Hold On - Justice Choir Songbook
Hold On - Justice Choir Songbook
Hold On - Justice Choir Songbook
Our collection of 43 new and re-purposed songs for the issues of our time is accessible to anyone working for
change. Made possible by Westminster Presbyterian Church of Minneapolis, the songs were selected from
a national Call for Scores, and co-edited by Abbie Betinis, Ahmed Anzaldúa, and Tesfa Wondemagegnehu.
See each score in advance as we unveil them on our Twitter and Facebook pages!
@JusticeChoir @JusticeChoirALL
Made Possible by Westminster Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis
You may copy and distribute any song from the Justice Choir Songbook
for non-commercial use, free of charge, but you must:
PS: If you have any questions, please email justicechoir@gmail.com, or contact the songwriter directly.
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9. Hold On (Eyes on the Prize)
Refrain credited to Alice Wine African-American Spiritual
Johns Island, SC | 1950s transc. by Justice Choir | 2017
( = 60)
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1. Oh, the one thing we did right was the day we start - ed to fight
2. Got my hands on the free - dom plow, would-n't take noth - in' for my jour - ney now.
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Made Possible by Westminster Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis
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Hold on! Hold on! Keep your
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Hold on! Hold on! Keep your
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eyes on the prize. Hold on!
Performance Suggestions:
• This is a “zipper” song. Make up your own lyrics for the Verses.
• Vocal improvisation is encouraged, especially on the Refrain.