05 JavaScript-OOP

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OOP Using JavaScript

• JavaScript OOP

o Object Literal using JSON

o Class-based OOP

o Prototypal Inheritance

• Prototype Chain

• Modules
JavaScript OOP
Properties & Methods

JavaScript OOP
• JavaScript object is a dynamic collection of
• An object property is an association between a key
and a value.
o Key is a string that is unique within that object.
o Value can be either:
• a data (e.g., number, string, object …) or
• a method (i.e., function)

• Classes and objects can be altered during the

execution of a program
OOP in JavaScript
JavaScript has 3 ways to create an objects:
• Object Literal: create an object using JSON notation
• Instantiate a Class: create a class then instantiate
objects from the class
• Create an object based on another object:
prototype-based programming
o Make a prototype object then make new instances from it
(objects inherit from objects)
• Augment the new instances with new properties and methods
const cat = { legs : 4, eyes: 2 };
const myCat = Object.create(cat);
myCat.name = 'Garfield'; 5
Object Literal using JSON

Create an Object Literal using JSON
(JavaScript Object Notation)

const person = {
firstName: 'Samir',
lastName: 'Saghir',
height: 54,
getName () {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;

//Two ways to access the object properties

console.log(person['height'] === person.height);

Creating an object using {}
• Another way to create an object is to simply
assigning {} to the variable. Then add properties
and methods
const joha = {}; //or new Object();
joha.name = "Juha Nasreddin";
joha.age = 28;

joha.toString = function() {
return `Name: ${this.name} Age: ${this.age}`;

//Creating an object using variables

const name = 'Samir Saghir'; age = 25;
const person = {name, age };
Get, set and delete
• get

• set
object.name = value;

• delete
delete object.name

JSON.stringify and JSON.parse

/* Serialise the object to a string in JSON format

-- only properties get serialised */
const jsonString = JSON.stringify(person);

//Deserialise a JSON string to an object

//Create an object from a string!
const personObject = JSON.parse(jsonString);

• More info https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JSON

JSON Data Format
• JSON is a very popular lightweight data format to transform an
object to a text form to ease storing and transporting data
• JSON class could be used to transform an object to json or
transform a json string to an object
Transform an instance of Surah class to a JSON string:
const fatiha = {id: 1, name: ")'(&%#$"!",
englishName: "Al-Fatiha", ayaCount: 7, type:"Meccan")
const surahJson = JSON.stringify(fatiha)

// Converting a json string to an object

const surah = JSON.parse(surahJson)

{ "id": 1,
"name": ","‫اﻟﻔﺎﺗﺣﺔ‬
"englishName": "Al-Fatiha",
"ayaCount": 7,
"type": "Meccan"
Destructuring Object
• Destructuring assignments allow to extract values from
an object and assign them to variables in a concise way:
const student = {
firstname: 'Ali', lastname: 'Faleh', age: 18, gpa: 3.6,
address: {
city: 'Doha',
street: 'University St'
const { firstname, age, address: {city}, ...otherDetails } = student

- const { nestedObjectProp: { identifier } } = expression; same as

const identifier = expression.nestedObjectProp.identifier;
- Rest operator (…) assigns the remaining properties to the
otherDetails variable
Class-based OOP

Class-based OOP
• Class-based OOP uses classes
class Person {
constructor(firstname, lastname){
this.firstname = firstname; Constructor of the class
this.lastname = lastname;
Getter, defines a
get fullname() {
return `${this.firstname} ${this.lastname}`; computed property

set fullname(fullname) {
[this.firstname, this.lastname] = fullname.split(" ");
greet() {
return `Hello, my name is ${this.fullname}`;
Class-based Inheritance
• A class can extend another one
class Student extends Person {
constructor(firstname, lastname, gpa){
super(firstname, lastname);
this.gpa = gpa;
greet() {
return `${super.greet()}. My gpa is ${this.gpa}`;

const student1 = new Student("Ali", "Faleh", 3.5);

//Change the first name and last name
student1.fullname = "Ahmed Saleh";

Prototype property can be used to extend a class
• Classes has a special property called prototype
• It can be used to add properties / methods to a class
o Change reflected on all instances of the class
class Circle {
constructor(r) {
this.radius = r;
const circle = new Circle(3.5);

//Add getArea method to the class at runtime

Circle.prototype.getArea = function () {
return Math.PI * this.radius * 2;
const area = circle.getArea();
console.log(area); // 21.9

Using prototype property to Add
Functionality even to Build-in Classes
• Dynamically add a function to a built-in class using
the prototype property:
Attaching a method
to the Array class

Array.prototype.getMax = function() {
const max = Math.max(...this);
return max;
} Here this means the array

const numbers = [9, 1, 11, 3, 4];

const max = numbers.getMax();
Private Attributes
• Private attributes can only be accessed within
the class. They are prefixed with #
class User {
// Random number between 0 and 100
#randomPrefix = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
#id = `${this.#randomPrefix}${new Date().getFullYear()}`;
constructor(name) {
this.name = name;
get userId() {
return this.#id;

const user1 = new User("Juha Dahak");

console.log(user1.userId, user1.name);
// Accessing a private attribute causes a syntax error
Static properties and methods
• Static methods are used for the functionality
that belongs to the class “as a whole”. It doesn’t
relate to a concrete class instance.
o For example, a method for comparison
Article.compare(article1, article2) or a
factory method Article.createTodays()
o They are labeled by the word static
• Static properties are used to store class-level
data, also not bound to an instance
class Animal {
static planet = "Earth";
Prototypal Inheritance

Prototypal Inheritance
• Prototypal Inheritance (aka Object-Based
Inheritance) enables creating an object from
another object
o Instead of creating classes, you make prototype
object, and then use Object.create(..) or
Object.setPrototypeOf(..) to make new instances
that inherit form the prototype object
o Customize the new objects by adding new properties
and methods
• We don't need classes to make lots of similar
objects. Objects inherit from objects!
const cat = { legs : 4, eyes: 2 };
const myCat = { name: 'Garfield' };
Object.setPrototypeOf(myCat, cat);
// Or const myCat = Object.create(cat);

myCat.breed = 'Persian';

console.log( `${myCat.name} is a ${myCat.breed}

cat with ${myCat.legs} legs
and ${myCat.eyes} eyes`);
Prototypal Inheritance
• Make an object (i.e., prototype object)
• Create new instances from that object
o Resulting object maintains an explicit link (delegation pointer)
to its prototype
o JavaScript runtime dispatches the correct method or finds the
value of a property by simply following a series of delegation
pointers (i.e., Prototype Chain) until a match is found
• Changes in the prototype are visible to the new instances
• New objects can add their own custom properties and

The spread operator (...)
• The spread operator (...) is used to merge one or more
objects to a target object while replacing values of
properties with matching names
- Used for cloning => no inheritance

• Alternative way is to use Object.assign

const movie1 = {
name: 'Star Wars',
episode: 7

//We clone movie 1 and override the episode property

const movie2 = {...movie1, episode: 8, rating: 5 };
//Another way of doing the same using Object.assign
//const movie2 = Object.assign({}, movie1, { episode: 8, rating: 5});

console.log(movie1.name, "movie1.episode: ", movie1.episode); // writes 7
console.log(movie2.name, "movie2.episode: ", movie2.episode); // writes 8 2525
Prototype Chain

Prototype Chain
• Prototype Chain is the mechanism used for
inheritance in JavaScript
o Establish behavior-sharing between objects
using delegation pointers (called Prototype
• Every object has a an internal __proto__ property
pointing to another object
o Object.prototype.__proto__ equals null
• It can be accessed using
Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) method
const cat = {
name : 'cat',
legs : 4,
eyes : 2

cat Object.prototype
name cat
legs 4
eyes 2

const cat = {
name : 'cat',
legs : 4,
eyes : 2
const myCat = Object.create(cat);

myCat cat Object.prototype

name cat
legs 4
eyes 2
__proto__ __proto__

const cat = { Changes to a child object are
always recorded in the child object
name : 'cat', itself and never in its prototype (i.e.
legs : 4, the child's value shadows the
eyes : 2 prototype's value rather than
}; changing it).

const myCat = Object.create(cat);

myCat.name = 'Garfield';
myCat.breed = 'Persian';

myCat cat Object.prototype

name Garfield name cat
breed Persian legs 4
eyes 2
__proto__ __proto__
Prototype Chain example

has __proto__
has __proto__

has __proto__

__proto__ is the actual object that is used to

lookup the chain to resolve methods

Prototype Chain

const cat = {
name : 'cat',
legs : 4,
eyes : 2
}; cat
const myCat = Object.create(cat);
myCat.name = 'Garfield';
myCat.breed = 'Persian';

Prototype Chain
(lookup myCat.name)
const cat = { name: 'cat', legs : 4, eyes: 2 }; myCat
const myCat = { name: 'Garfield' };
Object.setPrototypeOf(myCat, cat);
myCat.name = 'Garfield';
myCat.breed = 'Persian';


console.log(myCat.hasOwnProperty('eyes')); prototype

Prototype Chain
(lookup myCat.legs)
const cat = { name: 'cat', legs : 4, eyes: 2 };
const myCat = { name: 'Garfield' };
Object.setPrototypeOf(myCat, cat);
myCat.name = 'Garfield';
myCat.breed = 'Persian';


console.log(myCat.hasOwnProperty('eyes')); prototype

Prototype Chain
(lookup myCat.hasOwnProperty)
const cat = { name: 'cat', legs : 4, eyes: 2 };
const myCat = { name: 'Garfield' };
Object.setPrototypeOf(myCat, cat);
myCat.name = 'Garfield';
myCat.breed = 'Persian';



console.log(myCat.hasOwnProperty('eyes')); Object.

A module = reusable snippets of
functionality (functions, classes,
objects, variables, constants) that you
can include in your application

JavaScript Modules
• JavaScript modules allow reusing code stored in different .js files
o For Node.js need to add "type": "module" to packages.json

• Export the items from a module (named export):

// lib.js
export const add = (x, y) => x + y;
export const multiply = (x, y) => x * y;

• Import the desired module items in another file:

// app.js
import {add, multiply} from './lib.js';
add(2, 3);
multiply(2, 3);

named export vs. default export
• JavaScript provides two ways to export items (a variable,
a function, a class, an object ) from a file: named export
and default export
• Named exports allows several exports per file
o The name of imports must be the same as the name of exports
• Only one default (unnamed) export per file is allowed
o Specify a name when importing a default module

// calculator.js
class Calculator {
// app.js
add = (x, y) => x + y;
subtract = (x, y) => x - y; import calculator from './calculator.js';
export default new Calculator();

Module Export and Import
• Alternatively, a single export statement can be used
• import is then used to pull items from a module into another script:

// main.js
//One items can be imported
// lib.js
const PI = 3.1415926; import { sum } from './lib.js';
function sum(...args) {
console.log( sum(1,2,3,4) );
log('sum', args);
return args.reduce((num, tot) => tot + num);
//Multiple items can be imported at
function mult(...args) { one time:
log('mult', args);
return args.reduce((num, tot) => tot * num);
import { sum, mult } from './lib.js';
} console.log( sum(1,2,3,4) );
// private function
console.log( mult(1,2,3,4) );
function log(...msg) {
// All public items can be imported by
providing a namespace:
// A single export statement import * as lib from './lib.js';
export { PI, sum, mult };
console.log( lib.PI );
console.log( lib.add(1,2,3,4) );
Built-in Modules
• Node.js has a set of built-in modules which you can use
without any further installation
o https://www.w3schools.com/nodejs/ref_modules.asp
• To include a module, use the import statement with
the name of the module
import path from 'path';
import fs from 'fs';

const currentPath = path.resolve();

console.log(`Files in current path: ${currentPath}`);
fs.readdir(currentPath, (err, files) => {
files.forEach(file => {
Node Package Management (NPM)
• https://npmjs.com is a huge npm repository to
publish and download JavaScript modules
• npm is used to download packages
• First, npm init can be used to initialize a
package.json file to define the project dependencies
$ npm init
//enter package details
name: "NPM demos"
version: 0.0.1
description: "Demos for the NPM package management"
entry point: main.js
test command: test
git repository: http://github.com/user/repository-name
keywords: npm, package management
author: ae@qu.edu.qa
license: MIT
Node Package Management (NPM)
• Install a package and adds dependency in
package.json using npm install package-name
npm install fs-extra
npm install mocha -D
//-D for installing dev dependencies (not needed in production)

• Do not push the downloaded packages to GitHub

by adding node_modules/ to .gitignore file
• When cloning a project from GitHub before running it do:
$ npm install

=> Installs all missing packages from package.json

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• Code Camp


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