Pviburnyy Plongispinus
Pviburnyy Plongispinus
Pviburnyy Plongispinus
Vol. 14, 2018
The obscure mealybug P. viburni was taxonomically Unique identification by morphological characters
confused with Pseudococcus maritimus (Ehrhorn) or only molecular markers can induce error,
[10]; however, efforts of taxonomy have been especially in species which are serious pests [19].
focused on clarifying this confusion [5]. It is still Downie and Gullan [20] explain that morphological
suggested that P. viburni may be a complex and molecular data have presented a lack
of species, due to the remarkable variability of concordance with each other, due to similar
of its morphological diagnostic characters [11] identity patterns observed in mealybugs, a
and remarkable variability of conserved genomic phenomenon known as homoplasy.
regions [12]. P. viburni has expanded across the Molecular markers are a particularly useful
globe and is now present in over 60 countries [5]. complement to morphological and ecological
This species has a very broad host range including characterizations. The most commonly used genes
economically important crops such as apple, for insect species/subspecies differentiation have
citrus, grapes, tomato, papaya, potato [13], annona been the ribosomal DNA (subunits 18S, 28S,
and cucurbitas [14]. internal transcribed spacers) and the mitochondrial
Pseudococcus longispinus have been described as DNA (cytochrome oxidase I or COXI) [21].
mealybugs of great economic importance because Recently, the COXI sequence has been established
of the damage they cause to agricultural crops; as a reference gene for species identification
they extract the sap and inject toxins as a vector and classification through DNA barcoding [22, 23].
of plant viruses [15]. P. longispinus has been reported This genetic region can be used to assign voucher
as a pest of many kinds of plants: apple, pear, specimens with particular DNA sequences to
citrus, persimmon, avocado, grape, black pepper, morphologically characterized and identified taxa.
fern, some perennial plants and other subtropical
The COXI gene sequence has a long history
fruits [2].
of use at the species level [24]. Recent analyses in
Mealybugs have a major impact on various crops mealybugs, suggest that the use of a single gene,
through the transmission of viral diseases [4]. particularly mitochondrial, is unlikely to yield
There are nineteen species of mealybug belonging data that are balanced or universally acceptable in
to thirteen genera that affect the Musaceae. a taxonomic scope to recognize many species
P. longispinus is a known vector of Grapevine lineages. This sequence is conserved and it lacks
A trichovirus (GAV) in grapevine and Cacao genetic recombination because it comes from
swollen shoot virus (CSSV) in cocoa. This specie maternal lineage [22, 23]. For this reason, the
has also been reported to transmit “Agou 1”, small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (18S) is used
the dominant CSSV strain in Togo. However, along with it for establishing a complementary
P. longispinus is a mealybug species that is not genetic study, and differentiating between genera
commonly known to transmit banana virus and species [12]. The gene has variable regions
(banana streak OL badna virus -BSOLV-) [16]. with high taxonomic information, consecutive
However, Kubiriba [17] collected P. longispinus conserved positions [25] and is slow-evolving [20].
in bananas from Africa and successfully transmitted
The aim of the present work is to identify the
the Banana streak virus (BSV) from banana
mealybugs collected from banana crop (Musa sp.)
to banana in greenhouses.
according to morphology and molecular data,
Correct identification is essential for pest from countries such as Ecuador and the Philippines.
management [7]. According to Williams and
Granara de Willink [14], the Pseudococcidae MATERIALS AND METHODS
family has an extremely heterogeneous morphology.
This morphology is characterized by a few unique Sample collection
and distinctive characteristics, used for the Female mealybugs were collected from Ecuador,
classification, and these vary in number and South America, and the Philippines, Compostela
position around the body. This is why sometimes Valley, Mindanao, Asia (latitude 7° 51‘20.46“N,
there have been difficulties in establishing longitude 124°51’44.70”E) from banana crops,
classifications and phylogenies consistently [18]. pseudostem and fruit. The collection was carried
P. viburni and P. longispinus in Musa sp. 35
out in 2011. Mealybugs were collected in 1.5 mL Eppendorf tube. All reagents were from Fermentas,
Eppendorf tubes with 95% ethanol. and 2 μL of DNA (10 μg/mL) was added at the
end. The amplification reaction was performed
Place of study
using the following thermal profile: an initial
The morphological analysis was performed at the predenaturation at 94 °C for 4 min, followed
Center for Research on Microscopic Structures by 30 cycles of denaturation at 94 °C for 1 min,
(CIEMic, acronyms in Spanish). The molecular annealing for 1 min at the temperature specified
analysis was carried out at the Molecular for each primer pair (Table 1), and chain elongation
Phytopathology Laboratory for Research in Crop at 72 °C for 1 min and 30 s, followed by a final
Protection (CIPROC, acronyms in Spanish) extension at 72 °C for 4 min. The reactions were
of Costa Rica, both at the Universidad de Costa carried out in an automated thermocycler (Eppendorf
Rica, San Pedro, Montes de Oca. Mastercycler pro). The PCR product was
Observation under a light microscope (LM) separated on agarose gel (agar + 0.5X TBE
buffer). The PCR product was digested with
Ten insects per locality were processed. The
Exonuclease I (ExoI) from Fermentas. Sequencing
protocol described by Williams and Granara de
was performed on the purified PCR product at a
Willink [14] was used. To identify the translucent
concentration of 50 ng/μL provided by Macrogen,
structures, the insects were examined with inverted
Inc. (South Korea).
light microscopy equipment, with increasing
magnifications of 4x, 10x, 20x and 40x (Model Sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis
IX51, Olympus Optical Co., Japan). The structures
Sequences in both directions were obtained.
analyzed using light microscopy were the following:
Homology search and sequence alignment was
body shape, number of segments of the antenna,
performed employing the National Center for
discoidal translucent pores around the eyes,
Biotechnology Information, Basic Local Alignment
mouthparts and stylets, posterior legs and translucent
Search Tool (NCBI, BLAST). The quality of the
pores, circulus, ostioles, oral rim tubular ducts,
anal lobe bar and cerarii. sequences was confirmed in a bidirectional
alignment and by comparison of the chromatograms
Amplification of genomic DNA with the BioEdit program v7.0.5 [27]. To determine
The protocol by Murray and Thompson [26] was the species according to the results of sequencing,
used. The extracted genomic DNA was amplified GenBank was used [28]. All sequences were aligned
by PCR. For all PCR reactions, a 1x (μL) solution with the ClustalW program version 1.60 [29].
was used: 13.5 μL of H2O, 2.5 μL of buffer (10x), For the phylogenetic analysis of all three genes
2 μL of dNTPs (2 mM), 1.5 μL each of each studied, sequences were included from species
primer pair (10 μM), and 0.3 μL of Dream Taq previously reported by GenBank. The mealybug
polymerase (5/μL) to 23 μL of master mix per origin was verified according to the host plant and
Table 1. Primer information used for PCR amplification: 18S ribosomal region and mitochondrial cytochrome c
oxidase subunit I (COXI).
the country (Table 2). The analysis of phylogenetic analysis, and phylogenetic tree analysis’ section)
trees was performed using the program Molecular (random parameter of 2000 replications was
Evolutionary Genetic Analysis (MEGA) version used). The trees for the heuristic search were
7.0 [30]. The evolutionary history was inferred obtained automatically by applying Neighbor-Join
using the maximum likelihood (ML) method and BioNJ algorithms to a matrix of pairwise
based on the Tamura-Nei model. The percentage distances estimated using the maximum composite
of trees in which the associated taxa clustered likelihood approach, then selecting the topology
together is shown next to the branches (‘Molecular with the superior log likelihood value.
Table 2. GenBank information used for the construction of phylogenetic trees: Species, host plant, country
of origin and GenBank accession number, according to the gene analyzed.
Species Host plant Country of origin
Pseudococcus longispinus Japan - AB512118.1
* France - GU134681.1
nr. microadonidum
Fig. 1. Translucent structures by light microscopy of Pseudococcus longispinus mealybug collected from the
Philippines, from banana crop in 2011. a. Elongated oval body, eight antenna segments and well-developed circulus.
b. No discoidal pores around the eye. c. Translucent pores in the hind femur and tibia, and oral rim tubular ducts
of different sizes, next to most cerarii. d. Cerarii with sclerotized area, and ostioles. e. Multilocular disc pores
around the vulva and absence of anal lobe bar.
38 Melissa Palma-Jiménez et al.
Fig. 2. Translucent structures by light microscopy of Pseudococcus viburni mealybug collected from Ecuador, from
banana crop in 2011. a. Elongated oval body, seventeen pairs of cerarii. b. Three discoidal pores around the eye.
c. Oral collar tubular ducts with discoidal pores in the dorsal abdominal margins. d. Multilocular disc pores were
presented ventrally. e. Oral rim tubular ducts were observed on the dorsum.
According to the results reported from the BLAST The resulting sequences were incorporated into
tool [28] in the 18S ribosomal gene, the hits had the GenBank data base. These corresponded to the
high identity percentages (99%) to the species followings accessions: P. viburni KP402188 (18S)
P. viburni and Pseudococcus jackbeardsleyi and P. longispinus KP402196 (COXI).
(Beardsley) [11] from Ecuador; also, the hits had
high identity percentages (99%) to the species Molecular analysis, and phylogenetic tree
P. longispinus and Pseudococcus elisae analysis
(Borchsenius) from the Philippines (99% value Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 show the phylogenetic trees,
matched to the species). obtained through the MEGA program. Here, we
For the mitochondrial gene COXI, the hits had studied the genomic regions 18S ribosomal and
identity percentages between 95% and 99% to COXI. We included mealybugs from countries
the species P. longispinus, P. elisae from the that are seriously affected by the pest. For each
Philippines and Pseudococcus nr. microadonidum phylogenetic tree the closest species to the hits,
(Beardsley). These species were related with an found in GenBank were used (Table 2).
identity percentage of 92% to the species 18S phylogenetic tree showed two clades; one
Dysmicoccus neobrevipes (Beardsley), P. elisae of these had a 77% bootstrap value and was
and P. viburni from Ecuador. formed by: P. viburni (KP402188) from Ecuador,
P. viburni and P. longispinus in Musa sp. 39
P.longispinus Philippines
Fig. 3. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree calculated from the number of differences between the 18S ribosomal
haplotypes. Bootstrap values (2000 replications) are displayed for each of the different locations studied and
GenBank accessions. Eriococcus coccineus (AY795536.1) was used as the outgroup.
Fig. 4. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree calculated from the number of differences between the mitochondrial
cytochrome oxidase I (COXI) haplotypes. Bootstrap values (2000 replications) are displayed for each of the different
locations studied and GenBank accessions. Eriococcus azaleae (KJ869284.1) was used as the outgroup.
P. viburni from South Africa (JQ651124.1 and Rica (KP402189.1). Eriococcus coccineus
JQ651125) and P. jackbeardsleyi (KT956119.1) (AY795536.1) was used as the outgroup (Fig. 3).
from Costa Rica. The other clade had a 90% COXI phylogenetic tree showed two clades;
bootstrap value and was formed by: P. longispinus one of these conformed by the species
from the Philippines, P. longispinus from South P. longispinus (KP402196.1) from the Philippines,
Africa (AY426038.1) and P. elisae from Costa P. elisae (KP402197.1) from Costa Rica, and
40 Melissa Palma-Jiménez et al.
P. nr. microadonidum from France (GU134681.1); according to Correa et al. [32], one of the reasons
they shared an 89% bootstrap value with the other for this erroneous classification is their complex
clade conformed by. P. longispinus from USA morphology. These insects have structures difficult
(AY179439.1), Spain (JF714161.1) and Japan to analyze in number and form, especially because
(AB512118.1). Another paraphyletic group shared they are translucid (LM is needed for the analysis)
a 58% bootstrap value with P. viburni from and extremely small. The structures can be found
Ecuador, D. neobrevipes from Japan (LC121499.1), individually or in groups in particular areas around
and P. elisae from Costa Rica (KP402194.1). The the insect’s body. This is how they can be
specie P. viburni (JF714166.1) from Spain was classified, first by gender and then by species.
less related. Eriococcus azaleae (KJ869284.1) Classification must be carried out carefully,
was used as the outgroup (Fig. 4). especially in pest species. Improper classification
could be damaging if they spread in agricultural
DISCUSSION areas with crops of nutritional importance.
The DNA information exposed in the phylogenetic P. viburni from Ecuador was also related to
trees showed different percentages of association P. elisae from Costa Rica, and both species came
between the species for both genes (18S and from banana hosts; also, D. neobrevipes was
COXI). The 18S ribosomal gene demonstrated associated to these species and showed a low
a high percentage of similarity and genetic association percentage (49%). It is reported that
conservation, slow development and lack of many of the mealybug species are cosmopolitan,
resolution between the specimens analyzed, especially because they look at new and different
as mentioned by several authors [18, 20]. Some hosts for food; lately some species such as
authors argue that there is divergence between D. neobrevipes have been reported in banana
the evolutionary rates of mealybugs species when plantations in several banana-producing countries
the ribosomal and mitochondrial genes are compared [33]. According to Beltrà et al. [34] they identified
[19, 20]. The investigation by Palma-Jiménez a close relationship between Pseudococcus and
and Blanco-Meneses [18] clearly shows the lack Dysmicoccus species. In the study of Downie and
of specific genetic polymorphisms within the 18S Gullan [20] the relationship between the genera
genomic region compared to COXI. Pseudococcus and Dysmicoccus was studied; they
determined that the species D. neobrevipes and
Both phylogenetic trees showed specimens from
P. viburni shared the same clade. The authors
the geographical region of the Philippines associated
to P. longispinus (as was identified morphologically), mentioned that the genetic relationship between
P. elisae and also P. nr. microadonidum (only these two genera which was also mentioned by
in COXI). The most probable association of other authors [18] is mostly unresolved, explaining
P. longispinus to P. elisae is due to the host; that homoplasy could possibly be responsible for
P. elisae is described as banana mealybug, and the highly divergent sequence not only within
P. longispinus is described in the present study these species, but also in the general Pseudococcidae
in the banana crop [18, 19]. For its part, P. nr. family. For this reason the association of
microadonidum is a species morphologically D. neobrevipes with P. longispinus could be
similar to P. longispinus, because it has more than explained. Rebijith et al. [35], found relationships
1 dorsal oral-rim tubular duct near most abdominal between the COXI gene of P. viburni and
cerarii and the ventral multilocular pores confined P. jackbeardsleyi (banana mealybug) associated with
to the vulvar area. P. longispinus differs by having a 99% bootstrap with D. brevipes and D. neobrevipes.
the penultimate cerarius heavily sclerotized [31]. Curiously, these same species were found to be
Malausa et al. [12] mentioned the erroneous associated in the COXI phylogeny, in the study
linkage in the classification between taxa of the of Palma-Jiménez and Blanco-Meneses [18].
P. longispinus, referred to as P. nr. microadonidum. The differences in the phylogenetic associations
These ‘species’ are probably a set of currently of the mealybugs’ populations, suggest that these
divergent taxa referred to as cryptic species, and are a complex taxa, and that these insects are
P. viburni and P. longispinus in Musa sp. 41
influenced by host plant and geographical factors. population. Analyses show high genetic
In the study done by Malausa et al. [12], they differentiation particularly in mitochondrial studies.
identified genetic variations within the same Molecular differences, especially in the COXI
species from two different locations (France gene shown here may correspond to intraspecific
and Brazil) based on morphological analysis. variation, but a big collection of samples from
Populations morphologically identified as both sites and their posterior comparison will be
Planococcus citri (Risso) and P. viburni, showed required to understand that variation. Also, multiple
a range of differentiated taxa depending on the factors must be considered to understand the
location and the host. Ashfaq et al. [36] explain distribution of the insect pest species across
the influence of geographical factors, in the agricultural ecosystems; these factors come from
genetic variation found in COXI sequences specific associations with the cultivated plant to
between Pseudococcus spp. species from the USA the influence of the environment [37].
and from China.
Rebijith et al. [35] showed a phylogenetic analysis
of the COXI gene as unusual, unexplained or The results were promising enough to provoke
contradictory. They mentioned that this gene has further investigation. In addition to the host plant
some limitations in resolving species boundaries our results highlight the importance of geography
in some groups. This haploid mode of inheritance as well as environmental factors in shaping the
supports less recombination, it is of one-fourth the intra-species population genetic structure of
population size of other nuclear genes, and it is mealybugs. The integrative analyses of climatic
characterized by rapid evolution. Besides, the variables and genetic markers show that the
analysis of the COXI region remains challenging environment could be significantly correlated with
genetic differentiation levels. This analysis is
in mealybugs because there are few conserved
inconclusive because the taxon set was small.
sites to analyze [4].
In the future it will be necessary to study a larger-
One remarkable result in this survey was the sized sample of mealybugs. The aim of this study
haplotype diversity and distribution for the COXI is to provide a basis for further works focusing on
in P. viburni. Malausa et al. [12] found different mealybug management according to association
haplotypes from Chile and Brazil in contrast with of morphological and molecular patterns, related
the European population, where, despite the large to external environmental factors.
number of samples and the diversity of hosts, only
one haplotype had been identified. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Beltrà et al. [34] showed contrasting patterns We are grateful to CORBANA, for providing the
of intraspecific variability found in the species mealybug collection used in this study. We thank
Planococcus vovae (Nasonov), P. citri, P. all CIEMic staff, for their guidance in the
longispinus, Phenacoccus peruvianus (Granara de execution of the project and the Molecular
Willink) and Phenacoccus madeirensis (Green), Phytopathology Laboratory for the equipments
which may be explained by the time elapsed since provided. This research was funded by the Vice-
these species first began their invasion. Rectorate of Research at the Universidad de Costa
Rica, under the project code: B1273 and scholarship
The existence of the genetic variability and the
code: B2232.
haplotype divergence observed between the
populations, suggest that these markers may prove CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEMENT
useful for disentangling complex taxa and the
population genetic patterns driven by selective or We declare that we have no conflicts of interest.
geographic factors [12]. Climate differences
might correlate with geographical distances [7]. REFERENCES
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