of desirability and health sciences.
value of its activities mainly in a complex and The search terms were devised to cover the
dynamic environment has an extreme need for self- industry’s performance improvement as well as the
evaluation [21]. names of and equivalent for ISO 9001 or
Self-evaluation which can be used as a International Organization for Standardization,
development process for judgment of efficiency of EFQM or European Foundation for Quality
predetermined programs wishedthe use of special Management. These terms included: ‘‘industry’s’’,
tools and modes [20]. Up to now various types of ‘‘industry’s performance’’, ‘‘quality
leadership models have been illustrating and used improvement’’, ‘‘quality management, ‘AND’ with
between which EFQM is the most well-known and each of the following terms: ‘‘ISO 9001’’,
has the most application in performance evaluation ‘‘International Organization for Standardization’’,
of organizations. ‘‘EFQM’’, ‘‘European Foundation for Quality
The EFQM model believes that advancement Management’’ in the title or abstract.
(for customers, employees, and society) results from We included empirical studies through any
strategic leadership and policies for participation, design that had been used in ISO 9001 or the EFQM
resources, and processes. Two Contrary to many model to improve the industry’s performance.
accreditation frameworks that only pay attention to Studies that had addressed the use of an
movements (processes), this model equally will pay intervention, such as ISO 9001 or the EFQM model,
attention to each action (enablers) and consequences and that had evaluated the effect of that intervention
[55]. on industry’s performance over a specific period,
Therefore, the organizational betterment model were included. Theoretical studies, editorials, letters,
EFQM assist the companyin takingpracticalsteps in opinions, audits, and reviews were excluded. Studies
the direction of all dimensions of enhancement of that analyzed healthcare professionals’ perceptions
efficiency and efficacy and as such provides for about ISO 9001 or the EFQM model were excluded
consumer and benefactor satisfaction. Two This from this present study. We also excluded self-
M. Heydari, et al. Impact of Implementation of the European Foundation for Quality Management Excellence Model
and ISO on Organizations Performance based on Mathematical Models 95

assessment papers that only addressed the industry’s The following criteria were used to appraise the
scores. quality of the contains studies: the adequacy of the
All the articles that were retrieved from the description of methods, the appropriateness of the
search strategy were imported into an Endnote research methods to the study question, the quality
database. Their titles, abstracts and, if necessary, the of the data collection, the quality of the data
full texts were then scanned by a reviewer and analysis, and the quality of the data presentation.
checked by a second reviewer against the inclusion
2.1. Main principle of EFQM the European
criteria. The statistical method used for this analysis
excellence model
was Cohen’s Kappa coefficient, which was
calculated as 0.7. This model that consists of five main factors has
Data were collected and tabulated into a data been proven in Fig. 1, and the relationship among
eradication sheet that was designed explicitly for the constituents has been demonstrated with each
this paper. The collected data containthe authors’ other [36]. Moreover, this model has been built
names, country, year of publication, intervention, depend on fundamental values and principles which
improvement aims, setting, length of the program, contains result orientation, customer orientation,
study design, and study outcomes. leadership and persistence in goals, management
The quality assessment for non-experimental primarily based on realities and processes, employee
studies has not been well developed [13]. Therefore, improvement and participation, improvement,
a combination of available checklists has been used innovation and persistent learning, development of
to design a list of criteria that was applied to companies and their social authority.
appraise the quality of the included studies [13; 82].

Fig. 1. Components of the European Foundation for Quality Management Excellence Model and their relationship
with each other
Source. European Foundation for Quality Management, 2012
Position of the European Foundation for Quality section, and in practice with the beginning of this
Management Excellence Model (EFQM) model as a stage, default finding goes to the side.
tool for default finding in the organization: 4. Prioritization of causes should be based on
1. The conventional methods of evaluation the scientifically accepted method.
based on the EFQM model are a questionnaire, 5. In determination and illustrations of
workshop, proforma, matrix or simulation of reward. strategies, the level of their influence on other
2. In summation of results and description of indices and explanation should be considered.
indices, generally, methods of decision making are 6. Prioritization of strategies should be
througha questionnaire, workshop, proforma, and performed at least depends on indices such as cost,
matrix or reward simulation. time, influence, effectiveness, etc.
3. Determination of the causes of occurrence The most important pillar of the European
of the problem is the essential default finding the foundation for quality management excellence
96 ISSN 1813-1166 print / ISSN 2306-1472 online. Proceedings of the National Aviation University. 2019. N3(80): 92–114

model is the discussion associated with its self- "European quality management in the world".
evaluation. The self-evaluation process where Efficiency model EFQM is a non - prescriptive
several methods have been advised for it in the model which had been formed from 9 measures.
organization is a guarantee for assurances in the These measures are the core and heart of this model
propagation of the model in the organization. and consider as the appraisal base of an
In this method, the model initially offered organization.
primary and more straightforward ways of self- The measures of EFQM model are divided into
evaluation and examined the organization relative to two groups.
the model, and when the risk of eliminations of the A- Enablers: They had been had first five
model implementation is resolved, strategies are measure of this model and they are some factors
reported that involve most of the organization. which enable organization to reach high results.
With regard to shaping the first remarkable B- Results: They are results which an efficient
award of quality such as Deming award in 1951 in organization access to them in various area and they
Japan and Malcom Baldrige award in America in are indicating the achievement from suitable
1987and acquired achievement in Japanese and performing of enablers.
American organization, 14 well - known European In EFQM model, the measures have 1000 score
companies assembled together in Brookcle, Belgic, all together (500 score for enablers and 500 score for
in 1988 and established a foundation with the title of results).In other words, if an organization succeeded
"European Quality Management the mission of this to completely operate this model in its organization,
foundation". can receive1000 score [54].In Fig. 2, you can see
The mission of this foundation was defined as these measures, interaction manner and the relation
"creating progressive force in order to sustainable with each other and each one score.
quality in European" and its landscape was

Fig. 2. EFQM model reported by Najmi, M. Hoseini, S. Efficiency model of EFQM from idea to action, P. 22
2.2. DEA and Errors of Assessment in EFQM About difficult scoring to “Enablers,”
probability of mistake scoring in this area is very
As has been mentioned in the previous section, some
high. So, it seems necessary to design a system to
of the criteria recognized in EFQM model are
control the accuracy of the results. To this end, we
qualitative and measuring of these criteria would not
propose the method which Golany and Roll (1997)
be easily possible. As the incorrect assessment may
have designed to standardize through DEA. For
give an unreal image of the organization and then
more description, we assume that the assessment
the organization would fall non-existence, so it
criteria in the organization include one Enabler
deems necessary to design a control system which,
criteria and one Result criteria. We collect the results
in such situation, may alarm and warn the
of assessment obtained by expert assessors in the
organization that the assessment is untrue.
past from different organizations to make standard
Because some of nine criteria in the model are
level. In Figure 3, the DMUs A, B, C, D, E, and F
so qualitative that the measurement needs the are such units. Efficiency frontier is making by A, B,
experienced individuals and experts, there is a C and D. Gained frontier indicates that we expect to
probability of arising errors in the self-assessment obtain a scale of “Results” in the organization by
based on EFQM. using the specified scale of “Enablers.” About the
M. Heydari, et al. Impact of Implementation of the European Foundation for Quality Management Excellence Model
and ISO on Organizations Performance based on Mathematical Models 97

criteria of EFQM being qualitative, assessment error group contains efficientunits or organizations whose
may be ignored, more or less. For example, the units assessment results are acceptable. In Fig. 3, the units
E and F which are not on the efficiency frontier, but Gand H are DMUs which are scored by expert
about closeness to efficiency frontier, result in assessors. For DMU G two possibilities areunder
acceptable evaluation. Thus, inefficient units are consideration:
divided into two groups. The first group consists of 1) The error has occurred in scoring.
inefficient DMUs or organizations whose 2) There are problems in the organization,
assessments are not acceptable, and the second which are not observed by managers.

Fig. 3. DMUs Units

If we accept that assessment of organization A model? If a DMU causes that a standard DMU is
and B have been realistic, the expectation is that inefficient, then the dataof the organization is in
organization G with use of amount x2 Enabler question, and therefore it should be studied again. In
achieves amount y2 Result, while this organization the case ofconfirmation, the accuracy of the relevant
has achieved to y1 Result. As mentioned, this could data should be presented as a standardorganization.
be due to assessment error or a problem within the Otherwise, the given scores will not change the
organization has caused this situation. Therefore, it standard frontier.
seems necessary to restudy the assessment in order Once more the organization is being studied by
to find the cause and in the case of occurring error, ignoring the standard units and thencalculating the
scores should be amended. If the second situation ratio of two efficiencies for each organization
happened, the cause should be studied. In order to (DMU) and gaining theaverage of the obtained
distinguish the organizations which their assessment numbers. Again, we calculate the distance of each
results are not acceptable, the proposed method by number fromaverage and calculate the average of
Golany and Roll (1997) is used. these distances, with the subtraction of average from
Organizations which have been assessed by the thegained number; we will have the number which
EFQM model are considered as DMU. The five will be the base for accepting the resultsof EFQM. If
criteria of “Enablers” are Inputs, and the other four the gained result of an assessment of a DMU is
results criteria are considered as Outputs. lesser than this number, eitherit has not been
We collect the information relating to these calculated correctly, or the obstacle factors which
units which were a success or not in the pastbut were are not able to berecognized by assessment indexes
given the scores by expert assessors. We evaluate have played the role to make this result.
these units by DEA. Some ofthem place on the Because we expect that the organization is
efficiency frontier. These units will make the using leadership with a certain power, policyand
standard DMUs.After the standard units are strategy, people, partnerships and resources and
recognized, again with adding DMUs which have processes, each has been shown by anumber, and
been giventhe scores in a certain period to the units achieve to series of results close together. The flow
above, once more the evaluation beingdone by CCR chart of the methods is shown in Fig. 4.
98 ISSN 1813-1166 print / ISSN 2306-1472 online. Proceedings of the National Aviation University. 2019. N3(80): 92–114

Fig. 4. Assessment of DMUs

2. Conceptual overview in literature evaluation, close collaboration among organizations,
Review the aim of organizational excellence models encouragement of exchange of information,
which include encouragement of systematic self- promotion of awareness of essential to achieve
M. Heydari, et al. Impact of Implementation of the European Foundation for Quality Management Excellence Model
and ISO on Organizations Performance based on Mathematical Models 99

quality and encouragement of company to use the The stages of self-evaluation begin with
process of improvement of quality management, creation and commitment to self-evaluation and
clarifies the importance of use of such a model for continue with the establishment of communication
the Persian cutting industryin achievement of these and direction and end with the determination of
objectives and realization of its mission. operational plans and implementation of programs
With referral to the nature, process, objectives, and ultimately reevaluation and this cycle persist.
and characteristics of EFQM it is evident that this Now if we compare the process of these three
technique is a managerial one and related to the essential techniques via the process of control in
domain of control and evaluation in the management, we will notice that all these models
organization. To prove this claim, familiarity via and techniques are placed in the domain of control
control, its illustration and process and also EFQM
Therefore, it can be concluded that in the model
becomes crucial. In theories of management from
of leadership of an organization concerning the
the classical period up to now, control reported as European model, companies via the evaluating
one of the stages or concepts of management. The themselves (self-control) while receiving appropriate
first management theory POSDCOREB contains feedback and recognizing their points of strength
planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and weakness will be able to present methods for
coordinating, reporting and budgeting. Reporting sustained improvement and revision (identification
and budgeting are placed in the control domain. of improvable points). This cycle is considered
Later, Henry Fayol in his fourteen concepts has controlling initiative and sustained improvement in
introduced control as a section of management. the Deming process. Therefore, it can be stated that:
Currently, between experts of the science of the mission of EFQM is depended on understanding
management, control is considered a principle, a the current organizational situation and comparing it
stage or an essential managerial duty. Some with performance goals, indices and standards and
sustained improvement in performance.
summarize the principles of management into five
Among few types of research in this country up
items planning, organizing, resource provision,
to now, research by engineers Mr. Pour Samimi,
directing and control. Others acknowledge the same Majid Akhavan and studies via the Institute of
axioms under the titles of the process of standard and industrial research in Iran in 2002 have
management, and yet, some others know them as more scientifically analysed the effects of the
duties. With the assumption of acceptance of any of establishment of quality management systems
these methods, control is considered the final step in (Standard Series ISO-9000).
the process of management. In the current decades, The most important results of this paper are as
Mr. Deming in his famous cycle has introduced follows:
control as evaluation or control which is also known Senior management has played the primary
as the PDCA cycle [22]. role in attention to ISO-9000 standards.
Control known as control, check, evaluation or Systematization of tasks has been mentioned
monitoring has been introducedthrough almost all as as the most important reason for the acquisition of
understanding the current situation, comparing it certification.
with goals and indices, understanding deficiencies Training of personnel is the most acute
and lagging and its correction. Based on this problem in the path of the standard establishment.
illustration, the process of control is: The interest of company directors in the
1. Understanding or determination of objectives acquisition of certification solely with the purpose of
and indices advertisement and not the goal of improving
2. Comparison of the current situation with company situation has been among the mentioned
objectives and indices factors.
3. Understanding the current situation Jelodari Mameghani in his article titled
4. Understanding deficiencies, defects, and lags “Economy, management and quality in 2006” after
5. Endeavor for revision mentioning the advantages of institution of a
100 ISSN 1813-1166 print / ISSN 2306-1472 online. Proceedings of the National Aviation University. 2019. N3(80): 92–114

comprehensive system of quality management in EFQM and educational (institutional) criteria for the
companies and the essential for commitment of Malcolm Baldrige national quality prize as a crucial
senior managers and employee to implementation of domain [23].
all vital items and belief in value creation states that: Saizarbitoria and Casadesu (2006) in their
if we approve the assumption and establishment of article titled “Delphi method involving motivation in
systems of quality management is not solely for ISO-9000 and EFQM” had the purpose of
acquisition of a certificate and document, this examining the motivations for implementation of
establishment need to be able to advance QM2 (quality management) amongst Spanish
organizational tactics in the direction of developed companies with attention to models newly
profitability and economization and other words, the popularized (ISO 9000 and EFQM) using a new
methods under consideration in quality management methodology, particularly the Delphi method. This
systems will be effective when they are able to article in addition to the usage of the Delphi method
create added value in the organization and processes. also takes advantage of other previous evaluations
If organizational operations are successfully and information from precise interviews using
managed with a procedural approach, the following specialists in the Delphi panel. This article indicates
financial impacts will result in the company [34]: that various specialists agree on the point that
Improvement in the process of allocation of external factors force companies to implement the
resources. ISO 9000 standards. Two on the other hand, for
Declined costs are impinging upon the implementation of TQM, systems, it mentions a
variety of reasons. The conclusion of this article
organization. presents a deeper understanding of reasons for
Accessibility to high values and decline implementing ISO 9000 and EFQM based totally on
costs of processes. the opinion of directors, consultants, specialists and
Improvement in the process of return of members of institutes.
capital. Joyce (2006) authored an article with the aim of
Declined time of delivery of the product to the analysis of the complete process of self-analysis
of the EFQM model in a public university in Spain.
the market.
Universities can be evaluated explicitly in three
Declined time of production halts and sections: education, research, and services. This
product finalization time. paper evaluates quality in the services section. With
Improved effectiveness of internal and an analysis of the process of self-evaluation and its
external communications. benefits and problems and also crucial factors, we
Asar GM and Lang Bouton authored an article can gain insight into the reason for its success. In
in 2002 which defines the findings in a case study this case study, primary and secondary data related
evaluating the situation of comprehensive quality to five major service sections in this university that
management in a Higher Education Institute (HEI) have been successful in the process of self-
in Britain with the use of self-evaluation of the evaluation are analyzed. The research begins with
European quality management method (EFQM). an evaluation of texts related to self-evaluation in
The strategy has been used in this case study HEI and next discusses the methodology section.
includes six colleges in the same institute (HEI). This case study describes the stages of the creation
This strategy contains implementation (application) of a self-evaluation model, problems in the way,
of principles of employee development such as benefits gained and main factors involved. Using
training of university executives, deputies and all this process, points of strength and domains needing
active personnel in quality and institutional function revision can be identified so an action plan can be
development depend on the EFQM model and designed and related to strategic design and
combining it with the Institute of quality evaluation of functioning.
improvement of Britain. In this study, analyzing of McCarthy and Greatbanks (2006) have
resulting models for development, improvement, authored an article titled “Effect of the excellence
implementation, and quality in a stage before model EFQM in leading German and British
selection and application is emphasized. This study organizations.” The purpose of this research was to
identifies the difference of methodology among see if a difference existed among German and
M. Heydari, et al. Impact of Implementation of the European Foundation for Quality Management Excellence Model
and ISO on Organizations Performance based on Mathematical Models 101

British companies regarding leadership activities Two studies addressed the delay in receiving
and concepts link with appropriate leadership health services. Sanchez et al. [67] reported a
application with each other or not. The design of the reduction in the amount of time a patient has to
research surveyed study with analysis of documents remain on the surgical waiting list [67]. The average
related to self-evaluation distributed between the delay declines from 57.1 days in 2000 to 53.8 days
European Quality Award organization or its in 2003 after using the EFQM model. Vallejo and
equivalent in Germany and Britain which included colleagues [74] found a decline in the number of
300 companies. The response rate was 20 percent. medical records that had a delay in reporting from 1
20 evaluators assessed the survey, and the results in 2003 to 0 in 2005 after implementing the EFQM
showed that German and British organizations are model.
different regarding leadership activities and also Moreover, two studies addressed the industry’s
concepts identify with appropriate leadership re-admission process. Vallejo and colleagues [74]
application [48] found that emergency re-admission was reduced
Moreover, three studies were undertaken in from 20 in 2003 to 12 in 2005, with a three-year
Spain, one in the United Kingdom (UK), one in follow-up, after implementing the EFQM model.
Germany, one in the Netherlands, and one in Israel. Rodriguez-Cerrillo et al. [64] reported that the
Two studies were published after 2010. Five studies percentage of unscheduled returns to the
had a quasi-experimental design; one study had a industry’sdecline from 7% to 3% after using ISO
survey design, and one was an observational study. 9001.
Four papers reported a follow-up period greater than Finally, two studies addressed the industry’s
two years, and all of the included studies were admission process. Vallejo and colleagues [74]
performed in industry’s [67; 79]. showed that the number of admissions developed
Furthermore, three studies addressed the level from 282 in 2003 to 297 in 2005, with a three-year
of patient satisfaction. Sanchez et al. [67] reported follow-up, after using the EFQM model. Vitner and
that the patient satisfaction rate developed to 96.2% colleagues [79] stated that the number of admissions
and 93.1%, respectively, in outpatient clinics and the improved to 78%, 19 months after using ISO 9001.
emergency department with a four-year follow up; Regarding the remaining outcomes, only one
however, the satisfaction rate decline in inpatients study was found for each of those outcomes, and the
after applying the EFQM model. Rodriguez-Cerrillo results of these studies are reported below.
et al. In [64] also reported that patient satisfaction Rodriguez-Cerrillo et al. [64] described no
improved from 92% in 2008 to 98.8% in 2010 after medical equipment failures and an improvement in
applying the ISO 9001 standard. Vitner and the external suppliers' performance. They found that,
colleagues [79] also reported a service satisfaction after implementing ISO 9001, 100% of the patients
improvement ranging among 4.8 and 5 (based on a that required oxygen or aerosol therapy had access
scale of 1 to 5) in 66% of the items in the patients’ to the required equipment in their homes by the time
survey after implementing the ISO 9001 standard. they returned from the industry’s, while this was not
Additionally, three studies addressed the possible two years before. They also showed that,
average length of an industry’s stay. Sanchez et al. after implementing ISO 9001, in 97% of the cases
[67] showed that implementing the EFQM protocols were followed, six medication-related
guidelines resulted in a reduction in the mean length incidents were identified, and all patient problems
of industry’s stays from 6.1 days in 2000 to 5.9 days requiring an urgent consultation were satisfactorily
in 2003 in acute care industries with a four-year resolved.
follow-up. Vallejo and colleagues [74] also observed Leigh et al. [41] observed that confidence,
a reduction in the mean length of industry’s stays competence, and retention of newly qualified nurses
from 14.8 in 2003 to 13.8 in 2005, with a three-year improved and the number of newly qualified nurses
follow up after implementing EFQM measures. leaving in the first 18 months of their employment
Rodriguez-Cerrillo et al. [64] reported no change in was reduced after implementing the EFQM model.
the mean length of industry’s stays in a three-year to Sanchez et al. [67] presented that the duration
follow up after implementing ISO 9001. of primary care medical consultations developed
102 ISSN 1813-1166 print / ISSN 2306-1472 online. Proceedings of the National Aviation University. 2019. N3(80): 92–114

from 7.4 min in 2000 to 8.5 min in 2003, with a environment, organizational system of the
four-year follow-up. Moreover, after using the occupation, relationships dominating over the work
EFQM model, the percentage of patients waiting environment and cultural factors.
less than one month for specialized care decline Hersey and Blanchard in their research have
from 63.1% in 2000 to 61.1% in 2003, the stated that active managers agree in a set consisting
prevalence of patients admitted by an infection of the following commitments:
episode declined from 6.7% in 2000 to 6.6% in 1. Commitment to customers. A successful
2003, and the percentage of minimally invasive director or employee can show commitment to their
tumors detected in the early detection breast cancer job with the way of provision of services for
program decline from 43.3% in 2000 to 40.9% in customers and considering them important.
2003. 2. Commitment towards the organization.
In addition, after using ISO 9001, van den Effective directors or employees take pride in their
Heuvel et al. [75] presented that patient safety organization and emanate this pride in their
developed from 38% in 1998 to 63% in 2001, and behavior. They perform their commitment in various
the rate of improvement in the policy and ways and endeavor via the creation of appropriate
management category was 58% in 2001. organizational climate, support of higher managers
Beholz et al. [11] presented that costs for and observance of fundamental organizational
medical goods decline by € 187.36 from 2001 to values to achieve this important matter.
2003, representing a 6.1% drop; and, from 2001 to 3. Commitment towards oneself. Directors and
2002 the total absolute savings in laboratory costs employees persistently report a strong and positive
was 35.2%. The 32-day mortality rate for all image to others and act as a positive force in all
operations showed a slight develop in 2001, situations. This matter should not be confused via
reaching 4.2%. In 2002 and 2003, the industry’s selfishness or self-orientation. Commitment is
mortality declines to 3.7%. After using ISO 9001, identified via showing independent initiatives,
returns of the questionnaire-based analyzing of acquisition of necessary skills for implementation of
satisfaction of cooperating cardiologists management and acceptance of constructive
continuously developed from 57.1% in 2001 to criticism.
65.4% in 2002 and 70.6% in 2003. 4. Commitment towards individuals and the
working group. Successful managers or employees
3. Conceptual Modeling: Definition, Purpose, and
Benefits are committed to individuals in their working group
and show special peace of mind relative to them.
It should be mentioned that the cases mentioned and 5. Commitment to work. Active directors or
analyzed in this article agree with the research by employees endeavor with maintenance of correct
Marta Zarraga-Rodriguez and M Jesus Alvarez in focus on work, being action-oriented and clarifying
2013 with the topic of “Does the EFQM model the importance of work give meaning to the work of
assist in the identification and strengthening others and themselves and via assessing the focus of
capability for information and employee other employees on work and appearance of
preformation?” Additionally, the conceptual model necessary guidance, they try to gain confidence in
reported has been diagramed with consideration of successful completion of tasks [65].
the viewpoints in this research [45]. Job attachment refers to a state of determination
In recent years, organizations have increasingly of psychological identity or the level to which a job
become interested in the topic of commitment, and is a center for an individual’s identity. High job
job satisfaction of employees [43] and this attention attachment means that the individual relates to the
is due to various advantages related to this topic specific job and is reportedthrough it. Having
such as improvement of employee performance and employees via high job attachment can benefit the
decline turnover, etc. [83]. organization. The reason is that when individuals are
Employee job satisfaction is positive feelings submerged in their occupation, their motivation
that they have towards their occupation. Job improves and this can positively influence their job
satisfaction is a type of positive psychological performance. On the other hand, job attachment is
feeling individuals have relative to their work and is an important attitude and variable in maximization
born from factors equally conditions of the work of the effectiveness of the organization [52].
M. Heydari, et al. Impact of Implementation of the European Foundation for Quality Management Excellence Model
and ISO on Organizations Performance based on Mathematical Models 103

The attitude is a physiologic tendency that frequently includes evaluation of emotions, and as
forces the person to seek a specific goal with good an example when a person does not like something,
intention and without interest. Therefore, the he or she has expressed his or her attitude towards it.
individual’s previous experiences from a special The behavioral tendency is related to the
policy havean essential role in his or her current method an individual has in mind to behave
beliefs regarding the value and efficiency of the concerning a particular matter.
policy. If the past experiences are positive, it is Clarity of role means the level to which
logical to expect that the individual’s attitude employees have a precise perception of their duties
towards the policy in the future will be positive [47]. and performance in specific conditions [46].
The attitude is an opinion about individuals, Organizational climate (Fig. 5) is a relatively
things or events and represents the types of a stable set of perceptions of company members about
person’s feeling about them. the characteristics of the company’s culture, and this
Dunham and colleagues (1989) have stated that perception influences the feeling, attitude, and
three attitudes towards changes exist which are behavior of members in the workplace [27].
emotional, cognitive and behavioral. Organizational climate refers to a collection of
The cognitive component of attitude measurable characteristics of the work environment
includes information that an individual has regarding that is perceived directly or indirectly via the
someone or something else which in the opinion of individuals that work or live in that environment and
the individual should be correct. influences their motivation and behavior [44].
The emotional component includes the
feelings of a person towards an object. This attitude

Fig. 5. Hypothesized Theoretical Model

Hypothesized Theoretical Model. This figure questions of individuals on our population to obtain
illustrates (a) Impact of EFQM on job satisfaction, information related to behaviors and preferences, to
organizational commitment, job attachment, job attitude a more rigorous study using multiple valid and
and organizational climate (b) Impact of ISO on job
satisfaction, organizational commitment, job attachment,
reliable instruments.
job attitude and organizational climate OC = Window data envelopment analysis method is
organizational commitment, EFQM = European one of the multi-variable decision-making methods
Foundation for Quality Management Excellence Model. which is able to process several concurrently in the
presence of controversial signs apart from
4. Methodology
considering the time factor and presenting the result
The information has been obtained from individuals as efficiency which shows the performance trend
and groups through the use of survey research for changes.
decades. It can range from asking a few targeted
104 ISSN 1813-1166 print / ISSN 2306-1472 online. Proceedings of the National Aviation University. 2019. N3(80): 92–114

Cronbach’s alpha is generally used as a [37]. Each of these models can be studied using the
measure of the reliability of a set of questions in a two input-oriented or output-oriented approaches
survey instrument. It measures the interrelatedness [6]. In DEA models, a unit which is efficient and its
of a set of items, although a high value for alpha slack variables' amount is zero has a stronger
does not imply unidimensionally. It was first named efficiency. We can use it as a referent unit.
as alpha by Cronbach. Cronbach alpha is used to However, the efficient units in which one or some
evaluate the internal consistency of the data and is slack variables are non-zero are called weak units.
an estimate of the reliability of the data collected The reason is the multiple optimality of the model.
from a sample of examinees. Questionnaires have This weak efficient unit cannot be chosen as a
been used were »job satisfaction and organizational referent unit for units with non-zero slack variables
commitment (Moghimi) with the reliability [49]. One of the faults of the primary DEA models is
of0.766«, »Job attachment questionnaire(Thomas ignoring the time factor in assessing the
Ladahl and Kejner) through reliability of 0.846«, performance. In fact, in these models, the
and »organizational climate questionnaire (Salsman measurement of efficiency is done temporarily, and
and Deep) via the reliability of 0.960 ]50[. it is carried out in a certain time (for example in a
Among a total of 105 employees occupied at fiscal year). The window analysis as one of the
the Persian cutting industry, questionnaires were subunits in DEA models has opened new doors to
randomly distributed between a group. Ultimately compare the units dynamically (during different
67 questionnaires were completed, and relevant periods) for efficiency assessment [26]. In window
analysis was performed on them. It should be analysis, each decision-making unit is considered as
mentioned that in this paper correlation tests of Chi- an independent unit which results in increasing the
square and the Wilcoxon rank sign and coupled t- number of data. Thus, in issues with limited
tests were used. numbers of the sample, this method will be a
4.1. Window data envelopment analysis goodresolution. The other advantage of window
analysis is that the performance of a decision-
The technique for data envelopment analysis is one making unit will be assessed by comparing it with
of the new techniques which has widely been itself and other decision-making units during the
utilized to assess the performance of units. This period [5]. In fact, in this method, the performance
technique is a mathematical programming method to of each decision-making unit is assessed during the
assess the efficiency of decision-making units which time in a way that as if each period has a different
have several inputs and outputs [38]. Because the identity. To explain it simply, we can say that unlike
method mentioned is based on a series of the data envelopment analysis which studies the data
optimization issues, there are not any parameters for solely during a specific time like vertical analysis,
analysis. Thus, the method mentioned is considered window analysis, like horizontal analysis, assesses
to be a non-parametric method [7]. The data the data during specified periods [3]. Because this
envelopment analysis model was first introduced by method presupposes that the technical efficiency of
Charnes, Cooper, and Rhodes in 1978 and was all units in a window is measured in comparison
known as CCR model which is derived from the first with each other, it is implied that there are not any
letter of the three persons mentioned [38]. In the technical changes in any one of the windows. This is
CCR model, it is presupposed that there is a constant an overall issue in window DEA. This problem can
return to scale. By constant returns to scale we mean be solved to some extent by reducing window width.
that the outputs change with a ratio that the input In order to validate the window analysis, we should
amounts change [37]. Six years after the choose the width of categories in a way that the
presentation of CCR model the second model of this ignorance of technical changes seem reasonable
type was introduced by Banker, Charnes, and although there is not any theoretical support to
Cooper which was called BCC and was designed determine window size [71].
based on the variable return to scale [8]. The To formalize, consider N DMU’s (n=1… N)
difference between the two models of CCR and which are observed in T periods (t=1…, T) and
BCC is related to variable or constant returns to which all use r inputs to produce s outputs. The
scale. In variable returns to scale, it is supposed that sample thus has N×T observations, and an
the outputs do not change in proportion to the input observation n in period t, DMUnt has an r-
M. Heydari, et al. Impact of Implementation of the European Foundation for Quality Management Excellence Model
and ISO on Organizations Performance based on Mathematical Models 105

dimensional input vector Xnt= (Xn1t, Xn2t…, Xnrt) them. The mathematical programming problem may
and a s-dimensional output vector Ynt= (Yn1t, Yn2t…, thus be stated as:
Ynst). The window starting at time k, (1≤ K ≤ T) and
with the width w, (1≤ W≤ T-K) is denoted by KW max h0 u, v ur yr 0 / vx (5)
r i i i0
and has N×w observations.
The matrix of inputs for this window analysis is Subject to
given by: ur yrj / vx 1 for j 1, 2,..., n
r i i ij (6)
X kw ( x1k , xk2 ,..., xkN , x1k 1 , xk2 1 ,..., xkN 1,..., x1k w , xk2 w ,..., xkN w ) (1)
ur , vi 0 for all i and r
and the matrix of outputs is:
Ykw (y1k , yk2 ,..., ykN , y1k 1 , yk2 1 ,..., ykN 1 ,..., y1k w , yk2 w ,..., ykN w ) (2) A fully rigorous development would replace;
ur ur (7)
ur , vi 0 with m
, m
The input-oriented DEA window problem for vi xi 0 vi xi 0
DMUnt under a constant return to scale (CRS) i 1 i 1

non-Archimedean element is smaller than any

assumption, is given by [5]:
positive real number. See Arnold et al., [63]. This
condition guarantees that solutions will be positive
'k min , ( ) in these variables. The above ratio form yields an
s.t. infinitenumber of solutions; if (u*, v*) is optimal,
(3) then (au*, av*) is also optimal for a>0. However, the
xkw x 't 0 t 1,..., T transformation developed by Charnes and Cooper
ykw y 't 0 t 1,..., T [14; 15] for linear fractional programming selects
arepresentative solution [i.e., the solution (u, v) for
n 0 (n 1, 2,..., N W) Model (1) m
The input-oriented DEA window problem for which vi xi 0 ]and yields the equivalent
DMUnt under a variable return to scale (VRS) i 1

assumption, is given by: linearprogramming problem in which the change of

variables from (u, v) to (μ, v) is a result of the
Charnes-Cooper transformation:
'k min , ( ) s
max z yi 0 (8)
s.t. r
r 1
xkw x 't 0 t 1,..., T (4) Subject to:
ykw y 't 0 t 1,..., T m

N W r yi 0 vi xi 0 0
n 1 i 1
n 1
m (9)
n 0 (n 1, 2,..., N W) Model (2) vi xi 0 1
i 1
4.2. BCC and CCR models
r yi 0
In BCC & CCR models which place on efficiency For which the LP dual problem is: (DLP0)
border, their maximum efficiency is equal to 1 (one) *
which in this case the studied unit itself as a Subject to:
combination with coefficient 1 (one) had been n
considered as itself appraisal criterion, but a xij j xi 0 , i 1, 2,..., m;
suggestive model of Anderson - Peterson do not j 1

allow this situation. n (10)

On the other hand, they reject being a reference yrj j yr 0 , r 1, 2,..., s;
j 1
of decision - maker unit for the unit itself.
More important, formulating various AP j 0, j 1, 2,..., n.
models such as CCR and BCC are corresponding to The dual problem of (LP0) is expressed with a
106 ISSN 1813-1166 print / ISSN 2306-1472 online. Proceedings of the National Aviation University. 2019. N3(80): 92–114

real variable θ and a non-negative vector measurement and is monotone increasing in each
( 1 ,..., T
) of variables. The result of this input and output slack.

model for inefficient units are equal with the CCR 5. Data analysis
model, but for efficient units. It produces the score »Significant difference exists among employee job
higher than 1 or equal with it, which in this case, satisfaction before and after implementation of ISO
efficient units are ranking with the score higher than and EFQM.«
one or equal withit. Correlation value obtained is 0.75 which is
On the other hand, when the target function of more than 0.05 (Table). Therefore, the above
an efficient unit is investigating, the limitation of hypothesis is approved, and there is a meaningful
that unit will be omitted inter the limitation of the difference among job satisfaction of employees
model until the rank of concerned unit specifies before, and after implementing EFQM and in
among the efficient units [53]. Banker et al., [9] consideration of the positive correlation coefficient,
extended the earlier work of Charnes et al., [15] by this effectiveness is positive.
providing for variable returns to scale (VRS). Tone «Significant difference exists among employee
(2001) introduced the so-called slacks-based organizational commitment before and after
measure (SBM) which is invariant to the units of implementation of ISO and EFQM.«

Results of the hypothesize

Standard Correlation Wilcoxon test

Results Number Mean p-value
deviation coefficient statistics

67 40.67 13.18
Job satisfaction 0.000
After 0.75 -5.453
67 48.61 14.57
67 61.57 13.27
Organizational implementation
commitment After 0.49 -4.440
67 68.16 16.27
67 58.39 10.09
Job attachment 0.058
After 0.84 -1.894
67 59.83 12.70
67 50.75 8.000
Job attitude 0.000
After 0.59 -5.107
67 56.64 10.774

67 61.16 11.63
0.75 -4.434 0.000
67 56.36 9.66
M. Heydari, et al. Impact of Implementation of the European Foundation for Quality Management Excellence Model
and ISO on Organizations Performance based on Mathematical Models 107

Correlation value obtained is 0.49 which is successfully to different aspects of the industry’s
more than 0.05. Therefore, the above hypothesis is performance. This review included studies that
approved, and there is a meaningful difference assessed the ISO 9001 standard and the EFQM
among organizational commitments of employees model in order to consider the evidence from the
before, and after implementing EFQM and in context to determine how these quality management
consideration of the positive correlation coefficient, guidelines might apply to this field. We searched the
this effectiveness is positive. primary databases and publishers in the field of
»Significant difference exists among employee health sciences and tried to include articles covering
job attachment before and after implementation of the major outcomes in order to test the effectiveness
ISO and EFQM.« of these models from first principles rather than
Correlation value obtained is 0.84 which is from simple observations.
more than 0.05. Therefore, this hypothesis is The research results reveal the fact that the
approved, and there is a meaningful difference elements of the EFQM model and ISO are
among job attachments of employees before and interdependent and that they can be grouped in the
following three strategic directions: resources and
after implementing EFQM, and in consideration of
market orientation, vision and strategic orientation
the positive correlation coefficient, this effectiveness
and employees and production. Depending on the
is positive.
hierarchic position, these elements are perceived and
»Significant difference exists among employee
evaluated differently by the employees of the
job attitude before and after implementation of ISO
company. The top management rates the resources
and EFQM.« and the market orientation with the highest
Correlation value obtained is 0.59 which is importance, while the middle management perceives
more than 0.05. Therefore, this hypothesis is the vision and strategic orientation as the most
approved, and there is a meaningful difference important one. This perception can be determined by
among job attitude of employees before, and after the fact that relation with the customers and the
implementing EFQM and in consideration of the resource procurement represent the highest
positive correlation coefficient, this effectiveness is challenge for the top management and the success of
positive. the company. The middle management considers the
»Significant difference exists among employee items from the direction vision and strategic
job climate before and after implementation of ISO orientation as the most important one, while the
and EFQM.« personnel with execution functions rate the
Correlation value obtained is 0.75 which is more employees as the most important one.
than 0.05. Therefore, the above hypothesis is In the model, there are elements that relate well
approved, and there is a meaningful difference to each other and which can be grouped, but there
among organizational climates of employees before are elements, such as the employees or the society,
and after implementing EFQM. Witha comparison which influence more than one factor. For this
of the mean and standard deviation before and after reason, it is difficult to categorize them. As referred
application of EFQM, it is noted that the mean in this research, the grouping of the elements is done
decline from (61.16) before to (56.36) after based on the environment in which they interact.
implementation and standard deviation declined There are elements grouped in a strategic direction
from (11.63) before to (9.66) after implementation related to the external environment, to the internal
of this method. Therefore, the correlation is environment and one with the "brain" of the
reversed. company, who has the vision and the strategic
4. Discussion and Conclusion thinking. Incidentally, this is also the novelty
brought by this research. Most analysis done for the
The EFQM model and the ISO 9001 standard are development of a company, are mainly focused on
becoming the most recommended methods and the internal or external factors of a company, few of
guidelines for creating and continuing good quality them being connected with the decision makers in
clinical services; however, there has been a debate the company, who play an essential role in its
about the advantages and disadvantages of these development.
models [42; 30] These models have been applied
108 ISSN 1813-1166 print / ISSN 2306-1472 online. Proceedings of the National Aviation University. 2019. N3(80): 92–114

Another important aspect that could influence input-output governing EFQM and ISO models,
the results of such research is the type of business. which has been taken from nine criteria, is used and,
The analyzed company is a manufacturing company, with the help of CCR model, technical efficiency
where most of the employees are directly involved concept, the existence of probable errors in
in the production process. This fact can influence the assessment and or possible non-coordination
outcome in the sense that all decisions are taken between enablers and their result, have been studied
from the perspective of the production process, carefully.
rating it with higher importance. There is the There are several limitations when looking for
possibility that a similar study conducted in a the results of using ISO 9001 and the EFQM model
service-oriented company or having another to assess the industry’s performance. Only a few of
department as preponderant, could lead to slightly the studies met all of the inclusion criteria for each
different results. This hypothesis can be tested in model. Most of the studies included industry’s that
future studies. One potential source of error is the had utilized these models and reported that they
subjectivity of the respondents, which otherwise is could be effectively used without assessing their
difficult to remove from any survey. However, the results, or they presented a self-assessment instead
employees are the ones who know the company best of specifically setting up and designing studies to
and can most accurately evaluate their priorities and test the effectiveness of these models from first
the way it operates. principles. Many of the quality improvement models
In conclusion, we consider that the existence of require noticeable data collection and staff must be
such a model is important both for the evaluation of trained in how to implement the model; most models
a company and for developing its strategy. The also require a degree of statistical analysis. If using
results of this research show that the decisions taken these models can result in significant cost savings,
in the company should not be taken alone, based on there is an excellent reason to invest in staff training
a single element of the excellence model, but they and technology to assist support this process.
require an overall perspective, especially However, without investing in these projects,
considering the correlations among them. Besides sufficient evidence is unavailable to suggest sector-
this, the presented model points out how decisions wide implementations.
are taken based on the key elements of a company Five studies had a quasi-experimental design
and the interdependences among them. Not less and indicated outcomes before and after applying
important is the emphasis of the importance given ISO 9001 and the EFQM model, so their results are
by all management levels to some decisions. Based more reliable than the results of studies with survey
on the results of the research, there can be observed design or an observational design. In the
the orientation of the management of a company observational studies, we could not correlate the
towards resources and customers, pointing out the progress of the outcomes to use of the quality
optic of the company according to the actual improvement models. On the other hand, in the
tendencies. research design, the results could be subjective.
In summary, the results of the research Studies with a rigorous, low-risk methodology
hypotheses are as follows: or design are necessary when it comes to reporting
Complete understanding and correct using of results related to the use of these models.
the EFQM and ISO models in an origination Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are needed or,
required the comprehensive familiar of this model at least, studies with a non-randomized time series
and the different strategies of self-assessment of design, in order to indeed indicate the critical
organization and proportion; due to being qualitative outcomes and potential harms of using these models.
more than enough of current assessment criteria’s, We searched the main databases and publishers in
the experienced assessors are very reporting. the field of health sciences, although this might not
Consequently, there are too many possibilities to guarantee that we have found all the pertinent
occur errors in point-giving to the criteria and to the articles in this field; this is a limitation of any
sub criteria. On the other hand, sometimes, there systematic review. These studies showed that the
should be possible that coordination between evidence underlying quality improvement is positive
enablers and the results has been made due to same but limited, and the effects cannot be predicted with
problems within the organization which recognizing great certainty, so the results should be interpreted
of this failure allows the organization to be aware of and used with caution.
problem inside it. In this article the structure of
M. Heydari, et al. Impact of Implementation of the European Foundation for Quality Management Excellence Model
and ISO on Organizations Performance based on Mathematical Models 109

Generally, there is a lack of robust and high- - Re-engineering of the company structure
quality empirical evidence regarding the effect of with procedural attitude;
ISO 9001 and the EFQM model on the quality and - Formulation of a system of opinion surveys
performance of industries. However, the limited from benefactors (employees, customers, society,
evidence shows that, to some extent, ISO 9001 and stockholders, contractors);
the EFQM model might improve the industry’s - Formulation of a system of evaluating
performance. Also, no negative evidence was found
employee performance and reevaluation of the
about the effect of ISO 9001 and the EFQM model
system of encouragement;
on the industry’s performance.
- Formulation of a comprehensive system for
7.5. Research suggestions training employees and directors;
Implementation of the organizational excellence - Formulation of a comprehensive plan for
model leads to the creation of a competitive communications management;
atmosphere for excellence of active companies and - Formulation of a comprehensive system for
as a result encourages them in performance of self- evaluation of contractors;
evaluation operations and understanding of their - Formulation of a system of management and
points of strength and improvable contexts and energy audit;
creation of the necessary atmosphere for exchange - Formulation of a system of repair and
of successful experiences among active preventive maintenance;
organizations and strengthening of the process of - Development of methods for improvement
sustained improvement in active organizations in the of process and problem solving with an emphasis on
relevant industry and empowerment of active employee creativity.
companies in the domain of the industry in line with
provision of services via better quality. References
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М. Гейдарі1, К. К. Лай2, Ч. Сяоху3
Вплив впровадження моделі досконалості Європейського фонду управління якістю на
продуктивність організацій на основі математичних моделей
Нанкінський університет науки і техніки, Нанкін, Цзянсу, КНР
Коледж економіки, Університет Шеньчжень, Шеньчжень, КНР
E-mails: 1Mohammad_Heydari@njust.edu.cn, 2mskklai@outlook.com, 3njustzxh@njust.edu.cn
У статті вивчаються деякі слабкі сторони моделі EFQM, потім із застосуванням структури керування
введенням-виведенням у моделі та використанням аналізу розширення даних пропонується метод
визначення відсутності пропорції між активізаторами та результатами організації, які можуть
виникнути через проблеми та перешкоди, приховані в самій організації. У цьому дослідженні було
використано BСС та CCR аналізи із вхідним характером для дослідження тенденції змін ефективності
діяльності перської галузі фрезерування протягом 2015 року. У цій статті подано інформацію,
отриманy від осіб та груп за допомогою опитування протягом десятиліть, а повна достовірність
анкетування повідомлялася за допомогою альфа Кронбаха. Були використані анкети: «задоволення
роботою та організаційна прихильність з достовірністю 0,766», «Анкета на роботу з достовірністю
0,846», «Анкета організаційного клімату з достовірністю 0,960». Населення, залучене в дослідження,
включало 105 працівників у галузі перського фрезерування. Анкети були розподілені випадковим
чином у групах, і в результаті було заповнено 67 анкет, а аналіз був проведений один раз на 67
учасників. Результати підтвердили, що п’ять факторів «задоволеність роботою, організаційна
відданість, прихильність до роботи, ставлення до роботи та організаційний клімат» значно
відрізнялись до та після використання моделей EFQM та ISO. Організаційний клімат з метою
порівняння середнього та стандартного відхилень до та після використання EFQM та ISO зменшився
з (61.16) до впровадження цих двох моделей до показника (56.36) після впровадження цих моделей із
стандартним відхиленням (11.63) та (9.66). Тому cпіввідношення раніше були зворотні.
Ключові слова: EFQM; ISO; задоволеність роботою; організаційна відданість; ставлення до роботи;
організаційний клімат
114 ISSN 1813-1166 print / ISSN 2306-1472 online. Proceedings of the National Aviation University. 2019. N3(80): 92–114

М. Гейдари1, К. К. Лай2, Ч. Сяоху3

Влияние внедрения модели совершенства Европейского фонда управления качеством на
производительность организаций на основе математических моделей
Нанкинський университет науки и техники, Нанкин, Цзянсу, КНР
Коледж экономики, Университет Шэньчжэнь, Шэньчжэнь, КНР
E-mails: 1Mohammad_Heydari@njust.edu.cn, 2mskklai@outlook.com, 3njustzxh@njust.edu.cn

В статье изучаются некоторые слабые стороны модели EFQM, потом с применением структуры
управления вводом-выводом в модели и использованием анализа расширения данных предлагается
метод определения отсутствия пропорции между активизаторами и результатами организации,
которые могут возникнуть из-за проблем и препятствий, скрытых в самой организации. В этом
исследовании были использованы BСС и CCR анализы с входным характером для исследования
тенденции изменений эффективности деятельности персидской области фрезерования в течение 2015
года. В этой статье представлена информация, полученная от лиц и групп с помощью опроса в
течение десятилетий, а полная достоверность анкетирование обеспечивается с помощью альфа
Кронбаха. Были использованы анкеты: «удовлетворение работой и организационная приверженность
с достоверностью 0,766», «Анкета на работу с достоверностью 0,846», «Анкета организационного
климата с достоверностью 0,960». Населения, вовлеченное в исследования, включало 105 работников
в области персидского фрезерования. Анкеты были распределены случайным образом в группах, и в
результате было заполнено 67 анкет, а анализ был проведен один раз на 67 участников. Результаты
подтвердили, что пять факторов «удовлетворенность работой, организационная преданность,
привязанность к работе, отношение к работе и организационный климат» значительно отличались до
и после использования моделей EFQM и ISO. Организационный климат с целью сравнения среднего
и стандартного отклонения до и после использования EFQM и ISO уменьшился с (61.16) до
внедрения этих двух моделей до (56.36) после внедрения со стандартным отклонением (11.63) и
(9.66). Поэтому соотношения ранее были обратные.
Ключевые слова: EFQM; ISO; удовлетворенность работой; организационная приверженность;
отношение к работе; организационный климат
Mohammad Heydari. PhD student. School of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Science
and Technology, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
E-mail: Mohammad_Heydari@njust.edu.cn

Kin Keung Lai. Professor. College of Economics, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China
E-mail: mskklai@outlook.com

Zhou Xiaohu.. Professor. School of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Science and
Technology, Nanjing, China
E-mail: njustzxh@njust.edu.cn

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