Intertidal Field Trip Cheat Sheet
Intertidal Field Trip Cheat Sheet
Intertidal Field Trip Cheat Sheet
Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College
of Education. University of Hawai‘i, 2013. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for
non-profit educational purposes.
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tide. Take some pictures of the site to share with your students and look for organisms.
Try to identify the most common species. Determine exactly where the transects will be
laid and how long they should be, and anticipate any safety and logistical issues.
To determine the best time to go into the intertidal, consult a tide table. Tidal calendars
are sold at most drug stores (e.g. Longs) and stores than sell fishing supplies. The best
tide website is NOAA’s Tides and Current. Most tide tables have a section at the
beginning explaining how to read them. Most of them write the tide in feet. Some tidal
charts are for a particular site, like Honolulu, and thus a correction value is needed to
determine the time of low tide for other areas, such as the North Shore. If no correction
value is listed for your intertidal site, assume the tides will be similar to the closest given
correction location or average the correction values given for two locations on either
side of your site. Some websites allow you to choose locations around the island
without having to factor in correction values.
You want to aim to schedule your field trip to straddle the low tide. Within an hour after
low tide, a site can be covered by water. For instance, if the low tide is at 10am, you
would ideally have a field trip from 9 to 11am. Using tide tables to plan for optimal times
to go on a field trip is an important part of planning and one in which your students can
take an active role. Determining the best time for a field trip can introduce or reinforce
the concept of tides and chart reading skills.
Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College
of Education. University of Hawai‘i, 2013. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for
non-profit educational purposes.
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Avoid trampling the intertidal zone! Some research has shown that large groups of
students in the intertidal zone can be harmful to the organisms. We recommend groups
of 30 or less. The Hawaii state Department of Education requires a certain chaperone
ratio based on the age of the students, check the requirements for your grade level.
Sampling Protocol
You can develop your own sampling protocol, your class can develop a sampling protocol (in
groups or as a class), or you can follow standardized citizen science protocols. Following a
standardized protocol, either a citizen science one or one you developed and have your class
adhere to, allows comparisons to other sites and over time.
A combination of focused and open-ended activities is the best way to make the trip effective
in terms of learning. You want the students to focus, and may have a specific data-collection
goal, but ideally you also want students to make their own observations and discoveries and
come up with their own questions.
Classroom Preparation
Spend the time to prepare your students for the field trip and make it meaningful. The
trip should be part of your class objectives, building on prior activities and leading to
future lessons.
Practice the sampling methods that will be used in the field. If possible, let your students
practice many methods and then choose what method(s) they will use in the field based
on their questions. Spend time on learning and identifying the most common organisms
at your site before you go into the field.
Species Identification
You students will most likely to identifying species they are not familiar with. Species
can be identified with field guides, online resources, and identification (ID) cards.
Encourage students to use the scientific name when learning and recording the species.
Keep in mind many of the species found at a site may not be on the ID cards or in
books. Species that cannot be identified in the field should be richly described and
photographed for later identification. Encourage groups to ask each other if they are
unsure about a species’ identification, pooling knowledge leads to much more accurate
Transect Lines
A common intertidal sampling scheme to capture zonation requires transect lines to be
laid perpendicularly to the coastline. If student groups will be assigned a line to survey,
Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College
of Education. University of Hawai‘i, 2013. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for
non-profit educational purposes.
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the students can lay out the transect lines themselves. Lay the lines as straight as
possible and maintain equal spacing between groups (generally about 2 m). The “0”
mark should be in the water. Common end points for intertidal sampling include the high
tide level, coastal plants, or a set distance – e.g. 10 or 20 m, onto the coast. If you use
the high tide mark as your endpoint, and because field trips are scheduled around low
tides, you will have to help your students determine where the high tide level is by
looking for pools of water, exposed intertidal organisms and algae, compacted sand, or
a line of marine debris (e.g. drift algae, sticks, shells) that mark the highest point to
which the ocean rises.
The total length of transect laid out will depend on the size of the intertidal site. The
Hawaii state Department of Education does not allow public school students to get wet
past their knees. Thus, your transects cannot extend into an area that is too deep. You
are responsible to knowing how far the transect lines should extend into the water
based on prior visits to the site. All the transect lines should extend the same length.
Work your way into or out of the water depending on the tide (e.g. if the tide is coming
in, you’ll want your class to start at the deepest point on the transect). Remember to
check a tide chart so you know if the tide is rising or falling when you arrive at the site
and so you can direct the direction in which your students sample.
The number of quadrats your students survey will depend on your protocol, which
quadrat method(s) you are using, the time frame of your field trip, how well your
students know the species at the site, and how quickly you think your students will be
able to complete the data collection. If your students are using quadrats to sample
biological abundance, 10 quadrats per transect is a good number to aim for. The more
quadrat points, the larger an area of the intertidal will have been intensively monitored,
and thus the more accurate the data. Quadrats should be placed along the transect at
any standardized distance (e.g. every 1 m, 2 m, 5 m, etc.) depending on the size of your
study site and your sampling scheme. When using quadrats, it is important to spot-
check student data sheets to ensure students are adding up their percent cover or point
count numbers. This should be stressed and practiced in the classroom before the field
trip. This is an especially important data verification step in the field that students should
perform on their own before moving onto the next quadrat.
Species Richness
If your students are performing a species richness search and you want to compare the
number of species found between sites or over time, the search should be timed and
the number of participants noted in order to allow comparisons of species richness
between sites.
Having students come up with their own safety rules gets them thinking about potential
safety issues, and should help with adherence. You can always bring up issues that
Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College
of Education. University of Hawai‘i, 2013. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for
non-profit educational purposes.
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students might not think of themselves. For example, many classes routinely forget to
bring up raincoats for inclement weather. Discuss as a class what consequences there
should be for breaking safety rules. When students are involved in the planning
process, discipline issues related to safety tend to be minimal. Students, co-teachers,
and chaperones should know what the rules are and what the consequences will be for
violating them.
Again, with student involvement, discuss appropriate clothing, sun protection, and the
need for water. You and your students should also discuss conservation techniques to
use in the field, such as handling organisms gently and returning organisms to where
they were found, and turning rocks back to their original positions. On site, point out
potential hazards and remind students of safety rules.
These safety guidelines can be incorporated into a student-generated field trip contract
Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College
of Education. University of Hawai‘i, 2013. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for
non-profit educational purposes.
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encompassing safety issues and safety rules to be signed by the student and a parent
or guardian. When getting parent permission, make sure to collect student emergency
contact numbers and medication information. Remember to research where the nearest
medical facility is located.
In the Field
Classroom Field Management
The best way to approach field classroom management is to prepare in your classroom.
Have clearly defined goals for the field trip that are understood by your students.
Plan on spending the class before the field trip reviewing details and logistics.
Have you students be part of the planning process, from choosing the location,
the date, and the data sheets.
Have students generate safety guidelines
Have the students prep field equipment as a class the day before the trip.
Dividing students into teams of 3-5 before the trip and assign agreed-on roles to each
team member. In the field, be clear that each group is assigned a transect and must
stay along their transect. This ensures students say within safe, designated areas. Be
prepared for student groups to end at different times and have expectations for groups
that end early as well as slower groups.
It is important to make students aware of their impact on the intertidal. The goal is for
your class to minimize their environmental footprint.
Intertidal Etiquette:
• Avoid stepping on invertebrates and algae whenever possible
• When holding organisms out of the water, keep them wet
• Replace rocks to exactly the same position as you found them
• Return animals to where you found them
• Limit the number of students you take on a field trip to approximately 30
• Do not leave any trash at the site
At the end of a field trip, it is important to have your students look back at the intertidal
site and see their impact and the changes they have caused in the ecosystem. For
instance, sand will now be compacted, rocks will have moved, and algae will have been
compressed. Use this opportunity to tell your students to make this experience, and
their inadvertent impacts to the intertidal, count.
Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College
of Education. University of Hawai‘i, 2013. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for
non-profit educational purposes.
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If you have containers to temporarily place organisms in for the duration of the field trip,
keep the organisms from overheating and the water from becoming anoxic by
periodically having your students exchange the warmer container water for fresh ocean
water and keeping the buckets in the shade (or covering them so they are shaded).
When placing organisms back in the water, try to return them to their original location.
Have your students return organisms to the same distance from shore as where they
were captured (for instance, a crab found in knee-deep water should be returned to the
same depth). Other organisms depend on the shade and protection given by rocks and
should be returned to them if removed, for example brittle stars will appreciate being put
back near, or under, a rock.
Post-trip activities are a way for students to connect their direct experience into bigger
topics and think of the field trip as an integral part of what they are learning, rather than
as an add-ons that took away from classroom time. The following are examples of some
extension activities.
Analyze data. Have student analyze, infer, represent, and communicate their
findings. Students can do this in traditional ways, such as a lab or oral report, but
can also make posters, teach the intertidal ecosystem to younger students, or
invite parents to a symposium (see other suggested assessments below).
Food web creation. Students select an organism that they have seen in the
intertidal zone and research what it eats and what eats it. They write this
information on an index card color-coded by trophic level. The entire class
constructs a food web by placing their organism on a bulletin board with string
arrows indicating the direction of energy flows. By removing one or two
organisms from the web, the class can see how drastically the rest of the
organisms are affected.
Interaction web. This is similar to the food web, but illustrates ecological
interactions such as competition, predation, facilitation, commensalism, etc.,
between organisms. In this case, add pluses or minuses or zeros near the
organism's name to the arrows to indicate whether organisms benefit or harm or
neither harm nor benefit each other.
Threats to Biodiversity. Referring back to your community food and interaction
webs and hypothesize and model what would happen if one of the threats to
biodiversity impacts even one of the organisms in your web. What will happen to
the others?
Cultural Survey. As a related social science project, students can create a
questionnaire and ask friends, family members and neighbors about how coastal
resources were used in the past. The questions can include what kind of
organisms were collected, how, in what quantities and when, as well as how
things may have changed over time in order to gauge human use and impacts.
This can lead into investigations of cultural uses of different organisms that the
students have examined within the scope of their project. They may wish to
Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College
of Education. University of Hawai‘i, 2013. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for
non-profit educational purposes.
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Suggested Assessment
Scientific reports. When writing scientific "lab" reports, students must practice
their writing skills. Although content is often emphasized over style in scientific
writing, this can still be a good opportunity for students to practice style,
composition, spelling, and grammar. Students can compare data from different
sites and from the same site over different years. Lab reports should include
descriptive titles, an introduction (e.g. about Hawaiian intertidal ecosystem,
intertidal organisms, adaptations, about sites, etc.), a hypothesis, materials and
methods, data and observations (including graphs and graph interpretations),
results discussion and conclusion (did results support your hypothesis? Why or
why not? Include ideas for further research). Sources should be cited in a works
cited page.
Poster or Webpage. Have students design posters that summarize what they've
done in the project. The posters should not only give an overview of the project
and describe the goals, methods, and site(s) but also incorporate pictures, text,
and drawings or other media, to make the poster eye-catching and visually
pleasing. Encourage students to explain why they found what they did by
analyzing the data and making a graph or chart. Students should also describe
things that did and did not work, explain why they did or did not work, and make
Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College
of Education. University of Hawai‘i, 2013. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for
non-profit educational purposes.
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suggestions for what you could do to improve this project were it to continue. In
general, the poster should answer the question "Did you accomplish your goals?"
Creation of a field guide or brochure. In small groups, students study existing
field guides and identify what is useful and what is not. As a class, they discuss
what they would like to put in a field guide. Each student thoroughly researches
and writes about one or two organisms. You can make an online field guide as a
class project or a lower-tech paper version, both of which can be used by next
year's class and shared with the community.
Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College
of Education. University of Hawai‘i, 2013. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for
non-profit educational purposes.
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