English Class
English Class
English Class
Learning English
Units and lessons.
4. English test.
Unit 1. Listen and learn/ Escucha y aprende.
A= ei
E= i
I= ai
O= ou
U= iu
English numbers as a symbol "1, 2, 3, 4...” They are written in the same
way as in Spanish; however, when you compare the numbers written in
English with the pronunciation of the numbers in English you will notice
that they are totally different.
Reviewing what we have learned.
English Class
To be verb/ Verbo ser o estar.
As in any language, the verb to be is one of the main verbs in English. You
can find it in almost any text and you can hear it at any time in any of its
conjugations and meanings, so it is very important to use it well. And that is
precisely what this article is about.
1. Ser
He is smart = Él es inteligente
2. Estar
3. Haber
4. Poder (permiso)
Tell her she is not to open the door to strangers = Dile que no puede abrirle la
puerta a extraños.
Present/ Presente.
I am I am not Am I?
I am tall = Yo soy alto/a
You have been You have not been Have you been?
He / She / It has been He / She / It has not been Has he / she / it been?
You have been You have not been Have you been?
They have been They have not been Have they been?
I have been your fan all my life = He sido tu fanático toda mi vida
You had been You had not been Had you been?
You had been You had not been Had you been?
They had been They had not been Had they been?
They had not been the best classmates in high school = Ellos no
fueron los mejores compañeros de clase en la secundaria.
I will have been I will not have been Will I have been?
You will have been You will not have been Will you have been?
He / She / It will have He / She / It will not have Will he / she / have
been been been?
We will have been We will not have been Will we have been?
You will have been You will not have been Will you have been?
They will have been They will not have been Will they have been?
By the time you get home, I will have been asleep = Para cuando estés
llegando a casa, yo ya habré dormido.
You will have been named the winner by the time the end of the day =
Habrás sido declarada la ganadora antes de que termine el día.
She will have been cured by the time her family gets here? = Ella se
habrá curado antes de que llegué su familia.
Conditional/ Condicional
I would have been I would not have been Would I have been?
You would have been You would not have been Would you have been?
He / She / It would have He / She / It would not have Would he / she / it have
been been been?
We would have been We would not have been Would we have been?
You would have been You would not have been Would you have been?
They would have been They would not have been Would they have been?
I would have been waiting for you all night if I hadn’t been so tired = Yo
te habría estado esperando toda la noche si no hubiera estado tan
They would not have been found guilty without the main piece of
evidence… the letter = Ellos no habrían sido declarados culpables sin la
pieza clave de la evidencia: la carta.
Would you have been sitting quietly here if you already knew the truth?
= ¿Habrían estado sentadas aquí si hubieran sabido la verdad?
/ /2023
a) Yo soy
b) Yo quiero
c) Yo Estaré
d) Yo estaría.
2. ¿Cuál de estos verbos es un pasado simple afirmativo?
a) You had been
b) He should’nt be
c) I don’t was
d) You were
3. ¿Cuál de los siguientes verbos significa ‘‘ustedes son’’, en inglés?
a) You are’nt
b) You sound
c) We are not
d) You are
4. ¿Cómo se escribe ‘‘Primero 1o ’’ en inglés?
a) Prime time
b) First
c) Premium
d) Friday