IPCC AR6 WGI FAQ Chapter 07

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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

Coordinating Editors:
Sophie Berger (France/Belgium), Sarah L. Connors (France/United Kingdom)

Drafting Authors:
Richard P. Allan (United Kingdom), Paola A. Arias (Colombia), Kyle Armour (United States of America),
Terje Berntsen (Norway), Lisa Bock (Germany), Ruth Cerezo-Mota (Mexico), Kim Cobb (United States
of America), Alejandro Di Luca (Australia, Canada/Argentina), Paul Edwards (United States of America),
Tamsin L. Edwards (United Kingdom), Seita Emori (Japan), François Engelbrecht (South Africa), Veronika
Eyring (Germany), Piers Forster (United Kingdom), Baylor Fox- Kemper (United States of America),
Sandro Fuzzi (Italy), John C. Fyfe (Canada), Nathan P. Gillett (Canada), Nicholas R. Golledge (New
Zealand/United Kingdom), Melissa I. Gomis (France/Switzerland), William J. Gutowski (United States
of America), Rafiq Hamdi (Belgium), Mathias Hauser (Switzerland), Ed Hawkins (United Kingdom),
Nigel Hawtin (United Kingdom), Darrell S. Kaufman (United States of America), Megan Kirchmeier-
Young (Canada/ United States of America), Charles Koven (United States of America), June-Yi Lee
(Republic of Korea), Sophie Lewis (Australia), Jochem Marotzke (Germany), Valérie Masson-Delmotte
(France), Thorsten Mauritsen (Sweden/Denmark), Thomas K. Maycock (United States of America),
Shayne McGregor (Australia), Sebastian Milinski (Germany), Olaf Morgenstern (New Zealand/
Germany), Swapna Panickal (India), Joeri Rogelj (United Kingdom/Belgium), Maisa Rojas (Chile), Alex
C. Ruane (United States of America), Bjørn H. Samset (Norway), Trude Storelvmo (Norway), Sophie
Szopa (France), Jessica Tierney (United States of America), Russell S. Vose (United States of America),
Masahiro Watanabe (Japan), Sönke Zaehle (Germany), Xuebin Zhang (Canada), Kirsten Zickfeld

These Frequently Asked Questions have been extracted from the chapters of the underlying report and are compiled
here. When referencing specific FAQs, please reference the corresponding chapter in the report from where the FAQ
originated (e.g., FAQ 3.1 is part of Chapter 3).

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ 7.1 | What Is the Earth’s Energy Budget, and What Does It Tell Us About Climate Change?

The Earth’s energy budget describes the flow of energy within the climate system. Since at least 1970 there
has been a persistent imbalance in the energy flows that has led to excess energy being absorbed by the
climate system. By measuring and understanding these energy flows and the role that human activities play in
changing them, we are better able to understand the causes of climate change and project future climate change
more accurately.

Our planet receives vast amounts of energy every day in the form of sunlight. Around a third of the sunlight is
reflected back to space by clouds, by tiny particles called aerosols, and by bright surfaces such as snow and ice.
The rest is absorbed by the ocean, land, ice and atmosphere. The planet then emits energy back out to space in
the form of thermal radiation. In a world that was not warming or cooling, these energy flows would balance.
Human activity has caused an imbalance in these energy flows.

We measure the influence of various human and natural factors on the energy flows at the top of our atmosphere
in terms of radiative forcings, where a positive radiative forcing has a warming effect and a negative radiative
forcing has a cooling effect. In response to these forcings, the Earth system will either warm or cool, so as to
restore balance through changes in the amount of outgoing thermal radiation (the warmer the Earth, the more
radiation it emits). Changes in Earth’s temperature in turn lead to additional changes in the climate system
(known as climate feedbacks) that either amplify or dampen the original effect. For example, Arctic sea ice has
been melting as the Earth warms, reducing the amount of reflected sunlight and adding to the initial warming
(an amplifying feedback). The most uncertain of those climate feedbacks are clouds, as they respond to warming in
complex ways that affect both the emission of thermal radiation and the reflection of sunlight. However, we are
now more confident that cloud changes, taken together, will amplify climate warming (see FAQ 7.2).

Human activities have unbalanced these energy flows in two main ways. First, increases in greenhouse gas levels
have led to more of the emitted thermal radiation being absorbed by the atmosphere, instead of being released to
space. Second, increases in pollutants have increased the amount of aerosols such as sulphates in the atmosphere
(see FAQ 6.1). This has led to more incoming sunlight being reflected away, by the aerosols themselves and
FAQ through the formation of more cloud drops, which increases the reflectivity of clouds (see FAQ 7.2).

Altogether, the global energy flow imbalance since the 1970s has been just over half a watt per square metre
of the Earth’s surface. This sounds small, but because the imbalance is persistent and because Earth’s surface is
large, this adds up to about 25 times the total amount of primary energy consumed by human society, compared
over 1971 to 2018. Compared to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), we are now better able to quantify
and track these energy flows from multiple lines of evidence, including satellite data, direct measurements of
ocean temperatures, and a wide variety of other Earth system observations (see FAQ 1.1). We also have a better
understanding of the processes contributing to this imbalance, including the complex interactions between
aerosols, clouds and radiation.

Research has shown that the excess energy since the 1970s has mainly gone into warming the ocean (91%),
followed by the warming of land (5%) and the melting of ice sheets and glaciers (3%). The atmosphere has
warmed substantially since 1970, but because it is comprised of thin gases it has absorbed only 1% of the excess
energy (FAQ 7.1, Figure 1). As the ocean has absorbed the vast majority of the excess energy, especially within
its top two kilometres, the deep ocean is expected to continue to warm and expand for centuries to millennia,
leading to long-term sea level rise – even if atmospheric greenhouse gas levels were to decline (see FAQ 5.3).
This is in addition to the sea level rise expected from melting ice sheets and glaciers.

Understanding the Earth’s energy budget al.o helps to narrow uncertainty in future projections of climate.
By testing climate models against what we know about the Earth’s energy budget, we can make more confident
projections of surface temperature changes we might expect this century and beyond.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ 7.1 (continued)

FAQ 7.1: The Earth’s energy budget and climate change

Since at least 1970, there has been a persistent imbalance in the energy flows that has
led to excess energy being absorbed by different components of the climate system.

Stable climate: in balance Today: imbalanced

Incoming Incoming
solar energy solar energy

Outgoing Less outgoing

energy energy due to
greenhouse gases

Atmosphere 1%

91% 5% Land
Excess energy accumulating

FAQ 7.1, Figure 1 | The Earth’s energy budget compares the flows of incoming and outgoing energy that are relevant for the climate
system. Since at least the 1970s, less energy is flowing out than is flowing in, which leads to excess energy being absorbed by the ocean, land, ice and
atmosphere, with the ocean absorbing 91%.


Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ 7.2 | What Is the Role of Clouds in a Warming Climate?

One of the biggest challenges in climate science has been to predict how clouds will change in a warming world
and whether those changes will amplify or partially offset the warming caused by increasing concentrations of
greenhouse gases and other human activities. Scientists have made significant progress over the past decade and
are now more confident that changes in clouds will amplify, rather than offset, global warming in the future.

Clouds cover roughly two-thirds of the Earth’s surface. They consist of small droplets and/or ice crystals, which
form when water vapour condenses or deposits around tiny particles called aerosols (such as salt, dust, or smoke).
Clouds play a critical role in the Earth’s energy budget at the top of our atmosphere and therefore influence
Earth’s surface temperature (see FAQ 7.1). The interactions between clouds and the climate are complex and
varied. Clouds at low altitudes tend to reflect incoming solar energy back to space, creating a cooling effect by
preventing this energy from reaching and warming the Earth. On the other hand, higher clouds tend to trap
(i.e., absorb and then emit at a lower temperature) some of the energy leaving the Earth, leading to a warming
effect. On average, clouds reflect back more incoming energy than the amount of outgoing energy they trap,
resulting in an overall net cooling effect on the present climate. Human activities since the pre-industrial era
have altered this climate effect of clouds in two different ways: by changing the abundance of the aerosol
particles in the atmosphere and by warming the Earth’s surface, primarily as a result of increases in greenhouse
gas emissions.

The concentration of aerosols in the atmosphere has markedly increased since the pre-industrial era, and this
has had two important effects on clouds. First, clouds now reflect more incoming energy because cloud droplets
have become more numerous and smaller. Second, smaller droplets may delay rain formation, thereby making
the clouds last longer, although this effect remains uncertain. Hence, aerosols released by human activities have
had a cooling effect, counteracting a considerable portion of the warming caused by increases in greenhouse
gases over the last century (see FAQ 3.1). Nevertheless, this cooling effect is expected to diminish in the future, as
air pollution policies progress worldwide, reducing the amount of aerosols released into the atmosphere.

Since the pre-industrial period, the Earth’s surface and atmosphere have warmed, altering the properties of
FAQ clouds, such as their altitude, amount and composition (water or ice), thereby affecting the Earth’s energy budget
and, in turn, changing temperature. This cascading effect of clouds, known as the cloud feedback, could either
amplify or offset some of the future warming and has long been the biggest source of uncertainty in climate
projections. The problem stems from the fact that clouds can change in many ways and that their processes occur
on much smaller scales than global climate models can explicitly represent. As a result, global climate models
have disagreed on how clouds, particularly over the subtropical ocean, will change in the future and whether the
change will amplify or suppress the global warming.

Since the last IPCC Report in 2013 (the Fifth Assessment Report, or AR5), understanding of cloud processes has
advanced with better observations, new analysis approaches and explicit high-resolution numerical simulation of
clouds. Also, current global climate models simulate cloud behaviour better than previous models, due both to
advances in computational capabilities and process understanding. Altogether, this has helped to build a more
complete picture of how clouds will change as the climate warms (FAQ 7.2, Figure 1). For example, the amount
of low-clouds will reduce over the subtropical ocean, leading to less reflection of incoming solar energy, and
the altitude of high-clouds will rise, making them more prone to trapping outgoing energy; both processes
have a warming effect. In contrast, clouds in high latitudes will be increasingly made of water droplets rather
than ice crystals. This shift from fewer, larger ice crystals to smaller but more numerous water droplets will
result in more of the incoming solar energy being reflected back to space and produce a cooling effect. Better
understanding of how clouds respond to warming has led to more confidence than before that future changes
in clouds will, overall, cause additional warming (i.e., by weakening the current cooling effect of clouds). This is
called a positive net cloud feedback.
In summary, clouds will amplify rather than suppress the warming of the climate system in the future, as more
greenhouse gases and fewer aerosols are released to the atmosphere by human activities.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ 7.2 (continued)

FAQ 7.2: What is the role of clouds in a warming climate?

Clouds affect and are affected by climate change. Overall, scientists expect clouds to amplify future warming.

Altitude (Warming) Amount (Warming) Composition (Cooling)

Higher clouds Fewer (low level) clouds More water droplets
More outgoing energy Less incoming energy More incoming energy
trapped by clouds reflected back to space reflected back to space

Present climate Future climate Present climate Future climate Present climate Future climate



FAQ 7.2, Figure 1 | Interactions between clouds and the climate, today and in a warmer future. Global warming is expected to alter the altitude
(left) and the amount (centre) of clouds, which will amplify warming. On the other hand, cloud composition will change (right), offsetting some of the
warming. Overall, clouds are expected to amplify future warming.


Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ 7.3 | What Is Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity and How Does It Relate to Future Warming?

For a given future scenario, climate models project a range of changes in global surface temperature. This range
is closely related to equilibrium climate sensitivity, or ECS, which measures how climate models respond to
a doubling of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Models with high climate sensitivity project stronger future
warming. Some climate models of the new generation are more sensitive than the range assessed in the IPCC
Sixth Assessment Report. This leads to end-of-century global warming in some simulations of up to 2°C–3°C
above the current IPCC best estimate. Although these higher warming levels are not expected to occur, high-ECS
models are useful for exploring low-likelihood, high-impact futures.

The equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) is defined as the long-term global warming caused by a doubling of
carbon dioxide above its pre-industrial concentration. For a given emissions scenario, much of the uncertainty in
projections of future warming can be explained by the uncertainty in ECS (FAQ 7.3, Figure 1). The significance
of equilibrium climate sensitivity has long been recognized, and the first estimate was presented by Swedish
scientist Svante Arrhenius in 1896.

This Sixth Assessment Report concludes that there is a 90% or more chance (very likely) that the ECS is between
2°C and 5°C. This represents a significant reduction in uncertainty compared to the Fifth Assessment Report,
which gave a 66% chance (likely) of ECS being between 1.5°C and 4.5°C. This reduction in uncertainty has been
possible not through a single breakthrough or discovery but instead by combining evidence from many different
sources and by better understanding their strengths and weaknesses.

There are four main lines of evidence for ECS.

• The self-reinforcing processes, called feedback loops, that amplify or dampen the warming in response to
increasing carbon dioxide are now better understood. For example, warming in the Arctic melts sea ice,
resulting in more open ocean area, which is darker and therefore absorbs more sunlight, further intensifying
the initial warming. It remains challenging to represent realistically all the processes involved in these
feedback loops, particularly those related to clouds (see FAQ 7.2). Such identified model errors are now taken
into account, and other known, but generally weak, feedback loops that are typically not included in models
FAQ are now included in the assessment of ECS.
• Historical warming since early industrialisation provides strong evidence that climate sensitivity is not small.
Since 1850, the concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases have increased, and as a result
the Earth has warmed by about 1.1°C. However, relying on this industrial-era warming to estimate ECS is
challenging, partly because some of the warming from greenhouse gases was offset by cooling from aerosol
particles and partly because the ocean is still responding to past increases in carbon dioxide.
• Evidence from ancient climates that had reached equilibrium with greenhouse gas concentrations, such as the
coldest period of the last ice age around 20,000 years ago, or warmer periods further back in time, provide
useful data on the ECS of the climate system (see FAQ 1.3).
• Statistical approaches linking model ECS values with observed changes, such as global warming since the
1970s, provide complementary evidence.

All four lines of evidence rely, to some extent, on climate models, and interpreting the evidence often benefits
from model diversity and spread in modelled climate sensitivity. Furthermore, high-sensitivity models can provide
important insights into futures that have a low likelihood of occurring but that could result in large impacts.
But, unlike in previous assessments, climate models are not considered a line of evidence in their own right in the
IPCC Sixth Assessment Report.

The ECS of the latest climate models is, on average, higher than that of the previous generation of models
and also higher than this Report’s best estimate of 3.0°C. Furthermore, the ECS values in some of the new
models are both above and below the 2°C to 5°C very likely range, and although such models cannot be ruled
out as implausible solely based on their ECS, some simulations display climate change that is inconsistent with
the observed changes when tested with ancient climates. A slight mismatch between models and this Report’s
assessment is only natural because this Report’s assessment is largely based on observations and an improved
understanding of the climate system.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ 7.3 (continued)

FAQ 7.3: Equilibrium climate sensitivity and future warming

Equilibrium climate sensitivity measures how climate models respond to a doubling of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Climate sensitivity of models Future projections

1 Climate models from the new generation ( ) 2 More sensitive 3 But projections in
are on average more sensitive to carbon dioxide models this assessment
7 than those of the last generation ( ) 7 project stronger do not solely
warming rely on models

6 6

Projected warming in 2081-2100 (ºC)

Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity (ºC)

5 5
IPCC best
(and range)
4 4

IPCC best 3
3 estimate 3
(and range)

2 2


FAQ 7.3, Figure 1 | Equilibrium climate sensitivity and future warming. (left) Equilibrium climate sensitivities for the current generation (Coupled
Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6, CMIP6) climate models, and the previous (CMIP5) generation. The assessed range in this Report (AR6) is also shown.
(right) Climate projections of CMIP5, CMIP6 and AR6 for the very high-emissions scenarios RCP8.5, and SSP5-8.5, respectively. The thick horizontal lines FAQ
represent the multi-model average and the thin horizontal lines represent the results of individual models. The boxes represent the model ranges for CMIP5
and CMIP6 and the range assessed in AR6.


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