Timber Stud EC5 Vertical Capacity

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Design Element Calc sheet no. rev
Timber Stud Design

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Geometric Properties

Stud Length L 2750 mm

Effective length Coeff. 0.85
Eff. Length Around y-axis Le,y 2337.5 mm
Breadth b 38 mm
Depth d 100 mm
Bearing Area A = b.d 3800 mm2
2nd Moment of Area Iyy = b.d3/12 3166667 mm4
Radius of Gyration iy = √Iy/A 28.87 mm
Slenderness Ratio λy = Le,y/iy 80.97 mm

Timber Strength Properties

Strength Class Timber C16

EN 338 Comp. Strength Parallel fc,0,k 17 N/mm2
Comp. Strength Perpen. fc,90,k 2.2 N/mm2
Modulus Elasticity E0.05 5400 N/mm2

Partial Safety Factor

Permanent γgk 1.35

Variable γqk 1.50

Table 2.3 Material Factor Solid timber γm 1.3

Permanent Load wGk 1.00 kN/m
Variable Load wQk 9.00 kN/m

Load Per Stud

Stud Spacing 600 mm

Permanent Load PGk 0.60 kN
Variable Load PQk 5.40 kN
Design Comp. Load Nd = γqk.PGk + γqkPQk 8.91 kN

Modification Factor

6.6 System Factor (Load Sharing) ksys 1.0

Modification Factor kmod 0.60
6.1.5 (4) Bearing Strength Factor kc,90 1.5

Compressive Strength of Stud

Design Comp. Stress σc,0,d = Nd/A 2.34 N/mm2

Design Comp. Strength fc,0,d = ksys.kmod.fc,0,k/γm 7.85 N/mm2

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Design Element Calc sheet no. rev

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6.3.2 Buckling Resistance

6.21 Relative Slenderness λrel,y = λy /π.√fc,0,k/E0,05 1.45
6.3.2(3) > 0.3
6.29 Factor for Solid Timber βc 0.2
6.27 Factor ky 1.66
6.25 Instability factor kcy 0.40

6.23 Strength Condition σc,0,d 0.74


6.1.5(1) Bearing Strength of Sole Plates

Design Comp. Load Nd 8.91 kN
Effective Contact Area Aef = (2.b).d 7600 mm2
Design Bearing Stress σc,90,d = Nd/Aef 1.17 N/mm2
Design Bearing Strength fc,90,d = kmod.kc,90.fc,90,k/γm 1.52 N/mm2

Bearing Stress is less than Bearing Strength

Therefore, C16 Sole Plates will meet ULS Bearing Compression Strength of EC5

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