I. Background
1. The Government of Assam, has applied for financial assistance through the Department of
Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India from the Asian Development Bank
(ADB) toward the cost of Assam Urban Sector Development Project (AUSDP) (hereinafter
referred as Project). The purpose of the project is to develop sustainable urban infrastructure
and service delivery improvement across urban centres of Assam as outlined below:
(i) Augmentation of water supply infrastructure in 6 towns of Dhubri, Goalpara,
Golaghat, Nalbari, Bongaigaon and Barpeta town
(ii) Storm water management to reduce urban flooding in Guwahati
(iii) Planning intervention on “Cities as engine of Growth model” for Guwahati, Silchar
and Dibrugarh
(iv) Institutional Development & Capacity building in urban sector
2. The outcome expected out of the project is enabling framework established for integrated
urban development in Assam and sustainability of inclusive and climate-resilient urban
services in project areas improved (by 2030) through; a) 76,000 households in 6 project ULBs
including 100% of disadvantaged families provided with at least 135 lpcd continuous water
supply that meets national safety standards from the present level of 0–70 lpcd at 2–4 hours
per day, high arsenic and fluoride contamination; b) nonrevenue water reduced to not more
than 20% and physical leakage to not more than 15% in project ULBs from the present level;
of 30%–70%; c) O&M cost covered by water tariff in project towns in place of the present flat
rate; d) 28 square kilometres (km2) of the catchment areas with reduced flood risks; e). Assam
Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation Limited (AUIDFCL) fully
operationalized with staffing strategy and human resources policy. The key outputs are as
listed below:
3. Output 1: Climate-resilient water supply system in the six district headquarters in the
northeast economic corridor developed Indicative components: 1a. 6 water treatment
plants with a total production capacity of 38 million liters per day (mld) constructed with
sustainable water sources; 1b. 76,000 households including 100% of disadvantaged families
provided with metered water connections; 1c. 490 kilometers (km) of water distribution
network with supervisory control and data acquisition system under district meter areas
features commissioned; 1d. 60 members of women SHGs acquired knowledge in water meter
reading and other O& functions; 1e. At least 6 women SHGs trained and 80% of trained
member reported improved knowledge on the benefits of household water connection, health
and hygiene, water conservation, and in areas of leadership; 1f. At least 50 students in 7
schools sensitized on gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) in water, sanitation, and
hygiene (WASH)
4. Output 2: Climate-resilient stormwater drainage system developed in Guwahati.
Indicative components: 2a. 7.64 km of primary, secondary, and tertiary stormwater drains
constructed and upgraded with climate-resilient designs; 2b. water bodies for water retention
and groundwater recharge rejuvenated; 2c.catch pits for groundwater recharge structures
constructed; 2d. 100 drain desilting workers (including at least 30 women workers) reported
increased knowledge and skills in cleaning and maintaining stormwater drainages; 2e. early
warning system with gender- responsive and socially inclusive features expanded to the
project catchments
5. Output 3: Urban reforms advanced and institutional capacities strengthened for improved
urban planning and service delivery. Indicative components: 3a. Urban development
masterplan for Guwahati, Silchar, and Dibrugarh updated adopting “Cities as Engines of
Growth” model with climate resilience and GESI features and aligned with the economic and
industrial development of the northeast region; 3b. Staffing strategy and human resources
policy for AUIDFCL developed and adopted; 3c. Guidelines for the implementation of the
Assam Town and Country Planning (Amendment) Act, 2022 prepared and rolled out; 3d.
Urban digital service delivery and governance platform rolled out for all ULBs including
development of Human Resource Management System (HRMS) and Project management
System (PMS) ; 3e. 309 newly recruited municipal cadre officers (at least 30% women) and
other municipal functionaries trained in GESI responsive urban planning, development, and
service delivery following G20 Framework on Capacity Building of Urban Administration and
deployed to 103 ULBs; 3f. Water tariff structure for the 6 project ULBs prepared to cover at
least O&M cost of the water supply services with pro-poor lifeline tariff and adopted; 3g.
Masterplans and feasibility studies for selected towns on climate resilient urban services
prepared; 3h. Billing software for water supply services developed and integrated into urban
digital service delivery and governance platform; 3i. Infrastructure development ( building)
works for creation of Assam State Institute for Urban Development ( ASIUD).
6. ADB loan for financing the AUSDP loan is planned for signing in the last quarter of 2024. The
Executing Agency recruited consultants are responsible for detailed engineering design and
procurement activities to ensure timely start up and implementation.
8. The primary objective of the consultancy assignment shall be to design, procure, supervise
construction, manage contracts and manage the Project through support to the executing
and implementing agencies aiming for holistic and sustainable development of project towns
with healthy and accessible urban environment that is resilient, flexible and adaptive to
climate change. The consultants shall therefore keep in mind the cross sectoral and multi-
dimensional themes considered in feasibility and engineering design stages and bring in
innovative approaches and cutting edge technology options while implementing various
project components. The designs should be robust and state of the art. Construction shall be
guided in design by sustainable approaches like use of renewable resources, eliminating
pollution, protecting ecosystems, adoption of green development principles, water sensitive
urban designs and gender friendly approaches. PMSC shall be responsible for output 1 and
output 2, and providing support to the Client in the overall implementation of the project
including output 3.
The specific tasks related to the assignment shall include the following among others to
achieve the sated objective and the consultants work plan and methodology should clearly
demonstrate ways to achieve that.
(i) Establish a full-fledged project office in Guwahati with proximity to the Project
Management Unit (PMU) and necessary field offices at the 6 Project towns. The
consultant shall be responsible for providing all necessary manpower, lodging and
boarding for its staff members, office space, furniture and equipment, computers
and peripherals, communication equipment, electricity, water, licensed software,
worker, 3rd party and other insurances services etc. for performing the services
throughout the period of the Contract. Software shall include an electronic
document management program that will be shared with the PMU and City level
Project Coordinators as well all necessary technical programs.
(ii) Collect and critically review available documents related to the project like Project
Concept Paper and Loan Documents, Feasibility Reports, Detailed Engineering
Designs, ADB Consultation Missions’ Aide Memoirs, documentations related to
previously implemented projects, City/Town Development Plans and Master Plans
and other reports relevant for the project and establish an information database;
(iii) Interact with the major stakeholders identified during feasibility detailed engineering
design stages;
(iv) Conduct a kick-off workshop with PMU officials, other stakeholders and line
departments; Present the consultant’s finalized work plan in this workshop.
(v) Familiarize with ADB’s design monitoring framework, the indicators, baseline and
target values (this will help defining project components);
(vi) Based on all the above refine and update the documents related to physical and
operational characteristics covering technical, institutional, financial, safeguards
and socio-economic aspects. Particular focus shall be placed on O&M,
environmental, climatic and public health conditions as well as poverty aspects.
(vii) Discuss options available for use of materials for construction including pipes and
concrete and suggest if any changes are required in the most appropriate
materials for the project.
(viii) Collect, review and duly consider the preliminary Social and Environmental
Impacts of the interventions documented during the project preparation stage.
(i) Verify and confirm all surveys conducted during preliminary design phase.
Undertake fresh surveys wherever required.
(ii) Support in mapping all the underground utilities by using the available information
from the town authorities and by conducting utility mapping survey using Ground
Penetrating Radar (GPR) technique wherever required.
(iii) Verify and confirm the geotechnical investigations at all locations for construction
of civil structures. Undertake fresh investigations wherever required.
(iv) Conduct a baseline water audit and establish the non-revenue water level.
(v) Carry out an initial energy audit of the water supply system.
(vi) Conduct an asset condition survey off all infrastructure components that shall be
proposed for retention and provide recommendations.
(vii) Verify all the drawings prepared and confirm the designs and specifications.
(viii) All the findings should be documented in a detailed report and presented to the
(ix) For Design & Build contracts:
a. Ensure that the contractor’s designs are as per the relevant code of practices
and are robust, cost effective and sustainable.
b. Verify and provide comments on the submitted designs and drawings.
c. Approve or recommend designs for employer’s approval wherever necessary.
d. Verify and approve construction methodology or suggest suitable alternate
construction methodology.
e. Verify and approve/recommend contractors’ drawings.
f. Verify and approve/recommend for approval of employer variation proposals and
issue variation orders wherever needed.
g. ensure timely approval of contractor’s designs and variation proposals.
(x) For drainage subproject in Guwahati
c. Construction Supervision
The PMSC shall act in the capacity of “the Engineer” and represent the Employer in the
construction contracts. Accordingly, the PMSC shall have full responsibility and authority
for the professional quality and sufficiency of the supervision with respect to contractor’s
design and other submission approvals, progress, quality of materials and work,
measurements of quantities, costs, and legal aspects related to the contract.
Whenever the capacity for approval is beyond the mutually agreed limits, prior approvals
of the Employer are to be obtained by the PMSC for taking action under a civil works
contract designating the Consultant as “Engineer,” for which action, pursuant to such civil
works contract, the written approval of the Client as “Employer” is required.
As “the Engineer,” the PMSC will ensure timely approval of contractor’s design, progress
of the works, initiate laboratory as well as in-situ tests as necessary, enforce specified
materials, workmanship requirements and construction methods, and control the overall
quality of construction. This includes the assessment of programs, materials, labor,
construction methods, and monitoring compliance with specified construction methods.
The PMSC will carry out acceptance tests of equipment in the factory (if necessary) and
on-site, including installation and commissioning. It also comprises supervision of
contractors’ programs, rates of progress, performance testing, compliance with
specifications and drawings, and health, safety and environmental requirements.
(ii) Establishing a data storage and transfer system for all documents and drawings;
(iii) Verify the good for construction drawings prepared by the contractor and approve.
(iv) Review and approve all BoQs.
(v) Map all the utilities above and below ground in GIS that are falling within the
alignment and assist in shifting of utilities as required.
(vi) Set out sites for various components involved in the project, including field
verification of lines and levels.
(vii) Advise the client on best practices and innovative approaches in construction,
develop site specific construction methodology for complex work and supervise all
(viii) Carry out duties as Engineer and/or Engineer’s Representative within the context
of provisions of Works and Supply Contracts. This includes continuous supervision
of construction works at all work fronts by engaging qualified field engineers,
recording measurements and preparing contractors’ claims.
(ix) To ensure effective site supervision by the PMSC staff, they shall have authority on
3 main topics in the field as listed below and project authorities will delegate powers
to the PMSC accordingly.
a. Occupational Health and Safety: Authority to issue instructions to the Contractor
regarding safety breaches and in case of severe breaches to stop the work.
b. Environmental and Social Safeguards: Authority to issue instructions to the
Contractor regarding non-compliance on environmental and social management
issues and in case of severe breaches to stop the work.
c. Use of material: Authority to prevent the use of materials which is not compliant
with the specifications and to prevent installation where there are concerns
regarding the functionality.
(x) Undertake day-to-day construction supervision and monitoring, collection and
checking of documentation, quality control, application of quality assurance
procedures, checking the adequacy of contractor’s designs, drawings, and method
statements, and preparation of progress and other reports.
(xi) Survey each of the constructed components to evaluate physical and financial
progress of each item.
(xii) Maintain a photographic and written record of all construction activities and
(xiii) Conduct site investigations of construction materials and geotechnical
investigations including laboratory testing and analyze investigation results.
(xiv) Ensure that works are being implemented as per the contract specifications.
(xv) Provide sound and timely advice to resolve problems that arise during construction.
(xvi) Hold regular site meetings with PIUs and Contractors and preparing minutes of such
meetings (based on agreed standardized format), and proactively managing the
execution of agreed actions.
(xvii) Instruct the Contractors to submit corrective measures or revised programs, as
necessary, to keep pace with the anticipated progress and construction standards
and inform the PIUs on measures adopted.
(xviii) Provide design adjustments / changes for works during construction in order to
respond completely and efficiently to meet changing site and ground conditions as
construction work progresses. Issuance of instructions and additional or modified
drawings and specifications to the Contractors which may be necessary for the
execution of the works and remedying of any defects and inform the PMU/PIU
(xix) Conduct regular field visits to project sites during civil works activities and conduct
independent assessment on safeguard compliance.
(xx) Undertake regular quality checks of works at contractor’s field labs, plant labs and
consultant’s own labs and maintain quality check record, issue quality approval
certificates and ensure corrective actions are taken as required by test results.
(xxi) Establish quality assurance system, including verification of source of material and
(xxii) Carry out necessary quality control activities and certify that the quality of the works
conforms to the technical specifications and drawings.
(xxiii) Assist third party inspections, if necessary, as decided by the Employer.
(xxiv) Examine contractor’s claims on justification and quantities; deciding on claims that
fall within the authority of the Engineer; make recommendations for the claims to
be considered by the PMU/PIU.
(xxv) Examine the need for contract variations; deciding on contract variations with the
delegated authority of the Engineer, and for all other variations make
recommendations to the PMU/PIU.
(xxvi) Obtain as-built drawings from the contractors and submit the same to the client after
verification in the field and certification for its correctness.
(xxvii) Prepare partial, substantial, and final completion certificates.
(xxviii) Prepare regular progress reports highlighting current progress, problems
encountered, tests conducted, corrective measures adopted and estimate of likely
completion date.
(i) Support and assist PMU in contract administration and compliance of contractual
(ii) Prepare a project management manual.
(iii) Prepare MS Project based project scheduling and implement it in contract
execution. Assist the PMU in preparing annual work plan, detailed implementation
schedule and budget using management tools. Ensure the actual implementation
schedule reflects the design of the Project and intended implementation schedule.
Employer’s objective is to expedite completion of the project. The PMSC shall
identify the critical paths of Project activities; critical activities include the planning,
tendering, award and implementation timing and sequence of bidding packages;
consider opportunities for expediting the implementation schedule and recommend
improvements wherever possible.
(iv) Design and operationalize an effective project performance monitoring system
(PPMS) to track progress considering the targets defined in the project’s design and
monitoring framework and to to (a) monitor and evaluate implementation of the
project; (b) identify performance constraints; and (c) formulate and implement
practical measures to address shortcomings. Carry put frequent performance
evaluations based on assessment of the project. PPMS should include secure
financial management and accounting reporting and be accessible to the PMU/PIU
and ADB
(v) Advising and assisting the PMU on establishing and maintaining the most
appropriate and effective organizational, fiscal, implementation and management
arrangements to ensure successful project implementation.
(vi) Advice and support the PMU on contract management issues on a regular basis.
(vii) Assist the PMU in maintaining proper accounts with all ledger and control systems.
(viii) Develop and set up an MIS for the project and monitor physical and financial
progress of works and prepare monthly, quarterly and annual progress reports,
identifying critical issues.
(ix) Develop Quality Assurance System and prepare a Quality Assurance Plan (QAP)
that will assist the PMSC and PIUs with overall quality assurance. Essential
elements of quality assurance for the project shall be controlled by the Engineer to
ensure quality products are provided in a cost-efficient and timely manner. It will
encompass all aspects of the project, including control of contractors and sub-
contractors, inspections, production and special process controls, functional testing,
control of nonconformities, drawing control, corrective actions, configuration
controls, quality assurance records, audits and other quality specifications and
requirements to meet the needs of the Project. Contractor’s quality assurance
operations shall be subject to the Engineer’s verification at any time. Prepare
Quality Compliance Reports.
(x) Engage with all the stakeholders to achieve timely completion of contractual
obligations on the part of Contractors and the Client. Facilitate regular meetings
between Employers, PIUs, Contractor and other relevant actors and document
minutes of discussions. Prepare briefing materials on progress and issues and
provide general support PMU to effectively guide the Project’s implementation.
(xi) Maintain regular communications with all stakeholders to ensure implementation of
the Project so that it follows a participative and integrated management approach.
(xii) Assist in compliance with regulatory clearances. Assist in obtaining various permits,
for the implementation of the project.
(xiii) Prepare Traffic Management Plan for project implementation.
(xiv) Develop standard operating procedures (SOPs) for safety in construction and
advise and supervise on safety and security of the labourers, supervising and
monitoring officials and public during project implementation.
(xv) Ensure compliance of ADB safeguard requirements with regular field monitoring,
identification of issues and resolution and prepare various documents related to
safeguards implementation and monitoring, including Environmental and Social
(xvi) Assist Client in forecasting the progress of works and finalization of periodic targets
for the expenditure and disbursement.
(xvii) Establish and maintain appropriate fiscal management and monitoring systems and
assist PIUs in fiscal management and monitoring project expenditures and
(xviii) Prepare and submit work completion report, including as built drawings in editable
format in AutoCAD or similar software.
(xix) Assist the Employer for resolution of all contractual issues, including examining the
contractor’s claims for variations/time extensions, additional compensations etc.
and prepare recommendations following the provisions of the contract agreements.
(xx) Accompany the Client in meetings as and when necessary.
(xxi) Assist the Client to prepare for ADB review missions.
(xxii) Prepare and ensure timely submission of all documents related to project
management, monitoring and reporting as agreed by Government and ADB
(xxiii) Prepare Project Completion Report (PCR) in a manner satisfactory to the Employer
and ADB, including major project events, performance of Contractors, actual and
price inflated (to completion year) project cost (foreign and local costs separately)
by implementation year. The PCR should follow prescribed ADB format and cover,
among other items: (a) the relative successes (problems) in the implementation of
each package; (b) an assessment of the impact of the project on the economy and
social aspects of the beneficiary areas; (c) “as-built” drawings; and (d) detailed
description of all the works by items of technical and non-technical matters.
(xxiv) Update project documents as required.
(i) The PMSC will assist PIU with commissioning and operation phases. It will involve
building capacity within PIU to manage the project facilities. Commissioning covers
initial operation to identify and rectify any construction faults prior to the
contractor’s official handover of completed systems to Employer. Commissioning
will be progressive over the final year of individual contract implementation. The
PMSC, with the contractor/ supplier, will identify specific facilities needed,
expertise and staffing requirements, and prepare detailed management, operation,
and maintenance (MOM) procedures, including those relating to minimizing social
and environmental impacts of all infrastructure developed under the Project. The
MOM procedures should be developed in consultation with all stakeholders.
(ii) During the defect liability period for each package, the PMSC will carry out the
following functions: (i) monitoring the functional as well as structural performance
of the investments and report to the PIU; (ii) preparation of the inventory of the
defects/damages rectification/repair works, if any, to be done by the Contractors
as per the provisions of their contracts; (iii) evaluation of the design, drawings and
construction methodology for rectification/repair works proposed by the
Contractors and make recommendations to the PIU; (iv) supervision and checking
of the quality of the defect/damage rectification/repair works; and (v) assisting the
PIU with contract management and finance related issues related to the individual
works contracts.
(iii) The PMSC shall provide training and capacity building to the staff the executing
and implementing agencies in the respective project related areas. Train the trainer
(TTT) approach may be followed by preparing local staff to undertake continuous
training under the supervision of PMSC learning facilitators.
f. Operations management
(i) Considering the entire project, including the plants & equipment furnished by the
manufacturers, suppliers & contractors, prepare an Operation and Maintenance
Manual for all project components.
(ii) Create a GIS based inventory of existing assets and new assets constructed under
the project according to the adopted classification system and prepare an asset
register and an asset management plan.
(iii) Provide technical inputs in organizing and conducting public awareness
campaigns and capacity building initiatives.
(iv) Provide technical support in formation and delineation of hydraulically isolated
(v) Carry out final water auditing and establish DMA, Zone and System level post
commissioning NRW level.
(vi) Carry out trainings for PMU staff on design, construction and maintenance of
project components.
(vii) Prepare an operational sustainability improvement plan.
(viii) Identify gaps in capacity (staff and skills) and advise on capacity building
requirements, outsourcing requirements, and plan and support in implementing
capacity building program.
The PMSC shall assist and support the executing or implementing agency in all financial
and accounting matters relating to the project. Tasks include:
(i) Establish an appropriate financial accounting and control system for PMU and PIU.
(ii) Support in administering the loan in accordance with ADB’s Disbursement
(iii) Assist in all financial, accounting and audit matters relating to the project.
(iv) Support in preparing annual budget estimates, maintaining proper budgetary
controls mechanisms and analyzing financial vs physical progress along with the
documentation of signification variations.
(v) Assist the PMU in all matters to respond to observations as may be made by ADB
on audited project financial statements (APFS) and audited entity financial
statements (AEFS);
(vi) Assist PMU in all matters concerning the audit of the project accounts by the
examiner of local accounts, including assisting PMU to draft responses to queries
and preparing broadsheet responses to audit points.
(vii) Establish all necessary records and the procedures for maintaining or updating
such records for each subproject and for the entire project.
(viii) Ensure accurate and timely submissions of all required reports to the Government
and ADB.
(ix) Monitor and supervise in the preparation of projections for contract awards,
disbursements and advise the Employer as per overall scope of work.
(x) Establishing systems for smooth and timely funds flow from ADB or government
to contractors.
(xi) Develop and implement procedures for timely payments to the contractors
and monitoring for compliance.
(xii) Support in preparation and submission of disbursement claims from ADB.
(xiii) Support in project auditing and preparations of responses to auditors.
h. Environmental Safeguard
Assist in the implementation of the project in compliance with the environmental safeguard
requirements of the national safeguard system and ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement,
2009 (SPS), and ensure that the Contractors/ Suppliers (including their sub-contractors)
comply with the safeguard requirements. Detailed tasks include, but are not limited to, the
i. Social Safeguard
Assist in implementation of the project in compliance with the social and resettlement
requirements of the applicable national legislation, state rules, and ADB’s SPS (hereafter
collectively referred to as “safeguard requirements”), and ensure that the
Contractors/Suppliers (including their sub-contractors) comply with the safeguard
requirements. Detailed tasks of the Unit include, but are not limited to, the following:
(i) Based on the agreed project documents pertaining to Social Impact Assessment
(SIA) and final designs, update social safeguard documents including resettlement
(ii) Support in preparing stakeholder consultation and participation plans as
(iii) Undertake field visits and work in close coordination with the Contractors and PMU
and PIUs to ensure considerations regarding social risks and impacts are
adequate to avoid or minimize the social impacts to the extent possible.
(iv) Appraise the Client on the extent of impacts on communities, especially poor,
vulnerable, and Schedule Tribe / Schedule Caste families.
(v) Ensure the compliance of project safeguard requirements by the respective
stakeholders such as PMU, PIUs, Contractors, and any other concerned authority.
(vi) Verify the status of land ownerships of the project sites and linear alignments for
distributions/network components and rights of way (RoW) based on the land
revenue records.
(vii) Organize public consultation with the affected parties in a local language, and
record the proceedings and submit periodical reports.
(viii) Carry out baseline surveys and implement the safeguard requirements, especially
concerning activities such as land acquisition, resettlement plan and/or plans for
Schedule Tribes/ Schedule Caste communities, if any.
(ix) Assist the Client in the negotiated purchase of land, if required, and coordination
with authority in case of the land acquisition process including all related issues of
public consultation, compensation mechanism, independent third party
certification for negotiated land purchase, and any other necessary actions.
(x) Assist PMU and PIUs in establishing an effective grievance redress system (GRS)
for ensuring timely resolution of public grievances and complaints either from
affected parties or from general public or any other stakeholder.
(xi) Assist PMU and PIUs to document and maintain all records related to grievance
(i) Observance of the Contractor’s compliance with all contractual ESHS standards
in accordance with ADB requirements.
(ii) Draft initial environmental examinations (IEEs)/ environmental management plans
(EMPs) and resettlement plans (RPs) have been prepared and provided in each
bid document. Both documents in each contract shall be critically reviewed and
updated with view to the Detailed Design or updated designs. These requirements
are important and should be observed, monitored and reported from the inception
phase on in all documents to be prepared by the consultant.
(iii) Conduct environmental surveys (baseline, mid-term, final) as per IEE
(iv) Inform the Contractor that relevant contract shall not commence prior to the
Consultant´s approval and satisfaction of appropriate measures in place to
address ESHS risks and impacts.
(v) Approve after due revision Contractor’s site-specific EMPs and, during the
execution of the works, instruct the Contractor to update the EMPs if it becomes
necessary (e.g. due to unanticipated impacts, change in site, change in
construction method etc.). The revised version shall highlight the new elements
incorporated in the document.
(vi) Supervise the Contractor’s implementation of the EMPs and report quarterly on
compliance of the Contractor with the EMP and ESHS Works Requirements (as
provided in section 6 of bid document); This includes health and safety
performance and conformance with labor and working condition standards in case
of severe ESHS violations (and in particular OHS risks to life), the Consultant shall
suspend the work at that stretch until the Contractor has rectified the situation;
(vii) Document Contractor’s non-conformances. Review and approve the Contractor’s
proposals for remedial action/s and their timeframe for implementation. Follow-up
on correction/remediation.
(viii) Follow up on the results of any inspections or audits by labor, health and safety or
environmental regulatory authorities.
(ix) Check if the Contractor provides instructions and trainings to workers,
Subcontractors and Suppliers (in particular those for major supply items) to assure
that they understand their respective ESHS requirements and that the Contractor
complies with the Code of Conduct.
(x) Advise the Contractor on the ESHS risks and impacts of any design change
proposals and the implications for compliance with IEE, EMP, consent/permits and
other relevant project requirements.
(xi) Review the Contractor’s monthly progress reports, and check if detected
nonconformities are documented and analyzed and are addressed by corrective
actions; Documentation shall include a digital photograph and with captions to
provide a visual illustration, explicitly indicating the location, date of inspection and
the non-conformity in question.
(xii) Follow-up on the resolution of any complaints or grievances in relation to ESHS.
(xiii) Inform the Employer on any ESHS related situation that might arise which could
jeopardize the successful completion of the Project. Reflect such situations in the
periodic reporting.
(xiv) Update the resettlement plans prepared for each contract package whenever there
is a design change. Oversee implementation of RP. Ensure that no works are
commenced without implementing the RP, including compensation for temporary
(xv) Supervise that non-conformities are addressed through measures adapted to the
severity of the situation and which include but are not limited to the suspension of
works and/or of payments in accordance with the contract.
(xvi) Prepare and submit monthly, quarterly and semi-annual safeguards monitoring
(xvii) Collect and provide data required for implementation and monitoring of GESI
Action Plan and Consultation Strategy. Prepare and submit necessary reports that
will enable the PMU to report compliance.
(xviii) Ensure that the GRM established for the project is in place and is working
effectively. Ensure proper documentation and support in speedy redressal of
The Consultant will ensure implementation and monitoring of gender equality and social
inclusion (GESI) action plan and designing and delivery of various awareness campaigns
as defined below. Provisional sum has been set aside for hiring resource person,
undertaking survey, developing communication/ training materials, conducting
workshops/seminars and hiring support staff for this purpose.
Implementation and monitoring of gender equality and social inclusion (GESI)
action plan
Assist PMU and PIUs in implementation of the project in compliance with GESI
requirements of the national safeguards system and ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement
(SPS) 2009, Guidelines for Gender Mainstreaming Categories of ADB Projects 2021 and
Access to Information Policy 2018 and ensure stakeholders’ compliance. The detailed
tasks of the Unit include, but are not limited to, the following:
(i) Assist the PMU in planning and monitoring the project activities ensuring gender
sensitivity and social inclusion in them.
(ii) Assist in monitoring and evaluation of GESI activities by tracking social and gender
equality results as the project progresses by collection of sex disaggregated data
to facilitate equitable access to water and sanitation.
(iii) Ensure Project’s linkages to other on-going income generating and livelihood
improvement activities so as to empower communities in moving towards cost
recovery on a cross subsidy framework.
(iv) Conduct a baseline followed by annual user satisfaction sample surveys in project
towns that would help to measure livability with respect to the population’s
satisfaction with improved water supply services to ascertain that vulnerable
households including female headed households are in fact benefiting as intended.
(v) Collect information through surveys to assess whether the desired behavior
changes taught through the planned awareness campaigns are really achieved.
(vi) Assess PMU’s capacity in gender mainstreaming and social inclusion, and design
appropriate training programs with suitable training modules.
(vii) Conduct GESI workshops for PMU, PIUs and other relevant government staff and
awareness activities as indicated in the GESI action plan for all relevant
(viii) Conduct gender and other related trainings to PMU, PIUs, women involved in
water supply services, contractors, and laborers etc.
(ix) Assistance to PMU and PIUs in implementation of the project’s GESI action plan.
Ensure that project monitoring formats include GESI indicators and reflect sex
disaggregated data.
(x) Document and report GESI action plan implementation progress every quarter in
line with ADB reporting requirements.
(xi) Provide support for ADB review mission teams to ensure that GESI action plan
implementation is being adequately assessed and reported on.
(xii) Prepare and submit a GESI action plan completion report with gender equality
results and lessons learned.
(xiii) Ensure GESI is included in project performance management system (PPMS)
Designing and delivery of various awareness campaigns
Awareness programs mainly targeting beneficiary communities, school students,
teachers, administrators and women self-help group (SHG) aiming improved awareness
of water conservation, hygiene and service sustainability is planned as part of the project.
The Consultant shall conduct the awareness campaign and programs. The tasks include:
10. The consultant shall establish a project office at Guwahati and six filed offices one each at of
Dhubri, Goalpara, Golaghat, Nalbari, Bongaigaon and Barpeta town. A detailed plan for
deploying the key staff in Guwahati and field offices needs to be presented in the work plan
and team composition. Adequate number of engineers and surveyors should be deployed at
filed offices for effective supervision and supported by Key staff stationed in Guwahati with
field trips and longer duration stays at field.
11. Consultant shall get access to all available legal and technical documentation related to the
Project and the required work. Consultant shall be supported by the PMU in obtaining various
permits or clearances required for effectively delivering its scope. The client shall also deploy
its counterpart officials to work with the consultant, oversee their work and facilitate approvals
required. Consultant shall establish, run and maintain their own office space or other
administrative support activities.
12. The duration of the assignment shall be for a period of 60 months initially and extendable
further based on requirement. The assignment is expected to be started in September 2024.
13. The consultant shall have to prepare and submit the reports given in the table below and any
other relevant report as requested by PMU
14. Submission of all related reports is to be in written format in latest MS Office compatible
format, with drawings in a format compatible with latest AutoCAD, and submitted in digital
form. For each report with associated drawings hard copies are to be presented as follows:
• English language – two sets
• Drawings shall be presented as soft and paper copies as follows:
Preliminary Designs: A2
Detailed Design: A1/A2 based on detailing
Construction Drawings: A1/A2
Reports, BOQ and technical specifications, etc. A4
• Drawing scales shall be according to the following guidelines:
Site Plans: 1:1000 to 1:2500
15. Payment to the consultant shall be on monthly basis for remuneration and out of pocket
expenses based on timesheets and required supporting documents.
• Lead preparation of e
Measurement system
• Input to asset management
framework and register
6 Procurement • Graduate Civil Engineer or equivalent • Responsible for preparing bid
cum contract • Minimum total 12 years of experience document and conducting
management in procurement /contract management bidding process if any required
specialist • Experience in multilateral funded during implementation
projects will be preferred • Assisting in overall contact
• Experience in FIDIC contract management and administration
conditions of the contracts, implementation
• of work as per contract;
• Contract management and
Performance Monitoring of the
• Assist in resolving contractual
issues during implementation
7 Wastewater • Not less than a bachelor degree in • Primary responsibility for
and Drainage environmental / water supply stormwater drainage works.
Engineer engineering. 12 years experience.
Experience in externally funded
projects in large drainage for cities.
8 Architect • Bachelor degree in Architecture having • Primary responsibility for
minimum 12 years’ experience. building works
Experience in large institutional
building design and supervision of
9 Structural • Master degree in structural • Primary responsibility for
Engineer engineering with a bachelor degree in building works
civil engineering having minimum 10
years of experience in civil
infrastructure and building projects in
structural design aspect for earthquake
resilient structure
10 Electromechani • Bachelor’s degree in electrical • review and approval of
cal Engineer /mechanical engineering electrical/mechanical layout
• Post graduate degree in Electrical/ design/ drawings for works
Instrumentation will be preferred • inspect electrical mechanical
• Minimum 10 years’ experience in equipment to be supplied at the
designing, construction supervision project
and quality assurance of electrical and • supervise installation of
mechanical pumping station electrical mechanical equipment
equipment at pumping stations
• supervise trial run/
commissioning of the equipment
• prepare and submit operation
maintenance manual for all the
installed equipment
• inspect operation of the
equipment during defect liability
• Support in instrumentation and
• Supervise implementation of
social safeguards of the
contracts, if any.
• Support PMU in setting up the
project grievance redress
mechanism and assist in public
grievance redressal
15 Social • Post graduate in Social Science, • Implement, monitor and repor
Development Gender or related field with at least 10 GESI activities as per the GESI
and Gender year experience in designing of action plan.
Specialist community based projects. He/ She • Ensure gender-sensitive
should have an experience of communications plan is
managing at least two (2) urban designed and implemented.
projects focusing on gender. • Ensure gender inclusive training
• He/she should be familiar with gender material for all capacity building
issues in water and sanitation sector projects and participation of
and should be conversant with women in all training and
national, state and ADB policy on workshops.
gender mainstreaming and social • Provide social and gender
safeguards including resettlement. inputs for all trainings at the
institutional and community
• Support in developing a gender
inclusive PPMS (including sex
disaggregated data and gender
• Facilitate collection of sex-
disaggregated data at all levels
that could be used to monitor
potential project gender benefits
and impact.
• Review project documents and
contracts to ensure suitable
clauses such as all bidding
documents include a clause for
the application of core labor
standards (incl. equal pay for
men and women for work of
equal value) as per the minimum
wage circular issued by the
• Assess and recommend ways to
improve gender equity.
• Carryout all required baseline
surveys and prepare
• Through baseline surveys and
consultations conduct: a)
Assessment of hygiene
behavior and hygiene
awareness in the poor
settlements in project area; b)
Assessment of constraints
towards improved hygiene