Check The Wind Loading (G8)
Check The Wind Loading (G8)
Check The Wind Loading (G8)
Building data
Type of roof; Flat
Length of building; L = 13310 mm
Width of building; W = 10970 mm
Height to eaves; H = 13200 mm
Eaves type; Parapet
Height of parapet; hp = 400 mm
Total height; h = 13200 mm
Basic values
Fundamental basic wind velocity; vb,0 = 22.0 m/s
Season factor; cseason = 1.00
Direction factor; cdir = 1.00
Shape parameter K; K = 0.2
Exponent n; n = 0.5
Air density; = 1.250 kg/m3
Probability factor; cprob = [(1 - K ln(-ln(1-p)))/(1 - K ln(-ln(0.98)))]n = 1.00
Basic wind velocity (Exp. 4.1); vb = cdir cseason vb,0 cprob = 22.0 m/s
Reference mean velocity pressure; qb = 0.5 vb2 = 0.303 kN/m2
Orography factor not significant; co = 1.0
Terrain category; III
Displacement height (sheltering effect excluded); hdis = 0mm
The velocity pressure for the windward face of the building with a 0 degree wind is to be considered as 2
parts as the height h is greater than b but less than 2b (cl.7.2.2)
The velocity pressure for the windward face of the building with a 90 degree wind is to be considered as
2 parts as the height h is greater than b but less than 2b (cl.7.2.2)
Peak velocity pressure - windward wall (lower part) - Wind 0 deg
Reference height (at which q is sought); z = 13310mm
Displacement height (sheltering effects excluded); hdis = 0 mm
Roughness length (Table 4.1); z0 = 300 mm
Roughness length (Category II); z0,II = 50 mm
Minimum height (Table 4.1); zmin = 5000 mm
Maximum height; zmax = 200000 mm
Terrain factor; kr = 0.19 (z0 / z0,II)0.07 = 0.215
Roughness factor; cr = kr ln(z / z0) = 0.82
Mean wind; vm = cr co vb = 18.0 m/s
Turbulence factor; kI = 1.0
Turbulence intensity; Iv = kI / (co ln(z / z0)) = 0.264
Peak velocity pressure; qp = (1 + 7 Iv) 0.5 vm2 = 0.57 kN/m2
Structural factor
Building type; Concrete
Structural factor (Annex D); csCd = 0.913
Peak velocity pressure - windward wall (upper part) - Wind 0 deg and roof
Reference height (at which q is sought); z = 13600mm
Displacement height (sheltering effects excluded); hdis = 0 mm
Terrain factor; kr = 0.19 (z0 / z0,II)0.07 = 0.215
Roughness factor; cr = kr ln(z / z0) = 0.82
Mean wind; vm = cr co vb = 18.1 m/s
Turbulence factor; kI = 1.0
Turbulence intensity; Iv = kI / (co ln(z / z0)) = 0.262
Peak velocity pressure; qp = (1 + 7 Iv) 0.5 vm2 = 0.58 kN/m2
Peak velocity pressure - windward wall (lower part) - Wind 90 deg
Reference height (at which q is sought); z = 10970mm
Displacement height (sheltering effects excluded); hdis = 0 mm
Terrain factor; kr = 0.19 (z0 / z0,II)0.07 = 0.215
Roughness factor; cr = kr ln(z / z0) = 0.78
Mean wind; vm = cr co vb = 17.1 m/s
Turbulence factor; kI = 1.0
Turbulence intensity; Iv = kI / (co ln(z / z0)) = 0.278
Peak velocity pressure; qp = (1 + 7 Iv) 0.5 vm2 = 0.54 kN/m2
Peak velocity pressure - windward wall (upper part) - Wind 90 deg and roof
Reference height (at which q is sought); z = 13600mm
Displacement height (sheltering effects excluded); hdis = 0 mm
Terrain factor; kr = 0.19 (z0 / z0,II)0.07 = 0.215
Roughness factor; cr = kr ln(z / z0) = 0.82
Mean wind; vm = cr co vb = 18.1 m/s
Turbulence factor; kI = 1.0
Turbulence intensity; Iv = kI / (co ln(z / z0)) = 0.262
Peak velocity pressure; qp = (1 + 7 Iv) 0.5 vm2 = 0.58 kN/m2