Cryptography and Its Application in Daily Life

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Cryptography and its Application in

Daily Life

5th Online Induction Programme(Project Paper)

organised by UGC HRDC Sambalpur University

Sanjukta Behera
Lecturer in Mathematics
Municipal College, Rourkela


Now a days technology, social media, AI become more important for us than
anything else. People are obsessed with chatting apps. In developmental area,
govt area everywhere people are using email and all. But the problem is that they
have to be confidential. This is the reason why Cryptography developed. From
simple basic symmetric key cryptography to asymmetric key cryptography which
is impossible to hack we came a long way. At first symmetric key cryptography
was used but it was easer to hack as the sender and receiver has to share the
key.after that public key cryptography was invented where each have two keys
one is public key and the other is private key. That’s why they don’t have to
share their key and it becomes more secure. It performs its role in many field like
in whatsapp, instagram, in ATM, emails and we will dicuss about how
cryptography is everywhere. So in other words Cryptography can be defined as
techniques that cipher data, depending on specific algorithms that make the data
unreadable to the human eye unless decrypted by algorithms that are predefined
by the sender.

Sanjukta behera

1 Introduction to Cryptography 1
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Types of Cryptography 6
2.1 Symmetric key cryptography:- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 Asymmetric key cryptography:- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 Hash function:- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3 Applications 9
3.1 Applications in Information Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2 Applications in daily life: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.3 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Chapter 1

Introduction to Cryptography

1.1 Introduction
Today Cryptography becomes a most important part of our life. now
what is the meaning of cryptography?? Crypto means secret or hidden and
’graphia’ means writing that is secret writing.. Cryptography is the science of
secret writing with the intention of keeping the data secret. Cryptanalysis, on
the other hand, is the science or sometimes the art of breaking cryptosystems.
Both terms are a subset of what is called Cryptology. Cryptography is the
study and practice of techniques for secure communication in the presence
of third parties called adversaries. It deals with developing and analyzing
protocols that prevents malicious third parties from retrieving information
being shared between two entities thereby following the various aspects of
information security. Secure Communication refers to the scenario where
the message or data shared between two parties cant be accessed by an
adversary. In Cryptography, an Adversary is a malicious entity, which aims
to retrieve precious information or data thereby undermining the principles
of information security. Data Confidentiality, Data Integrity, Authentication
and Non-repudiation are core principles of modern-day cryptography. Now
we will discuss the four principles.
1.Confidentiality refers to certain rules and guidelines usually executed
under confidentiality agreements which ensure that the information is re-
stricted to certain people or places.

2. Data integrity refers to maintaining and making sure that the data
stays accurate and consistent over its entire life cycle.
3. Authentication is the process of making sure that the piece of data
being claimed by the user belongs to it.
4. Non-repudiation refers to the ability to make sure that a person or
a party associated with a contract or a communication cannot deny the au-
thenticity of their signature over their document or the sending of a message.
Consider two parties Alice and Bob. Now, Alice wants to send a message
n to Bob over a secure channel. So, what happens is as follows. The senders
message or sometimes called the Plaintext, is converted into an unreadable
form using a Key k. The coverted text obtained is called the Ciphertext.
Thisis called as Encryption. At the time of received, the Ciphertext is con-
verted back into the plaintext using the same Key k, so that it can be read
by the receiver. This process is known as Decryption.
Alice (Sender) Bob (Receiver) C = E (n, k) −→ n = D (C, k) Here, C
refers to the Ciphertext while E and D are the Encryption and Decryption
algorithms respectively. Lets consider the case of Caesar Cipher or Shift Ci-
pher as an example. As the name suggests, in Caesars Cipher each character
in a word is replaced by another character under some defined rules. Thus,
if A is replaced by D, B by E and so on. Then, each character in the word
would be shifted by a position of 3. For example:
Plaintext : Geek
Ciphertext : Jhhn.[19]

1.2 History
Though it has been used for thousands of years to hide secret mes-
sages, systematic study of cryptology as a science just started around one
hundred years ago.
The first known evidence of the use of cryptography was found in an in-
scription carved around 1900 BC, in the main chamber of the tomb of the
nobleman Khnumhotep II, in Egypt. The scribe used some unusual hiero-
glyphic symbols here and there in place of more ordinary ones. The purpose
was not to hide the message but perhaps to change its form in a way which

would make it appear dignified. Though the inscription was not a form of
secret writing, but incorporated some sort of transformation of the original
text, and is the oldest known text to do so. Evidence of some use of cryp-
tography has been seen in most major early civilizations. ”Arthshashtra”, a
classic work on statecraft written by Kautalya, describes the espionage ser-
vice in India and mentions giving assignments to spies in ”secret writing” -
sounds like an ancient version of James Bond? The origin of cryp-
tography is usually dated from about 2000 B.C., with the Egyptian practice
of hieroglyphics. These consisted of complex pictograms, the full meaning of
which was only known to an elite few.
Then a modern cipher was by Julius Caesar (100 B.C. to 44 B.C.), who
did not trust his messengers when communicating with his governors and
officers. For this reason, he created a system in which each character in
his messages was replaced by a character three positions ahead of it in the
Roman alphabet.
For example- Let she wants to send ’HELLO’ to the other person. so
she choose 3 as the key. Then the formula becomes y=x+3(mod 26).
place of H in alphabet is 8. by the formula it will becomes 8+3= 11 which
is equal to K. In this way we will get the encrypted massage ’KHOOR’. Which
has no meaning and the thief could not understand the massage. In this way
Cryptography was invented.
Up to the Second World War, most of the work on cryptography was for
military purposes, usually used to hide secret military information. How-
ever, cryptography attracted commercial attention post-war, with businesses
trying to secure their data from competitors.[17]
In the early 1970’s, IBM realized that their customers were demanding
some form of encryption, so they formed a ”crypto group” headed by Horst-
Feistel. They designed a cipher called Lucifer. In 1973, the Nation Bureau of
Standards (now called NIST) in the US put out a request for proposals for a
block cipher which would become a national standard. They had obviously
realized that they were buying a lot of commercial products without any
good crypto support. Lucifer was eventually accepted and was called DES
or the Data Encryption Standard. In 1997, and in the following years, DES
was broken by an exhaustive search attack. The main problem with DES

was the small size of the encryption key. As computing power increased it
became easy to brute force all different combinations of the key to obtain a
possible plain text message.[17]
In 1997, NIST again put out a request for proposal for a new block cipher.
It received 50 submissions. In 2000, it accepted Rijndael, and christened it as
AES or the Advanced Encryption Standard. Today AES is a widely accepted
standard used for symmetric encryption.[17]
but now a days the used cryptography is Elliptic Curve Cryptography as
it provide security equivalent to classical systems (like RSA), but uses fewer
bits. Implementation of elliptic curves in cryptography requires smaller chip
size, less power consumption, increase in speed, etc.

1.3 Terminology
• Encryption This is the process of converting ordinary information to
an unintelligible text.
•Decryption This is the reverse process of encryption.
•Cipher A cipher (or cypher) is a pair of algorithms that carry out the
encryption and the reversing decryption.
•Plaintext Original message which is send to the reciever.
•Cryptography Study of algorithms used for encryption.
•Cryptanalysis Study of techniques for decryption without knowledge
of plaintext.
•Cryptology Areas of cryptography and cryptanalysis.
•Key In cryptography, a key is a piece of information (a parameter)
that determines the functional output of a cryptographic algorithm. For
encryption algorithms, a key specifies the transformation of plaintext into
ciphertext, and vice versa depending on the decryption algorithm. Keys also
specify transformations in other cryptographic algorithms, such as digital
signature schemes and message authentication codes.
•Secret Key The secret key is also input to the encryption algorithm.
The key is a value independent of the plaintext and of the algorithm. The
algorithm will produce a different output depending on the specific key being

used at the time. The exact substitutions and transformations performed by
the algorithm depend on the key
•Encoder An encoder is the person that wants to send the message and
uses encryption to make the messages secure.
•Decoder A decoder is the person who decrypts the message. This may
be the intended recipient of the message or may be an intruder, trying to get
access to the secret message.

Chapter 2

Types of Cryptography

There are three types of cryptography.

1. Symmetric key cryptography
2. Asymmetric key cryptography
3. Hash function.

2.1 Symmetric key cryptography:-

It involves the usage of one secret key along with encryption and
decryption algorithms which help in securing the contents of the message.
The strength of symmetric key cryptography depends upon the number of
key bits. It is relatively faster than asymmetric key cryptography. There
arises a key distribution problem as the key has to be transferred from the
sender to the receiver through a secure channel.
Some examples of symmetric key cryptography are AES, DES, and 3DES.

2.2 Asymmetric key cryptography:-

It is also known as public-key cryptography because it involves the
usage of a public key along with the secret key. It solves the problem of key
distribution as both parties use different keys for encryption/decryption. It
is not feasible to use for decrypting bulk messages as it is very slow compared

to symmetric key cryptography.
Example- The most well-known example of Asymmetric Encryption is
the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA). Developed by National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) in 1991, DSA is used for digital signa-
ture and its verification. Some others are the Digital Signature Standard
(DSS), which incorporates the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) Elliptical
Curve Cryptography (ECC) the Diffie-Hellman exchange method. TLS/SSL
protocol. Nnow we will discuss about most common and used asymmetric
cryptosystem i.e. RSA.
Example- RSA Cryptosystem
The first, and still most common, public key cryptography implementa-
tion, named for the three MIT mathematicians, who developed it Ronald
Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman. RSA today is used in hundreds
of software products and can be used for key exchange, digital signatures, or
encryption of small blocks of data. RSA uses a variable size encryption block
and a variable size key. The key-pair is derived from a very large number α ,
that is the product of two prime numbers chosen according to special rules;
these primes may be 100 or more digits in length each, yielding an α with
roughly twice as many digits as the prime factors. RSA has three phases:
Key Generation, Encryption, and Decryption.[12] Now a days ECC is the
mostly used cryptography. Many researcher areworking on it.

2.3 Hash function:-

Cryptographic hash functions are cryptographic algorithms that gen-
erate and use keys to encrypt data, and such functions may be viewed as keys
themselves. They take a message of any length as input, and output a short,
fixed-length hash, which can be used in (for example) a digital signature.
Among the above three symmetric key cryptography was used. but there
is a problem arrises as it can be easily decryptd.then asymmetric key was
invwented which become impossile to decrypt at that time. Till today mostly
asymmetric key cryptography is used for secret communication.
Examples of such functions are SHA-256 and SHA3-256, which transform
arbitrary input to 256-bit output.

This is how hash function works.

Chapter 3


In recent times, cryptography has turned into a battleground of

some of the world’s best mathematicians and computer scientists. The ability
to securely store and transfer sensitive information has proved a critical factor
in success in war and business.
Because governments do not want certain entities in and out of their
countries to have access to ways to receive and send hidden information
that may be a threat to national interests, cryptography has been subject to
various restrictions in many countries, ranging from limitations of the usage
and export of software to the public dissemination of mathematical concepts
that could be used to develop cryptosystems.
However, the internet has allowed the spread of powerful programs and,
more importantly, the underlying techniques of cryptography, so that today
many of the most advanced cryptosystems and ideas are now in the public
Following are some applications of cryptography in AI and in our daily

3.1 Applications in Information Technology

Secrecy in Transmission: Some existing secrecy systems for trans-
mission access a private key system for converting transmitted data because
it is the quickest approach that functions with rational guarantee and low

Secrecy in Storage: Secrecy in storage is frequently preserved by
a one-key system where the user provide the key to the computer at the
commencement of a session, and the system creates concern of encryption
and decryption during the phase of normal use.[5]
Integrity in Transmission: Some users of communication systems are
not as much worried concerning secrecy as about integrity. In a computer
funds transfer, the sum sent from one account to another is usually public
Integrity in Storage: The central meaning of assuring integrity of
accumulated data has previously been access control. Access control contains
systems of locks and keys, guards, and other approaches of a physical or
logical feature.[5]
Authentication of Identity: Authenticating the identity of individuals
or systems to each other has been a difficulty for a very long time. Simple
passwords have been used to test identity. More compound protocols such as
sequence of keywords exchanged between sets of parties are generally display
in the movies or on television.[5] And many more. now we will discuss some
applications in daily life.

3.2 Applications in daily life:

1. Anonymous Remailers A remailer is a free service that strips
off the header information from an electronic message and passes along only
the content. It’s important to note that the remailer may retain your identity,
and rather than trusting the operator, many users may relay their message
through several anonymous remailers before sending it to its intended recip-
ient. That way only the first remailer has your identity, and from the end
point, it’s nearly impossible to retrace.
Here’s a typical scenario - the sender intends to post a message to a news
group via three remailers (remailer 1, remailer 2, remailer 3). He encrypts
the message with the last remailer’s (remailer 3’s) public key. He sends the
encrypted message to remailer 1, which strips away his identity, then forwards
it to remailer 2, which forwards it to remailer 3. Remailer 3 decrypts the

message and then posts it to the intended newsgroup.
2.Electronic Money: The definition of electronic money (digital cash)
is a term that is still evolving and modifying. here we make transcations dig-
itally means from one person to another person which may be either debit or
credit and can be either anonymous or identified. here they donot reveal the
identity of the person and are based on blind signature schemes. Identified
spending schemes reveal the identity of the customer and are based on more
general forms of signature schemes. Anonymous schemes are the electronic
analog of cash, while identified schemes are the electronic analog of a debit
or credit card. There are also some hybrid approaches where payments can
be anonymous with respect to the merchant but not the bank (CyberCash
credit card transactions) ; or anonymous to everyone, but traceable[19]
4. Time Stamping: Time stamping is a technique that can certify
that a certain electronic document or communication existed or was deliv-
ered at a certain time. Time stamping uses an encryption model called a
blind signature scheme. Blind signature schemes allow the sender to get a
message receipted by another party without revealing any information about
the message to the other party.

Time stamping is very similar to sending a registered letter through the

U.S. mail, but provides an additional level of proof. It can prove that a
recipient received a specific document. Possible applications include patent
applications, copyright archives, and contracts. Time stamping is a critical
application that will help make the transition to electronic legal documents
5. Cryptography in Mail:
Today mail becomes a most important part of our life our daily life begins
with checking massages in mail. it uses public key cryptography. Each person
with an email address has a pair of keys associated with that email address,
and these keys are required in order to encrypt or decrypt an email. One of
the keys is known as a public key, and is stored on a keyserver where it is
tied to your name and email address and can be accessed by anyone. The
other key is your private key, which is not shared publicly with anyone.

9. ATM: An Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) provides a simple, yet

secure, service, whereby authorized cardholders can withdraw cash and per-
form other banking transactions without visiting a bank branch. Each ATM
transaction is authorized by a bank via a secure communications network,
which relies on encoding data so that it can only be read by the sender and
the intended recipient, otherwise known as encryption.

8. Secure online transactions: In the recent decade online trasaction
becomes the most polular thing. People mainly in India are using goole-
pay,phonepay, amazonpay, paytem and many one. Daily transactions aver-
age 100 million now for a volume of Rs 5 trillion; just before Covid, they
daily were averaging 125 million a day, or more than five times the volume
in June 2016. so Cryptography is used to secure online transactions, such as
online banking and e-commerce, by encrypting sensitive data and protecting
it from unauthorized access.
This prevents malicious parties from eavesdropping on the conversation
between you and instagram.[14]
6. Cryptography in Whatsapp:

The most using chatting app today is whatsapp for exchanging of massages.
WhatsApp uses the signal protocol for encryption, which uses a com-
bination of asymmetric and symmetric key cryptographic algorithms. The
symmetric key algorithms ensure confidentiality and integrity whereas the
asymmetric key cryptographic algorithms help in achieving the other secu-
rity goals namely authentication and non-repudiation. In symmetric key
cryptography a single key is used for encryption of the data as well as de-
cryption. In asymmetric key cryptography there would be two separate keys.

The data which is encrypted using the public key of a user can only be de-
crypted using the private key of that user and vice versa. Whatsapp uses the
Curve25519 based algorithm. The history of Curve25519 is worth noting as
it was introduced after the concerns over allegations that certain parameters
of the previously prevalent P-256 NIST standards have been manipulated by
NSA for easier snooping. Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman algorithm is a math-
ematical algorithm which helps two communicating entities to agree up on a
shared secret without actually sending the actual keys to each other.[14]
7. In Instagram:

our interaction with Instagram is likely an encrypted communication. When

your phone requests data with instagram it will use SSL/TLS over port 443
to encrypt requests from Instagram servers and will send you data over the
same encrypted data stream.
8. Military Operations: The applications of cryptography in the mil-
itary are well-known. Military operations have also derived great use from
cryptography for a long time. Used for encrypting military communication
channels, military encryption devices convert the real communication char-
acters so that the enemies cannot come to know about their upcoming plans.

Simply put, cryptography safely transmits messages from one end to the
other without letting the enemy forces intercept the real meaning. This is
a very important application of cryptology as it can be of both public and
private use.
On the large scale, it can be widely used for declaring wars and sending
crucial messages without the involvement of a messenger. Unlike traditional
times, this technology can be precisely used to enhance the military strength
of a nation.
In the end, it would be imperative to state that cryptography has real-
world applications that are inevitable. As a virtual world is being developed,
it is becoming important for cryptography-enabled operations in many fields.
Be it financial transactions or military communication, cryptography is
the talk of the town. A process of transmitting messages without letting
access to any third-party cryptography has become indispensable.
That said, it is also being used for malicious purposes that have given
way to ethical hacking operations. Perhaps time will tell if the righteous use
of cryptography will outweigh its harmful purposes. [13]
10. HTTP Secure HTTP is Hypertext transfer protocol is a protocol
responsible for communicating on the Internet. It is the fundamental block
of the World Wide Web. HTTP is a stateless protocol since the server forgets
the client once the transaction is over.
HTTPS, on the other hand, is HTTP running on top of SSL (Secure
Sockets Layer) Most of our day to day transactions like shopping or bill
payments are done online. This results in critical and vital data like credit
card numbers and bank account numbers being sent online. This crucial data
cannot fall into the wrong hands which might be used for malicious purposes.
This creates an absolute necessity that the communication between the
server and client be secure. SSL ensures this secure channel of communication
using cryptography. Most users are assured of the SSL guarantee by seeing
the padlock on the left part of the address bar along with the https instead
of http.
We have seen the two different types of cryptography namely symmetric
encryption or asymmetric encryption. We also have seen that cryptography
plays a crucial role in encrypting modern day applications such as Whatsapp,

Digital signatures, and HTTPS. Cryptography will continue to play a very
vital and crucial role in securing all aspects of our technical world.[6]

3.3 Conclusion
Now-a-days in the computer and internet based world peoples first demand
is the security of their private information. Cryptography is the modern
security protocol to protect the information from the outsiders and to com-
municate securely without the involvement of third parties. In this research
paper a short history of cryptography, cryptography related definitions and
few theorems to illustrate different types of cryptographic models are de-
scribed. This paper proposed few modified solvability proposition and in-
troduced a general method of solvability series for a solvable equation. A
new basic numerical model of cryptography is described based on solvability
series and the organization of the model is illustrated with an example in
this research paper.
Future research on cryptography, extension of this research paper de-
mands to find out a suitable cryptographic model based on a suitable equa-
tion and strong key, with the change of times. Use of prime factorization and
matrices in cryptography got a great passion in cryptographic field. With
the advance of modern times and advent of technology, to keep pace with
the ever-changing world we always needed new type of technology. To meet
the demand, further research will present more secured cryptographic model
applicable to the real life.[12]


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