Computer Generated
Computer Generated
Computer Generated
a list of n items, where n is either a very large or unknown number. Typically n is large enough
that the list doesn’t fit into main memory. For example, a list of search queries in Google and
So we are given a big array (or stream) of numbers (to simplify), and we need to write an
efficient function to randomly select k numbers where 1 <= k <= n. Let the input array be
A simple solution is to create an array reservoir[] of maximum size k. One by one randomly
select an item from stream[0..n-1]. If the selected item is not previously selected, then put it in
reservoir[]. To check if an item is previously selected or not, we need to search the item in
reservoir[]. The time complexity of this algorithm will be O(k^2). This can be costly if k is big.
Also, this is not efficient if the input is in the form of a stream.
It can be solved in O(n) time. The solution also suits well for input in the form of stream. The
idea is similar to this post. Following are the steps.
1) Create an array reservoir[0..k-1] and copy first k items of stream[] to it.
2) Now one by one consider all items from (k+1)th item to nth item.
…a) Generate a random number from 0 to i where i is the index of the current item in stream[].
Let the generated random number is j.
…b) If j is in range 0 to k-1, replace reservoir[j] with stream[i]
// Driver Code
int main()
int stream[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12};
int n = sizeof(stream)/sizeof(stream[0]);
int k = 5;
selectKItems(stream, n, k);
return 0;
Case 1: For last n-k stream items, i.e., for stream[i] where k <= i < n
For every such stream item stream[i], we pick a random index from 0 to i and if the picked index
is one of the first k indexes, we replace the element at picked index with stream[i]
To simplify the proof, let us first consider the last item. The probability that the last item is in
final reservoir = The probability that one of the first k indexes is picked for last item = k/n (the
probability of picking one of the k items from a list of size n)
Let us now consider the second last item. The probability that the second last item is in final
reservoir[] = [Probability that one of the first k indexes is picked in iteration for stream[n-2]] X
[Probability that the index picked in iteration for stream[n-1] is not same as index picked for
stream[n-2] ] = [k/(n-1)]*[(n-1)/n] = k/n.
Similarly, we can consider other items for all stream items from stream[n-1] to stream[k] and
generalize the proof.
Case 2: For first k stream items, i.e., for stream[i] where 0 <= i < k
The first k items are initially copied to reservoir[] and may be removed later in iterations for
stream[k] to stream[n].
The probability that an item from stream[0..k-1] is in final array = Probability that the item is not
picked when items stream[k], stream[k+1], …. stream[n-1] are considered = [k/(k+1)] x
[(k+1)/(k+2)] x [(k+2)/(k+3)] x … x [(n-1)/n] = k/n
Three computer methods, namely the Random Draw, the Sequential and the Reservoir Methods, to
obtain a simple random sample without replacement are reviewed. Several implementations of each
method are given and criteria for the selection of an implementation are discussed. The most promising
ones are compared for efficiency in their execution times. It is concluded that for small sampling
fractions, Ernvall and Nevalainen's (1982) implementation of the Random Draw Method is most efficient
when N, the population size, is known. When N is unknown, an Algorithm Z of Vitter (1985), an
implementation of the Reservoir Method, is recommended. For larger sampling the algorithm of Bissell
(1986) and Vitter (1984) is quite efficient.
Reservoir sampling is a family of randomized algorithms for choosing a simple random sample,
without replacement, of k items from a population of unknown size n in a single pass over the items.
The size of the population n is not known to the algorithm and is typically too large for all n items to fit
into main memory.
Sequential sampling is a non-probability sampling technique in which the researcher picks a single or a
group of population in a given time interval, performs his study, analyzes the results then picks another
group of population if needed and so on