Pneumonia Ghu
Pneumonia Ghu
Pneumonia Ghu
The most common causes of community- The most common causes of HCAP and HAP are MRSA
acquired pneumonia (CAP) is S. pneumoniae (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) and
followed by Klebsiella pneumoniae, S. aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa respectively.
and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
• Clinical : It includes taking a careful patient history and performing a thorough physical examination to
judge the clinical signs and symptoms mentioned above.
• Laboratory : This includes lab values such as complete blood count with differentials, inflammatory
biomarkers like ESR and C-reactive protein, blood cultures, sputum analysis or Gram staining and/or
urine antigen testing or polymerase chain reaction for nucleic acid detection of certain bacteria.
• Radiological : It includes chest x-ray as an initial imaging test and the finding of pulmonary infiltrates
on plain film is considered as a gold standard for diagnosis when the lab and clinical features are
• Batuk-batuk bertambah
• Perubahan karakteristik dahak / purulen
• Suhu tubuh > 380C (aksila) / riwayat demam
• Pemeriksaan fisis : ditemukan tanda-tanda
konsolidasi, suara napas bronkial dan ronki
• Leukosit > 10.000 atau < 4500
ü Patient will demonstrate improved ventilation and oxygenation of tissues by ABGs within the patient’s
acceptable range and absence of symptoms of respiratory distress.
ü Patient will display/maintain a patent airway with breath sounds clearing; absence of dyspnea cyanosis, as
evidenced by keeping a patent airway and effectively clearing secretions.
• Lama pemberian antibiotik secara oral maupun intravena minimal 5 hari dan tidak terdapat demam selama
48-72 jam.
• Sebelum terapi dihentikan pasien dalam keadaan sebagai berikut: tidak memerlukan suplemen oksigen
(kecuali untuk penyakit dasarnya) dan tidak memiliki lebih dari satu tanda-tanda ketidakstabilan klinik
seperti: Frekuensi nadi > 100 x/menit Frekuensi napas > 24 x/menitTekanan darah sistolik ≤ 90 mmHg
• Setelah mendapatkan perbaikan dengan antibiotik intravena pada pasien rawat inap maka jika terapi
secepatnya diganti ke oral dengan syarat; hemodinamik stabil, gejala klinis membaik, dapat minum obat per
oral dan fungsi gastrointestinal baik
• Pasien akan dipulangkan jika dalam waktu 24 jam tidak ditemukan salah satu dibawah ini :
Nadi > 100 menit
Frekuensi napas > 24/ minute
Distolik < 90 mmHg
saturasi oksigen < 90%
tidak dapat makan per oral
• Get vaccinated against pneumococcus and influenza
• Eat healthy
• Ambulate
• Wash hands
ü Besides the administration of antibiotics, these patients often require chest physical therapy, a dietary
consult, physical therapy to help regain muscle mass and a dental consult. The key is to educate the patient
on the discontinuation of smoking and abstaining from alcohol.
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