1. The guest stresses that people should not continue with herbal remedies if their problem worsens or gets worse.
2. Apart from possible side effects from medicines, the speaker also points out that if people use herbal remedies, doctors will have more time for seriously ill patients.
3. Ginger has many benefits and can be used safely even if a woman is pregnant.
1. The guest stresses that people should not continue with herbal remedies if their problem worsens or gets worse.
2. Apart from possible side effects from medicines, the speaker also points out that if people use herbal remedies, doctors will have more time for seriously ill patients.
3. Ginger has many benefits and can be used safely even if a woman is pregnant.
1. The guest stresses that people should not continue with herbal remedies if their problem worsens or gets worse.
2. Apart from possible side effects from medicines, the speaker also points out that if people use herbal remedies, doctors will have more time for seriously ill patients.
3. Ginger has many benefits and can be used safely even if a woman is pregnant.
1. The guest stresses that people should not continue with herbal remedies if their problem worsens or gets worse.
2. Apart from possible side effects from medicines, the speaker also points out that if people use herbal remedies, doctors will have more time for seriously ill patients.
3. Ginger has many benefits and can be used safely even if a woman is pregnant.
Imię i nazwisko: _________________________ Klasa: ____ Wynik: ____ / 43
1 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wywiad na temat medycyny A CALENDAR OF ILLNESS
naturalnej. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu uzupełnij luki 1–5 tak, aby najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać A sens wysłuchanego tekstu. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku The year starts with flu season. Christmas and New Year is angielskim. a time when families and friends get together with a lot of hugs and kisses. Infections spread quickly and, even if 1 The guest stresses that people should not continue with some people have escaped, there is a chance that they herbal remedies if their problem ____________________ will catch the same virus when they go back to school or or gets worse. work. A doctor will probably tell you to stay in bed, take medicine which helps you to fight the fever and reduce 2 Apart from the possible side effects from medicines, the your temperature, and to drink a lot of liquids. You may speaker also points out that if people use herbal remedies, feel weak and suffer headaches, but most people are as doctors will have more time for ______________ ill. right as rain after a week or two.
3 Ginger has a lot of benefits and can be used safely even if B
you are a woman who is going _________________. Once you’ve recovered from the flu, you can start looking forward to the winter holidays, which for many people 4 If taking ginger to prevent travel sickness, you should means skiing. Some unlucky people may come home with ______________ before you travel. a broken bone, a sprained ankle or an injured knee. Knee problems are often caused when people fall, and can be 5 Chamomile tea not only helps with stress but is also good avoided by keeping the legs bent during the fall and not if you are having trouble ________ or with your stomach. trying to get up until you have completely stopped moving. If you do come home in a plaster cast, at least you will get lots of sympathy from colleagues and classmates who will want to hear all about your ____ / 10 adventures.
2 Przeczytaj tekst, który został podzielony na cztery C
części, oraz pytania go dotyczące. Do każdego pytania 1–5 A large proportion of the population do not look forward dopasuj właściwą część tekstu A–D. W jednej części tekstu to the warmer weather of spring. These are the hay fever znajdują się odpowiedzi na dwa pytania. sufferers. The most common form of hay fever is an allergy to grass, and this starts affecting people in May. In which paragraph does the writer ... However, there are also people who are allergic to trees, and they can find themselves sneezing as early as 1 warn that a problem can occur indoors and outdoors? February. People usually suffer most in the early morning 2 say how long a problem is likely to last? and again in the evening, so make the most of the middle 3 mention a kind of substance addiction? of the day and make sure you take your anti-allergy 4 explain when a problem is less likely to affect people? tablets regularly. 5 point out a benefit of suffering from a problem? D 1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___ Autumn often has the perfect weather for picnics, but, even so, it might be best to stay at home. Wasps can’t find as much food as in the summer and become aggressive. They have a need for sugar, as they can’t live without it, and your picnic is the perfect place to find it. A sting can be painful and leave the skin red. Some people can even suffer a severe allergic reaction. It’s also a time of year when spiders look for somewhere warm to stay for the winter ... which means your house! They aren’t aggressive, but they can bite if they feel threatened.
___ / 10
Repetytorium z języka angielskiego dla liceów i techników
3 Wpisz wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia wszystkie trzy ________________________________________________
zdania w zadaniach 1–5. Wymagana jest pełna ________________________________________________ poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów. ________________________________________________ 1 ________________________________________________ A Keep your phone by your bed in case you _____ a turn for the worse and have to call someone. ________________________________________________ B I’m going to ______ it easy for a few days because I’ve ________________________________________________ been working too hard. C Every afternoon, when I get home from school, I _____ a ________________________________________________ short nap before I start my homework. ________________________________________________ 2 ________________________________________________ A After retiring, my doctor started _______ his own private ________________________________________________ clinic and he offers a special price for his old patients. B Alison has been ______ a fever for a few days now and ________________________________________________ her temperature hasn’t fallen. ________________________________________________ C Because of the lorry drivers’ strike, hospitals are in danger of ______ out of some essential supplies. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 3 A You need all your strength to fight _____ this illness. ________________________________________________ B I don’t think I’ll go out tonight, I’m feeling a bit ______- ________________________________________________ colour. C If you suffer any side effects when you come _____ your ________________________________________________ medicine, please phone me immediately. ________________________________________________ 4 ________________________________________________ A The doctors say that you won’t ______ your eyesight ________________________________________________ completely. B If you don’t _____ weight soon, you’ll have to buy new ________________________________________________ trousers. ________________________________________________ C Driving too fast means that you can easily ______ control of the steering and be badly injured. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 5 A Don’t worry. You’re going to ______ a full recovery and ________________________________________________ you’ll be home in a week. ________________________________________________ B I was off sick from school for two weeks so I’m going to have to study hard to _____ up the time I missed. ________________________________________________ C The scientists here are going to ______ the headlines with ________________________________________________ this cure for the new pandemic. ____ / 10 ________________________________________________ 4 Stres może powodować kłopoty ze zdrowiem, nawet u ________________________________________________ osób prowadzących na co dzień zdrowy tryb życia. Napisz ____ / 13 artykuł, w którym przedstawisz możliwe przyczyny stresu wśród młodzieży i udzielisz wskazówek, jak go zmniejszyć.