Water Games

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Pictures of water

Display pictures and illustrations related to water throughout your daycare. A few
suggestions: children playing in water, a mother watering plants or flowers, a dog
drinking water, etc. Explore the pictures with your group.


Drinking water different ways
Experiment with different ways of drinking water: in a small glass, in a large glass,
with a drinking straw, with a spoon, etc.

Like a big kid

Set pitchers of water on a table outside. Let older toddlers try to pour water in their
glass. Younger children will enjoy transferring water from one drinking glass to


Pour a small amount of water in the bottom of a small swimming pool. Add bubble
bath and stir with your group. They will enjoy playing in the bubbles. Add small
containers children can fill and empty with bubbles.


Use plastic bottles. Fill them with water. Drop a different item in each bottle. Among
other things, you may add glitter, food coloring, plastic flowers, fish shapes cut out of
felt or Fun Foam, etc. Secure the caps on the bottles and let children shake the
bottles. They will enjoy watching the various objects move around in the water.


Little fish
On a large piece of cardboard, let babies and toddlers paint, draw, or glue pieces of
blue paper to represent water. Cut a variety of fish shapes out of construction paper
and let children decorate them. When they are done they can glue their fish on the
blue background.

Paintbrushes and water

If you have a black chalkboard in your daycare, encourage children to paint the
surface with water. A large cardboard box or paved driveway can also be used.


Cleaning as a group
Gather several buckets and fill them with soapy water. Add sponges and cloths and
invite children to wash your slides, swings, fence, plastic chairs, etc. Variation: Let
children wash the toys in your daycare or their dishes after lunch.

Time for a bath

Encourage babies and toddlers to bathe the dolls available in your daycare. Offer
empty soap and shampoo bottles, facecloths, bars of soap, and towels to make the
activity seem as real as possible.

Collect several different balls. Be sure to have very light balls and very heavy balls.
Have children throw the balls in a small swimming pool. They will enjoy the splashes
the balls will produce. Help them notice that the heavier balls produce bigger waves
and that the lighter balls float more easily.

Different sizes of funnels

Collect several different funnels, from very small funnels to gigantic funnels. Let
children explore them in containers filled with water or small pools.
This activity is perfect for learning about cause and effect. What's more, funnels
represent improvised hourglasses for babies.

A few suggestions:
● Add food coloring to a water bottle and empty it in a funnel in front of babies
to help them differentiate the pool water from the water that is coming out of
the funnel.
● Let the water dripping out of the funnel drip on babies' different body parts to
offer them a gentle massage. Use lukewarm water that you can let drip
through the funnel onto babies' hands. The water should be slightly warmer
than the pool water so that children can feel the difference.

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