Guc 57 56 21578 2022-06-21T23 25 51
Guc 57 56 21578 2022-06-21T23 25 51
Guc 57 56 21578 2022-06-21T23 25 51
Quiz Two
Name: ____________________________________________________________________
(2) “Every rise in government spending is always exactly offset by a fall in private
consumption!” That claim…
(a) Is correct
(b) Is wrong
(c) Is wrong if initially, the economy has underemployed resources
(d) Is wrong if initially, the economy operates above potential output
(e) None of the above
(3) Taxes…
(a) Reduce the size of the multiplier
(b) Increase the size of the multiplier
(c) Reduce the size of the multiplier, but only if the stimulus comes from an increase in
(d) Only affect the direction of the multiplier
(e) None of the above.
(5) Over the last 100 years, governments around the world…
(a) Became smaller and smaller
(b) Stayed roughly the same, in terms of size
(c) Became more and more efficient
(d) Became larger and larger
(e) None of the above
Question Answer
Faculty of Management Technology Economics B Department
Macroeconomics (ECON403) S21 Prof. Christian Schubert
Assuming an MPC of 0.7 and an initial stimulus of $40 billion, please calculate the multiplier
and the total increase in GDP. Now, given the same initial stimulus, calculate again the
multiplier and the total increase in GDP if the government imposes a 20% income tax.