Minor 13 Chords

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Minor 13 Chords

Hi. This series is Minor 13 chords and we are going to go from A to G. I just hope we are doing
the rest of the time. We have reached sort of the end here. If you have sort of spat up and fast forward
in this video, this is kind of the end of the series. I’d suggest you go back, unless you do not need to of
course and look at some of the other stuff before you try some of these chords before they are kind of

But getting on with it, let us start with A Minor 13. Already coming up here to the 5th fret and
we are going to do our index on the 5th fret on the 6th string. We are going to do our middle on the 5th
fret on the 4th string, our ring on the 5th fret on the 3rd string and then we are going to bar both of
these strings up here with our pinky finger, this is kind of a tough one. And this is A Minor 13. It also has
a 9 on the end of it or a high 2 which makes it sound a little different. If you will omit that, the 9 is the
top one. If you will omit that, you are just left with… which is okay too. But I usually put the 9 in there,
you can get away with that. Check them and make sure they are all coming out. Just do a string check
and we will see you in the next chord.

This next chord is B Minor 13 and it is just the whole step up from where A Minor 13 was, it
makes sense. And so let us go ahead and give it a shot, B Minor 13. There is a 9 on there too, that was
the highest. But you do not have to play that, you can go ahead and leave that out if you want to. See
you in the next chord.

This next chord, we are going to use Form 2 for this. And Form 2 with a tonic on the bottom is…
there is C on the bottom and we got our flat 3 back here on the 1st fret. And we going to have to use this
finger so we can get this one out to here. And this is a tough one so, those who have not gotten past
this 7's yet, probably not a good idea to try this just yet. So this is it, this is C Minor 13. See you in the
next chord.

Once again we have Form 2 with D Minor 13. The tonic is here in the 5th fret on the 5th string.
And let us go ahead and see what that sounds like, so here we go. D Minor 13. See you in the next

This next chord is E Minor 13. This is Form 2 which means the tonic is at the bottom. Anytime
you have the tonic in the A string the 5th is always beneath it. So, you can use this as the toggle points

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and go back in the 4th point if you feel like it. If you don’t, that’s okay too. This is E Minor 13 and we
could also include the bottom string for this as well. See you in the next chord.

This next chord is F Minor 13. And for F Minor 13, we’re going to ahead and back down to the
beginning of the neck here down to the 1 st fret. And we’re going to do what we have done with the A
and B Minor 13 Form 1 positions. So, per the diagram on the screen, you can see where to put your
fingers and the labels and the numbers of each note. That is always down here especially with acoustic
guitar to do that. So, there it is F Minor 13. See you in the next chord.

The last of the Minor 13 series is G Minor 13. We’re going to do it on the 3 rd fret here. Put your
index finger on the 3rd, we’ve got our middle and our ring finger on the 3 rd fret as well and the 3 rd and 4th
strings, we got our pinky finger barring this up here in the 5 th fret with the 1st and 2nd strings. So, let’s go
ahead and give it a shot. G Minor 13 and here it is.

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