Worksheet 4A English

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Capacity Building for Mentors on the Higher Order Thinking Skills

Professional Learning Packages (HOTS-PLPs) for Science, Mathematics and English/Reading

Name: Division: Worksheet No. 4A

Position: Region: Plenary Session No. 7
Note: Print this back-to-back with the next page.
Item 1
Competency Stem Question Acceptable Answer Rationalization
Symbolizes the identity
Scan for Flag: A Nation’s Identity Unistructural: of the country. The question, though using
needed The Cambodian flag symbolizes the identity Why is the Cambodian flag “why”, would elicit a
information of the country. There are two colors visible important to its people? unistructural answer since
(Grade 10) on this flag. Red represents bravery and the learner will provide one
(EN10RC-If-21 blue is for liberty, cooperation, and particular reason to state the
brotherhood. This also symbolizes the importance of a flag for a
nation’s monarchy and the King. The country like Cambodia based
structure in the middle of the flag is Angkor on the text.
Wat, which is the largest temple in the
world--known as one of the wonders of the
world. The temple represents integrity,
justice, and the heritage of Cambodia. It
also has a spiritual and cultural significance
for Cambodians. The white color of Angkor
Wat represents the religion and beliefs of
its people.

This HOTS Professional Learning Packages was developed through the Philippine National Research Center 1
for Teacher Quality (RCTQ), a partnership between the Philippine Normal University and the SiMERR
National Research Centre--University of New England, with support from the Australian Government.
Capacity Building for Mentors on the Higher Order Thinking Skills
Professional Learning Packages (HOTS-PLPs) for Science, Mathematics and English/Reading

Item 2
Competency Stem Question Acceptable Answer Rationalization

Scan for Read the paragraph from the report of the Multistructural: The decreasing number The question requires the
needed Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) and List pieces of evidence that of live births to learners to refer to the text
information answer the question that follows. show a decreasing number adolescent mothers is and select parts of it that
(Grade 10) of live births to adolescent observed from 2016 to support the idea that there
The number of registered live births mothers from 2016 - 2020. 2020 with 203, 085 and was a decrease in live births
to adolescent mothers or those aged 157, 060 births, to adolescent mothers from
10 to 19 years has been decreasing in respectively. In 2017, a 2016 - 2020.
the past five years. A decline in total of 196, 478
adolescent births was observed from adolescents gave birth.
2016 to 2020 with 203,085 and In 2018-2019, the
157,060 births, respectively. In 2017, record continually
a total of 196, 478 adolescents gave dropped to 183, 967 in
birth. In the next two years, the 2018 and 180,116 in
record continually dropped to 183, 2019.
967 in 2018 and 180,116 in 2019.

This HOTS Professional Learning Packages was developed through the Philippine National Research Center 2
for Teacher Quality (RCTQ), a partnership between the Philippine Normal University and the SiMERR
National Research Centre--University of New England, with support from the Australian Government.
Capacity Building for Mentors on the Higher Order Thinking Skills
Professional Learning Packages (HOTS-PLPs) for Science, Mathematics and English/Reading

Item 3
Competency Stem Question Answer Rationalization

Relate text The Maranaos believe the sky Relational: Just like the concept of The connection of relation of
content to consists of layers with doors guarded by Interview your parents or heaven in the text, my the text read and the
particular giant mythical birds called garoda. One of grandparents and ask them grandparents believe that personal experience and
social issues, these layers is the seat of heaven. This is about their beliefs about in the real world, heaven knowledge of the student is
concerns, or where good people‘s spirits go after death. heaven. How is their exists. what makes this activity
dispositions in Saints are assigned to this layer, while answer related to the They also believe that answer a relational SOLO
real life persons who “barely made it” are confined concept presented in the good people go to heaven level.
(Grade 9) to the lowermost layer found at the text? after death, which is
EN9RC-IVb- bottom of heaven. It is in heaven where we similar to the Maranaos'
2.18 find the Tree of Life. The name of every beliefs where they
person living on earth is written on each mentioned the saints as
leaf of the Tree of Life. As soon as a leaf an example.
ripens or dries and falls, the person whose Furthermore, my
name it carries also dies. grandparents always
remind me to do good
An excerpt from “The Origin of this and be kind so that I can
World”(Maranao) from the Anthology of go to heaven if it is time
Philippine Myths, by Damiana L. Eugenio. for me to leave the earth.

Note: Print this back-to-back with the next page.

This HOTS Professional Learning Packages was developed through the Philippine National Research Center 3
for Teacher Quality (RCTQ), a partnership between the Philippine Normal University and the SiMERR
National Research Centre--University of New England, with support from the Australian Government.
Capacity Building for Mentors on the Higher Order Thinking Skills
Professional Learning Packages (HOTS-PLPs) for Science, Mathematics and English/Reading

This HOTS Professional Learning Packages was developed through the Philippine National Research Center 4
for Teacher Quality (RCTQ), a partnership between the Philippine Normal University and the SiMERR
National Research Centre--University of New England, with support from the Australian Government.
Capacity Building for Mentors on the Higher Order Thinking Skills
Professional Learning Packages (HOTS-PLPs) for Science, Mathematics and English/Reading

This HOTS Professional Learning Packages was developed through the Philippine National Research Center 5
for Teacher Quality (RCTQ), a partnership between the Philippine Normal University and the SiMERR
National Research Centre--University of New England, with support from the Australian Government.
Capacity Building for Mentors on the Higher Order Thinking Skills
Professional Learning Packages (HOTS-PLPs) for Science, Mathematics and English/Reading

This HOTS Professional Learning Packages was developed through the Philippine National Research Center 6
for Teacher Quality (RCTQ), a partnership between the Philippine Normal University and the SiMERR
National Research Centre--University of New England, with support from the Australian Government.
Capacity Building for Mentors on the Higher Order Thinking Skills
Professional Learning Packages (HOTS-PLPs) for Science, Mathematics and English/Reading

Competency Stem Question Acceptable Answer Rationalization

Solves problems Traveling by Car Unistructural A car with the highest This question falls under the
involving Car A starts from Davao Which car is speed is the fastest car. unistructural SOLO level. It
algebraic City Terminal and heads faster? Since Car B has a speed of requires basic understanding of
equations for Butuan City at 50 kph. 70 kph which is higher comparing two values (speeds)
Two hours later Car B than the speed of Car A to determine which one is
leaves the same terminal which is 50 kph, then Car greater. The question does not
with the same route with B is the fastest. involve any complex analysis or
Car A traveling at 70 kph. relationship between variables.
It solely focuses on comparing
the speeds of two cars to
determine which one is faster.

This HOTS Professional Learning Packages was developed through the Philippine National Research Center 7
for Teacher Quality (RCTQ), a partnership between the Philippine Normal University and the SiMERR
National Research Centre--University of New England, with support from the Australian Government.
Capacity Building for Mentors on the Higher Order Thinking Skills
Professional Learning Packages (HOTS-PLPs) for Science, Mathematics and English/Reading

This HOTS Professional Learning Packages was developed through the Philippine National Research Center 8
for Teacher Quality (RCTQ), a partnership between the Philippine Normal University and the SiMERR
National Research Centre--University of New England, with support from the Australian Government.

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