Bacterial Starter For Bakery
Bacterial Starter For Bakery
Bacterial Starter For Bakery
Technical description
Previous status:
Kaak Yeast is used for production of famous traditional pastry in Syria and Middle
East, which based on soaked chickpea to ferment dough with two stages.
This fermented liquid gives special taste and texture for rusk, but this process is
difficult and related with chickpea types and the circumstances of fermentation
process, so great amount of dough were destroy.
1- This soaked fermented chickpea has short life about 12 hours at 4 C
2- give instability property rusk.
3- Lose great amount of dough
Wide description of innovation:
Fermentation starter substitutional of soaked chickpea has blend of bacteria
surrounded with less than 200nm of iron oxide particles and dough strengthened.
This starter gives rusk with good and stable properties for 5-7 days at 4ْ C, and has
the ability to detect its activity by color, if the starter lose its activity it returns from
black to white, also the starter can drying or freeze drying and in this case it could
be active for three months at room temperature, but it need to refresh with
sterilized water six hours before used.
Bacteria on the starter:
‐ Clostridium sartagoforme
‐ Pediococcus acidilactici
‐ The ratio 1:1
1- Starch hydrolyses
2- Gluten hydrolysis
3- H2 production
4- Butyric acid production
Chart(1) work plan
Chart(2) butyrate cycle in Clostridium
Chart(3) SEM image for liquid starter
Black fermented
Add 1 kg Flour
Incubate for 2
Fermented dough
ready to formation
Chart (1)
Allegations to be protected:
1- Starter with two bacteria species Clostridium sartagoforme, Pediococcus
acidilactici , ratio 1:1.
2- This starter using instead of soaked fermented chickpea in using rusk.
3- This starter can preservation by capsulation or Lyophilization.
4- This starter using iron oxide particles to detect its activity.
5- This starter work in pH 5-6.5
Liquid Starter for rusk, has specific bacteria and self-detector from iron
oxide for its activity, bacteria in this starter produce hydrogen gas and
butyric acid.
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List of documents deposited:
The title 1
Technical description 2
Work plane 4
charts 5
Allegations to be protected 7
Abstract 8
References 9