Tutorial 4 Questions
Tutorial 4 Questions
Tutorial 4 Questions
Tutorial Assignment 2
This assignment involves submitting answers for each of the tutorial ques-
tions, but not for the additional practice questions, that are contained on
the tutorial 4 questions sheet (this document). You should submit your
answers on the Turnitin submissions link for Tutorial Assignment 2 that
is available on the Wattle site for this course (under the “In-Semester As-
sessment Items” block) by no later than 08:00:00 am on Monday 18 March
2024. If you have trouble accessing the Wattle site for this course or the
Turnitin submission link, please submit your assignment to the course email
address (ECON8025@anu.edu.au). One of the tutorial questions will be se-
lected for grading and your mark for this tutorial assignment will be based
on the quality and accuracy of your answer to that question. The identity
of the question that is selected for grading will not be revealed to students
until some point in time after the due date and time for submission of this
A Note on Sources
These questions do not originate with me. They have either been influenced
by, or directly drawn from, other sources.
Key Concepts
Budget-Constrained Expenditure Maximisation, Uncompensated (or Mar-
shallian, or Walrasian, or Ordinary) Demand Functions (or Correspon-
dences), Indirect Utility Functions, Utility-Constrained Expenditure Min-
imisation, Compensated (or Hicksian) Demand Functions (or Correspon-
dences), Expenditure Functions, The Lagrangean Approach to Constrained
Optimisation (Maximisation or Minimisation) Problems, Interior Solutions,
Corner Solutions, The First-Order Conditions for am Interior Solution at
which the Budget Constraint Binds, The Kuhn-Tucker First-Order Condi-
tions, Choice Functions or Correspondences (“Arg Max”s and “Arg Min”s),
Value Functions (Maximum Value Functions and Minimum Value Func-
Tutorial Questions
Tutorial Question 1
Consider an individual whose preferences are defined over bundles of non-
negative amounts of each of two commodities. Suppose that this individ-
ual’s preferences can be represented by a utility function U : R2+ −→ R of
the form U (x1 , x2 ) = ln (x1 + 1) + 2 x2 , where x1 denotes the individual’s
consumption of commodity one, and x2 denotes the individual’s consump-
tion of commodity two. This individual is a price taker in both commodity
markets. The price of commodity one is p1 > 0, and the price of commodity
two is p2 > 0. This individual is endowed with an income of y > 0.
consumption of commodity one? Under what circumstances, if any,
will this case occur?
7. What are the Marshallian demand functions (or possibly correspon-
dences) for commodity one and commodity two for this individual?1
8. What is this individual’s indirect utility function?
Tutorial Question 2
Consider a consumer that faces the following budget-constrained utility
maximisation problem:
Maximise U (q1 , q2 , q3 ) = q1 + ln (q2 q3 )
Tutorial Question 3
Consider a consumer whose preferences over bundles of strictly positive
amounts of each of three distinct commodities can be represented by a
utility function U : R3+ −→ R of the form
U (q1 , q2 , q3 ) = q1 + q2 q3 .
Marshallian demands are also known as Walrasian demands, ordinary demands, and
uncompensated demands.
Marshallian demands are also known as Walrasian demands, ordinary demands, and
uncompensated demands.
The constant per unit price of commodity one is p1 ∈ (0, ∞), the constant
per unit price of commodity two is p2 ∈ (0, ∞), and the constant per unit
price of commodity three is p3 ∈ (0, ∞). The consumer has an income of
y ∈ (0, ∞).
4. What are the consumer’s Marshallian demands3 for each of the com-
modities (assuming that a strictly positive amount of each commod-
ity is optimally purchased)? In the case of each commodity, identify
whether the Marshallian demand mapping is a function or a cor-
respondence. (You may assume that appropriate second-order con-
ditions for a maximum and constraint qualification conditions are
Tutorial Question 4
Consider a consumer whose preferences over consumption bundles of non-
negative amounts of each of three distinct commodities can be represented
by a modified Stone-Geary utility function of the form
α α 1−α −α
(q1 − γ1 ) 1 (q2 − γ2 ) 2 (q3 − γ3 ) 1 2 if (q1 , q2 , q3 ) ∈ Q, b
U (q1 , q2 , q3 ) =
−∞ if (q1 , q2 , q3 ) 6∈ Q,
γ2 > 0, γ3 > 0, 0 < α1 < 1, 0 < α2 < 1, and α1 + α2 < 1. You should make
these typical assumptions when answering this question.
Suppose that this consumer is a price taker in all markets, faces a price
vector (p1 , p2 , p3 ) ∈ R3++ , and is endowed with a monetary income of
y > p1 γ1 + p2 γ2 + p3 γ3 > 0. You may assume that the budget constraint
binds and any required constraint qualification conditions and second-order
conditions for a maximum are satisfied by any solution to this consumer’s
budget-constrained utility maximisation problem.
5. What is the point income elasticity of demand for each of the three
3. Illustrate the consumer’s utility-constrained expenditure minimisa-
tion problem.
where 0 < α < 1. The consumer is a price taker who faces a price per
unit of good one that is equal to $p1 and a price per unit of good two that
is equal to $p2 . Answer each of the following questions. To keep things
relatively simple, focus only on interior solutions in which positive amounts
of both commodities are consumed.
1. What is the consumer’s (utility-constrained) expenditure minimisa-
tion problem?
The consumer is a price taker who faces a price per unit of good one that is
equal to $p1 and a price per unit of good two that is equal to $p2 . Answer
each of the following questions. To keep things relatively simple, focus
only on interior solutions in which positive amounts of both commodities
are consumed.
Additional Practice Question 5
Suppose that a consumer has preferences over bundles of non-negative
amounts of each two goods, x1 and x2 , that can be represented by a con-
stant elasticity of substitution (CES) utility function of the form
U (x1 , x2 ) = (xρ1 + xρ2 ) ρ .
The consumer is a price taker who faces a price per unit of good one that is
equal to $p1 and a price per unit of good two that is equal to $p2 . Answer
each of the following questions. To keep things relatively simple, focus
only on interior solutions in which positive amounts of both commodities
are consumed.