Financial System
Financial System
Financial System
System - An
classified into corporate sector, government and
household sector. While performing their activities
these units will be placed in a
surplus/deficit/balanced budgetary situations.
Constituents of a
Financial System
• Financial System of any country consists of financial
markets, financial intermediation and financial
instruments or financial products.
• A Financial Market can be defined as the market in • Money Market- The money market ifs a wholesale debt
which financial assets are created or transferred. market for low-risk, highly-liquid, short-term instrument.
Funds are available in this market for periods ranging
• As against a real transaction that involves
from a single day up to a year. This market is dominated
exchange of money for real goods or services, a mostly by government, banks and financial institutions.
financial transaction involves creation or transfer of
• Capital Market - The capital market is designed to
a financial asset. finance the long-term investments. The transactions
• Financial Assets or Financial Instruments represents a taking place in this market will be for periods over a year.
claim to the payment of a sum of money sometime • Forex Market - The Forex market deals with the
in the future and /or periodic payment in the form multicurrency requirements, which are met by the
of interest or dividend. exchange of currencies. Depending on the exchange
rate that is applicable, the transfer of funds takes place
in this market. This is one of the most developed and
integrated market across the globe.
• Having designed the instrument, the issuer should
then ensure that these financial assets reach the
ultimate investor in order to garner the requisite
Primary Market
• A primary market is the market for a security that is
being issued for the first time. In primary market
investors buy securities directly from the issuer, not
from each other. There are two types of primary
• Initial Public Offering (IPO) is when an unlisted • Rights Issue (RI) is when a listed company which
company makes either a fresh issue of securities or proposes to issue fresh securities to its existing
an offer for sale of its existing securities or both for shareholders as on a record date.
the first time to the public. This paves way for listing • The rights are normally offered in a particular ratio
and trading of the issuer’s securities. to the number of securities held prior to the issue.
• A Further public offering (FPO) is when an already This route is best suited for companies who would
listed company makes either a fresh issue of like to raise capital without diluting stake of its
securities to the public or an offer for sale to the existing shareholders unless they do not intend to
public, through an offer document. An offer for sale subscribe to their entitlements.
in such scenario is allowed only if it is made to satisfy
listing or continuous listing obligations.
Functions of Stock
• Continuous and ready market for securities
• A newly issued IPO will be considered a primary
o Stock exchange provides a ready and continuous
market trade when the shares are first purchased by market for purchase and sale of securities. It
investors directly from the company. provides ready outlet for buying and selling of
• After that any shares traded will be on the securities. Stock exchange also acts as an
outlet/counter for the sale of listed securities.
secondary market, between investors themselves. • Facilitates evaluation of securities
• In the primary market prices are often set o Stock exchange is useful for the evaluation of
beforehand, whereas in the secondary market industrial securities. This enables investors to know
forces like supply and demand and company the true worth of their holdings at any time.
Comparison of companies in the same industry is
fundamentals and prospects determine the price of possible through stock exchange quotations (i.e
the security. price list).
Listing of Securities
• Regulating the business in stock exchanges and any • Listing means formal admission of a security to the
other securities markets trading platform of the Exchange.
• Registering and regulating the working of stock • It provides liquidity to investors without compromising the
brokers, sub–brokers etc. need of the issuer for capital and ensures effective
monitoring of conduct of the issuer and trading of the
• Promoting and regulating self-regulatory securities in the interest of investors.
organizations • The issuer wishing to have trading privileges for its
• Prohibiting fraudulent and unfair trade practices securities satisfies listing requirements prescribed in the
• Calling for information from, undertaking inspection, relevant statutes and in the listing regulations of the
conducting inquiries and audits of the stock Exchange.
exchanges, intermediaries, self – regulatory • It also agrees to pay the listing fees and comply with
organizations, mutual funds and other persons listing requirements on a continuous basis.
associated with the securities market. • All the issuers who list their securities have to satisfy the
corporate governance requirement framed by
Stock Brokers
• A stock broker is an individual/organization who are • Stock brokers are governed by SEBI Act, 1992,
specially given license to participate in the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956,
securities market on behalf of clients. Securities and Exchange Board of India [SEBI (Stock
• The stockbroker has the role of an agent. When the brokers and Sub brokers) Rules and Regulations,
stock broker acts as agent for the buyers and sellers 1992], Rules, Regulations and Bye laws of stock
of securities, a commission is charged for this exchange of which he is a member as well as
service. various directives of SEBI and stock exchange issued
from time to time.
• Every stock broker is required to be a member of a
stock exchange as well as registered with SEBI.