Chp-1 Preliminary
Chp-1 Preliminary
Chp-1 Preliminary
Corporate Law
Chapter Overview
Why Companies Act 2013 ? ✓ The Companies Act, 2013 is an Act to
consolidate and amend the law relating to
✓ The legislation was necessitated to meet
changes in the national and international
economic environment and for expansion
and growth of economy of our country.
Commencement of the Section 1 came into force at once and the remaining
Act provisions on different dates through Notifications.
Abridged Prospectus
Section Means
2(1) A memorandum containing such salient features of a prospectus as
may be specified by the Securities and Exchange Board by making
regulations in this behalf.
Accounting Standards
Section Means the standards of accounting or any addendum thereto for
2(2) companies or class of companies referred to in section 133
The Central The Central Government may prescribe
Government - the standards of accounting or any addendum
to Prescribe thereto,
Accounting - as recommended by the Institute of Chartered
Standards Accountants of India, constituted under section 3
(Section- of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949,
133) - in consultation with and after examination of the
recommendations made by the National Financial
Reporting Authority.
Rule 7 of the i. The standards of accounting as specified under the Companies Act,
Companies 1956 shall be deemed to be the accounting standards until
(Accounts) accounting standards are specified by the Central Government
Rules, 2014 under section 133.
ii. Till the National Financial Reporting Authority* is constituted
under section 132 of the Act, the Central Government may
prescribe the standards of accounting or any addendum thereto, as
recommended by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
in consultation with and after examination of the recommendations
made by the National Advisory Committee on Accounting
Standards constituted under section 210A of the Companies Act,
Further, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 133, the Central Government in
consultation with the National Advisory Committee on Accounting Standards prescribed
that Companies (Accounting Standards Rules, 2006 and the Companies (Indian
Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 may be followed.
*The Central Government hereby appoints the 1st October 2018 as the date of
constitution of National Financial Reporting Authority.
Before 1st October 2018 (i.e. before After 1st October 2018 (i.e. After
constitution of National Financial constitution of National Financial
Reporting Authority U/s 132) Reporting Authority U/s 132)
✓ The CG shall prescribe the standards of ✓ Section 133(Rule 7 of the Companies
accounting or any addendum thereto Accounts Rules, 2014) : The CG shall
- as recommended by Institute of prescribe the Standards of Accounting or
Chartered Accountants of India any Ascendum there to
- consultation with and after examination - As recommended by Chartered
of the recommendations made by the Accountants of India
National Advisory Committee on - In Consultation with and after
Accounting Standards constituted examination of the recommendation
under section 210A of the Companies made by the National Financial
Act, 1956 reporting Authority.
✓ It shall be deemed to be Accounting
Standard until prescribe u/s 133 of this
Section Article means :-
2(5) ➢ the articles of association of a company as originally framed, or
➢ as altered from time to time, or
➢ applied in pursuance of any previous company law, or
➢ applied in pursuance of this Act;
Associate Company
Section Associate Company means :-
2(6) in relation to another company, means
➢ a company in which that other company has a significant
influence, but which is not a subsidiary company of the company
having such influence and
➢ includes a joint venture company.
Controls 21% of
Voting Power
A Ltd. B Ltd.
Auditing Standards
Means :-
✓ The standards of auditing or any addendum thereto for companies
or class of companies referred to in sub-section (10) of section 143.
✓ Section 143 of the Companies Act, 2013 deals with the Powers
and Duties of Auditors and Auditing Standards.
➢ Sub-section (10) to section 143 provides that the Central
Government may prescribe the standards of auditing or any
addendum thereto, as recommended by the Institute of
Chartered Accountants of India, constituted under section 3
of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, in consultation with
and after examination of the recommendations made by the
National Financial Reporting Authority.
➢ Provided that until any auditing standards are notified, any
standard or standards of auditing specified by the Institute
of Chartered Accountants of India shall be deemed to be the
auditing standards.
Board of Director or Board
2(10) In relation to a company, means the collective body of the directors of
the company
Book of Account
Section It includes records maintained in respect of –
2(13) i. all sums of money received and expended by a company and
matters in relation to which the receipts and expenditure take
ii. all sales and purchases of goods and services by the company
iii. the assets and liabilities of the company and
iv. the items of cost as may be prescribed under section 148 in the
case of a company which belongs to any class of companies
specified under that section.
Note : Section 148 of the Companies Act, 2013 authorises Central
Government to Specify Audit of Items of Cost in Respect of Certain
Branch office
2(14) In relation to a company, means any establishment described as such
by the company.
2(16) Means
An interest or lien created on property or assets of a company or any of
its undertakings or both as security and includes mortgage.
Chartered Accountant
2(17) Means
a chartered accountant as defined in clause (b) of sub-section (1) of
section 2 of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 who holds a valid
certificate of practice under sub-section (1) of section 6 of that Act.
2(20) Means a company incorporated under this Act or under any previous
company law.
Section ➢ Means a person liable to contribute towards the assets of the
2(26) company in the event of its being wound up.
➢ Explanation: For the purpose of this clause, it is hereby clarified
that a person holding fully paid-up shares in a company shall be
considered as a contributory.
Section Control shall include
2(27) ➢ the right to appoint majority of the directors or
➢ to control the management or policy decisions exercisable by a
person or persons acting individually or in concert, directly or
indirectly, including by virtue of their shareholding or
➢ management rights or shareholders agreements or voting
agreements or in any other manner
Section ➢ Includes debenture stock, bonds or any other instrument of a
2(30) company evidencing a debt, whether constituting a charge on the
assets of the company or not
➢ Provided that –
a. the instruments referred to in Chapter III-D of the
Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934; and
b. such other instrument, as may be prescribed by the Central
Government in consultation with the Reserve Bank of India,
issued by a company,
Shall not treated as debenture
Includes Excludes
• Instruments referred to in
• Stock, Bonds or any other Chapter III-D of the RBI Act,
instruments of a company 1934 (i.e. Derivatives, Money
evidencing a debt Market Instruments,
• Whether constituting a Securities etc.)
Charge or not • Other instruments prescribed
by Central Government.
Section Director
2(34) Means a director appointed to the Board of a company.
Section Dividend
2(35) Dividend includes any interim dividend.
2(36) Includes summons, notice, requisition, order, declaration, form and
register, whether issued, sent or kept in pursuance of this Act or
under any other law for the time being in force or otherwise,
maintained on paper or in electronic form.
Section Includes
2(38) An engineer, a valuer, a Chartered Accountant, a Company Secretary, a
Cost Accountant and any other person who has the power or authority
to issue a certificate in pursuance of any law for the time being in
Financial Statement
Section In relation to a company includes –
2(40) i. a balance sheet as at the end of the financial year
ii. a profit and loss account, or in the case of a company carrying on
any activity not for profit, an income and expenditure account for
the financial year
iii. cash flow statement for the financial year
iv. a statement of changes in equity, if applicable and
v. any explanatory note annexed to, or forming part of, any
document referred to in sub-clause (i) to sub-clause (iv)
Provided that the financial statement, with respect to One Person
Company, small company and dormant company, may not include the cash
flow statement.
For private companies, the proviso to section 2(40) shall be read as
“Provided that the financial statement, with respect to one person
company, small company, dormant company and private company (if such
private company is a start-up) may not include the cash flow statement.
Statement (iv)Statement of change in equity
Financial Year
2(41) ➢ In relation to any company or body corporate means
- The period ending on the 31st day of March every year and
- where it has been incorporated on or after the 1st day of
January of a year :-the period ending on the 31st day of
March of the following year
- in respect whereof financial statement of the company or
body corporate is made up.
Financial Year
➢ Provided that where a company or body corporate, which is a
holding company or a subsidiary or associate company of a company
incorporated outside India and is required to follow a different
financial year for consolidation of its accounts outside India, the
Central Government may, on an application made by that company
or body corporate in such form and manner as may be prescribed,
allow any period as its financial year, whether or not that period is
a year.
➢ Note : The term “company incorporated outside India” refers to
Foreign Company incorporated under any applicable laws for the
constitution of company outside India.
Financial Year
After application Central Government may allow any period as its financial year,
whether or not that period is a year.
Free reserves
Section ➢ Means such reserves which, as per the latest audited balance
2(43) sheet of a company, are available for distribution as dividend.
➢ Provided that
i. Any amount representing unrealized gains, notional gains
or revaluation of assets, whether shown as a reserve or
otherwise or
ii. any change in carrying amount of an asset or of a liability
recognized in equity, including surplus in profit and loss
account on measurement of the asset or the liability at
fair value
Shall not be treated as free reserves
Government Company
Section Means
2(45) Any company in which not less than 51% of the paid-up share capital is
held by the Central Government, or by any State Government or
Governments, or partly by the Central Government and partly by one
or more State Governments, and includes a company which is a
subsidiary company of such a Government company .
Listed Company
Section ➢ Means a company which has any of its securities listed on any
2(52) recognised stock exchange.
➢ Provided that such class of companies, which have listed or intend
to list such class of securities, as may be prescribed in
consultation with the Securities and Exchange Board, shall not be
considered as listed companies.
➢ According to rule 2A of the Companies (Specification of
definitions details) Rules, 2014, the following classes of companies
shall not be considered as listed companies, namely:-
a. Public companies which have not listed their equity shares
on a recognized stock exchange but have listed their-
i. non-convertible debt securities issued on private
placement basis in terms of SEBI (Issue and Listing
of Debt Securities) Regulations, 2008; or
ii. non-convertible redeemable preference shares
issued on private placement basis in terms of SEBI
(Issue and Listing of Non- Convertible Redeemable
Preference Shares) Regulations, 2013 or
iii. both categories of (i) and (ii) above.
Listed Company
b. Private companies which have listed their non-convertible debt securities on
private placement basis on a recognized stock exchange in terms of SEBI
(Issue and Listing of Debt Securities) Regulations, 2008;
c. Public companies which have not listed their equity shares on a recognized
stock exchange but whose equity shares are listed on a stock exchange in a
jurisdiction as specified in sub-section (3) of section 23 of the Act.
Section Means
2(53) An individual who, subject to the superintendence, control and
direction of the Board of Directors, has the management of the whole,
or substantially the whole, of the affairs of a company, and includes a
director or any other person occupying the position of a manager, by
whatever name called, whether under a contract of service or not.
Managing Director
Section Means
➢ A director who, by virtue of the articles of a company or an
agreement with the company or a resolution passed in its general
meeting, or by its Board of Directors, is entrusted with
substantial powers of management of the affairs of the company
and includes a director occupying the position of managing
director, by whatever name called.
➢ Explanation.— For the purposes of this clause, the power to do
administrative acts of a routine nature when so authorised by the
Board such as:
• the power to affix the common seal of the company to any
document or
• to draw and endorse any cheque on the account of the
company in any bank or
• to draw and endorse any negotiable instrument or
• to sign any certificate of share or to direct registration of
transfer of any share
shall not be deemed to be included within the substantial powers
of management
Explanation.- For any individual to be called as managing director,
an individual shall first be a director duly appointed by the Company
under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013. This also implies
that an individual who is not a director in the company cannot be
appointed as Managing Director of that company.
In relation to a company means –
i. The subscriber to the memorandum of the company who shall
be deemed to have agreed to become member of the company,
and on its registration, shall be entered as member in its
register of members
ii. Every other person who agrees in writing to become a member
of the company and whose name is entered in the register of
members of the company
iii. Every person holding shares of the company and whose name is
entered as a beneficial owner in the records of a depository
2(56) Means the memorandum of association of a company as originally
framed or as altered from time to time in pursuance of any previous
company law or of this Act
Net Worth
Section Means
(Add) Aggregate Value of the paid-up share capital and all reserves
created out of the profits, securities premium account and debit or
credit balance of profit and loss account,
(Less) after deducting the aggregate value of the accumulated
losses, deferred expenditure and miscellaneous expenditure not
written off, as per the audited balance sheet,
but does not include reserves created out of revaluation of assets,
write-back of depreciation and amalgamation .
2(58) Means a notification published in the Official Gazette and the
expression “notify” shall be construed accordingly.
Section Includes any director, manager or key managerial personnel or any
2(59) person in accordance with whose directions or instructions the Board of
Directors or any one or more of the directors is or are accustomed to
Section Prescribed
Means prescribed by rules made under this Act
Private Company
2(68) Means a company having a minimum paid-up share capital as may be
prescribed, and which by its articles,-
i. Restricts the right to transfer its shares
ii. Except in case of One Person Company, limits the number of its
members to two hundred
➢ Provided that where two or more persons hold one or more
shares in a company jointly, they shall, for the purposes of
this clause, be treated as a single member :
➢ Provided further that
A. persons who are in the employment of the company;
B. persons who, having been formerly in the employment
of the company, were members of the company while
in that employment and have continued to be
members after the employment ceased
Shall not be included in the number of members and
iii. Prohibits any invitation to the public to subscribe for any securities
of the company
Note : Nothing has been prescribed so far, thus, there is no minimum
paid up share capital to form a private company.
Note :
The requirement of having a minimum paid up share capital shall not
apply to a section 8 company (Formation of companies with charitable
objects, etc.) vide notification dated 5th June 2015.
The above-mentioned exemption shall be applicable to a section 8
company which has not committed a default in filing its financial
statements under section 137 of the Companies Act, 2013, or annual
return under section 92 of the said Act with Registrar. [Vide
amendment notification G.S.R. 584(E) dated 13th June 2017.]
2(69) Means a person
a. who has been named as such in a prospectus or is identified by
the company in the annual return referred to in section 92 or
b. who has control over the affairs of the company, directly or
indirectly whether as a shareholder, director or otherwise or
c. in accordance with whose advice, directions or instructions the
Board of Directors of the company is accustomed to act :
Provided that nothing in sub-clause (c) shall apply to a person who
is acting merely in a professional capacity
Means any document described or issued as a prospectus and includes a
red herring prospectus or shelf prospectus or any notice, circular,
advertisement or other document inviting offers from the public for
the subscription or purchase of any securities of a body corporate.
Public Company
Section ➢ Means a company which-
2(71) a) is not a private company; and
b) has a minimum paid-up share capital as may be prescribed
➢ Provided that a company which is a subsidiary of a company, not
being a private company, shall be deemed to be public company for
the purposes of this Act even where such subsidiary company
continues to be a private company in its articles;
➢ Note : The requirement of having a minimum paid up share capital
shall not apply to a section 8 company vide notification dated 5th
June 2015.
➢ Note : Nothing has been prescribed so far, thus, there is no
minimum paid up share capital to form a public company.
Register of Companies
2(74) Means the register of companies maintained by the Registrar on paper
or in any electronic mode under this Act.
Section Means a Registrar, an Additional Registrar, a Joint Registrar, a Deputy
Registrar or an Assistant Registrar, having the duty of registering
companies and discharging various functions under this Act.
Related Party
Section With reference to a company means-
2(76) i. a director or his relative
ii. a key managerial personnel or his relative
iii. a firm, in which a director, manager or his relative is a partner
iv. a private company in which a director or manager or his relative
is a member or director
v. a public company in which a director or manager is a director
and holds along with his relatives, more than two per cent of its
paid-up share capital
vi. any body corporate whose Board of Directors, managing
director or manager is accustomed to act in accordance with the
advice, directions or instructions of a director or manager
vii. Any person on whose advice, directions or instructions a
director or manager is accustomed to act Provided that
nothing in sub-clauses (vi) and (vii) shall apply to the advice,
directions or instructions given in a professional capacity
viii. Any body corporate which is-
a) a holding, subsidiary or an associate company of such
b) a subsidiary of a holding company to which it is also a
subsidiary; or
c) an investing company or the venturer of the company
Explanation.- For the purpose of this clause, “the investing
company or the venturer of a company” means a body corporate
whose investment in the company would result in the company
becoming an associate company of the body corporate.
Note : This Clause (viii) shall not apply with respect to section
188 (Related Party transactions) to a private company vide
Notification No. G.S.R. 464(E) dated 5th June, 2015.
ix. Such other person as may be prescribed
Example: Mr. A the director of ABC Ltd is a partner of XYZ an another firm.
This firm will also be considered as a related party.
Example: Mr. X,Y and Z are directors of Company ABC LTD. Mr. Y is a Director of
B Pvt. Ltd.
In this case B Pvt. Ltd. Becomes a related party. Even when Mr. Y’s relative is a
member or Director in B Pvt. Ltd. this company shall be considered as a related
v. A public limited company in which a director or manager is a
director and holds along with his relatives more than 2% of its
paid up capital.
Example: Mr. Z along with his relatives holds more than 2% of the paid up capital
of C Ltd.
In this case Mr. Z will be considered as a related party.
Example: Mr. P of PQR Ltd. Acts on direction of Mr. X of XYZ Ltd. In this case
PQR Ltd. will be considered as a related party.
Example: Mr. A holding 51% in XYZ Ltd. on whose advice Mr. X has to act will be
considered as a related party.
Holding 51% in
All are
related party
(Subsidiary Company) XYZ Ltd. (Holding Company)
to each other
Joint Venture
A Ltd. B Ltd.
AB Ltd. Joint
Related Party
Investing Party
Section ➢ With reference to any person, means anyone who is related to
2(77) another, if-
i. they are members of a Hindu Undivided Family
ii. they are husband and wife; or
iii. one person is related to the other in such manner as may be
➢ Rule 4 given in the Companies (Specification of Definitions Details)
Rules, 2014 provides of the List of Relatives in terms of Clause
(77) of section 2 .
Accordingly, a person shall be deemed to be the relative of
another, if he or she is related to another in the following manner,
namely :-
1. Father: Provided that the term “Father” includes step-father
2. Mother: Provided that the term “Mother” includes the step-
3. Son: Provided that the term “Son” includes the step-son.
4. Son’s wife.
5. Daughter.
6. Daughter’s husband.
7. Brother: Provided that the term “Brother” includes the step-
8. Sister: Provided that the term “Sister” includes the step-
Relative Section 2(77)
(i) Member of HUF (ii) Husband & Wife (iii) One person related
to the other
Father & Mother Son including Step Daughter and her Brother & Sister includes
including step father son and Son’s wife Husband Step Brother & Step Sister
& Mother
Means any money or its equivalent given or passed to any person for
services rendered by him and includes perquisites as defined under
the Income Tax Act, 1961.
Section Share
Means a share in the share capital of a company and includes stock.
Small Company
Section Means a Company, other than a Public Company-
(i) Paid Up Share Capital of which does not exceed 50 Lakhs
Rupees Or such higher amount as may be prescribed*, which
shall not be more than 10 Crore Rupees and
(ii) Turnover of which as per Profit and Loss account for the
immediately preceding financial year does not exceed 2 Crore
Rupees or Such higher amount as may be prescribed*, which
shall not be more than 100 Crore Rupees.
Subscribed Capital
2(86) Means such part of the capital which is for the time being
subscribed by the members of a company.
Subsidiary Company
Holding 51% in
Holding 51% in
Section Tribunal
2(90) Means the National Company Law Tribunal constituted under section
2(91) Means the gross amount of revenue recognised in the profit and loss
account from the sale, supply, or distribution of goods or on account
of services rendered, or both, by a company during a financial year.
Voting Right
2(93) Means the right of a member of a company to vote in any meeting of
the company or by means of postal ballot.