Small Ruminant Value Chains in Western Balkan Countries

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Orjon Xhoxhi and Tibor Szucs

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Budapest, 2024
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Xhoxhi, O. & Szucs, T. 2024. Small ruminant value chains in Western Balkan countries. Budapest, FAO.

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Executive summary ...................................... IX 4. Value chain organization and
governance .......................................... 65
4.1 Milk value chain .................................. 65
1. Introduction ............................................. 1 4.2 Meat value chain ............................... 70
1.1 Rationale .............................................. 2 4.3 Farmer–farmer cooperation ............... 76
1.2 Study objectives ................................... 3
1.3 Methodology ........................................ 3
1.4 Report structure ................................... 3 5. Farm management practices ............. 79
5.1 Food safety and quality standards ..... 79
5.2 General farm management ................ 80
2. Small ruminant sector overview .......... 5 5.3 Breed management practices ............ 82
2.1 Production trends .................................... 5 5.4 Animal health management practices .... 83
2.1.1 Small ruminant population trend ..... 5
2.1.2 Production of milk and meat from small
ruminants ........................................ 9 6. SWOT analysis and small ruminant
2.2 Consumption trends ........................... 17 sector support policies ........................85
2.3 Trade trends ....................................... 19 6.1 SWOT analysis ................................... 85
2.3.1 European Union and Near East markets 6.2 Farmers’ future investment plans ....... 87
for small ruminant meat ................ 22 6.3 Support policies most needed by small
2.3.2 Western Balkan market for small ruminant farmers .............................. 89
ruminant meat ............................... 24 6.4 National support schemes for small
ruminants in the Western Balkans ..... 92
6.5 Small ruminant farmers’ willingness to
3. Value chain analysis ........................... 27 continue and grow their business ...... 99
3.1 Value chain structure ......................... 27
3.2 Small ruminant farmers .................... 29
3.2.1 Family farm profile ........................... 29 7. Intervention strategies ....................... 103
3.2.2 Family farm well-being ................... 31 7.1 Successful small ruminant business
3.2.3 Factors of production .................... 33 models ............................................ 103
3.2.4 Production capacity, output and costs .. 38 7.2 Interventions and entry points ......... 106
3.2.5 Problems faced by small ruminant 7.3 Interventions supporting collective
farmers ......................................... 47 action development ......................... 107
3.3 Market channels for live small ruminants .. 52 7.4 Interventions supporting alignment with
3.4 Meat processing .................................. 54 European Union Green Deal ............ 108
3.4.1 Abattoirs and slaughtering points ........ 56 7.5 Other potential interventions ............ 110
3.4.2 Meat processors in Albania ............ 56 References ................................................. 111
3.5 Milk collection and processing ............ 57
Annexes ..................................................... 112
3.5.1 Milk collectors ................................ 58
3.5.2 Milk processors ............................. 58
3.6 Wool value chain ................................ 61

1. Sheep population and sheep slaughtered in Western Balkan countries, 2005—2021 .......... 5
2. Goat population and goats slaughtered in Western Balkan countries, 2005—2020 ............ 6
3. Sheep population by country, 2020 .................................................................................... 7
4. Sheep population trend in leading sheep-breeding countries, 2005—2020 .......................... 8
5. Goat population by country, 2020 ....................................................................................... 8
6. Goat population trend in leading goat-breeding countries, 2005—2020 .............................. 9
7. Production of sheep (top) and goat (bottom) meat in Western Balkans, 2005—20 ......... 9
8. Yield of sheep meat (top) and goat meat (bottom) in Western Balkans, 2005—2020 ................ 10
9. Production of milk from small ruminants in Western Balkan countries, 2005—202 ........ 12
10. Small ruminant cheese produced in Albania and Serbia, 2015—2020 ................................ 13
11. Global production of meat from small ruminants, and meat yields, 2005—2020 .............. 14
12. Global production of milk from small ruminants, and milk yields, 2005—2020 ................. 15
13. Global production of small ruminant cheese, 2005—2019 ............................................... 16
14. Consumption of mutton and goat meat, 2019 ................................................................ 17
15. Consumption trends of mutton and goat meat in the Western Balkans, 2010—2019........... 18
16. Overall meat consumption structure in Western Balkan countries, 2019.......................... 19
17. Leading countries in live sheep and goat imports (HS 0104).......................................... 20
18. Leading countries in live sheep and goat exports (HS 0104) ...................................... 20
19. Leading countries in sheep and goat meat imports (fresh, chilled or frozen) (HS 0204).......... 21
20. Leading countries in sheep and goat meat exports (fresh, chilled or frozen) (HS 0204) .......... 21
21. Evolution of lamb price in the European Union, 2004—2021 .............................................. 23
22. Small ruminant milk and meat value chain ..................................................................... 27
23. Household income structure ........................................................................................... 30
24. Family farm well-being compared to fellow villagers ........................................................ 31
25. Family farm well-being compared to five years ago ........................................................ 31
26. Family farm well-being indicators development in Albania .............................................. 32
27. Family farm well-being indicators development in Bosnia and Herzegovina ............... 32
28. Family farm well-being indicators development in Serbia ............................................... 33
29. Family farm well-being indicators development in Montenegro ....................................... 33
30. Farmland used by small ruminant farmers ...................................................................... 34
31. Farmland used for production of feeds ........................................................................ 34
32. Pastures, meadows and forests used by small ruminant farmers ................................... 35
33. Assets owned by small ruminant farmers ....................................................................... 36
34. Provision of additional benefits to hired shepherds ........................................................ 38
35. Degree of difficulty in finding shepherds ........................................................................ 38
36. Sheep herd structure ......................................................................................................... 39
37. Goat herd structure........................................................................................................... 39
38. Sheep breeds .................................................................................................................... 40
39. Goat breeds ..................................................................................................................... 41

40. Sheep fertility indicators .................................................................................................... 41

41. Goat fertility indicators .................................................................................................... 42
42. Farmer perception of the development of milk production and yield over past three years... 42
43. Reasons for increased milk yield ..................................................................................... 43
44. Reasons for decreased milk yield .................................................................................... 44
45. Farmers’ perception of income and costs over past three years .................................... 46
46. Problems faced by small ruminant farmers in Albania .................................................... 47
47. Problems faced by small ruminant farmers in Bosnia and Herzegovina ................... 48
48. Problems faced by small ruminant farmers in Serbia .................................................... 49
49. Problems faced by small ruminant farmers in Montenegro ............................................ 50
50. Designation of a farm successor in Albania ................................................................. 50
51. Designation of a farm successor in Bosnia and Herzegovina .................................... 51
52. Designation of a farm successor in Serbia ................................................................... 51
53. Designation of a farm successor in Montenegro .......................................................... 52
54. Market channels for sale of live small ruminants ......................................................... 52
55. Market channels for selling slaughtered small ruminants ............................................ 55
56. Market channels for small ruminant milk ...................................................................... 57
57. Market channels for selling small ruminant cheese ................................................... 60
58. Destinations for small ruminant wool ............................................................................. 62
59. Market channels for small ruminant wool ...................................................................... 62
60. Farmer and milk buyer relationship, stability and contracting ........................................ 65
61. Number of dairies operating within one-hour drive of farms .................................... 66
62. Farmer perception of milk buyers’ influence on price ..................................................... 66
63. Mechanisms through which milk buyers reduce prices for farmers ..............................67
64. Services offered by milk buyers ...................................................................................... 68
65. Time of payment by milk buyers .................................................................................... 68
66. Milk transportation and times per day milk is collected .................................................. 69
67. Milk storing prior to delivery .......................................................................................... 69
68. Farmer and meat buyer relationship, stability and contracting .................................... 70
69. Services offered by meat buyers ..................................................................................... 71
70. Farmer perception of meat buyers’ influence on price .................................................. 71
71. Mechanisms through which meat buyers reduce prices for farmers ......................... 72
72. Time of payment by meat buyers ................................................................................... 72
73. Slaughtering place of small ruminants ........................................................................... 73
74. Animal transportation ....................................................................................................... 74
75. Number of times per year small ruminants are sold by farmers ................................. 74
76. Lambing/kidding months ................................................................................................ 75
77. Benefits of synchronizing lambing/kidding with national holiday............................ 75
78. Farmer–farmer cooperation ............................................................................................. 76
79. Activities that farmers cooperate on ............................................................................. 77

80. Number of times buyer tests milk for safety ............................................................... 79

81. Methods of milking ...................................................................................................... 80
82. Presence of potable water in milking area ................................................................... 80
83. Animal farm registry, identification and registration ....................................................... 81
84. Keeping record of expenses and revenues, and calculation of costs ........................ 81
85. Use of advisory services and reasons for not using them ........................................... 82
86. Small ruminant mating control ......................................................................................... 82
87. Reasons for not performing mating control .................................................................... 83
88. Agents used by farmers for medical services for small ruminants ................................. 83
89. Agents that vaccinate small ruminants ............................................................................ 84
90. Number of small ruminants lost to disease, 2020 ......................................................... 84
91. Use of protective clothing while handling dead animals ........................................... 84
92. SWOT analysis for the small ruminant sector in Western Balkan countries .............. 81
93. Future investment plans of Albanian farmers ................................................................ 88
94. Future investment plans of Bosnia and Herzegovina farmers ....................................... 88
95. Future investment plans of Serbian farmers ................................................................... 88
96. Future investment plans of Montenegrin farmers ........................................................... 89
97. Support policies as ranked by Albanian farmers ............................................................ 90
98. Support policies as ranked by Bosnia and Herzegovina farmers .......................................... 90
99. Support policies as ranked by Serbian farmers .................................................................... 91
100. Support policies as ranked by Montenegro farmers ........................................................... 91
101. Total budgetary support for agriculture, 2010—2019 (million EUR) .................................... 97
102. Total budgetary support (EUR/ha, left) and per capita (EUR/inhabitant), 2017—2019.............. 97

1. Small ruminants used for farming-family consumption ..................................................... 18
2. Leading importers of sheep and goat meat in the European Union, 2020 ...................... 22
3. Leading importers of sheep and goat meat in the Near East, 2020 ................................. 23
4. Imports of live small ruminants and small ruminant meat
in Western Balkan countries ....................................................................................... 24
5. Exports of live small ruminants and small ruminant meat
in Western Balkan countries ....................................................................................... 25
6. Family farm profile ............................................................................................................ 30
7. Cheese storage capacities of small ruminant farmers ............................................. 37
8. Hired shepherds by small ruminant farmers .................................................................. 37
9. Payment for hired shepherds ........................................................................................ 37
10. Small ruminant milk yields in Western Balkan countries (L/day) .............................................. 45
11. Average purchased input cost per small ruminant in a year (EUR) ................................... 47
12. Average number of small ruminants sold and their weight, age and
selling price per kg ..................................................................................................... 54
13. Quantity sold and prices of slaughtered small ruminant meat ....................................... 55
14. Selling price of small ruminant milk by market channel ................................................... 58
15. Cheese production, 2017 and 2020 .................................................................................. 59
16. Small ruminant cheese quantity sold by farmers and selling price ....................................... 61
17. Small ruminants sold in a single transaction......................................................................... 74
18. Price and sales benefits of synchronizing lambing/kidding
with national holidays ................................................................................................ 76
19. Direct payment schemes supporting the small ruminant
sector (based on output) ........................................................................................... 92
20. Direct payment schemes supporting the small ruminant sector
(based on livestock number) ..................................................................................... 93
21. Direct payment schemes supporting the small ruminant sector (based on area) ............. 95
22. Double-bounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation approach
for assessing WTA (increase herd size) ..................................................................... 99
23. Double-bounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation approach
for assessing WTA (continue small ruminant business) ............................................100
24. Willingness to grow small ruminant business for payment per head/year .........................100
25. Willingness to leave small ruminant business for a monthly payment .............................. 101

1. Small ruminant milk value chain and main channels ....................................................... 28
2. Small ruminant meat value chain and main channels ........................................................... 29
3. Live animal markets in Albania ............................................................................................. 53
4. SWOT analysis for the small ruminant sector in Western Balkan countries .......................... 85
5. Who is a potential farmer? Who should government support?...............................................98
6. Sustainable business model for dairy processing plant ....................................................... 103
7. Kulla Hupi, a growing agrotourism business using local resources .................................. 104
8. Innovative approaches in supporting farmers in the municipality of Сajetina (Serbia) .......... 108

Executive summary
SMALL RUMINANT SECTOR OVERVIEW countries consume much less — between 0.61
kg/capita and 3.33 kg/capita annually. How-
The small ruminant population in Western ever, survey data with small ruminant farmers
Balkan countries has been decreasing for the shows that the median small ruminant meat
past five years. Albania, as the country with consumption in their families for all Western
the largest small ruminant population in the Balkan countries is about 20kg per family
region, has recorded the largest decline, with member annually.
the sheep population going from 1.97 million
to 1.48 million between 2016 and 2021. Over Throughout the 2016—2020 period, Bosnia and
the same period, the sheep population in Serbia Herzegovina was the largest importer of live
remained constant, at about 1.7 million. A small ruminants, while Serbia and Montenegro
declining trend has also been observed for the were the largest importers of sheep and goat
other Western Balkan countries, although the meat (fresh, chilled or frozen). ). It appears that
decline is not as pronounced as it is in Albania. overall, Western Balkan countries import more
live small ruminants (USD 7.23 million) annually
Serbia and Albania are the largest small ruminant than slaughtered small ruminants (USD 1.22
meat producers in the Western Balkans. million).
Although Albania has a larger population of
small ruminants than Serbia, the latter produces The largest exporter of live small ruminants in
more small ruminant meat than the former. the region is Serbia, with export values increasing
Production of small ruminant meat was steadily from USD 6.2 million in 2016 to USD 9.8 million
increasing in Albania until 2018, after which in 2020, a growth of 58 percent in five years.
production plummeted. Other Western Balkan The largest exporter of sheep and goat meat
countries have also seen a decline in small (fresh, chilled or frozen) is North Macedonia,
ruminant meat production. Serbia is the only which saw values drop from USD 13.82 million
country that has expanded small ruminant in 2016 to USD 10.67 million in 2020. Other
meat production (by 44.6 percent) over the past Western Balkan countries have negligible
15 years. exports of small ruminants.

Albania is undoubtedly the largest small ruminant

milk producer in the region. However, as with
the small ruminant population, milk production
in Albania is showing signs of decline after a VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS
period of constant expansion. A similar declining There are four main channels for small ruminant
trend is observed in other Western Balkan milk to flow from the primary producer to the
countries. The large gap between Albania and end consumer, including the informal channel,
other Western Balkan countries, in terms of the intermediary channel, coordination level one
sheep milk produced — despite having a similar (from farmer to processor — no support from
number of sheep — reflects the fact that the small processor), and coordination level two (from
ruminant sector in Albania is more focused on farmer to processor — the processor provides
milk production than in other countries. support to the farmer).
Three main channels are observed in the small
Consumption of mutton and goat meat in
ruminant meat value chain, namely the direct
Albania is the highest in the Western Balkans,
channel, local processing channel, and indus-
and among the highest in the world, at around
trial meat processing channel.
8.68 kg/capita for 2020. Other Western Balkan

Small ruminant farmers in Albania have the Western Balkan countries. The employment of
least farmland — ownership of land is ten times external labour is limited. Most of the work is
less than for Serbia farmers and 13 times less therefore carried out by family members.
than for Montenegro farmers. Serbia uses
In terms of overall herd size, Albania has the
considerably more farmland for the production
lowest, but this is because small ruminant
of feeds compared with other Western Balkan
farmers in the other countries keep much more
countries. Interestingly, even though smal
lambs than Albanian farmers. This shows
ruminant farmers in Albania have much less
that in Albania, sheep farmers are more focused
farmland available, they use approximately
on milk production and wean or sell the lambs
the same surface area for producing feeds as
early on, whereas sheep farmers in Serbia, Mon-
farmers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and much
tenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina focus
more than farmers in Montenegro.
more on meat production and keep lambs for a
longer period.
Albania also has the lowest availability of
pastures and meadows, most of which is rented One of the top three problems identified in the
from central or local government. This is unlike study is the limited availability of labour.
other countries where renting from private Another key issue impeding small ruminant
owners is more commonplace. Due to climate business development there appears to be low
change, the frequency and duration of drought product prices. Farmers in Serbia, Montenegro,
have increased; during the summer months and Bosnia and Herzegovina rank meat prices
pastures dry up and there is no feeds, which as the top problem, while farmers in Albania rank
puts pressure on farmers to buy feed, leading both milk and meat prices as problems. Farmers
to an increase in costs. Furthermore, the high in Albania, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, also cite
uncertainty over long term access to pastures, the lack of financial resources for investment
meadows and farmland P/M/F makes small as a problem affecting their business.
ruminant farmers reluctant to expand their Selling small ruminants as live animals is the
herd size. In addition, the lack of long-term common way to sell animals. In Serbia and
contracts for pasture use reduces the likeli- Montenegro, farmers use abattoirs to sell their
hood of investing in pastures improvement live animals, more so than in Albania and
because small ruminant farmers do not know Bosnia and Herzegovina. This indicates that
if they will get access to that pasture next year. food safety is more easily controlled in Serbia
Small ruminant farmers in Albania have the and Montenegro than in Albania and Bosnia
lowest level of assets owned. Their access to and Herzegovina. The trader channel is commonly
technology such as smartphones and laptops used by all countries, though Bosnia and
is also the lowest of the Western Balkan countries Herzegovina, and Serbia, tend to use it more.
included in the study. These are important The traders operate as supply consolidators,
instruments to get access to information. meaning they buy small ruminants in small
Small ruminant farmers in Serbia, Montenegro, numbers from many farmers and then sell to
and Bosnia and Herzegovina appear not to be abattoirs or the meat industry. Small ruminant
focused on small ruminant milk production and farmers in Bosnia and Herzegovina use direct
selling, though they have more cheese selling of live small ruminants to end consumers
production equipment and cheese storage than to a large extent, with Albanian farmers doing
their Albania counterparts. On the other hand, so to a lesser extent, with Serbia and Montenegro
access to cooling tanks is low for all countries, farmers doing so much less.
which is particularly important for Albania With the exception of Albania, the share of
farmers who are engaged in milk selling. small ruminant farmers selling milk in the
The share of household members involved other countries is limited, which suggests that
in the small ruminants business is high in all in Montenegro, Serbia, and Bosnia and

Herzegovina, the small ruminant milk value developed in any of the Western Balkan coun-
chain is not developed. Most milk quantities tries. Farmers often either throw away or burn
in Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina small ruminant wool, which are environmental
are sold directly to end consumers. Normally, polluters that require sustainable interventions
selling directly to consumers pays off because in order to address the problem.
there is no intermediary involved, but food
safety issues and control of this informal market
are very poor. Milk collection and transport is
one of the weakest points in the value chain. VALUE CHAIN ORGANIZATION AND
The collection of raw milk is organized mostly
by milk processors and private milk collectors.
The majority of farmers in Albania and Monte-
Small ruminant farmers tend not to have any
negro sell most of their milk to one or two main
milk cooling equipment; hence, collections are
buyers, whereas in Serbia, only 50 percent of
made at least once a day and sometimes even
farmers sell to one or two buyers. In general,
twice a day, which has considerable impact on
no prior agreements (contracts) between farmers
efficiency and costs. In general, milk from various
and milk buyers are in place, which adds uncer-
farms is frequently mixed and transported in
tainty and impedes the prospects for investment.
the same load, even though the milk might be
When there is no agreement in place, it is difficult
of different quality. Inadequate cleaning and
to create price incentives for higher quality of
disinfection of milk containers is common.
milk, or to control, or sanction, the party that
In all Western Balkan countries, sheep and goat is deviating from the agreement, which might
milk is almost exclusively processed for cheese. result in losses for either party.
Milk delivered to processors is processed in a
The number of dairies operating within a one
different way based on tradition, experience,
hour drive of farms is critical in Montenegro
and knowledge. Small ruminant milk supply by
and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and farmers do
farmers represents the main problem for the milk
not have any alternative for where to sell their
processing industry. Apart from milk processors
milk. About 50 percent of Albanian and Serbian
that produce cheese, small ruminant farmers
farmers have limited options for where to sell
process their milk as cheese. In Bosnia and
their milk. This could also be one of the reasons
Herzegovina, Serbia, and Montenegro, the
farmers process cheese themselves.
share of farmers producing cheese is high, while
in Albania, small ruminant farmers producing Services offered by buyers to farmers provide
cheese are far fewer. It can be argued that the an important support to farmers to improve
higher the share of farmers producing cheese, milk quality and safety standards and further
the less developed is the processing value chain develop their business. However, services
level. offered to small ruminant farmers in Serbia,
Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina are
One of the reasons that small ruminant
non existent. In Albania, about one third of
farmers process milk to produce cheese is that
farmers selling milk claim to receive services
the prices offered to them from processors are
from the buyer, such as herd health management,
very low. Thus, they engage in processing
breed management, and animal feeding. This
activities to add more value to their production,
is another indication that the small ruminant
and also to increase product shelf life. However,
milk value chain in Albania is more advanced
the production of cheese at the farm gate is
than in the other Western Balkan countries.
much more difficult and costly for any national
food authority to monitor and control, which has In Albania, in over 90 percent of cases, milk is
large implications for food safety. collected by the buyer, while in Montenegro, in
66.7 percent of cases it is the farmer who delivers
The small ruminant wool value chain is not
to the buyer. In Serbia and Montenegro, about

one third of farmers deliver to the buyer. This value chain in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
places higher costs pressure on farmers. More-
More than 90 percent of Montenegro’s small
over, transportation of the milk by the farmer,
ruminant farmers carry out one to three trans-
under inadequate conditions, does not ensure
actions to sell their small ruminants. They also
milk quality and safety standards. It should be
have the highest transaction size compared with
noted that milk price differentiation according to
the other countries, with an average of 74.47
quality (fat and dry matter content, etc.) is not
small ruminants sold per transaction. On the other
a common practice in Western Balkan countries.
hand, the majority of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s
Unlike the milk value chain, farmers tend to sell small ruminant farmers have the highest
small ruminants to many buyers rather than number of transactions, with ten or more
to one or two buyers. Only Montenegro farmers transactions annually and an average of nine
differ — 83 percent of them sell most small small ruminants sold per transaction. In this
ruminants to one or two buyers. This could be context, Bosnia and Herzegovina’s small
related to the market channel used by farmers, ruminant value chain appears to have the
where around 70 percent of Montenegro farmers highest transaction cost, while Montenegro
claim to sell their small ruminants to abattoirs. has the lowest. Albania and Serbia fall some-
Consequently, it can be deduced that Monte- where in between these two.
negro farmers have a more stable relationship
The main parturition (lambing) months for
with meat buyers than their counterparts in
Western Balkan countries are January and
other Western Balkan countries.
February, with small differences from country
As with the milk value chain, no prior agreements to country — for Montenegro, March is an
are observed between farmers and buyers. Even important parturition month, while for Albania,
when prior agreements are in place, they tend Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia, December
to be informal. Furthermore, services offered by is a key month.
buyers to farmers are scarce, particularly in
Small ruminant farmers in Albania appear to
Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia,
have the lowest level of cooperation compared
while in Albania, about 25 percent of farmers claim
to their counterparts in other Western Balkan
to receive some services from their meat buyers.
countries, where most cooperation is on an
Regarding buyer influence on small ruminant informal basis. Farmers mainly cooperate with
meat (or live animal) prices, Serbian and respect to labour exchange and machinery
Montenegrin farmers appear to be in a more exchange. In Albania, however, only about 25
difficult position than those in Albania and percent of farmers cooperate over such activities,
Bosnia and Herzegovina. Hence, about 92.7 and the activity they mainly cooperate on is
percent of the respondents in Serbia and 58.7 joint input supply.
percent in Montenegro point out that meat
buyers have a large influence in setting the
price of meat.
In Albania, Serbia, and Montenegro, more than FARM MANAGEMENT PRACTICES
80 percent of small ruminant farmers sell small In Albania, only 5.5 percent of the surveyed
ruminants as live animals, while more than farmers used milk testing services during 2020,
50 percent of small ruminant farmers in Bos- while in Bosnia and Herzegovina 16.7 percent
nia and Herzegovina sell slaughtered animals did so. In 2021, 19.9 percent of the farmers in
and, what is more critical, 45 percent of them Serbia and 42.1 percent of farmers in Montenegro
state that they slaughter on their farms, which carried out milk testing. On the other hand,
is usually outside the monitoring and control of buyers in Bosnia and Herzegovina do not perform
the national food authority. This poses significant analyses of milk safety in more than 75 percent
food safety risks for the small ruminant meat of the cases. In Albania, Serbia, and Montenegro,

the figures are 31 percent, 35.3 percent, and SUPPORT POLICIES

40 percent respectively.
While there are some differences in responses,
In all of the countries included in the study, direct support measures are cited as the most
most small ruminants are milked by hand. needed type of policy support by small
Moreover, more than 40 percent of farmers in ruminant farmers in Western Balkan countries.
Serbia and Montenegro mix morning and afternoon In most cases, this is requested in the form of
milk, a practice that is less used in Albania, and direct payments per head (for milking small
Bosnia and Herzegovina. ruminants). Support schemes involving a third
A large share (more than 90 percent) of small party (for instance, payment per litre delivered
ruminant farmers in Serbia and Montenegro to the milk processor or payment for the animal
keep an animal register. In Bosnia and Herze- feed area) do not entirely benefit the farmer,
govina, only 31.4 percent of farmers say they because the third party uses its influence to
have one, while in Albania 53.5 percent of farmers extract part of the value (for example, by
keep an animal registry. Serbian and Montene- reducing the milk price because the farmer
grin farmers appear to be more rigorous, with is being compensated by the government). In
all of them conducting identification and addition, direct payments per head appear to
registration, whereas in Albania, and Bosnia be the least bureaucratic procedure, and the
and Herzegovina, around 75 percent of them easiest to apply for.
do so. In absolute values for 2017—2019, Montenegro
and Albania have the lowest budget for agriculture
The use of advisory services is particularly support, namely less than EUR 30 million and
concerning for farmers in Albania, and Bosnia EUR 40 million per annum, respectively. They
and Herzegovina, where the majority of them — are followed by Kosovo, and Bosnia and Her-
98 percent in Albania and 90.7 percent in Bosnia zegovina, with about EUR 70 million and EUR
and Herzegovina — have not used any advisory 80 million, respectively, North Macedonia with
services in the past five years. In Serbia and close to EUR 150 million, Serbia with over EUR
Montenegro, more than 70 percent have used 300 million, and Turkiye with about EUR 2.5 billion
advisory services. to EUR 3 billion per annum.
It appears that most of the small ruminant On the other hand, relative data on budgetary
farmers in the region implement mating support per agricultural area and population
controls, although Bosnia and Herzegovina show that differences in support per hectare
has the largest share (27.5 percent) that do not. between the countries are significant, ranging
Moreover, those that carry out mating control from EUR 32/ha and EUR 39/ha in Albania,
keep rams or bucks in their herds. and Bosnia and Herzegovina, to EUR 150/ha
More than 70 percent of farmers in Albania, in Kosovo. The total support per hectare in the
Serbia, and Montenegro request medical help Western Balkans and Turkiye is less than half
from private veterinarians, but in Bosnia and the European Union average. However, the
Herzegovina this figure is 42.6 percent. Private numbers are comparable to some European
veterinarians are expensive, and the availability Union countries — for example, EUR 137/ha in
of public veterinarians is more limited. Latvia, EUR 175/ha in Lithuania, EUR 214/ha in
Bulgaria, and EUR 218/ha in Romania. Payments
per inhabitant vary from EUR 13 in Albania to
EUR 68 in North Macedonia. Compared with
the European Union, support per inhabitant
in Western Balkan countries and Turkiye is
significantly lower.

An intervention strategy aims to replicate ruminant sector in Western Balkan countries
successful business models in different places, align with the Green Deal include:
and thus emulate success stories. But the context
for any business model should be considered. ▶ supporting agrobiodiversity;
A key in any intervention strategy is identifying ▶ optimize the use of inputs, including
an entry point. In this context, governments or feeding, and veterinary medicines;
donor agencies, which would target the develop-
▶ drive to more complex, energy intensive
ment of small ruminant milk value chains,
processing activities;
could use as entry points businesses that have
made large specific investments in the small ▶ the issue of pasture management; and
ruminant value chain. The idea here is that these ▶ the issue of plastic packaging.
businesses have a vested interest in developing
the value chain themselves because they are
locked in due to the investments they have
made. Consequently, to protect and further
develop their investment, they work closely with
their farm suppliers because ultimately these
farmers are like the “workers” of their business,
and without them the business cannot flourish.
Thus, they are highly likely to develop relation-
ships with their farm suppliers, which is a key
element for value chain development.
At the same time, the buyer (such as a processor,
or exporter) might not always have an interest
in the development of the small ruminant value
chain as a mechanism to support the growth of
their investment, especially in mountainous and
remote areas where generally small ruminants
are reared. In these areas, large investments
from buyers are limited. In this context, an
intervention strategy for small ruminant value
chain development should focus on building
collective action as a means to overcome market
failure (that is to say, unfair product prices,
limited access to information, services, tech-
nology and financial resources).
All Western Balkan countries included in the
study are in the process of integration with the
European Union, and they therefore need to
align with and fulfil EU standards. In this con-
text, interventions in Western Balkan countries
should also consider alignment with EU strategies.
The European Union’s Green Deal is the
European Union’s main new growth strategy
to transition to a sustainable economic model.
Some interventions that will support the small

© FAO/Robert Atanasovski

1. Introduction a decrease in livestock numbers. Compared with

2015, the small ruminant population in Albania
has gone from 2.85 million heads to 2.25
million heads (in 2021), a decline of 20.9 percent
(INSTAT, 2022). In North Macedonia, over the
1.1 Rationale same period, the small ruminant population
Small ruminants play an important role in the decreased by about 14 percent (from 822 000
food and nutritional security of a considerable to 709 000 heads). The rate of decline is less
rural population in Western Balkan countries, for Serbia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herze-
especially for landless or marginal farmers, govina, at about 5 percent, 4.2 percent and 0.7
and smallholders. The socioeconomic value percent respectively (FAOSTAT, 2022). The sector
of small ruminant farming, compared to oth- is facing challenges in all of the countries, such
er livestock types, is immense for poor farm- as a shortage of labour, increasing costs,
ers. Goats and sheep are also among the main limited financial support, lack of profitability,
meat-producing animals in these countries. food safety issues, and climate change.
Small ruminants produce a variety of products Considering that Western Balkan countries are
such as meat, milk, hides and skins, wool, and on the path to accession to the European Union,
manure, and they are very resilient to extreme in this pre-accession period, the role of agricul-
climatic conditions — they can sustain them- tural and rural development policy is crucial to pre-
selves on sparse vegetation. pare a viable farming sector that can withstand
Poor rural populations who cannot afford to the competitive pressures of the single market
keep a cow use goats or sheep as the best after joining. The economic and financial op-
alternative source of supplementary income portunities that the European Union provides —
and milk. Unlike cows, goats can be kept easily. through access to the single market and the
This is one reason why poor rural households instruments of the Common Agricultural Policy
keep few goats. Unlike cows, goats can be kept (CAP) — are additional strong incentives to pre-
easily. They provide a stable source of income pare the agricultural sectoragriculture sector for
and nutrition for the large rural population in EU integration. To maximize the benefits of the
disadvantaged agricultural areas which suffer single market and CAP measures, these coun-
from low agricultural productivity on account of tries need to adjust their agricultural support
frequent drought, moisture deficit, a poor policies and align them with the CAP.
resource base, and low adoption of technologies. In this context, this study assesses the small
Therefore, the small ruminant sector assumes ruminant value chain in Western Balkan countries
critical importance in areas that are often at to identify challenges and opportunities affecting
high altitude, or are wasteland and vulnerable the sector. The focus of the analysis will be on
zones. designing an action plan on how to support the
Large parts of the Western Balkans are hilly or development of the small ruminant sector in
mountainous. These areas are rich in grass- these countries.
lands that are favourable for the development
of animal husbandry, primarily sheep and goat
farming. The production of small ruminants is
particularly important for hilly and mountainous
areas, since it represents a significant source
of income for farmers with no alternatives for
income generation. However, the small ruminant
sector in Western Balkan countries has been
experiencing economic and structural difficul-
ties in recent decades, mainly with respect to

1.2 Study objectives documents and statistical databases (for example

in institutes of statistics, FAOSTAT, EUROSTAT).
The study has two main objectives related to Relevant studies were subjected to a rigorous
the assessment of the small ruminant value review. Secondary statistical data were subjected
chain: to a standard descriptive analysis, including
1. Analysis of small ruminant production simple tables and graphs depicting statistical
and trade in Albania, Bosnia and Herze- and historical trends.
govina, Serbia, and Montenegro. The primary data and information collection
2. Design of an action plan on how to consisted of the following:
support the development of small and ▶ Around 15 semi-structured and in-depth
medium enterprises involved in small interviews targeting various categories
ruminant production, processing, and of actors and experts in Albania (such
marketing. as processors, abattoirs, government
Other objectives of the study are to: institution employees).
▶ Identify best practices along the small ▶ Structured survey with 200 small ruminant
ruminant value chain, particularly among farmers in Albania, 204 small ruminant
producers and entrepreneurs. farmers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 141
small ruminant farmers in Serbia, and 121
▶ Assess the demand for small ruminant small ruminant farmers in Montenegro.
products in the market and identify the
gaps and bottlenecks in the marketing of Based on the value chain evaluation, an
these products. intervention strategy for small ruminant sector
development in the Western Balkans is designed.
▶ Identify challenges and opportunities for
small ruminant sector development.
The primary beneficiaries of the results of this
study will be the governments of these countries, 1.4 Report structure
particularly the ministries of agriculture The remainder of this report is structured as
(policy and service delivery agencies). Given follows — the second section provides a descrip-
the interest in the empirical evidence that will tion of the small ruminant sector in the countries
be provided by the study, a larger spectrum of included in the study (Albania, Bosnia and Her-
institutions and agencies may also benefit. The zegovina, Serbia, and Montenegro), and also in
ultimate beneficiaries of potentially improved North Macedonia. The third and fourth sections
agricultural and rural development policy are dive deeper into an analysis of the small
farmers and rural citizens. ruminant value chain, followed by a discussion of
farm management practices in section five. Then,
a SWOT analysis for the sector is developed, and
finally, intervention strategies proposed.
1.3 Methodology
The study employs the value chain analysis
approach by looking at value chain actors,
products, and activities that add value, bottle-
necks, market potential for growth, the potential
for upgrading, and possible synergies. The analysis
is firmly rooted in primary and secondary data
collection. The secondary data were obtained
through a review of previous studies, policy

© FAO/Robert Atanasovski

2. Small ruminant Figure 1 also shows the number of sheep

slaughtered in every country from 2005 to

sector overview 2020, and similar trends are observed here,

with a downward trend in Albania and North
Macedonia noticeable over the past 15 years.
Most of this decrease happened between 2007
The production, consumption, and trade trends in and 2012, when there was a reduction from 2
the small ruminant sector in Albania, Bosnia and million to 1.2 million — a 40 percent decline in
Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, five years. Since 2012, the number of sheep
and Serbia will be discussed in this section. slaughtered in Albania has ranged from
between 1.2 and 1.4 million heads per year.
2.1 Production trends The decline in North Macedonia has been
2.1.1 Small ruminant population trend continuous for the past 15 years — the number
of animals slaughtered dropped from 410 000
The two countries with the largest sheep heads in 2005 to 127 000 heads in 2020, a 69
population in the Western Balkans are Albania percent decline. Bosnia and Herzegovina also
and Serbia (Figure 1). Albania had the largest saw a decline in sheep slaughtering, from
sheep population until 2019, but since 2016 this 130 000 heads in 2010 to 60 000 heads in
has declined, going from 1.97 million sheep in 2020. Montenegro has seen small year-to-year
2016 to 1.48 million in 2021, or a decrease of 25 fluctuations, with an average 28 000 heads of
percent. The sheep population in Serbia has sheep slaughtered per year. Serbia is the only
increased since 2012, going from 1.46 million country to have increased sheep slaughtering,
to 1.7 million in 2021. The sheep population in going from 1.15 million heads to 1.5 million
Bosnia and Herzegovina has remained stagnant heads in 2013, and since then slightly down.
at around 1 million heads over the past 15 years,
while the North Macedonia sheep population For goats, Albania has by far the largest
has halved over the past 15 years, going from population in the Western Balkans (see Figure
1.24 million in 2005 to 630 000 in 2021. Finally, 2). However, as with sheep, the number of goats
Montenegro has the smallest sheep population there has decreased since 2016, when the goat
of Western Balkan countries; it has remained at population was 941 000 heads. In 2021, it was
about 190 000 heads over the past ten years. 775 000, a 18 percent decline. Serbia has the
second largest goat population, at about 200 000

Figure 1. Sheep population and sheep slaughtered in Western Balkan countries, 2005—2021

Source: FAOSTAT. 2022.; EUROSTAT. 2022.


Figure 1 (Cont.). Sheep population and sheep slaughtered in Western Balkan countries, 2005—2021

Source: FAOSTAT. 2022.; EUROSTAT. 2022.


heads over the past ten years. Other countries The goat slaughtering trend is similar to that
have smaller goat populations. After the goat of sheep. In Albania, the number of goats
population went from 64 000 in 2012 to 117 000 slaughtered declined sharply between 2007 to
in 2018 in North Macedonia, this had decreased 2012, going from 1.16 million heads to 600 000.
to 76 000 by 2021. Bosnia and Herzegovina has That number then rose to 748 000 heads in 2020.
a similar number of goats to North Macedonia, In Serbia, the number of goats slaughtered was
but with a consistent population of around 70 155 000 in the years prior to 2012, increasing to
000 heads. Montenegro has the smallest goat 281 000 in 2012, and then coming down to about
population, of about 29 000 heads, largely 222 000 in 2020. Data for Montenegro show
unchanged over the past decade.

Figure 2. Goat population and goats slaughtered in Western Balkan countries, 2005—2020

Source: FAOSTAT. 2022.


Figure (Cont.). Goat population and goats slaughtered in Western Balkan countries, 2005—2020

Source: FAOSTAT. 2022.

about 8 000 goats slaughtered annually, while the leading country with regard to the number
Bosnia and Herzegovina, and North Macedonia, of sheep is China, with 173.1 million heads,
have no reported data on goat slaughtering. followed by India and Australia with 68.1
million and 63.5 million heads, respectively.
Small ruminant population, global trends
Figure 4 outlines how those numbers have
The global sheep population increased from evolved over the past 15 years. For instance,
1.1 billion heads to 1.26 billion heads over the the sheep population in China has fluctuated
2005—2020 period, an increase of about 14.5 slightly over this period, but shows an overall
percent. Figure 3 and Figure 4 present the upward trend, which is similar to the situation
countries with the largest sheep populations, in India. Australia shows a different picture,
and development trends. As Figure 3 shows, with numbers having gone down from more

Figure 3. Sheep population by country, 2020

Source: FAOSTAT. 2022.


than 100 million heads in 2005 to 63.5 million

in 2020, a decline of about 36.5 percent.
Regarding the global goat population, the
trend is also upwards. Figure 5 and Figure
6 present the leading countries in terms of
goat population, and the development trend
from 2005 to 2020.

Figure 4. Sheep population trend in leading sheep breeding countries, 2005—2020

Source: FAOSTAT. 2022.

Figure 5. Goat population by country, 2020

Source: FAOSTAT. 2022.


The country with the largest goat population in 2017. Overall, the world’s goat population
is India, with 150.2 million heads, followed is increasing faster the sheep population. In
by China and Nigeria with 133.5 million and 2005, there were about 851 million goats, while
83.7 million heads, respectively (Figure 5). in 2019 there were 1.13 billion, an increase of
As Figure 6 shows, China used to have the 32.6 percent.
largest population of goats, but that changed
Figure 6. Goat population trend in leading goat breeding countries, 2005—2020

Source: FAOSTAT. 2022.

2.1.2 Production of milk and meat from small ruminant meat producers in the Western
small ruminants Balkans (see Figure 7). Though Albania has
a larger population of small ruminants than
Small ruminant meat production
Serbia, the latter appears to produce more
As with data on the small ruminant population, small ruminant meat. Production of meat from
Serbia and Albania appear to be the largest small ruminants has been steadily increasing

Figure 7. Production of sheep (top) and goat (bottom) meat in Western Balkans, 2005—2020

Source: FAOSTAT. 2022.


Figure 7 (Cont.). Production of sheep (top) and goat (bottom) meat in Western Balkans, 2005—2020

Source: FAOSTAT. 2022.

in Albania over the past decade. This was showed a considerable decrease compared with
triggered primarily by an increase in local 2018. In 2018, sheep and goat meat production
demand, especially with the development of the in Albania stood at 18 800 tonnes and 12 600
agrotourism sector. However, as the population tonnes, respectively, which in 2020 dropped to
of small ruminants has declined rapidly, this has 15 500 tonnes and 8 100 tonnes (declines of 17.5
also affected meat production, which in 2020 percent and 35 percent).

Figure 8. Yield of sheep meat (top) and goat meat (bottom) in Western Balkans, 2005—2020

Source: FAOSTAT. 2022.


Figure 8 (Cont.). Yield of sheep meat (top) and goat meat (bottom) in Western Balkans, 2005—2020

Source: FAOSTAT. 2022.

Serbia appears to be the only country in the Albania of 13 kg, Serbia 22 kg, North Macedonia
Western Balkans to show an upward trend in 25 kg, and Bosnia and Herzegovina 15 kg. Meat
sheep meat production, which increased from yield per sheep in Montenegro is considerably
20 400 tonnes in 2006 to 29 500 tonnes in 2020, higher, at about 39 kg/sheep (note: Montenegro
an increase of 44.6 percent. The production of data are not shown in Figure 8).
goat meat in Serbia was increasing considerably
As seen in Figure 8, Albania has improved its
until 2012, when it jumped from 1 900 tonnes
small ruminant meat yield over the past 15
to 3 900 tonnes. Since then, it has declined,
years, going from 9 kg/animal to 13 kg/animal
dropping to 3 000 tonnes in 2020.
(slaughtered carcass weight). However, it is still
The third largest sheep meat producer is North much lower than other Western Balkan countries.
Macedonia, whose production decreased from North Macedonia has shown considerable
6 900 tonnes in 2005 to 3 200 tonnes in 2020. improvement, going from 13 kg/sheep in 2016 to
A similar pattern is observed in Bosnia and 25 kg/sheep in 2020. Serbia has also improved
Herzegovina, whose production of sheep meat over the past decade, going from 19 kg/sheep
declined from 2 300 tonnes in 2011 to 900 tonnes to 22 kg/sheep in 2020. Sheep carcass weight
in 2020. Montenegro has produced 1 100 tonnes in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been more
of sheep meat per year over the past decade. consistent over those years, at about 15.5 kg.
The sheep meat yield in Montenegro has also
In addition to the quantity of meat produced,
been consistent, at about 39 kg/sheep.
another indicator that needs to be pointed out
when analysing meat production is the meat
yield per animal. Figure 8 shows the evolution of Small ruminant milk production
the yield (carcass weight) per animal in Western Figure 9 outlines the evolution of milk production
Balkan countries. Despite being the country from small ruminants in Western Balkan countries.
with the largest population of small ruminants, Albania is by far the largest small ruminant milk
Albania has the lowest meat yield per animal. producer in the region. However, as with its small
This might also be the reason why Albania ruminant population, this is showing signs of
produces much less meat than Serbia. Thus, decline following a period of constant expansion.
2020 data show the average slaughtered sheep This decline has also occurred in other Western
carcass weight of a slaughtered sheep carcass in Balkan countries. North Macedonia shows the

largest decrease in sheep milk, going from a peak Western Balkan countries, is more focused on
of 56 600 tonnes in 2006, to 26 900 tonnes in milk production. However, FAOSTAT data for
2020 (a decline of 52.5 percent). 2020 show that in Albania, milk yield for both
sheep and goats is 64.9 L and 125.7 L/animal,
Another fact that can be deduced from Figure 9 is
respectively, much lower than the Serbian
the large gap — in sheep milk produced — between
figures of 142.5 L/sheep and 291.3 L/goat. North
Albania and other Western Balkan countries such
Macedonia has a much higher goat milk yield at
as Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, even
about 222 L/goat. The lower milk yield in Albania
though the sheep population difference between
compared to Serbia and North Macedonia could
these countries is not significant (in 2020, the
be related to the breeds that are not specialized
populations in Albania, Serbia, and Bosnia and
in milk production. In addition, the specialization
Herzegovina, were 1.56 million, 1.69 million and
1.01 million heads, respectively). The main reason of the Albanian small ruminant sector towards
for the difference is the specialization of the milk production can justify to a certain extent
sector. In other words, 1.18 million sheep — or the low slaughtered carcass weight compared to
75.6 percent of the total sheep population in other Western Balkan countries.
Albania — are milk ewes. In Serbia, and Bosnia Based on the data outlined above, it appears
and Herzegovina, only 3.5 percent and 13.2 that either the small ruminant sector in Bosnia
percent of the sheep populations are milk ewes and Herzegovina is inefficient, or that the data
(EUROSTAT, 2022). is unreliable. In 2020, it had a much larger sheep
One could therefore argue that the small population than North Macedonia, but produced
ruminant sector in Albania, compared to other much less meat and much less milk.

Figure 9. Production of milk from small ruminants in Western Balkan countries, 2005—2020

Source: FAOSTAT. 2022.


Figure 9 (Cont.). Production of milk from small ruminants in Western Balkan countries, 2005—2020

Source: FAOSTAT. 2022.

Data on cheese production — using milk from between 2016 and 2019, and an upward one
small ruminants — are available only for Albania from 2019 to 2021, even though milk production
and Serbia from the FAOSTAT database, which there has been declining. The increase in small
uses an imputation methodology. However, ruminant cheese production in Albania might
there are differences between the FAOSTAT be explained therefore by an expansion in small
data and the Albanian INSTAT, on cheese ruminant milk imports. Unfortunately, there
production using small ruminant milk. Figure are no data on imports categorized by type
10 presents the evolution of small ruminant of livestock. However, it should be noted that
cheese production in Albania and Serbia, based Albanian imports of dairy products have tripled
on FAOSTAT data for Serbia and INSTAT for in the past two decades. Moreover, interviews
Albania. Interestingly, small ruminant cheese with small ruminant processors in the country
production in Albania shows a downward trend point to an increase in milk imports.

Figure 10. Small ruminant cheese produced in Albania and Serbia, 2015—2020

Sources: INSTAT. 2022.; FAOSTAT. 2022.


In Serbia, on the other hand, small ruminant growth rate globally is around 1.52 percent for
cheese production has been declining since sheep and 1.95 percent for goats. On the other
2014, which is in line with the decline in milk hand, the yield of meat from small ruminants
production presented in Figure 9. (slaughtered carcass weight) appears to be
constant throughout the years for both goat
Global production of milk and meat from
and sheep, at around 12.5 kg and 16.5 kg per
small ruminants animal, respectively. Based on these data, the
The global production of meat from small small ruminant meat yields for Albania, and
ruminants has been growing at a modest rate. Bosnia and Herzegovina, are lower than the
As presented in Figure 11, the growth rate of global average, indicating inefficiency in small
goat meat production is much higher than that ruminant meat production in both countries —
of sheep. Goat and sheep meat production especially in Albania, where the average carcass
has increased by about 33.6 percent (from 4.6 weight of sheep is 12.7 kg. Small ruminant meat
million to 6.14 million tonnes) and 25.4 percent yield values for Serbia, North Macedonia, and
(7.89 million to 9.89 million tonnes), respectively, Montenegro, however, are much higher than the
since 2005. In other words, the average annual global average.

Figure 11. Global production of meat from small ruminants, and meat yields, 2005—2020

Source: FAOSTAT. 2022.

A similar situation is observed in global milk around 1.1 percent, and goat milk 1.8 percent.
production from small ruminants (Figure Furthermore, the global goat milk yield
12). Goat and sheep milk production have fluctuates a bit above and below 95 L, while the
increased by about 31.5 percent and 17.5 sheep milk yield is more stable, at about 42 L
percent, respectively, since 2005. Thus, the per lactation cycle.
average annual growth rate of sheep milk is

Figure 12. Global production of milk from small ruminants, and milk yields, 2005—2020

Source: FAOSTAT. 2022.


Figure 13. Global production of small ruminant cheese, 2005—2019

Source: FAOSTAT. 2022.

Figure 13 shows global production of goat and an increase of 25 percent. On the other hand,
sheep cheese. Global goat cheese production global production of sheep cheese decreased
was mostly constant between 2005 and 2011 between 2005 and 2012, followed by an increase
at around 455 000 tonnes, before increasing from 612 000 tonnes in 2012 to 703 000 tonnes
between 2011 and 2019 to 570 000 tonnes, in 2019 (a 14.8 percent increase).

2.2 Consumption trends 8.68 kg/capita annually (FAOSTAT, 2022). On

the other hand, consumption in Bosnia and
Based on Food and Agriculture Organization Herzegovina, and North Macedonia, is low, at
of the United Nations (FAO) methodology, 0.61 kg and 0.7 kg/capita annually, respectively,
food supply quantity available for human even lower than the global average of 1.99 kg/
consumption of mutton and goat meat in capita (Figure 14). Serbia and Montenegro have
Albania is the highest in the Western Balkans a modest consumption of 3.3 kg and 2.38 kg/
and among the top in the world, at around capita annually, respectively.

Figure 14. Consumption of mutton and goat meat, 2019

Source: FAOSTAT. 2022.

The survey with small ruminant farmers shows the countries, but the distribution of small
a different picture regarding the consumption ruminant consumption is similar (that is, 1st
of small ruminant meat (see Table 1), though quintile [Q1], median and 3rd quintile [Q3]).1).
this is focused on households that breed In general, the median of the population is
small ruminants, which is not representative more robust to outliers than the average. Thus,
of the population as a whole. Assuming that considering the median consumption (Table 1),
the slaughtered weight of small ruminants for Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia
consumption is 16 kg, and that there are four consume about 20 kg/capita annually of meat
family members, then the consumption of from small ruminants (five small ruminant
small ruminant meat is around 26 kg/capita heads, 16 kg per head, four family members). In
annually in Albania, 31.5 kg/capita in Bosnia Montenegro, the consumption is slightly lower
and Herzegovina, 18.96 kg/capita in Serbia, (assuming a similar slaughter carcass weight of
and 20.72 kg/capita in Montenegro. There are 16 kg), but as outlined above, Montenegro has
differences in average consumption between the highest yield of meat from small ruminants.

By using the 1st quintile, median, and 3rd quintile together, we can understand the spread and distribution of a
dataset. These three values provide a concise overview of the data’’s central tendency and dispersion. The 1st quintile,
also known as the lower quartile or 25th percentile, divides the data set into four equal parts. It represents the value
below which 25 percent of the data points fall. The median is the middle value in a data set when it is arranged in
ascending or descending order. It divides the data set into two equal parts. Fifty percent of the data values are below
the median, and the other 50 percent are above it. Similarly, the 3rd quintile, also known as the upper quartile, is the
value above which 75 percent of the data points fall. It divides the data into four equal parts, with the top 25 percent
of the values falling above Q3.

Table 1. Small ruminants used for farming-family consumption

Number of small ruminants
Mean Std. Dev Q1 Median Q3
used for family consumption
Albania 6.5 5.24 3 5 10
Bosnia and Herzegovina 7.87 9.81 3 5 10
Serbia 4.74 3.95 2 5 6
Montenegro 5.18 4.79 2 4 6
Note: Q1 is first quintile; Q3 is third quintile; Std. dev is standard deviation.

Considering that one of the main drivers of meat in other Western Balkan countries is much
meat production in Western Balkan countries is lower than in Albania. Serbia appears to have
domestic demand, investigating consumption the second largest per capita consumption of
patterns can shed more light on the evolution mutton and goat meat, which shows a slight
of meat production. It should be noted that upward trend over the past decade. A similar
another driver of meat production from small pattern is observed for Montenegro, which has
ruminants is exports, which for Albania, Bosnia the third largest consumption per capita in the
and Herzegovina, and Montenegro is non Western Balkans. North Macedonia is the only
existent for this type of product. Western Balkan country whose consumption
of mutton and goat meat has decreased, going
Therefore, to explore in more detail the
from 1.57 kg/capita annually in 2011 to 0.7 kg/
consumption patterns of mutton and goat
capita in 2019. This could also be a reason for
meat, Figure 15 outlines consumption for the
the reduction in small ruminant meat produced
2010—2019 period for Western Balkan countries.
there. Bosnia and Herzegovina has had a
Albania’s consumption expanded rapidly,
consistently low consumption of mutton and
before declining in 2019. This decline could
goat meat throughout the 2010—2019 period, at
have been the trigger for the reduction in meat
around 0.5 kg/capita annually, which explains
production highlighted already. On the other
to a certain extent the low production of meat
hand, the consumption of mutton and goat
in the country pointed out above

Figure 15. Consumption trends of mutton and goat meat in the Western Balkans, 2010—2019

Source: FAOSTAT. 2022.


Looking at the overall structure of meat consumption patterns, with poultry accounting
consumption in Western Balkan countries, it for about 50 percent of the meat consumed,
appears that there are considerable differences followed by bovine and pig meat with a similar
between countries in terms of type of meat share of meat consumption. For Serbia and
consumed. Thus, in Albania, bovine meat is Montenegro, pig meat accounts for about 60
the most consumed, followed by poultry, and percent of the total meat consumed per capita,
mutton and goat meat. North Macedonia, and followed by poultry (accounting for 21 percent),
Bosnia and Herzegovina, have similar meat and then bovine meat.

Figure 16. Overall meat consumption structure in Western Balkan countries, 2019

Note: Total meat consumption — Montenegro 76.8 kg; Serbia 61.5 kg; Albania 40.71 kg; North Macedonia 37.8 kg; Bosnia
and Herzegovina 37.8 kg.
Source: FAOSTAT. 2022.

2.3 Trade trends for 2018, 2019 and 2020. Global live sheep
The above sections pointed out that the and goat imports totalled USD 1.55 billion in
global sheep and goat populations have been 2020 (ITC, 2021). Based on International Trade
increasing steadily over the past 15 years. Meat Centre (ITC) data, the annual growth rate of
produced from sheep and goats has grown world imports between 2016 and 2020 for live
annually at a rate of about 1.52 percent (for sheep and goats (HS0104) is -2 percent — that
sheep meat) and 1.95 percent (for goat meat). is to say, that imports were down. Saudi Arabia
In order to have a comprehensive picture, the is the leading live sheep and goat importer,
global and regional trade trends for the small followed by Kuwait and Qatar. The top five
ruminant sector are presented here. importing countries of live sheep and goats are
located in the Near East, and jointly account
Figure 17 and Figure 18 present the leading
for about 65 percent of total global imports.
countries in live sheep and goat (or HS0104, the
harmonized system code) imports and exports

Figure 17. Leading countries in live sheep and goat imports

Source: UN Comtrade. 2021.

The same data show that world exports of The leading exporter of live sheep and goats in
live sheep and goats dropped by 4 percent 2018 was Sudan (data for Sudan after 2018 are
between 2016 and 2020, also a downward not available), followed by Romania, Spain and
trend. Global exports of live sheep and goats Australia.
in 2020 were worth USD 1.38 billion (ITC, 2021).

Figure 18. Leading countries in live sheep and goat exports

Source: UN Comtrade. 2021.


While the leading importers of live small The two main exporters of sheep or goat meat
ruminants are located in the Near East, the are Australia and New Zealand, accounting for
leading importers of small ruminant meat over 70 percent of global exports, which in 2020
(HS0204) are China, followed by the United stood at around USD 7.4 billion. The annual
States of America and three of the biggest growth rate of small ruminant meat exports for
economies in Europe (Figure 19). Global imports the period 2016—2020 was 6 percent.
of sheep or goat meat (fresh, chilled or frozen)
amounted to USD 7.59 billion in 2020, and
showed an average annual growth rate of 6
percent over the 2016—2020 period (ITC, 2021).

Figure 19. Leading countries in sheep and goat meat imports (fresh, chilled or frozen)

Source: UN Comtrade. 2021.

Figure 20. Leading countries in sheep and goat meat exports (fresh, chilled or frozen)

Source: UN Comtrade. 2021.


2.3.1 European Union and Near East The Directorate-General for Agriculture and
markets for small ruminant meat Rural Development (DG AGRI) short term
outlook report estimates a 97 percent self-
The trade figures above show that European
sufficiency in sheep and goat meat, a figure
Union and Near East markets are high potential
that in 2013 was 86 percent (DG AGRI, 2021).
export markets for sheep and goat meat from
Currently, there are 60.4 million sheep and 11.9
Western Balkan countries. The prices for lamb
million goats in the European Union (Eurostat,
in Germany (as well as in other European Union
2022). This is a decline of about 8 percent (from
countries) are high, the packaging is typically
78.8 million to 72.3 million heads) since 2010
quite small, and consumers expect to pay
(Eurostat, 2022), and it may be due to a number
more for lamb than other meat, to benefit
of factors, including the level of profitability,
from its health properties and nutritional value
part-time farmers, reduced labour availability,
(Euromonitor International, 2017). Similarly,
and the lack of uptake of technology and
the United Arab Emirates relies heavily on
agricultural imports from international markets.
Consumers there generally prefer high quality In 2020, total imports of sheep and goat meat
tender beef and lamb. Lamb benefits not only into the European Union was 239 000 tonnes,
from market demand, but also from higher with the top five countries accounting for more
prices from cultural–religious demand over the than 80 percent of that figure (see Table 2).
Hajj period (Euromonitor International, 2017). The leading sources of imports for European
Union countries are New Zealand and Australia.
EU market for small ruminant meat
Currently, only North Macedonia and Serbia
The European Union is the second largest (of Western Balkan countries) export small
importer of sheep and goat meat in the world. ruminants to countries in the European Union.

Table 2. Leading importers of sheep and goat meat in the European Union, 2020
Country Share of EU imports by trade value
France 29.2%
Germany 23.7%
Netherlands 12.1%
Belgium 9.7%
Italy 7.7%
Total imports (million USD) 1 818
Total imports (thousand tonnes) 239

Source: UN Comtrade. 2021.

Lamb prices in the European Union (that is, start of the COVID-19 pandemic, prices have
the weighted average of all European Union increased rapidly. This could be attributed to
countries) are outlined in Figure 21. Since the disruptions in supply logistics costs caused by
the pandemic.

Figure 21. Evolution of lamb price in the European Union, 2004—2021

Note: Heavy lambs (those over 13 kg) are produced in Ireland, light lambs are reared in southern regions such as Greece
and Italy, whereas the Spanish and French production is mixed (DG AGRI, 2021).
Source: Eurostat. 2022

Near East market for small ruminant meat Zealand and Australia are the leading suppliers,
In 2020, the top four importers in the Near other countries such as Brazil, India and
Eastern region (United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Ethiopia, also export to the Near East. However,
Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait) accounted for more none of the Western Balkan countries export
than 90 percent of sheep and goat meat to the Near East. Clearly, there is potential to
imports in the region (Table 3). A major point do so, after catering to the requirements of
of difference from the European Union is that the domestic market and meeting the quality
these countries import from a large number requirements of the importing countries.
of countries across the globe. Though New

Table 3. Leading importers of sheep and goat meat in the Near East, 2020
Country Share of Near East imports by trade value
United Arab Emirates 41.7%
Qatar 23%
Saudi Arabia 13.2%
Jordan 12.5%
Total imports (million USD) 862
Total imports (thousand tonnes) 133

Source: UN Comtrade. 2021.


A Euromonitor International study (2017) 2.3.2 Western Balkan market for small
emphasizes some practical approaches to ruminant meat
improving the small ruminant trade with
Table 4 and Table 5 present the details of
European Union and Near East regions:
trade of small ruminants in the Western
▶ Raise awareness of taste and attributes Balkan for the period 2016—2020. Bosnia and
of meat produced in these regions. Herzegovina was the largest importer of live
small ruminants, while Serbia and Montenegro
▶ Consolidate production to enhance quality
were the largest importers of sheep and goat
consistency and volume supply.
meat (Table 4). It is clear from the table that
▶ Develop livestock populations for long- the Western Balkan countries import more live
term trade sustainability. animals than processed meat.
▶ Achieve international certification (GLOBAL The largest exporter of live small ruminants
GAP, HACCP, etc.). in the region is Serbia, with export values
▶ Learn from international best practices to increasing from USD 6.2 million in 2016 to
modernize laboratories. USD 9.8 million in 2020, an expansion of 58
percent in five years (Table 5), while the largest
▶ Identify opportunities for partnerships in exporter of sheep and goat meat is North
air freight. Macedonia. Other Western Balkan countries
have negligible exports of small ruminants.
Bosnia and Herzegovina has the highest deficit
in terms of the sheep and goat meat trade,
whereas North Macedonia and Serbia have a
positive trade balance from trade of meat from
small ruminants.

Table 4. Imports of live small ruminants and small ruminant meat in Western Balkan countries
Value of imports of live small ruminants
Country 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Albania 0.53 3.21 - - -
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3.98 5.42 4.76 4.50 4.61
Montenegro 1.68 3.04 2.81 2.30 1.78
North Macedonia 0.83 0.07 0.08 0.11 0.14
Serbia 0.21 0.53 1.28 0.63 0.15
Western Balkan total value of
7.23 12.27 1.28 7.54 6.69
Value of imports of sheep or goat meat (fresh, chilled or frozen)
Albania 0.26 0.26 - - -
Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.25 0.39 0.48 0.50 0.60
Montenegro 0.29 0.85 0.94 0.81 0.63
North Macedonia - 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
Serbia 0.42 1.13 0.85 0.78 0.92
Western Balkan total value of
1.22 2.64 2.28 2.08 2.15
Note: Values are in million USD.
Source: UN Comtrade. 2021.

Table 5. Exports of live small ruminants and small ruminant meat in Western Balkan countries
Value of exports of live small ruminants (million USD)
Country 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Albania - - - - -
Bosnia and Herzegovina - - - - -
Montenegro 0.7 - - - -
North Macedonia - - - - -
Serbia 9.8 7.2 7.7 6.0 6.2
Western Balkan total value of
10.5 7.2 7.7 6.0 6.2
Value of exports of sheep or goat meat (fresh, chilled or frozen) (million USD)
Albania - - - - -
Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.01 0.03 0.08 0.12 -
Montenegro - - - - -
North Macedonia 10.67 10.81 12.34 11.19 13.82
Serbia 0.42 0.25 0.33 0.34 0.17
Western Balkan total value of
11.09 11.09 12.74 11.65 13.99
Source: UN Comtrade. 2021.

© FAO/Robert Atanasovski

3. Value chain 3.1 Value chain structure

A full map of the small ruminant value chain
analysis as observed in the countries where the
study was conducted is provided in Figure
22. The figure shows different channels
This section discusses the way the small through which small ruminant meat and milk
ruminant value chain is structured in might move from small ruminant farmers to
Western Balkan countries, to provide a broad end consumer, but these channels are not
understanding of the key players in the chain necessarily operational in all Western Balkan
and functioning of the chain. First, it outlines countries in the same way. In some countries,
a general structure of the small ruminant the milk value chain might be more developed
value chain, the main channels through which than the meat value chain, or the same
small ruminant products move from producer channel in two different countries might face
to end consumer, and the actors involved different issues. Thus, the figure should be
in each channel. Subsequently, a detailed considered a general picture of all potential
assessment of the activities at all levels in channels used to move small ruminant
the value chain is provided, starting with products from producer to end consumer in
small ruminant producers which are the focus the Western Balkan countries included in the
of the primary data collection of this study, study. The following sections will delve into
followed by actors involved in small ruminant the specifics of small ruminant value chains
transportation and processing, and continuing for each country. In addition, Box 1 and Box
with milk collectors and processors. The 2 give a brief overview of the main channels
section concludes with a summary subsection of the small ruminant milk and meat value
that outlines the main messages chains, and involved actors in each channel.

Figure 22. Small ruminant milk and meat value chain

Source: Authors' own elaboration.


Box 1. Small ruminant milk value chain and main channels

As one may observe from the right-hand side of Figure 22, the main actors in the milk
value chain are small ruminant farmers, milk collectors, milk processors and dairy product
wholesalers and retailers. Each of the main levels of the chain are discussed in subsection 3.2
(small ruminant farmers) and 3.5 (milk collection and processing).
As shown in the figure, there are four main channels for milk, from the primary producer to
the end consumer (all channels start with the black arrow at farm level). The first channel
is the informal one, where milk or small ruminant cheese go directly from producer to end
consumers. This channel works in different ways, including:
▶ Selling by the roadside in main cities. In general, this is used by smallholders living in
the vicinity of cities.
▶ Selling directly to consumers in their houses. In this case, the farmer delivers the milk
or small ruminant cheese directly to consumer homes or delivers it to a specific place
where his clients go and pick it up.
▶ In villages selling directly to neighbouring farmers.
A second channel is the intermediary channel, where the farmer sells the milk to a local
collector, who consolidates supply and then sells to a larger processor. Generally, this channel
is used by smallholders who are located far from the processor (or are in remote areas). This
channel tends to operate informally and is prone to problems with milk quality and safety.
The third is the coordination channel, where the farmer sells directly to the milk processor.
However, selling directly to a local small processor and large milk processor is very different.
Selling to local small processor is done primarily by local smallholders who in general cannot
produce large quantities and lack milk quality standards. In addition, local processors also
lack the capacities to provide assistance to the farmers. On the other hand, large processors
have attempted in recent years (especially in Albania) to coordinate directly with larger
farmers and also provide to them assistance with veterinary services or install cooling tanks
on their farms. It should be noted that the latter approach is done with farmers who produce
large daily quantities of milk. Moreover, the channel from farmer to large milk processor
tends to be more formal and the milk supplied is of higher quality and standards. In this
context, the coordination channel can be considered at two levels: coordination level 1 —
farmer to small local dairy; coordination level 2 — farmer to large milk processor.
Information obtained from interviews shows that sales of small ruminant milk in Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Montenegro is low.

Box 2. Small ruminant meat value chain and main channels

The left-hand side of Figure 22 shows the main channels and actors of the small ruminant
meat value chain. The main actors in meat value chain are small ruminant farmers, live
animal transporters, meat collectors, live animal markets, abattoirs and slaughter points,
meat processors and retail shops (butcher shops, restaurants, and supermarkets).
Three main channels are observed in the small ruminant meat value chain, namely the
direct channel (purple line in the figure), the local processing channel (blue line in the
figure), and the industrial meat processing channel (orange line in the figure).
The direct channel operates in different ways, including:
▶ Direct selling of live animals to agrotourism business operators. This is either done
from farmer to agrotourism or through an intermediary (such as a meat collector). The
intermediary transports the animals to the abattoir/slaughter point and then sends
the slaughtered animal to the agrotourism agent.
▶ Direct selling to end consumers, where the end consumer buys a lamb directly from a
farmer during festive times (such as Easter). However, this is rarely used.
▶ Direct selling to butcher shops in cities.
▶ Direct selling through the live animal market.
In the local processing channel, the meat collectors or abattoirs buy live animals either
directly or through the live animal market, process the meat and sell it to end consumers
via the retail market.
Lastly, the industrial meat processing channel operates with much larger quantities;
purchases are not made directly from small ruminant farmers but rather through a supply
consolidator (such as a meat collector or local abattoirs). Moreover, their source of supply
is not only domestic small ruminants, but also imports. Once they process the small
ruminant meat they sell through supermarkets.

3.2 Small ruminant farmers age is about 50 years. The share of female
respondents is highest in Bosnia and
A small ruminant farm is described in detail, Herzegovina (about 21 percent), and lowest in
starting with an outline of the family farm Serbia (5.8 percent). Regarding respondents’
profile, followed by an analysis of the farm’s experience with the small ruminant sector, the
factors of production (land, labour, and capital), average for all countries appears to be above
continuing with production capacity outputs 20 years. All countries appear to have similar
and costs; concluding with the problems faced family sizes (about 4.4 members) and structure
by small ruminant farmers. (gender and age).
3.2.1 Family farm profile
Table 6 presents the profile of the respondent
and his/her family. The average respondent

Table 6. Family farm profile

Bosnia and
Albania Serbia Montenegro
Respondent age 50.62 (13.8) 50.74 (13.06) 49.98 (11.57) 48.81 (12)
Respondent gender 12.0% 21.1% 9.93% 5.79%
Experience with small ruminants 21.75 (10.07) 22.72 (15.19) 21.89 (14.72) 29.32 (13.44)
Family size 4.37 (1.89) 4.3 (2.16) 4.9 (2.56) 4.68 (2.08)
Male members 2.18 (1.03) 2.25 (1.17) 2.4 (1.29) 2.45 (1.13)
Family members above 14 years 3.59 (1.33) 3.68 (1.8) 4.11 (1.84) 3.77 (1.42)
Male family members above 14 years 1.92 (0.81) 1.93 (1.01) 2.06 (1.04) 2.15 (0.96)
Household members involved with
2.72 (1.17) 2.99 (1.52) 3.53 (2.22) 3.54 (1.37)
small ruminants* (+14)
Male household members involved
1.6 (0.71) 1.72 (0.87) 1.91 (0.99) 2.11 (0.92)
with small ruminants* (+14)
Emigrated out (2013—2020) 18% 13.2% 9.22% 9.92%
Note: Albania N=200; Bosnia and Herzegovina N=204; Serbia N=141; Montenegro N=121 (N refers to the sample size in each
country); mean values are presented for continuous variables, and in parentheses their standard deviation; * for Albania and
Bosnia and Herzegovina, data are for 2020, for Serbia and Montenegro for 2021; respondents’ gender shows share of the sample
that were female respondents; emigrated out shows share of the sample that had at least one family member emigrate out.

The share of respondents that claimed that at and lowest in Serbia (48.7 percent). Aside from
least one family member has emigrated since Albania, all other countries get at least 20 percent
2013 is presented at the bottom of the table, of their income from other livestock activity or
Albania with the highest at 18 percent, followed from agricultural activity (yellow and blue colours
by Bosnia and Herzegovina (13.2 percent), in the figure). Serbia has the highest share of
while Serbia and Montenegro have a similar income from non-agricultural activities at 29.1
rate of about 9.5 percent. percent (grey, dark blue and brown colours in the
figure). In this context, Albania’s small ruminant
The household income structure is presented
farmers have the highest dependency on the
in Figure 23. The share of income generated by
small ruminant business, while Montenegrin
small ruminants as a proportion of total family
farmers have the highest dependency on the
income is highest in Albania (at 77 percent),
agricultural sector overall.
Figure 23. Household income structure

3.2.2 Family farm well-being

Montenegro’s small ruminant farmers have the
Respondents were asked to assess on a Likert highest share of respondents who consider their
scale their household well-being compared to household well-being as much better than that
their fellow villagers. The distribution of answers of their fellow villagers. Statistical tests show
is presented in Figure 24. Albanian farmers that small ruminant farmers (in all countries
appear to have the lowest share of respondents except Montenegro) perceive that their family
who find that they are better off than their well-being is similar to the well-being of their
fellow villagers (green colour in the figure), while fellow villagers.

Figure 24. Family farm well-being compared to fellow villagers

Respondents were also asked to assess present saying that their household well-being is better
household well-being to five years ago on a now than five years ago. Montenegro has the
Likert scale measure (Figure 25). Serbia appears highest share of respondents who say that they
to have the lowest share of respondents are better off now than five years ago.

Figure 25. Family farm well-being compared to five years ago


Respondents were also asked to assess the these indicators has improved over the past
evolution of three indicators of family farm three years (Figure 26). Statistical tests show
well-being over the past three years, namely that for household consumption and household
household savings, household consumption, income, Albanian farmers perceive those to
and household income. A third of respondents have improved over the past three years.
in Albania find that the situation regarding

Figure 26. Family farm well-being indicators development in Albania

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, small ruminant Statistical tests shows that, with regard to
farmers provide slightly more negative answers household savings, Bosnia and Herzegovina
than Albanian respondents (Figure 27), farmers perceive the situation to have
especially for household savings, which about deteriorated over the past three years.
46.1 percent of them think has deteriorated.

Figure 27. Family farm well-being indicators development in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Figure 28 presents the answers of Serbian (or much improved); while household savings
farmers, which shows a different pattern. have deteriorated for the same period, with
Household consumption appears to have 57.5 percent saying that it has deteriorated or
expanded considerably over the past three much deteriorated.
years — 80.1 percent claim that it has improved

Figure 28. Family farm well-being indicators development in Serbia

A similar pattern is evident in Montenegro, with Significant changes occurred in the second
household savings having deteriorated and half of 2021 and during 2022, particularly the
household consumption having improved. A spike in input prices and the start of the war in
reason for this could be that data for Serbia and Ukraine. Having said that, Montenegro shows
Montenegro were collected about a year later the highest share of respondents claiming that
than for Albania, and Bosnia and Herzegovina their income has improved (about 55 percent
(which were collected in the first half of 2021). answering improved or much improved).

Figure 29. Family farm well-being indicators development in Montenegro

3.2.3 Factors of production used for cultivation, and rented land used for
This subsection focuses on the production grazing. Small ruminant farmers in Albania
factors (land, labour, capital) for each of the have the least farmland available — owned
countries included in the study. land is ten times less than it is in Serbia, and
13 times less than in Montenegro. Serbian and
Farmland Montenegrin farmers have a similar amount
Figure 30 presents farmland used by small of farmland. Small ruminant farmers in Bosnia
ruminant farmers in the countries included and Herzegovina own less land than those in
in the study. There are three categories of Serbia and Montenegro; they tend to rent more
farmland — that which is owned, rented land farmland for grazing animals.

Figure 30. Farmland used by small ruminant farmers

In addition to farmland used by farmers, an small ruminant farm costs. As outlined in Figure 31,
important indicator is the share of the land used Serbia uses considerably more farmland for
to cultivate feeds, which is a key component in feeds than the other Western Balkan countries.

Figure 31. Farmland used for production of feeds

Interestingly, even though Albanian small

Pastures, meadows and forests
ruminant farmers have much less farmland, Figure 32 shows how much pastures, meadows
they use approximately the same surface and forests are owned by farmers or rented
area for the production of feeds as farmers in for grazing small ruminants. As with farmland
Bosnia and Herzegovina, and much more than available, Albanian farmers have the lowest
Montenegrin farmers. While small ruminant amounts of pastures, meadows and forests,
farmers in Montenegro have a similar amount most of which is rented from the government
of farmland as Serbian farmers, they use eight (central or local) — which is not the case for
times less land for the production of feeds. other countries, where land is rented from
private owners.

Figure 32. Pastures, meadows and forests used by small ruminant farmers

Notes: P/M/F is pastures/meadows/forests; Albania N=148; Bosnia and Herzegovina N=179; Serbia N=99; Montenegro
N=116 (here, N refers to the number/sample that answered this question).

In general, pastures are available in their herd size.2 For the same reason, this lack
mountainous areas where small ruminants are of long-term contracts for pasture use reduces
kept in extensive regimes. In lowland areas, the likelihood of investing in improvements.
land is used for cultivation purposes and Many small ruminant farmers claimed during
small ruminants are kept in intensive regimes. interviews that if they had at least a five-year
However, there are differences from region to contract, they would be willing to invest to
region in all countries. improve pastures.
Pastures are normally used between March Assets
April and October November. However, due
Figure 33 outlines the assets owned by small
to climate change, drought frequency has
ruminant farmers in the countries included in
increased, during summer months pastures
the study. It appears that farmers in Albania
dry up, and there are no feeds, which puts
own the fewest assets, although they do have
pressure on farmers to buy feeds, leading
more separate areas for milking animals than
to cost increases. On the other hand, the
farmers in other countries. This shows that
increased frequency of precipitation in spring
small ruminant farmers in Albania are more
makes it more difficult to preserve the first cut
focused on milk production than farmers in
on meadows and grasslands. Moreover, the
other countries. Access to technology — such
decrease in small ruminants in all Western
as smartphones and laptops, that allow access
Balkan countries means that pastures that are
to information — is also lowest in Albania.
less used are more likely to degrade.
Another element that is particularly relevant to
Ultimately, another issue that emerged during
food safety is access to cooling tanks, which is
interviews with small ruminant farmers in
considerably low in all of the countries. While
Albania was the limited access to pastures,
this might not be a problem for farmers not
meadows and forests through long term
focused on selling milk (like most small ruminant
contracts. In general, contracts are for one
farmers in Montenegro, Serbia, and Bosnia and
season, which increases uncertainty —
Herzegovina), it is critical for those that sell milk
especially for farmers who have large small
and are in remote areas, which is generally the
ruminant herds — because they do not know if
case for small ruminant farmers in Albania.
they can get the same access for the following
year. This makes farmers reluctant to expand
This is particularly true for those with large herds (more than 500 small ruminant heads).

Figure 33. Assets owned by small ruminant farmers

As pointed out above, small ruminant farmers (1 percent of the sample) in Albania claimed to
in Serbia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and have cheese storage, one with 100 kg storing
Herzegovina appear not to be focusing on capacity the other with 5 000 kg capacity. On
the production and selling of milk, though it the other hand, 65.8 percent of Montenegro’s
is obvious from the figure that small ruminant small ruminant farmers have cheese storage —
farmers in these countries have more cheese although on average their capacity is half of
production equipment and cheese storage than those in Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina
their Albanian counterparts. Only two farmers (Table 7).

Table 7. Cheese storage capacities of small ruminant farmers

Bosnia and
Serbia Montenegro
Mean (kg) 1 534.2 1 337.7 726.0
Std. Dev 1 770.6 1 856.6 534.1
First quintile (Q1) 50 180 350
Median 1 000 1 000 500
Third quintile (Q3) 2 000 2 000 1 000

It can be argued that small ruminant farmers’
ownership of cheese storage allows them to Labour is the most problematic factor across
specialize in farm milk processing and the selling all Western Balkan countries. From Table 6, the
of cheese. At the same time, farm cheese share of household members (older than 14
production makes the monitoring of food safety years) involved with the small ruminant business
much more difficult for food authorities, and the can be calculated, which for all countries is above
limited control over this process, combined with 75 percent. On the other hand, employment of
informal selling (direct selling to end consumers), external labour is limited (see Table 8); therefore,
raises considerable food safety concerns. most work is done by family members.
Table 8. Hired shepherds by small ruminant farmers
Bosnia and
Hired shepherds Albania Serbia Montenegro
0 83% 83.3% 82.3% 91.7%
1 11% 11.8% 17.7% 8.3%
2 5% 3.9% 0% 0%
>=3 1% 1% 0% 0%
Note: Albania N=200; Bosnia and Herzegovina N=204; Serbia N=141; Bosnia and Herzegovina N=121.

Table 9 shows the average payment that made Herzegovina. Serbia and Montenegro have
to employed shepherds, which appears to be similar payments.
lowest in Albania, and highest in Bosnia and

Table 9. Payment for hired shepherds

Payment per shepherd (EUR/month) Mean Std. Dev Median
Albania 257.3 77.3 258.6
Bosnia and Herzegovina 413.8 140.1 450
Serbia 329.9 69.7 341
Montenegro 332 41 310

Shepherds are also provided with other benefits farmer in Korca, Albania, told of how one of his
such as food and clothing (see Figure 34). neighbours returned from Italy with 150 sheep,
but after not being able to find a shepherd for
However, when asked about the difficulty in
over a year, decided to sell all the animals and
finding shepherds, the majority of respondents
get out of the small ruminant business.
said it was very difficult (see Figure 35). One

Figure 34. Provision of additional benefits to hired shepherds

Note: This data are only for those that have hired and paid a shepherd; Albania N= 33; Bosnia and Herzegovina N=31;
Serbia N=25; Montenegro N=10.

Figure 35. Degree of difficulty in finding shepherds

3.2.4 Production capacity, output and costs farmers are more focused on milk production
This subsection presents the small ruminant and remove the lambs early on, whereas sheep
production capacities by outlining their herd size farmers in Serbia, Montenegro, and Bosnia
and structure, outputs produced and production and Herzegovina are more focused on meat
costs. production and keep lambs for a longer period. If
we only consider sheep and rams, small ruminant
Small ruminant herd structure farmers in Albania have similar herd sizes to their
The herd size structure for 2017 and 2020 is counterparts in other Western Balkan countries.
shown in Figure 36. In terms of overall herd size, It is clear that Serbian sheep farmers have
Albania has the smallest, but this is because expanded considerably their base herd size, from
small ruminant farmers in the other countries 68 sheep in 2017 to 98 in 2021. Sheep herd sizes
keep more lambs than Albanian farmers. This in other countries are either constant or show a
further demonstrates how in Albania, sheep modest increase.

Figure 36. Sheep herd structure

Note: Albania N = 182; Bosnia and Herzegovina N=193; Serbia N=136; Montenegro N=113.

As with sheep structure, Montenegro and are goat farmers, and in the other countries it is
Bosnia and Herzegovina goat farmers keep less than 10 percent. Less than 5 percent of the
a large number of kids compared to the base sample keep both goats and sheep.
herd, which suggests that with goats also, the
Regarding base goat herd size, Albanian farmers
orientation is towards meat, whereas Serbian
appear to have on average the biggest herd size
and Albanian farmers focus on milk production.
of about 85 (goats and billy goats). All of the
However, it should be noted that farmers
countries show an increase in the number of
generally have far fewer goats than sheep. Only
goats compared to 2017 (see Figure 37).
14 percent of small ruminant farmers in Albania

Figure 37. Goat herd structure

Note: Albania N = 28; Bosnia and Herzegovina N=16; Serbia N=10; Montenegro N=6.

Figure 38 shows the main breeds owned by

sheep farmers in Western Balkan countries.

Figure 38. Sheep breeds

Note: Albania N=182; Bosnia and Herzegovina N=193; Serbia and Montenegro are a weighted average of the declared
heads by breed.

In regard to goat breeds, there are more similarities Albania, the autochthonous breeds account for
between countries than with sheep breeds (see the largest share of goats, although the Alpine
Figure 39). The most common goat breed, in all breed is also prominent.
countries except Albania, is the Alpine breed. In

Small ruminant fertility indicators much worse than in other countries. It has a low
Figure 40 and Figure 41 show sheep and goat sheep pregnancy ratio, and sheep abortion and
fertility indicators in all Western Balkan countries. lamb mortality after abortion is considerably
Sheep in Bosnia and Herzegovina appear to be higher than in the other countries.

Figure 39. Goat breeds

Note: Albania N=28; Bosnia and Herzegovina N=16; Serbia and Montenegro are a weighted average of the declared
heads by breed.

Figure 40. Sheep fertility indicators

Notes: Albania N=182; Bosnia and Herzegovina N=193; Serbia N=132; Montenegro N=108; sheep pregnant — the ratio of
pregnant sheep to total sheep; born lambs — the ratio of born lambs to sheep pregnant; sheep abortions — share of
pregnant sheep that have aborted; lambs died — share of lambs that die.

With regard to goat fertility indicators, Albania in the Western Balkans. The figure shows a
performs best, which is explained by the greater concerning picture for goat abortions and kids’
specialization of Albania in goat breeding. mortality after abortion in Serbia.
Albania has by far the largest goat population

Figure 41. Goat fertility indicators

Notes: Albania N=28; Bosnia and Herzegovina N=16; Serbia N=11; Montenegro N=7; goats pregnant — the ratio of
pregnant goats to total goats; born kids — the ratio of born kids to goats pregnant; goat abortions — share of pregnant
goats that have aborted; kids died — share of kids that died.

Small ruminant milk yield and output the mean values for each of the elements
outlined in Figure 42 are about 3.15, which shows
The change in milk yield and total milk production
no change during the past three years. The only
during the past three years is analysed from the
exception is total milk yield in Serbia, which for
respondents’ perspective (Figure 42). Answers in
the majority (57.9 percent) of small ruminant
all countries are similar, with the majority claiming
farmers has increased, with a mean value of 3.52
that milk yield and total milk production have not
(which is a significant increase).
changed over the past three years. In addition,

Figure 42. Farmer perception of the development of milk production and yield over past three years

Note: Albania N=178; Bosnia and Herzegovina N=62; Serbia N=40; Montenegro N = 79.

Figure 43 outlines the main reasons for the specific reason was mentioned; each respondent
increase in milk yield given by the farmers who could select more than one answer. The primary
answered that milk yield has improved. The reason for improved milk yield is improved
percentages in the figure indicate the number of feeds, followed by improved pastures, and then
times of the total sample (of the country) that a improved breeds.

Figure 43. Reasons for increased milk yield

Note: Albania N=48; Bosnia and Herzegovina N=15; Serbia N =15; Montenegro N=22.

Figure 44 summarizes the main reasons that conclusions based on the numbers shown in the
respondents gave for decreased yield. Drought figure might be misleading, because in Serbia for
is the primary reason for the decrease in all example, only three respondents said milk yield
countries. It should be noted that coming to had decreased.

Figure 44. Reasons for decreased milk yield

Note: Albania N=18; Bosnia and Herzegovina N=9; Serbia N=3; Montenegro=22.

Table 10 presents the average survey sample in 2020; whereas, based on the data from
milk yield of sheep and goats in all countries Table 10, the average milk yield per lactation
and the distribution form (first quintile — Q1, cycle is about 149 L/sheep.
median, third quintile — Q3). The reported milk
The FAOSTAT report for Serbia for 2020 shows
yield is for the period after the lamb or kid are
a milk yield of 142.5 L/sheep and 291.3 L/goat.
weaned from their mother. The data show that
Based on data from the table, the average milk
small ruminant milk yield has not changed over
yield in Serbia per one lactation cycle is around
the past three years.
59 L/sheep. The figure for Serbian goat milk
It appears from the table that Albanian milk yield is not far off the FAOSTAT reported data;
yield is the highest, for both sheep and goats. however, the numbers reported for sheep milk
This contradicts the results shown in section yield in Serbia and Albania are considerably
2.1.2, where data from FAOSTAT show that different. It should be noted that FAOSTAT data
sheep and goat milk yield in Albania is among the are not based on surveys but on imputation
lowest in the Western Balkans. FAOSTAT reports methodology.
a milk yield of 64.9 L/sheep and 125.7 L/goat

Table 10. Small ruminant milk yields in Western Balkan countries (L/day)
Mean Std. Dev Q1 Median Q3

2017 0.89 0.61 0.50 0.70 1.00
2020 0.88 0.55 0.50 0.75 1.00
2017 0.46 0.43 0.21 0.33 0.52
Bosnia and Herzegovina
2020 0.52 0.47 0.24 0.33 0.58
2017 0.48 0.15 0.40 0.45 0.50
2021 0.49 0.15 0.40 0.50 0.50
2017 0.41 0.13 0.30 0.40 0.47
2021 0.43 0.13 0.30 0.43 0.50
2017 1.92 1.36 1.00 1.25 2.50
2020 1.78 1.24 1.00 1.25 2.50
2017 1.46 0.85 0.89 1.09 2.00
Bosnia and Herzegovina
2020 1.29 1.01 0.43 0.91 2.13
2017 1.54 0.63 1.00 1.40 2.00
2021 1.47 0.44 1.10 1.35 2.00
2017 1.56 0.52 1.00 1.80 2.00
2021 1.46 0.56 1.00 1.50 2.00

Small ruminant farm input costs and income

Figure 45 outlines the perception of small ruminant significant majority state that purchased inputs
farmers of the development of purchased input costs have increased considerably.
costs and income from milk and meat over the
past three years. Apart from Albanian farmers, a

Figure 45. Farmers’ perception of income and costs over past three years

One of the reasons for the difference between Table 11 shows a more objective measurement
Albania and other countries (especially of average purchased input costs per small
Montenegro and Serbia) could be related to ruminant for two time periods. As with the
when the data were collected, which for Serbia perception data in Figure 45, a significant jump
and Montenegro was the first half of 2022, in purchased input costs per small ruminant is
while for Albania it was the first half of 2021. observed in Serbia and Montenegro (especially
In fact, agricultural input costs have spiked at the median value), while for Albania and
considerably, particularly since the start of the Bosnia and Herzegovina, the change in cost
war in Ukraine. is modest. Another fact that emerges from
the table is that Serbian farmers spend much
Income from meat and milk show a similar
more per small ruminant than farmers in other
distribution among the countries, with mean
countries — about EUR 60/animal annually.
values ranging between 3.15 and 3.4 (indicating
that income has remained constant).

Table 11. Average purchased input cost per small ruminant in a year (EUR)
Mean Std. Dev Q1 Median Q3
2017 36.47 15.86 24.31 33.08 45.37
2020 37.76 16.74 24.31 34.03 47.93
2017 32.88 17.51 20.16 26.32 40.32
Bosnia and Herzegovina
2020 33.09 18.4 19.32 26.95 40.63
2017 51.87 30.91 32.78 46.31 58.77
2021 59.85 36.46 33.53 51.18 69.34
2017 27.73 18.15 15.69 22.86 38.46
2021 29.06 12.58 18.75 28.46 38.67

3.2.5 Problems faced by small ruminant this is also linked with government policies. The
farmers second most important problem appears to be
the lack of interest of the younger generation
This subsection outlines the main problems
to get involved in the small ruminant business,
faced by small ruminant farmers in each
which compromises the future of the sector
country. Figures 46—49 outline the ranking of
and the likelihood of investment in the sector.
problems in all countries included in the study.
Moreover, this increases problems in terms of the
The respondents were asked to rank their top
lack of labour force. Milk and meat prices are a
three problems from a large list of issues that
significant problem for small ruminant farmers
were identified prior to conducting the survey
who complain that they are too low, making the
through interviews with small ruminant value
business unprofitable. For Albanian farmers,
chain actors. Figure 46 outlines the main
the availability of pastures is also a significant
problems ranked by small ruminant farmers in
Albania. The most important issue for them is
limited financial resources for investment, and
Figure 46. Problems faced by small ruminant farmers in Albania

Farmers in Bosnia and Herzegovina farmers also directly to their profitability. Interestingly, animal
put a lack of financial resources for investment housing is ranked as a key problem by many small
as the most important problem affecting their ruminant farmers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is
business development, which is closely related also worth mentioning labour availability, and the
to the third most important problem, government interest of the younger generation, ranked the
policies (Figure 47). Meat prices are rated the fifth and sixth most important.
second most important problem, which is linked

Figure 47. Problems faced by small ruminant farmers in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Small ruminant farmers in Serbia rank as their considered low, making the small ruminant
number one problem labour availability, followed business unprofitable. After that come the
by the lack of interest of the younger generation lack of financial resources for investment, and
(Figure 48). The third most important problem government policies.
for them is related to meat prices, which are

Figure 48. Problems faced by small ruminant farmers in Serbia

Finally, the main problems affecting small prices ranked as the second most problematic
ruminant farmers in Montenegro are presented issue. A lack of financial resources for investment
in Figure 49. Those are similar to the problems in is ranked fourth. Also worth mentioning that
Serbia — limited labour availability and interest access to water during the summer period is
of the younger generation in the small ruminant ranked fifth in Montenegro, higher than in other
business are ranked first and third, with meat countries.

Figure 49. Problems faced by small ruminant farmers in Montenegro

It is evident that the lack of interest of the 50—53. The figures also outline why a farm
younger generation to engage in the small successor might not have been designated yet.
ruminant business is among the top three
As can be seen from Figure 50, about 66.5 percent
problems affecting its development in all
of respondents in Albania stated that no farm
Western Balkan countries. In this context, and
successor had been designated yet. It is concerning
to further investigate the issue, small ruminant
that 60.9 percent of them gave as the main reason
farmers were asked if a farm successor had been
that nobody was interested in continuing the
designated to continue the business in future,
business — this has a significant impact on future
the answers to which are presented in figures
investment in the small ruminant sector.

Figure 50. Designation of a farm successor in Albania


In Bosnia and Herzegovina, a large share of numbers saying that nobody was interested were
respondents said that no farm successor had much lower, at 38.3 percent.
been designated yet (Figure 51). In Albania, the

Figure 51. Designation of a farm successor in Bosnia and Herzegovina

In Serbia, around 64.5 percent of respondents majority of respondents (83.5 percent) pointed
claimed that no farm successor had been out that no farm successor had been designated
designated yet, 36 percent of whom gave the yet, with 40 percent of those saying there was a
reason as a lack of interest (Figure 52). A similar lack of interest (Figure 53).
pattern is observed in Montenegro, where the

Figure 52. Designation of a farm successor in Serbia


Figure 53. Designation of a farm successor in Montenegro

3.3 Market channels for live channel to sell their live animals considerably
more than those in Albania and Bosnia and
small ruminants Herzegovina, indicating that food safety is more
Figure 22 outlined a general structure of the easily controlled in Serbia and Montenegro.
small ruminant meat and milk value chain that is Small ruminant farmers in Albania tend to use
representative for all Western Balkan countries. butcher shops a lot, while in other countries this
The following sections present the channels channel is rarely used. These shops are generally
that are used by small ruminant farmers in the monitored by national food authorities and need
countries included in the study, and issues to be licensed, but depending on the region or
affecting them. Figure 54 shows the main city, the frequency of controls and severity of
channels that small ruminant farmers use to sell sanction varies greatly. Within the value chain,
their small ruminants as live animals. The abattoir this actor is the closest to the end consumer, so
channel can be considered the most formal and the prices paid to the farmer are higher than that
safest in terms of food safety. In general, abattoirs paid by abattoirs. However, the number of small
are subject to regular controls by national food ruminants that can be sold directly to butcher
authorities. The figure shows that small ruminant shops is much lower than can be sold to abattoirs,
farmers in Serbia and Montenegro use this which have a much higher processing capacity.

Figure 54. Market channels for sale of live small ruminants


The restaurant–hotel channel is used sparingly ruminant farmers (or at the live animal market)
by small ruminant farmers and operates primarily and then sell to abattoirs or the meat industry.
on the basis of personal contacts. This channel They need to be licensed to transport the
places much importance on meat quality and animals from the farm or live animal market (see
safety, and so the prices paid by them tend to be Box 3 on some issues related to animal markets
higher compared to other channels. in Albania) to the abattoir. Interviews with small
ruminant value chain stakeholders show that in
The trader channel is commonly used by all
many cases, the conditions of the trucks used to
countries, though Bosnia and Herzegovina, and
transport the animals do not fulfil the minimum
Serbia, tend to use it more. The traders operate
requirements, and there are several cases of
as supply consolidators, meaning they buy small
transporters operating without a licence.
ruminants in small numbers from many small

Box 3. Live animal markets in Albania

The live-animal markets in Albania operate in different regions (such as Shkodra, Korca,
Elbasan) and are opened on a specific day of the week, with different people bringing in vehicles
to sell the animals. These markets have made headlines on several occasions because of the
conditions that animals were transported in, and the inadequate conditions of the market,
with no water for the animals, and mud and dust the norm. People involved with the markets
claim that they do not fulfil the minimum standards of hygiene.
In addition, the law on veterinary services stipulates that a veterinarian must be present at the
entrance to the live animal market, to check certificates, and to register or de-register from
the identification system every animal that enters and leaves, but this is not always the case.

The selling of live animals in villages (or direct The live small ruminant channel, as presented
selling to end consumers) is the most informal in Table 12, provides descriptive information on
channel and the hardest to monitor by national all countries included in the study about the
food authorities. As a result, this channel has average number of small ruminants sold in a year,
a higher likelihood of food safety issues. It is the average weight of small ruminant sold, the
evident that small ruminant farmers in Bosnia average age of small ruminant sold, and small
and Herzegovina use this channel to a large ruminant live weight price for 2017 and 2020
extent, followed by Albanian farmers, while those (2021 for Serbia and Montenegro). Small ruminant
in Serbia and Montenegro use it much less. The farmers in Albania sell animals much earlier (in
farmers that sell through this channel make many terms of age) than the other countries, resulting
transactions with a limited number of animals. in the average weight for small ruminants sold to
However, the profit margins farmers make by be lower compared to other countries.
selling through this channel are among the
highest, since there is no intermediary involved.

Table 12. Average number of small ruminants sold and their weight, age and selling price per kg
Mean Std. Dev Q1 Median Q3
Number of small ruminants sold 117.3 154.3 30 80 140
Average weight of small ruminant sold 37.76 16.74 24.31 34.03 47.93

Average age of small ruminant sold

3.3 1 3 3 3.5
Small ruminant live weight price 2017 3 0.4 3 3 3.2
Small ruminant live weight price 2020 3.2 0.4 3 3.1 3.4
Number of small ruminants sold 49.8 72.4 20 30 60
Bosnia and Her-

Average weight of small ruminant sold 30.3 8.8 25 30 35


Average age of small ruminant sold

5.2 1.9 4 5 6
Small ruminant live weight price 2017 3 1.3 2 3 3
Small ruminant live weight price 2020 3.3 1.3 3 3 3
Number of small ruminants sold 78.8 109.4 35 45 90
Average weight of small ruminant sold 33.4 5.5 30 35 36

Average age of small ruminant sold

4.2 4 3 3.5 4
Small ruminant live weight price 2017 2.2 0.4 2 2 2.4
Small ruminant live weight price 2021 2.5 0.4 2.1 2.6 2.9
Number of small ruminants sold 93.1 46.5 60 84 120

Average weight of small ruminant sold 43.9 5.5 40 44 46

Average age of small ruminant sold
5.7 0.9 5 6 6
Small ruminant live weight price 2017 2.3 0.1 2.3 2.3 2.3
Small ruminant live weight price 2021 2.5 0.1 2.5 2.5 2.5

Note: weight is expressed in kg; prices are in EUR/kg.

Small ruminant farmers in Montenegro sell older small ruminants are sold, this channel is the only
animals, which results in a higher animal weight. one that can accommodate such transaction
As a result, Montenegrin farmers receive the because they have the capacities to process
lowest average selling price of about EUR 2.5/ and market the final products.
kg (live weight). A similar price is obtained by
Serbian farmers, while farmers in Albania and 3.4 Meat processing
Bosnia and Herzegovina receive EUR 3.2/kg
Selling small ruminants as live animals is the
and EUR 3.3/kg, respectively. The reason for the
common way for small ruminant farmers to sell
higher prices received by farmers in Albania and
their animals. However, in a few cases, small
Bosnia and Herzegovina might be related to the
ruminant farmers also sell slaughtered animals.
channel that they use to sell the animals. As
The main channels that small ruminant farmers
pointed out above, Montenegro and Serbia tend
use to sell slaughtered animals are shown in
to sell most animals through abattoirs which pay
Figure 55. There are very few cases of slaughtered
much less than other channels. The influence
small ruminants sold in Albania, Montenegro
of abattoirs in reducing prices is closely related
and Serbia, but about 60 percent of the sample
to their asymmetrical market power compared
in Bosnia and Herzegovina state that they sell
to farmers. In addition, when a large number of
slaughtered small ruminants.

Figure 55. Market channels for selling slaughtered small ruminants

Note: Albania N=17; Bosnia and Herzegovina N=121; Serbia N=11; Montenegro N=6.

Montenegro and Serbia sell slaughtered small ruminants, and prices for two time
animals directly to end consumers in most periods. It appears that small ruminant farmers
cases. Albanian farmers also frequently sell in Albania who sell slaughtered animals are
slaughtered small ruminants directly to end more prominent than in the other countries.
consumers, but also use butcher shops and Hence, the average small ruminant meat
traders, while Bosnia and Herzegovina sells slaughter weight sold by Albanian farmers
slaughtered small ruminants through traders, is about four times higher than for farmers
butcher shops or abattoirs. It should be noted in Serbia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and
that selling slaughtered animals to channels Herzegovina. Aside from Montenegro, the
other than direct selling (village selling) does not prices of small ruminant meat have increased
necessarily mean that the farmer slaughters over the past three years. It should be noted
the animals, but the selling price is determined that the prices of small ruminant meat have
by slaughter weight rather than live weight. increased by at least another 20 percent above
the values reported in the table since the start
Table 13 outlines some descriptive statistics
of the war in Ukraine.
about average quantity sold of slaughtered

Table 13. Quantity sold and prices of slaughtered small ruminant meat
Mean Std. Dev Q1 Median Q3
Quantity sold of slaughtered small
1908.3 1375.4 1000 1600 2650
ruminant meat

Small ruminant meat slaughter weight

5.90 1.13 5.79 6.20 6.61
price 2017
Small ruminant meat slaughter weight
6.30 0.47 5.79 6.61 6.61
price 2020
Quantity sold of slaughtered small
573.3 664.8 100 400 860

ruminant meat
Bosnia and

Small ruminant meat slaughter weight

5.96 2.09 5 6 6
price 2017
Small ruminant meat slaughter weight
6.49 2.19 5 6 7
price 2020

Table 13 (Cont.). Quantity sold and prices of slaughtered small ruminant meat
Mean Std. Dev Q1 Median Q3
Quantity sold of slaughtered small
466.7 280.6 300 350 400
ruminant meat

Small ruminant meat slaughter weight

4.43 2.36 2.51 4.26 5.24
price 2017
Small ruminant meat slaughter weight
4.47 2.32 2.73 4.26 5.11
price 2021
Quantity sold of slaughtered small
453.3 291.7 220 400 500

ruminant meat
Small ruminant meat slaughter weight
8.25 6.54 4.75 5.50 11.75
price 2017
Small ruminant meat slaughter weight
7.25 6.28 4 5 5.50
price 2021
Note: Q is quantity expressed in kg; prices are in EUR/kg.

On-farm processing of meat (for example, is relevant also for other Western Balkan
drying) is uncommon — in Albania, only one countries, especially Bosnia and Herzegovina,
farmer carries out processing; in Bosnia and where it appears that most animals are sold
Herzegovina only four do so; in Montenegro informally without proper monitoring.
two, and in Serbia none.
In addition to abattoirs, there are also
3.4.1 Abattoirs and slaughtering points slaughtering points, which are facilities with
Abattoirs supply the domestic market with fresh basic slaughtering tools and operate in critical
meat, while raw material for the processing poor hygienic conditions. While the Government
industries is mostly imported as frozen meat. of Albania shut those down a couple of years
Some are publicly owned and some are private ago and has managed to do so for some time
— and most are under used (if operating). Figure in major cities, subsequently they reopened
54 clearly shows that only Montenegro and due to market pressure.
Serbia slaughter most small ruminants through Thus, any initiative to modernize existing
abattoirs; Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina abattoirs, or build new ones, should be done
rarely use them. The Government of Albania has only on condition the law is also enforced.
made efforts to enforce the slaughter of animals
in abattoirs. However, as the figures show, not 3.4.2 Meat processors in Albania
much has changed, even if — according to The meat processing industry in Albania was the
the interviews — the situation has significantly first agro-industrial sector to consolidate, and
improved in the municipality of Tirana. can also be considered the most efficient and
Abattoirs that perform better are those run by advanced subsector within the agro industrial
major processors and traders (importers), which sector. The reason for this was the availability of
deal with large volumes of animals. In Albania, cheap imported frozen meat and the presence
some of the abattoirs are modern. Investments of a few large importers with major deep-
in new abattoirs, or in modernizing of existing freezing facilities, which allowed meat processing
facilities, will become viable only with the companies to rely on a reliable flow of quality-
stronger enforcement of the law related to controlled meat, bypassing domestic production
animal slaughtering — otherwise, financing of fresh meat (Skreli and Imami, 2019).
new investments without such a prerequisite The main products of the meat processing
in place implies exposure to high risk. This industry are sausages and other cold cuts,

mostly based on pork meat. Poultry and beef their production facilities, processing lines,
are also processed. Companies use modern and storage). However, they face strong and
technology in processing frozen meat, but have growing competition in the local market from
limited know-how in processing fresh meat. both major local producers and importers,
who are advantaged by being formalized, and
According to Skreli and Imami (2019), there are
through improvements in standards control.
at least two meat processors located in Durres
region (including Kaziu), around five in Fier,
four in Korca (including Fix and Tona, which are 3.5 Milk collection and
strong players at national level), two in Lezha processing
(including INCA, which is export oriented),
three in Shkoder (including Kimca), and six in This subsection discusses the small ruminant
Vlora. Tirana hosts two of the biggest meat milk value chain, or the right-hand side of
processors: EHW and KMY. Figure 22. Thus, the main channels used
by small ruminant farmers to sell milk are
Albanian standards, according to the Food Law presented in Figure 56. First, it needs to be
and orders of the Ministry of Agriculture and pointed out that, with the exception of Albania,
Rural Development (MARD), are often applied — the proportion of small ruminant farmers selling
even EU standards on hygiene, public authority, milk in the other countries is limited, implying
traceability, and HACCP standards are in place that in Montenegro, Serbia, and Bosnia and
at big companies. Major processors such Herzegovina, the small ruminant milk value
as EHW and KMY have invested in their own chain is not developed. This is particularly true
distribution and retail networks. for Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina,
While large meat processors have already where the share of farmers selling milk to
invested in modern technology, investments processors is negligible. On the other hand,
might be needed for smaller processors to Albanian and Serbian small ruminant farmers
meet the standards (in terms of modernizing sell most of their milk to processors.

Figure 56. Market channels for small ruminant milk

Note: Albania N=167; Bosnia and Herzegovina N=28; Serbia N=10; Montenegro N=5.

Table 14 outlines the milk prices received by received by small ruminant farmers in Bosnia
small ruminant farmers in each country for two and Herzegovina are much higher than in the
time periods. Prices appear to have increased other countries. This is directly related to the
over the past three years, but it should be market channel these farmers use to sell their
noted that after the conflict in Ukraine started, milk — direct selling to end consumers. Selling
they increased by at least a further 20 percent. directly to consumers pays off because there
Another noticeable element is that the prices is no intermediary involved, but food safety

issues, and control of this informal market, are supplies to justify investment in processing
problems. In addition, the use of these channels capacity is limited, and competition is unfair
to such an extent impedes the development of (formal businesses pay taxes while informal
the dairy industry because finding enough milk ones do not).

Table 14. Selling price of small ruminant milk by market channel

Std. Valid
Mean Min Q1 Median Q3
Dev responses

2017 0.73 0.13 0.43 0.68 0.72 0.85 155
2020 0.81 0.09 0.43 0.77 0.85 0.85 155
2017 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 12
Bosnia and Herzegovina
2020 1.33 0.49 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 15
2017 0.73 0.06 0.68 0.68 0.72 0.79 4
2021 0.73 0.26 0.31 0.68 0.85 0.89 5
2017 0.47 0.07 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.51 18
2020 0.50 0.07 0.43 0.47 0.47 0.51 18
2017 1.23 0.44 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 13
Bosnia and Herzegovina
2020 1.53 0.72 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 17
2017 0.57 0.40 0.30 0.30 0.38 1.02 3
2021 0.48 0.21 0.34 0.36 0.43 0.43 5
2017 0.70 0.26 0.55 0.55 0.55 1.00 3
2021 0.87 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 1.50 3

3.5.1 Milk collectors In general, milk from different farms is frequently

mixed and transported in the same load, even
Milk collection and transport is one of the
though the milk might be of different quality.
weakest points in the value chain. The
Inadequate cleaning and disinfection of milk
collection of raw milk is organized mostly by
containers is common. In mountainous areas,
milk processors and private milk collectors. In
the time it takes to collect milk and transport
general, milk processors usually only collect
it is even longer (up to four hours without any
milk from the area where the processing unit
cooling). Milk containers are not made from
is located, and specialized private collectors
food grade plastic or stainless material, and
collect milk from remote areas.
most milk is not stored and transported at the
As already pointed out, small ruminant farmers required temperature.
tend not to have any milk cooling equipment,
3.5.2 Milk processors
hence collections are made at least once a day,
and sometimes even twice a day, which has a In all Western Balkan countries, sheep and goat
considerable impact on efficiency and costs. A milk is almost exclusively processed into cheese.
private milk collector typically collects milk from Milk delivered to processors is processed in a
50 to 150 farms (approximately 500 L to 1 500 L different way based on tradition, experience,
per day). They earn about 2 cents to 7 cents per and knowledge. Small ruminant milk supplies
litre of milk for the collection service, depending from farmers represent the main problem for
on the collection distance. the milk processing industry. In general, the

supply from farms suffers from poor safety, and knowledge of the technological process, resulting
quite often from high collection costs, though in low and inconsistent product (cheese) standards
it differs from region to region. In some areas, and quality. Interviews show that there is a need
high milk price combined with low milk quantity for technology expertise and education.
results in low business profitability. Increasing
The short period over which sheep and goat
the quantity and quality of milk production is
milk is available (100 to 150 days a year)
the basis for the development of a modern and
requires relatively big flocks for milk supply,
business oriented dairy industry. A sufficient
otherwise the cost of milk collection could be
milk supply to processing plants is important for
high, and the control of milk quality is difficult.
the use of equipment and distribution of fixed
In such conditions, small processing units (up
costs over higher production.
to 5 tonnes/day) located in the production
Processing technology is characterized by two area seems more appropriate.
types of processing units, namely seasonal
Apart from milk processors that produce cheese,
processing units and mechanized processing
small ruminant farmers also process their milk
units. The seasonal processing units are quite
as cheese. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia,
typical, especially in the case of small ruminant
and Montenegro, the share of farmers producing
milk processing. The dairy industry suffers from
cheese is high, while in Albania, small ruminant
fragmentation, poor quality of inputs, and poor
farmers producing cheese are far fewer (7.5
processing practices. Numerous cheese plants are
percent of the sample). It can be argued that the
without adequate storage capacities, and the milk
higher the share of farmers producing cheese, the
is usually processed using quite basic technology.
less developed the processing value chain level.
Smaller processes suffer from insufficient

Table 15. Cheese production, 2017 and 2020

Mean Std. Dev Q1 Median Q3
small ruminant cheese
624.2 679.8 95 200 1 200
produced 2017
small ruminant cheese
654.2 823.9 100 200 1 150
produced 2020
small ruminant cheese
1 419.4 1 989.6 400 1 000 2 000
produced 2017
Bosnia and Herzegovina
small ruminant cheese
1 461.7 2 250.5 600 1 000 1 500
produced 2020
small ruminant cheese
888.7 782.8 350 600 1 230
produced 2017
small ruminant cheese
928.2 572.2 500 800 1 250
produced 2020
small ruminant cheese
575.5 772.6 250 400 610
produced 2017
small ruminant cheese
629.1 788.8 250 400 604
produced 2020
small ruminant cream
265.4 124.5 200 246.5 300
cheese produced 2017
small ruminant cream
264.8 125 168 250 309
cheese produced 2021

Table 15 contains descriptive data on the and not monitored by national food authorities.
amount of cheese produced by small ruminant About a third of Serbian and Montenegrin
farmers for two time periods. Albanian farmers, farmers also sell to local cheese traders, who
in addition to the fact that, compared to their then sell to markets, while about 25 percent of
counterparts, fewer are engaged in cheese farmers in Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina
production, also produce much less cheese sell through restaurants and hotels, which are
than the others. Bosnia and Herzegovina usually agrotourism businesses that promote
small ruminant farmers appear to produce the slow food movement and focus on local
on average more cheese than the farmers in and traditional products.
other countries. The main channels that small
Small ruminant farmers in Montenegro (44.6
ruminant farmers employ to commercialize
percent of them) also produce cream cheese,
their cheese production are shown in Figure 57.
using the same channels that they use to sell
A large share of cheese is sold directly to the
small ruminant cheese.
market (end consumer), which is mostly informal

Figure 57. Market channels for selling small ruminant cheese

Note: Albania N=15; Bosnia and Herzegovina N=50; Serbia N=45; Montenegro N=64.

Table 16 presents the amount of cheese that the other countries. Montenegro farmers have
small ruminant farmers sell, and the prices they a low share of cheese sold as a proportion of
have obtained for two time periods. In addition, total cheese produced. Farmers in Albania and
information is provided about the share of Serbia manage to sell a considerable share of
production that farmers can sell on average. the cheese they produce. Regarding prices,
As can be seen, Bosnia and Herzegovina they have increased slightly over the past three
small ruminant farmers are able to sell about years. Since the conflict in Ukraine started,
50 percent of their production, while they they have gone up by at least 20 percent.
produce much more cheese than farmers in

Table 16. Small ruminant cheese quantity sold by farmers and selling price
Mean Std. Dev Q1 Median Q3
Quantity sold small ruminant cheese 552.7
687.7 100 200 1 000

*Share of total production (84.5%)

small ruminant cheese price 2017 4.47 0.96 3.83 5.11 5.11
small ruminant cheese price 2020 4.68 0.87 4.26 5.11 5.11
Mean Std. Dev Q1 Median Q3
Quantity sold small ruminant cheese 552.7
687.7 100 200 1 000

*Share of total production (84.5%)

small ruminant cheese price 2017 4.47 0.96 3.83 5.11 5.11
small ruminant cheese price 2020 4.68 0.87 4.26 5.11 5.11
Quantity sold small ruminant cheese 708.6
Bosnia and

795.2 40 500 1 000

*Share of total production (48.5%)
small ruminant cheese price 2017 7.64 9.34 5 5 10
small ruminant cheese price 2020 8.18 8.32 5 5 10
Quantity sold small ruminant cheese 840.8
710.1 500 650 1 000

*Share of total production (90.6%)

small ruminant cheese price 2017 4.25 1.92 3.41 4.26 4.58
small ruminant cheese price 2021 5.54 2.35 4.26 5.11 5.97
Quantity sold small ruminant cheese 407
318.7 235 300 490
*Share of total production (64.7%)

small ruminant cheese price 2017 3.56 1.20 3 3.50 4

small ruminant cheese price 2020 4.19 1.61 4 4 4
Quantity sold small ruminant cream 216.63
115.16 130 200 280
cheese *Share of total production (81.8%)
small ruminant cream cheese price 2017 17.37 1.86 15 18 18
small ruminant cream cheese price 2021 19.94 1.67 20 20 20

Problems regarding low prices are always 3.6 Wool value chain
among the top ranked problems of small ruminant
farmers. One of the reasons they engage in The small ruminant wool value chain is not
processing milk to produce cheese is that the developed in any of the Western Balkan countries,
prices offered to them from processors are as Figure 58 shows — most farmers either throw
very low. Thus, they engage in processing out or burn small ruminant wool. Both of these
activities to add more value to their production, actions are environmental polluters, and it
which also increases the product shelf life. requires sustainable interventions to address
However, production of cheese at farm gate is the issue.
much more difficult and costly for any national
food authorities to monitor and control, which
has large implications for food safety.

Figure 58. Destinations for small ruminant wool

Only a few farmers manage to sell their small

ruminant wool, but do so on an irregular basis.
The main channels used by small ruminant
farmers to sell wool are shown in Figure 59.

Figure 59. Market channels for small ruminant wool

Note: Albania N=3; Bosnia and Herzegovina N=13; Serbia N=27; Montenegro N=2.

© FAO/Robert Atanasovski

4.Value chain more tangible (observable) rather than latent

(unobservable), as suggested in the literature.

organization and Thus, some of the elements analysed here are

relationship stability (number of buyers where
the production is sold), relationship duration
governance (number of months that the farmer has been
selling to the same buyers), type of agreement,
services offered by the buyer, time of payment,
This section follows the analysis of the small and buyer influence on product prices.
ruminant value chain outlined above and Figure 60 provides information on the number
completes it by further discussing issues of buyers to which farmers sell their production
related to value chain organization and (left hand side) and type of agreement that
governance. These issues are first discussed they have with the buyer. Good relationships
for the milk value chain, followed by the meat are commonly created when most production
value chain, and a discussion of horizontal is sold to one or two buyers and there is at
cooperation among farmers, which is a key least an informal agreement about the way the
aspect of value chain organization and a product is going to be sold (in terms of price,
mechanism to oppose the buyers’ power. time, quality). As can be seen, the majority
Finally, the section is concluded with a of Albanian and Montenegrin farmers sell the
summary of findings about small ruminant largest share of their milk production to one or
value chain organization and governance. two main buyers. In Serbia, only 50 percent of
farmers sell to one or two buyers.
4.1 Milk value chain On the other hand, no prior agreements are
When discussing value chain organization observed between farmers and milk buyers.
and governance, one of the primary elements When prior agreements are made, they tend to
to analyse is the quality of the relationship be informal. The lack of agreements (contracts)
between trading parties. The literature shows between trading parties makes the future of
that an above average performance is the relationship uncertain, which impedes the
achieved through good trading relationships. investment likelihood for both parties. In addition,
There are different components proposed in when there is no agreement in place, it is difficult
the literature to measure relationship quality, to put price incentives for higher quality milk or
including trust between trading parties, to control (or sanction) the party that is deviating
satisfaction with the relationship, and so from the agreement, which might result in losses
on. Here, the focus is on elements that are for the party being damaged.
Figure 60. Farmer and milk buyer relationship, stability and contracting

Note: Albania N = 167; Bosnia and Herzegovina N = 28; Serbia N=20; Montenegro N=40.

While selling to the same buyers is an indicator Another indicator that is related to market
of stability, sometimes one is obliged to sell to concentration on the buyer’s side is the distance
the same buyer because there is nobody else from the farm to the closest dairy. The average
to sell to. In this context, Figure 61 shows how distance (measured in minutes) from the farm
many dairies are located about one hour drive to the closest dairy for Albania is 20.75 minutes
from the farm location, which is an indicator of (Std. Dev 17.17), Bosnia and Herzegovina 48.5
how concentrated the market is on the buyer’s minutes (Std. Dev 48.85), Serbia 32.8 minutes
side. As can be see, the situation is more critical (Std. Dev 22.45) and Montenegro 72 minutes
in Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina, (Std. Dev 53.46). These results are in line with
where farmers do not have an alternative for the number of dairies that are about a one hour
where to sell their milk. About 50 percent of drive from farms. Again, Montenegro farmers
Albanian and Serbian farmers have limited have to travel much longer distances to deliver
options for where to sell their milk. This could small ruminant milk to dairies.
also be one of the reasons why farmers engage
in the production of cheese themselves.
Figure 61. Number of dairies operating within one-hour drive of farms

Note: Albania N=200; Bosnia and Herzegovina N=42; Serbia N=14; Montenegro N=5.

Contrary to the discussion above are the results and Herzegovina, which have much high market
of Figure 62 — the more concentrated the market concentration on the buyer side than Albania
on the side of the buyer, the higher their influence and Serbia — but only a small share of them claim
and power in terms of changing product prices that the buyer has influence on prices. Instead,
in their interests. However, this does not appear most Serbian farmers say that the buyer has
to be the case in either Montenegro or Bosnia influence on milk prices.

Figure 62. Farmer perception of milk buyers’ influence on price


The result above is surprising; a potential Furthermore, those who claimed that the
explanation could be that only those farmers buyer has significant influence on setting the
that have alternatives for the sale of the milk price also stated that the main mechanisms
(in Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina) through which the buyer reduces the price is by
engage in milk selling (that is to say, the complaining about the milk quality (Figure 63).
general picture of market concentration does
not apply to them), while the others that have
no alternatives engage in cheese production.

Figure 63. Mechanisms through which milk buyers reduce prices for farmers

Another important element of the relationship be sold for a higher price. However, as can be
between farmer and milk buyers is the services seen from Figure 64, services offered to small
offered by the buyer to the farmer. Services ruminant farmers in Serbia, Montenegro and
offered by the buyer to farmers provide an Bosnia and Herzegovina are non existent. In
important support to farmers to improve milk Albania, about one third of farmers who sell milk
quality and safety standards and further claim to receive services from the buyer — such as
develop their business. Normally, the buyer has herd health management, breed management,
much more financial and technical capacities to animal feeding and so on. This is another
assist the farmer, which results in better quality indication that the small ruminant milk value
of milk that can improve the quality of the end chain in Albania is at a more advanced stage
processed product (such as cheese) that can than in the other Western Balkan countries.

Figure 64. Services offered by milk buyers

Note: Albania N = 55; Bosnia and Herzegovina N = 2; Serbia N=1; Montenegro N=0.

The time of payment by the buyer is another make regular payments at prespecified intervals
element of value chain organization, where in (such as every two weeks, or every month). Thus,
some studies it is an indication or an indirect more important than just knowing whether the
measurement of trust, while in other an indirect payment is delayed is the average waiting time.
measurement of buyer’s power. Figure 65 shows For those that get delayed payment, aside from
the situation regarding the time of payment by Serbia which has the highest waiting time (about
the buyer to the small ruminant farmer in the 52 days) for small ruminant farmers to be paid,
countries included in the study. The share of in the other Western Balkan countries farmers
farmers that receive delayed payment is lowest have to wait less than a month.
in Bosnia and Herzegovina (39.3 percent) and
At the same time, advance payments are not
highest in Albania (58.7 percent).
commonplace, with very few farmers claiming to
From an efficiency point of view, for small receive advance payments from buyers.
ruminant milk buyers, it is more convenient to

Figure 65. Time of payment by milk buyers

Note: Albania N = 167; Bosnia and Herzegovina N = 28; Serbia N=23; Montenegro N=44.

Figure 66 provides information about the agent milk in plastic or metal containers (Figure 67),
transporting the milk and how many times a transportation of the milk by the farmer using
day that milk is collected. Both elements have these containers does not ensure milk quality
important implications for efficiency and costs. and safety standards. Lastly, in most cases,
In Albania, in over 90 percent of the cases, milk milk is delivered (or collected) once a day. In
is collected by the buyer. In Montenegro, in 66.7 the absence of cooling tanks, collection once
percent of the cases it is the farmer who delivers a day (at a higher transportation cost) is the
to the buyer.3 For Serbia and Montenegro, only option to ensure milk quality and safety
about one third of the farmers have to deliver standards. If more investments in cooling and
to the buyer. This puts higher costs pressure storing systems were made, collection could be
on the farmer side. Moreover, considering made at longer time intervals, which would in
that in all countries, except Serbia, more than turn reduce transportation costs.
90 percent of small ruminant farmers store
Figure 66. Milk transportation and times per day milk is collected

Note: Albania N = 55; Bosnia and Herzegovina N = 2; Serbia N=1; Montenegro N=0.

Finally, it should be noted that milk price of price differentiation leads to limited incentive
differentiation according to quality (for example, for farmers to comply with milk quality and
fat and dry matter content) is not a common safety requirements.
practice in Western Balkan countries. The lack

Figure 67. Milk storing prior to delivery

Note: Albania N=166; Bosnia and Herzegovina N=31; Serbia N=14; Montenegro N=3.

It should be noted that for this question only three answers were available for analysis. Deriving conclusions from
three respondents is not representative.

4.2 Meat value chain deduced that Montenegrin farmers have a more
stable relationship with meat buyers than their
As with the milk value chain, analysis of meat counterparts in the other countries.
value chain organization and governance starts
by investigating the relationship stability and In this case also, no prior agreements are
type of agreement between small ruminant observed between farmers and buyers. Even
farmers and buyers. Unlike the milk value chain, when prior agreements are made, they tend to be
farmers tend to sell small ruminants to many informal. This makes relationships uncertain and
buyers, rather than to one or two buyers. Only might impede the likelihood of investment for
Montenegrin farmers appear to have a more farmers. Meat buyers (processors), even if they
stable relationship, where 83 percent of them do not secure enough supplies from the domestic
sell most small ruminants to one or two buyers. market, are able to find supplies at reasonable
This could be related to the market channel prices in import markets. Data presented here
used by farmers (see Figure 54), where around show that Western Balkan countries do import
70 percent of Montenegrin farmers claim to small ruminants (in general live animals).
sell their small ruminants to abattoirs. It can be

Figure 68. Farmer and meat buyer relationship, stability and contracting

Note: Albania N = 198; Bosnia and Herzegovina N = 202; Serbia N = 141; Montenegro N=121.

Services offered by buyers to farmers are The main service that they receive is in relation
scarce, particularly in Montenegro, Bosnia and to herd health management. About 80 percent
Herzegovina, and Serbia (Figure 69), while in of Serbian farmers that said they received
Albania, about 25 percent of farmers claim to services are consulted by the buyer about
receive some services from their meat buyers. market development.

Figure 69. Services offered by meat buyers

Note: Albania N = 44; Bosnia and Herzegovina N = 3; Serbia N=5; Montenegro N=0.

Regarding buyer influence on small ruminant about 92.7 percent of the respondents in Serbia
meat (or live animal) prices, Serbia and and 58.7 percent in Montenegro point out that
Montenegro farmers appear to be in a more meat buyers have a large influence in setting
difficult position than their counterparts in the price of meat (or live animals).
Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Hence,

Figure 70. Farmer perception of meat buyers’ influence on price

In addition, those that claim that the buyer through which the buyer reduces the price is by
has a significant influence on setting the price applying pressure to reduce the price in high
(Figure 70) also state that the main mechanisms supply seasons (Figure 71).

Figure 71. Mechanisms through which meat buyers reduce prices for farmers

The time taken to pay as outlined in the subsection For those whose payment is delayed, the
above could indicate an indirect measure of trust average waiting time in Serbia is 54.81 days, and
or indirect measure of buyer power exploitation. 28.7 days in Montenegro. The waiting time for
Figure 72 outlines the time taken to make Serbian farmers is considerable, which coupled
payments to small ruminant farmers. The share of with buyer’s large influence on prices, further
farmers that receive delayed payment is highest indicates that small ruminant farmers in Serbia
in Montenegro at 49.6 percent, followed by and Montenegro — within the small ruminant meat
Serbia with 38.8 percent, while the numbers that value chain — are being squeezed by buyers.
get delayed payment in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
and Albania, are negligible.

Figure 72. Time of payment by meat buyers

Note: Albania N = 198; Bosnia and Herzegovina N = 202; Serbia N=139; Montenegro N=121

As with the small ruminant milk value chain, small ruminant meat value chain, including
advance payments are not common for the whether animals are sold as live animals or
meat value chain. Few farmers claim to receive slaughtered, transportation, number of small
advance payment. The elements discussed ruminant transactions in a year, number of
so far focus primarily on the governance animals sold in a transaction, whether lambing
of the trading relationship between small is synchronized with festive periods, and if this
ruminant farmers and buyers. The next part synchronization results in added benefits for
examines the organizational aspect of the small ruminant farmers.

Figure 73 outlines where small ruminant safety risks for the small ruminant meat value
farmers slaughter their animals. For Albania, chain in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Serbia, and Montenegro, more than 81 percent
In addition, those that slaughter small ruminants
of small ruminant farmers sell small ruminants
in Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina claim
as live animals, while more than 50 percent
to pay a slaughtering fee, which for Albania is
of small ruminant farmers in Bosnia and
EUR 3.31 on average per small ruminant, while
Herzegovina sell slaughtered animals; and,
in Bosnia and Herzegovina is EUR 5 per small
what is more critical, 45 percent of the sample
ruminant. Serbian and Montenegrin farmers
say that they slaughter at home, generally
did not say they pay a slaughtering fee.
outside the monitoring and control of national
food authorities. This poses significant food

Figure 73. Slaughtering place of small ruminants

Note: Albania N = 200, Bosnia and Herzegovina N=204; Serbia N=141; Montenegro N=121.

Figure 74 shows the agent transporting the for small individual farmers for personal use.
animals, which in most cases is done by the In general, transporters are specialized agents
buyer. The transportation operator should have who operate either as commissioners (they get
license and a truck that fulfils specific criteria paid commission for transporting animals) or
for animal transportation. This license and buyers of animals.
truck are quite costly and difficult to maintain

Figure 74. Animal transportation


Another key element of value chain organization, with an average of 74.47 small ruminants
which impacts costs and efficiency, is the size and sold in a single transaction (see Table 17). The
frequency of transactions. As can be seen from majority of small ruminant farmers in Bosnia
Figure 75, more than 90 percent of Montenegrin and Herzegovina have the highest number of
small ruminant farmers carry out one to three transactions, with ten or more transactions
transactions to sell all their small ruminants. annually and an average of nine small ruminants
Furthermore, they also have the highest sold per transaction.
transaction size compared to other countries,

Figure 75. Number of times per year small ruminants are sold by farmers

Transaction costs are highest when trading highest transaction cost, and the Montenegro
relationships are characterized by a high value chain the lowest transaction cost. Albania
number of transactions with small volumes. and Serbia fall somewhere in between these two,
In this context, the Bosnia and Herzegovina with Albania data closer to Montenegro, and
small ruminant value chain appears to have the Serbia closer to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Table 17. Small ruminants sold in a single transaction

Small ruminants sold in a single
Mean Std. Dev Q1 Median Q3
transaction (average)
Albania 42.76 71.78 6 15 50
Bosnia and Herzegovina 9 15.29 1 5 10
Serbia 20.64 25.61 7 13 20
Montenegro 70.47 43.05 40 61 100

Figure 76 outlines the lambing/kidding for January and February, with small differences
all Western Balkan countries included in the from country to country — for Montenegro,
study. In a sense, this figure also provides March is an important lambing/kidding month,
an overview of the supply of small ruminants and for Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and
through the year. The main lambing/kidding Serbia, December is a key month.
months for Western Balkan countries are

Figure 76. Lambing/kidding months

In this line of discussion, small ruminant farmers respectively, say they do so; whereas Serbian
were also asked whether they synchronize (19.8 percent) and Montenegrin (2.5 percent)
lambing/kidding with national holidays. Around farmers do so much less. Those that do this do so
48 percent and 59 percent of the surveyed because of better prices and because it is easier
farmers in Albania, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, to sell due to increased demand (see Figure 77).

Figure 77. Benefits of synchronizing lambing/kidding with national holidays

Table 18 shows the average increased sales or increase in small ruminant prices during the
increased price when selling during national national holidays. The sales increase during
holidays. All farmers apart from those in national holidays ranges from 12.8 percent in
Montenegro claim to get at least a 10 percent Montenegro to 30.6 percent in Albania.

Table 18. Price and sales benefits of synchronizing lambing/kidding with national holidays

Mean Std. Dev Q1 Median Q3

Price increase
Albania 12.3% 6.1% 10% 10% 20%
Bosnia and Herzegovina 11.3% 7.4% 5% 10% 20%
Serbia 15.7% 7.7% 5% 10% 15%
Montenegro 5.5% 1.6% 5% 5% 5%
Price increase
Albania 30.6% 18.4% 20% 30% 30%
Bosnia and Herzegovina 18.7% 18.9% 10% 10% 20%
Serbia 26.7% 27% 5% 10% 20%
Montenegro 12.8% 4.7% 10% 10% 10%

4.3 Farmer–farmer
presents the level of cooperation, and whether
cooperation cooperation is formalized or not. One thing
Whereas the two sections above focused on that is evident from the figure is the low level
vertical relationships (that is, farmer–buyer), the of cooperation among small ruminant farmers
focus of this last section is to look at horizontal in Albania compared to other Western Balkan
relationships among farmers themselves countries. What is also clear is that most
(that is to say, cooperation). Hence, Figure 78 cooperation takes place on an informal basis.

Figure 78. Farmer–farmer cooperation

Note: Albania N=200; Bosnia and Herzegovina N=202; Serbia N=141; Montenegro N=121.

In addition, small ruminant farmers that claim An interesting fact that emerges from the
to cooperate were further asked what type of answers is that they help each other with
activity they cooperate on. These activities and problematic issues. For example, the biggest
the distribution of answers for each country problem that Montenegrin and Serbian farmers
are presented in Figure 79. The main activities face is labour availability, and to address
farmers cooperate on include labour exchange this they tend to cooperate more on labour
and machinery exchange. In Albania, the main exchange (for example, taking turns to send
activity for cooperation is joint input supply. small ruminants to pastures).

Figure 79. Activities that farmers cooperate on

Cooperation is generally highlighted as a have with their buyers. To further address this,
mechanism that can help smallholders to farmers would need to cooperate in terms of
balance the asymmetric power relations they joint selling of their produce.

© FAO/Robert Atanasovski

5. Farm management engaged in selling of milk (N=42), 16.7 percent

used milk testing services in 2020. Data for

practices Serbia and Montenegro are for 2021 — 19.9

percent of Serbian farmers and 42.1 percent of
Montenegrin farmers did milk testing in 2021.
Respondents were asked about the frequency
The two previous sections focused on how of analysis and testing for milk safety and
the small ruminant value chain is structured, quality conducted by the buyer of their milk.
its actors and activities, and issues relating to The distribution of answers is outlined in Figure
organization and governance. In this section, 80. First, it needs to be noted that only farmers
the focus shifts to the small ruminant farm, who sell milk regularly answered this question,
which is the base level of the small ruminant and those are very few in Montenegro, Serbia,
value chain. As the saying goes, “a chain is and Bosnia and Herzegovina. It appears that
as strong as its weakest link”, and from the milk tests in Bosnia and Herzegovina are never
evidence so far, the farm level appears to be or rarely done in more than 75 percent of cases.
the most problematic of the small ruminant
value chain. Another element that affects milk safety and
quality is whether farmers mix morning and
afternoon milk, especially when the milk is not
stored appropriately. More than 40 percent
5.1 Food safety and quality of Serbian and Montenegrin small ruminant
farmers mix morning and afternoon milk, while
standards less than 25 percent of farmers in Bosnia and
One mechanism to control milk safety and Herzegovina and Albania do so. When asked
quality standards is through laboratory about the share of milk production milked
analyses and tests. In Albania, only 5.5 percent in the afternoon, this was 47 percent of the
of the (200) surveyed farmers claim to have production in Albania, 31 percent in Bosnia and
used milk testing services during 2020, while Herzegovina, 48.2 percent in Serbia, and 38
in Bosnia and Herzegovina, of those that are percent in Montenegro.

Figure 80. Number of times buyer tests milk for safety

Note: Albania N=200; Bosnia and Herzegovina N=42; Serbia N=16; Montenegro N=5.

As Figure 81 shows, in every country, the milking with a milking machine. Some farmers
majority of small ruminants are milked by said that a lack of access to electricity makes
hand. This approach, under limited hygienic the use of milking machines unfeasible. Others
conditions, compromises milk safety standards. said that they could not afford to buy one.
Furthermore, this takes much longer than

Figure 81. Methods of milking

Having potable water in the milking area is milking area. However, the situation appears
an important element for ensuring minimum problematic in Albania and Montenegro, where
hygienic conditions. As Figure 82 outlines, more about 50 percent always have potable water in
than 75 percent of small ruminant farmers claim the milking area.
to have — always or often — potable water in their

Figure 82. Presence of potable water in milking area

5.2 General farm Figure 83 outlines the distribution of answers

management in all countries with regard to possession of an
animal farm registry (left-hand side of the figure)
Some general farm management practices, and identification and registration of small
such as having an animal registry, identification ruminants (right-hand side). A large share (more
and registration of animals, keeping records on than 90 percent) of small ruminant farmers in
costs and income, and use of advisory services, Serbia and Montenegro keep an animal register.
are discussed in this section. When small Only 31.4 percent in Bosnia and Herzegovina
ruminant farmers implement these practices, it have one, while in Albania, 53.5 percent keep
is highly likely that farm performance is higher. an animal registry.

In regard to the identification and registration them doing this; whereas in Albania and Bosnia
of small ruminants, Serbian and Montenegrin and Herzegovina only around 75 percent of
farmers appear to be more rigorous, with all of them do so.

Figure 83. Animal farm registry, identification and registration

Figure 84 shows whether farmers keep records and and Herzegovina and Serbia keep records (often
calculate production costs. By not implementing or always) of costs and revenues than in the
such management practices, a business is like “a other countries. A similar pattern is seen for the
ship without a compass”. Fewer farmers in Bosnia calculation of production costs.

Figure 84. Keeping record of expenses and revenues, and calculation of costs

Finally, Figure 85 points out the use of advisory 18 percent in Bosnia and Herzegovina). From
services by farm households during the past five interviews, it emerges that the “no need” reason
years (left-hand side of the figure). The situation for not using the advisory services is more related
is particularly concerning for farmers in Albania to the farmers’ limited trust in the capabilities
and Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the vast of the advisors in providing appropriate advice
majority have not used any advisory services. than in the real need of farmers for advice. The
Farmers there say they do not need any advice situation is different in Serbia and Montenegro,
(54 percent in Albania and 77 percent in Bosnia where more than 70 percent of small ruminant
and Herzegovina), or that there is no advisory farmers have used advisory services.
service available (36 percent in Albania and

Figure 85. Use of advisory services and reasons for not using them

5.3 Breed management

Another management practice that can boost it appears that the majority of small ruminant
small ruminant farm performance is breed farmers do mating control, with the largest share
management. Figure 86 provides information on of farmers who do not perform mating control
mating control in each country. On the left-hand observed in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Moreover,
side of the figure, the share of farmers doing those that do mating control keep rams or bucks
mating control is shown in green. In all countries, in their herds (right-hand side of the figure).

Figure 86. Small ruminant mating control

Note: Albania N=200; Bosnia and Herzegovina N=204; Serbia N=141; Montenegro N=121.

When small ruminant farmers who do not reasons reflect a lack of knowledge on the
perform mating control are asked why, the issue, which requires training and education to
majority say either that it does not matter, or change such mindsets.
that they do not want to (see Figure 87). These

Figure 87. Reasons for not performing mating control

5.4 Animal health

management practices
When it comes to animal health, apart from percent. Private veterinarians are much more
Bosnia and Herzegovina, more than 70 expensive, and the availability of public ones
percent of farmers in Albania, Serbia, and is limited. The average distance to the nearest
Montenegro request medical help from private public veterinary service is around 15 km for
veterinarians. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia,
the use rate of private veterinarians is 42.6 and 17.6 km for Montenegro.

Figure 88. Agents used by farmers for medical services for small ruminants

Regarding vaccination of small ruminants, their small ruminants, farmers usually know
the use of private veterinary services is the the diseases for which a vaccine is needed. It
most used option for Albanian, Serbian and should be noted that very few farmers claim
Montenegrin farmers. Of those that vaccinate not to vaccinate.

Figure 89. Agents that vaccinate small ruminants

Figure 90 shows the number of small ruminants Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia
lost to disease during 2020 for Albania and claim not to have lost any animals due to disease.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, and 2021 for Serbia In Montenegro, almost one third of small ruminant
and Montenegro. A large number of farmers in farmers have not lost any animals to disease.

Figure 90. Number of small ruminants lost to disease, 2020

Figure 91 outlines whether farmers use protective claiming to always use protective clothing, while
clothing (such as gloves and boots) while handling farmers in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
dead animals and aborted foetuses. Albania and appear to be more careful.
Montenegro have the lowest share of farmers

Figure 91. Use of protective clothing while handling dead animals


6. SWOT analysis
and small ruminant
sector support 6.1 SWOT analysis
policies The SWOT analysis in Figure 92 is developed
based on the discussion and analysis of the
previous sections. Despite the differences
that exist between Western Balkan countries
This is a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportu- included in the study, the small ruminant sector
nities, threats) analysis for the small ruminant in these countries also have considerable
sector in Western Balkan countries. It also similarities. Thus, the SWOT is presented for all
attempts to provide potential intervention countries in one figure. When there is an aspect
strategies that can lead to future small ruminant specific to a particular country, the name of the
sector development there. country is shown in brackets.

Box 4. SWOT analysis for the small ruminant sector in Western Balkan countries

▶ Long tradition in small ruminant breeding.
▶ Pastures in Western Balkan countries good for grazing.
▶ Larger farms own tractors and produce their own feeds (in Serbia, Montenegro, and
Bosnia and Herzegovina).
▶ Small ruminant farmers’ willingness to cooperate (Serbia, Montenegro).
Small ruminant meat value chain
▶ Establishing of modern abattoirs (Albania, Serbia, Montenegro).
▶ Modern facilities and technology for frozen meat processing (Albania, Serbia, Montenegro).
▶ Existing export market channel for small ruminants (Serbia).
Small ruminant milk value chain
▶ Investment in facilities and up to date technology by a significant number of milk processing
factories (Albania).

▶ Lack of labour availability — limited interest in small ruminant sector by younger generation.
▶ Milk and meat prices offered to farmers are very low — making small ruminant business
▶ Limited financial resources of small ruminant farmers to invest in the business.
▶ Insufficient feed resources, especially during winter.

Box 4 (Cont.). SWOT analysis for the small ruminant sector in Western Balkan countries

▶ Insufficient feed resources, especially during winter.

▶ Poor maintenance of pastures and meadows.
▶ Limited access to pastures and meadows through long term contracts.
▶ High feed cost — since the start of the Ukraine conflict, feed costs have increased considerably.
▶ Small arable land available makes production of feeds expensive, while buying feeds
is considerably more expensive (Albania).
▶ Limited availability of public advisory and veterinary services (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina).
▶ Lack of trust in public advisory services (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina).
▶ Public advisory services’ knowledge is not updated with current best practices (Albania,
Bosnia and Herzegovina).
▶ Inappropriate animal housing conditions (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina).
▶ Poor breeds resulting in low milk and meat yields (Albania).
▶ Insufficient technical equipment, outdated machines, and a small number of
attachments for tractors.
Small ruminant meat value chain
▶ Limited investment in processing of animal by products.
▶ No waste disposal system (farms, abattoirs, and meat processing, milk processing plants).
▶ Limited coordination (no contracts) between farmers and meat buyers — high uncertain-
▶ High transaction costs for selling small ruminants (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia).
▶ High informality for selling small ruminant products (particularly in Bosnia and Herzegovina).
▶ Outdated facilities and equipment in slaughtering points (Albania).
▶ Abattoirs owned by municipalities face high costs and no income (Albania).
Small ruminant milk value chain
▶ Milk value chain is underdeveloped — coordination between buyer and farmer is non
existent — most farmers process milk on farms (Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegov-
▶ Outdated milk processing technology and (often) incomplete set of equipment for smaller
dairy processing plants — the situation is even worse for in farm processing.
▶ High transportation cost for milk due to low quantities.
▶ Cheese quality varies considerably from processor to processor and from region to region.
▶ Lack of contracts between farmers and buyers — no price incentive based on quality standards.
▶ Poor milk safety and quality standards.
▶ Most milking is done by hand — no milking machines available.
▶ Poor infrastructure for milk collection.

Box 4 (Cont.). SWOT analysis for the small ruminant sector in Western Balkan countries

▶ Pasture, good for grazing — sufficient rainfall (but changing with climate change).
▶ Favourable government and IPARD (EU financial instrument to support agriculture) policies.
▶ Access to high animal genetics.
▶ Potential to increase the number of animals.
▶ Donor support for investments and technical assistance to improve standards.
Small ruminant meat value chain
▶ Export opportunity for lamb meat.
Small ruminant milk value chain
▶ Stable domestic demand for dairy/cheese.

▶ Laws and regulations are not enforced.
▶ Climate change.
▶ Emigration (especially in Albania).
▶ No significant exports to date (aside from Serbia) — limited supply and safety problems.

6.2 Farmers’ future

investment plans
Prior to designing of an intervention strategy for Starting with Albanian farmers, Figure 93 shows
the further development of the small ruminant that about 35 percent of the respondents plan to
sector in Western Balkan countries by capitalizing invest in the future, of which 67.1 percent plan to
on strengths and opportunities and reducing the expand their herd size and 41.4 percent plan to
negative effects of the weaknesses and threats introduce new breeds (most likely more specialized
outlined here, it is imperative to investigate future breeds). The third most mentioned investment
investment plans. Figures 93 to 96 present small plan (15.7 percent) is to build a new shed or barn.
ruminant farmers’ willingness to invest in their
business, and the type of investment planned.

Figure 93. Future investment plans of Albanian farmers

Small ruminant farmers in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Figure 94). The most mentioned investment plan
appear to be more willing than Albanian farmers is building a new shed or barn (42 percent). The
to invest in the future, with 45.1 percent of the second most mentioned item (15 percent of the
respondents having future investment plans cases) is improvement of breeds.

Figure 94. Future investment plans of Bosnia and Herzegovina farmers

Serbian farmers show a higher willingness to invest, is especially relevant since the conflict in Ukraine
with more than 55 percent saying they intend to pushed up animal feeding costs considerably. The
do so (Figure 95). The two most important types third most mentioned investment type is building
of investment mentioned are increased herd size a new shed or barn.
and improved feed production technology, which

Figure 95. Future investment plans of Serbian farmers


Montenegrin small ruminant farmers appear to most important investment type is increased
have the highest willingness to invest, with 62 herd size. The second and third most mentioned
percent of them confirming to have such plans investment types are building a new shed or barn,
(Figure 96). Similar to Albania and Serbia, the and improving feed production technology.

Figure 96. Future investment plans of Montenegrin farmers

From these descriptive statistics, it appears that 1. Direct payments per head (for milking
Albanian farmers have the lowest willingness to small ruminants) — Policy 1.
invest, and Montenegrin and Serbian farmers the
2. Direct payment per milk delivered to the
highest. In Albania, Serbia, and Montenegro, the
processors — Policy 2.
apparent willingness to invest to expand herd size
is encouraging given the considerable reduction in 3. Grants for investments (but partially
the small ruminant population in Western Balkan self-financed) — Policy 3.
countries (particularly in Albania). However, these 4. Payments per ha of animal feed area — Policy 4.
future investments need to be backed up by
financial support, which is ranked among the top 5. Vouchers for veterinary service and per input
problems hampering sector development. purchase (feed drugs for animals) — Policy 5.
Figure 97 presents the ranking distribution of the
6.3 Support policies most support policies; the rectangle gives information
on the mean values and quintiles. Though from
needed by small ruminant the figure it is clear that direct payment per
farmers head (for milking small ruminants) is ranked
number one most of the time, non-parametric
To develop a bottom–up intervention strategy, statistical tests are employed to analyse whether
another element that needs to be analysed is the difference in ranking between policies is
the type of policy support that the target group statistically significant.4 From the output of the
(small ruminant farmers) needs the most, even tests, it emerges that the most requested policy
though the type of policy may not be the most support in Albania is direct payment per head
feasible one. The following figures show the rank (for milking small ruminants), followed by direct
distributions for each country for the most needed payment per milk delivered to the processors in
policy support by small ruminant farmers. The second place, and payments per ha of animal
respondents in each country had to rank the first feed area in third place. The least requested
(most important) to the last (least important) five policies are policies 3 and 5.
support policies, including:

The Kruskal-Wallis test is employed to look for differences between groups, but does not show which pairs of groups
are different. To identify specific difference, Pairwise Wilcox tests are employed for comparisons between group levels,
with corrections for multiple testing.

Figure 97. Support policies as ranked by Albanian farmers

The results show that the most requested policy milking small ruminants) and payments per ha of
support in Bosnia and Herzegovina is grant on animal feed area. The least requested policies are
investments (but partially self-financed) (Figure policies 5 and 2.
98), followed by direct payments per head (for

Figure 98. Support policies as ranked by Bosnia and Herzegovina farmers

Figure 99 shows the top policies ranked by Serbian 4 (payments per ha of animal feed area) and policy
farmers — policies 4, 1 and 3. The statistical 1 (direct payments per head). Then comes grant
tests confirm the two highest ranked policies (no on investments (but partially self-financed), and
significant difference between the two) to be policy the least requested policies are policies 2 and 5.

Figure 99. Support policies as ranked by Serbian farmers

For Montenegro farmers, the highest ranked policy partially self-financed) and payments per ha of
support needed is direct payments per head (for animal feed area. Then comes policy 5, and the
milking small ruminants). In second place, with a least requested is policy 2.
similar test score, are grant on investments (but
Figure 100. Support policies as ranked by Montenegro farmers

While there are some differences in terms of to the milk processor or payment for animal feed
the overall ranking of policies in Western Balkan area), not all the support will be taken by the farmer
countries, direct support measures appear to be because the third party uses its influence to extract
the type of policy support most needed by small part of the value (for example, by reducing the milk
ruminant farmers. In most cases, this is needed in price because the farmer is being compensated
the form of direct payments per head (for milking by the government). In addition, direct payments
small ruminants). With support schemes involving per head appear to be the least bureaucratic
a third party (that is, payment per litre delivered procedure and the easiest to apply for.

6.4 National support schemes

for small ruminants in the
Western Balkans

The focus here is to present national support payments for small ruminants, ranging from EUR
measures currently provided directly to the small 0.06/L to EUR 0.2/L. Albanian farmers used to
ruminant sector in the form of direct payments. benefit by about EUR 0.085/L of milk delivered to
Table 19 outlines the national schemes for processors, but since 2019 this support measure
direct payments based on output (that is, milk). has been removed.
All countries apart from Albania provide milk

Table 19. Direct payment schemes supporting the small ruminant sector (based on output)
North Bosnia and
Payments based on output (EUR/litre) Serbia Montenegro Albania
Macedonia Herzegovina
Dairy premium — granted for cow, sheep
and goat milk delivered to dairies (from 0.06—0.07;
2018 different premium for cow milk, than 0.07—0.09
sheep and goat milk).
Dairy premium — granted for cow, sheep
or goat milk delivered to dairies; paid
for min 3 000 L/quarter of cow milk (in
2010: 3 500 L), (1 500 L/quarter in LFA) 0.06
and max 3 million L/quarter (in 2012 no
limits); in 2012 different amounts for first
and second half of the year.
Dairy premium — granted to farmers
delivering min 400 L of cow, sheep or 0.06
goat milk per month to dairies.
Addition for large milk producers — grant-
ed to farmers producing min 5 000 L/
month; paid for delivered quantities above
this minimum.
Milk quality addition — goat and sheep
milk with less than 1.5 million microorgan- 0.02
isms per ml
Support is given to producers who process
raw milk on their farm.

Table 19 (Cont.). Direct payment schemes supporting the small ruminant sector (based on output)
North Bosnia and
Payments based on output (EUR/litre) Serbia Montenegro Albania
Macedonia Herzegovina
Dairy premium (Federation of Bosnia and
Herzegovina) — granted for cow, sheep or
goat milk delivered to dairies; paid for min
three milk cows and production of min 500
L/month and max. 550 000 L/month and
max (sheep and goat milk min 300 L and
max 300 000 L per year); min fat content
3.2 percent (goat milk 5 percent).
Dairy premium (small ruminant) — granted
for cow, sheep or goat milk delivered to
dairies; different amounts for standard
quality (up to 400 000 somatic cells and
up to 100 000 mo/ml of cow’s milk; up to
1 million mo/ml of sheep and goat milk)
and out of standard quality (mo stands for
milk organisms).
Max EUR 178 952/beneficiary. 0.13—0.20
Dairy premium. -
Source: Agriculture and agricultural policy database. 2022. Agricultural Policy Plus.

In addition to direct payments based on output, provided for breeding sheep and goats and range
small ruminant farmers in the Western Balkans also from EUR 8 to EUR 60 per head. Some countries
benefit from direct payments based on livestock also provide direct payments for slaughtered
numbers (see Table 20). These payments are lambs and kids through the abattoirs.

Table 20. Direct payment schemes supporting the small ruminant sector (based on livestock number)
Payments based on livestock number North Bosnia and
Serbia Montenegro Albania
(EUR/head) Macedonia Herzegovina
Granted for sheep and goat rearing, all
categories (min 30 sheep and 10 goats)
2010—2012: different amounts for sheep 19; 21
and goats; 2018: additional 10 percent for
herds 100—500 sheep or 50—150 goats).
Addition to payments for sheep and
goats for kept female lambs and kids.
Additional payment — granted for lambs
delivered to abattoirs.
Payment for shepherd dogs — additional
payments to sheep producers (min 50 32
sheep, and max 7 dogs).

Table 20 (Cont.). Direct payment schemes supporting the small ruminant sector (based on livestock number)
Payments based on livestock number North Bosnia and
Serbia Montenegro Albania
(EUR/head) Macedonia Herzegovina
Payments for quality breeding sheep and
goats — granted for animals with registered
pedigree; paid for min 30 sheep/10 goats
(2010; 2018), 30 sheep/goats (2011),
10 sheep/5 goats (2015) and max 150
sheep/goats (2010—2011).

Payment for slaughtered lambs and

kids — granted for lambs (from 2013)
and young goats (from 2015) delivered
to abattoirs or intended for export; min
10 lambs (5 goats) in fattening; average
weight below 50 kg/lamb (30 kg/goat).

Payments for sheep and goats — granted

to farmers rearing more than 40 sheep
(30 goats); paid for the number of animals
above this minimum.
Payment for breeding sheep and goats
(Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina) —
paid for min 50 ewes (25 she goats) and
max 750 (1 300 from 2019).
Payment for breeding sheep and goats
(small ruminant) — min 100 ewes (50 she
goats); max EUR 12 782/beneficiary. In
2019 basic herd of min 125 heads, or min 10; 20
65 ewes or min 30 she goats, in 2021 100
ewes and 20 goats, max 10 000 EUR/
Payment for breeding sheep and goats
(Brčko District) — paid for min 20 ewes 41; 36
(ten she goats).
Payment for slaughtered lambs (Brčko
District) — Granted for lambs delivered to 26
registered abattoir; min 20 heads.
Payment for sheep and goats (min 100
heads of milking animals, based on first 10
come first served principle).

Source: Agriculture and agricultural policy database. 2022. Agricultural Policy Plus.
Finally, small ruminant farmers could also benefit payments per ha of field crops, in some cases
from direct support measures based on the area the support is direct, in others it is indirect (like the
cultivated with field crops. Table 21 highlights the fuel support scheme in Albania). In general, the
main direct payment schemes in the countries minimum eligibility criteria to benefit from direct
under study. As can be seen from the table, payments for cereals based on area is 1 ha.
Western Balkan countries provide different

Table 21. Direct payment schemes supporting the small ruminant sector (based on area)
North Bosnia and
Payments based on area (EUR/ha) Serbia Montenegro Albania
Macedonia Herzegovina
Payment for field crops excluding tobacco —
decreasing payments depending on area
under cultivation (2010: full amount for
0.3—20 ha; 2013: full amount for 0.3—10 hа;
2019: 20 percent higher payments for
5—50 ha).
Additional payment for cereals sown with
certified seeds — addition to payments
for field crops; (modulation scheme 39
applied; 2010: full amount for 0.3—20 ha;
2013: full amount for 0.3—10 ha).
Additional payments for cereals — granted
for cereals and sunflower, for area 10—50
ha (2016), and 5—50 ha (2018—2020), with
min required yields.
Payment for field and permanent crops —
granted for area under cereals, potatoes,
vegetables, feed crops, industrial plants,
leaf tobacco, orchards, and vineyards
Payments for field crops except tobacco —
Min eligible area: 1 ha for cereals, 0.5 ha
for other crops.
Arable crops produced for mercantile
purposes (cereals, potatoes, buckwheat, 200
and other crops).
Feed crops in the year of sowing. 200
Feed crops in the following four years. 100
Cereal seeds. 300
Seed potato (elite category). 700
Users under the age of 40 are entitled to
an additional payment.
Payment for wheat (Federation of Bosnia
and Herzegovina) — Paid for min 1 ha and 302
max 200 ha; min sold quantity 3.5 t/ha.
Payment for wheat (small ruminant) —
granted for autumn sowing wheat; min 153
eligible area 1.5 ha; min yield 4 t/ha.
Payment for wheat (Brčko District) — min
eligible area 1.5 ha.
Payment for maize (Federation of Bosnia
and Herzegovina) — granted for green
143; 112
maize for silage; paid for min 2 ha and
max 400 ha.
Source: Agriculture and agricultural policy database. 2022. Agricultural Policy Plus.

Table 21 (Cont.). Direct payment schemes supporting the small ruminant sector (based on area)
North Bosnia and
Payments based on area (EUR/ha) Serbia Montenegro Albania
Macedonia Herzegovina
Payment for maize (Brčko District) —
granted for green maize for silage; min 153
eligible area 1.5 ha.
Payment for barley (Federation of Bosnia
and Herzegovina) — paid for min 1 ha and 169; 133
max 200 ha; min sold quantity 3 t/ha.
Payment for barley (Brčko District) — min
eligible area 1.5 ha.
Payment for feed crops (Federation of
Bosnia and Herzegovina) — paid for min 2 143; 112
ha and max 400 ha (2019).
Payments for cereal and oil plant seeds
(Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina) —
min sold (or own used) quantities: 3 t/ha
(wheat), 2.5 t/ha (barley), 2 t/ha (soya,
460; 511;
sunflower); paid for max 300 ha (wheat),
or 100 ha (maize, soya, sunflower); in
some years different payment for wheat
and barley seed and for maize, soya and
sunflower seeds.
Payment per ha for wheat — subsidy
scheme budget ALL 500 million.
Distribution: first come first serve. Paid
for min 1 ha.
Fuel subsidy for feed crops — tax exemption.
The equivalent of tax exemption,
converted in free of charge fuel per ha 80—160
(depending on the product it ranges from
50 L to 100 L of fuel per ha).

Source: Agriculture and agricultural policy database. 2022. Agricultural Policy Plus.

These tables provide clear information on the type counterparts in other countries. Thus, Figure
of direct payment support that small ruminant 101 shows the development of the total annual
farmers might benefit from. However, it is difficult support allocated to agriculture in the Western
to assess the amount of money that goes on Balkans and Turkiye during the 2010—2019 period.
direct support to farmers only based on these The support over time shows mixed patterns
tables. Assessing the amount of money that goes across the countries and territories. In general,
directly to farmers is critical because farmers that support for agriculture has increased over the past
get more support from the government are in a decade in all countries apart from Turkiye, which
more advantageous position and have a higher shows a declining trend over the final three years
likelihood of success in competing against their of analysed data.

Figure 101. Total budgetary support for agriculture, 2010—2019 (million EUR)

Source: Martinovska, Stojcheska, A., Kotevska, A., Janeska Stamenkovska, I., Dimitrievski, D., Zhllima, E.,
Vasko, Z., Bajramovic, S. et al. 2021. Recent agricultural policy developments in the context of the EU approximation
process in the pre-accession countries. EUR 30687 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2021,
ISBN 978-92-76-37270-7. doi:10.2760/041338, JRC124502.

In absolute values for 2017—2019, Montenegro The data presented in Figure 101 are not directly
and Albania have the lowest budget, namely comparable due to the large differences between
less than EUR 30 million and EUR 40 million countries in terms of their agricultural area
per annum, respectively. They are followed by and population. Therefore, Figure 102 presents
Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina, with about a more comparable view of total agricultural
EUR 70 million and EUR 80 million, respectively, support, namely support per hectare (ha) of
North Macedonia with close to EUR 150 million, farmland and per inhabitant for 2017—2019
Serbia with over EUR 300 million, and Turkiye (Martinovska, Stojcheska et al., 2021).
with about EUR 2 500 million to EUR 3 000
million per annum (Figure 101).

Figure 102. Total budgetary support (EUR/ha, left) and per capita (EUR/inhabitant), 2017—2019

Note: blue indicates market and direct producer support measures, red indicates structural and rural development
measures, and green indicates other measures related to agriculture.

Figure 102 also provides comparative figures Compared with the European Union, the support
for the European Union. The differences in the per inhabitant in Western Balkan countries and
support per hectare between the countries are territories and Turkiye is significantly lower.
rather significant, ranging from EUR 32/ha
It is clear from the Figure 102 that support
and EUR 39/ha in Albania and Bosnia and
provided to Albanian farmers is inferior to the
Herzegovina, respectively, to EUR 150/ha in
support provided to other Western Balkan
Kosovo. The total support per hectare in the
countries or European Union countries. Despite
Western Balkans and Turkiye is less than half of
limited budgetary support, a key factor for
the European Union average. However, some of
sector development is to target and support the
Western Balkan countries and Tϋrkiye are more
farmers with the highest likelihood to develop in
comparable to certain eastern European Union
future. However, evidence from interviews with
countries, for example EUR 137/ha in Latvia, EUR
Albanian farmers shows that public funding
175/ha in Lithuania, EUR 214/ha in Bulgaria, and
does not always go to what extension services
EUR 218/ha in Romania (European Commission,
call “potential farmers”. Box 4 presents three
2019). Payments per inhabitant vary from EUR
cases of potential farmers as considered by
13 in Albania to EUR 68 North Macedonia.
extension services in Albania.

Box 5. Who is a potential farmer? Who should government support?

VN is a 65-year-old cow farmer, close to retirement age, with his business in decline — he cut
the cow numbers to 24 from 120 that he used to have. He cultivates 30 ha of land with maize,
wheat, alfalfa, and so on. Due to high input prices, he has reduced feeds and used only half
the fertilizers he used last year. He has benefited from both petrol scheme and per head
support. His son has emigrated to England and does not intend to take over his father’s farm.
EP, aged 37, working in partnership with his brother, GP, aged 31, have 24 cows. They cultivate
25.5 ha of which 17.5 ha is maize, 1 ha wheat, and 7 ha alfalfa. While they intend to expand the
cow herd size, they lack the financial means, and have requested a subsidized interest loan.
Current asset conditions are poor. They have started to build a barn, and their stable was in
very poor condition. EP explains: “I have fed to cows the same quantity of wheat and maize
as last year but have used half the soya quantity. The price of soya is high. I know the soya is
very important in the ration — one gets 6 kg of milk for 1 kg of soya (you earn ALL 300 for 6 kg
of milk, which costs ALL 100) but I cannot use more due to budget limitations. Cow milk yield is
20 L to 22 L per cow per day. I have to feed at least 70 percent of their ration; otherwise, I lose.”
DK is a 35-year-old cow farmer. He has ten cows and cultivates 9.5 ha of land, of which maize
is 3.5 ha, wheat 3 ha, alfalfa 2 ha, and beans 1 ha. He explains: “I have reduced the quantities
of inputs used. For basic fertilization, last year I used 15 kg to 17 kg of DAP per dynym*, this
year I used only 10 kg; last year I fertilized the crop twice using 30 kg per dynym, this season I
fertilized only once using 15 kg. I do not have money for more fertilizer. I have also reduced the
quantity of concentrate (maize, wheat, soya) fed to cows from 10 kg to 6 kg per animal.” The
young farmer is very insecure about the next step.

* 1 dynym = 0.1 hectare.

Source: Interview with VN, and EP, GP and DK.

The three cases outlined in Box 4 show most likely going to retire is like throwing away
that defining a potential farmer is of critical money. On the other hand, not supporting
importance, especially when budget support is farmers that are young and have the passion to
limited. Providing support to farmers who are grow their business is the best way to destroy

the future potential of an economic sector. (Shausi, Ahmad and Abdallah, 2019), irrigation
Therefore, having a clear definition of potential services (Tang, Wang and Zhao, 2015), public
farmers which should be the first in line to be goods, and crop insurance (Fahad and Jing,
supported should be of utmost importance to 2018). There is little by way of research that
any government support scheme. This should explores small ruminant farmers’ willingness
be combined with a monitoring mechanism to continue and grow their business. The
which collects data continuously to keep track interest behind this assessment emerges from
of what is happening, and measures the impact the discussion in section 2, which showed a
of any intervention. Without such a mechanism, considerable contraction of the small ruminant
any government is like a ship without a compass. population in Western Balkan countries and
abandonment of the sector by farmers. Thus,
a double bounded contingent valuation
approach is used for the assessment, since it
6.5 Small ruminant is advantageous to other contingent evaluation
approaches due to the provision of tighter
farmers’ willingness confidence intervals, even with small sample
to continue and grow sizes (Paparrizos et al., 2021).
their business This approach consists of two consecutive
WTA questions, both of which can be answered
The focus here shifts to assessing how much
either with “yes” or “no” (Table 22 and Table
small ruminant farmers would like to grow their
23). In each question, respondents are given an
small ruminant business. To that end, two
offer representing a hypothetical payment per
hypothetical situations were created, and a
small ruminant head for permanently increasing
contingent valuation method was employed
the herd size (first situation), while in the second
to assess their willingness to accept (WTA) the
situation, the offer represents a payment for
proposed situation. Contingent valuation is
leaving the small ruminant business (as a proxy
a recognized method for assessing the WTA
of the value that they put on their business). If
compensation for environmental goods and
the response to the initial offer is “no”, then the
services that are not easily traded in existing
follow-up question presents the respondent with
markets. This approach has been applied to
a higher bid; while a “yes” response is followed
various contexts, including agriculture and
up with a lower bid. It should be noted that the
climate-related information, as demonstrated
first bid is generated at random from a list of
in studies by Amegnaglo et al. (2017), Tesfaye
bids that were created from consultations with
et al. (2020), and Paparrizos et al. (2021). It has
different stakeholders.
also been used for evaluating advisory services
Table 22. Double-bounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation approach for assessing WTA (increase herd size)
Situation Select
HD1. Would you be willing to permanently increase your base small 1. Yes (fill only HD2)
ruminant herd size, if you are paid/subsidized with ____________EUR more 2. No (fill only HD3)
per small ruminant head per year?
HD2. If YES in HD1, would you be willing to permanently increase
your base small ruminant herd size, if you are paid/subsidized with 1. Yes 2. No
____________-Z EUR more per small ruminant head per year?
HD3. If NO in HD1, Would you be willing to permanently increase
your base small ruminant herd size, if you are paid/subsidized with 1. Yes 2. No
____________+Z EUR more per small ruminant head per year?

In order to control the factors influencing the out. The control variables included in the model
WTA, logistic regression analyses was carried are presented in Table A and Table B in the annex.

Table 23. Double-bounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation approach for assessing WTA
(continue small ruminant business)
Situation Select
1. Yes (fill only HС2)
HC1. Would you be willing to leave the small ruminant breeding business if you
2. No (fill only HС3)
are paid __________EUR per month for 2 years as social compensation?

HC2. If YES in HC1, would you be willing to leave the small ruminant breeding business
1. Yes 2. No
if you are paid _________-Z EUR per month for 2 years as social compensation?
HC3. If NO in HC1, would you be willing to leave the small ruminant breeding
business if you are paid _________+Z EUR per month for 2 years as social 1. Yes 2. No

Table 24 presents the median (and average) lowest. These differences can be explained by
values per small ruminant that farmers are the support that farmers in each country get,
willing to accept to increase their herd size. As which was discussed earlier. Albanian small
can be seen from the table, Serbian farmers ruminant farmers get the lowest amount of
request the highest amount per small ruminant support from national subsidy schemes.
head, while Albanian farmers request the

Table 24. Willingness to grow small ruminant business for payment per head/year
Lower Upper Truncat-
bound bound ed mean
Albania (EUR/small ruminant) 11.78 9.88 14.05 8.85
Bosnia and Herzegovina (EUR/small ruminant) 14.33 12.20 16.61 10.95
Serbia (EUR/small ruminant) 21.34 16.68 42.10 18.71
Montenegro (EUR/small ruminant) 12.35 9.29 15.13 12.03

Note: The lower and upper bound are of the median value.

Similar to the result on WTA for increasing much more invested than those in Albania and
the small ruminant herd size are the results in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This might explain the
Table 25, which show the monthly value that large differences observed in Table 25. Another
small ruminant farmers are willing to accept for important factor is the amount of profit that the
leaving their small ruminant businesses. Again, business generates. The assessment of profits
Serbian farmers request the most, and Albanian in the different countries is outside the scope of
farmers the least. This value depends not only this study, and it is assumed that on average,
on support that is provided by the government, profits generated by the small ruminant business
but also on how much “lock in” (how invested are similar. Therefore, the differences can be
they are) they have in their business. It is obvious attributed to current support received, and the
that Serbian and Montenegrin farmers are amount of investment in the business.

Table 25. Willingness to leave small ruminant business for a monthly payment
Lower Upper Truncat-
bound bound ed mean
Albania (EUR/per month) 414.65 373.10 496.76 369.80
Bosnia and Herzegovina (EUR/per month) 636.94 495.72 985.22 487.80
Serbia (EUR/per month) 1467.35 682.59 n/a 791.61
Montenegro (EUR/per month) 941.18 602.41 n/a 836.82

Note: The lower and upper bound are of the median value.

© EBRD/FAO Dermot Doorly


7. Intervention 7.1 Successful small

ruminant business models
strategies Instead of giving recommendations and steps
to follow, as is common for such reports, a
much more practical option would be to outline
Throughout this report, several issues have a successful business model that has been
been pointed out that need to be addressed implemented. An intervention strategy might
to improve the future prospects for the small aim to replicate the same business model in
ruminant sector in Western Balkan countries. different places, thus expanding the success
These issues have been summarized in the story. The context for the business model should
SWOT analysis in Figure 92, showing how also be considered.
an intervention strategy aiming to develop
the small ruminant sector in Western Balkan Thus, Box 5 and Box 6 provide two business
countries should use the strengths, and models identified through interviews in Albania.
reduce the weaknesses by capitalizing on This could provide a solution to the problems of low
opportunities, lessening the negative effects prices and avoid the need for farmers to engage in
of the threats. Nevertheless, it should be noted processing activities, which are costly and difficult
that there are no “magic bullet” intervention to monitor by national food authorities.
strategies that will solve every problem. Box 5 presents the case of a milk processor that
They serve as guidance on future steps that pays fair prices to farmers based on supplied milk
might be taken by government institutions, quality and secures fair profits for processing
small ruminant value chain actors and donor milk into high quality cheeses. The high quality
agencies, for improving the sector. First and cheeses create a high added value (that is, the
foremost, the success of any strategy relies on product is sold at a high price), allowing the
the willingness of those implementing it. processor to secure good profits, and also share
with the farmer part of that value added as an
incentive to keep them in business and increase
milk quantity and quality.

Box 6. Sustainable business model for dairy processing plant

Business model
Prel Hasani has developed a very interesting and sustainable business model which allows
him to be financially sustainable and pay good prices to supplying farmers.
▶ Value proposition: high quality dairy products from a specific geographical area.
▶ Customer segment: middle and upper-middle income strata.
▶ Channels: via hospitality sector and directly to consumers.
▶ Customer relationships: they deliver dairy products, mainly cheese, on demand. The
ordered products are delivered to clients’ homes. They also sell dairy products to high
quality restaurants.
▶ Revenue stream: customers pay a relatively high price for high quality processed dairy
products from a typical geographical area.

Box 6 (Cont.). Sustainable business model for dairy processing plant

▶ Key resources: human resources — family business, father and his two sons deal with
business; one of the sons has a degree in biotechnology and the other son in veterinary
medicine. Processing plant, 100 goats (goats in total) in intensive system. Land culti-
vated: 2.5 ha in total, of which 1.8 ha is alfalfa and the rest other feed crops.
▶ Key partnerships: close relationships with milk supplying farmers, feed supplier in
Shkoder area, and with clients.
Prices of cheese and milk
Milk prices paid to farmers by dairy processing plant
Price (ALL/kg)*
Type of milk Increase in %
Before 2022 Now
Cow milk 35—40 55 147%
Sheep milk 80 120 150%
Goat milk 50—55 70—75 138%
Dairy processed product prices
Price (ALL/kg)
Type of milk Increase in %
Before 2022 Now
Cow milk white cheese 500 700 140%
Sheep milk white
750 900 120%
Goat milk white cheese 750 900 120%

Other milk processing plants producing low quality cheese sell at a price of ALL 450—500/kg of
cheese, and pay farmers between ALL 45 and ALL 50 per litre of milk (field interview).

* As of 24 January 2023 the exchange rate of the lek (ALL) to the euro was: ALL 1 = EUR 0.00861
Source: interview with Prel Hasani, Malesia e Madhe.

Another business model that emerged from model is especially relevant from the perspective
interviews is agrotourism, such as the case of of preservation of the rural social fabric, including
Kulla Hupi, described in Box 6. This business small ruminant farmers and processors.

Box 7. Kulla Hupi, a growing agrotourism business using local resources

Business model
▶ Value proposition: “selling” cultural and natural resources, including local food prod-
ucts by being particularly hospitable.
▶ Customer segment: medium income strata, adventure tourists.
▶ Channels: use social media and other promotion events to reach customers.
▶ Customer relationships: dedicated service, quite personalized.
▶ Revenue stream: customers pay for simple accommodation and simple food at very
reasonable prices.

Box 7 (Cont.). Sustainable business model for dairy processing plant

▶ Key resources: young (35 years old), passionate manager, with skills in tourism man-
agement and old house renovation; cultural heritage: renovated 230 year old tower to
use as accommodation (seven rooms with a hosting capacity for 21 guests); family and
local staff hired.
▶ Key partnerships: close relationships with local farmers supplying food for guests; the
total number of foreign tourists in 2021 was over 1000.

Hupi Tower renovated Schematic impact of Hupi Tower agrotourism

Source: Interview with Lulzim Hupi, agrotourism business operator, Bulqize.

Similar to Kulla Hupi, one of the earliest larger farms is Lufra in Albania. Lufra is a leading
establishments and initiators of agrotourism milk processing company and one of the first
in Albania was Mrizi i Zanave (an agrotourism established in the country. Based on discussions
restaurant). One of the success factors of such with Lufra supply managers, it seems that the
a business is its close collaboration with the company has restructured entirely its supply
farmers operating in the village (or area close chain over the past three years. It has gone from
to the agrotourism). Most of the products from 70 percent to 80 percent of milk supplies obtained
the area (including meat and milk from small from milk collectors, to securing 70 percent to 80
ruminants) are sold in the restaurants that follow percent directly from farmers.
the slow food movement. This approach adds In doing so, the company provides technical
considerable value to the product, which is also assistance and financial support to its farm
shared with the local community. It should be suppliers. This move to integrate directly with
noted that during the COVID 19 pandemic, Mrizi farmers was also a necessity to ensure higher
i Zanave, through its social media platforms, milk quality and quantity. The company has
sold a considerable number of local products employed veterinarians who support farmers with
to the capital and main cities. This has provided feed rationing, animal health, and milk quality
invaluable support to the local community, which standards. Each farmer that provides more than
relies on agricultural activities. 100 L of milk per day gets a cooling tank installed
The business models described here are on their farm. In case the farmer has problems
especially important for smallholders and with milk quality, Lufra personnel investigates
medium size farms. A suitable business model for each case and helps the farmer to get back on

track. Lufra also provides credit interest free for initiate an intervention targeting small ruminant
farmers who want to expand their herds — the value chain development. In line with this, Xhoxhi
farmer just has to pay back the principal, with et al. (2022) point out that large processors tend
loan installments deducted from the amount to share part of the created added value with the
paid to the farmer for milk delivered. farmers, to incentivize their growth and quality
standards compliance.
As a result of this approach, Lufra can be said
to be among the few milk processors selling ultra In this context, intervention to improve the small
high temperature (UHT) milk (beside the other ruminant milk value chain could target both the
products), which is secured primarily from milk processor (a business that sources milk from
supplies coming from Albanian farmers. It should farmers with large investments) and his farm
be noted that Lufra agrees contracts with farmers suppliers and organize with them, for example:
where the milk quantity and price are specified.
▶ Improved production capacities/efficiency/
In case one of the parties intends to change
quality of small ruminant farms:
the price, they must inform the other party one
month ahead. In addition, the farmer cannot ▷ through training and extension;
reduce the annual milk quantity agreed by more ▷ the training could also be training of
than 5 percent, unless a major problem occurs trainers, where trainees are staff of the
on the farm. Otherwise, the farmer is sanctioned, milk buyer and public extension services;
and a lawsuit might be opened against him for ▷ the training could also be provided in
not respecting the contract. a “farmers field school” format, where
trainees can connect to the practical
7.2 Interventions and entry implementation of the theory part;
points ◇ possible training subjects could
include good farming practices,
The business models outlined earlier provide a animal healthcare, agriculture
potential entry point for any support intervention. extension organization, environ-
Thus, government or donor agencies targeting ment and CO2 reduction, milk
the development of small ruminant milk value collection practices, milk quality
chains could use businesses such as these (acceptance) testing and food
as entry points. The idea here is that these safety;
businesses already have a vested interest in
developing the value chain themselves, because ◇ for larger farmers, training about
they are locked in by the investments that they business planning are of critical
have made. Consequently, to protect and further importance due to the many aspects
develop their investment, they work closely with that need to be considered.
their farm suppliers because ultimately these ▶ Improved systems/methodology of fresh
farmers are like the workers of their business, milk procurement:
and without them the business cannot flourish.
▷ relationship building, market assurance,
Thus, they (the processor or agrotourism) are
highly likely to develop relationships with their
farm suppliers, which is a key element for value ▷ food safety: traceability and quality
chain development. control, monitoring.

General intervention in small ruminant sector An important driver for farmers to invest in
development focuses only on the farmer side, their farming enterprise is having the certainty
forgetting the importance of milk buyers (such of a reliable buyer for their products, which is
as processors) in value chain development. In why an arrangement between processors and
the author’s view, milk buyers who have invested farmers is so important. Such an arrangement
heavily in their businesses should be the first to should preferably have a legal format, which

stipulates all the conditions that are applicable In these areas, family farms usually do not have
for both parties and are relevant to the supply access to services and modern technologies.
and procurement of fresh milk — for example, Modernization of production on farms also
duration, milk pricing, delivery and collection implies technical equipment and knowledge.
conditions, quality control sampling and testing, Moreover, as discussed previously, one of the
payment, and so on. An intervention can assist key problems that farmers are facing is the lack
in this aspect, making expertise available and of a labour force in villages. In this context,
assisting in putting facilities and organization in mechanization of farm activities is a potential
place. Such a supply agreement will empower instrument to overcome the labour constraints.
farmers, making clear when their milk is changing
From an economic perspective, it is not efficient
ownership and what the trajectory is concerning
for small farms to purchase highly productive
the milk quality analysis and payment terms.
machines on small areas, which is unprofitable
because of economies of scale — for a
7.3 Interventions smallholder, the machines are necessary only
supporting collective for a few days during the year. Furthermore,
tractors are not used at full capacity due to the
action development insufficient number of attached machines that
The previous two sections assume that the buyer a farmer may possess. All of these, in addition
(such as processor, exporter) has an interest in the to requiring large initial costs, increases
development of the small ruminant value chain production costs and reduces profitability —
as a mechanism to support their investment. thus making access to mechanization and
This might not always be the case, especially modernization for smallholders unfeasible.
in mountainous and remote areas, which in One of the possible solutions to these
Western Balkan countries generally is where problems is an intervention investing in
small ruminants are reared. In these areas, large machinery and equipment (like the example in
investments from buyers is limited. Moreover, Box 7), where farmers in disadvantaged areas
buyers that tend to buy products in these areas can use them collectively. With good planning
are more likely to be opportunistic because they and organization, mechanization can be used
do not have investments to protect and improve. more efficiently in a collective organization. In
They have a short-term focus and, in order to addition, such an initiative can provide services
increase their profits, tend to “squeeze” farmers, to agricultural producers (collective buying of
which compromises their development. inputs and sale of products, information, value
In this context, an intervention strategy for small addition activities such as processing), it will
ruminant value chain development should focus on increase their annual engagement, leading to
building collective action as a means to overcome improved productivity, reduced mechanization
market drawbacks (unfair product prices, limited costs and total production costs, and
access to information, services, technology and improvement of working conditions. The
financial resources). Box 7 presents an innovative collective use of machineries by communities
intervention approach, focusing on supporting is also a way to solve the problem of cultivating
farmers in mountainous (disadvantaged) areas smaller land areas owned by family farms in
with new technologies and services through a mountainous areas.
village development approach.

Box 8. Innovative approaches in supporting farmers in the municipality of Cajetina (Serbia)

The municipality of Cajetina, in Serbia, has formed an Agricultural Technical Centre from its
own funds, within which modern machinery has been purchased for use by the farmers in a
collective way. Moreover, the centre provides services to farmers who have limited access to
services and technology. Farmers can use services they did not have before, and can apply
advanced technologies.
The centre provides farmers with 32 services. In autumn 2022, the centre had seven tractors
and 28 attachment machines. The total available engine power of all seven tractors is 554 kW,
and the average engine power of the tractors is 79.14 kW. In one summer season, tractors were
engaged for over 4 000 working hours. The machines are also used during the winter period.
The goal of the intervention was to make mechanization services available to most or
every interested family farm operating in disadvantageous conditions and to facilitate the
application of new technologies and practices. Agricultural producers have the opportunity
to order by phone some of the services such as plowing, establishing sown lawns, sowing
lawns, mowing, silage preparation, ensilaging and making hay, analysing the quality of hay,
spreading lime, manure, and liquid manure. The centre enables the application of some
measures that are currently not used or insufficiently used, and which are difficult for farms
to implement due to the lack of labour and machinery.
In addition to the agricultural mechanization and provision of services to farmers, the
centre also has machines and devices that will perform communal tasks — maintenance
of local roads in winter, snow removal, arrangement of field roads, canals, removal of wild
vegetation, and so on.
Observations show that farmer interest in the agrotechnical centre in Cajetina is high.
The model is a successful example of how to solve the problem of limited mechanization
and technical support in a cost-effective manner. The model creates the conditions and
environment in which farmers are able to modernize their production technically and
technologically, and thereby increase productivity and income

Source: Dragan Terzić.

7.4 Interventions
supporting alignment
with European Union
Green Deal
All the Western Balkan countries included in the the Green Deal is for Europe to become the first
study are in the process of integration with the climate neutral continent by 2050, resulting in
European Union, so they need to align with and a cleaner environment, more affordable energy,
fulfil EU standards. In this context, interventions smarter transport, new jobs, and an overall better
should also consider this alignment process. quality of life5. Its main policy areas are:
The Green Deal is the European Union’s main
growth strategy to transition the EU economy 1. Biodiversity.
to a sustainable economic model. Presented in 2. Farm to Fork.
December 2019, the overarching objective of

3. Sustainable agriculture. and plant protection products used for forage

cultivation to water, veterinary medicines, and so
4. Clean energy.
on), the increased attention to animal health and
5. Sustainable industry. animal welfare and the use of locally available
6. Buildings and renovations. by products as components for feeds, and the
introduction of a control system along the whole
7. Sustainable mobility. production chain (for example, automated feed
8. Eliminating pollution. dispenser), are all elements which contribute
both to production efficiency and to the
9. Climate action.
achievement of the Green Deal Farm to Fork
In the following paragraphs, some interventions objectives. Moreover, much improvement can
are presented that will support the small be achieved through counselling and advisory
ruminant sector in Western Balkan countries services on optimal use of inputs, animal welfare,
align with the Green Deal. and production system controls, regardless of
investments in equipment, farm machinery and
Supporting agrobiodiversity
fixed assets. Thus, interventions could provide
The decline of the traditional ecopastoral these specialized advisory services which are
socioeconomic system and lack of investment in focused on improving sustainability of the sector.
pastures is leading to a general decline in breeding
of small ruminants, which also translates into a
Drive to more complex, energy intensive
reduction in the numbers of most autochthonous processing activities
breeds, in favour of a few most popular breeds Improving quality along the milk supply chain
and imported ones. Interventions should provide and the establishment of larger and more
incentives for endangered autochthonous competitive farms requires increasing quantities
breeds, which should be confirmed and possibly of energy, especially in primary production (farm
extended to all autochthonous breeds, not only machinery, milking stations, cooling system,
endangered ones. different in-stable equipment). The overall
In particular, it can be useful to draw upon the energy balance in the milk processing industry
experiences of preserving and giving value to is quasi-neutral, as a larger and more complex
biodiversity through market mechanisms; these processing plant requires much more energy
experiences were implemented in different than a traditional plant (which only needs some
international development projects, where heat and does not treat the effluents); but
quality schemes were linked to biodiversity- a single modern dairy plant replaces several
based products (such as Has Goat products, now informal or semi-formal dairy units whose energy
protected by a geographical indication)6 or to a efficiency per output unit is lower. A significant
mix of specific breeds and traditional breeding consumption of inputs and energy (direct and
systems (such as the “Ionian lamb” quality indirect) is related to packaging.
scheme). Thus, interventions could support Issue of pasture management
animal products (from small ruminants) obtained
within the framework of quality schemes, which The lack of investment and decline of traditional
also include biodiversity-based products. ecopastoral systems has contributed to the
loss and degradation of pasture resources,
Optimize the use of inputs, including feeds, especially summer pastures in highlands. The
and veterinary medicines decline of traditional socioeconomic patterns
in mountainous and inner areas is leading to
Animal feed costs heavily contribute to the
an alteration of the whole ecosystem, which,
competitiveness of the small ruminant sector.
among other effects, leads to increased soil
The reconsideration of the whole supply chain
erosion, loss of biodiversity, and further negative
to optimize the use of inputs (from fertilizers
impacts on the local economy. The reduction
A biodiversity-based product is a product whose main characterization and/or marketing point of strength is linked to biodiversity
and use as a leverage the marketing concept that the more a good is scarce, the higher the price is to be paid; biodiversity-based
products are rather common in the wine and meat sector (quality schemes related to specific and rare cultivars or breeds) and
niche food products (e.g. some “superfood” which can be found only in some eco-systems). The support to development of
biodiversity products through geographical indications was the core concept of the FFEM BiodivBalkans project.

in quantity and quality of pasture resources,

and depopulation of inner areas, has negative
7.5 Other potential
effects in several sectors — small ruminants’ interventions
breeding (milk and meat), wild medicinal and The intervention strategy section, to a certain
aromatic plants collection. extent, has not discussed potential interventions
With specific reference to milk-oriented small targeting large small ruminant farmers focusing
ruminant breeding, the decline of the economy of on meat production — the reason being that
transhumance (small ruminants’ transhumance there is limited evidence of the existence of such
to summer pastures, seasonal dairy processing business in the Western Balkans. However, if the
units in highlands) has been replaced by a different target of the intervention is the export market,
system, with the resulting reorientation of small such business models need to be developed. The
ruminant breeding towards meat production and establishment of such an initiative would require
the overall stagnation of the activity. the creation of large small ruminant farmers in
order to consolidate the production, enhance
There is a need to invest again in pastures,
quality consistency and volume supply, and
which can be the focus of future interventions.
have the capacities to implement the required
For example, pastures can be supported through
standards by the importing countries. Moreover,
inclusion in local development plans.
large investment would be needed to modernize
Issue of plastic packaging abattoirs and laboratories. To achieve this level,
Compared to traditional and informal supply first it will be necessary to enforce the laws on
chains, supply chains ensuring safety controls quality and safety standards within each country.
use much larger quantities of mono-use plastic To conclude, the role of any intervention should
and aseptic packaging, which must be recycled be to foster an enabling environment where
in specialized plants. business models, such as those discussed here,
For food industries such as milk and dairy, the can flourish. However, it should be noted that if
Green Deal empathizes recycling and use of there is no will from the agents involved in the
bioplastics rather than the reintroduction of businesses to further develop, no matter the
schemes for recyclable packaging rotation (for support, in the long run these businesses are
example, glass bottles), but in Western Balkan destined to fail. Therefore, one way that national
countries bioplastics are not used, and few types government schemes can support the future
of plastic can be recycled. development of small ruminant farmers would be
to provide at least direct payment per head (as
Increasing plastic packaging recovery is part of the most requested policy support). Furthermore,
the Green Deal’s recycling component (mobilizing considering farmers’ willingness to invest in the
industry for a clean and circular economy), expansion of herd size, grant provision to support
therefore these actions could be included in their investment is another approach that can
future interventions. further boost sector development. Finally, any
support provided should be subject to cross
compliance — such as the fulfilment of safety
standards, insurance, and adherence to other
administrative and legal requirements.

1. Agriculture and agricultural policy database. 2022. Agricultural Policy Plus. http://app.
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Table A1. Results of contigent valuation: factors explaining farmers’ willingness to accept leaving small
ruminant business for a monthly payment of social compensation (programme for two years)

Bosnia and
Variable Est. Std. Err Est. Std. Err
(Intercept) 4.67** 1.58 -2.62. 1.38
Age -0.01 0.01 0.04** 0.01
Education 0.01 0.09 0.03 0.08
Family members above 14 years -0.29* 0.14 0.11 0.12
Land cultivated animal feed 0 0.00 0 0.00
Number of small ruminants 0 0.00 -0.01* 0.00
Hired shepherd (binary) -0.12 0.43 0.42 0.32
Breed orientation (meat vs milk) -0.47 0.62
Breed orientation (combined vs milk) -0.37 0.47
Small ruminant income to total family income -0.03*** 0.01 0 0.01
Household well-being vs fellow villagers -0.06 0.17 -0.25 0.16
Designation of farm successor (binary) -1.03* 0.40 0.2 0.34
log(400/bid) -3.77*** 0.44 -1.65*** 0.23
Log-likelihood value -173.93 -174.78
AIC 373.85 371.55
Note: Est — estimate; Std. Err — standard error; AIC — Akaike Information Criterion; “logistic” error distribution of the
model; significant. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1.

Table A2. Results of contigent valuation: factors explaining farmers’ willingness to accept leaving small
ruminant business for a monthly payment of social compensation (programme for two years

Serbia Montenegro
Variable Est. Std. Err Est. Std. Err
(Intercept) 4.67** 1.58 -2.62. 1.38
Age 0.00 0.02 0.04. 0.02
Education -0.03 0.09 0.06 0.10
Family members above 14 years -0.17 0.15 -0.15 0.18
Land cultivated animal feed 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.07
Number of small ruminants -0.01 0.01 -0.01* 0.01
Hired shepherd (binary) 0.50 0.63 -8.61 44.91
Breed orientation (meat vs milk) -0.37 0.81 12.54 470.40
Breed orientation (combined vs milk) -0.63 0.85 12.06 470.40
Small ruminant income to total family income -0.02 0.01 -0.02 0.01
Household well-being vs fellow villagers -0.34 0.22 -0.19 0.21
Designation of farm successor (binary) -0.21 0.48 0.63 0.55
400/bid -1.97*** 0.35 -3.74*** 0.66
Log-likelihood value -110.12 -81.00
AIC 246.24 188.00

Table B1. Results of contigent valuation: factors explaining farmers’ willingness to increase small ruminant
business for a payment per head/year for small ruminants

Bosnia and
Variable Est. Std. Err Est. Std. Err
(Intercept) -0.62 1.27 3.51** 1.13
Age -0.03* 0.01 -0.04*** 0.01
Education 0.02 0.08 -0.17** 0.06
Family members above 14 years 0.3** 0.12 0.02 0.10
Land cultivated animal feed 0 0.00 0 0.00
Number of small ruminants 0* 0.00 0 0.00
Hired shepherd (binary) -0.06 0.31 0.04 0.26
Breed orientation (meat vs milk) 0.74 0.51
Breed orientation (combined vs milk) 0.49 0.37
Small ruminant income to total family income 0.02*** 0.01 0 0.01
Household well-being vs fellow villagers -0.06 0.15 0.24. 0.13
Designation of farm successor (binary) 0.26 0.31 0.08 0.29
log(20/bid) -1.69*** 0.16 -1.82*** 0.16
Log-likelihood value -261.09 -256.66
AIC 548.17 535.32

Table B2. Results of contigent valuation: factors explaining farmers’ willingness to increase small ruminant
business for a payment per head/year for small ruminants

Serbia Montenegro
Variable Est. Std. Err Est. Std. Err
(Intercept) 0.26 1.92 10.24 99.96
Age -0.02 0.02 -0.02 0.02
Education 0.14. 0.08 0.05 0.08
Family members above 14 years -0.34** 0.12 0.25. 0.15
Land cultivated animal feed -0.01 0.02 0.08 0.07
Number of small ruminants 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hired shepherd (binary) 0.44 0.53 0.50 0.79
Breed orientation (meat vs milk) 2.24* 0.92 -8.38 99.94
Breed orientation (combined vs milk) 2.14* 0.92 -8.81 99.94
small ruminant income to total family income 0.02* 0.01 -0.01 0.01
Household well-being vs fellow villagers -0.34. 0.19 0.18 0.16
Designation of farm successor (binary) 1.10** 0.41 -0.08 0.40
(20/bid) -1.54*** 0.21 -1.42*** 0.20
Log-likelihood value -178.01 -145.03
AIC 382.02 316.07
Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia ISBN 978-92-5-138506-7


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