Hold On - Justice Choir Songbook

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This song (next page) is part of the Justice Choir Songbook!

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Our collection of 43 new and re-purposed songs for the issues of our time is accessible to anyone working for
change. Made possible by Westminster Presbyterian Church of Minneapolis, the songs were selected from
a national Call for Scores, and co-edited by Abbie Betinis, Ahmed Anzaldúa, and Tesfa Wondemagegnehu.

See each score in advance as we unveil them on our Twitter and Facebook pages!

@JusticeChoir @JusticeChoirALL
Made Possible by Westminster Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis

How to Copy & Share with Creative Commons

Justice Choir Songbook, Volume 1

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You may copy and distribute any song from the Justice Choir Songbook
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1) Include the Songwriter’s Name. 2) Distribute the Music for Free.

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Extra credit: Include this page when you print the music, so the next person will know how to share responsibly too.

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9. Hold On (Eyes on the Prize)
Refrain credited to Alice Wine African-American Spiritual
Johns Island, SC | 1950s transc. by Justice Choir | 2017

( = 60)


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1. Oh, the one thing we did right was the day we start - ed to fight
2. Got my hands on the free - dom plow, would-n't take noth - in' for my jour - ney now.

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Made Possible by Westminster Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis

Keep your eyes on the prize. Hold on!

Justice Choir Songbook, Volume 1


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Hold on! Hold on! Keep your

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Hold on! Hold on! Keep your

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eyes on the prize. Hold on!

Lyric Suggestions for Verses:

3. Only chains that we can stand, Are the chains of hand in hand. (Keep your eyes…)
4. We're gonn' board that big Greyhound, Carryin' love from town to town.
5. Many good souls have fought and died, So we could sing here side by side. -1963 March on Washington
6. When united it is clear, We don't have to live in fear. -Peter “Madcat” Ruth
7. Building walls and spreading hate, Will not make this country great. -Laz Slomovits

Performance Suggestions:
• This is a “zipper” song. Make up your own lyrics for the Verses.
• Vocal improvisation is encouraged, especially on the Refrain.

This song is Public Domain. This edition © Justice Choir.

Licensed for free, non-commercial distribution.
Free download: songs.justicechoir.org/HoldOn

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