English Class

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Abraham De Los


Learning English
Units and lessons.

1. Listen & learn.

The vocals & the alphabet.

2. Numbers & the Marks.

How to write the numbers. The punctuation marks.

3. The verbs & the verb tenses.

Conjugating the verb to be.

conjugating the simple verbs.

4. English test.
Unit 1. Listen and learn/ Escucha y aprende.

1) Understanding and introduction to vowels and consonants.

a) Correct pronunciation of vowels & the alphabet.

b) Voiceless & voiced consonants.

c) I understand what I am learning.

English Class.

The Alphabet/ El alfabeto.

1) Understanding and introduction to vowels and consonants.

The English alphabet is made up of 26 letters, 5 vowels and 21

consonants. In contrast, the Spanish alphabet has 27 letters in
total, the above-mentioned letters plus one more consonant, the

Vowels (a, e, i, o, u) are letters that sound like themselves without

the need to include another vowel sound as consonants do. Both
vowels and consonants are essential for better English
pronunciation, because if we learn to pronounce them correctly,
we will have no difficulty pronouncing whole words.

A= ei
E= i
I= ai
O= ou
U= iu

In the case of vowels, although in Spanish they can be used as numeral

connectors, in English the letter A and I are used independently in

For example: ‘‘Today's meal will be a pasta dish’’.

Consonants (b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z) are those

letters of the alphabet that are not vowels. In English, consonants are
divided into two groups, voiceless and voiced.
Voiceless consonants are consonants that we do not pronounce or give
any sound to even though they are present in certain words (G, GH, H, K,
P, S, and U, W).

Some of the consonants may be voiceless depending on the word in

which they are used.
 Silent G: assign, foreign, design.
 Silent GH: right, drought, eight,
 Silent H: architect, chaos, hour, where.
 Silent K: know, knit, knowledge.
 Silent P: cupboard, raspberry, receipt.
 Silent S: island, aisle.
 Silent U: biscuit, guest, guitar.
 Silent W: wrong, write, whole.
1. Unit 2. Numbers & symbols/ numerous y

The Numbers/ Los numeros.

1) How to write the numbers.

2) How to read the numbers.

The marks/ Los signos de puntuación.

3) The punctuation marks.

4) When to put punctuation in a word or a phrase.

English Class
The Numbers/Los numeros.
A number is an abstract concept used for counting (quantities),
measuring (magnitudes) and labelling. The simplest numbers, which we
all use in everyday life, are the natural numbers: 1, 2, 3, etc. and they
also serve as ordinals, to establish an order (first, second...).

1) How to write the numbers./Como escribir los numeros

English numbers as a symbol "1, 2, 3, 4...” They are written in the same
way as in Spanish; however, when you compare the numbers written in
English with the pronunciation of the numbers in English you will notice
that they are totally different.


1- One 6- Six 11- Eleven 16- Sixteen

2- Two 7- Seven 12- twelve 17- Seventeen

3- Three 8- Eight 13- Thirteen 18- Eighteen

4- Four 9- Nine 14- Fourteen 19- Nineteen

5- Five 10- Ten 15- Fifteen 20- Twenty

30- Thirty 40- Forty 50- Fifty 60- Sixty

70- Seventy 80- Eighty 90- Ninety 100- One Hundred

1,000- One thousand 1,000, 000- One million.

11th = Eleventh
1st = First 12th = Twelfth
2nd = Second 13th = Thirteenth
3rd = Third 14th = Fourteenth
4th = Fourth 15th = Fifteenth
5th = Fifth 16th = Sixteenth
6th = Sixth 17th = Seventeenth
7th = Seventh 18th = Eighteenth
8th = Eighth 19th = Nineteenth
9th = Ninth 20th = Twentieth
10th = Tenth

21st = Twenty first 40th = Fortieth

22nd = Twenty second 50th = Fiftieth
23rd = Twenty third 60th = Sixtieth
24th = Twenty fourth 70th = Seventieth
25th = Twenty fifth 80th = Eightieth
30th = Thirtieth 90th = Ninetieth

100th = One Hundredth

101st = One hundred and first
200th = Two hundredth
1,000th = One Thousandth
10,000th = Ten thousandth
100,000th = One hundred thousandth
1,000,000th = Millionth
10,000,000th = Ten millionth
The marks/ Los signos de puntuación .

1. (.) period/ punto.

2. (.) period, full stop new/ Punto y seguido o punto final.
3. (,) comma/ coma.
4. (:) colon/ dos puntos.
5. (;) semicolon/ punto y coma.
6. (…) ellipsis suspensión/ puntos suspensivos.
7. (?) question mark/ signo de interrogación.
8. (!) exclamation mark/ signo de exclamación.
9. (–) hyphen/ guión
10.(_) underscore/ guión bajo.
11.(’) apostrophe/ apóstrofo.
12.[( )] parenthesis brackets/ parenthesis.
13.(“ ”) inverted commas/ comillas.
2. Unit 3. The verb to be/ Ser o estar.

Conjugating the verb to be/ Conjugación del verbo ser o estar.

Understanding the verb to be.

Conjugating the simple verbs.

Listening and learning.

Reviewing what we have learned.
English Class
To be verb/ Verbo ser o estar.

As in any language, the verb to be is one of the main verbs in English. You
can find it in almost any text and you can hear it at any time in any of its
conjugations and meanings, so it is very important to use it well. And that is
precisely what this article is about.

Meaning of the verb to be

The verb to be is one of the most chameleon-like verbs in the English

language, so its meaning often depends on the context in which you find it.
However, its main meanings are as follows:

1. Ser

He is smart = Él es inteligente

2. Estar

It is cold today = Hoy está haciendo frío

3. Haber

Is there anybody inside? = ¿Hay alguien adentro?

4. Poder (permiso)

Tell her she is not to open the door to strangers = Dile que no puede abrirle la
puerta a extraños.
Present/ Presente.

Affirmative/ Afirmativo Negative/ Negativo Question/ Pregunta

I am I am not Am I?

You are You are not Are you?

He / She / It is He / She / It is not Is he / she / it?

We are We are not Are we?

You are You are not Are you?

They are They are not Are they?

 I am tall = Yo soy alto/a

 I am not your teacher = Yo no soy tu maestro/a

 Are you her doctor? = ¿Eres su doctor/a?

Simple past / Pasado simple.

Affirmative/ Afirmativo Negative/ Negativo Question/ Pregunta

I was I was not Was I?

You were You were not Were you?

He / She / It was He / She / It was not Was he / she / it?

We were We were not Were we?

You were You were not Were you?

They were They were not Were they?


 I was very shy = Yo era muy tímido/a

 We were not the champions = Nosotros no fuimos campeones

 Were you at the store? = ¿Estabas en la tienda?

Perfect present/ Presente perfecto.

Affirmative/ Afirmativo Negative/ Negativo Question/ Pregunta

I have been I have not been Have I been?

You have been You have not been Have you been?

He / She / It has been He / She / It has not been Has he / she / it been?

We have been We have not been Have we been?

You have been You have not been Have you been?

They have been They have not been Have they been?


 I have been your fan all my life = He sido tu fanático toda mi vida

 She has not been kind to you = Ella no te ha tratado bien

 Has it been a good instrument? = ¿Eso a sido un buen instrumento?

Simple future/ Futuro simple

Affirmative/ Afirmativo Negative/ Negativo Question/ Pregunta

I will be I will not be Will I be?

You will be You will not be Will you be?

He / She / It will be He / She / It will not be Will he / she / it be?

We will be We will not be Will we be?

You will be You will not be Will you be?

They will be They will not be Will they be?


 We will be a great team = Seremos un gran equipo

 They will not be my next students = Ellos no serán mis próximos


 Will we be at the beach next weekend? = ¿Estaremos en la playa el

próximo fin de semana?
Perfect past/Pasado perfecto

Affirmative/ Afirmativo Negative/ Negativo Question/ Pregunta

I had been I had not been Had I been?

You had been You had not been Had you been?

He / She / It been He / She / It had not been Had he / she / it been?

We had been We had not been Had we been?

You had been You had not been Had you been?

They had been They had not been Had they been?


 I had been the goalkeeper of the team before I went to college in

another city = Yo era el portero del equipo antes de irme a estudiar a
otra ciudad.

 They had not been the best classmates in high school = Ellos no
fueron los mejores compañeros de clase en la secundaria.

 Had you been at the concert before the earthquake? = ¿Ustedes

estaban en el concierto cuando tembló?
Perfect Future/ Futuro perfecto

Affirmative/ Afirmativo Negative/ Negativo Question/ Pregunta

I will have been I will not have been Will I have been?

You will have been You will not have been Will you have been?

He / She / It will have He / She / It will not have Will he / she / have
been been been?

We will have been We will not have been Will we have been?

You will have been You will not have been Will you have been?

They will have been They will not have been Will they have been?


 By the time you get home, I will have been asleep = Para cuando estés
llegando a casa, yo ya habré dormido.

 You will have been named the winner by the time the end of the day =
Habrás sido declarada la ganadora antes de que termine el día.

 She will have been cured by the time her family gets here? = Ella se
habrá curado antes de que llegué su familia.
Conditional/ Condicional

Affirmative/ Afirmativo Negative/ Negativo Question/ Pregunta

I would be I would not be Would I be?

You would be You would not be Would you be?

He / She / It would be He / She / It would not be Would he / she / it be?

We would be We would not be Would we be?

You would be You would not be Would you be?

They would be They would not be Would they be?


 He would be my father = Él sería mi papá

 We would not be lost = Nosotros no estaríamos perdidos

 Would you be my valentine? = ¿Serías mi cita de San Valentín?

Perfect Conditional/ Condicional perfecto

Afirmativo Negativo Pregunta

I would have been I would not have been Would I have been?

You would have been You would not have been Would you have been?

He / She / It would have He / She / It would not have Would he / she / it have
been been been?

We would have been We would not have been Would we have been?

You would have been You would not have been Would you have been?

They would have been They would not have been Would they have been?


 I would have been waiting for you all night if I hadn’t been so tired = Yo
te habría estado esperando toda la noche si no hubiera estado tan

 They would not have been found guilty without the main piece of
evidence… the letter = Ellos no habrían sido declarados culpables sin la
pieza clave de la evidencia: la carta.

 Would you have been sitting quietly here if you already knew the truth?
= ¿Habrían estado sentadas aquí si hubieran sabido la verdad?
/ /2023

I. Reed and answer/ Lee y responde.

1-¿Cuál es la letra del alfabeto en español que no se menciona en el alfabeto en inglés?

2-¿Cómo se escribe el número 11 en inglés?

3-¿Cómo se escribe ‘‘vocales’’ en inglés?

4-¿Cómo se escribe ‘‘segundo 2o’’ en inglés?

5-¿Cómo se escribe ‘‘Yo soy’’ en inglés?

II. II. Select the correct response/ Selecciona la respuesta correcta.

1. ‘‘I would be’’ se traduce como:

a) Yo soy
b) Yo quiero
c) Yo Estaré
d) Yo estaría.
2. ¿Cuál de estos verbos es un pasado simple afirmativo?
a) You had been
b) He should’nt be
c) I don’t was
d) You were
3. ¿Cuál de los siguientes verbos significa ‘‘ustedes son’’, en inglés?
a) You are’nt
b) You sound
c) We are not
d) You are
4. ¿Cómo se escribe ‘‘Primero 1o ’’ en inglés?
a) Prime time
b) First
c) Premium
d) Friday

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