Judaism is an ancient monotheistic religion that originated in West Asia. It is one of three Abrahamic religions and traces its origins to Abraham and his descendants. The core beliefs and practices of Judaism are derived from the Torah and other sacred texts like the Talmud. Judaism encompasses a variety of sects with differing interpretations, including Orthodox, Conservative, Reform and Hasidic Judaism. Throughout history, Jews have faced issues like diaspora and exile from Israel as well as anti-Semitism, most notably the Holocaust.
Judaism is an ancient monotheistic religion that originated in West Asia. It is one of three Abrahamic religions and traces its origins to Abraham and his descendants. The core beliefs and practices of Judaism are derived from the Torah and other sacred texts like the Talmud. Judaism encompasses a variety of sects with differing interpretations, including Orthodox, Conservative, Reform and Hasidic Judaism. Throughout history, Jews have faced issues like diaspora and exile from Israel as well as anti-Semitism, most notably the Holocaust.
Judaism is an ancient monotheistic religion that originated in West Asia. It is one of three Abrahamic religions and traces its origins to Abraham and his descendants. The core beliefs and practices of Judaism are derived from the Torah and other sacred texts like the Talmud. Judaism encompasses a variety of sects with differing interpretations, including Orthodox, Conservative, Reform and Hasidic Judaism. Throughout history, Jews have faced issues like diaspora and exile from Israel as well as anti-Semitism, most notably the Holocaust.
Judaism is an ancient monotheistic religion that originated in West Asia. It is one of three Abrahamic religions and traces its origins to Abraham and his descendants. The core beliefs and practices of Judaism are derived from the Torah and other sacred texts like the Talmud. Judaism encompasses a variety of sects with differing interpretations, including Orthodox, Conservative, Reform and Hasidic Judaism. Throughout history, Jews have faced issues like diaspora and exile from Israel as well as anti-Semitism, most notably the Holocaust.
JUDAISM • An ancient monotheistic religion that traces its origin as an organized belief system during the Bronze Age in West Asia. • It is one of three Abrahamic religions that also include Christianity and Islam. • It is the way of life of the Jewish people. • In the current times, Judaism is often considered a “religion," but there are no equivalent words for “Judaism” or for “religion” in Hebrew, though there are words for “faith,” “law,” or “custom” but not for “religion”. • As a way of life, it includes the social, cultural, and religious history of a widespread and diverse community, including people who do and do not think of themselves as “religious.” (Pluralism Project, Harvard University) ORIGIN OF JUDAISM • Judaism is anchored upon God’s revelation to Abraham that He is the creator and ruler of the universe, (Losch 2001). • God chose Abraham and his family from all the people living on earth as recorded in Genesis 12. After a series of tragic events to humankind, God entered into a covenant with Abraham promising him that he would become the father of a great nation and would possess vast tracts of land. Abraham, in return, must remain devoted to the covenant. Later on, he was succeeded by his son Isaac, his grandson Jacob, and Jacob’s twelve sons (Hopfe, 1983) • Abraham’s grandson, Jacob (Israel), had twelve sons – quoted as the “children of Israel” – who became the founders of Israel’s twelve tribes spent their last years and died not in Canaan, the Promised Land, but in Egypt, driven there by famine. • Jacob’s son, Joseph, became a senior administrator in Egypt and died there. It happened that a new king, without knowledge of Joseph, came to power (Exodus 1:8) and the enslaved the Israelites. ORIGIN OF JUDAISM • An Israelite named Moses who grew up in the Egyptian court escaped to Sinai where God spoke to him from a burning bush. • He was told by God to rescue the people of Israel and bring them to the promised land. He demanded the pharaoh of his people’s release. The pharaoh refused the demands and only after ten horrible plagues did, he finally consent and freed them. • It took the Hebrews three months to reach Mount Sinai, where God gave Moses the moral law (the Ten Commandments) and an instruction for the construction of a tabernacle – a sacred tent – that was erected on the first anniversary of the Israelites’ escape from Egypt. • They stayed for almost a year and the tabernacle was dismantled when they left Sinai on the way to the promised land. GOD • The Israelites were also polytheists like most people in the ancient Middle East. Though they worshipped a national god. • Jews were later to deem their God’s name too holy to pronounce and did not preserve its original vowels, so it became known only by its four consonants: YHWH (probably pronounced “Yahweh”). YHWH was also known by several other names, including El and Elohim, which means God. JEWS • Jews have been regarded as “people,” “nation” (though, for most of its existence, one without a native country), “race,” and “culture.” It has been defined in may terms. They are also referred to as the “chosen people”. SACRED TEXTS The Hebrew Bible is divided into three principal sections, namely: the Torah, Nevi’im, and Ketuvim. 1. Torah (“Teaching”) • When printed it is sometimes called “Chamisha Chumshei Torah” (literal translation “five five-sections of the Torah”), and informally a Chumash. • It covers the period from creation to 2288 (1273 BCE) and is composed of the first “Five Books” or the Pentateuch traditionally believed to have been authored by Moses through divine instruction in Sinai. • The subsequent four books are Shemot (“Names” or Exodus), Vayikrah (“And God called” or Leviticus), Bamidbar (“In the desert” or Numbers), and Devarim (“Words” or Deuteronomy). These books recount the story of the Jews' enslavement in Egypt, their liberation from Egypt under Moses, their stay in the desert, and their eventual return to the promised land, Canaan. TORAH AND MITZVOT • The Torah refers to the “Five Books of Moses”. It says God wants the people of Israel to walk in His ways, to love Him, and to serve Him, and to keep God’s commandments (Deut. 10:12–13). Actions are more important than beliefs and beliefs must be made into actions. • These actions are called “mitzvot” in Hebrew (singular: a mitzvah). Sometimes they are called “laws,” "rules" or “commandments”. Many people think of a mitzvah as "a good act," or "a good thing to do." SACRED TEXTS 2. The Nevi’im (“Prophets”) • Is subdivided into Earlier Prophets, Later Prophets, and twelve minor prophets. Prophets served as spokespersons who criticize the hypocritical practices of Jewish rituals. 3. Ketuvim (“Writings”) • forms the third section of the Tanakh that contains works on poetry, temple ritual, private prayer, philosophical explorations, and other canonical works SACRED TEXTS • Another sacred writing of Judaism is the Talmud (or the “Oral Torah”) which means “study.” All studies and interpretations done by Jewish rabbis or teachers of the Torah are contained in the Talmud. In short, the Talmud is an authoritative collection of rabbinic interpretations of the sacred scriptures. It contains materials of law and moral codes. • The Pentateuch is the single most important scripture for the Jewish people that became the source of their inspiration and direction for centuries. It became the foundation of other essential Jewish writings, such as the Talmud and Mishnah. DOCTRINES • Ten Commandments (Mitzvot). It is also known as the Decalogue. The Decalogue comprises the most fundamental rules of Israel’s covenant. • The Mitzvot refers to the divine commandments given by God in the Torah. The mitzvot traditionally consist of 613 commandments (taryag mitzvot). As direct instructions from God, although many of these have to do with Temple ritual which was central to Jewish life and worship when the Torah was written, the mitzvot are far more than rituals and customs. DOCTRINES • The number 613 mitzvot was first given in the third century CE by Rabbi Simlai, who divided it into 248 positive commandments (what to do) and 365 negative commandments (what not to do). • Since this figure was first announced, many have undertaken to enumerate the 613 commandments. Easily the one with the most lasting significance is the 12th-century list by Maimonides in his Book of the Commandments. SECTS A wide array of Jewish communities has developed independently, distinguishable by their varying practices in matters that are not considered central ideas within Judaism, such as Maimonides' list of the Jewish principles of faith. 1. Kabbalah and Hasidism. • Kabbalah is the term for the mystical tradition within Judaism. It is a cryptic Jewish subculture running within and among the mainstream cultures of rabbinic Judaism, medieval Jewish philosophy, and modern rationalism. • Hasidism on the other hand, was founded in Eastern Europe partially as a response to earlier forms of Kabbalah Hasidism. It means hasid (“pious follower”), a movement of the common folk, stressing populism and social welfare at a time when the official Eastern European Jewish community, the kehillah, was corrupt and declining. The Hasidic community was headed by a new type of rabbinic leader, the tzaddik or rebbe. SECTS 2. Orthodox Judaism • The most traditional of modern Judaism that adheres to the authority of the entire Torah as given to Moses by God at Mount Sinai. 3. Conservative Judaism • It seeks to conserve the traditional elements of Judaism while at the same time allowing for modernization that is less radical than Reform Judaism. 4. Reform Judaism • It has served as the foundation for many subsequent Jewish responses to modernity. It is considered the most liberal expression of Judaism that subjects religious laws and customs to human judgment. To a certain extent, it was developed due to internal changes in Judaism as well as other factors operating within society. ISSUES Judaism, being the oldest monotheistic religion, were marginalized because of political and economic disadvantages throughout history. Its concept of one God is something new thus, making the life of every Jew struggle with hardships and desperate acts to survive. • Diaspora ➢ Galut is the Hebrew word for “exile” and refers to the repeated exile of the Jewish people from their homeland in Israel. ➢ Some Jews have chosen to live outside Israel for centuries; in ancient times they formed communities in the Near East and eventually around the Mediterranean. But the Jewish community has also been driven into exile by force, notably to Babylonia (first after the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BCE and, later, in a far more devastating move after the Romans' near-total destruction of Judea in 135 CE). The exile in Babylonia gave rise to the first permanent Jewish community outside of Israel. ISSUES • Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust ➢ Though external to the Jewish tradition, the phenomenon of anti-Semitism is central to the Jewish experience. ➢ In the early Diaspora, Jews' unusual monotheism, radical approach, and collective unity often evoked social tensions with neighbors in the ancient world. Such writings, although unique to their own context, authorship, and socio-political perspective, would lay the foundation for centuries of negative stereotyping. ➢ Toward the end of the 19th century, a new political movement gave an extreme answer: the Jews must be eliminated from society. This movement was termed anti-Semitism, influenced in its most extreme form by pseudoscientific theories of race and eugenics which labeled Jews the inferior “Semitic” race. ISSUES • Israel and Zionism ➢ The Jewish tradition of peoplehood, in combination with the age-old yearning to return to Zion (the ancient Hebrew name for the holy mountain top in Jerusalem), have produced the modern ideological movement of Jewish nationalism: Zionism. ➢ Its great achievement has been the establishment of a modern Jewish state in Israel. Zion came to symbolize the cherished homeland of Israel, and Zionism became the modern coinage for the new politics of Jewish national revival. Indeed, for many Jews the modern rebirth of Israel is the fulfillment of centuries of remembrance. ISSUES • Israel-Palestine War ➢ The establishment of Israel was more than a political event; it was a cultural turning point. ➢ The establishment of Israel had at long last created a haven for Jews in danger; Holocaust survivors, Jews from Arab countries, Soviet Jews, Ethiopian Jews, and many other refugees found both safety and unity in the new homeland. Moreover, the creation of a modern Jewish state re-established the reciprocal relationship between the Diaspora and Israel that had existed in ancient times. ➢ The creation of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948, triggered an invasion by the neighboring Arab countries that was soundly defeated by the Israeli army. By the time armistice agreements were signed in 1949, Israel held more land than had been allotted to it under the UN partition plan. ISSUES • Israel-Palestine War ➢ About 800,000 Arabs had also fled or been expelled from the area that became Israel. ➢ Arabs and Palestinians generally oppose Zionism, as the explicitly Jewish character of the Israeli state means that Jews have privileges that others don't. For instance, any Jew anywhere in the world can become an Israeli citizen, a right not extended to any other class of person. ➢ Arabs, then, often see Zionism as a species of colonialism and racism aimed at appropriating Palestinian land and systematically disenfranchising the Palestinians that remain. Arabs who already lived there and in neighboring countries felt that was unfair and didn't accept the new country. HOPE Y’ALL LEARNED SOMETHING! QUARTER 1: MODULE 4: JUDAISM