Static Structural Analysis of Rolling Ball Bearing

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MATEC Web of Conferences 244, 01023 (2018)


Static structural analysis of rolling ball bearing

Peter Šulka1,*, Alžbeta Sapietová1, Vladimír Dekýš1, Milan Sapieta 1
1Department of Applied Mechanics, Faculty of mechanical engineering, University of Žilina,
Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovak Republic

Abstract. In this paper, an effort has been put to analyze the rolling ball bearing
using finite element analysis the contact pressure level, stress or displacement
behavior of rolling ball bearing. The obtained results were then compared with
the analytical results obtained through the methodology of Hertz theory in
order to demonstrate an almost identical similarity of results and correct setting
up of the given simulation in computational software ANSYS Workbench.
Keywords: Static structural analysis, Contact, Hertz theory, ANSYS Workbench.

1 Introduction
Rolling bearings are among the most important components of conveyor belts, working
machines or various rotary mechanical applications and, therefore, the trend of increasing
demands in terms of their production, accuracy, load-bearing capacity and reliability is
Their application lies in all branches of industry, from the production of heavy duty
machinery in mining and stamping, in all modes of transport or in automotive or aviation, to
the application of miniature bearings to high speed dental drills.
First of all, who drew and invented the ball-bearings was Leonardo da Vinci around the
year 1500. He designed the ball bearings to be incorporated into his design for the helicopter
– it would make rotating the large screw on top much easier by reducing the friction by
several orders of magnitude [9]. Philip Vaughan invented the ball bearing in the year 1794,
it was 294 years after Leonardo´s design. Vaughan´s patent described how iron balls could
be placed between the wheel and the axle and carriage. The balls let the carriage wheels rotate
freely by reducing friction. Later, in August 1869, Parisian bicycle mechanic Jules Suriray
received the first French patent for ball bearings. The bearings were then fitted to the winning
bicycle ridden by James Moore in the world´s first bicycle road race. The modern, self-
aligning design of the ball bearing is attributed to Sven Wingquist of the SKF ball-bearing
manufacturer in 1907. In the year 2002 INA/FAG established by Dr. Georg Schaeffler and
Dr. Wilhelm Schaeffler E1 spherical ball and roller bearing, which is base of current, modern
rolling bearings.

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Reviewers: Josef Soukup, Robert Grega

© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License 4.0 (
MATEC Web of Conferences 244, 01023 (2018)

Rolling bearings allow for the transfer of forces between the moving and fixed parts of
the mechanical system and are designed to minimize friction arising from power and energy
Due to their multiple use, increasing emphasis is placed on their development and
improvement, because in many cases the bearings do not provide the required durability
according to the calculation values. There may be many reasons, for example, overload, load
lower than required, inadequate lubrication, ineffective sealing, inadequate over fitting, or
impact load on the bearing that leads to permanent deformation in the form of imprints in the
bearing ring path paths. This very latest case of damage is becoming more and more frequent,
for example automobile chassis bearings and it is necessary to examine the problem in order
to examine the given load condition using the FEM method and to obtain optimal results for
further research and modification of bearings with the intention of eliminating impact
damage. Researchers still continue with the intensive development and research in field of
rolling bearings with purpose to investigate new theory of bearing aspects, solving significant
parameters and values of rolling bearings in order to ensure maximum quality and accurate

2 Hertz theory
In the elastic area, it is possible to calculate the contact pressure and the resulting deformation
at the contact points of the rolling elements and orbits by means of Hertz theory. concerning
to the contact of the volume elastic bodies. The general conclusions of this theory are based
on three main assumptions.
1. The material of the bodies to be touched must be homogeneous and isotropic.
2. Only normal stress, not shear, can be transmitted in the contact area.
3. The proportional limit of the material must not be exceeded, that is, there can be no
plastic deformation [1].
The contact area of the point contact of the load between the two curved bodies in point
contact is generally elliptical (see Fig. 1). The elliptical contact surface for two components
with identical elastic modulus E and Poisson constant is defined according to Hertz theory
with respect to the main axis.

Fig. 1. Example illustrating the IMPACT function

MATEC Web of Conferences 244, 01023 (2018)

From the Fig. 1 is possible to detect significant parameter 𝛿𝛿, which is defined as wide of
contact area. In case of point contact, the maximum contact pressure (see Fig. 2) is situated
in the middle of contact area with appropriate value defined by following equation [2].

𝑝𝑝��� = 1.5 ∗ � (1)

pmax is the maximum contact pressure [MPa],
F is the external load [N],
𝛿𝛿 is the wide o contact area [mm].

Fig. 2. The elliptical contact pressure

3 Computation of contact pressure based on Hertz theory

The stress calculation was performed using the following relationships dependent on
bearing parameters, external load and mathematical coefficients. External load was defined
for value 40 000 N according to the empirical formula of curb-impact of specific ball bearings
(see Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. 3D geometry of analysed rolling ball bearing

�.��∗� �.��∗��
𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹��� = = = 21.85 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘 (2)
� �

Frmax is the maximum radial load of the rolling element [N],

F is the size of the external radial load [N],
Z is the number of rolling elements [-],
4.37 is the Striebeck coefficient for single row ball bearings [-] [10].

MATEC Web of Conferences 244, 01023 (2018)

����� ��.��
𝐹𝐹� = = = 15.45 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘 (3)
������ �∗�������

Fn is the maximum normal load [N],

𝛼𝛼 is the value of contact angle [°].

Qmax = Fn = 15.45 kN (4)

Qmax is the maximum normal load of rolling element [MPa].

� �
���� � ����� �
𝜎𝜎��� = 4.37 ∗ 𝜀𝜀� ∗ � � =4.37 ∗ 4�.4��� ∗ � � =3663.62MPa (5)
�� � ��

𝜎𝜎��� is the maximum contact pressure according to the Hertz theory [MPa],
de is the diameter of rolling element [mm],
𝜀𝜀� is the empirical coefficient of contact pressure [-] [3].

From these empirical relations, the maximum contact pressure was determined to the
value σmax = 3663.62 MPa.

3 Computation of contact pressure based on finite element

The FEM analysis was performed in ANSYS Workbench. The simulation of the investigated
bearing was solved as a linear model with given material properties of linear structural steel
E = 210,000 MPa, μ = 0.3.
The contact pairs have been customized between the individual roller elements and rings
as well as the cage through the contact region function. The contact between the elements
was given as friction contact f = 0.05, with a normal stiffness factor of 0.1 and was defined
by the Lagrange formula [3,8].
The boundary conditions of the bearing have been specified for each part as follows:
The outer ring and also inner ring displacement was removed in the z-axis direction and
allowed in the direction of the x and y axes in the global Cartesian coordinate system. In the
cylindrical global coordinate system, the displacement of the outer ring was taken in the y-
direction and allowed in the x-axis and z-axis directions. In the cylindrical global coordinate
system, the bead and cage displacement was taken in the x direction and allowed in the y and
z direction. The coordinate systems are marked in previous figure (see Fig. 3).
External load was set with value 40 000 N as Bearing Load in the negative y-axis direction
with a bearing time of one second for simulation of impact load (see Fig. 4).

MATEC Web of Conferences 244, 01023 (2018)

Fig. 4. The boundary conditions of investigated ball bearing

The results of performed FEM analysis with purpose to right investigate and compare
analytical and numerical solution of contact characteristics display following figures.

Fig. 5. Equivalent von-Mises Stress

Fig. 6. Equivalent von Mises Stress in the cut

MATEC Web of Conferences 244, 01023 (2018)

From the previous figures (see Fig. 5, 6) is clearly possible to determine value of
Equivalent von Mises stress on different parts of investigated rolling bearings. Accordingly
is permited to see the elliptical shape of contact areas adn also under surface stresses.
Equivalent von-Mises Stress is often used in design work because it allows any arbitrary
three-dimensional stress state to be represented as a single positive stress value. Equivalent
stress is part of the maximum equivalent stress failure theory used to predict yielding in a
ductile material. Equivalent stress is related to the principal stresses by the following equation
(�� ��� )� �(�� ��� )� �(�� ��� )�
𝜎𝜎� = � � (6)

Fig. 7. Elastic deformation of inner ring

In the Fig. 7 is displayed the von Mises or equivalent strain 𝜀𝜀� which is computed by next
equation, where 𝜗𝜗 is effective Poisson´s ratio [5,7].
� ���
𝜀𝜀� = ��(𝜀𝜀1 � 𝜀𝜀2 )2 � (𝜀𝜀2 � 𝜀𝜀3 )2 � (𝜀𝜀3 � 𝜀𝜀1 )2 �� (7)
From the following figures (see Fig. 8, 9), it is possible to detect the value of contact
pressure, contact area and it´s shave and as well penetration of rolling elements into orbital
paths of bearing rings by the Contact Probe function of Post-processing function.

Fig. 8. Maximum contact pressure between rolling element and raceways

MATEC Web of Conferences 244, 01023 (2018)

Fig. 9. The detail of contact pressure in contact areas

4 Conclusion
From the simulation and graphical outputs (see Fig. 5- 9), the results of the stress-strain
analysis using the FEM software can be clearly seen. Through the analysis it was found that
the value of the maximum contact pressure gets the size σFEM = 3706.1 MPa (see Fig. 9).
By comparing the results of the analytical and FEM (numerical) solutions, it can be
detected that the results are almost identical.

σmax = 3663.62 MPa==σFEM = 3706.1 MPa

The results of the MKP analysis are correct, which is proved by comparison of the
analytical and numerical solution.

This paper was supported by VEGA 1/0795/16 and KEGA 017ŽU-4/2017.

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