Technology Is Double Sword Edge
Technology Is Double Sword Edge
Technology Is Double Sword Edge
Technology is something which is getting evolved day by day. Technology has shaped the society and
the environment over the last 200 years. Technology is growing so fast. We live in a generation that
relies heavily on technology and on the internet. People spend most of their time online on web,
whether for work, studies, fun or for just social networking. Technology has led us from the farm to
the factory, it has showed its development in each and every sector. Earlier we had to send a letter
by post to communicate and waited days to receive it and now it will be received immediately
through numerous platforms like email, WhatsApp, Facebook etc. This is an example of how
technology has changed. It has now become an inseparable part of our daily lives.
Technology has both positive and negative faces. It has dual effects on the environment as well as in
our day to day lives. Environmentally technology has helped in aiming at reducing pollution,
deforestation, increasing water quality, waste cleanup. Technology has led to less usage of papers,
which means less cutting of trees which leads to improving oxygen supply. Technology has played a
very major role in saving the ozone layer. In the same way it has its side effects too. The laptops,
phones which we use may not release any emissions but the electricity they use does. The cars,
motor cycles etc. are the major contributor to the air pollution which are poisonous for health, they
emit the green house gasses which leads to depletion of the ozone layer.
In Society many people use it for their growth. As the technology has developed it to improve
efficiency of the work and make it more easier. It helps in grasping more ideas about various sectors
and implementing it. It is very helpful for students as they can browse and research, which may not
be available in the textbooks, but over usage of the same leads to lack of interest in studies and
misusage. As told earlier, it is helpful in the society, in the same way some use it to harm the society.
It is also harmful as it causes health related problems (humans and animals both).
Technology also led to the reduction in the creativity of people as it makes easier and gives ready
made result to the people. It connected the distant family relations but also distanced them as
people now a days give more time for social media than to the family members. Technology has
many security issues too. Now bank accounts are connected in the mobile apps and money transfers
can be done at any point of time from anywhere, but at the same time there are many money frauds
also taking place in society due to which people are losing their money. But the good point is our
technologists have also invented the technologies to track these frauds too. It’s a round process, if
people invent something that harms the society, to crack that something good which helps the
society will also be invented.
Yes, “TECHNOLOGY IS A DOUBLE EDGED SWORD” but if we use it for good and in best effective
manner, it is all that is needed to change the world into a super power. It will help environmentally
as well as personally. It can change the perspective of the society, making them to think
independently and fearfully.