MasEco 1
MasEco 1
MasEco 1
Depreciation (of the capital stock) - The Dependency burden - The proportion of
wearing out of equipment, buildings, the total population aged 0 to 15 and 65+,
infrastructure, and other forms of capital, which is considered economically
reflected in write-offs to the value of the unproductive and therefore not counted in
capital stock. the labor force.
Surplus labor - The excess supply of labor Self-sustaining growth - Economic growth
over and above the quantity demanded at that continues over the long run based on
the going free-market wage rate. In the saving, investment, and complementary
Lewis two-sector model of economic private and public activities.
development, surplus labor refers to the
portion of the rural labor force whose
marginal productivity is zero or negative.
Patterns-of-development analysis - An
attempt to identify characteristic features of
the internal process of structural
transformation that a “typical” developing
economy undergoes as it generates and
sustains modern economic growth and