PROF ED 9 BSED MATH 3 CompleteMergedPDF
PROF ED 9 BSED MATH 3 CompleteMergedPDF
PROF ED 9 BSED MATH 3 CompleteMergedPDF
Curriculum Essentials
Module Overview:
Module 1 is all about school curricula and the teacher. This introductory module identifies the different
types of curricula that exist in the teacher's classroom and school. Further, Module 1 describes the
important roles of the teacher as a curricularist who engages in the different facets of curriculum
development in any educational level.
Analyze the significance of curriculum and curriculum development in the teacher's classroom.
Take Off
Have you read "The Sabre-Tooth Curriculum by Harold Benjamin (1939)?" Take some time to read it and
find out what curriculum is all about during those times.
A man by the name of New-Fist-Hammer-Maker knew how to do things his community needed to have
done, and he had the energy and the will to go ahead and do them. By virtue of these characteristics, he
was an educated man. New-Fist was also a thinker. Then as now, there were few lengths to which men
would not go to avoid the labour and pain of thought
New-Fist got to the point where he became strongly dissatisfied with the accustomed ways of his tribe.
He began to catch glimpses of ways in which life might be made better for himself, his family and his
group. By virtue of this development, he became a dangerous man.....
New-Fist thought about how he could harness the children's play to better the life of the community He
considered what adults do for survival and introduced these activities to children in a deliberate and
formal way These included catching fish with bare hands, clubbing little woolly horses, and chasing
away-sabre-toothed-tigers-with-fire. These then became the curriculum and the community begun to
prosper-with plenty of food, hides attire and protection from threat. "It is supposed that all would have
gone well forever with this good educational system, if conditions of life in that community remained
forever the same." But conditions changed.
The glacier began to melt and the community could no longer see the fish to catch with their bare hands,
and only the most agile and clever fish remained which hid from the people. The woolly horses were
ambitious and decided to leave the region. The tigers got pneumonia and most died. The e remaining
tigers left. In their place, fierce bears arrived who would not be chased by fire. The community was in
One day, in desperation, someone made a net from willow twigs and found a new way to catch fish-and
the supply was even more plentiful than before. The community also devised a system of traps on the
path to share the bears. Attempts to change education system to include these new techniques however
encountered "stern opposition."
These are also activities we need to know. Why can't the schools teach them? But most of the tribe
particularly the wise old men who controlled the school, smiled indulgently at this suggestion. "That
wouldnY be education... it would be mere training". We don't teach fish grabbing to catch fish, we teach
it to develop a generalized agility which can never be duplicated by mere training. and so on.
"If you had any education yourself, you would know that the essence of true education is timelessness. It
is something that endures through changing conditions like a solid rock standing squarely and firmly in
the middle of a raging torent"
The story was written in 1939. Curriculum then, was seen as a tradition of organized knowledge taught in
schools of the 19th century. Two centuries later, the concept of a curriculum has broadened to include
several modes of thoughts or experiences.
Formal, non-formal or informal education do not exist without a curriculum Classrooms will be empty
with no curriculum. Teachers will have nothing to do, if there is no curriculum. Curriculum is at the heart
of the teaching profession. Every teacher is guided by some sort of curriculum in the classroom and in
In our current Philippine educational system, different schools are established in different educational
levels which have corresponding recommended curricula. The educational levels are:
1. Basic Education. This level includes Kindergarten, Grade 1 to Grade 6 for elementary; and for
secondary, Grade 7 to Grade 10, for the Junior High School and Grade 11 and 12 and for Senior High
School. Each of the levels has its specific recommended curriculum. The new basic education levels are
provided in the K to 12 Enhanced Curriculum of 2013 of the. Department of Education.
3. Higher Education. This includes the Baccalaureate or Bachelor Degrees and the Graduate
Degrees (Master’s and Doctorate) which are under the regulation of the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED)
Content Focus
In whatever levels of schooling and in various types of learning environment, several curricula exist. Let
us find out how Allan Glatthorn (2000) as mentioned in Bilbao, et al (2008) classified these:
Are you aware that in every classroom, there are several types of curricula operating at the same time?
Let us study each one.
1. Recommended Curriculum. Almost all currricula found in our schools are recommended. For Basic
Education, these are recommended by the Department of Education (DepEd), for Higher Education, by
the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and for vocational education by TESDA. These three
government agencies oversee and regulate Philippine education. The recommendations come in the
form of memoranda or policies, standards and guidelines. Other professional organizations or
international bodies like UNESCO also recommend curricula in schools.
2.Written Curriculum. This includes documents based on the recommended curriculum. They come in
the form of course of study, syllabi, modules, books or instructional guides among others. A packet of
this written curriculum is the teacher’s lesson plan. The most recent written curriculum is the K to 12 for
Philippine Basic Education.
3.Taught Curriculum. From what has been written or curriculum has to be implemented or taught. The
teacher and the learners will put life to the written curriculum. The skill of the teacher to facilitate
learning based on the written curriculum with the aid of instructional materials and facilities will be
necessary. The taught curriculum will depend largely on the teaching style of the teacher and the
learning style of the learners.
4. Supported Curriculum. This is described as support materials that the teacher needs to make learning
and teaching meaningful These include print materials like books, charts, posters, worksheets, or non-
print materials like Power Point presentation, movies, slides, models, realias, mock-ups and other
electronic illustrations. Supported curriculum also includes facilities where learning occurs outside or
inside the four-walled building. These include the playground, science laboratory, audio-visual rooms,
zoo, museum, market or the plaza. These are the places where authentic learning through direct
experiences occur.
5. Assessed Curriculum. Taught and supported curricula have to be to find out if the teacher has
succeeded or not in facilitating learning. In the process of teaching and at the end of every lesson or
teaching episode, an assessment is made. It can either be assessment for learning, assessment as
learning or assessment of learning. If the process is to find the progress of learning, then the assessed
curriculum is for learning, but if it is to find out how much has been learned or mastered, then it is
assessment of learning. Either way, such curriculum is the assessed curriculum.
6. Learned Curriculum. How do we know if the student has learned? We always believe that if a student
changed behavior, he/she has learned. For example, from a non-reader to a reader or from not knowing
to knowing or from being disobedient to being obedient. The positive outcome of teaching is an
indicator of learning. These are measured by tools in assessment, which can indicate the cognitive,
affective and psychomotor outcomes. Learned curriculum will also demonstrate higher order and critical
thinking and lifelong skills.
7.Hidden/Implicit Curriculum. This curriculum is not deliberately planned, but has a great impact on the
behavior of the learner. Peer influence, school environment, media, parental pressures, societal changes,
cultural practices, natural calamities, are some factors that create the hidden curriculum. Teachers
should be sensitive and aware of this hidden curriculum. Teachers must have good foresight to include
these in the written curriculum, in order to bring to the surface what are hidden.
However, in every teacher’s classroom, not all these curricula may be present at one time, Many of them
are deliberately planned, like the recommended, written, taught, supported, assessed, and learned
curricula. However, a hidden curriculum is implied, and a teacher may or may not be able to predict its
influence on learning. All of these have significant role on the life of the teacher as a facilitator of
learning and have direct implication to the life of the learners.
Now, let us observe further if these curricula are existing in a teacher’s classroom. Do the activities that
Take Action
Activity 1- Think-Pair-Share
a. Does the sabre-tooth curriculum still exist at present? Give examples of your evidence.
c. What does the author mean, when he said “A curriculum should be timeless “ Explain.
Visit a classroom other than your own with permission from the teacher. (Elem, High School, College).
Focus your observation and interview on the presence or absence of the seven types of curricula and
their descriptions.
3. Record your observation and interview on the matrix Provided Guide questions for Observation and
1. What curricula are present in the classroom from my observation?
2. It is a reality that there exist more than one curricula in the teacher's classroom.
3. A teacher can say with confidence that learning has occurred, if the curriculum has been assessed.
5. To establish national standards, teachers should be by recommended curriculum in basic and higher
8. Textbooks and modules are written curricula that represent the recommended curricula.
10. In the heart of all the types of curricula, the teacher has a major role.
1. Is it necessary for teachers to learn about school curriculum? Why? Write your answer on the
piece of paper.
❖ Enhance understanding of the role of the teacher as a curricularist in the classroom and school.
What specific role do teachers play as a curricularist? Should they do these roles?
This lesson will bring all of you to an enhanced understanding and realization of the
multifaceted roles of the teacher which relate to the curriculum. Let us find out!
Look at the words inside the box. Read each one of them. Which one describes the
teacher as a curricularist? Circle the word.
Are you aware that the teacher’s role in school is very complex? Teachers do a series of
interrelated actions about curriculum, instruction, assessment, evaluation, teaching and
learning. A classroom teacher is involved with curriculum continuously all day. But very seldom
has a teacher been described as curricularist.
Curricularists in the past, are referred only to those who developed curriculum theories.
According to the study conducted by Sandra Hayes (1991), the most influential curricularist in
America include John Dewey, Ralph Tyler, Hilda Taba and Franklin Bobbit. You will learn more of
them in the later part of the module.
In this lesson, we will start using the word curricularist to describe a professional who is
a curriculum specialist (Hayes, 1991; Ornstein & Hunkins, 2004; Hewill, 2006). A person who is
involved in curriculum knowing, writing, planning, implementing, evaluating, innovating,
initiating may be designed as curricularist. A TEACHER’S role is broader and inclusive of other
functions and so a teacher is a curricularist.
So what does a TEACHER do to deserve the label curricularist? Let us look at the
different roles of the teacher in the classroom and in the school. The classroom is the first place
of curricular engagement. The first school experience sets the tone to understand the meaning
of schooling through the interactions of learners and teachers that will lead to learning. Hence,
curriculum is the heart of schooling.
1. Knows the curriculum. Learning begins with knowing. The teacher as a learner starts
with knowing about the curriculum, the subject matter or the content. As a teacher, one has to
master what are included in the curriculum. It is acquiring academic knowledge both formal
(disciplines, logic) or informal (derived from experiences, vicarious, and unintended). It is the
mastery of the subject matter. (knower)
2. Writes the curriculum. A classroom teacher takes record of knowledge concepts,
subject matter or content. These need to be written or preserved. The teacher writes books,
modules, laboratory manuals, instructional guides, and reference materials in paper or electronic
media as a curriculum writer or reviewer. (Writer)
3. Plans the curriculum. A good curriculum has to be planned. It is the role of the teacher
to make a yearly, monthly or daily plan of the curriculum. This will serve as a guide in the
implementation of the curriculum. The teacher takes into consideration several factors in
planning a curriculum. These factors include the learners, the support material, time, subject
matter or content, the desired outcomes, the context of the learners among others. By doing this,
the teacher becomes a curriculum planner. (Planner)
4. Initiates the curriculum. In cases where the curriculum is recommended to the schools
from DepEd, CHED TESDA, UNESCO, UNICEF or other educational agencies for improvement of
quality education, the teacher is obliged to implement. Implementation of a new curriculum
requires the open mindedness of the teacher, and the full belief that the curriculum will enhance
learning. There will be many constraints and difficulties in doing things first or leading, however,
a transformative teacher will never hesitate to try something novel and relevant. (Initiator) The
Teacher and the School Curriculum
5. Innovates the curriculum. Creativity and innovation are hallmarks of an excellent
teacher. A curriculum is always dynamic, hence it keeps on changing. From the content, strategies,
ways of doing, blocks of time, ways of evaluating, kinds of students and skills of teachers, one
cannot find a single eternal curriculum that would perpetually fit. A good teacher, therefore,
innovates the curriculum and thus becomes a curriculum innovator. (Innovator)
6. Implements the curriculum. The curriculum that remains recommended or written will
never serve its purpose. Somebody has to implement it. As mentioned previously, at the heart of
schooling is the curriculum. It is this role where the teacher becomes the curriculum plan. The
teacher is at the height of an engagement with the learners, with support materials in order to
achieve the desired outcome. It is where teaching, guiding, facilitating skills of the teacher is
expected to the highest level. It is here where teaching as a science and as an art will be observed.
It is here, where a science and as an art will be observed. It is here, where all the elements of the
curriculum will come into play. The success of a recommended, well written and planned
curriculum depends on the implementation. (Implementer)
7. Evaluates the curriculum. How can one determine if the desired learning outcomes
have been achieved? Is the curriculum working? Does it bring the desired results? What do
outcomes reveal? Are the learners achieving? Are there some practices that should be modified?
Should the curriculum be modified, terminated or continued? These are some few questions that
need the help of a curriculum evaluator. That person is the teacher. (Evaluator)
The seven different roles are those which a responsible teacher does in the classroom
every day! Doing these multi-faceted work qualifies a teacher to be curricularist.
To be a teacher is to be a curricularist even if a teacher may not equal the likes of John
Dewey, Ralph Tyler, Hilda Taba, or Franklin Bobbit. As a curricularist a teacher will be knowing,
writing, implementing, innovating, initiating and evaluating the curriculum in the school and
classrooms just like the role models and advocates in curriculum and curriculum development
who have shown the way.
Take Action
Activity 1: Let’s Do a Simple Survey (Can be done only online or in the neighboring school.
A teacher who is friend, relation or anyone reachable)
Have you done a survey before? In this activity you will gather information direct from
teachers to find out what curriculum activities they are involved in.
Name of Teacher:
School __________________________ Grade Level Assignment _________________
No. of Years Teaching ____________ Degree Graduated _______________________
Circle YES or NO that will correspond to your self- assessment. Then rank the items which
you answered YES. Which activity do you do most of the time? What activity do you do least of
the time?
1. I master the subject matter that I have to teach. Yes No
2. I implement what I have planned for my teaching Yes No
3. I monitor and assess if my students are learning Yes No
4. . I modify my activity to suit my learners in my classrooms. Yes No
5. I lead in the implementation of a new curriculum in my school. Yes No
6. I write instructional materials based on the recommend school Yes No
7. I look for others ways of doing to improve teaching and learning in Yes No
my classroom.
8. I participate in community activities as a good citizen. Yes No
9. I disregard the needs of my learners and focus only in my lesson. yes No
10. I teach my plan for y students to learn. Yes No
Instructions: Identify on the blanks provided who I am as a Curricularist based on the cases
Case 1: I have a good idea on how to make my learners pay attention to the lesson. I will use the
new idea and find out if it will work. ___________________________________
Case 2: DepEd sent the standards, competencies and guidelines in teaching the Mother Tongue
in Grade 1 in our school. I will study and use it in the coming school year.
Case 3: There is so much to do in one school day. I seem not able to do all, but I have to accomplish
something for my learners. I have made a daily activity plan to guide me.
Case 4: I need a poem to celebrate the World Teachers’ Day. I composed one to be used in my
class in Literature. _________________________________
Case 5: My class is composed of learners from different home background and culture. I cannot
use a “one-size-fits-all strategy” in teaching so I can respond to do the diverse background. In my
readings, I discovered that there are ways of teaching. I tried one myself and it worked.
Case 6: Knowledge is limitless. What I learned in college is not enough. I need to know more, so I
enrolled in the graduate school to advance my learning.
Case 7: At the end of the year, my performance as a teacher is reflected in the school performance
of my students. So I need to provide a monitoring tool to measure how they are progressing. The
result will inform me how I will address my learners’ weakness and enhance their strengths.
Case 8: I am teaching in a very far away barangay with no electricity yet. Many of the instructional
aids for teaching sent to our school are films and video tapes which need power. I cannot use
them, but the lessons are very important. So I thought of making an alternative activity. I took my
class to the river and waterfall instead of doing the lesson.
Case 9: My principal asked me to attend to write shop to make the lesson exemplars in the
teaching of science in Grade 7. In the workshop, I used my experiences as a science teacher for
ten years, and my knowledge of the subject matter. At the end of three days, I was able to produce
lesson exemplars which I am proud of. _______________________________________________
Choose one from the Case 1 to 10 above. Reflect on the case you have chosen and write your
reflections on the box below. Ask your classmate to read and comment on your reflections. Both
of you, discuss your answers.
Name of partner:
Module Overview:
Module 2 describes the school curriculum in terms of its definition, its nature and scope,
which are needed by the teacher as a knower. This module provides a wider perspective
for the teachers about the curriculum, in terms of curriculum approach, curriculum
development process, some curriculum models and the foundations upon which
curriculum is anchored.
Take Off
1. DepED Reviews The K to 12 Curriculum
2. Suicide incidence in Schools Has Become Alarming
3. Teachers are Reluctant to Try New Things in the Curriculum
4. Co-curricular Activities: Learning Opportunities or Distractions?
5. The Use of ICT Gains Ground in the Public Schools
What can you say of these headlines? Do these reflect what are going on in our schools?
Should the public know and be involved in the schooling of their citizens? What are the
implications of each headline to the classroom curriculum?
Each member of society seems to view school curriculum differently, hence there are
varied demands on what schools should do and what curriculum should be taught. Some
would demand reducing content and shifting emphasis to development of lifelong skills.
Others feel that development of character has been placed at the back seat of some
schools. More debates are emerging on the use of languages in the classroom. Should it
be mother tongue, the national language or the global language?
There seems to be confusion about what curriculum should really be. To have a common
understanding of what curriculum really is, this lesson will present some definitions as
given by authors. Likewise, you will find in this lesson the description of the nature and
scope of curriculum from several points of view. This lesson will also explain how
curriculum is being approached. It further shows a development process as a concept and
as a process as applied to school curriculum.
Content Focus
Oftentimes curriculum is taken in its narrow view as a listing of subjects to be taught in
schools or sometimes it is understood broadly as all learning experiences that individuals
undergo while in school. We cannot deny the fact that curriculum should be clarified by
teachers and other stakeholders. Curriculum affects all teachers, students, parents,
politicians, businessmen, professionals, government officials or even the common people.
Arthur Bestor as an essentialist believes that the mission of the school should be
intellectual training, hence curriculum should focus on the fundamental
intellectual disciplines of grammar, literature and writing. It should include
mathematics, science, history and foreign language.
Joseph Schwab thinks that the sole source of curriculum is a discipline, thus the
subject areas such as Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, English and many
more. In college, academic disciplines are labelled as humanities, sciences,
languages, mathematics among others. He coined the word discipline as a ruling
doctrine for curriculum development.
Phillip Phenix asserts that curriculum should consist entirely of knowledge which
comes from various disciplines.
Collectively from the traditional view of theorists like Hutchins, Schwab, Bestor and
Phenix, curriculum can be defined as a field of study. Curriculum is highly academic and
is concerned with broad historical, philosophical, psychological and social issues. From a
traditional view, curriculum is mostly written documents such syllabus, course of study,
books and references where knowledge is found but is used as a means to accomplish
intended goals.
Curriculum from Progressive Points of View
On the other hand, a listing of school subjects, syllabi, course of study, and specific
discipline does not make a curriculum. In its broadest terms, a progressive view of
curriculum is the total learning experiences of the individual. Let us look into how
curriculum is defined from a progressive point of view.
John Dewey believes that education is experiencing. Reflective thinking is a
means that unifies curricular elements that are tested by application.
Holin Caswell and Kenn Campbell viewed curriculum as all experiences
children have under the guidance of teachers.
Othaniel Smith, William Stanley and Harlan Shore likewise defined
curriculum as a sequence of potential experiences, set up in schools for the
purpose of disciplining children and youth in group ways of thinking and acting.
Colin Marsh and George Willis also viewed curriculum as all the experiences in
the classroom which are planned and enacted by the teacher and also learned by
the students.
The nature of curriculum has given rise to many interpretations, depending on a person's
philosophical beliefs. Let us put all of these interpretations in a summary.
CURRICULUM is what is taught in school, a set of subjects, a content, a program of
studies, a set of materials, a sequence of courses, a set of performance objectives,
everything that goes within the school. It is what is taught inside and outside of school
directed by the teacher. everything planned by school, a series of experiences undergone
by learners in school or what individual learner experiences as a result of school. In short,
curriculum is the total learning experiences of the learner under the guidance of the
Take Action
Activity 1
- Traditional or Progressive: What is your View of Curriculum?
1. What is your own definition of a curriculum? Write down your answer in the space
provided. 2. Do you have a traditional view of a curriculum, a progressive view or both?
Explain your view based on your definition.
Label the description/definition on the left with either Traditional(T), or Progressive (P).
1. Teachers are required to teach the book from cover to cover.
2. If the learners can memorize the content, then the curriculum is best.
3. Children are given opportunity to play outdoors.
4. Parents send children to a military type school with rigid discipline.
5. Teachers are reluctant to teach beyond the written curriculum.
6. Prerequisites to promotion for the next grade are skills in reading, writing and
arithmetic only.
7. Teachers provide varied experiences for the children.
8. Learning can only be achieved in schools.
9. It is the systematic arrangement of contents
It is the systematic arrangement of contents in the course syllabus.
10. Co-curricular activities are planned for all to participate.
Pick up a daily newspaper and read today's headline. Choose one and reflect on this
headline that relates to curriculum and to your becoming a curricularist. Write your
answer in at least two paragraphs.
Lesson 2.2 Approaches to the School Curriculum
Take Off
From the various definitions, we realize that curriculum is viewed in many ways. Let
us look back and use the definitions as a way of classifying how curriculum is viewed. In this
lesson, let us look at the curriculum as either a Content, a Process or a Product to fully
understand the different perspectives of what curriculum is all about. This can be one way of
approaching a curriculum.
Content Focus
If curriculum is equated as content, then the focus will be the body of knowledge to
be transmitted to students using appropriate teaching method. There can be a likelihood that
teaching will be limited to the acquisition of facts, concepts and principles of the subject
matter, however, the content or subject matter can also be taken as a means to an end.
All curricula have content regardless of their design or models. The fund of
knowledge is the repository of accumulated discoveries and inventions of man from the
explorations of the earth and as products of research. In most educational setting, curriculum
is anchored on a body of knowledge or discipline.
There are four ways of presenting the content in the curriculum. These are:
1. Topical Approach, where much content is based on knowledge, and experiences are
2. Concept Approach with fewer topics in clusters around major and sub-concepts and their
interaction, with relatedness emphasized;
3. Thematic Approach as a combination of concepts that develop conceptual structures, and
4. Modular Approach that leads to complete units of instruction.
Balance. Content should be fairly distributed in depth and breadth. This will guarantee that
significant contents should be covered to avoid too much or too little of the contents needed
with in the time allocation.
Articulation. As the content complexity progresses with the educational levels, vertically or
horizontally, across the same discipling smooth connections or bridging should be provided.
This will assure no gaps or overlaps in the content Seamlessness in the content is desired and
can be assured if there is articulation in the curriculum. Thus, then is a need off team among
writers and implementers of curriculum.
Sequence. The logical arrangement of the content refers to sequence or order. This can be
done vertically for deepening the content or horizontally for broadening the same content. In
both ways, the patten usually is from easy to complex, what is known to the unknown, what is
current to something in the future.
Integration. Content in the curriculum does not stand alone or in isolation. It has some ways
of relatedness or connectedness to other contents. Contents should be infused in other
disciplines whenever possible. This will provide a wholistic or unified view of curriculum
instead of segmentation Contents which can be integrated to other disciplines acquire a higher
premium than when isolated.
Continuity. Content when viewed as a curriculum should continuously flow as it was before,
to where it is now, and where it will be in the future. It should be perennial. It endures time.
Content may no be in the same form and substance as seen in the past since changes and
developments in curriculum occur. Constant repetition, reinforcement and enhancement of
content are all elements of continuity.
Scope. The breadth and depth of the curriculum content are vital in à curriculum. Scope
consists of all the contents, topics, learning experiences comprising the curriculum. In
layman's term scope refers to coverage. The scope shall consider the cognitive level, affective
domain and psychomotor skills in identifying the contents. Other factors will be considered
but caution is given to overloading of contents. "More contents is not always better."
2. Curriculum as a Process
We have seen that the curriculum can be approached as content. On the other hand, it
can also be approached as a process. Here, curriculum is not seen as a physical thing or a
noun, but as a verb or an action It is the interaction among the teachers, students and content
A process, curriculum happens in the classroom as the questions naked the teacher and the
learning activities engaged in by the students. It an active process with emphasis on the
context in which the processes occur. Used in analogy of a recipe in a cookbook, a recipe is th
content while the way of corking is the process
This section will not discuss in detail the different teaching strategies from where
learning experiences are derived. Rather, it will describe how the process as a descriptor of
curriculum is understood. The content is the substance of the curriculum, how the contents
will be communicated and learned will be addressed by the process.
To teachers, the process is very critical. This is the other side of the coin: instruction,
implementation, teaching. These three words connote the process in the curriculum. When
educators ask teachers: What curriculum are you using? Some of the answers will be: 1.
Problem- based. 2. Hands-on, Minds-on 3. Cooperative Learning 4. Blended Curriculum
5.On-line 6.Case-based and many more. These responses approach curriculum as a Process.
These are the ways of teaching, ways of managing the content, guiding learning, methods of
teaching and learning and strategies of teaching or delivery modes. In all of these, there are
activities and actions that every teacher and learner do together, or learners are guided by the
teacher. Some of the strategies are time- tested traditional methods while others are emerging
delivery modes.
3. Curriculum as a Product
The product from the curriculum is a student equipped with the knowledge, skills and
values to function effectively and efficiently. The real purpose of education is to bring about
significant changes in students' pattern of behaviour. It is important that any statement of
objectives or intended outcomes of the school should be a statement of changes to take place
in the students. Central to the approach is the formulation of behavioural objectives stated as
intended learning outcomes or desired products so that content and teaching methods may be
organized and the results evaluated. Products of learning are operationalized as knowledge,
skills, and values.
Curriculum product is expressed in the form of outcomes which are referred to as the
achieved learning outcomes. There may be several desired learning outcomes, but if the
process is not successful, then no learning outcomes will be achieved. These learned or
achieved learning outcomes are demonstrated by the person who has meaningful experiences
in the curriculum. All of these are result of planning content and processes in the curriculum.
Take Action
Self Check
Instruction: Match the CONCEPT in Column II with the CHOICES in Column III. Write the
letter of your ANSWER in Column 1.
Instruction: After learning from this lesson, how would you prepare yourself to become a
teacher, using three approaches to curriculum?
Content Focus
Curriculum Development Process
Curriculum development is a dynamic process involving many different people and
procedures. Development connotes changes which is systematic. A change or the better means
alteration, modification or improvement of existing condition. To produce positive changes,
development should be purposeful, planned and progressive. Usually, it is linear and follows a
logical step-by-step fashion involving the following phase: curriculum planning, curriculum
design, curriculum implementation and curriculum evaluation. Generally, most models involve
four phases.
1. Curriculum planning. Considers the school vision, mission and goals. It also
includes the philosophy or strong education belief of the school. All of these will
eventually be translated to classroom desired learning outcomes for the learners.
2. Curriculum designing. Is the way curriculum is conceptualized to include the
selection and organized of content, the selection and organization of learning
experiences or activities and the selection of the assessment procedure and tools to
measure achieved learning outcomes. A curriculum design will also include the
resources to be utilized and the statement of the intended learning outcomes.
3. Curriculum implementing. Is putting into action the plan which is based on the
curriculum design in the classroom setting or the learning environment. The teacher
is the facilitator of learning and, together with the learners, uses the curriculum as
design guides to what will transpire in the classroom with the end in view of
achieving the intended learning outcomes. Implementing the curriculum is where
action takes place. It involves the activities that transpire in every teacher’s
classroom where learning becomes an active process.
4. Curriculum evaluating. Determines the extent to which the desired outcomes
have been achieved. This procedure is on-going as in finding out the progress of
learning (formative) or the mastery of learning (summative). Along the way,
evaluation will determine the factors that have hindered or supported the
implementation. It will also pinpoint where improvement can be made and
corrective measures, introduced. The result of evaluation is very important for
decision making of curriculum planners, and implementors.
Curriculum Development Process Models
1. Ralph Tyler Model: Four Basic Principles
Also known as Tyler’s Rationale, the curriculum development model emphasizes the planning
phase. This is presented in his book Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction. He posited
four fundamental principles which are illustrated as answers to the following questions:
1. What education purposes should schools seek to attain?
2. What educational experiences can be provided that are likely to attain these purposes?
3. How can these educational experiences be effectively organized?
4. How can we determine whether these purposes are being attained or not?
Tyler’s model shows that in curriculum development, the following considerations should be
1. Purposes of the school
2. Educational experiences related to the purposes
3. Organization of the experiences
4. Evaluation of the experience
Tyler Xxxxxxxx
Taba xxxxxxxx
Saylor & Alexander xxxxxxxx
1. Describe the model of curriculum development which you understand well. Write in two
1. What phase of the curriculum process do you find very important as a teacher? Why?
Lesson 2.4 Foundations of Curriculum
Take Off
Foundations of Curriculum
1. Philosophical Foundations
Educators, teachers, educational planners and policy makers must have a philosophy or strong belief
about education and schooling and the kind of curriculum in the teachers' classrooms or learning
environment. Philosophy of the curriculum answers questions like: What are schools for? What subjects
are important? How should students learn? What methods should be used? What outcomes should be
achieved? Why?
The various activities in school are influenced in one way or another by a philosophy. John Dewey
influenced the use of "learning by doing", he being a pragmatist. Or to an essentialist, the focus is on the
fundamentals of reading, writing and arithmetic, the essential subjects in the curriculum.
There are many philosophies in education but we will illustrate only those as presented by Ornstein and
Hunkins in 2004.
Trends: School and curricular reform, Global education, Collaboration and Convergence,Standards
and Competencies
2. Historical Foundations
Where is curriculum development coming from? The historical foundations will show to us the
chronological development along a time line. Reading materials would tell us that curriculum
development started when Franklin Bobbit (1876-1956) wrote the book "The Curriculum." Let us see
how each one contributed to curriculum development during his own time. Here are eight among the
many whom we consider to have great contributions.
Franklin Bobbit (1876-1956)
– Objectives and activities should group together when tasks are clarified.
– Like Bobbit, he posited that curriculum is science and emphasizes students' needs.
– Objectives and activities should match. Subject matter or content relates to objectives.
– The purpose of the curriculum is child development and growth. He introduced this project
–With the statement of objectives and related learning activities, curriculum should produce
– He emphasized social studies and suggested that the teacher plans curriculum in advance.
– Curriculum is a set of experiences. Subject matter is developed around social functions and
learners' interests.
– The process emphasizes problem solving. Curriculum aims to educate generalists and not
– She contributed to the theoretical and pedagogical foundations of concepts development and
critical thinking in social studies curriculum.
Psychology provides a basis to understand the teaching and learning process. It unifies elements of the
learning process. Questions which can be addressed by psychological foundations of education are: How
should curriculum be organized to enhance learning? What is the optimal level of students' participation
in learning the various contents of the curriculum? In this module, we shall consider three groups of
learning theories: behaviorism or association theories; cognitive-information processing theories and
humanistic theories (Ornstein & Hunkins, 2004).
Let us review some theories in learning related to these clusters of learning theories.
– The key to learning is early years of life train them what you want them to becom
Law of readiness
Law of exercise
Law of effect
– Cognitive development has stages from birth to maturity. Sensorimotor stage (0-2),
preoperational stage(2-7), concrete operations stage (7-11) and formal operations (11-onwards).
★Keys to learning
Cultural transmission and development stage. Children could, as a result of their interaction with society,
actually perform certain cognitive actions prior to arriving at developmental stage,
★Keys to Learning
Howard Gardner
★Gardner's multiple intelligences
– Humans have several different ways of processing information and these ways are relatively
independent of one another.
Daniel Goleman
★Gestalt Theory
– Human beings do not respond to isolated stimuli but to an organization or pattern of stimuli.
★Keys to learning
– Learners analyze the problem, discriminate between essential and nonessential data, and
perceive relationships.
– Learners will perceive something in relation to the whole. What how they perceive is related to
their previous experiences.
– A child whose basic needs are not met will not be interested in acquiring knowledge of the world.
★Key to learning
– Produce a healthy and happy learner who can accomplish, grow and actualize his or her human self.
– Children's perceptions, which are highly individualistic, influence their learning and behaviour in class.
★ Key to learning
– Curriculum is concerned with process, not product; personal needs, not subject matter. psychological
meaning, not cognitive scores.
Alvin Toffler
– Wrote the book Future Shock Believed that knowledge should prepare students for the future
– Suggested that in the future, parents might have the resources to teach prescribed curriculum from
home as a result of technology, not in spite of it. (Home Schooling)
– Foresaw schools and students worked creatively, collaboratively, and independent of their age
★Other Theorists;
– Education as a means of shaping the person and society through critical reflections and
– Teachers use questioning and problem posing approach to raise students' consciousness
– Major book: A Place Called Schools, 1984; What Are Schools For? 1989
In summary, the foundation upon which curriculum is based are educational philosophies, historical
developments, psychological explanations, and societal influences. All of these foundations are
1. Form a five-member group. Choose a group leader. With all the group members, search two
outstanding personalities in the cluster of Curriculum Foundations who contributed to curriculum
development. Write their biographies. You may find other persons not included in the list given in this
2. Submit in group the biographies of the identified persons in not less than 3 pages, short-sized bond
paper, double spaced, with list of references at the end.What significant contribution can you recall
about this person?
1. Lev Vygotsky
2. Daniel Goleman
3. William Kipatrick
4. Hilda Taba
5. Ralph Tyler
6. John Dewey
7. Abraham Maslow
8. Carl Rogers
9. Franklin Bobbit
1. Identify which among the foundations of curriculum, has influenced what you have learned in school
as a college student?
2. How will the thinking of Abraham Maslow influence your teaching practice in the future
Content Focus
Building on Peter Oliva’s 10 Axioms for Curriculum Designers
As we begin to discuss about curriculum designing, all teachers need to know the
different axioms or theorems regarding curriculum as presented by Gordon, W., Taylor R.,
and Oliva P. in 2019. This axioms will be guide to be curriculist in designing a curriculum.
Axioms are principle that practitioners as curriculum designer can use as guidelines or a
frame of reference.
Building upon the ideas of Oliva, let us continue learning how to design a curriculum by
identifying its components. For most curricula the major components or elements are answers
to the following questions:
1. What learning outcomes need to be achieved? (Intended Learning Outcomes)
2. What content should be included to achieve the learning outcomes? (Subject Matter)
3. What learning experiences and resources should be employed? (Teaching-Learning
4. How will the achieved learning outcomes be measured? (Assessment of Achieved
Learning Outcomes)
Elements or Components of a Curriculum Design
There are many labels or names for curriculum design. Some would call it a syllabus, or a
lesson plan. Some would call it a unit plan or a course design. Whatever is the name of the
design, the common components for all of them are almost the same. However, some schools,
institutions or departments may add other minor parts or trimmings to the design.
Let us take the Lesson Plan as a miniscule curriculum. A lesson plan or teaching guide
includes (1) Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) or the Desired Learning Outcome (DLO) formerly
labelled as behavioral objectives, (2) Subject Matter or Content, (3) Teaching and Learning
Methods, and (4) Assessment Evaluation. Each of these components or elements is described
III. References
The reference follows the content. It tells where the content or subject matter has
been taken. The reference may be a book, a module, or any publication. It must bear
the author of the material and if possible, the publication. Some examples are given
1. Project Wild (1992) K to 12 Activity Guide, An Interdisciplinary,
Supplementary Conservation and Environmental Education Program. Council
of Environmental Education, Bethesda, MD.
2. Shipman, James and Jerry Wilson, et al (2009). An Introduction to Physical
Science. Houghton Mifflin Co. Boston MA
3. Romo, Salvador B. (2013). Horticulture an Exploratory Course. Lorimar
Publishing Inc. Quezon City
4. Bilbao, Purita P. and Corpuz, Brenda B. et al (2012). The Teaching Profession
2nd Ed. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Quezon City
Assessment may be formative (providing feedback to help the student learn more) or
summative (expressing a judgment on the student’s achievement by reference to stated criteria).
Many assessment tasks involve an element of both, e.g. an assignment that is marked and
returned to the student with detailed comments.
Summative assessment usually involves the allocation of marks or grades. This helps
the teacher make decisions about the progress or performance of the students.
Students usually learn more by understanding the strengths and weaknesses of their
work than by knowing the mark or grade given to it. For this reason, summative assessment
tasks (including unseen examinations) should include an element of formative feedback, if
Answer briefly:
1. Which one principle of Oliva is reflected in the Lesson Plan? Explain briefly.
2. If you were to improve the design, what will you add, or subtract or modify? Write your
re-design suggestion.
Which of the concepts do you clearly understand? Answer YES or NO to the questions
that follow.
Questions Answer
As a curricularist and curriculum designer… YES or NO
1. Do you think, curriculum change is inevitable?
2. Does curriculum change not consider the existing one?
3. Should curriculum be designed only by one person?
4. Should any change in curriculum include an evaluation process?
5. Does curriculum change mean total overhaul?
6. Should learning outcomes be considered only the expertise of the
7. Should teaching methods consider only the expertise of the teacher?
8. Are time tested methods like inductive and lecture no longer useful?
If you got 10 correct answers out of 10 items, Congratulations. You are now ready to
move to the next lesson. If otherwise, you need to review this lesson. Good luck.
Instructions: Provide answers to the incomplete sentences. After reading, this lesson on
fundamentals of curriculum designing or crafting a curriculum.
1. I realized that
2. I feel that
3. I need to
Page 54
Analyze the approaches in the light of how these are applied in the school setting.
Take Off
You have been familiarized with the preliminaries of making a simple design through
lesson plan components. You will further enrich your knowledge by looking into how other
curricularists approach the curriculum design. In this lesson, we will see how several examples of
curriculum designs are used in the schools and classrooms.
Content Focus
There are many ways of looking at curriculum and designing one. For our own purposes, let us
focus on the most widely used examples.
1. Subject-Centered Design
This is a curriculum design that focuses on the content of the curriculum. The subject-
centered design corresponds mostly to the textbook because textbooks are usually written based
the specific subject or course. Henry Morrison and William Harris are the few curricularists who
firmly believed in this design. As practiced, school hours are allocated to different school subjects
such as Science, Mathematics, Language, Social Studies, Physical Education, and others. This is
also practiced in the Philippines, because a school day is divided into class period, a school year
into quarters or semester. Most of the schools using this kind of structure and curriculum design
aim for excellence in the specific subject discipline content.
Subject-centered curriculum design has also some variations which are focused on the
individual subject, specific discipline and a combination of subjects or disciplines which are
a broad field or interdisciplinary.
Page 55
What subject are you teaching? What subject are you taking? These are two simple
questions that the teacher and the learner can easily answer. It is because they are familiar with
the subject design curriculum.
Subject design curriculum is the oldest and so far the most familiar design for teachers,
parents and other laymen. According to the advocates, subject design has an advantage because
it is easy to deliver. Textbooks are written and support instructional materials are commercially
available. Teachers are familiar with the format, because they were educated using also the
design. In the Philippine educational system, the number of subjects in the elementary education
is fewer than in the secondary level. In college, the number of subjects also differs according to
the degree programs being pursued. For each subject, a curriculum is being designed.
However, the drawback of this design is that sometimes, learning is so
compartmentalized. It stresses so much the content and forgets about students' natural
tendencies, interests and experiences. The teacher becomes the dispenser of knowledge and the
learners are the simply the empty vessel to receive the information or content from the teacher.
This is a traditional approach to teaching and learning.
This curriculum design model is related to the subject design. However, while subject
design centers only on the cluster of content, discipline design focuses on academic disciplines.
Discipline refers to specific knowledge learned through a method which the scholars use to study
a specific content of their fields. Students in history should learn the subject matter like
historians, students in biology should learn how the biologists learn, and so with students in
mathematics, who should learn how mathematicians learn. In the same manner, teachers should
teach how the scholars in the discipline will convey the particular knowledge.
Discipline design model of curriculum is often used in college, but not in the elementary or
secondary levels. So from the subject-centered curriculum, curriculum moves higher to a
discipline when the students are more mature and are already moving towards their career path
or disciplines as science, mathematics, psychology, humanities, history and others.
Page 56
1. Learner-Centered Design
Among progressive educational psychologists, the learner is the center of the educative
process. This emphasis is very strong in the elementary level, however, more concern has been
placed on the secondary and even the tertiary levels. Although in high school, the subject or content
has become the focus and in the college level, the discipline is the center, both levels still recognize
the importance of the learner in the curriculum.
Here are some examples of curriculum designs which are learner-centered.
1.1 Child-Centered Design.
This design is often attributed to the influence of John Dewey, Rouseau, Pestallozi and
Froebel. This curriculum design is anchored on the needs and interests of the child. The learner is
not considered a passive individual but one life who engages with his/her environment. One learns
by doing. Learners actively create, construct meanings and understanding as viewed by the
constructivists. In the child-centered design' pro learners interact with the teachers and the
environment, thus there is a collaborative effort on both sides to plan lessons select content and do
activities together. Learning is a product of the child's interaction with the environment.
Page 57
2. Problem-Centered Design
Generally, problem-centered design draws on social problems, needs, interest and abilities
of the learners. Various problems are given emphasis. There are those that center on life situations,
contemporary life problems, areas of living and many others. In this curriculum, content cuts across
subject boundaries and must be based on the needs, concerns and abilities of the students. Two
examples are given for the problem- centered design curriculum.
2.1 Life-Situations Design.
What makes the design unique is that the contents are organized in ways that allow students
to clearly view problem areas. It uses the past and the present experiences of learners as a means to
analyze the basic areas of living. As a starting point, the pressing immediate problems of the society
and the students' existing concerns are utilized. Based on Herbert Spencer's curriculum writing, his
emphases were activities that sustain life, enhance life, aid in rearing children, maintain the
individual's social and political relations and enhance leisure, tasks and feelings. The connection of
subject matter to real situations increases the relevance of the curriculum.
Page 58
Table 1: Overview of the Major Curriculum Designs (Ornstein A & Hunkins, F 2018)
Underlying Spokesperson/
Design Emphasis Source/Focus
Philosophy Champion
Essentialism Science, Harris,
Subject Design Separate Subject
Perennialisn Knowledge Hutchins
Broad-Fields Essentialism Science, Broudy,
subjects, scholarly
design Progressivism Knowledge Dewey
Separate subject,
Correlation disciplines linked Progressivism Alberty,
design but identities Essentialism Alberty
Child-Centered Child’s needs and
Progressivism Child Kilpatrick,
Design interest
Experienced- Child’s experience Dewey, Rugg,
Progressivism Child
Centered design and needs Shumaker
Humanistic Reconstructionism Psychology, Abraham
interest, needs of a
design Existentialism child, society Maslow, Carl
person and group
Problem-Centered design
Life-situation Life (social)
Reconstructionism Society Spencer
design problem
Child, focus on
society and the Open system Post
(or becoming Society Slattery
world, all reals of modernism
Reconstructionist Child, the teacher, Post
Open system Roth
design the world modernism
Page 59
Page 60
School X is anchored on the theory of multiple intelligences in all its curricular and co-
curricular activities. Every classroom provides activity centers where children can learn on their
own with the different learning resource materials. Learners can just choose which learning center
to engage in with different resources. This arrangement allows for the capacity of every learner to
be honed. It also allows learning how to learn, hence will develop independence. The teacher acts
as guide for every learner. The learner sets the goal that can be done within the frame of time.
Subject-Centered Approach.
This is anchored on a curriculum design which prescribes separate distinct subjects for
every educational level: basic education, higher education or vocational-technical education. This
approach considers the following principles:
1. The primary focus is the subject matter.
2. The emphasis is on bits and pieces of information which may be detached from life
3. The subject matter serves as a means of identifying problems of living.
4. Learning means accumulation of content, or knowledge.
5. Teacher's role is to dispense the content.
In another setting, School Y aims to produce the best graduates in the school district. Every
learner must excel in all academic subjects to be on top of every academic competition. The higher
the level of cognitive intelligence. the better the learner. Hence the focus of learning is mastery of
the subject matter in terms of content. Every student is expected to be always on top in terms of
mastery of discipline. Memorization and drill are important learning skills. The school gives
emphasis to intellectual development, and sets aside emotional, psychomotor and even value
development. Success means mastery of the content.
Problem-Centered Approach.
This approach is based on a design which assumes that in the process of living, children
experience problems. Thus, problem solving enables the learners to become increasingly able to
achieve complete or total development as individuals.
Page 61
This approach is characterized by the following views and beliefs:
1. The learners are capable of directing and guiding themselves in resolving problems, thus
developing every learner to be independent.
2. The learners are prepared to assume their civic responsibilities through direct participation in
different activities.
3. The curriculum leads the learners in the recognition of concerns and problems in seeking
solutions. Learners are problem solvers themselves.
Take Action
Identify what kind of design and approach are utilized in the following descriptions.
1. Choose one statement and reflect on it. What do you think and feel about it?
Statement No. 1- "Schools that approach the curriculum as subject-centered, make robots out of the
Statement No. 2- "In schools where child-centeredness is the approach, discipline is weak."
Statement No. 3- "Students are too young to solve life's problem, why should they do problem
solving in school?"
Lesson 3.3 Curriculum Mapping and Curriculum Quality Audit
Take Off
Content Focus
Curriculum Mapping
Curriculum mapping is a model for designing, refining, upgrading and reviewing the
curriculum resulting in a framework that provides form, focus and function (Hale and
Dunlap, 2010). It is a reflective process tat helps teachers understand what has been taught
in class., how it has been taught and how learning outcomes are assessed. This process was
introduced by Heidi Hayes Jacobs in 2004 in her book Getting results with Curriculum
Mapping (ASCD, 2004). This approach is an ongoing process or “work-in-progress”. It is
not a one time initiative but a continuing action, which involves the teacher and other
stakeholders. Who have common concerns. Curriculum mapping can be done by.
teachers alone, a group of teachers teaching the same subject, the department, the whole
school or district or the whole educational system.
Some curricularists would describe curriculum mapping as making a map to
success. There are common questions that are asked by different stakeholders, like
teachers, colleagues, parents, school officials and the community as well. These questions
may include:
1. What do my students learn?
2. What do they study in the first quarter?
3. What are they studying in the school throughout the year?
4. Do my co-teachers who handle the same subject, cover the same content? Achieve
the same outcomes? Use similar strategies?
5. How do I help my students understand the connections between my subjects and
other subjects within the year? Next year?
You will find Example A as a component of an OBE-Inspired syllabus for the higher
education. However, this can be modified for basic education to serve the specific purpose
as you will see in some maps.
Curriculum maps provide quality control of what are taught in schools to maintain
excellence, efficiency and effectiveness. It is intended to improve instruction and maintain
quality of education that all stakeholders need to be assured of.
Sometimes, parents and teachers would ask questions like: “Why is my friend’s son
studying decimals in Mr. Bernardo’s class and own son is not studying the same in Miss
Julia’s class when they are of the same grade level?” or “Why do some of my students
recognize the parts of speech while others are totally lost?”
Parents, teachers and the whole educational community can look at the curriculum
map to see that intended outcomes and content are covered. A map can reassure
stakeholders specific information for pacing, and alignment of the subject horizontally or
vertically. It will also avoid redundancy, inconsistencies and misalignment. Courses that
are not correctly aligned will allow teachers to quickly assess the mastery of the skills in
the previous grade, to avoid unnecessary reteaching.
Horizontal alignment, called sometimes as “pacing guide”, will make all teachers,
teaching the same subject in a grade level follow the same timeline and accomplishing the
same learning outcomes. This is necessary for state-mandated, standard-based assessment
that we have in schools. Vertical alignment, will see to it that concept development which
may be in hierarchy or in spiral form does not overlap but building from a simple to more
complicated concepts and skills. Alignment, either vertical or horizontal, will also develop
interdisciplinary connections among teachers and students, between and among courses.
Teachers can verify that skills and content are addressed in other courses or to higher levels,
thus making learning more relevant.
A curriculum map is always a work in progress, that enables the teacher or the
curriculum review team to create and recreate the curriculum. It provides a good
information for modification of curriculum, changing of standards and competencies in
order to find ways to build connections in the elements of the curricula.
Example A: Excerpt from DepEd Curriculum Guide for Science 3 shows a sample of a map
for Quarter 1 and 2. A column for Code was not included..
per Quarter
Sample B - Curriculum Map for Bachelor of Elementary Education (Professional
Education Courses)
L- Learned outcomes (knowledge, skills, values)/outcomes achieved in the subject
P- Practised the learned outcomes (knowledge, skills, values).
O- Opportunity to learn and practise (opportunities to learn and practise knowledge,
skills and values but not taught formally).
1. Not all professional subjects are entered in the matrix.
2. Desired outcomes for the professional courses are:
1. Using the Sample Al for Science Curriculum Map, what knowledge and
understanding have you learned? Analyze the matrix and answer the questions that
1.1 What are the main clusters of science content that students should learn from G 3
to G10?
1.2 How does science content progress from Grade 3 to Grade 10?
1.3 When you look at and analyze the map, what summary ideas can you give?
1.4 Science curriculum is spiral. How do you explain that in terms of what you see in
the map?
2.2 What is your interpretation of the colored cell with “Learned” that crossed between
subject Social Dimensions and PO5, Facilitate learning of different types of
learners in diverse learning environment?
2.3 What does the colored “Opportunity” in the cell of the subject Curriculum
Development that crosses with the PO6 “Direct experience in the field and
classroom” (observations, teaching assistance, practice teaching)?
Make a wise decision. Show me that you understood the lesson. Know the difference
between YES and NO answer to each of the question.
Reflect on the process of curriculum mapping and the sample curriculum map in
this lesson. As a future teacher, how will the process of mapping and the map as a tool help
you in your profession?
Curriculum Quality Audit
Curriculum Quality Audit (CQA) is a form of curriculum mapping. It is a process
of mapping the curricular program or syllabus against established standards. This process
is supported by Susan Rafe when she said that the best practice in curriculum development
and implementation require that discipline based standards embody curricular and program
scopes and sequences (Arafeh, 2016, p. 585) The curriculum quality audit requires a written
curriculum and the tested curriculum linked to both the taught and the written curricula.
For those who want to engage in curriculum quality audit, the following questions
are worth considering:
2. How does the school system conform to the standards of quality in instructional
organization like specificity, quality and scope for teaching, learning and
3. Are all students achieving success equally and effectively? If not, what can be done
about it?
The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) can be used as anchor
in curriculum quality audit. The PPST aims to set clear expectations of teachers along well.
Defined career stages of professional development from beginning to distinguished
practice. The Philippines has adopted and implemented the PPST through the Department
of Education Order (DO) 42, s. 2017. Teacher educators, program heads, curriculum
planners may refer to the PPST to ‘quality audit’ the pre-service teacher education
curriculum as basis for quality assurance provision of teacher education.
The first CQA In teacher education curriculum in the Philippines was initiated by
the Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ), the Philippine Normal University, Cebu
Normal University, West Visayas University, Western Mindanao State University and other
member universities of the National Network of Normal Schools (3Ns). Using the
curriculum quality audit (CQA) process, pre- service syllabi were mapped to the PPST to
ensure that standards for beginning teachers (career stage 1) are addressed in the pre-
service curriculum. Using the CQA, teacher educators are assured that pre-service teachers
embody the competencies of beginning teachers as they practice their profession in the
Department of Education.
There are other standards that can used in the CQA aside from the PPST. CHED
CMOS 74 to 83 are standards set by the Commission on Higher Education, specific to the
degree program being offered and the teachers who are the outcomes of the programs. They
have both the generic standards for all teacher education degree programs and specific
standards for each degree program. For example CMO 74. S. 2017 contain the standards
for Bachelor of Elementary Education, or for teachers who will teach in the elementary
level and CMO 75, s. 2017 contain the standards for Bachelor of Secondary Education or
for teachers who will teach in the secondary level.
Aside from the national standards for teachers, there are also international standards
for globalization like the Competency Framework for Teachers in Southeast Asia (CFT-
SEA) of SEAMEO and SEAMES and the European Tuning Asia Southeast (TASE) teacher
Let’s Apply
A. Get a copy of the syllabus in professional education. Identify one or two
topics and the corresponding specific outcomes, learning activities and
assessment tasks. Determine the beginning teacher indicator’s being
addressed if any. Is there alignment in the learning outcomes, activities and
assessment tasks that address the beginning teacher indicators? Why and
why not?
Course Title::
Course Description:
1. Study the beginning teacher indicators in the PPST. As a pre- service teacher, list
the beginning teacher indicators that you have already acquired as a result of your
teacher education training Share your answers with your seatmate.
1. What happens when a graduate from teacher education program lacks the
competencies/standards of a beginning teacher?
2. How can CQA as a process help the teacher education institutions and teacher
educators achieve compliance to standards
Chapter 3
The Teacher
and The School Implementing the Curriculum
The Teacher as a Curriculum Implementor
Module 4
and a Manager
Module Overview:
The next step after a curriculum planning and designing is implementing it.
As a teacher, this is one of the major roles that you do in the school. Many of
the curricula that you use may have been recommended and written down. Your task
is to implement such. Daily your plan should be ready for implementation. The
success of learning depends on your implementation effort.
There is a miniscule curriculum like your lesson plan, or a big one like the K
to 12 curriculum. You will be both an implementor and a manager of these curricula.
You will put action to what has been planned and designed. It is you, the teacher, who
will add more meaning to the various activities in the classroom. This is what we call
teaching styles. You have to make the day of the learners interesting, engaging and
unforgettable. No curriculum should stop at planning or designing phase. It has to be
Take Off
We hear teachers say: "Here goes again, another curricular change! We are
already overloaded! Why do we have to do this?"
This is a common voice that we hear from teachers and curriculum implementors.
But as we mentioned earlier, change is inevitable in curriculum development. To
relevant, we need to change- a change for the better and it can be obviously seen
through implementation.
Content Focus
Loucks and Lieberman (1983) define curriculum implementation as the trying out
of a new practice and what it looks like when actually used in a school system. It
simply means that implementation should bring the desired change and improvement.
Kurt Lewin (1951), the father of social psychology explains the process of
change. The model can be used to explain curriculum change and implementation.
In the education landscape, there are always two forces that oppose each other.
These are the driving force and the restraining force. When these two forces are equal,
the state is equilibrium, or balance. There will be a status quo, hence there will be no
change. The situation or condition will stay the same. However, when the driving
force overpowers the restraining force, then change will occur. If the opposite
happens that is when the restraining force is stronger than the driving force, change is
prevented. This is the idea of Kurt Lewin in his Force Field Theory.
We shall use this theory to explain curriculum change. The illustration below
shows that there are driving forces on the left and the resisting forces on the right. If
you look at the illustration there is equilibrium. If the driving force is equal to the
restraining force, will change happen? Do you think, there will be curriculum change
in this situation? Why?
4. Perturbations. These are changes that are disruptive, but teachers have to
adjust to them within a fairly short time. For example, if the principal changes
the time schedule because there is a need to catch up with the national testing
time or the dean, the teacher has to shorten schedule to accommodate
unplanned extracurricular activities.
There are simple stages in the developmental change process for the teachers.
First, is orientation and preparation. The initial use is very mechanical or routinary.
However, as the skills are honed and mastery of the routine is established, refinement
follows. This means adjustments are made to better meet the needs of the learners and
achieve the learning outcomes. In this step, there will be continuous reflection,
feedback and refinement.
Support from peers, principals, external stakeholders will add to the success of
implementation. When teachers share ideas, work together, solve problems, create
new materials, and celebrate success, more likely that curriculum implementation will
be welcomed.
Take Action
1. What factors make the K to 12 succeed? Write these on the left column A.
You may not fill up all the boxes..
2. What factors make the K to 12 difficult to succeed? Write these on the right
column B. You may not fill up all the boxes.
3. You see that the middle portion is the word equilibrium or balance.
2. Describe what the teacher is doing for at least the whole period.
3.2 What did the teacher do, to make the learners engage in the activities?
3.5 Did the learners and the teacher together achieve the desired learning
outcomes? Explain
Perfect Match
In column A are concepts about curriculum implementation. Connect a line
from the box on the left (A) to the arrow on the right (B) of the correct match.
Column A Column B
Concepts Meaning/Description
• Implementing ➢ Minor curriculum change like the use of e-
portfolio instead of portfolio as an artifact.
• Restructuring ➢ Progressive steps from orientation to reflection
about the curriculum that is a characteristic of
a curriculum implementation.
• Developmental ➢ Major curriculum change like shifting from
face-to- face to online in the delivery of an
academic program.
• Alteration ➢ Curriculum process of putting into action what
has been planned and designed.
• Change Process ➢ Process that ensures that the curriculum brings
about something different and better than
before in the desired learning outcomes.
Take Off
A teaching activity is like implementing a miniscule curriculum. A daily lesson is based
on a planned or written curriculum, which will be put to action by the teacher in the classroom.
Before the lesson ends the teacher must find out if the students have truly learned. Let us see how
this process will be shown.
Somehow the two are similar, however the highest level of cognition in the revised
version, is creating. Take note that the original version is stated as nouns while the revised version
is stated as verbs which implies more active form of thinking.
Another revision is the expansion of the concept of Knowledge which was not given
emphasis nor discussed thoroughly before.
Levels of Knowledge
1. Factual knowledge- ideas, specific data or information
2. Conceptual knowledge- words or ideas known by common name, common features, and
multiple specific examples which may either be concrete or abstract. Concepts are facts
that interrelate with each other to function together.
3. Procedural knowledge- how things work, step-by-step actions, methods of inquiry.
4. Metacognitive knowledge- knowledge of cognition in general, awareness of knowledge
of one's own cognition, thinking about thinking.
There are many ways of teaching for the different kinds of learners. Corpuz &
Salandanan, (2013) enumerated the following approaches and methods, which may be
useful for the different kinds of learners. Some are time tested methods, while others are
non-conventional constructivist methods.
Teachers have to take into consideration that the different strategies should match with the
learning styles of the students.
Students have different learning styles. There are many classifications of learning styles
according to the different authors. The Multiple Intelligence Theory of Howard Garner
implies several learning styles, but for our lesson, we will just focus on the three learning
styles which are Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic. These three preferred styles can help
teachers choose the method and the materials they will use.
So what instructional support materials will the teachers use, according to the learning
styles and the outcomes to be achieved? Here are some guidelines.
1. Use of direct purposeful experience through learning by doing retains almost all of the
learning outcomes. Ninety percent of learning is retained. Examples are field trip, field
study, community immersion, practice teaching.
2. Participation in class activities, discussion, reporting and similar activities where learners
have the opportunity to talk and write. Seventy percent of learning is remembered.
Examples are small group discussion, buzz session, individual reporting, role play, panel.
4. By just looking at still pictures, paintings, illustrations and drawings, will allow the
retention of around 30% of the material content.
5. By hearing as in lecture, sermon, monologues, only 20% is remembered.
Regardless of the amount of remembering from the concrete to abstract, each layer
contributes to learning and requires instruction support materials.
Visual: Concrete (flat, 3-dimensional, realias, models, etc.) or abstract (verbal symbols,
Audio: recordings of sounds, natural or artificial Audio-Visual: Combination of what can
be seen and heard
Kinesthetic: Manipulative materials like modelling clay, rings, dumb bells, equipments,
Experiential: utilize all modalities
This lesson plan will show the basic component of any plan. This can be applied to any
subject that follows a generic format.
4. State that if the force moves the object towards the person, it is a pull
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Review of Prior Learning/Past Lesson
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
1.1. Bring children to observe outside the classroom to identify things or objects
that are moving
1.2 Ask the children to report their observation in the class.
2. Pre-laboratory Activities
2.1 Let the learners recall the standards during a laboratory activity.
3. Laboratory Activity
3.2 Activity 1: Force: Can it Push or Pull? 3.3 Each group records observation for
exhibit and reporting.
4. Post-Laboratory Activity
4.1 After the report, display the work in front of the classroom.
4.2 Analyze each group result with the whole class.
4.3 Make agreements on the results that lead to conceptualization.
5. Conceptualization
5.1 Throw the following questions to the class to elicit their formed concepts.
i. What is needed to move the object from one place to another? (Force is
needed to move the object.)
ii. How will you move with a force if you want the object to go far from
you? (Push the object away.)
iii. How will you move with a force, if you want the object to move near
you? (Pull the object near.)
6. Application
6.1 Do you have enough force to push the wall? Try it.
6.2 Do you have enough force to pull a box? Try it.
6.3 Do you have enough force to push a chair? Try it
2. You want the chair to be nearer you, so your best friend can sit, what will you do?
3. A table is blocking the way. You wanted to remove it farther to provide a passage.
What will you do?
a. Break the table b. Push the table to the side c. Pull the table.
V. Assignment
At home, list four objects that you can push or pull. What did you use to pull or push the
Finding out what has been achieved: Assessing achieved outcomes
At the end of the activity, the teacher will find out if the intended learning outcomes (ILO) have
been converted into achieved learning outcomes (ALO).
Tests and other tools are utilized at the end of the lesson to identify this. What Knowledge,
Process Understanding and Performance (KPUP) are demonstrated by the learners? The rule of
thumb is what has been taught should be measured, to find out if the intended outcomes set at the
beginning has been achieved. More detailed discussion will be found in the Module on
Evaluation of the curriculum.
Take Action
Activity 2:
Matching the Teaching Strategies with Learning Style in Curriculum
Congratulations Future Teacher!
Now that you have identified your own learning style, what strategy or method of
teaching will be most appropriate for you? Look for 4 members from among your classmates who
have similar learning style with you. Make a group Lesson Plan that is most appropriate for your
group, using the basic components as Education. prescribed by the Department of Education.
I. Objectives
II. Subject Matter
III. Procedure
IV. Assessment
V. Assignment
Reflect on and answer the statement below, based on the lesson you learned in this
Take Off
After learning fundamental concepts about the curriculum, it's nature and development, comes
the practical phase of curriculum implementation. Appropriately, the significance of technology in
curriculum development deserves discussion.
The role of technology in the curriculum springs from the very vision of the e-Philippine plan (e
stands for electronic). Thus it is stated: "an electronically enabled society where all citizens live in an
environment that provides quality education, efficient government services, greater sources of livelihood
and ultimately a better way of life through enhanced access to appropriate technologies." (International
workshop on emerging technologies. Thailand, December 14-16, 2005). This points to the need for an e-
curriculum, or a curriculum which delivers learning consonant with the Information Technology and
Communications Technology (ICT) revolution. This framework presupposes that curriculum delivery
adopts ICT as an important tool in education while users implement teaching-learning strategies that
conform to the digital environment. Following a prototype outcomes- based syllabus, this same concept is
brought about through a vision for teachers to be providers of relevant, dynamic and excellent education
programs in a post-industrial and technological Philippine society. This among the educational goals
desired for achievement is the honing of competencies and skills of a new breed of students, now better
referred to as a generation competent in literacies to the 3 Rs (or reading, 'riting and 'rithmetic) but
influences, more particularly problem-solving fluency, information access and retrieval of texts/images
sound video fluency, social networking fluency, medica fluence, and digital creativity fluency.
Content Focus
Instructional media may also be referred to as media technology e learning technology, or simply
technology. Technology plays a crucial role in delivering instruction to leaners .
Technology offers various tools of learning and these range from non-projected and projected
media from which the teacher can choose depending on what he/she sees fit with the intended
instructional setting For example, will a chalkboard presentation be sufficient in illustrating mathematical
procedure; will a video clip be needed for motivating learners?
In the process, what ensues is objective-matching where the teacher decides on what media or
technology to use to help achieve the se teaming objectives
Non-projected media Projected media
Real objects Overhead transparencies
Models Opaque projection
Field trips Slides
Kits Filmstrips
Printed materials (books worksheets) Films
Visuals (drawings, photographs, Video, VCD, DVD
Graphs, charts, posters) Computer/ multimedia presentations
Visual boards (chalkboard, whiteboard, flannel
board, etc.)
Audio materials
Table 2-Types of Instructional Media/Technology
2. Appropriateness in relation to the leaners. Is the medium suitable to the learners’ ability to
Comprehend? Will the medium be a source of plain amusement or entertainment, but not a
3. Activity/suitability. Will the chosen media fit the set instructional event, resulting in either
information, motivation, or psychomotor display?
4. Objective-matching. Overall, does the medium help in achieving the learning objective(s)?
● Increasing the capability of the teacher to effectively inculcate learning, and for students to gain
mastery of lessons and courses;
● broadening the delivery of education outside schools through non-traditional approaches to formal and
informal learning, such as Open Universities and lifelong learning to adult learners and
● revolutionizing the use of technology to boost educational paradigm shifts that give importance to
student-centered and holistic learning.
These primary roles are based on the framework of Technology. Driven Teaching and Learning
called TPACK (1) Technological Knowledge, (2) Pedagogical Knowledge and (3) Content Knowledge)
TPACK shows that there is a direct interconnectedness of the three components, thus in teaching-learning
process, a teacher should always ask and find the correct answer to the following questions for every
1. What shall I teach? (Content knowledge)
2. How shall I teach the content? (Pedagogical knowledge)
3. What technology will I use in how the teach the content? (Technological knowledge)
Below is the diagram of the TPACK as a Framework in the Teaching and Learning. Detailed explanation
and discussion covered in the course Technology for Teaching and Learning 1.
Figure 1-TPACK Framework (Koehler, 2006)
A. Assess a visual material or presentation (Transparency or Power Point Slides Presentation)
Using the criteria below, check YES if it complies with the criteria or make X if it does
not comply with the criteria
Criteria Yes No
(✔️) (✖️)
1. Lettering style or font (consistent and with
2. Number of lettering style (not more than 2
in a slide)
3. Use of Capitals (Titles or Headings, not
more than 6 words)
4. Lettering colors-easy to read. Use of
contrast for emphasis
5. Letter size- can be read even at the back of
the classroom.
6. Spacing between letter- equal and even
7. Spacing between lines-not too close as to
blur at a distance
8. Number of lines- not more than 8 lines of
the text in each slide
9. Appeal-catchy two dimensional interactive,
with animation
10. Use of designs, illustrations, contrasting
colors, animation
B. Analyze the group Lesson Plan that you made in Take Action using the illustration of the TPACK
Framework and provide answer to the four major questions below.
Take Action
Class activity: Make students in groups decide on (a) a specific lesson to be taught (b) learning
objectives (c) choice of media (d) preparing in grid form a Lesson Plan, as in the following example
Subject : Science
Level : Grade 6
Class size : 45 students
Duration : 2 periods (2 hours)
Lesson : Saving Our Earth
Topic : Natural resources
Instructional media
2. The mastery approach appears time-consuming and difficult Do you believe practice and
experience can overcome these difficulties?
4. Should the effective use of media be also assessed by the teacher? Why?
Stakeholders in Curriculum
Lesson 4.4 Implementation
Take Off
Who are involved in curriculum and curriculum development? These are the
persons who we call the stakeholders. Stakeholders are individuals or institutions that are
interested in the curriculum. They get involved in many different ways. You must be one of
them. Together with the teachers, school managers, parents and even the whole
community have interest in the curriculum. We will all meet them in this lesson.
Content Focus
Curriculum Stakeholders
1. Learners are at the core of the curriculum.
To what extent are the students involved in curriculum development? The old
view that students are mere recipients of the curriculum, is now changing. Learners
have more dynamic participation from the planning, designing, implementing and
evaluating. However, the degree of their involvement is dependent on their maturity.
The older they are in high school or college, the more they participate. From another
angle, whether learners are in the elementary or college level, they can make or break
curriculum implementation by their active or non-involvement. After all, learners
together with the teachers, put action to the curriculum.
At the end of the curriculum development process, the fundamental question
asked is: Have the students learned?
When some college students were asked about their role in curriculum
development, here are their answers.
Student 1. Never realize that as a student. I have a parte m curriculum development. It is true
that as our learning is the basis of the success or failure the curriculum. For example, if all of us
pass the board examination, it means that the teacher education curriculum is a success
Student 2: In high school our teachers would always look into who we are learning. The whole
year round, we have varied curricular and co-curricular activities inside the class think we as
students, should be considered in writing the curriculum
Student 3: When we were in the elementary level, our lessons were very simple. But now that
we are in college, the content we learn has become complicated. I learned that actually, our
curriculum is spiral, and that the difficulty of the subject matter is also adjusted to our maturity
Why do curricularists place of lot of premium on the students? It is because, the learners make
the curriculum alive. A written curriculum that does not consider the students, will have a little
chance to succeed
Teachers are stakeholders who plan, design, teach, implement and evaluate the
curriculum. No doubt, most the important person in curriculum implementation is the teacher.
Teachers’ influence upon learners cannot be measured. Better teachers foster better learning.
But teachers need to continue with their professional development to contribute to the success
of curriculum implementation. Teachers should have full knowledge of the program philosophy,
content and components of curriculum and ways of teaching.
A teacher designs, enriches and modifies the curriculum to suit the learners’
characteristics. As curriculum developers, teachers are part of textbook committees, teacher
selection, school evaluation committee or textbooks and module writers themselves.
When a curriculum has already been written, the teacher’s role is to implement it like a
technician, however, teachers are reflective persons. They put their hearts into what they do.
They are very mindful that in the center of everything they do, is the learner.
Some of the roles that the teachers do in curriculum implementation Let us no are:
All these roles are very crucial to achieve success in the implementation.
Unsuccessful implementation may even lead to educational failure.
Student I believe my teachers know very well our curriculum. She knows what to teach and
how to reach it well. I do not miss my class everyday because she guides us in all our lesson
activities. Without our teacher, I am not sure if we can learn more than what we are
achieving now.
Truly, the teacher has a great stake in the curriculum. Curriculum planning,
designing and implementing are in the hands of a good teacher. In the educational
setting, it is clear that the teacher has a very significant role in curriculum
Let us listen to the two school heads on how they understand the stakes on the
Head Teacher: Leading a small school in a far flung barrio has its pros and cons, First,
there are few teachers to supervise and fewer students to support. As a proactive
school head. I always see to it that we keep pace with the changes in the school
curriculum. While preparing for the implementation of K to 12. I realize that
change process is inevitable. My teachers have to be retrained, and their attitudes
should be changed I am responsible in seeing to it that the curriculum is
implemented as it should be and at the end of the year, our school can show
evidence that learning has taken place as designed by the K to 12 recommended
1. Parents
Parents are significant school partners. Besides the students.
Teachers and school administrators, play an important role in curriculum
implementation. When children bring home a homework from school, some
parents are unable to help. Schools need to listen to parents’ concerns about
school curriculum like textbooks, school activities, grading systems and
others. Schools have one way of engaging parents’ cooperation through
Brigada Eskwela. In this. Event, parents will be able to know the situation in
the school. Most often parents volunteer to help. They can also be tapped in
various co-curricular activities as chaperones to children in Boy and Girl
Scouting, Science Camping and the like. Parents may not directly be involved
in curriculum implementation, but they are formidable partners for the
success of any curriculum development endeavor.
Parent: I am proud that my child goes to this school. The teachers are hardworking
and the school head is very supportive. On my part, I always cooperate
with the school’s concern that will make my child learn. I volunteer for work
where I am needed. We, parents, support the Brigada Eskwela and other
school activities. If they call on us parents, we always answer their request.
We also make suggestions on how the parents at home can assist in the
learning of the children.
How do parents help shape the curriculum in schools? Here are some observations.
Take Action
Activity 1: Learn More, Make an Interview
With the use of the interview protocol below, ask two persons (ex: 1
student and 1 teacher OR 1 teacher and one LGU) among the
Stakeholders. Record your interview data and report to the class.
Name of School:
Lead Questions:
1. What do you know about the curriculum that is taught in this school?
5.. What is your most important involvement that contributed to the learning of the students?
Give specific example.
6. Would you like to continue what you are doing for the school curriculum? Why?
Note to interviewers:
1. You may use tape recorder or write your answers on your field notebook.
2. Consolidate the answers and write your report for two individual samples in paragraph form.
3. Submit to your faculty facilitator and make and share to the whole class. Your experiences
Self check:
Stakeholders: How are they involved in curriculum implementation?
Enter in the matrix the stakeholders and identity their involvement in curriculum
Stakeholders Involvement
The Teacher
and The School Evaluating the Curriculum
This module is all about curriculum evaluation in the context of its definition and the role of the
teacher as an evaluator. It will present the ways of evaluating the curriculum as written, planned or
implemented. It will reference popular curriculum models currently used in educational programs here and
Curriculum evaluation is a component of curriculum development that responds to public
accountability. It looks into educational reforms or innovations that happen in the teacher's classrooms, the
school, district, division or the whole educational system as well. It is establishing the merit and worth of a
curriculum. Merit refers to the value and worth of the curriculum. Test results will only be used as one of the
pieces of evidence of evaluation. For in the end, the purpose of evaluation is to improve and not to prove.
Curriculum evaluation is premised on the concept of alignment of planned, written and implemented
curriculum. It is an attempt to answer two big questions as:
1. Do planned courses, programs, activities as written an implemented produce desired outcomes?
2. How can these school curricula be improved?
Take Off
Curriculum evaluation is a new idea for many teachers, not knowing that everyday, the teacher is involved
in several components of evaluation. There are two ways of looking at curriculum evaluation
1. Curriculum Program Evaluation Refers to the overall aspects of a curriculum as a subject, degree
program, curriculum reform program and the like Some examples are: The Curriculum Development as
a Subject, Bachelor of Education as a degree, K to 12 as a reform, Outcomes-Based Education as a
Process, Mother Tongue Based Multi-lingual Education as a program evaluation will be using program
evaluation models like Bradley Effectiveness Model, Tyler's Objective Centered Model, Stufflebeam's
CIPP Model, and Scriven's Consumer-Oriented Model among others.
2. Components of a Curricular Program. This will cover separate evaluation for a curriculum component
such as (1) Achieved Learning Outcomes (2) Teaching Learning Process (3) Instruction Materials (4)
Assessment of the Learning Outcomes
Curricular program component evaluation refers directly to the assessment of curriculum contents and
processes as implemented everyday in view of the learning outcomes as either formative or summative.
The first lesson will attempt to teach us how to look into curriculum evaluation from two examples which
are curriculum program evaluation using the curriculum evaluation models and curriculum evaluation of the
specific component of curriculum program as in instructional materials evaluation (Books or Modules)
Lesson 2 will be all about curriculum evaluation in the classroom for the formative and summative
assessment of the achieved learning outcomes.
Content Focus
Curriculum Evaluation:
Do you have a clear understanding of what curriculum evaluation is all about? Is it synonymous to
assessment of learning? An analysis of the various definitions reveals that evaluation is both a process and a
tool. As a process it follows a procedure based on models and frameworks
Module 5-Curriculum Evaluation and the Teacher
Lesson 5.1-What, Why and How to Evaluate a Curriculum
to get to the desired results. As a tool, it will help teachers and program implementers to judge the worth and
merit of the program and innovation or curricular change. For both process and a tool, the results of evaluation
will be the basis to IMPROVE curriculum.
Let's look at how curricularists define curriculum evaluation. Read what each of them say.
Persons Definitions
Ornstein, A. & Hunkins, F. (1998) Curriculum evaluation is a process done in order to
gather data that enables one to decide whether to
accept, change, eliminate the whole curriculum of a
recommendations that will enhance achieved learning outcomes. This is the basis of decision making
In curriculum evaluation, important processes were evolved such as (a.) needs assessment, (b)
monitoring, (c) terminal assessment and (d) decision making.
Curriculum Evaluation Models
Curriculum models by Ralph Tyler and Hilda Taba end with evaluation. Evaluation is a big idea that
collectively tells about the value or worth of something that was done.
How can a merit or worth of an aspect of a curriculum be determined? Curriculum specialists have
proposed an array of models which are useful for classroom teachers and practitioners. Let us look at some of
1. Bradley Effectiveness Model
In 1985, L.H. Bradley wrote a hand book on Curriculum Leadership and Development. This
book provides indicators that can help measure the effectiveness of a developed or written curriculum.
For purposes of the classroom teachers, some of the statements were simplified.
First, you have to identify what curriculum you will evaluate. Example: Elementary Science
Curriculum, Teacher Education Curriculum, Student Teaching Curriculum, Field Study Curriculum.
Then find out if the curriculum you are evaluating answers Yes or No. Answering Yes to all the
questions means, good curriculum as described by Bradley.
Instruction Based on ➢ Are lesson plans/ syllabi/ course design derived from
Curriculum the curriculum and strategies? Are materials used
correlated with the content, objectives, and activities?
Long Range Planning ➢ Is review cycle followed within the period of planning
and implementation of the curriculum?
Positive Human Relations ➢ Did the initial thoughts about the curriculum come
from teachers, principals, curriculum leaders and other
Planned Change ➢ Are there tangible evidence to show that the internal
and external publics the developed program?
If any of the indicators is answered with a "No", actions should be made to make it Yes.
Using all the steps to evaluate the curriculum and obtaining all YES answer would mean the
curriculum has PASSED the standards. Tyler's model of evaluating the curriculum is relatively easy to
understand which many teachers can follow.
1. Daniel Stufflebeam's Context, Input, Process, Product Model
The(CIPP) The CIPP Model of Curriculum Evaluation was a product of the Phi Delta Kappa committee
chaired by Daniel Stufflebeam. The model emphasized that the result of evaluation should provide data for
decision making. There are four stages of program operation. These include (1) CONTEXT EVALUATION,
any evaluator can take only any of the four stages as the focus of evaluation.
⚫ Context Evaluation- assesses needs and problems in the context for decision makers to determine the
goals and objectives of the program/curriculum.
⚫ Input Evaluation- assesses alternative means based on the inputs for the achievement of objectives to help
decision makers to choose options for optimal means.
⚫ Process Evaluation- monitors the processes both to ensure that the means are actually being implemented and
make necessary modifications.
⚫ Product evaluation- compares actual ends with intended ends and leads to a series of recycling decisions.
Module 5-Curriculum Evaluation and the Teacher
Lesson 5.1-What, Why and How to Evaluate a Curriculum
For all the four stages, the six steps are suggested.
Stages of the CIPP Model Steps Taken in All the Stages
1. Context Evaluation Step 1: Identify the kind of decision to be made.
2. Input Evaluation Step 2: Identify the kinds of data to make that decision.
3. Process Evaluation Step 3: Collect the data needed.
Step 4 Identifies the stated real purposes of the program and the various audiences.
Step 5 Identifies the problems of the curriculum evaluation at hand and identifies an evaluation
design with needed data.
Step 6 Selects the means needed to collect data or information.
Step 7 Implements the data collection procedure.
Step 8 Organizes the information into themes.
Step 9 Decides with stakeholders the most appropriate formats for the report.
5. Scriven Consumer Oriented Evaluation. Michael Scriven, in 1967 introduced this evaluation among many
others when education products flooded the market. Consumers of educational products which are needed
to support an implemented curriculum often use consumer-oriented evaluation. These products are used
in schools which require a purchasing decision. These products include textbooks, modules, educational
technology like softwares and other instructional materials. Even teachers and schools themselves
nowadays write and produce these materials for their own purposes.
Consumer-oriented evaluation uses criteria and checklist as a tool for either formative or summative
evaluation purposes. The use of criteria and checklist was proposed by Scriven for adoption by educational
An example of an Instructional Material Review Form by Marvin Patterson of Florida State University
is adapted for better understanding.
--------------Retain for further review
Publisher: (Comments)
Copyright date:
Material Evaluator:
Module 5-Curriculum Evaluation and the Teacher
Lesson 5.1-What, Why and How to Evaluate a Curriculum
3. Reading level is appropriate for most students who will use the material.
10. Degree of match between learning activities and intended learning outcomes.
11. Quality of test items and degree of match with intended learning outcomes
12. Quality of direction on how students will process through the materials
16. Optional (List course map competencies covered by the instructional material)
Using the checklist for instructional material review or evaluation may help any curricularist make a
decision as to which textbook, modules or any instructional support material will be used, revised, modified
or rejected.
A Simple Way of Curriculum Evaluation Process For a very simple and practical way of curriculum
evaluation, responding to the following questions will provide an evaluation data for curriculum decision.
Just ask the following questions and any NO answer to an item will indicate a need for a serious curriculum
evaluation process.
1. Does the curriculum emphasize learning outcomes?
2. Does the implemented curriculum require less demands?
3. Can this curriculum be applied to any particular level? (kindergarten, elementary, secondary, tertiary
4. Can the curriculum aspects be assessed as (a) written (b) taught (c) supported (d) tested and (e) learned?
5. Does the curriculum include formative assessment?
6. Does the curriculum include summative assessment?
7. Does the curriculum provide quantitative methods of assessment?
8. Does the curriculum provide for qualitative methods of assessment?
9. Can the curriculum provide the data needed for decision making?
10. Are the findings of evaluation available to stakeholders?
In summary, whatever models of curriculum evaluation to be used, ASCD, 1983 suggests the following
Steps in Conducting a Curriculum Evaluation
Steps What to Consider
1. Identifying primary audiences ⚫ Curriculum Program Sponsors, Managers and
Administrators, School Heads, Participants
(Teachers and Students) Content Specialist; other
2. Identifying critical issues/problems ⚫ Outcomes (expected, desired, intended) Process
(Implementation) Resources (Inputs)
3. Identifying data source ⚫ People (teachers, students, parents, curriculum
developers) Existing documents; Available
records; Evaluation Studies.
Module 5-Curriculum Evaluation and the Teacher
Lesson 5.1-What, Why and How to Evaluate a Curriculum
4. Identifying techniques for collecting data ⚫ Standardized Test, Informal tests; Samples of
Students Work; Interviews; Participant
Observations, Checklist, Anecdotal records.
5. Identifying established standards and criteria ⚫ Standards previously set by agency (DepEd,
CHED, Professional Organization,
6. Identifying techniques in data analysis ⚫ Content Analysis, Process Analysis, Statistics,
Comparison, Evaluation Process
7. Preparing evaluation report ⚫ Written; Oral; Progress; Final; Summary;
Descriptive, Graphic, Evaluative and Judgmental;
List of Recommendations
8. Preparing modes of display ⚫ Case studies; Test Scores Summary: Testimonies:
Multi media representation: Product Display
(exhibits); Technical Report
The steps are easy to follow. Begin thinking of how curriculum evaluators will proceed in finding out if there
is a need to modify. enhance or continue with the implementation of the curriculum. After all, the main purpose
of evaluation is to improve the existing condition, so that it would benefit the students.
Take Action
1. L.H. Bradley
2. Michael Scriven
3. Robert Stake
4. Daniel Stufflebeam
5. Ralph Tyler
Module 5-Curriculum Evaluation and the Teacher
Lesson 5.1-What, Why and How to Evaluate a Curriculum
Reflect on your current and past experiences on the different curricula you went through from the
time you entered school up to the present.
Pause for some moments and read the "I wonder if...." incomplete sentences. Based on your reflection,
choose one number and write your answer on the box provided then based on your response on "I wonder
if....", complete the sentence, "I think...…
I wonder if..
1. I wonder if............
2. I think.....
Lesson 5.2 Curriculum Evaluation Through
Learning Assessment
Desired Learning Outcomes
➤Explain how a curriculum can be evaluated through the assessment of learning outcomes
➤Match the levels of learning outcomes with the appropriate assessment tools
Take Off
We have gone a long way in understanding, interpreting and applying the concept of
curriculum development. We will continue to understand that curriculum can be evaluated right
in the teacher’s classroom. Finding out if the planned, written, implemented curriculum are
functioning as intended in the assessment of learning is very crucial.
How does a teacher know, that the students have learned from what has been taught?
Many educational practitioners agree that the measure of one’s teaching is indicated by what the
children have learned. The teacher cannot claim that he/she has taught if the students have not
learned anything.
Let us find out in this lesson, that assessment of learning is an evaluation process that
tells whether the intended learning outcomes, through the teaching-learning process, have been
converted into achieved learning outcomes. We will also find out that learning outcomes can be
measured through the use of different assessment tools.
Further, as future teachers, you should also understand and interpret the grading system
that has been derived from assessment of learning.
Context Focus
The PQF is divided into eight levels, Level 1 to Level 8. The first level L1 is to be
achieved by Grade 12 graduates, who can be awarded a National Certification 1 (NC 1) if
qualified by the TESDA. The other levels of qualifications progress along the educational ladder
in the Philippine Educational System from Grade 12 in Basic Education to
Higher Education from Baccalaureate to Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Levels. In all the
eight levels, the individual is expected to achieve specific standards and competencies as
evidenced in the learning outcomes. The competencies are clustered into three domains, which
1. Knowledge, Skills and Values
2. Application
3. Degree of Independence in Responsibility
Table 3-Levels and Competency Descriptors Required for Each Level for Basic and Higher
Education Levels
2. Understanding of
right or wrong; one's
history and cultural
heritage,; deep respect
of self and others.
Application 1.Apply functional 2.Apply knowledge, 2.Apply deep 2.Apply in
knowledge, technical skills, and values in knowledge, skills professional
skills and values in the professional and values in the work and
academic and real life work. pro- fessional research as a
situations through sound work and research. leader or
reasoning, informed initiator.
decision- making and
judicious use of
Degree of Applied skills in varied 3.Work 3. Work 3.Highly
Independence situations with minimal independently alone independently. independent in
supervision. or in teams. work, initiate
and lead and
initiate other.
Note: Levels 1- NC 1, Level 2- NC 2, Level 3-NC 3, Level 4-NC 4 and Level 5-will be
certificated by the TESDA while Level 5- Diploma may either be awarded by TESDA or CHED
in their respective programs.
The ASEAN Qualification Framework (AQRF) is the ASEAN framework upon which the
PQF and the other ASEAN member countries are referencing so that there will be ease in the
mobility of professional, students among others.
2. Matching the Competencies and Outcomes with the PQF by Doing
Learning Assessment
The mastery of the learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, process, understanding
performances are measured in formal education starting with basic education. The measurement
is often referred to as assessment.
In 2012, DepEd issued Department Order No. 73 which the K to 12 Grading system.
It was known as the KPUP Grading System. It stands for Knowledge, Process,
Understanding, Performance. For further understanding, let us look as how the KPUP is calibrated
in the different levels, with Level 1 as the lowest and Level 4 as the higher level for use in formative
1.1.2 Alternative Response Test. This is the type of paper-and- pencil test, where two
options or choices are provided. The items can be stated in a question or a statement form.
Examples of this are:
❖ True or False- Example: The Philippine population has reached one
❖ Yes or No- Example: Has the Philippine population reached one
1.1.3 Multiple Choice Test. This is the type identified as the most versatile test type
because it can measure a variety of learning outcomes. It consists of a problem and a list
of suggested solutions. The incomplete statement, or direct question is called the STEM.
The list of suggested solutions in words, numbers, symbols or phrases are called
ALTERNATIVES, OPTIONS or CHOICES. There should be three to five options in each
item. The correct alternative is called the ANSWER while the remaining options or choices
are called DISTRACTERS, DISTRACTORS, or DECOYS. Some multiple choice items
are presented with a STIMULUS MATERIAL.
❖ Correct Answer Type. Other alternatives are clearly wrong and only one
is the correct answer. This can be constructed in either direct question
or completion of the sentence. Examples:
Direct Question:
Incomplete Sentence:
A country in Southeast Asia which is not a member of the ASEAN 2015 economic
community is
A. Vietnam
B. Malaysia
C. Korea
D. Philippines
Best Answer Type. All the alternatives are correct but only one is the best.
Direct Question:
What do progressive educators consider as the most important factor in the teaching-learning
A. Teacher
B. Books
C. Principal
B. Learner
Incomplete Sentence-
According to progressive educators, the most important factor in the teaching-learning process is
A. Teacher
B. Books
C. Learner
D. Principal
1.1.4 Matching Type Test. The most common matching type test is made up of two parallel
columns, the first column (A) is the premise that presents the problem, and the second column (B)
provides the answer. There are many modified matching types as well.
Matching type test is useful in measuring factual information as well as relationships
between two things, ideas or concepts. It reduces guessing to the minimum as compared to
alternative response test. Some of the relationships that can be matched are found in the matrix
Persons Achievements
Terms Definitions
Principles Illustrations
Parts Functions
Machines Uses
Diseases Causes Perfect Matching Type. The number of premises in Column A is less than the number of
responses in Column B. The response can only be used once.
In Column A are popular descriptions of Presidents during their term of office. Match then with
the names of Philippine Presidents in Column B. Imperfect Matching Type. The number of premises in Column A is not equal to the
number of the responses in Column B, or the other way around. The response or the premise can
be used more than once.
In column A are names of well-known curriculum evaluators. Match them with the evaluation
models they have been identified with in Column B. You can use the letter once or more than once.
1.2 Subjective Test. Learning outcomes which indicate learner’s ability to originate and express
ideas is difficult to test through objective type test. Hence in subjective type test, answers through
reflections, insights, and opinion can be given through essay.
1.2.1 Essay test items allow students freedom of response. Students are free to select, relate
and present ideas in their own words. The type of answers would reflect the extent of
the learner’s knowledge of the subject matter, ability to use higher order thinking skills
and express ideas in an accurate creative and appropriate language. Restricted Response Item. This is like an expanded form of short answer type
objective test. There is a limit on both the content scope and the form of student
response. It is most useful in measuring learning outcomes that require the
interpretation and application of data in a specific area.
1. What are the main body parts of plant? Describe each part.
2. Why is the barometer one of the most useful instruments to forecast the weather?
Explain in one paragraph.. Extended Response Item. The student is generally free to select any factual
information that can help in organizing the response. The contents of an extended essay will
depend on the analysis, synthesis, evaluation and other higher order thinking skills of the test
Type of Essay Test Item Examples of Complex Learning Outcomes that can be
Ability to:
• Explain cause-effect relationships
Restricted Response Essay Items • Describe application of principles
• Formulate valid conclusion
• Enumerate and explain
• Explain methods and procedure
Ability to:
• Organize ideas
Extended Response Essay Items • Integrate learning
• Design an experiment
• Evaluate the worth of ideas
Instruction: Observe the student in a laboratory activity with the use of microscope. Check (✔)
the items which you have seen, which were done appropriately and mark (X) items which were
not appropriately done.
2. Rating Scale is a tool that uses a scale in a number line as a basis to estimate the numerical
value of a performance or a product. The value is easier to score if the points are in whole
numbers. The most popular rating scale is called Likert Scale.
Levels of assessment describe levels of the learning outcomes which are (1) Knowledge, (2)
Process or Skills, (3) Understanding (4) Products or Performance. The levels of learning
outcomes are also used to describe the levels of assessment. Through the DepEd Order 73,
s.2012 levels of learning outcomes are also the levels of assessment. In other words, the levels
of assessment follow also the levels of thinking skills from lower level to higher level.
Placing Value to Assessment Results from KPUP (D.O. 73. 2012) to Written Work,
Performance Task, Quarterly Exam (WW-PT-QE) D.O 8, s. 2015
While the KPUP is still utilized in the grading system, however it has been slightly
modified by WW-PT-QE.
A summative assessment is composed of Written Work (WW) Performance Tasks (PT) and
Quarterly Assessment (QA) This will be explained in the table below.
Quarterly Synthesize all the learning skills, concepts, and Once, at the end of the
Assessment (QA) values learned in an entire quarter. quarter.
Grades at the End of the School Year and How These are Computed
• Kindergarten: Use of checklist, anecdotal records and portfolios are used
instead of numerical grades which are based on Kindergarten Curriculum
• Grade 1 to Grade 10 (Junior High) 1. The average of the quarter grades produce
the end of the year grade.
1. The average of the quarter grades produce the end of the year grade.
2. The general average is computed by dividing the sum of all final grades
by the total numbers of learning areas. Each learning area has equal
Components Languages, AP, ESP Science, Math MAPEH,
Written work 30% 40% 60%
Performance Task 50% 40% 20%
Quarterly Assessment 20% 20% 20%
Take Off
Content Focus
Evaluating Planning
What should be implemented? The planned curriculum which was written
should be implemented. It has to put into action or used by a curriculum implementor
who is the teacher. Curriculum plans should not remain as a written document. It will
become useless.
With a well-written curriculum plan, a teacher can execute this with the help
of instructional materials, equipment, resource materials and enough time. The
curriculum implementor must also see to it that the plan which serves as a guide is
executed correctly. The skill and the ability of the teacher to impart and guide
learning are necessary in the curriculum implementation. It is necessary that the end
in view or the intended outcomes will be achieved in the implementation.
The focus of this chapter is evaluation after planning, and implementation was
done. It is very necessary to find out at this point, if the planned or written curriculum
was implemented successfully and the desired learning outcomes were achieved.
Curriculum evaluation as a big idea may follow evaluation models which can
be used for programs and projects. These models discussed in the previous lesson
guide the process and the corresponding tools that will be used to measure outcomes.
Key Idea: What has been planned, should be implemented and what has been
implemented should be evaluated.
Finally the PIE. The cyclical flow of the three processes in curriculum
development is very easy to remember and follow. As a curricularist, these guiding
ideas clarify our understanding that one cannot assess what was not taught, nor
implement what was not planned. PLAN then IMPLEMENT then EVALUATE and
the next cycle begins.
Take Action
( ) 1. Summative Testing
A. Planning
( ) 2. Course Designing
( ) 3. Cooperative Learning
B. Implementing
( ) 4. Determining Needs
( ) 5. Guiding Learners
C. Evaluating
( ) 6. Making judgment
"Is the teacher's life a series of planning, implementing, and evaluating? Will
this improve teaching? Why"
Curriculum Development Reforms and Enhancement
Module Overview:
This module brings you to some curricular developments reforms and
enhancement As the Philippine education braces itself with the ASEAN and the rest
of the world, there is a need to embark on enhancement and reforms in the
curriculum. As a curriculum knower, designer, implementer, and evaluator,
substantial knowledge of some of these reforms is necessary.
Take Off
Curriculum designers need to enhance the curriculum and propose curricular
innovations to respond to the changing educational landscape in the country as
well as in other parts of the globe. It is most necessary that as a future curricularist
and a teacher, you should be familiar with what is happening and will happen in
our curriculum. There is no substitute for being READY and INFORMED.
In this module, you will have a comprehensive knowledge on curricular reforms
initiated in the Philippines and abroad to improve the quality of teaching and
learning. Let’s study them one by one
Content Focus
Curriculum designers need to enhance the recommended curriculum and propose
curricular innovations to respond to the changing landscape in education regionally
and globally. Are you aware of some curricular reforms in the Philippines and other
countries? Republic Act 10533, otherwise known as the Enhanced Basic
Why K to 12?
K to 12 makes the Philippine education system at par with the international
standard of 12-year basic education thereby contributing to a better educated
society capable of pursuing productive employment, entrepreneurship, or higher
education studies. After going through kindergarten, elementary, junior high and a
specialized senior high school program, every K to 12 graduate is ready to go into
different paths – higher education, middle level skills development, employment,
or entrepreneurship. The K to 12 graduates are also expected to be equipped with
21 century skills like information, media and technology skills, learning and
innovation skills, effective communication skills, and life and career skills.
Let’s consider these existing realities in Philippine education that became the bases
of the K to 12 implementation: 1. Mastery of basic competencies is insufficient due
to congested curriculum
The table below presents the national achievement 200 results of 4th year student
Mathematics and Science. In 2005-2006 the Mathematics results, only ties while
majority (59.09%) of the high Mathematics results, only 15% of the students
acquired mastery of the low mastery level. The results in Science one even more
discouraging since only 3% of school students belonged to the 4th year high school
students in 2005-2006 mastered the Science processes and skills. Majority
belonged to the low mastery category and a few were in the near mastery level.
Achievement Comparative Achievement Levels is Mathematic Achievement Comparative Achievement Levels is Mathematic
Mastery 168,371 16.41% 149,922 15.21% Mastery 17,921 1.75% 29,479 2.99%
Near Mastery 321,305 31.31% 253,396 25.71% Near Mastery 246,207 23.99% 196,938 19.89%
Low Mastery 536,439 52.28% 582,436 59.09% Low Mastery 761,987 74.26% 759,337 77.03%
TOTAL 1,026,115 100.00% 985,754 100.01% TOTAL 1,026,115 100% 985,754 100%
One of the factors that contribute to the low performance in achievement tests is
the congested basic education curriculum. What other countries teach in twelve
(12) years the Philippines teach only in ten (10) years. The ten (10) years would not
be enough to master the competencies. Adding two years would make possible the
decongestion of the curriculum for comprehensive acquisition of basic
competencies and the 21” century skills.
2. The Philippines is the only remaining country in Asia with a 10 – year basic
education program.
The Philippines is the only country in Asia that has a ten-year basic education
program. The short duration of the basic education program also puts millions of
overseas Filipino workers, especially the professionals, and those who intend to
study abroad at a disadvantage. Graduates of Philippine schools are not
automatically recognized as professionals outside the country due to the lack of
two years in basic education. Bologna Accord imposes twelve (12) years of
education for university admission and practice of profession in European
countries. Washington Accord prescribes twelve (12) years basic education as an
entry to recognition of engineering professionals.
With K to 12, Filipino professionals would have the same competitive edge with
professionals in other countries having gone through 12 years of basic education.
By the way, the recommendation to improve and to lengthen the short basic
education in the Philippines has been given since 1925. As one of the most well
studied reforms, recommendations of either adding or restoring 7th grade or adding
an extra year to basic
Education have been put forward. (See Table 5). Table 5 Researches on Philippine
Basic Education Curriculum and their Recommendations.
One frequently asked question raised during the advocacy period for the K to 12
Curriculum was this: “Filipino students can do in ten (10) years what students in
foreign countries do in twelve (12) years. A number of our Filipino graduates who
went through ten years of basic education excel in studies as well as in their place
of work abroad, so why add two years more?”
This may be true. But for as long as the international standard is twelve years of
basic education that will remain to be the standard and will apply to all including
brilliant and exceptional Filipino students and graduates.
In fact, there are cases where our Filipino scholars with Master’s degrees who have
to enroll in additional Master’s subjects before being allowed to pursue their
doctorate degrees applied for. Why the additional Master’s subjects? The reason
given is the short, ten-year basic education in the Philippines. In other words, the
Philippines has no choice but to comply with the twelve-year basic education. In
the first place, this has been a consistent recommendation of past surveys done on
the Philippine educational system.
The short duration of basic education in the Philippines resulted to 15 year old
graduates who are not legally employable. With the implementation of the K to 12,
the graduates of senior high is 18 years old who is legally employable.
The K to 12 Curriculum
Section 5 of the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, stipulates the following
curricular standards which the curriculum developers adhered to in crafting the K
to 12 curriculum:
(a) The curriculum shall be learner-centered, inclusive and
Developmentally appropriate;
(b) The curriculum shall be relevant, responsive and research- based:
© The curriculum shall be culture-sensitive: (d) The curriculum shall be
contextualized and global;
€ The curriculum shall use pedagogical approaches that are constructivist, inquiry-
based, reflective, collaborative and integrative;
(f) The curriculum shall adhere to the principles and framework of Mother Tongue-
Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) which starts from where the learners are
and from what they already knew proceeding from the known to the unknown;
instructional materials and capable teachers to implement the MTB-MLE
curriculum shall be available;
(g) The curriculum shall use the spiral progression approach to ensure mastery of
knowledge and skills after each level; and
(h) The curriculum shall be flexible enough to enable and allow schools to localize,
indigenize and enhance the same based on their respective educational and social
contexts. The production and development of locally produced teaching materials
shall be encouraged and approval of these materials shall devolve to the regional
and division education units.
Core Curriculum
Below are the learning areas comprising the core curriculum. The description is
based on DepEd Memo 13 s 2013.
The Senior High School Curriculum
There are four tracks in Senior High School. These are Academic track, TechVoc
track, Sports and Arts and Design Track. The academic track has four strands
namely 1) Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) 2) Humanities and
Social Sciences (HUMSS), 3)
Accounting, Business and Management (ABM) and 4) General Academic Strand
(GAS). This means that at Grade 11, a student chooses which track to pursue and if
he/she chooses the academic he/she must also choose which strand. If a student
intends to go to college after Grade 12, then he/she must take the academic track.
The college program which he/she wants to enroll in determines which strand to
take – STEM, HUMSS or ABM. If a Senior High School student wants to pursue
TechVoc courses in Technical Education Skills Development Authority (TESDA),
he/she takes the Tech Voc track. He/She who is interested in Arts and Design will
pursue the Arts and Design track. The Sports track will be for any sports- minded
Senior High School student.
The Senior High School Curriculum has a total of thirty-one subjects. The thirty-one
subjects are grouped into fifteen (15) core subjects, seven (7)
contextualized/applied subjects and nine (9) specialization subjects.
Grade 12
➢ Sports
➢ Arts and Design
Figure 4 – Academic Track – 4 Strands
Total= 4 Strand
General Academic
The following are the core subjects to be taken by all students regardless of track.
There are also common subjects for different tracks and the highly specialized
courses for each track:
Core subjects
Language -Oral Communication
-Reading and Writing
- Komunikasyon at
Pananaliksik sa Wikang
Filipino at Kulturang
- Pagbasa at Pagsusuri ng
Iba’t Ibang Teksto Tungod
sa Panaliksik
Humanities -21st century Literature
from the Philippines and
the World
Philippine Arts from the
Communication Media and Information
Mathematics -General Mathematics
- Statistics and Probability
Science -Earth and Life Sciences
Lecture and Laboratory
-Physical Sciences
Lecture and Laboratory
Social Science -Personal Development /
Pansariling Kaunlaran
-Understanding Society &
Philosophy -Intro to Philosophy of
the Human Person /
Pambungad sa
Pilosopiya ng Tao
PE and Health Physical
Education and Health
Below are the 7 contextualized subjects. The contextualized subjects apply to all
tracks and strands but the subjects are taught in the context of the track. For
example, English for Academic and Professional Purposes for the TechVoc track will
center on techvoc terms, describing and reporting techvoc-related procedures
while for the Sports track, the English subject will focus on the language for sports.
Research may be a presentation and defense of a paper in management for ABM
track or in STEM but may be a culminating activity or exhibit for the Arts and Design
track and end-of-the-term exhibits for the Arts and Design track.
Other Descriptive Titles for the 7 Contextualized/Applied Subjects for All the
1. English for Academic and Professional Purposes
2. Research in Daily Life 1 3. Research in Daily Life 2
3. Pagsulat sa Filipino sa Piling Larangan
4. Entrepreneurship 6. Empowerment Technologies (E-Tech): ICT for
Professional Tracks
5. Business Finance
6. Organization and Management
7. Principles of Marketing
8. Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating
9. Fundamental of Accountancy and Business Management 1
1. Pre-Calculus
2. Basic Calculus
3. General Biology 1
4. General Biology 2
5. General Physics 1
6. General Physics 2
7. General Chemistry 1
8. General Chemistry 2
1. Creative Writing
1. Applied Economics
4. Business Math
5. Business Finance
9. Principles of Marketing
1. Pre-Calculus
2. Basic Calculus
3. General Biology 1
4. General Biology 2
5. General Physics 1
7. General Chemistry 2
10. Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating Activity
1. Creative Writing
1. Humanities 1
2. Humanities 2*
Specialization, Sports
2. Human Movement
3. Fundamentals of Coaching
Take Action
Activity 2
If you interviewed teachers, parents and students about K to 12, what ten
ideas or concepts can you tell?
Take Action
Activity 2
If you interviewed teachers, parents and students about K to 12, what ten
ideas or concepts can you tell?
Module Overview:
Take Off
Why do we hear a lot of educators talking about OBE? What are Outcomes-Based Education
about? Should curriculum for teacher preparation be influenced by this? Why? How will OBE
address the 21st Century teachers?
Content Focus
In recent years, there has been an increasing attention on outcomes- based education for
several reasons. These include return of investments and accountability which are driven by
political, economic, and educational reasons.
Among the many advocates of OBE in the early years was W. Spady (1994). He defined
OBE as clearly focusing and organizing everything in the educational system around the essential
for all the students to do successfully at the end of their learning experiences. It starts with a clear
picture of what is important for students to be able to do, then organizing the curriculum,
instruction, and assessment to make sure that learning happens. This definition clearly points to the
desired results of education which are the learning outcomes. This is made up of knowledge,
understanding, skills and attitudes that students should acquire to make them reach their full
potential and lead fulfilling lives as individuals in the community and at work.
To define and clarify further, answers to the following questions should be addressed by
the teachers.
1. What do we want these students to learn?
2. Why do we want students to learn these things?
3.How can we best help students to learn these things?
4. How will you know when the students have learned?
In order to comply with the three premises, four essential principles should be followed in
either planning instruction, teaching, and assessing learning.
A clear focus on what teachers want students to learn is the primary principle in
OBE. Teachers should bear in mind, that the outcome of teaching is learning. To achieve
this, teachers and students should have a clear picture in mind of what knowledge, skills,
values must be achieved at end of the teaching-learning process. This is like looking
straight ahead so that the target will be reached.
This principle is related to the first. At the beginning of a curriculum design, the
learning outcome must be clearly defined. What to achieve at the end of formal schooling
is to desired results. This means that planning, implementing (teaching) and assessing
should be connected to the outcomes.
In OBE all students are expected to excel, hence equal expanded opportunities
should be provided. As advocates of multiple intelligences say, "every child has a genius
in him/ herself, hence is capable of doing the best." Learners develop inborn potentials if
corresponding opportunities and support are given to nurture.
Teaching-Learning in OBE
Teaching is teaching if learners learn. Learning is measured by its outcome. Whatever
approach to teaching is used, the intent should focus on learning rather than on teaching. Subjects
do not exist in isolation, but links between them should be made. It is important that students learn
how to learn, hence a teacher should be innovative. How then should teaching learning be done in
OBE? Here are some tips:
▪ Teachers must prepare students adequately. This can be done if the teachers know what
they want the students to learn and what learning outcomes to achieve. Prerequisite
knowledge is important; thus, a review is necessary at the start of a lesson.
▪ Teachers must create a positive learning environment. Students should feel, that regardless
of individual uniqueness, the teacher is always there to help. Teacher and student
relationship is very important. The classroom atmosphere should provide respect for
diverse kinds of learners.
▪ Teachers must help their students to understand what they must learn, why they should
learn it (what use it will be now and, in the future,) and how will they know that they have
▪ Teachers must use a variety of teaching methods. The most appropriate strategy should be
used considering the learning outcome teachers want the students to achieve. Also, to
consider are the contents, the characteristic of the students, the resources available and the
teaching skill of the teacher. Even if OBE is learner-centered, sometimes more direct, time-
tested methods of teaching will be appropriate.
▪ Teachers must provide students with enough opportunities to use the new knowledge and
skills that they gain. When students do this, they can explore with new learning, correct
errors, and adjust their thinking. Application of learning is encouraged rather than mere
accumulation of these.
▪ Teacher must help students to bring each learning to a personal closure that will make them
aware of what they learned.
Here are additional key points in teaching-learning in OBE which show the shifts from a
traditional to an OBE view.
Instruction Learning
Knowledge is transferred by the teacher. Knowledge already exists in the minds of the
Teachers and students are independent and in Teacher and students work in teams.
Assessment of Learning Outcomes in OBE
Assessment in OBE should also be guided by the four principles of OBE which are clarity of
focus, designing backwards, high expectations and expanded opportunity. It should contribute to
the objective of improving students’ learning. Since in OBE, there is a need first to establish a clear
vision of what the students are expected to learn (desired learning outcome), then assessment
becomes an embedded part of the system.
To be useful in OBE system, assessment should be guided by the following principles:
1. Assessment procedure should be valid. Procedure and tools should assess what one
intends to test.
2. Assessment procedure should be reliable. The results should be consistent.
3. Assessment procedure should be fair. Cultural background and other factors should not
influence assessment procedure.
4. Assessment should reflect the knowledge and skills that are important to the students.
5. Assessment should tell both the teachers and students how students are progressing.
1. Assessment should support every student’s opportunity to learn things that are important
2. Assessment should allow individuality or uniqueness to be demonstrated.
3. Assessment should be comprehensive to cover a wide range of learning outcomes
One of the great benefits of outcomes-based education is that it makes students aware of
what they should be learning, why they are learning it, what they are learning, and what they should
do when they are learning. All of these will conclude with the achieved learning outcomes.
In terms of students’ perspectives there are common questions that will guide them as they
learn under the OBE Curriculum framework. To guide the students in OBE learning, they should
ask themselves the following questions.
As a student,
1. What do I have to learn?
2. Why do I have to learn it?
3. What will I be doing while I am learning?
4. How will I know that I am learning, what I should be learning?
5. Will I have any say in what I learn?
6. How will I be assessed?
Take Action
1. Seek permission from the teacher to observe the class for one complete teaching lesson.
2. Borrow the teacher’s lesson plan. Identify the Intended Learning Outcomes (Objectives) at
he is beginning of the Lesson. Record observation.
3. Observe the class activities with the guidance of the teacher. Record observation.
4. Observe if the intended learning outcome at the beginning was achieved (achieved learning
outcome) at the lend of the.
5. Summarize all recorded observations in the matrix below. Use the example as your guide.
Write down your own report cell. In the proper cell.
1. What did the teacher intend to accomplish in the lesson at the beginning?
4. During the activity, was there an opportunity for all children to learn? Describe.
As a future teacher, reflect on your observations and report in Finding OBE in the
classroom and complete the sentence. Chose only one to answer.
2. I do not seem to like OBE because…... In the future, when I become a teacher, I
Lesson 7.2: Enhanced Teacher Education Curriculum Anchored on
Outcome-Based Education
Desired Learning Outcomes
Take Off
As teacher education curriculum initiatives gear towards globalization,
contextualization, indigenization and other reforms or enhancements, a lot of
harmonization is being done by educators, curriculum specialists, faculty, teachers,
students and all stakeholders. Outcomes-Based Education as a philosophy, system and
classroom practice, gives a very strong signal in the reconceptualization of the teacher
education curriculum.
Let us learn how a teacher education curriculum embraces the philosophy, system
and classroom practice of OBE.
Content Focus
Which of the outcomes are you developing in the subjects you are taking or have
developed in the previous subjects that you took?
These outcomes are set at the beginning of your degree plan. Must put these to
heart, so as you go along, you will be able to master these in four years and will be ready
to be employed after you get your teachers’ license. You
Following the principles of OBE, this refers to Principle 1 Clarity of Focus and
Principle 2. Designing Backwards. Refer to your Module 7.1 The Four Essential Principles
in OBE.
Lesson 7.2: Enhanced Teacher Education Curriculum Anchored on
Outcome-Based Education
Competencies of Quality Teachers as Mandated by the Department of Education
Order No. 42, s. 2017 Philippines Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)
Aside from the quality teacher outcomes of CHED, the Department of Education
(DepEd) released a set of teacher competencies that are necessary for teachers who will be
teaching in basic education. We shall focus first on the Beginning Teachers Competencies
for Career Stage Level 1. Beginning Teachers are newly employed teachers who are mostly
fresh graduates from college. As a beginning teacher, you must possess competencies that
will enable you to be ready to be employed. These competencies will strengthen those that
you have mastered already in your degree course.
PPST Domains with clusters of competencies are:
Domain 1: Competencies on Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
Domain 2: Competencies on the Learning Environment
Domain 3: Competencies on Diversity of Learners
Domain 4: Competencies on Curriculum and Planning
Domain 5: Competencies on Assessment and Reporting
Domain 6: Competencies on Community Linkages and Professional
Domain 7: Competencies on Personal Growth and Professional Note: Refer
to DO 42, s. 2017 for details
To be at par with other teachers in the ASEAN, it would be important that you
should also know about the competencies required to enable you to teach among ASEAN
These competencies are:
1. Knowing and understanding what to teach;
2. Helping students to learn;
3. Engaging the community and
4. Becoming a better teacher.
But above all the three standards competencies, you should take note of the
Philippine Qualifications Framework, which was discussed earlier. But to give emphasis,
lets us bring the concept back to this section.
Lesson 7.2: Enhanced Teacher Education Curriculum Anchored on
Outcome-Based Education
Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF Level 6 for Bachelor's D POF 6
Descriptors of Outcomes Degree)
PQF 6 Level of Outcomes PQF 6 Descriptors of Outcomes
Knowledge, Skills and Val0 Graduates posses a broad level of coherent
knowledge and skills in their field of study
for professional work (teaching) and
lifelong learning.
Application (of Knowledge, Skills and Application of professional work
Values) (teaching) in a broad range of discipline
and/or for further studies.
Degree of Independence (in work place) Independent (as a teacher) and/or in teams
for related field
The New Teacher Education Curricula
The New Features of the Teacher Education Curricula
After considering local and global conditions, the Commission on Higher
Education approved through a Commission Memorandum Order- Program Standards and
Guidelines (CMO-PSG) the offering of the new teacher education degrees to prepare
teachers in basic education. The degree programs are anchored on the principles of OBE,
the PQF framework, the K to 12 Curricula for Basic Education and the General Education
Courses for College Degrees.
To address the needed teacher quality for the 21, the different degree programs will
produce future ready teachers in basic education. New and enhanced courses are included
in the curriculum.
• Two straight degree programs which were formerly the specialization in BEEd
before are offered now to prepare teachers who will teach early childhood education
and special education. (Course: Bachelor in Early Childhood Education and
Bachelor in Special Education)
All other original courses will be enhanced.
CMO Numbers. 2017 Title of Degrees
CMO 74 s. 2017 BEEd- Bachelor of Elementary Education
CMO 75 s. 2017 BSEd- Bachelor of Secondary Education with majors in
English, Mathematics, Science, Filipino, Social Studies, Values
CMO 76 s. 2017 BECEd-Bachelor of Early Childhood Education
CMO 77 s. 2017 BSNEd- Bachelor of Special Needs Education
CMO 78 s. 2017 BTLED- Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education
CMO 79 s. 2017 BTVTEd-Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher
CMO 80 s. 2017 BPEd- Bachelor of Physical Education CMO 81 s. 2017
BSESS- Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sports Sciences
(not for teaching degree)
CMO 82 s. 2017 BCAEd- Bachelor of Culture and Arts Education
CMO 83 s. 2017 PB-DALS- Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Alternative
Learning System
All of the above degree programs except BSESS adhere to the common program
outcomes stated earlier to be achieved during the college preparation of pre-service
teachers. Also embodied in the intended program outcomes are those of the PPST for
Beginning Teachers and other Teacher Standards,
Course Contents to Achieve the Outcomes
What contents should be taught to prepare prospective teachers in their future jobs?
Course contents are means to an end of achieving the outcomes. These are theories,
principles, generalization, concepts and ideas.
There are three major clusters of subjects or courses which provide the contents of
the degree programs.
Cluster 1: Professional Education Courses- These are courses that are common to all
degrees which will provide a rock or foundation of becoming a Teacher. The course titles
are as Follows:
Lesson 7.2: Enhanced Teacher Education Curriculum Anchored on
Outcome-Based Education
Cluster 3: Electives
Any additional subjects in other degree programs for teacher education can be
offered as electives.
Enable to learner who are college students to desired learning outcome of the lesson
and the second layer is the find a strategy that will teach the content in the future
work place which is the basic education. In other word the pedagogy utilized should
be “teaching how to teach”.
The delivery modes may vary from the three modes or a combination of the three.
• Face-to-Face (F2F)- a traditional delivery mode where the teacher and the students
are physically present to hold classes in a designated place. One class can be taken
as a whole group or small groups at one setting. The different strategies maybe
utilized appropriate to the students grouping.
• Distance Learning or Remote Learning- on line or printed module. Distance
learning is a delivery mode where the students and teachers are not physically
present in one designated place or classroom. For the on-line the teacher is stationed
in a control hub while the students are connected to the hub. Classes are either
synchronous or asynchronous. On the other hand, distance learning using a printed
module utilize hard bound materials in printed form, where detailed instructions by
the teacher will be followed by the learner. Knowledge and skill of on-technology
is required for the first while the second one requires independent learners.
• Blended Learning or Flexible Learning- This is a combination of the F2F and the
Distance learning. The whole course will be using the two delivery modes and
should be reflected in the curriculum syllabi.
• Experiential Learning (Lifelong learning)- Following the theory of learning by
doing, experiential learning approach allows the learners to experience learning
first hand. Sometimes it is also called apprenticeship or practicum.
The new teacher education curricula utilize multiple assessment methods in and of
learning. Since assessment is used to determine the progress of learning (formative) and
the mastery of learning (summative), multiple ways of doing it is necessary. Thus two
courses about assessment are included in the new teacher curricula for all the degree
programs. These are the Assessment in Teaching 1 and Assessment in Teaching 2.
Traditional assessment theories, principles and tools are taken in Assessment in
Teaching 1 and Authentic and technology aided assessment is taken in the course
Assessment in Teaching 2.
In the new teacher education curricula the Desired Learning
Lesson 7.2: Enhanced Teacher Education Curriculum Anchored on
Outcome-Based Education
Outcomes, the Contents, the Teaching Delivery and t Assessment should be constructively
aligned and interacting the figure below.
• Assessment
• Desired Desri. - Content
P outcome I • - Methods E •
The new teacher education curriculum is based on Outcome-Based Education as
evidenced by the constructive alignment of the important elements of the curriculum.
As a student of curriculum and a future teacher, would you be able to:
1. Know exactly what to need to do to achieve the outcome even at the
beginning of your degree plan? Yes____ No _____ Explain.
2. Identify what you will do in order to achieve the desired outcomes? Yes___
No____ Explain.
5. If you are improving or not in knowledge, skills and values while schooling?
Yes No Explain.
Write an essay on the topic and submit to your teacher.
“The New Teacher Education Curriculum and
My Future as a Teacher”
Module 8: Curricular Landscape in the 21st Century
Module Overview:
A dramatic technological revolution ushered the 21st century. We live in a society that has
become diverse, globalized, complex and media-saturated. Current education breaks the mold that
we know of the past. It has to be flexible, creative challenging and complex. Module 8 makes
students aware of the current landscape in curriculum and the skills that the curriculum has to
Take Off
The world has shrunk because of technology. Classrooms have become virtual and global.
Current students are facing emerging issues like global warming, poverty, health issues, war, and
population growth and, many more. What would all of these require?
Content Focus
How does the curriculum for the 21 century look like? What are the emerging factors and
conditions that will shape the curriculum of the century?
Module 8-Curricular Landscape in the 21 Century
Lesson 8.1- The 21 Century Curricular Landscape in the Classroom
Discussion in various groups here and abroad revolves along the different issues.
All these issues need a curriculum that will address global solutions to environmental
problems, environmental sustainability, cultural diversity, global conflicts, technology revolution and
science breakthrough.
Thus an integrative approach to curriculum is absolutely necessary. There should be unity in core
academic subjects where life and career skills are included. Curriculum includes interdisciplinary
themes, development of essential skills for modern pedagogies and technologies.
The curriculum incorporates higher-order thinking skills, multiple intelligences, technology and multi-
media and multiple literacies of the 21st century skills. The 21 century curriculum includes
innovation skills, information and media and ICT literacy.
The curriculum for this century should inspire and challenge both the teacher and the learner. These
are some of the characteristics of this curriculum. It is a curriculum that....
What are the skills needed by 21 century learners in order to cope with the curriculum? Will the
curriculum likewise develop these skills, too? According to the Singapore Ministry of Education, such
clusters of the competencies are seen in the matrix below:
Learning and Innovation Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Creativity
and Innovation Oral and Written Communication
Knowledge, Information, Media and Technology Content Mastery Information Literacy Media
Literacy Skills Literacy ICT Literacy
On the other hand, Howard Gardner (2006) from his book Five Minds of the Future sees that
the five frames of thinking which would help in the development of thinking skills. Each frame of
thinking is attributed to the type of mind the learner has to use in order to survive the future.
The Five Frames of Thinking
The Disciplined Mind Makes use of the ways of thinking necessary for
major scholarly work and profession
Lastly, Tony Wagner in his book. The Global Achievement Gap mentioned the seven survival skills for
the 21" century curriculum.
1. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving 2. Collaboration Across Networks and Leading by Influence.
Activity 1- The 21" Century Classroom Amidst the 21st Curriculum Landscape
Considering the changes that are occurring or have occurred in the 21st Century, draw in the
box how a classroom would look to respond to the new teacher education curricula of the 21"
Check the items that should be addressed by the curriculum in the 21st Century.
How do you picture yourself as a teacher of the future? Reflect and write your answer in the
box provided below.
Lesson 8.2 Education 4.0 in the School Curriculum
Desired Learning Outcomes
▶ Explain what Education 4.0 in the school curriculum
▶ Discuss ways of implementing Education 4.0
Take Off
Watch TED X Talks on Education 4.0 then as a group discuss your answers to the
following questions:
1. What is Education 4.0?
2. What learning outcomes are expected to be realized in Education 4.0?
3. What skills must students be taught?
4. Which should be the points of emphasis in the curriculum to align Education 4.0?
5. Which current curricular practices, particularly in teaching and assessing
techniques, must be modified to respond to the demands of the times?
Content Focus
Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR) and Education 4.0
Education 4.0 is a response to Industrial Revolution 4.0 or IR 4.0. What is IR 4.0? This
is the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Obviously, the Fourth Industrial Revolution came after
a First, Second and Third Industrial Revolution which are referred to as IR 1.0, IR 2.0 and
IR 3.0, respectively.
In the first place, you may ask what Industrial Revolution is all about, Schwab, the
founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, the International
Organization for Public-Private Cooperation, describes an industrial revolution as the
appearance of "new technologies and novel ways of perceiving the world [that] trigger a
profound change in economic and social structures."
IR 1.0 was the invention of the steam engine. With the steam engine, human labor
was replaced by the machine. Many laborers lost their jobs because machines did their
jobs even more efficiently. IR 2.0 was the age of science and mass production. Things
started to speed up with the discovery of electricity. There were a number of key
inventions - gasoline engines, airplanes, chemical fertilizer. Advancements in science
weren't limited to the laboratory. Scientific principles were brought right into the
factories, the most notable of which is the assembly line, which effectively powered
mass production. Recall here Henry Ford's company where by the early part of the 20th
century mass-produced cars with gasoline engine built on an assembly line.
IR 3.0 is the digital revolution. We moved from analog electronic and mechanical
devices to digital technology which dramatically disrupted industries, especially global
communications. We are now enjoying the blessings of digital revolution- computers.
cellphones. We used to tune in our television with an antenna lets you stream movies
(digital). analog). This is now replaced by an Internet-connected tablet that IR 4.0 is
computers connected to computers. It is interconnectivity. It's the Internet of Things
(IoT), Artificial Intelligence. In IR4.0 we have robots, driverless cars, genetic sequencing
and editing, miniaturized sensors, and 3D printing, to name some. We get digitally
connected to one another across the globe. We can know anything, anytime, anywhere.
Global community connects everything, everywhere always the INTERNET of Everything.
Stem cell curing becomes obsolete. With genetic sequencing and editing, we can now
remove the sickness.
Education 4.0
With all these profound changes brought about by IR 4.0, how should education be?
What and how should schools teach? What should curriculum consist of? What should
curriculum focus on? The answer or answers to these questions are actually what
Education 4.0 means. In other words, Education 4.0 is the response of the education
sector to all the changes brought about by IR 4.0.
Schools have no choice but to respond to the dramatic changes brought about by IR
4.0, if they have to be relevant. Higher education institutions cannot ignore these
developments or else become irrelevant. To be relevant, schools should consider some
● 80% of the skills trained in the last 50 years can now be outperformed by
● 65% of children who entered in 2018 will work in a job that have not been
invented yet.
● 49% of current jobs have the potential for machine replacement (Statistics.
Whelsh, 2018)
With the efficiency of machines, routinized jobs can be done by machines with
greater efficiency than human laborers. So human laborers must be taught how to use
the machines at their advantage. But machines lack important human characteristics such
as creativity, flexibility, compassion and empathy. School curricula then should focus on the
development of these innately human characteristics of creativity, flexibility, compassion
and empathy. Actually, creativity and flexibility, compassion and empathy form part of the
10 skills demanded by IR 4.0 enumerated by the World Economic Forum Report as follows:
Take Action
● Creativity
● People Management
● Emotional Intelligence
● Judgment and Decision-making
● Service Orientation
● Negotiation
● Cognitive Flexibility
If you are asked to lecture on Education 4.0 and how schools can help
prepare learners for IR 4.0 what will you dwell on? What will be the meat of your
lecture? Show it in an outline made of sentences.
Are you ready for IR 4.0? What skills should you develop more in order not to
be redundant/ replaced by robots?
Lesson 8.3 Curricular Modification in Basic Education During and Post-Pandemic
Take Off
Read the following statements and relate them to curriculum-related actions taken by
schools to prevent the disruption of learning even as classrooms are disrupted.
"Less is more".
"Avoid inch-deep-and mile-wide teaching."
"I cannot see the trees because of the forest."
Content Focus
The statements above suggest trimming down curriculum to the most essential for
effective learning. When curriculum is focused on essentials, the inch-deep-mile-wide teaching
approach is avoided. Teacher teaches the most essential to a point of mastery. Thus, less becomes
more. There is less to teach because of the focus on the most essential and as a consequence,
learners master the lesson.
In this period of COVID 19 crisis, the Department of Education came up with its Most
Essential Learning Competencies (MELCS).
Delivery mode is contextualized in the DepEd's Learning Continuity Plan. Since schools
and communities are differently situated, the choice of the learning delivery modality of schools
will depend on the local COVID-19 situation as well as access to certain learning platforms.
The various curriculum delivery modes include: 1) Online learning, 2) Alternative
Delivery Mode, 3) Distance Learning, 4) Homeschooling, and 5) Alternative Learning
The DepEd explains that online learning is only one of the delivery modes among all
others in this new learning environment. The DepEd directed its field units to determine the most
appropriate combinations or strategies of learning delivery for every locality taking equity
concerns into consideration. It is wise that schools consider valid concerns related to online
learning raised by stakeholders. Most of these concerns are connectivity and accessibility, lack of
or poor internet connection in schools, access for teachers and students, availability of equipment
such as computers, smart phones, printers for both teachers and students.
1. A responsive curriculum adapts itself to the needs of a dynamic community. How did the
Department of Education do this to respond to the COVID crisis?
2. Interview a teacher on his/her stand on DepEd's reduction of the learning competencies to the
most essential. What does he/she think about it?
3. Among the various curriculum delivery modes, which will be most effective in your particular
setting in times of crisis? Why?
1. What does MELC stand for? Why did DepEd come up with it?
Do we need to have a crisis to think of decongesting curriculum for greater focus on the
most essential? Should this happen only in times of crisis like COVID?
The post COVID scenario will never be the same as long as the vaccine is not available. Social
distancing will still have to be observed even when quarantines are lifted. Gathering of large crowds
would still be discouraged. Traditional classroom face-to-face delivery will pose a risk for
contamination. In other words, the new normal will soon pervade in the areas of business,
commerce, industry and education. Thus, universities and educational institutions have to prepare
for the new normal in teaching delivery and ensure academic continuity amid and beyond the
One emerging concern during the pandemic is the provision for flexible learning modality to
mitigate the risk of face-to-face interaction. With the shift to flexible teaching and learning modality
is the provision for flexible curriculum. Do curricular programs need to be changed to support the
trajectory towards flexible teaching and learning? In the Philippines, the standard written curricula
are anchored on the programs, standards and guidelines (PSGs) of the different disciplines as
recommended by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). Do we need to modify the current
curricula to make flexible and resilient?
Teacher Education Curriculum Response to the COVID 19 Pandemic and Beyond
A. Curriculum Modification
Curriculum modification is the process of making adjustments to existing programs in
higher education, specifically teacher education in order to respond to the needs of the
learners amid and post pandemic.
1. Focusing on the Essentials: Mapping the Needed and Enduring Outcomes in the
Recommended and Written curriculum
The challenge during the pandemic is how to create a balance between relevant basic
competencies for the students to acquire and the teachers' desire to achieve the entire
outcomes of the curriculum. To solve this challenge, the teacher needs to revisit the existing
curriculum and analyze the outcomes of the program or course. The mapping of the course
outcomes should be done to determine the needed and the enduring outcomes and which
outcomes should be emphasized. Needed outcomes are the desired knowledge, skills and
values that are required to learn higher concepts. They are defined as competencies that
learners need for continuation to subsequent level of concept. They are considered as
prerequisite competencies. On the other hand, enduring outcomes are competencies that
are necessary not just for succeeding in a certain topic but are useful beyond a single unit
or study. They are knowledge, skills and values that have overarching applicability in real-
life situations. In curriculum modification, enduring outcomes can be given emphasis.
Identifying and mapping the needed and enduring outcomes can also shed light on
overlapping so the teacher can decide which competency would be retained or merged.
Here are two examples of outcomes taken from the sample syllabus in Art
Appreciation, a course in the general education curriculum in higher education.
Box A. Existing Statement of Outcomes in Box B. Modified Statement of Outcome to
a Syllabus Cover the Essential
At the end of the 3-unit course, the students At the end of the 3-unit course, the students
should be able to: should be able to:
1. Mount an art exhibit (concept 1. Create their own work of art through
development, post production, marketing, virtual production or exhibit. (In this way
documentation, critiquing) there is only one outcome instead of two)
2. Create their own works of art and curate
their own production of exhibit.
The outcomes in Box A and Box B are all essential However in Box A, there are two
statements and in Box B, the two are merged into one essential and enduring outcome.
Here is another example of unit outcomes for the course Purposive Communication, in
the general education curriculum. The two current outcomes will be merged only into one
outcome to address the essentials
Box A: Current Unit Outcome for Purposive Box B: Modified Statement of Outcome as
Education Essential
The two examples show how learning outcomes can be reduced during the times of
pandemic by putting two together into one as an essential. These examples can also be
applied to learning outcomes in teacher education.
B. Curriculum Considerations
The Context
Based on the initial scientific studies, COVID 19 is a rare disease which is caused by a new
virus. By the nature of the virus, the WHO issued fundamental guidelines for everybody to follow
to avoid its contamination and transmission. These are:
1. Wash hands frequently with soap and water. Avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth with
unwashed hands.
2. Wear face mask. This will provide a personal protection that no droplets due to coughing
or talking of a transmitter will be passed on to another person.
3. Keep distance. Social distancing or keeping away from another person at least one meter
away will break the circuit of transmission.
4. Practice health etiquette. When coughing, cover mouth or cough on your sleeves, not on
the person in front of you.
5. Do exercise. Physical exercise whether indoor or outdoor when allowed is recommended.
6. Eat healthy food that will build the immune system.
In short, the general health protocols to be followed include the following:
With the fundamental rules given above, face-to-face classes are almost impossible. Thus
the usual classroom scenario can never be the same during this time. Schools are open, but faculty
and students are not allowed to report physically to work at the height of pandemic, although the
protocols are calibrated as the days go on. The current education and perhaps, the future new normal
shall happen anytime, any place and anywhere as in Education 4.0. Hence, in this situation
everything is Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA).
For teacher education to continue, these contexts should be given great consideration.
Here are some ways: Here are some ways: Here are some ways: