Shrine of The Jaguar Princess

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Sersa Victory (

Erin Kelley

Front Cover — Jenn Mansell
Other Illustrations — Pixabay,

Elements of this module were inspired in part by the works of Robert
E. Howard and C1: The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan by Harold
Johnson and Jeff R. Leason

Shrine of the Jaguar Princess is an independent product published
under the Shadowdark RPG Third-Party License and is not affiliated
with The Arcane Library, LLC. Shadowdark RPG © 2023 The Arcane
Library, LLC. Module text © 2023 Trident Gamebooks, LLC.

Shrine of the Jaguar Princess is a deadly sword-and-sorcery dungeon
delve designed for 4th-level characters.

Those who sail merchant vessels along the civilized waterways of the
Hyborian kingdoms all speak of one pirate who fills them with terror:
the Queen of the Black Coast. Renowned for her cunning and
infamous for her cruelty, the corsair-queen’s flag spells death for all
unfortunate enough to spy it on the horizon.

However, the Queen of the Black Coast tires of plundering jugs of ale,
bundles of wheat, and spears bound for trembling conscripts. With
her crew of criminals, outcasts, and exiles, she sets sail for the mouth
of the forbidden Zarkheba river. It is on those treacherous banks that
the hidden shrine of a long-lost civilization is rumored to house a relic
cast by malevolent gods: the Golden Jaguar of Princess Nochtli.

• Part I: Poisonous Catacombs. The characters must escape from
poison gas-filled catacombs beneath the jaguar princess’s

• Part II: Her City of Gold. The characters explore a miniature city of
gold in the heart of the ziggurat.

• Part III: Devoured Star. The characters step through a sending

disc and enter the celestial lair of Mictlan, the Star-Eater.

Each character knows one random legend (re-roll duplicate legends).
The truth (T) or falsity (F) of each legend is listed in parentheses. Do
not tell characters the truth or falsity of each legend.

d8 Legend

Those unlucky enough to be judged unworthy by the

1 Priests of Nochtli are turned into golden statues that
fetch a high price on the Black Coast (T)

A mimic in the guise of a step pyramid awaits fresh meat

in the City of Gold (F)

Eight vampire spawn are entombed in the catacombs,

each a thrall of Tlacaetica Who Beheads in Smoke (T)

A mortal bearing a jaguar princess figurine may pass

4 through the dreaded Hall of Thunder without having their
bones shattered by sound (F)

Nahuatl gifts his revelation to a mortal that survives the

bites of his hundred fanged mouths (T)

A were-jaguar mummy cannot be harmed by the

6 incinerating lava of Xiuhuani, the bat-lizard Scourge of
the Underworld (F)

To reach the Star-Eater’s domain, the still-beating heart of

7 the jaguar princess’s guardian must be cut free with a
sacrificial dagger (T)

Those touching the disc of pure blackness fall into a

5,000-year slumber (F)

In this adventure, the characters are loot-hungry corsairs aboard a
ship captained by a legendary pirate known as the Queen of the Black

Each member of the party must choose or roll a vice from the table
below—this vice is what caused the player character to be ejected
from their society, forcing them to join the Queen’s pirate crew. A
character’s chosen vice makes them more susceptible to certain
dangers in the shrine.

d4 Vice

1 The Bottle

2 The Boudoir

3 The Feast

4 The Pipe

In addition, each character is driven by greed for a particular category

of treasure. Each character must choose a different category from
the table on the next page.

When a character finds an item from the category they have chosen,
they may choose to discover a second copy of that item. For
example, a character with a greed for scrolls who discovers a scroll of
spell catching may say that they find another.

Each character may use this ability only once per adventure.

However, indulging in greed has a cost—eventually, the pirates’
fortunes will run out.

Each time a character indulges their greed to create a duplicate of an

item they just found, each member of the party takes a cumulative –2
penalty to all checks to resist monster special attacks or trap effects.

Potions Scrolls Weapons

Rods/Staves Rings Gemstones


The delve begins with the player characters being chased through
the jungle by furious warriors in jaguar masks. When they approach
the shrine—an imposing ziggurat in a steamy jungle clearing—they fall
through a sinkhole into area 1.




The lower chambers of the ziggurat are filled with poisonous gas the
color of jade. This gas is the first thing the characters sense when
they regain consciousness after tumbling down the sinkhole.

Every 30 minutes of real time, the GM gains a poison gas token. The
GM also gains poison gas tokens when instructed to by the text.
Poison gas tokens should be represented with green beads, dice,
poker chips, or something similar.

In certain situations, the GM may spend poison gas tokens to cause

some harmful effect for a character. The table on the next page
describes the ways in which the GM can spend poison gas tokens.

The GM starts the adventure with three poison gas tokens.

Cost Effect

Tremors. A character drops the item they are about to

use, such as a weapon, scroll, or wand. They must choose
a different action to take. Fragile items like potions have
a 50% chance of breaking after being dropped.

Dizziness and nausea. A character must roll the attack,

3 spellcasting check, or ability check they’re about to make
with disadvantage.

Coughing and choking. Cancel the action a character is

5 about to make and end their turn unless they choose to
push through and take 6d6 damage.

Unsafe. Check every three crawling rounds for random encounters.

d4 Details

1 A fire beetle swarm pours out from unseen cracks

2 A clay statue animates in area 1 and stalks the characters

A vampire spawn of Tlacaetica escapes from one of the

monoliths in area 3

Poison gas vents from the catacomb walls—the GM gains

two poison gas tokens

Darkness: Characters regain senses atop heap of debris. All is silent
except rattling of last falling pebbles and their own breathing. Rows
of Clay Statues: Each depicts 8’ tall warrior-woman. Stylized wooden
jaguar masks. Feathered clay spears. Loincloths.

• Animated Clay Statues: Three activate and attack when

characters start moving through chamber. One wears and uses
circlet of the clay titans. Masks can be taken.

• Stumble through Darkness: Moving character must roll DC 12 DEX

or WIS or bump into animated clay statue in darkness; clay statue
gets free spear attack. Check not needed if all clay statues are
already in melee.

Long Passageway: Stretches seemingly endlessly into darkness.
Plaster Murals: Cover tezontle walls, depict animal-headed figures
hurling spears, gathering corn, erecting ziggurats. Cave-In: Blocks
passage to east, corpse with skull coated in melted gold half-buried
in rubble (worth 20 gp).

• Bundles: Hundreds of small octagonal cubby holes set into

murals. Each displays bundle wrapped in corn husks and tied
with golden thread.

• Stop to Search Bundles: Characters can take time to search

through bundles. Each character rolls a d10 on table on next page
to determine what they find. GM gains poison gas token each
time party stops to search bundles. Party can search a maximum
of three times.

d10 Contents of bundle

Painted teeth, worthless glass beads, wooden figurines,

or papyrus books

1-in-6 chance of finding golden jaguar princess miniature,

9–10 otherwise one random scroll: neutralize poison, hold
animal, or silence


Oddly Shaped Monoliths: Eight in total, polished black marble.
Etched with looming image of jaguar-masked woman in body paint
standing barefoot atop piles of bones. Brazier: Burns with heatless
pale flame at north end of chamber. Colossal Sarcophagus: Rises in
center of chamber, big enough to hold giant.

• Inspect Brazier: Priests recognize flame as having undead-

repelling properties. Functions as constant turn undead. Cannot
be relit if extinguished.

• Axe Embedded in Monolith: Northwest monolith. Headless

skeleton and its severed skull lie nearby. Axe radiates magic.

• Remove Axe: It’s the Axe of Tlacaetica. Writing on axe reads

“Tlacaetica, Who Beheads in Smoke.”

• Vampire Mist: Unknown to characters, monoliths are hollow and

contain vampire thralls of Tlacaetica in mist form. One escapes
through gouge if axe is pried free. Poison gas makes vampire
thrall invisible, but won’t attack unless pale flame is extinguished.

• Giant Sarcophagus: Filled with human skeletons stained green by
poison gas. Each died during 5,000 year sleep. One skeleton
clutches scroll of protection from felines.

Bath: Diamond-shaped pool framed by polished ochre marble. Water
has perfume scent despite being centuries old. Reagents: Clay
bottles, oils, bowls sit along rim of pool. Mosaics: Dark-haired women
sending cornhusk-mummified bodies over waterfall in canoes.

• Treasure in Pool: Scattered along bottom are turquoise beads

worth 100 gp, +2 deer-leather armor, and clay-stoppered tube
containing scroll of spell catching.

• Embalming Ritual: Clay barrels contain symbol-inked cornhusk

wrappings and jars of paste. Party can use wrappings, paste, and
reagents to turn one character into were-jaguar mummy (see
next page).

• Ritual Takes Time: GM gains 2 poison gas tokens.

• Character is considered undead.
• Immune to poison gas.
• Half damage from non-magical or non-silvered sources.
• Double damage from fire.
• Agility grants +2 AC.
• Gain extra bite attack each turn, deals 1d8 damage and is
considered a magical attack.


Two Statues: Women in huipils, arms fallen away to rubble. Mosaic
Circle: In center of floor, depicts winged serpent wreathed in
lightning bolts. Sound: Low muttering of a hundred voices.

• Nahuatl, the Revelator: Sleeping jaguar the size of an elephant.

No fur, but covered in slimy pale flesh crisscrossed by veins as if
turned inside out. Hundreds of straining eyes and fanged mouths
twitch on body. He is an elder gibbering mouther jaguar.

• Sneak Past: DC 18 DEX or wake up Nahuatl.

Stone Faces: Large and protrude from walls. Wolves, eagles, bison,
axolotls, and jaguars. Once-vibrant paint peels to reveal cracked
limestone underneath. Murals: On walls between faces. Depict
women in stylized jaguar masks raising hands toward ziggurat struck
by lightning. Smell: Rain.

• Trap Demonstration: When characters first look into hall, cave
creeper scuttles into passageway from opposite site. Wriggles
toward characters, but hesitates when stone animal faces grind
open. Calamitous sound of thunder reverberates from mouths,
blasting apart cave creeper. Check for random encounter
because of sound.

• Pass without Jaguar Mask: Stone faces grind open, forceful

sound of thunder blasts from mouths. All in hallway must roll DC
18 CON or take 6d6 damage. Potions shatter. Curtains of dust fall
from ceiling. Check for random encounter.

▷ Temple Collapse: Ask triggering character their vice.

COLLAPSED,” where [TEMPLE] is one of the options listed
below that matches triggering character’s vice. Unknown to
characters, a miniature building in Part II: Her City of Gold has
been destroyed, along with treasure it contained.

Vice Collapsed miniature temple

The Bottle Temple of Festivals

The Boudoir Temple of Lust

The Feast Temple of the Hunt

The Pipe Temple of Communion

Limestone Brazier: Large bands of gold inlaid along rim. Filled with
cobwebs and disintegrated coals.

• Caecilia: Waits curled up inside brazier, hidden beneath thick

cobwebs. Attacks when disturbed.

• Pry Free Gold Inlay: Worth 300 gp.

• Cut Open Caecilia: Digestive tract contains gold anklet worth 400
gp and onyx pyramid struck through with nebula patterns.


Square Pillars: Painted with family trees. Path of Onyx Stones: Runs
down center of hall toward head of chamber. Ancient Tree: Weeping
gnarled branches the color of coal, rises from bare clay at south end
of onyx path. Dahlia Petals: Cover the floor.

• Approach Tree: Face appears in bark and yawns. Branches

stretch, causing more dahlia petals to fall. Identifies himself as
Nahuacoh, the Root of the World.

• Roleplaying: Nahuacoh laments that bloodline of Jaguar Princess

is down to a trickle. He assumes characters are her last
descendants. He asks characters to lift his spirits by describing
how each intends to find mates to bear sacred children.

▷ Indulge Nahuacoh: Rewards characters by absorbing

(dismissing) one poison gas token per character—two if that
character thought to work their vice into their answer. Also
emits glowing dahlia petals that fully heal characters.

• Treasure: Amulet of protection against turning hangs from
Nahuacoh’s branches.

• Monolith: Stands at end of dead-end passage leading east. Made

of tezontle, appears as disquieting jumble of human, beast,
serpent, and bird features. Painted skull in center.

▷ Press Skull: Entire ziggurat rumbles. Monolith slides down

flush into floor, as does wall behind it. Path opened back to
area 1. Monolith in area 12 also opens. Humid breeze whips
through catacombs, extinguishing pale flame brazier and all
torches. (Vampire thralls can now materialize.)

▷ Talisman of Ascension: Appears on centermost clay warrior

statue in area 1 when skull is pressed. Glows through gloom,
characters returning to area 1 spot it immediately.

Painted Clay Figures: Size of children, stand all throughout cluster of
square tombs. Limestone Slabs: Set into center of walls, depict
women in feathered crowns stringing teeth onto necklaces. Bare
Footprints: Faintly visible in thin layer of ash covering floor.

• Twist Heads Off Figures: Clay figures are actually urns. Most
contain damp ash, one contains necklace of polished teeth worth
20 gp and potion of extra-healing.

• Fire Beetle Swarms: Two swarms emerge from cracks in walls
and attack once they sense vibration of footsteps or voices.

• Secret Door: One wall-slab in the northernmost crypt is not

limestone, but rather clay. Too tough to break down, but circlet of
the clay titans can be used to part clay. Leads into hidden
passageway damp with mold.


Limestone Throne: Sits against west wall, caked with mold. Pools:
Shallow, filled with brackish water that drips from sagging ceiling.
Skeletons decay in puddles.

• Mace: Skeleton in a pool clutches +2 jaguar bone mace.

• Limestone Door to South: Locked. Can be unlocked with rusted

key in Iconyotl’s stomach.

• Iconyotl, the Devourer: Elder flail snail with rune-etched shell.

Attacks when characters enter. Characters’ reflection in his shell
appear to be decomposing.

Saltwater: Drips from cracks in low ceiling. Statue: Muscular man in
feathered headdress, stained from dripping saltwater. Clutches small
silver coffin in thick fingers festooned with stone rings. Small Silver
Coffin: Etched with likeness of diminutive woman, skin decorated
with seaweed patterns. Muffled sound of woman singing inside
coffin. Sealed with wax.

• Melt Wax: Can only be melted by magical fire, pale flame from
brazier, or heat of fire beetle.

• Open Unsealed Silver Coffin: Singing of nereid wight within

becomes loud and piercing. Language unknown, but characters
sense song is lascivious.

▷ Nereid Wight Singing Trap: Unless silence is immediately

cast, all characters must roll DC 18 WIS. Characters with
Bottle or Boudoir vice roll with disadvantage. On a failure,
character begins to sing.

▷ Fracturing the Monoliths: If two or more characters fail,
singing is loud enough to crack monoliths in area 3. This frees
1d4 agitated vampire thralls of Tlacaetica. Announce that

▷ Treasure: After resolving her song, nereid wight

disintegrates. Her small silver coffin is worth 150 gp. In
addition, one character can inhale dust of nereid wight to
automatically succeed on one spellcasting check as if they
had rolled a critical success.


Kneeling Stones: Four, set into floor hewn from some hard
translucent substance. Dark Abyss: Swirls beneath floor. Boulder:
Huge, set into south corner, made of glittering stone. Surface is
pockmarked like surface of moon. Two-Pupil Jade Eye: Set into
center of boulder.

• Inspect Boulder in Wall: DC 18 INT recognizes boulder as bearing

strong resemblance to eye tyrant. Eye radiates malevolent
scrying magic if detected for.

• Remove Jade Eye: Gemstone is worth 850 gp. Can be duplicated

with gemstone greed. Scrying persists (unknown to characters).

• Corpse: Sorcerer slain by poison gas slumped against wall. Under

tattered cloak are potion of gaseous form, ring of delusion (ring of
poison immunity), and rod of electrification.

▷ Enter Monolith: If character in gaseous form from potion

thinks to enter monolith in area 3 through gouge left by axe,
they will discover Mirror of Tlacaetica within.

• Kneel: Character sees Underworld scenes materialize beneath
translucent floor—throngs of broken bodies under crumbling
mountains, wailing figures clutching at flesh flayed by wind-
blown daggers, rivers of gore stalked by giant jaguars.

▷ Fitting Punishment: Ask kneeling character to briefly

describe one deceased rival, enemy, or other despised
person they knew, and what brutally fitting punishment that
person is receiving in the Underworld. If scrying jade eye is
present, their answers (unknowingly) bolster Mictlan’s
jaguar-maiden thralls in Part III: Devoured Star.

• Monolith to West: Functions similar to monolith in area 8 (p. 15).



Quiet. Check every ten crawling rounds for random encounters. If an
encounter is indicated, roll on the Shrine Events table (p. 54).


All doors on this level are made from hardened clay sealed with
melted gold. Casting knock or fireball opens a door, as does the
circlet of the clay titan’s shape clay power. Chiseling away melted
gold by hand to open a single door takes time, triggering a
random encounter roll.


Miniature Buildings: Temples, step pyramids, plazas, windowless
hovels. All glitter in shafts of sunlight that pour through openings in
ziggurat wall high above. Canals: Mostly dried, snake between waist-
high structures.

• Wandering Sun-Priest: Arrives a few moments after characters,

casting his rope down from one of the high openings. Attacks if
one of the characters is were-jaguar mummy, otherwise roll
reaction as normal. Seeks to destroy Star-Eater. Might join party
for one-third share of total spoils.

• Inspect Miniature Buildings: They’re not solid gold, but rather
gold-plated tezontle. Takes five trips fully loaded to strip city of
its gold plating—doing so fetches 2,500 gp. Roll on Shrine Events
table each time characters leave with gold.

• Tiny Throne: One miniature temple among dozens has empty

throne. Characters specifically looking for it find it, DC 15 WIS
otherwise. Putting golden jaguar princess miniature from area 2
on throne opens hidden compartment containing sacred
piercing kit of Nochtli.


Four Miniature Temples: Sit atop islands in pond thick with brown
algae. No roofs, instead open to diorama-like columned halls and
engraved altars. Statuettes: Each temple has gold priestess statuette
with tiny stylized jaguar mask. Altars: Open like jewelry boxes.

Note that one or more temples might have been destroyed by the
Hall of Thunder trap (area 6).

• Open Altar: Each reveals different preserved eye of Mictlan.

Consult table on next page to determine specific eye found.


Characters can use the sun-priest’s rope or their own equipment
to climb out of the ziggurat through windows in the side. They can
return to their ship to rest, divide treasure, and level up. The
Queen of the Black Coast orders the characters back to the
ziggurat after resting if they return without the golden jaguar.
Each time the characters leave, roll on the Shrine Events table.

Temple Jaguar-masked statuette Eye in altar

Festivals Priestess holding wine and ribbons Slumber

Lust Priestess with a skirt of flowers Charming

Hunt Priestess cutting a deer’s throat Death

Communion Priestess kneeling in fearful prayer Scrying


Emaciated Corpses: Stand propped in rows of alcoves in walls.
Wrapped in cornhusks and stuffed with straw. Taxidermy Beasts:
Stand covered in cobwebs at corpses’ feet. Fangs, snouts, and beaks.
Moisture: Dripping, reeks of withered crops.

• Meteor Fossil: Large chunk of misshapen glittering stone on

plinth at west end of necropolis. Hollow center. Bears evidence
that something was excavated from it—something spherical with
tiny “stalks” on top.

• Woven Tapestry: Dark cloth behind meteor fossil. Depicts

Pleiades (Taurus) constellation. Character rolling DC 15 INT
remembers the Star-Eater was said to come from there.

• Tarantula-Filled Jaguar Mummies: Animate and attack when

characters inspect meteor fossil. They attack with surprise unless
characters specifically watch taxidermy beasts.

▷ Treasure Inside: One jaguar mummy has wax lycanthropy

totem inside it, visible to characters. Warn that if jaguar
mummy is damaged with fire, totem melts and is useless.

Narrow Corridor: Leads to statue of muscular man in feathered
headdress. Statue: Holds slab. Piles of jade on slab. Giant Slug: Dead
and withered at statue’s feet.

• Open Pit Trap: Leads down to area 17. Crumpled skeleton covered
in melted gold visible directly under pit.

• Jades: They’re fake—worthless cut glass. A snare to draw tomb

robbers into the pit trap.

▷ Remove Jades: Small square indentation set into slab. Exact

size of base of onyx pyramid found in area 7.

▷ Place Onyx Pyramid in Indentation: Constellations shine from

pyramid onto walls. Pressing stone upon which Pleiades
(Taurus) constellation shines reveals hidden passageway to


Clay Priests: Six sit cross-legged atop tezontle slabs. Faces painted
with grinning skulls. Walls: Inlaid with mosaics depicting priests in
profile performing grotesque death dance. Holes: Hundreds bored
into walls, many drip with hardened melted gold.

• Skeleton: Human skeleton covered in melted gold. Worth 50 gp.

• Plug Holes: Characters likely do not have enough of a material

like wax or clay to plug holes. However, clever characters might
use fireball to melt down a clay priest and use that.

• Approach a Clay Priest: Magic mouth appears and commands
EATER FINDS YOU WORTHY.” Molten gold begins to drip from
holes in walls.

▷ Kneel and Speak Greed: Priest’s mouth grinds open. Random

item of that character’s greed category appears in open
mouth. Each character may only kneel once.

▷ Molten Gold Jets: After kneeling character receives her

random item, have her roll a d6. If result is equal to or less
than total number of items claimed from priests, jets of
molten gold spray from walls unless they were plugged. All in
chamber must roll DC 18 DEX or take 6d6 fire damage (half on

▷ Gold-Plated Corpses: Those slain by molten gold trap are

turned into gold-plated “statue” with a gp value equal to 10×
their maximum HP. Ask slain players the pose in which they
are turned to gold.

Warn characters before they kneel about the d6 roll to determine
if the molten gold jet trap is triggered. Speaking their greed is a
risk-versus-reward choice they must carefully consider.

Two Reliefs: Set into two walls that form the eastward-pointing
corner of chamber. Each depicts eye tyrant, their eyestalks the points
of two pentagrams. Cube-Shaped Shelves: Set into relief at each
point of star. Many contain painted skulls. Central Shelf: Sits between
both reliefs, displays sacrificial dagger.

• Shelf Contents: See table below.

Location Contents

N1 Talking priest’s skull that woos the “most ravenous”

character in the party

N2 Severed priest’s head that snores loudly

N3 Priest’s skull shattered as if hurled against stone

N4 Painted stone priest’s skull

N5 Heap of dust

Center Sacrificial +2 dagger with jade hilt

S1 Priest’s skull that argues with N1 about which

character is “most ravenous”

S2 Phantom priest’s skull that wails when touched

S3 Painted priest’s skull that talks… very… slowly

S4 Priest’s skull covered in blood that never dries

S5 Priest’s head withered down to the size of an orange

• Take Sacrificial Dagger: Entire ziggurat rumbles. Ceiling above
passages back to area 13 cave in, blocking retreat. Section of floor
gives way, broken stone splashing down into pool in area 4.

▷ Circling Back Around: Unless characters possess powerful

magic to dig through cave-in or teleport back to miniature
city, they must descend back into poison gas-filled
catacombs and make their way back to colossal sarcophagus
in area 3. GM gains 3 poison tokens when characters
descend. Noise of cave-in alerts Nahuatl, the Revelator and
vampire thralls of Tlacaetica.


Wide Steps: Lead up toward great idol. Stairs littered with corpses
charred beyond recognition. Idol: Gigantic, chiseled from onyx.
Depicts hideous creature with body of iguana and head of furry bat.
Murals: Along steps, show women in jaguar masks riding iguana-bat
creatures over mountain ranges. Smell: Active volcano.

• Look at Murals: Women’s jaguar masks are colored in with

glittering gold paint.

• Ascend Steps: Creatures reaching top of steps without wearing

gold-dipped jaguar mask trigger cascade of steaming
underworld lava to issue forth from idol’s maw. All creatures on
stairs must roll DC 15 DEX or take 100d6 fire damage.

▷ Destroys Were-Jaguar: Were-jaguar mummy not entitled to

DEX check and burns up immediately.

▷ Punishment: Ask characters slain by trap to describe what

punishment they suffer in the Underworld. Should relate to
their chosen greed.

• Gold-Dipped Jaguar Masks: There are presently no gold-dipped
jaguar masks in the ziggurat. However, clever characters might
make their own by dipping wooden masks from area 1 into gold
they’ve melted themselves.

• Secret: Block can be removed from base of idol. Reveals hidden

soot-caked crawl to area 20.


The average damage of 100d6 is 350, if you’d prefer not to roll one
hundred dice.

Chamber: Bare and cramped. Slick with mold, stagnant. Ghostly
Young Woman: Wears huipil adorned with polished bones and strings
of jade beads. Crown of flowers on phantom dark hair. Pets golden
jaguar idol, whispers soothing words to it in ancient language.

• Approach Young Woman: She is Nochtli, the Jaguar Princess. She

looks up with sorrowful eyes. She begs characters to leave her
be, as her jaguar is all that brings her peace in her lonely afterlife.

▷ An Offer: If characters leave the shrine, never return, and vow

to tell no one of its location, she agrees to let them keep any
gold they’ve plundered.

▷ Further Disturb Nocthli: She hisses like a cat and disperses.

Golden jaguar idol is revealed to be an illusion—it’s crudely
chiseled tezontle. Yarecoehua, Warden of the Jaguar
Princess, appears in area 13 and fights to death.


Long Hidden Corridor: Stretches nearly 200’ to north. Walls: Murals of
armored warriors with upper bodies of muscular men and lower
bodies of jaguars. Each depicted cutting out own heart with jade
dagger and offering it to eye among stars. Dahlia Petals: Scattered
across floor, grow more numerous as characters move north.

Seeing Nochtli’s golden jaguar turn to mere stone, the characters
might believe that the object of their quest was a ruse all along.
The Queen of the Black Coast won’t be so easily dissuaded.

Circular Disc: Door-sized, set into north wall, glassy darkness. Solid to
touch and emits painful chill. Corpse: Boy prince, slumped against
disc. Chest cut open to reveal empty rotten cavity.

• Offer Heart: If characters cut out heart of Yarecoehua with jade

sacrificial dagger from area 18 and place it in cavity, disc becomes
portal to Part III: Devoured Star.

▷ Incorrect Heart: Putting any other heart in cavity triggers

void of space trap (below), as does putting Yarecoehua’s
heart in cavity without using jade sacrificial dagger to remove

▷ Void of Space Trap: Disc opens to hard vacuum. Near

creatures must roll DC 18 STR or be sucked into space. Ask
characters sucked through where on planet their skulls land
and who discovers them.

▷ Boy Prince Corpse: Also gets sucked into space, but

miraculously falls back to earth in one piece in dense jungle.
Jaguar-masked vampire thralls recover and replace heartless
corpse in 1d6 days.



Orbit. Do not check for random encounters, as the devoured star is a
small, isolated rock in orbit 1,000 miles above the earth.


Walls, Floor, and Ceiling: Rough-hewn meteoric rock. Circular Disk:
As big as a door, set into large golden slab against wall. Golden Slab:
Etched with winged lightning serpents coiled around ziggurat.
Women in stylized jaguar masks dance at base of ziggurat.

• Ebon Disk: Functions as portal back to area 22 if characters

defeat Mictlan, the Star-Eater and claim his conjoined central
eye. Solid and freezing otherwise.

• Dais: In center of cavern. Sitting sphinx-like atop dais is long

sought-after Golden Jaguar of Nochtli.


As area 23, but etchings on golden slab and disc’s destination they
depict are left to GM. Perhaps disc, when opened, leads to another
land of the Hyborian Age—or an utterly alien world altogether.

As area 24, but ebon disc is fractured. Perhaps characters can mend
disc, opening portal to future adventures on worlds beyond


Atmosphere: Gloomy, low chants, censer smoke, bleached skulls in
cave walls peeking out like ore. Seven Statues: Depict hooded figures
biting into miniature planets like oranges. Opening in Floor: Nearly
50’ across, opens out to space though some force holds air in cave.
Stars visible. Miniature Moons: Two moons hover above opening,
each size of large boulder, conjoined as if smashed together.

• Were-Jaguar Mystic Priestesses: Three dwell in chamber. Each

kneels in gloom and chants toward hovering moons. They defend
moons when characters arrive.

• Mictlan, the Star-Eater: At start of third round of combat,

misshapen central eye opens on moons. Eyestalks unfurl. Moons
are in fact Mictlan, an elder conjoined eye tyrant. He fights until
intruders are annihilated.

▷ Telekinesis: Characters pushed into opening by Mictlan’s

telekinesis eye ray must roll DC 12 STR or fall into void of
space and be forever lost.

▷ Final Judgment: Each time character fails check against one

of Mictlan’s eye rays, a hooded statue glows. If all seven
statues glow, barrier preventing characters from being
sucked into space disappears. Adventure ends in a lonely
field of stars.

If Mictlan is defeated, his body melts away into a acrid sludge that
drains away through the circular opening in the floor. His ichor
drifts through space, where he will land on another planet and
reconstitute his form in 5d100 years.

The Star-Eater’s conjoined central eye remains. The characters

can use it to open the ebon discs and return to their mistress, the
Queen of the Black Coast, with the golden jaguar of Nochtli.

With the godly power of the golden jaguar in her hands at last, the
Queen of the Black Coast will rule the seas unchallenged. The
spoils of looting the hidden shrine along the Zarkheba river have
made each of her corsairs wealthier than most monarchs. Those
who tire of the pirate life may retire in luxury among the various
peoples of the Hyborian Age.

However, there will certainly be those who retain their zeal for
adventure, who wish to stay aboard and raise the black flag over
lands not yet plundered by their pale mistress. And who can say
what occult treasures lie beyond the ebon discs…



The animated statue of a jaguar-masked warrior woman.

AC 15, HP 16, ATK 1 clay spear +4 (1d8 + cursed wounds), MV near,

S +3, D -1, C +2, I -1, W +1, Ch +0, AL C, LV 3

Construct: Immune to charm, poison, sleep, and morale checks.

Cursed Wounds: Damage dealt by statue cannot be healed until

victim escapes poison gas filling the catacombs.

An enormous gray worm that digests the bones of the dead.

AC 12, HP 18, ATK 1 bite +3 (1d6 + digestive slime), MV near (climb),

S +2, D +2, C +0, I -3, W +1, Ch -3, AL N, LV 4

Attach: Attach to target; bite auto-hits next round. DC 12 STR on turn

to tear off.

Digestive Slime: Victim takes 1d6 damage at start of each of their

turns. Entitled to DC 18 CON check at end of each turn to end ongoing

Luminescent beetles that burn from within with pyre flame.

AC 13, HP 14, ATK 2 bite +3 (1d6 + burn scroll), MV near (fly), S -1, D +3,
C +1, I -3, W +0, Ch -3, AL N, LV 3

Burn Scroll: Target must roll DC 15 DEX or have one scroll they’re
carrying be burned up (target’s choice).

Retreat: When one swarm is destroyed, other flees through cracks in

walls. Returns later to attack party at inopportune moment of GM’s


One of the Star-Eater’s servant demigods, manifesting as an elder flail
snail. Devours relics of civilizations that oppose the Jaguar Princess.

AC 17, HP 32, ATK 2 flail +6 (2d8), MV near, S +3, D +0, C +3, I -2, W +0,
Ch -2, AL C, LV 7


Inform characters that Iconyotl is protected by his shell and only
takes half damage from non-bludgeoning attacks—however,
bludgeoning attacks crack his shell and deal double damage.

Warn characters that Iconyotl has swallowed two random potions,

and that each bludgeoning attack has a 1-in-3 chance of
shattering one potion. If a potion is shattered, Iconyotl benefits
from it as if he quaffed it. Unshattered potions can be recovered.

One of the Star-Eater’s servant demigods, manifesting as an elder
gibbering mouther in the shape of a giant jaguar.

AC 14, HP 34, ATK 8 bite +6 (1d4), MV double near, S +4, D +3, C +1, I -3,
W +1, Ch -3, AL C, LV 7

Gibbering: Characters must roll DC 18 WIS when first encountering

Nahuatl or become confused. Confused characters roll on table
below to determine action each turn.

Revelation: See next page.

d10 Confused action

Stumble into random adjacent chamber (potentially the

Hall of Thunder)

3–4 Attack random creature, including other characters

5–6 Use random item on themselves or a random target

Cast random spell at/on a random creature, or attack

random creature as 3–4 if victim cannot cast spells

9–10 Recover from confusion

One random character finds that they are immune to the
babbling. Instead, they can understand the hurried words being
spit from the hundreds of mouths in the language of outer gods.

Inform that character that she may attempt to draw close to the
gibbering mouther and listen to the message being spoken. Doing
so provokes 8 bite attacks, but if she survives, she receives the
Revelation of Nahuatl (p. 51).

A wandering sun-worshipper exiled from the nearby land of Stygia.
His skin is painted the same brilliant yellow as the noonday sun.

AC 14, HP 19, ATK 1 flail +4 (1d6) or 1 dart (near) +3 (1d4), MV near, S +0,
D +1, C +0, I +0, W +3, Ch +2, AL L, LV 4

Spellcasting: Tier 1—holy weapon, light, turn undead*. Tier 2—augury,


Turn Were-Jaguar Mummy: If were-jaguar mummy is present, uses

first action to cast turn undead on that character.

One of Nochtli’s sacred jaguar pets, mummified with cornhusks and
stuffed with venomous tarantulas.

AC 13, HP 13, ATK 1 bite +3 (1d4 + rotting curse), MV double near, S +2,
D +3, C +0, I -2, W +1, Ch -2, AL N, LV 3

Undead: Immune to charm, poison, sleep, and morale checks.

Rotting Curse: DC 15 CON or lose 1d4 CON each rest until rotting
curse is lifted.

Tarantulas: If jaguar mummy is not killed with fire, a swarm of

tarantulas emerge from remains. Nearest character must roll DC 18
CON or contract Star-Eater venom (see below).

A character afflicted with Star-Eater venom sweats profusely and
begins a hideous transformation.

After 30 minutes of real time, the victim’s eyes fuse into a single
central eye. She may cast dispel magic from the eye once. After
60 minutes, her hair falls out and eyestalks grow from her scalp.
She may project an eye ray once, with an effect based on her vice:
sleep (bottle), charm person (boudoir), hold person (feast), or two
acid arrows (pipe).

After 90 minutes, the victim’s body withers away and her head
becomes a blast spore. The blast spore floats under the
character’s control until she bumps into something, at which time
the spore explodes, dealing 3d6 damage to all near creatures.

Once peasant women, these unfortunate souls now serve as the
thralls of the vampire priestess Tlacaetica Who Beheads in Smoke.

AC 14, HP 25, ATK 1 bite +5 (1d10 + blood drain), MV near, S +3, D +2,
C +2, I +1, W +0, Ch +4, AL C, LV 5

Greater Undead: Immune to morale checks. Only damaged by silver

or magical sources.

Blood Drain: Target’s maximum HP is reduced by half damage dealt

(rounded down). Maximum HP returns to normal after resting.

Call Mother’s Axe: If character wields Axe of Tlacaetica, thrall can

click tongue to call axe to her hand unless wielder rolls DC 18 STR.
Thrall wields axe against characters until slain.


Few mortals are permitted to step through the ebon disc into the
Star-Eater’s orbital lair. From high above the world, they plan their
cruel god’s next conquest.

AC 14, HP 9, ATK 1 claw +1 (1d8) or 1 spell +2, MV near, S +1, D -1, C +0,
I -1, W +2, Ch +0, AL C, LV 2

Fearless: Immune to morale checks.

Conjure Vision: May cast any tier 2 or lower spell, provided that spell
is thematic to a vision of underworld punishment described by
characters in area 12.

This centaur-like armored mummy stands nearly thirteen feet tall. It
has the upper body of a tanned muscular man, the lower body of an
elephant-sized jaguar, and a featureless iron mask.

AC 17, HP 38, ATK 1 feathered great-spear +7 (3d8) and 2 claw +5 (1d6),

MV double near, S +5, D +1, C +2, I -3, W +1, Ch -3, AL N, LV 8

Greater Undead: Immune to morale checks. Only damaged by silver

or magical sources.

Dreadful Sleep Breath: Uses on first turn, 25% chance to use on

subsequent turns. Fills near-sized cube extending from Yarecoehua.
DC 18 CON or sleep for 5,000 years unless neutralize poison is cast.

Smash Golden Building: If fighting in area 13, smashes a miniature

golden building at start of each turn. Roll on table below to
determine building smashed and boon Yarecoehua gains.


d8 Smashed building

1–3 Windowless tenement. No effect.

Bath house. Shrouded in steam, invisible until start of

next turn.

6–7 Temple. Body hardens like gold, +2 AC.

Step pyramid. Recharge and immediately use dreadful

sleep breath weapon.

Hailed as a god by the lost civilization of the Jaguar Princess, this
aberration from beyond the stars manifests as a pair of conjoined eye
tyrants weeping tears of molten gold.

AC 16, HP 58, ATK 2 bite +8 (1d12) and 1 anti-magic ray (special) and
3 eye rays (special), MV near (hover), S +3, D +3, C +4, I +4, W +3, Ch +5,
AL C, LV 12

Godlike: May automatically succeed on a check twice per battle.

Anti-Magic Ray: Target must roll DC 15 INT or one magical item or

effect they’re benefiting from goes inert until start of next turn.

Eye Rays: May only target a given character with one ray per round.
DC 18 DEX to avoid, roll effect on table below.

d8 Eye ray

1 Charm. Act under Mictlan’s command next turn.

2 Confusion. See page 40.

3 Sleep. Fall asleep until ally spends turn to wake them.

4 Telekinesis. DC 12 STR or be pushed through opening.

5 Slow. Can either move or act on turn, but not both.

6 Disintegrate. Lose one item worn, wielded, or carried.

7 Lightning Bolt. 6d6 damage.

8 Death Spell. DC 12 CHA or die.



Tanned leather armor created from the hide of a sacrificial deer.
Painted with the sigil of those who seek sacrifices for outer gods.

Bonus: Grants +2 to AC.

Benefit: Once per moon cycle, you may detect the most suitable
candidate for a sacrifice within 10 miles.


A gruesome spiked mace wrought from the polished bones of a
sacred jaguar.

Bonus: Grants +2 to attack and damage rolls.

Benefit: Roll an attack against a jaguar (or part-jaguar creature) with

advantage. This power recharges after a rest.

A grinning skull is painted onto this heavy cast iron amulet.

Benefit: An undead creature wearing this amulet cannot be turned.

The handle of this limestone axe is decorated with painted couatl
feathers and wrapped with deer leather. Incantations are inked onto
the leather.

Bonus: Functions as +2 greataxe. If natural 20 is scored on attack roll

with this weapon, target is beheaded if it has a head.

Benefit: Wielder can cast the following spells each once: fireball,
knock, telekinesis.

• Fireball. Up to 3 near creatures in a group take 4d6 fire damage

(DC 15 DEX for half).

• Knock. One locked or sealed door or container is opened.

• Telekinesis. One near creature is pushed against their will into a

trap or hazard unless they roll DC 15 STR.

This clay circlet bears embossed images of titanic women sitting at a
kiln the size of a watchtower.

Benefit: Has 5 charges. Wearer can spend charges to create effects

listed below. A power may be used more than once. Note there are
not enough charges to use all three powers listed.

• Shape Clay. 1 charge. Reform or open a volume of clay no larger

than 10’ cube.

• Raise Clay Barrier. 2 charges. Cancel one melee, ranged, or

breath attack made against wearer or ally she can see. Barrier
crumbles immediately after blocking attack.

• Petrify. 3 charges. Victim is turned to hard clay. They are entitled

to a DC 15 CON check at end of each of their turns to return to

Cast by the Star-Eater and given as a gift to his most faithful human
princess, this immaculate golden jaguar idol possesses powers
beyond mortal comprehension.

Benefit: The specific powers of the golden jaguar idol are left to the
GM. However, they should be suitably campaign-altering. Consider
giving the bearer of the golden jaguar the power to summon the
wind, control the tides, rearrange the stars, and communicate with
outer gods that dwell in visible planets.

A wax totem shaped into the figure of a woman with a jaguar’s teeth,
a bat’s wings, and a snake’s scales.

Benefit: When character crushes idol to invoke its magic, roll on a

“Random Wilderness Encounter” or similar table from your favorite
tabletop roleplaying game. Re-roll humanoid results. Until end of
next moon cycle, character crushing idol becomes half that creature.
Specific benefits granted are left to GM.

A mirror of dark glass inlaid with gold and jade. A sentimental
possession of a vampire who can never again look upon her own face.

Benefit: Can absorb (negate) or redirect three eye ray attacks before
shattering. Character attempting to redirect eye ray rolls DC 12 DEX
or INT. Success redirects ray at near target, failure causes bearer to be
hit by ray and fail any checks ray might force.

Extra-Healing: Regain 3d6 HP or 10 HP (drinker’s choice). Can be
thrown at near undead creature with DEX vs. AC roll to deal 3d6

Gaseous Form: Become cloud of mist for 3 crawling rounds. Objects

carried or picked up while in mist form also become mist.


Preserved eyes of an abominable outer god that came to the world
with a scripture of terror.

Benefit: Character whose eyes were destroyed by revelation of

Nahuatl can replace one or both eyes with a preserved eye. Replacing
at least one eye restores her sight. In addition, she gains an eye tyrant
eye ray she may use once per day. Specific ray granted depends on
the eye used:

• Eye of Slumber: Near creature must roll DC 15 WIS or fall asleep

for 1d6 rounds.

• Eye of Death: Near creature must roll DC 15 CON or take 3d8

damage and lose 2 points of CON.

• Eye of Charming: Near creature must roll DC 15 WIS or take

commands on charmer’s behalf for 1d6 rounds; cannot be
commanded to harm itself.

• Eye of Scrying: Eye pops free and floats around at behest of

owner; while flying can see magical auras and can travel up to far
distance from owner.

A gruesome gift offered to those chosen few who seek to be nearer to
the Star-Eater.

Benefit: Character’s eyes burst and they become blinded. However,

hollow and distant voice tells them that greater sights await them.
Unknown to character, they will be able to replace their eyes with
preserved eyes of Mictlan. (When the character finds a preserved eye,
reveal this benefit to her.)

An unassuming—but dangerous—ring given as punishment by cruel
monarchs to those who fail them.

Curse: Characters finding this ring believe it to be a ring of poison

immunity. Delusion is shattered first time wearer is affected by
poison (or poison gas in Part I). The first time wearer is affected by
poison while wearing ring, she must roll DC 15 CON or die. Give her
one last moment to take an action to warn future dungeoneers that
come across her corpse about ring’s true nature (scratching out
message in chalk, for example).

A steel rod cast in the likeness of a feathered serpent wreathed in
bolts of jade lightning.

Benefit: Character may plunge rod into pool or puddle of water.

Creatures in contact with water take 6d6 damage, or half as much on
DC 15 DEX roll. Wielder of rod may “overload” it to increase damage
dealt to 6d12; however, if wielder rolls three or more 1’s on damage
dice, rod deals its damage to her as well (or half on successful DEX
roll). Usable once.


A kit for performing a solemn labret piercing ritual, reserved only for
Jaguar Princess Nochtli’s most devoted handmaidens.

Benefit: One character may use kit to give herself sacred labret
piercing. Time it takes to give piercing triggers random encounter
roll. If character pierced in this way darkens her lips with soot of a
companion incinerated by lava-spewing idol of Xiuhuani, she gains
the power below, usable once.

• Mournful Kiss of Nochtli: One creature you kiss or bite must roll
DC 15 CON or be disintegrated. If victim succeeds on check, they
may make an attack against you in retaliation.

Hold Animal: One near creature that is wholly or part animal cannot
move for 1d6 rounds. It may still make attacks or defend itself.

Neutralize Poison: Cancel the effect of one poison or venom, or

cancel the effect of poison gas the GM just spent tokens for.

Protection from Felines: Cancel one attack or harmful effect created

by one creature that is wholly or part feline.

Silence: Cast on one creature or object. It makes no sound for 1d6

rounds. Creatures cannot cast spells while silenced. Monsters with
supernatural abilities like breath weapons or eye rays may continue
to use them while silenced unless effect is sound-based.

Spell Catching: Usable by any character. Use when targeted by one

spell to try to “catch” spell. Roll DC 12 DEX or INT. On a success, spell’s
harmful effect is negated, and bearer may cast caught spell from

An exceedingly rare gift bestowed on those who would not let death
part them from their interstellar god.

Benefit: Character wearing talisman may lay in giant sarcophagus in

area 3. If she does so, she and each ally in sarcophagus with her are
teleported to identical sarcophagus in area 13. The first time the
characters do this and remove cover stone from giant sarcophagus in
area 13, use it as an opportunity to dramatically reveal glittering
miniature city of gold.


d12 Event

1–3 No event—fortune smiles upon the pirates.

4 An earthquake causes the passage connecting areas 3 and 4 to cave in.

Any doors in Part II: Her City of Gold that had their molten-gold seals
broken are re-sealed by shrine guardians.

A vampire thrall of Tlacaetica escapes her monolith and ascends to Part II:
6 Her City of Gold. She waits in mist form to ambush the characters, hiding
inside a hollow miniature golden step pyramid.

A torrential rainstorm floods the City of Gold for one week. This makes
7 fighting difficult for the characters in Part II—those that cannot fly have
disadvantage on attack rolls and –4 AC. Part I is totally submerged.

8 An infestation of 10 fire beetle swarms fills the miniature City of Gold.

Black vines blooming with sickly ochre petals start to choke the shrine.
9 Clouds of noxious pollen fill the air—all living creatures within the shrine
have disadvantage on all checks. Lasts 24 hours.

A vampire thrall of Tlacaetica escapes her monolith and ascends to Part II:
Her City of Gold. She is weak and only has 1d6 HP. She is sorrowful and
begs the characters to help find a way to make her human again. If they
refuse, she attacks.

The idol of Xiuhuani, Scourge of the Underworld from area 19 animates

and stomps through the miniature city. It is immune to damage and has a
25% chance of using its lava breath each combat round. After three rounds
of combat, it returns to area 19 if the characters let it retreat.

Yarecoehua, Warden of the Jaguar Princess awakens and stalks the City of
Gold. The player characters will encounter him in a random chamber.


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