The RD Effectiveness Index
The RD Effectiveness Index
The RD Effectiveness Index
“How effective are my company’s product their strategies and opportunities are similar and
development efforts? Is our product development their product development processes are equally
process improving, or possibly deteriorating? We effective.
can measure specific projects but have no way of Studies have generally shown little correlation
measuring how we are doing overall.” This between the level of R&D spending and success.
CEO’s comments are typical of the frustration in Some[2,6] have measured limited correlation
measuring overall product development success. between the percentage of R&D spending and
Many companies are now realizing that both revenue growth. Although these studies show
the number and the success of new products rely some relationship, it is not enough to suggest that
on the performance of their product development spending more on R&D is always better.
process. Until recently, improving this process Spending 50% of revenue on R&D, for example,
was such a clear opportunity that companies did will likely increase revenue, but it is unlikely that
not need to measure performance. They just the return on investment would justify this for
started to improve their processes. However, now very long.
that some companies have made major Product development cycle times are a key
improvements to their product development performance measure of the product development
process, they need an appropriate way to measure process[3]. Short cycle times generally increase
its performance. product success and improve development
However, product development is much more productivity. However, this does not measure
difficult to measure than other business processes success across products or guide the amount of
and because of this, there are no broadly accepted spending on R&D.
performance metrics as there are for other Companies are now beginning to focus on the
business processes. For example, in effectiveness of their R&D investment instead of
manufacturing, inventory turnover and gross how much they invest. They want to get more
margin percentage can be used as metrics of the from the same level of investment instead of
manufacturing process. increasing their investment. Even Business Week’s
Some metrics are applied. The investment annual R&D Scoreboard[1], which ranks
community and the press, for example, have companies by R&D spending, points out that
resorted to using the percentage of R&D spending R&D efficiency is becoming a strategic necessity.
as a comparative measure – with more spending Pittiglio Rabin Todd & McGrath (PRTM)
as better. This is a little like saying that more recently conducted a comprehensive study of
spending on plant and equipment is always better, development metrics for electronic systems
even though the appropriate level of capital products. The study included extensive
investment considers expected return and a benchmarking of time-to-market, sources and
company’s long-term strategy. In the same way,
business executives sometimes compare their Reprinted by permission of the publisher from “The
R&D expenditure (as a percent of sales) to that of R&D Effectiveness Index: A Metric for Product
their competition. The comparison is only valid if Development Performance” by Michael E. McGrath
and Michael N. Romeri, Journal of Product Innovation
Management, Vol. 11 No. 3, pp. 213-220. 1994 by
World Class Design to Manufacture, Vol. 1 No. 4, 1994, pp. 24-31
MCB University Press, 1352-3074 Elsevier Science Inc.
uses of R&D, performance to targets, and best projects and is therefore much more difficult to
practices. Forty-five companies participated in the measure. Unsuccessful projects and wasted efforts
study. Although they varied by size and industry, need to be offset against successful ones. Projects
all developed similar products – electronic with varying degrees of success need to be
systems where there is both electronic and weighted together. Finally, R&D investment that
software content. Table I shows a profile of the spans several periods needs to be matched against
participating companies. a payback that spans future periods.
Study participants included American, Although these complications limit the
European, and Asian companies. Each provided precision of any aggregate performance metric, a
detailed data on its product development metric – even an approximate one – is needed
activities, enabling the analysis of the data by to measure overall performance. Without such a
product complexity, type of product, and level of
metric, management of the product development
effort involved. They study’s benchmarks are
process is purely subjective.
used by participants to evaluate their product
development process and provide cycle-time The R&D effectiveness index (EI) compares
guidelines for scheduling new development. The the profit from new products to the investment in
study showed that the participants did not new product development, using the following
consistently use any single overall metric to formula (all% are stated as a percentage of
measure their product development process, but revenue):
they indicated that one was badly needed. EI =
As part of this study, PRTM introduced a new % New Product Revenue × (Net Profit % + R&D %)
metric for measuring overall product development R&D %
performance – the R&D effectiveness index.
As a simple interpretation, the index computes the
ratio of increased profits from new products
divided by the investment in product
R&D Effectiveness Index
development. When the index is above 1.0, the
The R&D effectiveness index is an aggregate return from new products is running at a rate
measure of the overall success of a company’s
greater than the investment.
product development efforts. It fills the void for
For example, assume that a company has a 9%
an overall metric at a level above individual
net profit. Also assume that it invests 6% of
products and development projects, and provides
management with a tool to measure the long-term revenue in R&D and that 40% of its revenue is
effectiveness of its product strategy and product derived from new products. Its R&D effectiveness
development process. index would be 1.0 [computation: 40% × (9% +
Overall or aggregate performance involves 6%) / 6%]. On the other hand, if this same
many new products and product development company derived only 20% of its revenue from
new products then it would have an index of 0.5
(20% × 15% / 6%). It would not be getting as
much from its investment in R&D.
Industries %
The R&D effectiveness index was computed
Communication systems 35.6 for companies participating in the study. The
Industrial/Medical electronics 22.2 results were then analyzed and correlated to other
Consumer electronics 15.6 performance factors. Figure 1 shows the
Computers 13.3
Peripherals 13.3
Size (revenue) <0.5
39% 0.5 - 1.0
$250 million + 28.2
$100-$250 million 25.6 1.0 - 1.25
$50-$100 million 20.5 18%
$25-$50 million 10.3
<$25 million 15.4
100 22%
Table I. Figure 1.
Profile of Participating Companies R&D Effectiveness Index Distribution from the Study
distribution of R&D effectiveness index values begins to flatten at that point, consistent with the
derived from the study. 2.5-year new product definition. In other
Of the participants, 39% (21% + 18%) had an industries, the curve would be different.
R&D effectiveness index greater than 1.0, Arguments could be made for different
indicating that new products generated more definitions of new products. For example, the
profit than the investment made in R&D. If any entire product life-cycle could be used in the
time-value of money is considered, then only 21% definition, because the entire life-cycle is used to
(companies with an EI greater than 1.25) evaluate a new product opportunity. This
generated a return on their investment in R&D. definition would include all revenue and could
Interpreting the index properly requires an not distinguish between new and old products.
understanding of the numerator and denominator: The index would simply be the ratio of profit to
new product profit and R&D investment. These R&D investment, losing the importance of new
are subject to differences in interpretation. products.
The definition could be longer or shorter, but
the half-line concept is reasonable. Consistency is
New Product Profit the most important consideration in determining
Computing new product profit starts with the the definition of a new product. Comparisons are
definitions of new products. In the R&D possible when the definition is consistent, and the
effectiveness index, new products are defined as real objective of the metric is relative
those that are still in the first half of their product comparisons, not absolute performance.
life-cycle. For electronic systems, the average New product profit is computed by multiplying
product life-cycle is approximately five years, so the percentage of revenue from products
new product revenue covers products introduced introduced in the last three years by the rate of net
in the last three years. (This averages to be 2.5 profit combined with the percentage of R&D
years because products introduced in the last half spending. Net profit is used instead of gross
of a year are less than 0.5-years-old, whereas margin because selling and administrative costs
others are more than 0.5-years-old.) must be covered by new product revenue. The
In this study, product life-cycle was supported percentage of R&D investment is added back into
by analyzing the new product curve for profitability because the index computes how well
participating companies. The curve plots the profit covers this investment. An EI of 1.1
percentage of revenue from products introduced a represents a return of the original investment, plus
year ago, two years ago, etc. Figure 2 illustrates 10%.
the new product curve for the electronic systems Either actual profit from new products or a
companies in the study. representative average profit can be used. Actual
For 1992, approximately 12% of revenue came profit is more precise, but may not be accurate.
from products introduced in the last year, whereas The allocation of administrative and other indirect
approximately 50% came from products costs makes it difficult for many companies to
introduced in the last three years. The curve accurately identify the actual profit of individual
products. Both alternative methods were
compared in the study, and there was no
Average %
of 1992 revenue significant difference in results. The profit rate
70 –
- may also need to be adjusted for cases where
60 –
there are significant nonrecurring expenses.
50 –
40 –
R&D Investment
30 –
The investment in R&D is based on spending as a
- percentage of current revenue. Although this does
20 –
not match the time period of the profit derived
10 –
from this investment, it does provide a reasonable
- approximation. Companies tend to invest a
92 91 90 89 88
Years in which products were introduced
consistent percentage of revenue in product
development from year to year. The EI is
Figure 2. therefore a running average.
New Product Revenue as a Percentage of Total The definition of R&D investment also varies
Revenue by company. Some define R&D as spending by
their engineering and research departments, driven by time-to-market (TTM), whereas the
regardless of whether it is spent on new product second is driven by the characteristics of the
development or used to support existing products. product as well as time-to-market.
Companies that divert a significant portion of The profitability of new products is a result of
their R&D investment to product support would how successful the products are in meeting the
have a lower index than if they invested more in customer needs compared to competitive
new products. Some companies include the cost products. New product profit is the product of the
of other departments involved in product sales volume and the rate of profitability. It may
development, whereas some do not. Sensitivity be reduced by a high degree of problems, such as
analysis of these variations did not show any engineering change orders (ECOs), when new
significant difference in results; however, an products are released.
individual company with accounting practices at R&D spending comprises the number of
the extreme of the variation could have development projects and product development
noncomparable results. productivity. Time-to-market is the most
significant driver of productivity. If a product is
developed in less time with fewer delays, then the
run rate (spending per month) costs are incurred
for fewer months. The cost of wasted
Drivers of the R&D Effectiveness Index development is another productivity factor. This
The R&D effectiveness index provides insights is the amount spent on the development of
into the dynamics of the product development products that never come to market.
process and how it affects profitability. In fact, the Understanding each of these dynamics and how
R&D effectiveness index itself is the result of key they influence the R&D effectiveness index is
drivers of the product development process. This essential to applying it to measure the success of
is illustrated in Figure 3. the product development process. Decreasing
The percentage of total revenue derived from time-to-market, improving product profitability,
new products is a result of how long it takes to get increasing product development productivity, and
these new products to market and their early sales reducing wasted development all increase the
success once they are released. The first factor is R&D effectiveness index.
New product
profit in
year Y
= effectiveness
index year Y
R&D spending in
year Y
Project 1 run rate X TTM Portion in
Project 2 run rate X TTM year Y
Spending on
Project n run rate X TTM cancelled
Figure 3.
Drivers of the R&D Effectiveness Index
New 50 –
Effectiveness index
– 1.40
Percentage of revenue
35 – New product – 1.00
Effectiveness index
Division A 30 25 9 1.13 30 –
– 0.80
Division B 15 18 7 0.54 25 –
Division C 20 10 8 0.45 20 –
– 0.60
Profit %
Division D 30 10 9 0.63 15 – – 0.40
Division E 10 10 6 0.27 10 – R&D %
Division F 5 12 7 0.14 – 0.20
0– – 0.00
Table II. 0 1 2 3 4 5
Division Performance Year
Figure 4.
products, and as a result had a low R&D Performance Goals
effectiveness index.
No one, including the CEO, knew why each goals for the company as a whole; each division
division invested what it did in R&D. A budget of has its own individual goals.
6% to 9% seemed to be acceptable within the
The company’s plan included a number of
company, and the R&D budget just continued
changes to its product development process and
from year to year, increasing at about the same
the way it did business:
rate that the division grew.
Differences in the R&D effectiveness index ● A new product development process[4] would
across divisions were not easily explained. be implemented throughout the company. This
Perhaps some had better market opportunities was expected to reduce time-to-market and
than others. Division A, for example, was in a increase R&D productivity. As a result, more
“hot” market, whereas Division F was in a very new products were expected starting in year 2.
mature market. Perhaps some divisions had a ● More rigorous financial screening of new
better product development process than others. product proposals was implemented as part of
There was no consistency in the way each a new phase review process. This would stress
developed products. higher profitability as a requirement for
The CEO set an ambitious goal for funding new projects.
improvement. Using the R&D effectiveness index
● A strategic evaluation was also initiated,
as the overall metric, he set a target to improve
effectiveness from 0.5 to 1.4 over the next five focusing on the growth opportunities in
years. The underlying goals were to increase new Divisions E and F with the expectation that
product content of revenue from 20% to 40%, R&D spending would be reduced in these
improve the new product profitability from 12% divisions if they did not have acceptable new
to 15%, and reduce R&D investment from 8% to product opportunities.
6% of revenue. This would result in an index of Although the work was just beginning, the CEO
1.4 [40% × (15% + 6%)] / 6%. Each of these of the company now felt like he was in control,
underlying goals, as well as the R&D having set a clear direction. “We certainly have
effectiveness index, were set by year. These are our work cut out for us, but we know what we
charted in Figure 4. need to do and how we are going to get there. The
These individual goals were the expected result R&D effectiveness index is our overall guide.
of an aggressive improvement plan. The product There is no magic to the goal of 1.4. Perhaps we
development process would be upgraded to could do even better. I do know, however, that an
world-class status. The percentage of R&D improvement of that magnitude is both achievable
spending would be reduced starting in year 2. and badly needed.”
Improvements in the number of new products and This case study illustrates the R&D
product profitability were not expected until year effectiveness index in action as a management
2, with most of the improvement not coming until tool. It provided the metric that the company
year 3. New product profit was expected to needed to guide its efforts to become more
increase starting in year 2. These were composite competitive. The case also illustrates how a
company can sort through the complexity of growth also shows a strong relationship between
managing new product development without growth and the R&D effectiveness index.
oversimplifying this complex problem. Companies with a high index grew twice as fast
as the average from 1988 to 1992.
Other characteristics of companies with a high
Characteristics of Companies with a High R&D effectiveness index are also worth noting:
R&D Effectiveness Index ● They invested less on R&D and got more out
The benchmarking study also provided an of it. As a percentage of revenue, the
interesting analysis of the characteristics of companies with a high R&D effectiveness
companies with a high R&D effectiveness index. index invested approximately a fifth less than
These characteristics help not only to understand average in R&D. At the same time, they also
the index a little better, but also provide insights had approximately a third more revenue from
into what it takes to perform well. new products. This reflects the productivity
Companies with a high R&D effectiveness aspect measured by the index.
index (> 1.25) outperformed the average in
● They wasted less on products that did not
growth and profitability. These comparisons are
come to market. Companies with a high R&D
shown in Figure 5. Although higher profitability
effectiveness index cancelled marginal
would be expected (as it is part of the
computation), the magnitude of this difference is projects much earlier in the development
surprising. These companies were twenty-two cycle. As a result, they lost only 14% of their
times more profitable! The difference in revenue R&D budget on work that never came to
market, compared to 21% for the others.
Companies with the lowest R&D effectiveness
index (>0.5) lost 28%.
25 – (% revenue) ● They invested proportionally more of their
22.3 R&D budget on totally new products and
20 – platforms. They invested 30% of their R&D
budget on totally new platforms compared to
15 –
less than 25% for the other companies. This
- supports the importance of managing the
10 –
amount invested in new product
- platforms[5,7].
● They met their original project goals more
- often. Companies with a high R&D
High R&D Average effectiveness index met their revenue goals
index 50% more often, their profitability goals 20%
more often, and their return on investment
goals twice as often. This suggests that their
Revenue growth product development process was more in
350 –
(% change in revenue) control.
- 318.6
300 –
250 –
200 –
- This article introduces the R&D effectiveness
150 –
154.9 index as an overall measure of product
development success. An aggregate metric like
100 –
- this is clearly needed by companies that want to
50 –
measure their improvement, as well as by
- companies that are not satisfied by their results.
High R&D Average The R&D effectiveness index reflects the
index dynamics of the product development process.
Decreased time-to-market, improved product
Figure 5. profitability, increased development productivity,
R&D Effectiveness Index Correlated to Revenue Growth and reduced development waste all increase the
and Profitability index.