Unit 8 Written Quiz: Lucia Cardenas Borunda
Unit 8 Written Quiz: Lucia Cardenas Borunda
Unit 8 Written Quiz: Lucia Cardenas Borunda
B Complete the conversations. Put the words in parentheses in the correct order.
big green
1. A Which sofa do you like? Do you like the ______________ (green / big) one?
brown small (brown / small) one.
B No, I like the ______________
square big
2. A I love the ______________ (big / square) clocks.
round plastic (round / plastic) ones.
B I don’t. I prefer those ______________
beautiful silk (silk / beautiful) rug.
3. A I want to buy a ______________
nice Turkish (Turkish / nice) ones.
B But you already have two ______________
antique huge (antique / huge) lamps. Which one do you like best?
4. A Look at those ______________
Russian cool (cool / Russian) lamp.
B I like that ______________
B _______ /8 points (1 point each)
C Complete the conversations with mine, yours, hers, his, ours, or theirs.
1. A This is a really nice apartment. Wow! Is this your TV?
B No. Everything in the living room is Ken’s.
A What about the CD player? Is that __________ , too?
B Yeah, I have __________ in the kitchen. I like to listen to music while I cook.
A Really? We keep __________ in the kitchen, too. . . .
2. A I’ve got my tickets. Do you have __________ ?
B Yes, I do. Do you have Karen’s, too?
A No, she has __________ . Are we taking Mom and Dad’s car to the theater?
B No. Let’s go in my car. They’re going to need __________ tonight.
C _______ /6 points (1 point each)
1. bathroom: sink, mirror, __________ bathtub
, __________ sofa
3. living room: armchair, lamp, __________ coffee table
, __________
2. bedroom: bed, clock, __________ nigthstand
, __________ stove
4. kitchen: cabinets, oven, __________ dishwasher
, __________
D _______ /8 points (1 point each)
E Read each situation. Complete the request. Then circle the polite response.
Example: You need a ride to school tomorrow, so you ask a friend.
A Can _______________________________________________________ ?
a. Steve’s family’s photos are in a scrapbook. e. They don’t remember much about the newer photos.
b. The photos have dates on the back. f. A lot of the photos look very similar.
c. The photos are at Steve’s parents’ house. g. They don’t always agree on the date of the photos.
d. They look at the photos every year. h. They enjoy looking at family photos.
F _______ /8 points (2 points each)