Cumulative Reflection
Cumulative Reflection
Cumulative Reflection
Iowa State University. Throughout my lifetime thus far, I’ve always had an interest in computers
and more specifically looking into the inner workings of systems and figuring out how they
function. As I was going through schooling this interest never changed, I was surrounded by
computers and people with similar interests. Which led me here to Iowa State University, which I
however that was quickly tossed aside when I first started experimenting with programming. It
was interesting, my love for knowing the internal workings of things was satisfied, but I didn’t
find it very fulfilling or fun. I then settled by going into Cyber Security Engineering. It fulfilled
my want to know more about systems as it delves into Computer Engineering quite a bit, but it
As time went on at Iowa State, I solidified my liking for cyber security and through the
broad cyber program, I found more things I'm interested in such as network security, or computer
security architecture. Classes like Cyb E 231 really helped me explore and utilize the knowledge
Now that I am a senior, I’ve had plenty of opportunities to utilize the skills that have been
taught to me thus far. The most recent example is my senior design project. Over the semesters
it's been constantly drilled into me how to function and work as a team and communicate. I
found that senior design encapsulates the importance of that skill perfectly. Without the
engineering program, I wouldn’t have been able to effectively navigate through this class in
I had to change the way I think more times than I can count. One example of this is learning how
to study. Throughout high school I never had to try much, the classes were pretty easy in
comparison to college and so I never had to think about school outside of homework due dates.
That changed significantly when going to college classes however, I found there wasn’t any time
for introductions, the professors just assumed you knew the base level and jumped straight into
the content for the class. To me this meant I had to step up my game and make sure that I was up
to date on critical information, so I studied and studied until I was caught up. Luckily this habit
Another helpful way I’ve learned at Iowa State is through my peers. Since most cyber
majors have a similar I was able to consistently have the same classmates, I ended up making
friends with a few of them and we were able to lean on each other which allowed me to patch my
own pitfalls. Explaining topics to peers also helps me deepen my understanding of topics I know
I was lucky enough to find a job at Iowa State University as a computer technician. This
experience has further improved my competence in computer systems, my peers helped me and
taught me topics that my classes didn’t have time to cover. Topics like script writing, self-hosting
Looking back, I learned a lot about myself through my journey at Iowa State University.
Courses I’ve taken, especially the challenging ones, have been fun and exciting to explore my
limits and break beyond them. I have met a lot of people, professors and friends, that have been
extremely helpful and understanding of any questions or issues I had. As I continue into the
future, I’m uncertain of my exact path, but similar to my time at Iowa State University, I know I